
2025-01-08 版权声明 我要投稿


英语名言定语从句 篇1


1.He, who knows nothing but pretends to know everything, is indeed a good-for-nothing.不懂装懂,永世饭桶。

2.He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.人不自爱,焉能爱人?

3.He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最好。

4.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.从不犯错误的人一事无成。

5.He that can read and meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious.会读书思索的人不会感到长夜无聊或生活乏味。

6.He that gains time gains all things.谁赢得时间,谁就赢得一切。

7.He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes.─Hamilton错误犯得最少的将军就是最好的将军。──汉密尔顿

8.He who nothing questions, nothing learns.什么也不问的人什么也学不到。

9.He that is master of himself will soon be master of others.能自制者方能制人。

10.He that travels far knows much.行万里者,见多识广。

11.He that cannot ask cannot live.万事不求人,哪里能生存?

12.A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.朋友就是这样的人──他了解你的一切而仍然喜欢你。

13.All is not gold that glitters.闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。

14.All’s well that ends well.结果好就一切都好。

15.God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。

16.Opportunity & luck always shows appreciation for those who are bold in struggling.机遇和幸运总是垂青勇于奋斗的人。

17.It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it.凡真正渴求知识者总能得之,这就是知识的独特之处。

18.Those who make most people happy are the happiest in the world.─Karl Marx


19.Those who find faults with others often lose their glamour.─Gorky


20.He conquers twice, who upon victory overcomes himself.─Francis Bacon

英语名言定语从句 篇2



1.1 前置法

采用“的”的结构, 把从句部分译成汉语的定语, 置于被修饰词之前。

The room which served for studio was bare and dusty.

这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的, 布满灰尘。

Nothing can take the place of complete rest such as you canget from sleep.


I like a room whose window looks out over the sea.


On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm.

在我们出发的前一天, 下了一场暴雪。

1.2 后置法

如果从句部分的译文较长, 前置显得不合乎汉语习惯, 可译成后置的并列分句, 有时要重复先行词。

Inertia is that property of matter because of which a forcemust be exerted on a body in order to accelerate.

惯性是物质的一种特性, 由于这个特性, 必须对一物体施加一种力才能使它加速运动。

Phamacology is the science which deals especially with chemical changes in medicine as a result of which it is possibleto develop new drugs.

药理学是一门科学, 它专门研究医药中的化学变化, 从而有可能开发新药。

These children have caring and loving parents who have notharmed them in any way whatsoever.

这些孩子的父母关心爱护他们, 而且从来没有以任何方式伤害过他们。

1.3 溶合法

在There be句型中, 常把主语和定语从句溶合成单句

There no places on the earth that the foot of man has nottrodden.


There are doctors who have grown up without having beencalled to treat a case of rabies.


There are very few but admire his talents.


There is much which will be unpleasing to the English reader.



2.1 前置法

限制性定语从句一般是描述性的或署名性, 如果从句比较短, 仍可译成前置定语。

He liked his sister, who was warmkind, but did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant.

他喜欢他那活泼和蔼的姐姐, 不喜欢他那冷漠高傲的哥哥。

But his laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence.


2.2 后置法

译成并列分句 (重复或不重复先行词)

It is possible to find in an enectric field a large number ofpoints, all of which have the same potentials.

可以在一个电场中找到许许多多的点, 所有点都具有相同的电位。

Food is taken in through the mouth, where it is chewed and mixed with saliva.

食物经口摄入, 在口腔内咀嚼并与唾液拌合。

There are 103 elements found in nature, most of which are metals.

已经发现自然界有103种元素, 其中大多数元素是金属。


有些定语从句, 包括限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句, 在语义上具有状语的功能, 可表达时间、原因、条件、结果、让步、目的等。可译成相应的词或句。

I saw Mr.Li, who was walking on tha street.

我看见李先生, (当时) 他正在街上走着。 (时间)

The sick child, who had been given the medicine, soon fell asleep.

患儿服药后很快就入睡了。 (时间)

We don’t like the room, which is cold.

我们不喜欢那个房间, (因为) 它很冷。 (原因)

He would know nothing who wants to know everything.

(假如) 什么都想学, 就什么也学不到。 (条件)

The vampire bat attacked the cattle, which sickened and died.

吸血蝙蝠袭击家畜, 造成家畜生病死亡。 (结果)

There was something orginal, independent and heroric about the plan that oleased all of them.

这个方案富于创造性、独出心裁、很有魄力, 使他们都很满意。 (结果)

Some of the patients, who had taken the medicine, showed no better because they had neglected the doctor’s advice.

有些患者虽然服了药, 仍不见好转, 因为他们未遵医嘱。 (让步)

The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.

虽然该病可发生在任何年龄的人, 但在青年人中最为常见 (让步)

Envoys were sent out who should promote friendly relationswith other countries.

对外派出使节, 目的是促进与其它国家的友好关系。 (目的)

Singapore has a welfare called the central provident, which ensures that the retired have a nest egg.

新加坡有一项被称为“中央节俭基金“的福利计划, 以保证退休者有一份养老金。 (目的)

以上介绍的定语从句翻译尚不完善, 现抄录两句英文及其翻译, 供读者和同仁体味其翻译之妙。

President Reagan is only the latest in a long line of intergovernmentalists who want to make sense of the functions of national, stateand local governments.

主张各级政府协调整治的人, 历来都有, 他们的意图是要充分发挥联邦、州和地方政府的职能。里根总统只不过是最新代表人物。

The Gross family are returniks—Russians who emigrated to the west and now decided to return.

格罗斯一家人是回国移民, 他们原是移居西方的俄罗斯人, 现在决定回国定居。


[1].张培基、喻云跟, 李宗杰:英汉翻译教程, 上海外语教育出版社2010

如何突破英语定语从句 篇3


在定语从句中,关系代词或关系副词都代替先行词在从句中充当一定的成分,如果该从句中缺少主语、表语、宾语或定语,就要用关系代词来连接从句;如果从句中缺少状语,就得用关系副词来连接从句。例如:I still remember the days which/that we spent together. I still remember the days when we worked together.






③先行词被all,few,little,much,every,some,no等词修饰或被the only,the very,the same,the last等限定词修饰时。






②词义与联系上的区别:as引导的非限制性定语从句与主句之间有着较为密切的上下文联系,as本身含有“正如”之意;而which引导的非限制性定语从句与主句之间在逻辑意义上近似并列句,which本身表示“这”或“这一点”之意。例如:Light travels faster than sound,as we all know. Jack came late for school,which made his teacher angry.


介词的选择与主句中先行词的搭配密切相关。例如:Thats the reason for which he was late for school. This is the book on which I spent 8 yuan.

注意:1.定语从句中谓语动词是含有介词的动词短语时,介词应放在动词之后,不能拆开。例如:This is the key which you are looking for. This is the baby whom you will look after. 2.该结构中,关系代词指人时用whom,指物时用which.


关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语必须与先行词保持人称和数的一致。例如:Tom is one of the boys who are from the USA. Tom is the only one of the the boys who is from the USA.



(1)Is this factory_______we visited last week?

(2)Is this the factory_______we visited last week?


C.whatD.the one


2.从定语从句中,关系代词或关系副词已经代替先行词独立地或与相应的介词一起在定语从句中充当了一定的成分,因此在定语从句中就不能再出现与关系代(副)词重叠的成分。例如:错句:Is this the train that they took it last Sunday?分析:该题中that已经代替先行词the train在定语从句中充当及物动词took的宾语,故重叠出现的宾语it必须删去。


中考英语定语从句讲解 篇4

主语 Who which that

主语 Whom which that

宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)

例1:This is the detective who came from London.

例2:The book which I am reading is written by Tomas Hardy.

例3:The desk whose leg is broken is very old.

例4:This is the room that Shakespeare was born in.


(1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如:

All the people that are present burst into tears.

(2) 如果先等词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, mush, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which, who,或whom。例如:

(3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。例如:

高一英语定语从句句子 篇5

1.定从分类有奥妙, 限与非限看逗号;


The girl who is wearing a blue necklace is Mary.(限制性)

The girl, who is also a student, is planting trees in the field.(非限制性)

解析:第一句中的who is wearing a blue necklace是限制性定语从句,没有逗号,不那去掉,否则意思不完整。



1)There is somebody here who wants to speak to you.


2)Those who were for the plan raised their hands.


3)This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching.





例句 1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One.


解析:who=boys , 在定语从句中做主语,所以其后谓语用are。

例句 2) Football is a game which is liked by most boys.


解析:which=game, 在定语从句中做主语。

例句 3)I still remember the day when I first came to the school.


解析:when是关系副词=on the day, 在定语从句中做时间状语。

例句 4)The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.


解析:where是关系副词=in the house, 在定语从句中做地点状语。

例句 5)Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane.


英语定语从句说课稿 篇6





一、说教材 1.教材分析

各位老师下午好,我今天说课的的内容是定语从句:主要从四个方面来说的:本课时的内容是高中英语必修一Unit4的语法第一课时,初次导入含引导词who, which, that的定语从句,这里的定语从句出现得比较凌乱,因此我把这些语法整合起来教学,让学生有个完整的认识。2.教学目标



B.掌握定语从句的引导词who, which和that的基本用法。2)能力目标:


1).引导词which, who及 that的基本用法。2).复习和巩固定语从句的结构和用法。4.教学难点






1.列举法,举例加深对定语从句的理解。2.在说练中体会语法的含义及用法。四.说教学程序 Leading in导入


T: Do you like the boy? S:Which one?

T: The one who has big eyes.„„

在学生猜出答案之前给学生输入尽量多含who的定语从句。Your classmate is the boy / man who „„ 4.小结:



The man who stood here a minute ago is my father.Do you know the thief who stole your money?

6.导入which的用法。利用下列对话引出含有Which的定语从句。T: May I borrow a pen? S: Which oen?

T: The one which has a rabbit on it.The one which is very long.然后把学生的钢笔收集起来,一次展示几支,让学生用定语从句描述自己的钢笔,并且领走。

Which pen is yours?

The pen which „„ is mine.8.小结


9.教学难点:指出某些只用that不用which的特殊情况,或只用which 不用that的情况。




英语名言定语从句 篇7


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句原因的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示原因关系的词语, 如“因为”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。如:In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.

这句话主要分为三个层次, 一个是主句In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups, 译为“在欧洲, 就像其他地方一样, 多媒体集团越来越成功。”

还有一个是从句which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses译为“汇集了电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”。

另外一个还是定语从句“that work in relation to one another.”

首先看主句和第一个定语从句的关系, 我们可以得知“多媒体集团成功”的原因就是“它汇集了电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”, 两者之间是因果关系, 这里我们就把第一个定语从句译为主句的原因状语。而第二个定语从句显然是修饰前面列举的名词的, 因为定语从句短, 我们就把它放到所修饰名词前面, 译为“彼此相关的电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”。 (我们称这种方法为“前置法”, 因为该方法非常简单, 这里我们就不赘述了)

译文:在欧洲, 就像其他地方一样, 多媒体集团越来越成功, 因为它汇集了彼此相关的电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社。

定语从句译为原因状语, 需要满足以下条件:

1. 定语从句所修饰的先行词出现在主语的位置上;

2. 与主句之间为因果关系成立。


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句结果的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示结果关系的词语, 如“因此”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.

本句可以分为两层, 第一层是主句“The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia”, 译为“新近被描述的语言与已被充分研究过的欧洲语言和东南亚语言明显不同”;第二层就是定语从句“that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.”译为“有些学者甚至指责博尔斯和萨皮尔的资料是编造出来的”;根据上下文及两个层次的分译, 我们可以看出正是因为两种语言明显不同, 才导致有些学者“指责博尔斯和萨皮尔……”, 也就是说, 定语从句在逻辑关系上就是主句的结果状语从句, 所以我们把关系代词译为“因此”。

译文:新近被描述的语言与已被充分研究过的欧洲语言和东南亚语言明显不同, 因此有些学者甚至指责博尔斯和萨皮尔的资料是编造出来的。

定语从句以为结果状语从句时, 应符合以下条件:

1. 定语从句所修饰的先行词出现在宾语的位置上, 可以是动词宾语也可以是介词宾语;

2. 与主句之间为因果关系。

将定语从句译为原因状语和结果状语在定语从句的翻译中占很大比重, 只要各位同学掌握了其中的规律——译为原因状语从句时定语从句所修饰的先行词多数出现在主语的位置中, 而译为结果状语从句时, 先行词则多出现于宾语中, 并加以练习, 就一定能娴熟地掌握定语从句的翻译从而解决难长句的翻译技巧。


[1]张剑, 曾鸣.2010历年考研英语真题解析及复习思路.世界图书出版社, 2009.

[2]张培基.英汉翻译教程.上海外语教育出版社, 1994.

中考英语定语从句专项强化训练 篇8

A. which B. who

C. where D. when

( )2. He talked happily about the man and books

interested him greatly in the school.

A. which B. that

C. who D. when

( )3. His book is not the only thing has been stolen.

A. that B. /

C. which D. who

( )4. There isnt a dictionary you can find everything.

A. that B. which

C. where D. in that

( )5. He wanted to know the time he needed to know.

A. that B. when

C. where D. what

( )6. Lucys pet cat died, made her very sad.

A. as B. which

C. that D. whose

( )7. The young lady is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I Am a Singer is from 21st Century Talent Net.

A. who B. whom

C. which D. whose

( )8. The movie we saw last night was fantastic.

A. that B. what

C. whose D. Who

( )9. —Do you know of Guo Mingyi?

—Yes. He is an ordinary (普通的) worker helps many poor children in China. We should follow his example.

A. that B. which

C. what D. where

( )10. I love the school I have studied in for three years.

A. where B. when

C. that D. whom

( )11. I want to go to some places its cool in summer.

A. those B. which

C. where D. this

( )12. Saturday is the day people can have a rest.

A. that B. at which

C. on which D. on that

( )13. She is new here; there are no friends she can turn for help in the city.

A. whom B. to whom

C. which D. to which

( )14. He is one of the boys basketball well.

A. whom play B. whom plays

C. who play D. who plays

( )15. The fence in our garden, my father built many years ago, has lasted for a long time.

A. that B. which

C. what D. where

( )16. The Palace Museum is the best place Ive ever visited.

A. that B. which

C. where D. what

( )17. Teenagers like reading the books are written by Guo Jingjing.

A. who B. what

C. whose D. that

( )18. I cant find the book my mother bought me.

A. who B. when

C. which D. whom

( )19. —What are you looking for?

—Im looking for the watch I bought yesterday.

A. which B. who

C. whose D. whom

( )20. —Why is Tom so sad?

—He has lost his new bike cost him 1800 yuan.endprint

A. who B. which

C. whose D. whom

( )21. There are two caps on the table, belongs to Tom.

A. the smaller of which

B. the small of which

C. the smaller of them

D. the small one

( )22. Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman astronaut

has ever traveled in space.

A. whom B. which

C. who D. whose

( )23. Most of my friends like loud music they can dance to.

A. that B. what

C. when D. who

( )24. —Do you know Mo Yan?

—Of course. He is the famous writer won the Nobel Prize in 2012.

A. who B. whom

C. which D. which

( )25. Mr. Li is an English teacher loved playing soccer.

A. who B. whom

C. he D. which

( )26. The coat he is wearing today was bought by his aunt.

A. what B. where

C. who D. that

( )27. The place he works is in the factory.

A. that B. which

C. in which D. in where

( )28. Thats the most beautiful place I have ever .

A. where; visited B. that; visit

C. where; visit D. that; visited

( )29. Yesterday Li Ming went to the village his family lived ten years ago.

A. when B. which

C. where D. that

( )30. —What kind of music do you like?

—I like music I can dance to.

A. because B. when

C. who D. that

( )31. —Look!That is the woman I met yesterday.

—Oh? Shes my aunt.

A. what B. who

C. where D. when

( )32. I dont know the boy .

A. whom you often talk

B. you often talk with

C. with who you often talk

D. that you often talk

( )33. Look!The boy name is Simon is playing soccer with his friends.

A. who B. whose

C. which D. whom

( )34. Ill remember the time we spent together in the country.

A. that B. when

C. during which D. at which

( )35. I dont believe the reason he has given for his being late.

A. why B. that

C. how D. what

( )36. My brother had become a doctor, was what he wanted to be.

A. who B. what

C. that D. which

( )37. —Excuse me, Could you tell ?

—Yes. Go along this street and you will find it on your left.

A. where is the museum

B. which is the way to the museum

C. how far is the museum

D. how can I get to the museum

( )38. She is the girl invention got the first prize in the school competition.endprint

A. who B. that

C. which D. whose

( )39. There is a mountain the top is always covered with snow.

A. whose B. of which

C. its D. that

( )40. Is there a post office around I can get some stamps?

A. which B. what

C. where D. that

( )41. This is one of the best films this year.

A. have been show

B. that have shown

C. that have been shown

D. which has been shown

( )42. Is some foreigners visited last week?

A. this factory B. this the factory

C. this factory one D. the factory where

( )43. Ill give you he gave me last week.

A. all which B. all what

C. that all D. all

( )44. Ill never forget the day I joined the army.

A. where B. when

C. why D. that

( )45. Most of my classmates prefer pop music they can dance to.

A. that B. who

C. whose D. where

( )46. That is the reason he didnt come to your birthday.

A. why B. that

C. which D. when

( )47. Being blind is something most people cant imagine.

A. who B. what

C. that D. whom

( )48. The doctor we met at the gate works in the nearby hospital.

A. / B. what

C. which D. he

( )49. All they have done is good for us.

A. what B. which

C. why D. that

( )50. We called the man had promised to help us.

A. he B. that

C. whom D. which

( )51. —Now many people smoke and get ill.

—So we should do something can help stop smoking.

A. what B. who

C. / D. that

( )52. I still remember the time we spent together at Xisai Mountain last year.

A. when B. what

C. who D. which

( )53. One of the most delicious drinks I like is orange juice.

A. which B. that

C. whose D. whom

( )54. —There are so many girls over there. Which one is your sister?

—The one hat is yellow.

A. who B. whose

C. that D. which

( )55. We all like the story about the teacher happened in our school last week.

A. which B. who

C. whom D. what

( )56. I can never forget the stories my grandma told me.

A. what B. who

C. them D. that

( )57. The little boy was wrapping the present would be sent to his teacher.

A. who B. /

C. what D. that

( )58. Success will belong to those never say “impossible”.

A. whom B. what

C. who D. which

( )59. Please pass me the cartoon book has a Mickey Mouse on the cover.

A. whom B. whose

C. who D. which

( )60. —Do you know the girl is helping the old woman?

—Oh, thats my sister.

A. whom B. whose
