﹡注:UCAS是Universities and Colleges Admissions Service的缩写,译为“大学和学院招生服务中心”,是一个为英国所有大学提供招生服务的公共服务机构。申请英国大学本科学位课程的学生都要通过UCAS网站上的申请系统来进行。
Letter of Recommendation
Sep. 10th, 2010
To whom it may concern,
XXX Senior High School is a key school in China with over 5000 students. It has established good relations with many sister schools all over the world, including YYY College. These two sister schools have cooperated for five years in setting up an A-level teaching program. As a Senior Three student, XXX is currently studying at the A-level center of our school. He is scheduled to graduate before the summer vacation of 2011, with dual qualifications being granted to him: namely a Chinese Secondary Education Diploma from XXX Senior High School and an A-level Certificate from CIE.
In my opinion, XXX is an open-minded, responsible and careful student with strong organizational ability.
I am his mathematics teacher. He has left a deep impression on me with his excellent understanding of mathematics. He is always active in the class sharing his ideas and comments with us. And he always receives good marks in mathematics exams.
After class he always comes to with questions about mathematics. I realize that he thinks deeply about mathematics, and he can easily understand what I explain to him. I really appreciate his ability and understanding of mathematics. What's more, he always helps other students with their mathematics and discusses things with them voluntarily.
I have no doubt that XXX will have a bright future with his great potential.
I highly appreciate your favorable consideration about his application for admission to your university.
Zhu Xiaoli
Zhu Xiaoli
Senior Mathematics Teacher
XXX High School
Tel: +86 10 xxxxxxxx
Email: xxxx@163.com
1. 选对老师。申请学生在寻找给自己写推荐信的老师时,要找那些与自己经常接触、互动频繁的老师。一是因为这样的老师对自己了解较深,而对学生有深入的了解正是老师写好推荐信的先决条件。二是由于非常熟悉,老师也愿意为学生写推荐信,因而会进行一定的深入思索和素材挖掘,这样写出的推荐信才会言之有物。另外,申请学生还要考虑自己申请的专业,最好找与专业相关科目的老师来撰写推荐信。
1. 推荐人介绍。首先要在第一段介绍推荐人自己的身份,以及与被推荐人(即申请学生)的熟识程度,以证明自己有资格为申请学生写推荐信。例如:
As a high school teacher of mathematics, I have been teaching XXX for two years. I confirm that he has a talent for mathematics and always shows high creativity compared to his peers. I have strong belief in his potential and development, so when he came to me for a reference letter, I agreed without any hesitation.
2. 被推荐人的亮点。推荐信的主题段主要用来介绍申请学生的亮点,可以从学业 (学习能力、态度、潜力等)、个性特质、兴趣专长等角度对申请学生进行积极评价。同时,这些评价一定要有具体事例来支持。
What impressed me most about XXX is that she is not only good at mathematics, but also she shows an excellent ability in studying mathematics. She always receives high grades in mathematics exams, and is greatly admired by her classmates. XXX differs from her classmates in that she does not study mathematics all day long to get a good grade. In addition, she always tries to solve the difficult questions by herself first. When she cannot solve a problem, she always comes to me and discusses the problem with me, presenting her ideas and analyzing the problem that exists in her solution. Because of this, her ability to analysis and problem-solve has greatly improved. In 2009, she twice attended the Mathematics Examination Contest. The contests were organized by The Mathematical Association of America, and attracted thousands of students from many countries. XXX received a Certificate of Distinction for her superior performance in the American Mathematics Contests and a Certificate of Participation for being separately selected to participate in the American Invitational Mathematics Examination. She even taught herself some advanced university-level mathematics in her free time.
Outside the classroom, XXX participates positively in school activities. For example, she took part in the debating contest on behalf of the class and was given an Excellent Debater award. She was also a member of the school chorus and took part in many singing contests. In September 2008, XXX was elected as Library Administrator. To provide good service for students, she designed posters to attract students and took some effective measures to promote the services of the librarians. In her 11th grade, she became the General Secretary of the Model UN in our school. She administered the whole activity. She organized country representatives to discuss various questions relating to global interests, and invited some professionals to give lectures on global issues. She showed excellent organization ability and teamwork skills in this activity, and received praise from school authorities and the participants.
3. 推荐人的愿望。在一封推荐信的最后,推荐人要表明自己强烈推荐申请学生的愿望,并简述推荐的原因。例如:
In short, XXX is a diligent and conscientious student with strong learning capability. She has showed great potential in science and engineering, so I recommend her with great enthusiasm to your university. I also strongly believe that if admitted, she will surely succeed in her overseas study and will become an asset to your university.
3.推荐信的篇幅不宜过长,一般来说,500英文字以内比较适合,()即能排在一张 A4信纸,并上下留出写抬头和签名的充足空间。
4.被推荐者的签名。为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写“Mr Wan扩或”Miss Zhang“是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing this letter of recommendation for Mr.Caleb,my former student. I have known Mr. Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at ”University of Minnesota“. At that time, he took the course-- ”Mathematical Analysis,“ which I taught mainly for junior students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics. As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course. In fact, he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others.
With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way, you may wonder why his undergraduate scores look not so good compared to other Chinese applicants. It is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, which were required to endure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college students did at least at ”University of Minnesota“.
He even served as Prof. Linda s Research Assistant for one year. No one could deny his commitment to his job. As a matter of fact, Prof. Linda s electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I could always see him working in the lab, either repairing the instruments or helping Prof. Linda collect lab reports. Maybe one more example will demonstrate his commitment more clearly. Once he suggested compiling a FORTRAN program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. In order to do that, he had to do a lot of computer work. However, because there were few computers available in our computer lab, he had to wake up at 5 a.m. in winter (please note: ”Twin city“ is a downtown near the north border of China, so it is pretty cold in winter and the heating system is not working very well.) to ensure the 1st position of the long waiting line for his classmates and himself! At last he and his classmates finished the program successfully with his great efforts.
As to his personality, I would like to say Mr. Caleb is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my lectures, many students got confused at some points and I could always see Mr. Caleb help them explain during breaks. In the meanwhile, I must admit that Mr. Caleb was a bit impatient sometimes.
Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, Mr. Caleb is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to your program. Please feel free to contact me if needed.
Sincerely Yours,
Dear _,
Ever since I was mature enough to start figuring out plans for my future, Law was always an option. Whilst at school studying A Levels, I realised that Law was the only subject I will settle for and will do my absolute best to succeed in. Coming from a foreign country and learning to speak English was, even though enjoyable, a challenge but with time I was able to develop creative problem solving and present well thought out, rational arguments with more ease. Based on the research I have conducted over the past two years I have found out that Law is a smart choice as it provides skills that can be used in many different Careers, not necessarily in the legal world, although with time I have decided that I want to become a solicitor. In addition to that I know I would very much enjoy studying something that has a clearly identified set of rules as these rules are a giant step forward when solving disputes between parties.
I always aim as high as I realistically can and I always see room for improvement especially since I received an Arnold Foundation Scholarship to ___ School which to me was a great opportunity and I considered it a privilege. After joining the school, I have decided to capture and hold on to any opportunity that comes along. I keep up to date with current political, legal and business news. In my spare time I enjoy reading books most of which are politics, economics and history related. Some of my favourite authors include Harper Lee, Riccardo Orizio and Frank Partnoy. I also believe that studying Politics and Economics at A Level provided me with skills and knowledge that could help when studying Law for example, information about political institutions such as the UK Parliament, European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights. In addition, I believe that the Extended Project that I have completed as an addition to my A Levels helped me develop crucial research and writing skills.
As to my professional life, ever since I was 14 years old, I have had summer and part-time jobs but the most rewarding work experience for me happened earlier this year. I had the chance to complete two internships at Allen & Overy LLP, an elite corporate law firm. The first internship was a one week placement in A&O’s London office and the second one was a one month placement at A&O Warsaw, Poland. This opportunity has provided me with more experience and information about Law than anything else I have previously done and I certainly made sure to make the most of it. I had the chance to work with some of A&O’s Senior Associates and Partners in both offices. I reviewed some of the firm’s previous cases including the takeover of Abbey by Banco Santander and found them to be very interesting. I also did plenty of research and, in particular, in the Warsaw office I verified many Polish-English translations of legal documents. I truly believe that my time at Allen & Overy was an absolutely tremendous experience.
I am currently working at a London restaurant as part of my gap year to earn money for next year’s university fees. I am also re-taking both of my A2 ICT modules in January to improve my grades and partly for personal satisfaction. Next year I am hoping to get involved with volunteer work in Africa providing assistance at orphanages, although this depends on my financial status at the time.
Back at school I was heavily involved in many musical, sporting, academic and social events. I took part in plenty of musical concerts ranging from rock to classical music. In terms of sports, I was a member of various school and house teams as well as participating in other individual sporting events. I was also a house prefect in my final year at school. These and other out of school activities have provided me with very valuable team-working skills and have created another life for me, outside of academia.
Yours sincerely,
该同学于**年**月进入**大学**学院进行学习,学习成绩一直非常优秀,在专业名列前茅。本人曾于该同学本科阶段的学习时,担任其**及**课程的授课教师,在与该同学的课内、课外互动中,对其印象极为深刻。 初见该同学,个性内敛,但勤于思考,善于提问。经过与该同学的多次交流之后,可以发现,她有较强独立思考的能力,比如:在教授其**课中,该同学能对书中的模型持怀疑的`态度,并能指出其不完善之处;该同学具备一定的科研工作能力,曾经参与“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,并取得了优异的成绩。
通过批阅该同学的课程论文,我了解到,该同学已具备扎实的专业基础,具备了熟练分析经济问题的能力,而且比较熟练的掌握了经济学方面的研究方法与范式,能够在分析问题时恰当地使用经济学的语言。 该同学综合表现突出,并对财政学理论有着浓厚的兴趣,故予以推荐,望审核通过。
Dec 31, 2010
Consulate General of Spain in Shanghai
Dear Sir or Madam:
Herewith we confirm that Mr.Wang Hongjun is the Employee of Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital.He will go to visit Spain from 30 Jan 2010 to 8 Feb 2010.Name: Wang Hongjun
Date & Place of Birth: 11 Mar 1971, Jiangsu, China
Service organization: Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital Title: Doctor
Passport: G06073089
Current Working Period: 15 Years
Salary(including bonus): RMB3500.00
All costs relating to his stay will be borne by himself.We
guarantee that during this trip he will obey laws of your country and be back as scheduled.We will resume his position in our company.It will be grateful if you issue his visa as soon as possible!
Best regards,Yours faithfully,Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital
Legal Representative:Peng Haigen
This is to certify that Ms.***(name), has been working in
***(company)since ***(year), she is working as ***(position),her annual income is around *** RMB.我公司决定派遣***(姓名)女士去***(国家)做3天专业培训。培训内容关注于产品部分,包括***(主题)。培训结束后她将回国继续在***(公司)工作。
The company has decided to send Ms.***(name)to go to
***(country)for 3 days professional training program,the training program is about the product segments, including
***(subject).After her finish the training program, she will
come back to the company and continue her job in
All the Living expenses, air flight tickets will be paid by
Please contact me for free if you have any other questions.***(签名)