
2024-08-22 版权声明 我要投稿


高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇1

1. explain to sb. sth.=explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

2. explain oneself 说明自己的意思

3. in relation to 与……有关

4. lie off 位于 (相差一段距离)

5. lie to 位于……

6. lie on 位于 (强调接壤); 位于……的河畔

7. on your father’s side 父系的,你父亲的血统

8. be made up of 由……组成

9. be made into 被制成(由原料制成)

10. be made from 由….制成(看不出原料)

11. be made of 由….制成(能看出原料)

12. make up 占据空间

13. be surrounded by/with 被……环绕

14. rain quite a lot 多雨

15. deep blue 深蓝色

16. have a natural deep harbor 拥有天然的深水港

17. a very beautiful natural landscape 自然风光优美

18. be famous for 因……闻名

19. such as 例如

20. take possession of 拥有……

21. settle mainly on the North Island 主要在北岛定居

22. be marked with 标有……记号

23. sign an agreement with 同……达成协议

24. compare…to… 把……比作

25. stand for 代表

26. plenty of 大量;许多

27. be native to 原产于……

28. be of high quality 质量很高

29. be careful in (在某方面)仔细

30. prepare for … 为……作准备

31. the same size as 同……一样大

32. a mild sea climate 温和的海洋性气候

33. make electricity 发电

34. in bold 粗体地, 加粗地

35. refer to 关于; 提到,涉及; 查阅

36. turn to 开始, 着手

37. go sailing 去航海

38. go camping 去野营

39. on the coast 在海岸线上

40. off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海

41. attract tourists from all over the world 吸引世界各地的游客

Unit 19 Modern agriculture

1. make a decision 做决定

2. traditional agriculture 传统农业

3. on this arable land 在这耕地上

4. one-family business 独户单干

5. use electric pumps in irrigation 使用电泵灌溉

6. develop new techniques 开发新技术

7. increase agricultural production 增加农业产量

8. control…with computers 用计算机控制……..

9. over time 长期以来

10. as well as 也;还

11. be short of 缺少;不足

12. a variety of 种种

13. instead of 代替

14. next to 隔壁;紧挨

15. pass on 向下传

16. from generation to generation 一代又一代

17. at sunset 在太阳落山时

18. make use of 利用, 使用

19. as…as possible 尽可能……

20. bring in 带来, 引进

21. in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代

22. international exchange 国际交流

23. be harmful to 对……有害

24. be friendly to 对……友好

25. depend on 依靠, 依赖

26. the shortage of 缺少

27. in earth 在土壤中

28. in other words 换句话说

29. get ripe 成熟

30. a variety of 各种各样, 多种多样

31. in poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤中

32. at the right time 在合适的时间

33. sow seeds 播种

34. go against 违反, 反对

35. the condition of the soil 土壤的条件

36. remove weeds 除草

37. year after year 年复一年

38. have an effect on 对…….有影响

39. move around… 迁移

40. lead to 导致

41. change into 把…改变为…..

42. a waste of time 浪费时间

43. in one’s opinion 以某人…….的观点

44. do research into…. 对…….进行研究

45. carry out 了 进行

46. devote to… 奉献

47. have a long history 有悠久历史

48. be a practical guide to…. 实用的….指南

49. plant wheat close together 密植小麦

50. harvest good crops 丰收

Unit 20 Humor

1. an one moment 在一瞬间

2. in a moment 一会儿

3. at that moment 在那时刻

4. at any moment 随时

5. at the moment 眼下

6. for the moment 暂时

7. a wide audience 广大听众

8. in the same way 用同样的方式

9. play on words 用双关语

10. the way of doing 做某事的方法

11. cut in 插入

12. enrich one’s life 丰富某人的生活

13. act the role of 起…….作用,扮演….的角色

14. act out 表演扮出

15. in total silence 完全沉寂

16. lay sth. down 放下某物

17. knock sb. off 把某人从---上撞下来

18. go on doing 继续做 某事

19. go well 进展顺利

20. look on as 把-看做

21. date back to/from 追溯到---

22. have --- in common 与-有共同之处/共用

23. intend to 打算做……

24. on the stage 在舞台上

25. by way of 以……的方式

26. make fun of 取笑

27. an amusing story 令人发笑的故事

28. roar with laughter 大笑

29. even if 即使, 尽管

30. entertain the audience with 用……逗乐观众

31. a flow of fun 延续不断的乐趣

32. art form 艺术形式

33. quarrel over small matters 争论小事

34. be on good terms with 同某人关系好

35. in the other direction 在另一个方向

36. drive off 把车开走; 赶走

37. shout at sb. 冲某人大喊

38. in surprise 惊奇地

39. be angry with sb. for sth. 因某事生某人的气

40. get confused 搞糊涂

41. all the time 一直,总是

42. at the same time 同时

43. from time to time 间或,时常

44. in time 及时

45. on time 接时

46. at a time 一次,每次

47. at times 有时,不时

48. ahead of time 提前

49. once upon a time 从前

50. take one’s time 慢慢来,不着急

51. at one time (过去)有个时期,一度,同时

52. have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快

Unit 21 Body language

1. get through 通过,接通

2. express one’s thoughts and opinions 表达某人的思想和意见

3. ask for 向……要

4. thanks for 感谢……

5. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做……

6. feel down 闷闷不乐

7. communicate with 与……交际 …

8. from culture to culture 从一种文化到另一种文化

9. spoken language 口语

10. learn about 打听…

11. make a circle 成一圈

12. index finger 食指

13. be used to do 被用来做……

14. vary from culture to culture 因文化的不同而不同

15. shake one’s head 摇头

16. communicate with 与某人联系, 通信

17. look directly into someone’s eyes 直视

18. rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把头靠在手背上

19. get through difficult situations 摆脱困境

20. nothing better than 没有比……更好

21. hold up 抬起, 举起

22. make a face 做鬼脸

23. in order 按顺序

24. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

25. feel confused 感到困惑

26. get into contact with sb. 与某人取得联系

27. make contact with sb. 与某人联系

28. be in contact with 与……有接触

29. lose/break contact with 与……失去联系

30. lean against 斜靠

31. ahead of 更前 更早

32. give sb. a hand--do sb. a favor 帮助

33. manage to do=succeed in doing sth. 努力且成功的做某事

34. on a crowded bus 在拥挤的汽车上

35. carry a very heavy suitcase 提着很重的手提箱

36. fold one’s arms 和抱双臂

37. vary from culture to culture 文化与文化不同

38. look directly into one’s eyes 直视某人的眼睛

39. make a circle with one’s thumb and index finger拇指与食指做成圆形

40. shake one’s head 摇头

41. have opposite meaning 有相反的意思

42. stand close to 靠近某人站着

43. a visiting friend 一个来访的朋友

44. greet with a kiss on the cheek 以轻吻面颊欢迎

45. press one’s palm together 紧紧的握手

46. rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把手靠在手背上

47. move the hand in circles over the stomach 用手在肚子上画圈

48. pat one’s stomach 拍肚子

49. find friends in a world of strangers 在一群陌生人中找到朋友

50. tear down walls 推倒墙

51. express almost any emotion 表达几乎任何一种感情

52. start a conversation 开始一段对话

53. smile at oneself in the mirror 在镜子中对自己微笑

54. see the smiling face of a good friend 看到好朋友的笑脸

55. occur to sb. 使某人突然想起什么事情

56. focus…on… 把……集中于

57. hold up 举起;拿起

Unit 22.A world of fun

1. learn about 了解到

2. combine…with… 把……同……结合起来

3. be divided into 被分成

4. take off in a rocket 坐火箭起飞

5. fly a helicopter 坐直升飞机

6. alien creatures 外星人

7. outer space 太空

8. bungee jumping 蹦极跳

9. be based on 建立在…基础上

10. become popular around the world 在世界上受欢迎

11. risk injury 冒受伤的危险

12. thrill rides 动感电影,令人激动的乘车

13. through darkness 穿过黑暗

14. free-fall ride 自由落体车乘

15. step into 走进

16. cut off electricity 断电

17. an amusement park 一个娱乐园

18. across the world 横跨世界

19. race against 同….比赛

20. focus on 集中于,聚集

21. be in danger 处于

22. a theme park 主题公园

23. take the shuttle 乘往返的汽车

24. scary rides 可怕的乘车

25. be creative 活泼的

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇2

2. hold up 堵塞,支撑

3. as a mater of fact 事实上,其实

4. worse and worse 越来越坏的

5. be worried about 为~担忧

6. try to do 尽力,去做

7. try doing 尝试做

8. miss many common things 过错许多平常物

9. as well as 和

10. be made of 用~制造

11. be made from 用~制造

12. be made into 被制成

13. be made up of| 由~组成

14. many different types of 许多不同的类型

15. finished products 成品

16. resistant to fire 耐火

17. at a low price 以低的价格

18. find out 弄清楚,弄明白

19. throw sth across the room 把~扔到房子的另一边

20. land on the red-hot stove 落在炽热的火炉上

21. a puff of smoke 一阵烟

22. work with great care 很小心地工作

23. make sure 确定

24. another three years passed 又三年过去了

25. over and over again 一再地

Unit 2

26. as far as 据~,按照

27. on Channel 8 在8频道

28. look up the programme 查看节目单

29. intelligence test 智力测验

30. be worth doing 值得一做

31. be worthy of being done 值得一做

32. be worthy to be done 值得一做

33. TV Guide 电视导报

34. turn to Channel 20 转到20频道

35. be grouped together 被聚集到一起

36. under one roof 在一个屋顶下

37. over the past forty years 在过去四十年期间

38. continue to appear 层出不穷

39. offer a wide choice of 提供广泛的选择

40. with the rise of 随着~的上升

41. experience a number of changes 经历许多的变化

42. be driven out of business 被驱出商业圈

43. it is clear that 显而易见

44. the number of ~ 的数量

45. a number of 许多的,大量的

46. continue into the future 持续到未来

47. grocery store 食品杂货商店

48. household items 家庭用品

49. be divided into 被区分为

50. canned foods 罐装食物

51. bottled drinks 瓶装饮料

52. that is 也就是,即

53. pick out 挑选

54. pay in cash 付现金

55. by credit card 用信用卡

Unit 3

56. language lab 语音室

57. at that time 在那时

58. audio-visual aids 视听设备

59. look up-to-date 看起来新潮

60. the Empire State Building 帝国大厦

61. at first 首先

62. in the center of 在……中心

63. a certain poet 某位诗人

64. some poet 某位诗人

65. make arrangements 做出安排

66. be asked to do 应邀做某事

67. be invited to do 应邀做某事

68. give advice on 就……提出建议

69. help (to) do 帮助做,有助于做

70. help sb. (to) do 帮助某人做谋事

71. make the play successful 使演出成功

72. prove to be a difficult man 证明是个难缠的人

73. definite ideas 固定的念头

74. produce a sunset effect 产生一种日落的效果

75. try out 试用,挑选

76. combination of lights 灯光组合

77. had been dreaming of 一直梦想的

78. ever since 自从……以来

79. shout excitedly to the electrician 激动地对着电工喊

80. behind the stage 在舞台后面

81. keep it like that 保持那样的效果

82. why ever not 到底为什么不

83. on fire 着火

84. catch fire 着火

85. play with fire 玩火

86. set fire to 纵火,放火

87. make a fire 生火

88. put out the fire 灭火

89. without saying a word 一言不发

Unit 4

90. without your help 如果没有你的帮助

91. Don’t mention it. 别客气

92. think nothing of it 别想这件事了

93. of great help 很有帮助,能帮上忙

94. play marbles 玩弹子

95. for keeps 占为己有

96. take advantage of 利用

97. make use of 利用

98. youth and ignorance 年幼无知

99. as a result 结果,因此

100. grow fewer and fewer 变得越来越少

101. pretty soon 不久,很快

102. make off 匆匆离开

103. leave sb. alone 丢下某人不管

104. be sorry for 对……感到抱歉

105. learn a good lesson 得了一个好教训

106. teach sb. a good lesson 狠狠地教训了某人

107. dry his tears 擦干他的眼泪

108. go buy some more marbles 去再买几个弹子

109. keep them to play with 留着玩

110. deserve to lose 注定要输

111. reply to 回答

112. in one’s turn 轮到某人

113. find out 弄清楚,弄明白

114. at first sight 第一眼,乍一看

115. law and order 治安

116. hold out 提供,伸出

117. play games of chance 玩投机游戏

118. run a risk 冒险

119. in civilized countries 在文明国家里

120. break down 坍塌,坏掉

121. for the same reason 由于相同的原因

122. throw …into misery 使…突陷悲惨之境

123. end up in theft, robbery 以盗窃、抢劫

124. and crimes of violence 和暴力犯罪而告终

Unit Five

125. relatively new game 相对较新的游戏

126. relatively speaking 相对来说

127. a certain college 某所大学

128. have trouble with 同…闹纠纷,在…方面有麻烦

129. male student 男学生

130. usual outdoor sports 一般的户外运动

131. on a rather small court 在相当小的场地上

132. violent movement 剧烈运动

133. keep sb from doing 防止某人做某事

134. stop sb from doing 防止某人做某事

135. prevent sb from doing 防止某人做某事

136. get into fights 打架

137. fill the requirements 满足要求

138. in order to make a score 为了得分

139. be thrown into a basket 被投入篮中

140. get its name 得名

141. be added to 被加到…上

142. an immediate success 即刻的成功

143. the World Cup 世界杯

144. every four years 每四年

145. from all over the world 来自全世界

146. one quarter 四分之一,一刻钟

147. in the middle of the night 在半夜

148. seem like a true competition 好像一场真实的比赛

149. elimination match 淘汰赛

150. other than 除……外

151. compete for the cup 争夺……杯

152. cheer enthusiastically for 为……助威、加油

153. represent the country’s honor 代表国家荣誉

154. host country 主办国

Unit Six

155. help out 帮助某人摆脱困难

156. take sb to the doctor’s 带某人去看医生

157. miss the meeting 误了开会

158. be obliged to do 被迫做某事

159. be bored with 对……感到厌烦

160. desire to do 想要做

161. be claimed to be 据称是

162. within a stone’s throw 一箭之遥

163. house agency 房屋中介

164. arrange to do 安排做某事

165. arrange for sb to do 安排某人做某事

166. have a look at 看一眼……

167. at least a kilometer from … 离…至少一公里

168. object to doing 反对做某事

169. wouldshould be interested to do 想要做某事

170. walk a long way 走很长的路

171. organize entertainment 组织娱乐活动

172. in a public park 在公园里

173. wear a waterproof hat 带防水帽

174. special request 特殊要求

175. as soon as sb can 尽可能快一点

176. as soon as possible

Unit Seven

177. opposite the new railway station 在新客站对面

178. once upon a time 从前,很久以前

179. look down upon 轻视,看不起

180. do not know what to do 不知道该怎么办

181. slip from the horse 从马上滑下

182. fall onto the road 掉到路上

183. fall on the road 摔倒在路上

184. come riding by 骑马过来

185. lend sb a hand 帮某人一个忙

186. give sb a hand 帮某人一个忙

187. do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙

188. It was not will not be long before 不久

189. It was will be long before 很久才…

190. one’s heart sank 某人很失望

191. dare not do sth 不敢做某事

192. not dare to do 不敢做某事

193. ask sb for help 求某人帮忙

194. turn to sb for help 求某人帮忙

195. askeg a favor of sb 求某人帮忙

196. so great a man 一位如此重要的人

197. such a great man 一位如此重要的人

198. get off the horse 下马

199. have bad luck 不走运

200. at the right time 正好,恰好

201. in trouble 遇到麻烦

202. fairy tale 神话

203. in memory of 纪念,怀念

204. tell sb of sth 跟某人说起某事

205. fly over the city 飞过城市

206. the rich 富人

207. make merry 作乐

208. starving children 挨饿的孩子们

209. in one another’s arms 互相抱着

210. keep warm 保暖

211. be covered with 被……覆盖

212. leaf byafter leaf 一片一片地

213. the living 活着的人

Unit Eight

214. not so well 不太好

215. in a hurry 匆忙地

216. check one’s answers 检查答案

217. If only I had been more careful! 我要是更小心点就好了!

218. How could that be? 那怎么可能呢?

219. I wish I had worked harder. 我要是再努力一点就好了。

220. come to anything difficult 碰到任何难事

221. do sb good 对某人有好处

222. do good to sb 对某人有好处

223. learn sth thoroughly 学得透彻一点

224. be ready to give up 准备放弃

225. do sth worthwhile 做有价值之事

226. accomplish wonders 创造奇迹

227. meet with difficulties 遇到困难

228. all through life 整个人生

229. keep on doing 继续做某事

230. strive to do sth 努力做某事

231. be prepared for 为……作好准备

232. grow up 长大

233. have practical use 有实用价值

234. teach students the way to learn 教给学生学习方法

235. in addition 另外

236. not only…but also 不但…而且

237. get along with 与…相处,取得进展

238. be different in characters 性格不同

239. A school is a small society. 学校是个小社会。

240. in later life 在以后的生活中

Unit Nine

241. avoiding doing sth 避免做某事

242. consider doing sth 考虑做某事

243. mean to do sth 想要做某事

244. mean doing sth 意味着做某事

245. be filled with 充满了…

246. be full of 充满了…

247. from all over the world 来自全世界

248. have a great effect on 对……有重大影响

249. become very common in… 在……方面变得很普遍

250. by the end of this century 到本世纪末为止

251. touch on everyone’s life 触及每个人的生活

252. in distant villages 在遥远的村庄里

253. revolutionary invention 革命性的发明

254. stored-program computers 程序存储计算机

255. that is 即,也就是

256. become small in size 体积变小

257. advancements in science 科学的进步

258. make war 打仗

259. improve our lives 改善我们的生活

260. whether or not 不管……还是

261. carry out 实施

262. take …into consideration 加以考虑

263. there is a limit to… 被使用

264. do simple computations 做简单的运算

265. with lightning speed 以闪电般的速度

266. 500,000 times faster than a man 比人快五十万倍

267. no wonder 难怪

268. 10-digit number 十位数

Unit 10

269. It should have been 9 o’clock. 应该是九点

270. How careless of me. 我真粗心

271. apologize for 因……而道歉

272. from now on 从现在起

273. for centuries 有好几个世纪

274. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

275. prevent sb from doing sth 防止某人做某事

276. only half as big as the Pacific 只有太平洋一半大

277. at its narrowest 在它的最窄处

278. about 3200 km wide 大约三千二百公里宽

279. for so large an ocean 对于这么大的洋来说

280. the world’s saltiest ocean 世界上最咸的洋

281. be brought to 被带到

282. dry up 干涸

283. seem to have grown smaller 好像已变小

284. make the trip 成行,旅行

285. less than 少于

286. a narrow piece of land 狭窄地带

287. carry diseases 携带疾病

288. be finally opened 最终开通

289. pass through the canal 通过运河

290. pay a fine 付罚款

291. such fast ways of travelling 如此快速的旅行方法

292. suppose no more rain fell into it 假设不再有雨水落入

293. millions of 数百万

Unit Eleven

294. on the bench 在长凳上

295. mean to do 想要做

296. mean dong 意味着做

297. hear sb reciting a poem 听到某人朗诵诗

298. at the English evening 在英语晚会上

299. do a good job 做得好

300. musical instrument 乐器

301. answer to the question 问题的答案

302. play a part in 在……中起作用

303. folk song 民歌

304. resounding patriotic song 嘹亮的爱国歌曲

305. at this age 在这个年龄

306. take music lessons 上音乐课

307. listen to popular music 听流行音乐

308. portable radio 便携式收音机

309. latest news 最新消息

310. the old he young 老人、年轻人

311. be available to everyone 人人可得

312. provide sth for sb 提供某物给某人

313. supply sb with sth 给某人提供某物

314. relax our nerves 放松我们的神经

315. belong to 属于

316. classical Western music 西方古典音乐

317. be worth making the effort 值得做出努力

Unit Twelve

318. for quite some time 很长时间

319. what kept you? 什么事耽搁了你?

320. make sure 确认、确定

321. keep sb doing sth 让某人不停地做某事

322. assure sb 向某人保证

323. the other day 几天前

324. a white-haired man 一位白发老人

325. the wrinkles in his face and neck 脸上脖子上手上的皱纹

and on his hands

326. articles on long life 关于长寿的文章

327. be popular with sb 深受某人的欢迎

328. ask for an interview 要求采访

329. get bored doing sth 烦做某事

330. until a little while ago 直到刚才

331. live a full and active life 过着充实积极的生活

332. without a moment’s rest 一刻也不休息

333. smoke a cigarette 吸一支烟

334. on the contrary 相反

335. smoke one’s head off 不停地吸烟

336. as for alcoholic drinks 至于含酒精饮料

337. be bad for health 对健康有害

338. Don’t be silly. 别傻了。

339. Would you mind if… 如果……你介意吗

340. at work 在工作

341. be aware of 意识到

342. whether …or not 不管……还是

343. till the last moment of life 直到生命的最后一刻

344. for instance 例如

345. start as a single cell 始于一个单细胞

346. be composed of 由……组成

347. suffer from 遭受……(的痛苦)

Unit 13

348. 1.a boy named Chen Ming 一个叫陈明的男孩

349. 2.help sb with sth 帮助某人作某事

350. 3.give some advice on 就某事提出建议

351. 4.written English 书面英语

352. That was good of you. 你真好

353. flutter in the wind 在风中飘荡

354. bring the first kites to the West 把风筝带到西方

355. coloured kites 彩色风筝

356. as gifts 作为礼物

357. the Festival of Ascending on High 登高节

358. of different shapes and sizes 形状和大小各不相同

359. fill the sky 布满天空

360. look like dragons and lions 看起来象龙和狮子

361. all day long 一整天

362. fish-shaped kites 鱼状风筝

363. in honour of 向…表示致敬

364. by killing a man-eating fish 靠杀死一条食人鱼

365. grass-eating animal 食草动物

366. peace-loving people 爱好和平的人民

367. not only for fun 不仅仅是为了玩

368. throughout history 整个历史中

369. distinctly Chinese activity 明显中国式的活动

370. require skill and patience 需要技巧和耐心

371. be provided free to children 免费提供给孩子们

372. marching bands 游行的乐队

Unit 14

373. ache all over 全身疼痛

374. be jammed in a crowded bus 被堵在一辆拥挤的汽车里

375. quite a few 很多

376. feel squashed 感到被挤扁了

377. in the near future 在不久的将来

378. I can hardly breathe. 我几乎不能呼吸。

379. informal invitation 非正式邀请

380. International Labour Day 国际劳动节

381. have a lot of fun 过得很愉快

382. Remember me to your parents. 代我向你的父母问好。

383. Give my love to your parents. 代我向你的父母问好。

384. accept the invitation 接受邀请

385. straight away 立刻

386. look forward to 盼望

387. hear from 收到某人的来信

388. warmest regards to sb 向某人表示最热烈的问候

389. decline an invitation 谢绝邀请

390. long to do sth 渴望做某事

391. spend vacation with sb 和某人一起度假

392. it’s high time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候了

393. be delighted to do sth 很高兴做某事

394. this coming Saturday 本周六

395. aid the elderly and the disabled 帮助老年人和残疾人

396. have a get-together with sb 和某人聚会

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇3

2.从现在起的3.去上学 go to school4.每个家庭5.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers 6.使用钱

7.活到200岁 8.100年后_in 100 years_9.更少的人

10.更多的业余时间11.更少的污染 less pollution_ 12.更少的树13.更少地使用地铁 14.五年前_five years ago_ 15.在高中16.踢足球_play soccer_ 17.在大学 18.弹钢琴19.打网球_play tennis20.什么运动21.一座高楼大厦_a tall building

22.太空站23.一位电脑工程师24.在这附近_near here

25.乘火车去上学26.乘火箭去月球27.在公寓里_in an apartment _


29.把…和…作比较 30.科幻电影 31.帮助…_32.十年后_in ten years33.去年34.爱上……35.作为一名记者 36.许多_lots of


39.太小_too young40.甚至可能41.去溜冰_go skating42.每一天43.看起来时髦的 44.在周末_at the weekend _ 45.度假46.能够47.穿着更加的随意_dress causally

48.最令人不愉快的工作49.数以百计的;成百上千的 50.做相同的事情_do the same thing51.举个例子52.醒来,唤醒_wake up53.能够54.其他的科学家 55.和人们谈论,讲话_talk with talk to sb56.一次又一次57.感到无聊_get bored_

58.不同的形状 59.一场地震之后 60.寻找_look for

61.一把电动牙刷 62.下一次

63.下一次世界杯_the next World Cup64.明年

65.穿制服66.预测未来67.梦想成真 68.没有声音_no sound69.大多数人70.与…一样

八年级英语下册第一单元重点词组和句型 一,重要词组.1.在将来

2.从现在起的3.去上学 go to school4.每个家庭5.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers 6.使用钱

7.活到200岁 8.100年后_in 100 years_9.更少的人

10.更多的业余时间11.更少的污染 less pollution_ 12.更少的树13.更少地使用地铁 14.五年前_five years ago_ 15.在高中16.踢足球_play soccer_ 17.在大学 18.弹钢琴19.打网球_play tennis20.什么运动21.一座高楼大厦_a tall building

22.太空站23.一位电脑工程师24.在这附近_near here

25.乘火车去上学26.乘火箭去月球27.在公寓里_in an apartment _


29.把…和…作比较 30.科幻电影 31.帮助…_32.十年后_in ten years33.去年34.爱上……35.作为一名记者36.许多_lots of

37.我最好的朋友 38.独自居住

39.太小_too young40.甚至可能41.去溜冰_go skating42.每一天43.看起来时髦的 44.在周末_at the weekend _ 45.度假46.能够47.穿着更加的随意_dress causally

48.最令人不愉快的工作49.数以百计的;成百上千的 50.做相同的事情_do the same thing51.举个例子52.醒来,唤醒_wake up53.能够54.其他的科学家 55.和人们谈论,讲话_talk with talk to sb56.一次又一次 57.感到无聊_get bored_

58.不同的形状 59.一场地震之后 60.寻找_look for

61.一把电动牙刷 62.下一次

63.下一次世界杯_the next World Cup64.明年

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇4

2.Identification Card 身份证

3.at first sight; lose one’s sight; at the sight of ;catch sight of;

out of one’s sight/beyond one’s sight/ in one’s sight

景色,景象(可数,常用复数)The sunrise is a beautiful sight.

4. have an appetite for (knowledge) 求知欲

5. at the appointed time

keep/break one’s appointment

make/fix an appointment with sb

6.be calculated to旨在,用意在

calculate on 指望

7.on purpose故意地; for the purpose of 为了…的目的

8.at one’s expense由某人负担费用

at the expense/ cost of牺牲,以…为代价

9. supply sth to/for sb; supply sb with sth

provide sth for sb; provide sb with sth

10.look out! = watch out!

look out for sth小心;留心, 找寻

11.be involved in (trouble) 卷入,忙于

12. the private/ state enterprise (私营/国营)企业

a spirit of enterprise 进取精神, 事业心

13. abandoned practice抛弃了的,废弃了的做法

14.a large amount of/ amounts of +u.n

15.experiment with/ on (animals)用…做实验

16.You deserve punishment/ punishing/ to be punished.

(同need/ want/require)

deserve attention值得注意

17.or else否则

18.be designed to do / for sth/sb专为…设计的,打算

be intended for/ to do

19.在脑海中出现某种想法A good idea occurred to me.

It occurred to me that…

20.in view可以看到,在望,临近

in view of 考虑到,鉴于

21.a bunch of 一束

22.lead a cosy life; a cosy little house

23.on a large scale大规模的

24.name after以…命名

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇5

2. apply…to 把…应用到…

apply oneself to专心致志于,埋头于

apply for a job

3.on a scale of 按…的等级

on a large scale大规模的

4. add A to B 把A加到B 上

add to 增加了

add up 把…加起来

add up to 总计


6.stand for支持,主张,提倡,拥护;代表; 容忍(否,疑)

7.circumstances 环境,情况(surroundings;conditions)

Circumstances permitting, I’ll go abroad to study.

in/under the circumstances在目前情况下

in/under no circumstances在任何情况下都不 (倒装)

8.fail to do sth succeed in doing sth; manage to do sth

9.lose heart 失去信心

lose one’s heart to sb 爱上sb

10.assess 评价,估计(价值,数值等) assessment

11.take it easy别紧张,放轻松点

Take your time. 慢慢来

12.keep up保持,继续; 使居高不下,保持高昂

She keeps up her spirits by singing.

in high/low/ good/ bad spirits心情,情绪

13.be cast away (被动)因沉船而流落于某地

14.on a desert island; a deserted street

15.do something oneself

16.the years to come = the coming years


18.be hard on够…受的;磨得厉害;对…苛刻;紧跟

19.in need of

20. be desperate for sth/ to do sth 急需…

21. accustom oneself to (介)习惯于

be accustomed to doing / sth = be used to doing sth

22.be lined with排列

23. anxiety for knowledge/ (to do sth) 求知的渴望

She was waiting for her son’s return with anxiety. /with joy

in despair / in surprise

be anxious about/ for担心

24.live through经历…(还活着)

25.the coming day; the day to come

26.to one’s relief 令人宽慰的是

relieve sb of sth减轻,解除某人的痛苦

27.go for 想法得到go for a job

go for a gold medal

喜欢 I don’t go for man of his type.

出去(进行某种活动) go for a walk

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇6

1. extreme sports / X-sports

2. a holiday brochure

3. go parachuting

4. go on a round-the-world trip

5. a couple of videos

6. walk along a mountain path

7. on the horizon

8. watch the sun go down

9. sound exciting

10. as well as

11. special offers

12. keep fit

13. maximum altitude

14. optional tours

15. look awful

16. differ from

17. develop the photos

18. bungee jumping

19. ice diving

20. white-water rafting

21. look for clues

22. mid-air gymnastics

23. sky surfing

24. take up

25. be into sth.

26. turn up

27. back out

28. go through with

29. set up

30. get across

31. be worth doing

32. be keen on sports

33. have an element of danger

34. pull sb. back

35. put on diving equipment

36. dive under a frozen lake

37. walk upside down on the ice

38. cannot stand heights

39. qualify for

40. a complicated game 1. 极限运动

2. 假日手册

3. 跳伞

4. 进行环球旅行

5. 几张碟片

6. 沿着山路走

7. 在地平线上

8. 看日落

9. 听起来令人兴奋

10. 也,和,而且

11. 特殊服务

12. 保持健康

13. 最高海拔

14. 有选择性的旅行

15. 看起来很糟糕

16. 与……不同,有区别

17. 冲洗照片

18. 蹦极跳

19. 冰水潜水

20. 激流漂流

21. 找线索

22. 半空体操

23. 空中冲浪式滑翔运动、空中滑板

24. 占据,开始从事

25. 对……感兴趣

26. 出现,到场

27. 决定不履行(允诺的事),食言

28. 做完,完成(同意或计划的事)

29. 建立,创办,安装

30. 使理解(某事)

31. 值得做某事

32. 热衷于运动

33. 有危险的成分

34. 把某人拉回来

35. 穿上潜水装备

36. 潜到结冰的湖下

37. 在冰上倒立走

38. 不能忍受高度

39. 具有……资格

40. 一种复杂的游戏

41. a minority sport

42. wear helmets and special protective clothes

43. a physical game

44. do trade with

45. be ruled by

46. be impressed by/with

impress sth. on sb.

47. serve in the court

48. do many important tasks

49. in turn

50. be amazed by

51. describe… as

52. be available

53. be confused by

54. break out

55. be put into prison

56. take dictation

57. best-selling books

58. stand by

59. on one’s way to

60. a food base

61. in preparation for

62. make rapid progress

63. break down

64. have difficulty/ problem/ trouble with

sth. /( in) doing sth.

65. lose the goal of one’s ambition

66. be exhausted

67. run out of

68. all the way

69. at one time

at a time

70. in the distant past

71. meet the end with a similar spirit

72. carry on

73. make them into heroes

74. extraordinary courage

75. air-conditioned vehicles

76. four-star hotels

77. ancient ruins

78. well trained staff

79. be home to

80. a real- life adventure

81. survival skills

82. make a fire

83. join the nature hiking trips

84. see the wildlife close-up

85. the Silk Road

86. in particular

87. be associated with

88. identify…as

89. final destinations

90. have a huge influence on

91. a Buddhist statue

92. Xinjiang Autonomous Region

93. an international crossroad

94. for the first time

95. a scary experience

96. be attached to

97. inner fears

98. in the distance

99. basic computer skills

100. sign a ban on producing chemical weapons

101. a chat show

102. call off

103. cheer sb. Up

104. surrounding countries

105. precious stones

106. detailed records

107. Buddhist scriptures

108. the Pole

109. South Pole

110. North Pole

111. Camp Xtreme

112. ski diving

113. snowboarding

114. snow biking

115. ice climbing

116. paragliding

117. sports fans

118. downhill mountain biking 41. 一种少数人的运动

42. 戴着头盔,穿着特殊的保护服装

43. 一种粗野的、暴力的运动

44. 与……做生意

45. 被……统治

46. 某事给某人留下了印象

47. 在宫廷里供职

48. 完成很多重要任务

49. 轮流,反过来

50. 对……感到惊讶

51. 描述成……

52. 可利用的,可获得的,可见的

53. 被……迷惑了,弄糊涂了

54. (不好的事)爆发, 突然发生

55. 被关进监狱

56. 口述、口授做记录

57. 畅销书

58. 坚持(某种)说法;袖手旁观

59. 在去……的途中

60. 食物储存处

61. 为……做好准备

62. 取得了很大的进步

63. 损坏,不能运转,分解

64. 做某事有困难、有问题、有麻烦

65. 失去雄伟的目标

66. 筋疲力尽的

67. 用完,用光

68. 一路上

69. 曾经,一度


70. 在遥远的过去

71. 用同样的精神结束生命

72. 继续做某事,坚持

73. 使他们成为英雄

74. 非凡的勇气

75. 有空调设备的车辆

76. 四星级宾馆

77. 古代遗址

78. 受过良好训练的员工

79. ……的家园

80. 真实生活探险

81. 生存技巧

82. 生火

83. 参加大自然徒步旅行

84. 密切地关注野生动物

85. 丝绸之路

86. 尤其,特别

87. 把……与……联系起来

88. 确认、认为…是

89. 最后的目的地

90. 对……有巨大的影响

91. 佛像

92. 新疆自治区

93. 国际十字路口

94. 第一次

95. 令人恐怖的经历

96. 与……有关联

97. 内心的恐惧

98. 在远处

99. 基础的电脑技能

100. 签署禁止生产化学武器的协议

101. 谈话节目

102. 取消、放弃某事物

103. 让某人高兴,兴奋

104. 周边国家

105. 宝石

106. 详细记录

107. 佛经

108. (南)极点

109. 南极

110. 北极

111. 极限运动营地

112. 高空跳伞

113. 塔板滑雪

114. 雪上脚踏车

115. 攀冰山

116. 滑翔伞运动

117. 体育爱好者

高一英语下册重点词组教案 篇7

2. a pen friend

3. attitudes towards …

4. the more … the more

5. native speakers

6. as long as

7. get good marks

8. a Senior High 1 student

9. CCTV Channel 4

10. one’s favorite subject / actor

11. the role model

12. on Page 4

13. a business manager

14. have time for hobbies

15. sports programmes

16. TV series

17. game shows

18. talk shows

19. get the world at one’s feet

20. improve one’s lifestyle

21. a couch potato

22. a workaholic

23. at weekends

24. the main news at six o’clock

25. a good play on BBC2

26. the portable TV

27. the stone wall

28. the remote control

29. go off

30. the alarm clock

31. get changed

32. take up

33. be filled with

34. urgent matters

35. do one’s paperwork

36. have time for fun

37. make money for sb.

38. get bored

39. find painting very interesting

40. suffer from

41. lie on a beach

42. shop with a friend

43. take place

44. social situation

45. lose weight

46. can’t stand sth./doing sth.

47. hate doing sth.

48. prefer doing sth.

49. take turns to do sth.

50. win support from

51. as soon as possible

52. meet the challenge of

53. make his father proud

54. help with the cooking

55. welcome dinner

56. in the center of

57. on the tube

58. be crowded with

59. spend some time in doing sth./on sth.

60. at work

61. the same …that

62. the same…as

63. early in the morning

64. late at night

65. free of sickness

66. make sure

67. look after

68. play with sb.

69. distance learning

70. It is my dream to do sth.

71. call me a movie fan

72. get the chance to do sth.

73. a restaurant nearby

74. routine life

75. on the same course

76. over the years

77. not…anymore

78. write back

79. a love for fine tea

80. think of

81. as a result

82. result from

83. result in

84. come up with

85. join sb in sth/doing sth.

86. serve tea

87. wash down the food

88. in order to do sth.

89. play/have an important role/part in

90. as well as

91. do one’s business

92. cheer up

93. make a difference to

94. feel bored with

95. ask for

96. It has something/nothing to do with

97. reduce stress

98. have a good diet

99. make a decision

100. graduate from

101. graduate in

102. be prepared for

103. to tell the truth 1. 一直在学英语

2. 笔友

3. 对……的态度

4. 越 …… 越 ……

5. 当地人,本地人

6. 只要

7. 得高分

8. 高一年新生

9. 央视 第四频道

10. 最喜欢的科目 / 演员

11. 偶像,榜样人物

12. 第4页

13. 营销经理

14. 有培养业余兴趣的时间

15. 体育节目

16. 电视剧

17. 游戏秀

18. 脱口秀

19. 世界在脚下

20. 改善生活方式

21. 终日懒散在家看电视的人

22. 工作狂

23. 周末

24. 六点的重要新闻

25. 英国广播公司二频道好看的电视剧

26. 随身携带手提电视

27. 石墙

28. 手握遥控器

29. (闹钟)响

30. 闹钟

31. 穿衣

32. 占据,占时间、空间

33. 充满

34. 急待处理的事情

35. 写写东西

36. 有时间娱乐

37. 为人赚钱

38. 觉得无聊

39. 感觉画画很有趣

40. 因为……而感到身体不适、难受

41. 躺在长椅上

42. 和朋友购物

43. 发生

44. 社会形势

45. 减肥

46. 无法忍受(做)某事

47. 讨厌做某事

48. 喜欢做某事

49. 轮流做某事

50. 赢得某人支持

51. 尽快

52. 迎接挑战

53. 使他的父亲骄傲

54. 帮忙做饭

55. 欢迎宴会

56. 在……中心

57. 乘地铁

58. 挤满

59. 花时间做某事

60. 在工作

61. 和……一样(同一个)

62. 和……一样(不同一个)

63. 清晨

64. 深夜

65. 没有疾病

66. 确定

67. 照顾

68. 和某人一起玩

69. 远程学习

70. 我的梦想是做某事

71. 称我为影迷

72. 有机会做某事

73. 附近的饭店

74. 日常生活

75. 上同一门课

76. 这几年来

77. 不再……

78. 回信

79. 对好茶的喜爱

80. 考虑

81. 结果是

82. (因……)发生;(随……)产生

83. 造成;导致

84. 想出

85. 加入某人做某事

86. 上茶

87. (用水)咽下食物

88. 为了……

89. 在……方面起很大作用

90. 也,还 ;和 …… 一样好

91. 做生意

92. 兴奋起来

93. 改变

94. 对……感到厌倦

95. 要求

96. 和……有/没有关系

97. 减轻压力

98. 有良好饮食习惯

99. 作出决定





Words and Expressions in Unit 2, Module I,BNUP

1. be famous for

2. main character

3. China’s first manned spaceship

4. collect information

5. complete a task

6. let out a parachute

7. express wishes

8. explore space peacefully

9. feel gravity

10. lift off

11. choose … from

12. separate from

13. soar into the sky

14. 21-hour space flight

15. circle the earth twice

16. the zero gravity

17. land safely

18. millions of people

19. all over China

20. wave to the crowds

21. be interested in

22. do research

23. take off

24. drive past us

25. call an ambulance

26. make up

27. fight for

28. lead the 1911 revolution

29. invent the light bulb

30. agree with you

31. fight against

32. organise protests

33. organise a march to Washington

34. receive the Nobel Peace Prize

35. receive a medical degree

36. open a hospital

37. continue to work

38. protect animals

39. judge by

40. tennis champions

41. be full of drugs and violence

42. since then

43. look back

44. be strict with sb

45. compete against each other

46. at college

47. express a keen interest in

48. come to an end

49. the road to success

50. make fantastic progress

51. women’s singles champion

52. do the dishes

53. be keen to do sth.

54. a champion tennis player

55. break my arm

56. be linked with

57. fall from the horse

58. on one’s own

59. film making

60. raise a lot of money

61. promote medical research

62. make speeches

63. draw public attention to

64. live with all kinds of problems

65. come to understand

66. pull through

67. feel sorry for oneself

68. commit suicide

69. react to

70. disabled people

71. get involve in / with

72. charity work

73. be confident that

74. burn down

75. be treated with medicine

76. take part in

77. get on / along well with

78. come to terms with

79. give up doing sth

80. agree on

81. out of control

82. burst into flames

83. a burning car

84. in a state of shock

85. present sb. with sth.

86. climb over the front seat

87. space exploration

88. in the course of

89. in space

90. an air crash

91. primary and secondary school

92. as well as

93. feel the loss

94. explore the universe

95. discover the truth

96. exchange photos

97. win the honor for our country

98. live a hard life

99. learn from

100. carry out

101. in the end

102. put up a tent

103. make a fire

104. be for sth

105. be against sth

106. in my opinion

107. allow sb. to do

108. work on a cure

109. suffer from depression

110. come to oneself

111. go through

112. get over

113. get together

114. even though

115. figure out

116. freedom of speech

117. human rights

118. violent films

119. wake up sb.

120. begin with

121. decide to do

122. far too busy

123. expect sb. to do sth

124. have a hunger to do sth

125. have an influence on sb / sth.

126. relate A to / with B

127. be related with / to

128. no longer/ not any longer

129. share sth with sb.

130. manage to do

131. warn sb. not to do sth

132. be frightened

133. run away from

134. grow up

135. experience racism

136. enjoy equal rights

137. the men’s hurdle champion

138. do well in 1.因……而闻名























































































































120.以…… 开始






126.把A 和 B 联系起来

127.与…… 有关,与……有关系











138.擅长于, 在某方面做得好

Words and Expressions in Unit 3, Module I,BNUP

1. accept and refuse invitations

2. internet pages

3. literature extract

4. laugh at sb./ sth.

5. blow the candles

6. all over/ throughout the world

7. school uniform

8. watch the moon

9. a special occasion

10.all kinds of / different kinds of

11.traditional moon cakes made with bean paste

12.fall on

13.mark the end of the celebration

14. have power over sb./ sth.

15.The Lantern Festival

16.The Mid-autumn Festival

17.The Dragon Boat Festival

18.burn down

19.thousands of


21.come in many shapes and sizes

22.sweeet dumplings

23.take part in

24.enjory the fun

25.voice one’s opinion

26.the blind/ the disabled

27.operate on sb./ perform an operation on

28.wash away the old and welcome the new

29.sb. be welcome to sth./ to do sth.

30.be related to …

31.Buddha statues/Buddhist traditions

32.put out the forest fire

33.dozens of candles

a dozen candles/ 3 dozen candles

34.a firework display

35.wedding reception

36.sit-down meals

37.hot pot

38.apply for the job

39.depend on sb./ sth. ; It /That (all) depends.

40.on time/ in time

41.a bunch of flowers

42.wedding ceremony

43.go through

44.be/ get married to sb.

45.social or religious occasion

46.be about to do sth.

47.even if/ even though

48.ought to do sth./ ought not to do sth.

49.attend the reception

50.cover their heads

51.at the entrance to …

52.contribute sth. to …/ make contributions to

53.drink alcohol

54.ask sb. for sth.

55.the couple

56.link A to/with B

57.silk ribbon

58.a symbol of sth.

59.last through the night

60.agree on sth.

61.Father Christmas

62.the North Pole

63.on the envelope

64.attend the town carol service

65.have snowball fights

66.on Christmas Eve

67.put up the Christmas tree

68.at the end of the bed

69.stay awake

70.as long as possible

71.at the bottom of the bed

72.play with sb./ sth.

73.carry on

74.as soon as

75.fall into a deep sleep

76.make snowmen

77.go to church

78.blow up balloons / blow up the king

79.put on clothes

80.the similarities and differences between …

81.the Spring Festival

82.production manager

83.ask for repetition

84.rock music

85.as well / as well as

86.a welcome mat

87.take photos

88.complain about sth. ; complain that…

89.in the end

90.a bit of a mess

91.worship the sun god

92.harvest and store crops

93.adopt the New Year customs

94.honor saints

95.make bonfires

96.dress up as…

97.hollowed-out turnip or pumpkin

98.frighten away ghosts

99.in particular

100.spooky costumes

101.a travel agency

102.collect information

103.the People’s Republic of China

104.National Day

105.get relaxed


107.a thorough cleaning

108.paste handwritten couplet

109.conduct Yangge dance and lion dance

110.increase the festival atmosphere

111.a variety of

112.treat the relatives

113.be supposed to

114.cut into pieces

115.the Houses of Parliament

116.retire from

117.school uniform

118.sb. /sth. be said/ believed/ thought /

supposed/ reported to be …= It’s said/ believed/ thought/ supposed/ reported that …=

People/ They say/ believe/ think/ suppose/ report that… 1.接受和拒绝邀请








9.特殊的场合, 特殊的时刻






















31.佛像/ 佛教徒传统



一打蜡烛/ 三打蜡烛























56.把A 与B连接起来
































88.抱怨某事 ; 抱怨+从句





























