
2024-05-31 版权声明 我要投稿


旅行计划英语作文小学简单 篇1

Our family came to the pier, bought a ticket, together with the boat to the leading beach forward.

On the way the scenery is so beautiful! Look at the rolling green mountains on both sides, how high ah; look at the rush of the river, how green ah; look at the grotesque stone, how strange ah; see That pair of pairs of egrets, how beautiful ah ... ... Hey, how in this place where the green mountains and rivers, the river branches are ”Phi“ on the colorful rubbish bags? I was wondering, suddenly, I saw a big sister with our ship with a spent bag bag readily thrown into the river, oh, the original is the case! I understand: the tourists here do not speak Health, the use of the plastic bag thrown into the river, and then move the bag down the water down the water, was the river bank branches ”stopped“ into a river of unsanitary ”landscape.“ My passion to cut more than half, I think: ”If we all like this, then the river is not into the garbage river!“ I muster courage to the big sister said: ”Big sister, you see this river more clear You can say: “But everyone is the case, one person to throw one, so that you can not do anything, It is a serious destruction of the natural ring mirror. ”Big sister embarrassed to say:“ You are right, I should not throw litter, I am not right, I will not throw litter. ”I am very happy, said:“ Big sister, you can know the wrong to change it! ”The ship sounded waves of laughter. Everyone boasted that I was a good student of love nature, a grandfather said: “The little girl is right, we have to start from the individual, love flowers and trees, protect the natural environment, so that the earth is more young!” Everyone Applaud.

旅行计划英语作文小学简单 篇2


小学英语教材中处处蕴涵着丰富的色彩和潜在的精妙之美, 只要我们用心钻研、细心寻找、精心设计, 一些简易的实物、不多的图卡, 或是廖寥几笔间笔画就可以给英语知识披上生动的外衣, 可转化为动态的设计, 可以勾起学生的有意注意, 诱发学生的兴趣。例如在教学PEP英语第一册第六单元A“Let’s Learn”时, 学生将要学习新单词:kite, ball, balloon, boat, doll, car, plane。在呈现新知时, 我分步骤如下:

1. 用Recycle 1中的Chant:pink ball, purple ball...引出ball, 然后画圆板书ball。

2. 用实物拍球教学Bounce the ball。

3. 再画两个圆○○, ball变balloon。

4. 另画一个圆圈○, 让学生猜“What’s this?”, 引出doll’s face, d是doll的耳环, ll是doll的两个长辫子。

5. 又画两个○○, 再加一条线○-○, 引出car。

6. 再画一个○, 变成轮船中的救身圈, 引出单词boat。

7. 再画一条线, 变成空中的风筝kite。

8. 简笔画出空中的飞机plane。


在这节课, 我用一个个圆、一条条线巧妙串联, 通过图文并茂的板书以及师生的问答竞猜等直观生动的教学方法, 使学生建立新单词的音形义之间的联系, 记忆效果奇佳。

又如在教学PEP小学英语第四册Unit 4 A“Let’s Learn”中, 本部分学生要求掌握的天气单词有warm, cool, cold, hot。在上课时, 我扮演时下最hot、最cool的魔术师“刘谦”, 向学生呈现一个Magic Box (用纸盒制成) , 让学生猜测“What’s in the Magic Box?”, 学生的答案五花八门, 各类单词纷纷登场, 最后请学生到Magic Box里面摸出一瓶饮料“酷儿”, 引出单词Cool, 一瓶冰矿泉水引出Cold, 一个装满热水的保温杯, 引出单词Warm (单词的顺序由学生按摸出的顺序来自由呈现) , 热水倒出之后, 引出单词Hot。也可以往矿泉水中倒入热水, 慢慢感知变Warm的过程。

接下来“刘谦”的Magic Box里面还有四位远道而来的朋友 (教师自制卡通人物图片) , 提问:“Who are they?Where are they from?”向学生呈现●●Mr Cool, he is from Lhasa.●Miss Warm, she is from Beijing.●●Miss Cold, she is from Harbin.●●Mr Hot, he is from Hong Kong.

在这一课中, 我利用一个自制的简单的Magic Box, 打开了孩子们的好奇心, 却集中了他们的注意力。又以介绍魔术师朋友为由, 采用拟人手法, 将单一呆板的单词化身为简洁传神的卡通人物形象, 深深打动了孩子的心, 给他们留下了深刻的印象。询问他们来自何方, 又顺理成章地引向了下一步的学习。

在教学五年级下册第五单元第一课时, 我设计了一个折叠式的简笔画, 把这课时的重点动词walking, running, climbing, jumping, flying, swimming串联了起来。请看下图:

五幅简明、精要、准确、直观、实用的画面呈现在学生面前, 这样的画面具有“连续”与“形象”的双重作用力, 又具有多种导学功能, 学生很快理解掌握了这几个单词。


苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“如果教师不想方设法使学生产生情趣高昂和智力振奋的内心状态, 就急于传授知识, 那么这种知识只能使人产生冷漠的态度, 而不动情感的脑力劳动就会带来疲倦。没有欢欣鼓舞的心情, 学习就会成为学生沉重的负担。”可见在教学中教师要有美好的情感和饱满的热情, 通过自己的示范行为去感染学生, 使学生产生积极的情感。例如在教学snake这个单词时, 我用右手掌作蛇头状, 扭动身体作s状, 来点简单蛇拳:/s/, /s/, snake, snake, I am a snake.Do you like me?在教学此类动物单词时, 教师惟妙惟肖或是戏弄夸张的动作、手势, 加上绘声绘色或是拿腔拿调的语言的造势, 往往能吸引他们的注意力, 激起他们极大的热情, 引发他们的表演欲望, 使他们能自始至终处于积极的学习状态中。

仍以PEP英语第一册第六单元A“Let’s Learn”为例, 这一课的“Let’s do:Bounce the ball, Fly the kite, Throw the plane, Drive the car, Hold the doll, Blow up the balloons.”新学的动词比较难, 单一的听音做动作教学效果也不佳, 那就不妨“变动”一下。在Bounce the ball的时候, 伴随着越来越快的拍球动作, 我也越来越快地说着这个短句。在Fly the kite的时候, 我手中的“风筝”越飞越高, 我的身体也越来越下蹲, 而我的声音却越来越响, 最后, “Oh, no!My kite!”双手一摊, 一脸遗憾样, “风筝”没了。在接下来的几个短语操练时, 在示范跟读后我让学生自由发挥表演练说短句。于是, 在学生Throw the plane的时候, 会越来越用力地喊出英语, 扔出“飞机”。在Drive the car的时候, 有学生会摇头晃脑慢悠悠开慢车, 边说“Drive—the—car”, 也有学生会全神贯注地开赛车:“Drive the car!”在Hold the doll的时候, 学生会一个比一个温柔:“Hold—the—doll坨hold—the—doll坨……”在Blow up the balloons的时候, 学生们会双手做气球变大状并用力的吹着:“Blow up the balloons坭blow up the balloons坭……”最终, “嘣”的一声, “Oh, no!My balloon!”气球爆了。当学生在自己的位置上兴高采烈地尽情表演时, 当学生在讲台前登台亮相时, 脸上洋溢着的兴奋足以证明这样的活动才是他们喜欢的, 口中喊出的那极具个性特色的英语足以表明他们更富有自信、更富有激情。


唱是小学英语课堂中一种常用的活动方式。学唱歌曲和吟唱歌谣可以帮助学生更好地掌握英语的语音和节奏, 并达到巩固语法和词汇的目的。在小学英语课堂中运用歌曲和歌谣进行教学, 不仅要把握韵律, 唱对曲调, 更重要的是能根据英语语言本身的节奏和歌曲歌谣的旋律巧妙地自编自创, 把学习、娱乐和创造结合起来, 唱响课堂。比如在第一册Recycle1中有一个Chant:

What’s in the picture?Look, look, look!

A pencil, a ruler, A little red book.

Pencil-case, sharpener, bag.Look, look, look!

Eraser, crayon, pen.And a big blue book.

在小学英语教材中与生活联系密切的词汇很多, 动物、食物、水果、人物、玩具、自然景物等的单词都可以用这个Chant来吟唱记忆。如:What’s in the classroom?Look, look, look!

A TV, a teacher’s desk, A big black board.

Windows, chairs, desks.Look, look, look!

Lights, fans, pictures.And two blue doors.

需要注意的是教师在教学中要根据具体的教学内容和学生的年龄特点, 选择不同形式的英文歌。

例如教三、四年级的学生, 在每节课的日常对话环节时, 我会哼着“Hello”歌跟他们打招呼, 或者用“How Are You?”、“Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?”、“What Would You Like?”等歌曲进行“师生对歌”或“生生对歌”。自然真实的问答, 唤起学生强烈的情感, 激起浓厚的兴趣, 又巩固了知识。

三、四年级的学生特别喜欢TPR风格的歌曲, 他们活泼好动, 爱唱爱跳, 但同时注意力又容易分散。于是我在课前或课中唱一首简单的儿歌:Nod your head.Yes, yes, yes.Shake your head.No, no, no.Clap your hands, One, two three.Put your hands down, Look at me.有利于学生集中注意力, 保持乐学状态。

而到了小学高年级, 对这些TPR或“对歌”, 不少学生已放不开手脚在大众之下表演唱, 反而一些流行的元素带给他们的冲击力更大。比如五年级下册后三个单元都是关于正在进行时, 我发现很多学生都会唱《挥着翅膀的女孩》, 于是在一节课中我把这首歌带进了课堂, 重点演唱了其中的英语歌词。一方面丰富拓展了语言, 拓宽了视野, 另一方面利用“Let me fly.I am proud to fly up high.Believe me I can fly, I am singing in the sky.”这几句歌词很好地区分了动词的不同形式。

小学简单英语一封信 篇3

Dear Mr. Brian,

Thank you for your letter of March 20. As Spring --- the best season of a year --- has come, everything is nice here. The weather is always fine and comfortable, trees become green and various kinds of flowers are in blossom. We, therefore, invite you to visit our city from April 28 to May 5.

If you accept our invitation, please inform us in detail of the number of your people, their names, and your suggestions of your visit. We will try our best to arrange everything according to your plan, and we hope that you will enjoy every minute of your trip here.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

小学英语简单练习题 篇4

2.The old woman can’t read _____write.A.andB.orC.butD.and can

3.Work hard,_______you will fall behind.A.orB.andC.soD.sobut

4.Changjiang Riveris_____river in China.A.longB.longerC.longestD.thelongest

5.This box is____heavy_____I can’t carry it.A.too,toB.so,thatC.very,thatD.too,that

6.Of the two Australian students,Masha is______one.I think you can find her easily.A.tallestB.the tallerC.tallerD.the tallest

7.The ice in the lake is about one meter_____.It’s strong enough to skate on.A.longB.highC.thickD.wide

8.Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom.A.are listeningB.is listeningC.listen

9.He _______ a race with Ming Ming.A.to haveB.hadC.going to have

10.Fangfang is a good student.She _______maths.A.does good atB.well do itC.is good at

11.The tree is______tall.A.fourteen footsB.fourteen feetC.fourteen footD.forty foot

12.My home is about ______away from the school.A.three hundred metreB.three hundreds metres

C.three hundred metresD.three hundred metre.Please look ______my bird when I’m away..There are a few leaves _______the tree..Could you give an orange ______ me?.I think Mary is _____ duty today..Thanks _____ asking me to your party.18.Yesterday my presents and I ________ our house.A.were cleaningB.cleanedC.are going to clean

19.What did you do last weekend ?--I _________

A.read a bookB.wash the clothesC.go fishing

20.My best friend _______ shells.A.collectsB.collectC.often

21.Mother always ________ TV in the evening.(看电视)

22.她正在写信吗?________she _______a letter?

23.Mr Green often _________ ________ _________ in the countryside.(散步)

24.你们正在植树吗?_______ you ________ trees? Yes, we are.25.Do you _______ the picture?(记得)

26.___ your penfriend __ in Beijing? A.Do;liveB.Do;livesC.Does;live

暑假旅行小学英语作文 篇5

Summer vacation, my mother took me to dads house to play. One day, I go with two father and two mother move corn, see them easily move corn, I also cried. Two dad I have to learn, two dad said; You dont move. I still insist on to move, I moved a few consecutive and saw in a big, fat bug scare me into bottom of urine flow, when I put my second dad a good laugh at them. Then, under the guidance of the father, I also learned how to move the corn, at that time I didnt realize two dad kind of bankers hard work.

I want to, I want to be a regular pick up to save the boy, dont pick up pick three to four, waste food in the countryside is my most happy day!

小学六年级英语作文旅游计划 篇6

Hello,everyone!My name is Sun Yumeng.I am ten years old.I have a-month holiday every summer.It starts in August. During this summer holidy,I went to Shan Xi by car with my parents.Shan Xi is a

beautiful place!There are many mountains ,trees and flowers.I like Shan Xi very much!

小学三年级关于暑假计划英语作文 篇7

Glad to receive your letter. Now I’ll show you my summer vacation plan.

First I’ll get up early and do sports as usual. This is good for my health. Then I’ll help my parents do some housework , such as cooking and washing. I’ll also take the great chance to read books, especially some famous novels. At last I want to be a volunteer to help farmers with some farm work and help cleaners clean streets. I think I’ll learn a lot and have a good time in the coming vacation.

Wish you a nice summer vacation!


Li Ming







小学生我的周末计划英语作文 篇8

Hi, I’m Zhao Jin. I’m going to have an interesting weekend! On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to learning NCE. In the evening, I’ll be very happy! Why? Because I can play the computer. On Sunday, I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk. I like the milk very much. Then,I’m going to go home. In the afternoon,I’m going to have a picnic with my mother. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV.Oh!That will be fun!

高二简单英语作文 篇9

We have received education since the very young age. The elder always tells the young generation that study makes them become an useful person, so as to make a lot of money. As a result, in children’s mind, the purpose of reading is to make money. Indeed, when we learn, we will master the skills and find our place in the world.

First, we need some skills to make money and make ends meet, but the meaning of reading is more than that. Reading can teach us the positive and different ways to treat life. A painting’s value will be appreciated by the people educated well, but for some people, it is just a picture. Reading endows us the beauty from life. It makes us happy and see a bigger world.

简单与不简单小学作文 篇10



初中简单英语暑假作文素材 篇11

Keep the Smiling Face

People always say the one who likes smiling will never lack of luck. Indeed, the smiling people are friendly and kind, they like to give hands to other people and people like to make friends with them, so when the smiling people are in trouble, people around them will take no hesitation to help them. I have a friend who always has smile in his face, he seems to be never angry with others. All the guys like to talk to him and they are willing to help him. Keeping the smiling face not only means the person has the good personality, but also means the person has the positive attitudes towards life.
