1.The old ____well looked after by the government in China.A.is B.are C.has been D.was
2.The secretary and manager ____very busy now.A.is B.are C.was D.were
3.Both the secretary and the manager _____agreed to attend the meeting.A.has B.have C.are D.was
4.Tom as well as two of his classmates _____invited to the party.A.was B.were C.have been D.had bee
5.Either you or I _____going to the teachers‘ office after class.A.am B.is C.are D.will
6.Most of his spare time ____spent in reading.A.are B.were C.was D.have been
7.This is one of the best novels that ____appeared this year.A.have been B.has C.had been D.have
8.Ten thousand dollars _____quite a large sum.A.are B.is C.were D.have
9.About 20 percent of the work ____done yesterday.A.are B.is C.were D.was
10.Mr Smith,together with his children,____arrived.A.are B.has C.is D.have
1. 问卷设计及调查结果
学生语音学习中的困难方面:大部分学生认为超音位学习比单音学习对英语学习的帮助更大,也更难掌握。对于单音学习中,学生认为与汉语拼音相似发音的音素,掌握起来更容易,而对于汉语拼音中没有类似形式的辅音和双元音,大部分学生觉得很难,例如[w][j][θ][∫][t∫][r][dr]。因此,在语音教学中,教师可以利用汉语拼音对于英语语音学习的正迁移,来更高效地帮助学生掌握英语的语音学习。例如:英语语音中有很多元音和辅音音素与汉语拼音中的声母和韵母有相似的外形和发音,如:英语中的辅音音素[b][p][m][f][d][t][n][l][g][k][h][s][r]分别对应拼音中的声母b p m f d t n l g k h z s r发音时只要将声母中的尾音o,e,i等尾音去掉即可。此外,拼音中的单韵母a i e u o和复韵母ai ei ao ou分别与英语的元音音素[а:][∧][i:][i][:][][u:][u][аi][ei][аu][u]有着非常非常相似的外形和发音,学生接触起来较为容易,在语音教学中可以让学生有意识地利用汉语拼音的正迁移作用,轻松自如地掌握这些英语音标,拼读单词。
2. 大学非英语专业新生语音教学的重点和内容
作为英语教师,作者曾认为超音位教学比较难,也在学生的英语学习中起着更重要的作用,因此,应该将学习重点放在超音位学习方面。但是问卷结果显示,学生认为音位练习(43%)和超音位练习(57%)的重要性差不多。因此我们得出结论,在语音教学中应采用音位教学和超音位教学相结合的方式进行训练,不仅要重视单音教学,还要重视超音位知识的掌握,只有将二者结合起来,才能达到我们的教学目的。这一结果也和一些语言学者的观点相一致。同时,语言学家Celce-Murcia (1996)提出的交际认知语音教学模式也是一种微观教学和宏观的教学相结合的方式,即:结合受训者的语音意识、语音听辨活动、通过有控制的语音活动和反馈以及有指导的语言活动和反馈以及交际活动和反馈等方式,进行全面综合的语音教学。因此,语音教学必须基于语义,交流以及交际的基础上(鲁子问,2012:178)。把单音教学与语流教学相结合,把语音教学与词汇、阅读、听力、口语等教学活动相结合(崔刚,2009:134),遵循综合性原则来开展。
[2]Gimson,A.C.An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English[M].London:Edward Arnold,1980.
[4]Celce-Murcia,M.,D.Brinton,and J.Goodwin.Teaching Pronunciation:A Reference f or Teac hers of English to Speakers to Other Languages[M].Cambridge:Cam bridge University Press,1996.
1. 薄铁片铁2. 磁化S(南)3. 地北4. 指南针不指南北 鸽子找不到回家的路5. C 6. C7. B8. C9. B10. B11. C12. 如图1所示.13. 如图2所示.
14. 将一枚小磁针放在火星表面,观察其是否有固定指向(或是否受磁力的作用)15. 可将铁屑撒在种子中,搅拌均匀,使铁屑吸附在杂草种子上,然后用磁铁吸附,将带有铁屑的杂草种子从混合种子中吸出来.这里利用了磁铁吸铁的性质.
1. 电流的强弱线圈匝数的多少有无铁芯 铁芯通断电电流的强弱电流的方向强
2. N负变大3. B4. B5. B6. B7. C
8. 如图3所示.9. 如图4所示(提示:两通电螺线管相互靠近的两极均为N极或均为S极,磁感线方向不同).10. (1)小磁针(2)让小磁针跟导线AB平行,且在AB的下方(3)若小磁针转动,导线AB中有电流,若导线AB不动,导线AB中没有电流11. (1)图略.提示:滑动变阻器金属杆右端(或左端)与开关左端相连(2)B(3)N或北(4)①右(左)变小(变大)②变大(5)越强多(少)强(弱)
1. 通电导体(或通电螺线管)周围存在磁场切断电源2. 低压控制高压工作 3. B4. B5. A6. C7. D8. D9. A10. C
11. (1)线圈匝数(2)观察吸引大头针个数的多少 (3)电流一定时,电磁铁磁性随线圈匝数的增加而增强(4)A、C12. (1)改变滑动变阻器的电阻吸引大头针数量的多少
(2)如下表. (3)①铁芯越大,电磁铁的磁性越强②将大小不同的铁芯分别插入同一线圈中,保持其他条件不变,观察这个线圈两次吸引大头针的数目
1. 电磁感应机械2. 切割磁感线导体机械能转化为电能
3. 电磁感应加快摇晃、增加线圈匝数或更换磁性更强的永磁体等
4. 机械能转化为电能5. B6. D7. 猜想:与磁体插入的速度有关(或与磁场的强弱、线圈的匝数、线圈的粗细、线圈的横截面积有关).实验设计:将电流表和线圈连接成闭合电路,保持其他条件不变,用不同的速度先后两次将条形磁铁插入线圈,观察电流表的示数,并进行比较.
8. (1)磁场对电流的作用电磁感应(2)①转速②导线长度③磁性更强的磁铁
1. S负 N2. 电机械换向器(或换向片)3. 低压控制高压工作4. 鸽子是否靠地磁场来导航避免偶然性,使结论更可靠
5. 调换电源正、负极(改变电流方向) 发电机6. 动圈式话筒、发电机电风扇、动圈式扬声器7. L2右
8. C9. C10. C11. D12. C13. B14. C 15. B16. D17. 如图5所示.18. (1)通电导体在磁场中受力(2)电流(3)线圈停在平衡位置19. (1)磁性强弱(2)a、b(3)b、c (4)电流相等
1.His hobby is listening to music.2.He planned to go to the library.3.I like traditional Chinese music.4.Linda is talking on the phone.5.I learn the flute on Friday every week.6.This is a story about a fox without a tail.7.My brother’s hobby is cooing delicious food.8.My brother travels around the world by train.9.Elephants have the longest nose in the world.10.He was the leader of the basketball team last semester but this semester it is me.Ⅱ.听对话,根据问题选出正确答案。(本题共5分,每小题1分)
11.W: What are you doing , Jack?M: I’m walking the dog in the park.Q:Where is Jack?
12.W: Can a tiger climb a tree?M:No, but a cat can.Q: Which animal can climb a tree, a cat or a tiger?
13.W:Do the dinosaursstill live today?M:Of course not.They lived 120 million years ago.Q:When did the dinosaurs live?
14.W: Is there still a mouse in your classroom, Linda?
M:No, my uncle set a trap and caught a mouse yesterday.Q: Who caught the mouse yesterday?
15.W: How do you like the parrots, Jack?
M:I think they are cute.I have one parrot and I feed it twice a day.Q: How often does Jack feed his parrot?
M: You have a new piano, Linda.It’s so pretty.W: Thank you.I love it, too.M: Who bought it for you?
W: My grandparents.That’s my birthday gift.M: They love you a lot, don’t they?
W: Yes, and I love them, too.Do you want to try playing it, Tom?
M: I’d love to.But I don’t know how to play any keyboard instruments.Is it hard to learn?
W: No, it isn’t.It is easy.M: Really? Can you play it for me now?
W: Sure.Please enjoy Love Story.IV.听短文,从所给选项中选出听到的词。(本题共10分,每小题2分)
I have many hobbies.But my favorite one is reading books.Books can open a window to a new different world.I like all kinds of books, such as the books about history, traveling, future and so on.I learned a lot from the books.Also, I enjoy the peaceful time of reading books.I dream about being a writer in the future.I hope I can write interesting books.一.BBCABCBCCABACCBABCACAAAAB
五.friendsbiggestthemregularlymakingpaintamazinglots ofAfter his death.六.E C A G BareexamplewithdependsHow
( )1. A. 15kg B. 15cm C.50kg
( )2. A. clean B. climb C. climbed
( )3. A. take B. tail C. took
( )4. A. play football B. play the piano C. go by plane
( )5. A. wash B. watch C. wear
( )6. A. buy B. bike C. nine
( )7. A. ski B. skate C. snake
( )8. A. present B. parents C. pear
( )9. A. I’m fine. B. I’m nine. C. I’m five.
( )10. A. He’s sad. B. He’s sick. C. She’s thin.
1. 2 3 . 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
6. Yesterday was Wednesday. ( )
7. Mike rowed a boat last Sunday. ( )
8. We went to visit our grandparents last night. ( )
9. I went skating last year. ( )
10. Tom was sick yesterday. ( )
( )1. A: I went to the bookstore. B: I bought some books.
C: I bought some shoes.
( )2. A: She sees elephants. B: She saw elephants.
C: She’s going to see elephants.
( )3. A: Yes, I did. B: Yes, I do. C: Yes, I am.
( )4. A: No, she doesn’t. B: No, she didn’t. C: No, I didn’t.
( )5. A: She’s angry. B: She’s taller. C: She’s gong to the hospital.
1. A: did they go there?
B: They there by .
2. We many at the zoo.
3. A: Did she good food in Xinjiang?
B: Yes, and she some there.
4. I on my holiday.
( )1. Tom went to see animals last weekend.
( )2. Tom likes animals.
( )3. Tom’s mom went shopping.
( )4. Tom’s dad read some magazines.
( )5. Tom’s family had a good time last weekend.
A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there? C. What day is today? D. What did you do there? E. What day was yesterday? F. Did you play computer game with your cousin? G. Yes, I did.
A: ?
B: It was Saturday.
A: ?
B: I went to visit my cousin.
A: ?
B: I went by bike.
A: ?
B: I played computer game with my cousin.
A: Did you eat good food in your cousin’s home?
B: . It was delicious.
On National Day, we had a long holiday. We had seven days. I went to Hainan with my parents. My grandparents lived in a beautiful village in Hainan. We visited them. We went to see the blue sea every day. We swam in it. We went fishing. My grandma cooked good food for us every day. The seafood is tasty. I like it . We took many pictures. I was excited.
( ) 1. I went to Hainan with my .
A: father and mother B: grandparents
( ) 2. There are days on National Day. A: a week B: seven
( ) 3. I was on National Day. A: very happy B: tired
( ) 4. I can in Hainan.A: went fishing B: swim and go fishing
( )5. We ate good food . A: on National Day B: every day
(well, China, dinner, singer, comes, pictures, next, swimming, family, writer)
Nick is my new friend. He _________ from Japan, but he lives in _________. He has a happy ___________.His father is a ___________. He often writes the TV show. His mother is a ____________. She sings ____________.She likes cooking___________. Nick likes drawing __________ and __________. I’m going to visit him _________ Saturday.
1. A:
B: We’re going to the zoo this Sunday.
2. A:
B: I ate dinner at 7:00 last night.
3. A:
B: John went to school by bus.
4. A:
B: Mary bought some story- books in the bookstore.
5. A:
B: No, I went ice-skating last week .
( )1.A.How are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. It’s black.
( )2.A.Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening!
( )3.A.It’s an egg. B. It’s yellow. C. They are eggs.
( )4.A.There are ten desks. B. They are desks. C. D-E-S-K, desk.
( )5.A.It’s a pen. B. There is one. C. It’s on the desk.
( )11.What’s Daming’s favourite food?
A. Fish. B. Ice cream. C. Cake.
( )12.What is the boy’s favourite colour?
A. Green. B. Blue. C. Black.
( )13.Where’s the boy’s English book?
A. On the chair. B. Under the bed. C. Under the chair.
( )14.How many flowers are there in all(总共)?
A. Five. B. Three. C. Two.
( )15.What are these?
A. Legs. B. Arms. C. Eyes.
( )16.What colour are the flowers?
A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue.
( )17.How many flowers are there?
A. Four. B. Six. C. Eight.
( )18.Who is Yangyang?
A. Mr Wang’s student. B. Mr Wang’s daughter. C. Daming’s friend.
( )19.What’s Daming’s favourite food?
A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Bananas.
( )20.Who has got(拥有) a white bag?
A. Mr Wang. B. Daming. C. Yangyang.
( )1.The black book____on the chair and the red books____on the desk.
A. is; is B. is; are C. are; are
( )2.This is____pear and that is____apple.
A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an
( )3.—What’s your favourite____? — Red.
A. food B. colour C. drink
( )4.—_____are the desks? —They are red.
A.How many B. Where C. What colour
( )5.—What’s your name? —_____.
A. I’m fine B. I’m Julia C. I’m a girl
( )6. —What’s between (在……和……之间)Ff and Hh? —____.
A. Gg B. Jj C. Kk
( )7. —Which group of the letters is different from others?(哪一组字母在分类上与其它不一样?) —_____.
A. Ee—Oo—Uu B. Aa—Cc—Kk C. Ee—Ll—Rr
( )8.—What’s this ____English? —Sorry, I don’t know.
A. in B. on C. under
( )9.—What’s this ? —A pen.
—______. —A book?
—Yes, a book!
A. Yes B. OK C. No
( )10.—What are these? —They are _____.
A. hand B. eye C. feet
( )11.Which sentence can match the picture? (哪个句子能与图画匹配?)
A. The books are on the chair.
B. The books are in the chair.
C. The books are under the chair.
( )12.—Jack, what’s _____favourite fruit?
—My favoutite fruit is apples.
A. my B. you C. your
( )13. — Please sit down! —_____
A. It’s a chair. B. Thank you. C. Where’s the chair?
( )14.Everyone(每个人) has(有)one____and two _____.
A. mouth; eyes B. nose; heads C. leg; arms
( )15.—Mom, this is____Gao. She is my English teacher. —Hello!
A. Mr B. Miss C. Teacher
( )1. —What colour is the cat? —It’s_____.
( )2.—_____do you spell “green”? —G—R—E—E—N.
( )3.I’m Daming. My favourite _____ is ice cream.
( )( )4-5. —How many ____ are there? —There_____ one. And it’s a black bird.
( )6.This_____is my friend, Jack
( )7.Miss Li is _____English teacher. She’s a good teacher.
( )8.—____this in English? —It’s a book.
( )9.—Where _____my shoes? —Under the bed.
( )10.—What are these? —They are_____.
A: Good afternoon, Helen! B: Good afternoon, Daming!
A: What’s this? B: It’s a photo of my family.
A: Can I see it? B: OK. Look! This is my father and this is my mother.
A: Who (谁) is that girl? B: She is my sister, Susan.
A: And who is that boy? B: He is my brother, Jack.
A: But where are you, Helen? B: I’m not in the photo.
( )1.When (什么时候) is it now (现在) ?
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
( )2.What are they talking about (正在谈论)?
A.Helen’s father. B. Helen’s mother. C. Helen’s family.
( )3.How many people are there in the photo?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
( )4.Who is Jack?
A.Helen’s friend. B. Helen’s father. C. Susan’s brother.
( )5.How many sisters does Jack have(有)?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
A: What’s this in English, Jim? B: It’s fish.
A: Fish? It’s my favourite food. B: Oh, you like(喜欢)fish, Kate?
A: Yes. What’s your favourite food? B: My favourite food is noodles.
A: Does your sister Mary like noodles, too? B: Yes. But they aren’t her favourite.
A: What’s her favourite food, then? B: Rice. She likes rice very much.
A: What about your brother, Bob? What’s his favourite food?
B: His favourite food is eggs.
( )6.Who is Mary?
A. Jim’s sister. B. Jim’s friend. C. Kate’s sister.
( )7.Who likes rice very much?
A. Kate. B. Bob. C. Mary.
( )8.What’s Bob’s favourite food?
A. Noodles. B. Fish. C. Eggs.
( )9.Who is Bob?
A. Jim’s brother. B. Kate’s brother. C. Mary’s pen friend.
( )10.What are they talking about?
A. Favourite colours. B. Favourite teachers. C. Favourite food.
1. —What’s your_________ (名字)? —I’m Julia Roberts.
2. This_________ (女孩) is my daughter, Yangyang.
3. — What’s this in English? —It’s a _________(课桌).
4. This_________ (书包) is my sister’s, and that is mine.
5. —What are these? —They are_________(地图).
6. We have a nose, a mouth and two_________ (脚).
7. There are_________ (八) people in Tom’s family.
8. _________ (绿色) is good for(对……有好处) our eyes.
9. The_________(鞋子)in the box are Lily’s.
10.—Where is the football? —It’s_________(在……下)the bed.
1. This is an egg.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ in English?
2. I’m fine.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ you?
3. There are ten desks.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________desks are there?
4. My cat is black and white.(划线部分提问) → _________ _________ is your cat?
5. My pens are on the desk.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ your pens?
七、任务型阅读。 5%