11、努力地 ;硬的 困难的
19、业余爱好 20、羽毛球
29、散步,步行;带…散步 30、飞行;飞翔,放飞
39、奔跑,路程;跑, 40、小时
41、那么 然后,42、有时
60、真正地,实在 61、强壮的 62、橡皮、橡胶 63、借,借用 64、说,讲 65、理解,了解 66、开始 67、开始 68、黑暗的 69、许多、大量 70、课 71、某人
72、声音 v.听起来 73、(口语)好极了
4、享受 ;有趣的
29、报纸 30、信
32、非常、更加 ;许多的
33、更好地 ;较好的,更好的
44、将, 将要
49、价格 50、成年人
59、不喜欢,厌恶 60、理由
61、准备好的 62、世界 63、困难的 64、部份
65、答案;回答 66、问题 67、聪明的第三单元单词
5、给… 穿衣服
16、呼叫, 把…叫做
19、呼喊 20、糖果
29、自己的 30、南瓜
49、电影;胶卷 50、假期,假日
59、四月 60、五月 61、六月 62、七月 63、八月 64、九月 65、十一月 66、十二月 67、星期日 68、星期六 69、会议
70、完成,结束 71、所以,因此 72、当...时 73、为什么
74、铅笔盒,文具盒 75、通过、用…方式 76、钓鱼 77、火车 78、厨房 79、必须 80、钱 81、红包 82、狮子 83、午夜 84、焰火 85、日期 86、地方
87、时间,次数 88、兴奋的 89、西,西方 90、传统的 91、方法 92、邻居 93、光,光线 94、发光,闪耀
19、糖果,甜点 ;甜的 20、小吃,点心
62、购买,买卖 63、(口语)爷爷,外公
67、调查表 68、不到,少于
74、谎言; 躺、卧,说谎
30、转弯 轮次
61、更多的、更加 62、在...外
63、小的、年幼的 64、在...里面
19、舒适的 20、套头衫
29、合适的,适宜的 30、由...组成(由...构成)
在观摩由李磊、余林老师执教的四节精彩纷呈的实验课之后, 我聆听了著名特级教师沈峰的课例点评和万伟老师关于《中小学教师教学策略》的讲座。结合自身教学实际, 笔者就如何进行新教材中的单元整体教学, 促进学生英语实践能力, 有了以下方面的认识。
一、根据学生的学习认知规律 合理划分单元板块
义务教育教科书小学《英语》 (译林版) 四年级上册, 原名为《牛津小学英语4A》。新教材依据新修订的《英语课程标准》规定的课程目标和教学要求, 在原有教材的基础上, 按照“话题—功能—结构—任务”相结合的体系, 设计和编排了丰富的符合四年级学生学习特点的内容, 形式各异、情景逼真、语言真实、生动有趣。突出语言学习的实践性和应用性, 这能有效地培养该阶段的学生的英语综合能力。
通过认真研读教材, 我发现各板块都有其各自的特点和功能, 虽然板块众多、各异, 但都围绕本单元的核心话题, 编排需要学习的语言知识, 制订教学目标, 设计互动性较强的语言实践活动。根据这一共性, 我们可以发现整体设计单元教学的主线, 并围绕该主线, 我们可以根据四年级学生认知的特点合理划分教学板块, 优化教学。
二、关注培养学生的语言技能 突显核心板块教学
《英语课程标准》强调各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言实用的角度出发, 为提升学生“能用英语做事情”的能力服务。根据这一主旨, 设计第一课时核心板块Story time时, 我充分利用文本, 创设真实语境, 凸显单元主题, 设计循序渐进的语言实践活动, 采用任务型教学途径, 逐步实现语言知识的内化, 培养学生用英语做事的能力。以《Our new home》Story time在教学为例,
(一) 阅读前 歌曲激趣 适度渗透
上课伊始, 我播放“In my home”歌曲, 通过问题”What’s the song about?”引导学生带着问题聆听、跟唱, 激发学生学习兴趣, 同时借助歌曲, 复习旧知, 渗透新知, 为故事的阅读教学作适当的铺垫。
(二) 阅读中 整体导入 理解掌握
《新课标》要求:在学生的语言学习和实践活动中, 教师应注意处理好知识学习和能力发展的关系, 语言操练与语言运用的关系, 使教学活动更有效。不管是对话还是故事, 我们在设计教学时一定要保证语篇的完整性, 帮助学生整体理解文本内容, 获取语篇信息, 产生真实、深刻的体会, 激发学生学习的兴趣和参与的热情, 有效地培养学生运用语言的能力。
(三) 阅读后 尝试运用 生成语用
阅读中, 我通过一系列循序渐进的教学实践活动, 和有效的、目的明确的提问, 帮助学生理解、掌握了语篇内容, 学生在此基础上有了一定量的语言输入。根据《英语课程标准》要求以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标, 在阅读后的教学活动中我设计了
活动一:Read in roles.
学生在老师的指导下, 三人一组, 模仿人物的语音语调和语气, 给角色配音, 激发学生朗读的兴趣, 巩固新知, 逐步培养学生的语感。
活动二:Act it out.
在活动一的基础上, 通过创设情境, 让学生表演故事, 配以动作和表情。扮演角色, 加深对语篇内容的理解, 培养学生语言技能和综合运用语言的能力。
活动三:Make a new dialogue
苏海、苏洋搬到了新家, 除了整理衣物外, 还有一些学习用品, 延续故事情节的发展, 要求学生根据所学新知, 编一段新的对话。
三、有效培养学生的自主学习能力 巧妙组合单元板块
陶行知先生说:“教是为了不教”。根据这一教学宗旨, 结合单元话题的语言知识体系, 我采取组合相近内容, 整合词、句, 结合新、旧知识, 巧妙组合, 让学生对整个单元的语言学习实践活动产生整体感。在《Our new home》单元, 我将Song time , Sound time, Checkout time, Ticking time板块整合在一起, 通过任务型教学途径, 仍以苏海、苏洋的新家为线索, 依据语言学习的渐进性, 关注单元各板块间的关联, 串联各版块的教学内容, 让学生有趣、有效掌握知识, 在完成任务之后, 学生通过自我评价、小组互评, 了解掌握的情况, 帮助学生有效形成学习策略。
参加这次新教材培训的经历告诉我, 学生是学习的主体。在教学中, 我们应该充分发挥学生学习的自主性, 根据学生的认知特点和学习风格, 巧妙组合单元板块, 整体规划教学内容, 优化课堂教学, 努力创建有效、高效课堂, 培养、锻炼学生综合运用语言的能力, 帮助学生最终达到“用英语做事情”。
摘要:根据《义务教育英语课程标准》 (2011年版) 的教学理念、课程标准、二级内容标准编写的新教材小学《英语》 (江苏省) 仍是按照单元编排。教学内容围绕功能、话题、语法、语音、词汇、歌曲、歌谣等分成Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Letter time, Sound time, Song time, Checkout time, Ticking time等板块。板块形式多样, 内容丰富, 富有趣味性。如何在注重各板块教学的基础上, 关注板块间的联系, 有效衔接, “全局”考虑单元教学内容, 优化整体教学, 是我们小学英语老师研究的一项重要课题。
[3]《义务教育英语课程标准》 (2011年版)
本节课的教学内容为译林版《英语》1A Unit8 put on your coat 的Story time部分。这是单元的核心板块,通过对话帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,初步形成使用英语与他人交流的能力。本单元story time部分的英语对话主要以冬天时候穿衣为主线,在妈妈对Yang Ling的关心下,Yang Ling也学会了对Teddy的关心。
2.能听懂、根据实际情景给出指令Put on your…,并且能够做出相应的回应。
2.难点:能够听懂、根据实际情景给出指令(Put on your …),并且能够做出相应的回应。
在story time的教学中,应该要注重整体的理解,同时也要保证学生对于知识点的有效掌握。关注到学生的自主学习能力,所以在新授句型的呈现时候,采用层层递进的方式。在学习课文内容的同时,不忘给学生进行情感教育,鼓励学生学会关心他人。
导课:利用歌曲Hows the weather?引出学生对天气的讨论,然后顺利导入新课,新授单词cold。借由教师戴上scarf的动作来新授单词scarf和感知词组put on。
新课学习:采用实物先教授scarf这个新单词,之后利用Yang Ling的衣柜教授beanie和sweater,而coat则放到课文中进行教学。此外,在单词的教学中,慢慢渗透重点句型Put on your…。
以任务型教学为导向,注重学生的整体理解课文。先给出一个问题,让学生带着问题认真看视频并回答问题,借此也是完成新授单词coat的教学。然后通过回答“Mum如何让Yang Ling穿衣服的?”这个问题,让学生巩固新授句型。
巩固:和小伙伴在冬雪中玩耍Lets play的三个游戏环节来巩固本课的重难点。
Step1: Warm-up
1. Greetings
2. Sing a song( Hows the weather?)
T: Hows the weather today?
S1: Its cold. ( teach cold, c-o-l-d)
T: Im cold. So I put on a scarf. (teach a scarf)
T: Look at my scarf. Its blue.
Ss: Its nice.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Teach new words
T: A scarf is for winter. Yang Ling has many clothes for winter too. Can you choose them?
Teach the words: a beanie / a sweater Teach the phrase: put on.
T: Look, Yang Ling is cold, what will you say to Yang Ling? Choose A or B?(A: put on your scarf. B: Look at my scarf.)
S: A. Put on your scarf.(teach put on, 整体带读put on,加动作,put on your beanie. Put on your sweater.逐步呈现句型Put on your...)
2. Lets watch
T: Lets watch the story and tell me what clothes does Yang Ling put on?
S: A coat (teach a coat)
T: Now, who can tell me what does mum say? Lets listen first.
S: Put on your coat, Yang Ling.
T: This is a teddy. He is Yang Lings good friend. He is cold too. Guess what will Yang Ling say to Teddy?
S: Put on your scarf, Teddy.
3. Lets read
T: Group 1and 2, you are mum. And group 3 and 4, you are Yang Ling.
T: Now lets exchange. Group 1and 2, you are Yang Ling. And group 3 and 4, you are mum.
4. Lets act (教师先做示范,之后小组合作完成表演)
Step 3: Consolidation
Lets play
1. Say a chant. (coat, sweater, beanie, scarf)
Cold, cold, its cold. ___, ____, put on your ___.
2. Draw (choose one and color one)
3. Act
-Oh, its cold.
-Put on your scarf, Su Hai.
-Yes. Look at my red scarf.
-Its nice.
Step 4: Homework
1. Review the new words and phrases.
2. Care about others in winter.
Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)
Unit goals
Use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting people.
Introduce yourself to others.
Use the simple present tense.
Use model sentences to write a profile of yourself.
Vocabulary year, grade, reading, club, after, long, music, hard, short, swimming, wear, glasses, enjoy, volleyball, swim, eat, fish, Maths, walk, fly, every, day, drawing, always, weekend, usually, run, hour, then, sometimes, often, dinner, grandparent, player, team, next, World Cup, age, well, again, really, strong, rubber, borrow, say, start, begin, CD, lesson, sport, classmate, great
Expressions 1. I’m in Class1, Grade7. I like reading. I’m in the Reading Club.
2. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now.
3. I come from Beijing. I like Beijing very much.
4. She loves dancing. She works hard.
5. He enjoys playing computer games.
6. You look happy today.
7. Frank plays very well in the match.
8. I’m good at English. She is good at swimming.
9. I have lots of friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.
10. My friends say I’m polite and helpful. My teachers and classmates all like me.
Structures 1. Are you happy? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
2. Is he happy? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.
3. I like fish. He likes fish.
4. Do you like fish? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
5. Does he like fish? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.
Period 2 Reading (Ⅰ)
Teaching goals
● To recognize the uses of English in giving personal information
● To get to know the basic information of the six students
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Making a revision
Last time, we met six new friends. Do you remember their names? Where do they come from? (They come from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.) Do you want to know more about them?
Step 2 Presenting
Before we get to know about them, let me ask you some questions. How old are you? Are you tall or short? Where do you come from? Where do you live? What class are you in? What do you love?
Write model sentences on the Bb: I’m …(years old). I’m…(tall/short). I come from… I live in…
I’m in Class…Grade… I love…(reading/dancing…)
Step 3 Doing activities
Ask Ss to say something about themselves according to the model.
Step 4 Listening for comprehension
1. Now let’s get to know our new friends. After listening, try to find out what they love doing. (Do Part B1 after listening to the whole text with books open.)
Check the answers: 1b, 2a ,3e ,4c, 5d ,6f
2. Listen to the first paragraph with books closed. After listening, answer the following questions:
1) How old is Millie? (She is 12 years old.)
2) What class is she in? ( She is in Class 1, Grade 7.)
3) Where does she live? ( She lives in Beijing.)
4) What does she love? (She loves reading.)
5) Is she in the Reading Club or the Swimming Club? ( She is in the Reading Club.)
6) What’s her dog’s name? ( Eddie.)
7) How does she love Eddie? ( She loves him very much.)
3. Listen to the second paragraph with books closed. After listening, do some ‘T/F’ exercises:
1) Simon was born in Beijing but he lives in Shanghai. ( F )
2) He loves playing football very much. (T)
3) Simon often plays football after supper. (F)
4) Simon’s cousin’s name is Annie. (T)
5) Simon’s cousin is his uncle’s or aunt’s daughter. (T)
1. Listen to the third paragraph with books closed. After listening, fill in the blanks:
I’m Sandy. I come from Beijing. I’m very tall and slim. I have long black hair . I like listening to music .
2. Listen to the last three paragraphs with books closed. After listening, try to fill in the blanks: (if it’s difficult for some students, listen again)
Kitty is 11 years old. She is small. She loves dancing. She works hard.
Amy is not very tall. She has short hair. She is good at swimming. She is funny.
Daniel wears glasses. He enjoys playing computer games. He is polite and helpful.
Open the books and check the answers, and explain the new words ‘ hard, wear, glasses, enjoy, polite, helpful’.
Step 5 Doing activities
1. Read the text. Ask Ss to repeat after you or the tape, pay attention to students’ pronunciation and intonation. Then choose six students to read it out.
2. Ask Ss to choose one of the six students to say something about them.
Step 6 Having a summary
Today we met and got to know six new students. Each of them is lovely, do you think so? But who do you like best? Why? (Have a discussion.)
Step 7 Doing homework
1. Read the text aloud and try to recite it if possible.
2. Write a easy profile according to the text (5 sentences are enough).
Period 2 Reading (Ⅰ)
Teaching goals
● To recognize the uses of English in giving personal information
● To get to know the basic information of the six students
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Making a revision
Last time, we met six new friends. Do you remember their names? Where do they come from? (They come from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.) Do you want to know more about them?
Step 2 Presenting
Before we get to know about them, let me ask you some questions. How old are you? Are you tall or short? Where do you come from? Where do you live? What class are you in? What do you love?
Write model sentences on the Bb: I’m …(years old). I’m…(tall/short). I come from… I live in…
I’m in Class…Grade… I love…(reading/dancing…)
Step 3 Doing activities
Ask Ss to say something about themselves according to the model.
Step 4 Listening for comprehension
1. Now let’s get to know our new friends. After listening, try to find out what they love doing. (Do Part B1 after listening to the whole text with books open.)
Check the answers: 1b, 2a ,3e ,4c, 5d ,6f
2. Listen to the first paragraph with books closed. After listening, answer the following questions:
8) How old is Millie? (She is 12 years old.)
9) What class is she in? ( She is in Class 1, Grade 7.)
10) Where does she live? ( She lives in Beijing.)
11) What does she love? (She loves reading.)
12) Is she in the Reading Club or the Swimming Club? ( She is in the Reading Club.)
13) What’s her dog’s name? ( Eddie.)
14) How does she love Eddie? ( She loves him very much.)
3. Listen to the second paragraph with books closed. After listening, do some ‘T/F’ exercises:
1) Simon was born in Beijing but he lives in Shanghai. ( F )
2) He loves playing football very much. (T)
3) Simon often plays football after supper. (F)
4) Simon’s cousin’s name is Annie. (T)
5) Simon’s cousin is his uncle’s or aunt’s daughter. (T)
3. Listen to the third paragraph with books closed. After listening, fill in the blanks:
I’m Sandy. I come from Beijing. I’m very tall and slim. I have long black hair . I like listening to music .
4. Listen to the last three paragraphs with books closed. After listening, try to fill in the blanks: (if it’s difficult for some students, listen again)
Kitty is 11 years old. She is small. She loves dancing. She works hard.
Amy is not very tall. She has short hair. She is good at swimming. She is funny.
Daniel wears glasses. He enjoys playing computer games. He is polite and helpful.
Open the books and check the answers, and explain the new words ‘ hard, wear, glasses, enjoy, polite, helpful’.
Step 5 Doing activities
1. Read the text. Ask Ss to repeat after you or the tape, pay attention to students’ pronunciation and intonation. Then choose six students to read it out.
2. Ask Ss to choose one of the six students to say something about them.
Step 6 Having a summary
Today we met and got to know six new students. Each of them is lovely, do you think so? But who do you like best? Why? (Have a discussion.)
Step 7 Doing homework
3. Read the text aloud and try to recite it if possible.
4. Write a easy profile according to the text (5 sentences are enough).
Period 3 Reading (Ⅱ)
Teaching goals
● To understand and use the expressions in the text
● To write a profile according to the text
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Making a revision
( Show the pictures of the six students) Ask: Do you know them? Who are they? Can you say something about them? ( Ask Ss to say as much as they can.)
Step 2 Practicing
1.First, read the text together. Then do Part B2. (Check the answer: 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6T).
2. Read the first paragraph and revise the following expressions: ( Write down the important expressions on the Bb.)
1) How old is Millie? (She is 12 years old) How old are you? How old are your parents? Are you 12 years old or 13 years old?
2) What class is she in? ( She is in Class 1, Grade 7.) Can we say She is in Grade7, Class1? Why? (Tell Ss the difference between English version and Chinese version.) What class are you in? Are you in Class 3, Grade 8?
3) Where does Millie live? ( She lives in Beijing.) Where do you live ? Where does your uncle live? Where do the fish live? Where do you want to live?
4) What does she love? ( She loves reading.) What club is she in? (She is in the Reading Club.)
What do you love doing? What club are you in? Ask Ss to make up sentences based on the model:
I love swimming. I’m in the Swimming Club. He loves playing football. He is in the Football Club.
5) Does Millie love her dog, Eddie? (Yes, she does) How does she love him? (She loves him very much.) What do you like very much? Who do you like very much? What food do you like very much? Do you like English? How do you like it?
3. Read the second paragraph and revise the following expressions:
1)Where was Simon born? ( He was born in Shanghai.) Where were you born? I was born in…(Ask each of the students to make up the sentence one by one.)
2) When does Simon play football? (After school.) When do you clean your classroom?
3) Who is Annie? (She is Simon’s cousin.) Can you explain ‘cousin’ in English? ( Uncle’s or aunt’s son or daughter.) Do you have a cousin? What’s your cousin’s name? What does your cousin love doing?
4. Read the third paragraph and revise the following expressions:
1) Where does Sandy come from? ( She comes from Beijing.)We can also say: She is from Beijing. Where do you come from? /Where are you from? Do you come from/ Are you from Hong Kong? Ask Ss to make up sentences like: I come from…/ I’m from…
2) How is Sandy? ( She is very tall and slim She has long black hair.) Explain that ‘hair’ is an uncountable noun here.
3) What does she like doing? (She likes listening to music.) Explain that ‘love’ means ‘like…very much’.
5. Read the last three paragraphs and revise the following expressions:
1) How does Kitty work? (She works hard.) Do you work hard? Who works hard in our class? Does your mother work hard? How does your father work?
2) What is Amy good at? (She is good at swimming.) What are you good at? Are you good at dancing? What’s your cousin good at? What aren’t you good at?
3) What’s Daniel like? ( He wears glasses.) Who else wears glasses? ( Sandy.) Do you wear glasses? Who wears glasses in our class?
4)What does Daniel enjoy doing? (He enjoys playing computer games.) Explain that ‘enjoy’ means ‘like’. Ask Ss to make up sentences like: I like…/ I enjoy…/I love…(doing sth.)
5)How is Daniel? (He is polite and helpful.)
6.Read the text together again. After reading, ask Ss to finish Part C1. (Check the answer: 1. football 2. Shanghai 3.slim, 4.long black hair, 5.music, 6.dancing, 7.glasses, 8.swimming, 9.computer games, 10.polite)
Step 3 Writing
Help Ss to finish Part C2. Encourage Ss to write more sentences.
Step 4 Doing consolidation exercise
I’m 12 years old. I’m in Class 2, Grade 7.
I love listening to music. I’m in the School Music Club.
I have a cousin. His name is Simon.
I was born in Beijing but I live in Nanjing.
He is/ comes from Shanghai.
He likes/ loves/ enjoys playing football after school.
He is tall and slim, and she has long black hair.
He is not tall and wears glasses.
His cousin works hard and he is good at playing computer games.
This little boy is very polite and helpful.
Step 5 Giving a summary
Read the important expressions on the Bb aloud. Ask Ss to write them down in their notebooks.
Step 6 Doing homework
1. Read and recite the text.
2. Revise the important expressions and try to use them.
3. Do some consolidation exercises.
4. Write a profile (at least 10 sentences).
Period 4 Vocabulary
Teaching goals
● To use verbs and nouns to talk about sports
● To describe different kinds of sports
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Making a revision
Fill in the blanks: ( Write on flash cards before class)
Mille is _____ years old. She lives in _________. She loves __________. She is in the ______ Club. She has a _____, Eddie.
Simon comes from _________. He was _____ in Shanghai. He lives in ________ now. He plays _______ after school.
Sandy is very _____ and ______. She has hair. She likes __________________.
Kitty is _____ years old. She is _______. She loves _______. She works _______.
Amy is not very________. She has ____ hair. She is good at _______. She is ________.
Daniel wears _________. He enjoys ________________. He is _____ and ______.
Step 2 Presenting
1.What sport is it?
In this way, the vocabularies about sports are introduced to the Ss. Ask Ss to finish Part A. Check the answer with the class. (1. volleyball 2. swimming 3. badminton 4. football) Encourage Ss to think of other sports they know.
5. Ask the Ss to work in groups and try to finish the following table.
This will enlarge Ss’ vocabulary about sports. ( For weaker classes, just talking about ‘where’ is OK.)
Sport Swimming Football Badminton
Where Swimming pool Football field Badminton court
Special clothes Swimming suit; swimming trunks Football boots T-shirt
Equipment Goggles football Badminton racket
Team sport N Y Y/N
Step 3 Doing activities
1. Finish the sentences with the new words learned.
1) I play football in the football field with my new football boots.
2) When I swim, I wear a swimming suit and my husband wears swimming trunks. We loves wimming in a large swimming pool.
3) Do you love playing tennis? Take your tennis ball and tennis racket. Let’s go to the tennis court.
2. Make a conversation.
(For weaker classes, the conversation can be a little easier.)
A: Hi! , which sport do you love?
B: I love football, it’s so cool.
A: Where do you play football?
B: I play football in a football field .
A: What do you need when you play football?
B: I need my football clothes and football boots.
3. Ask Ss to finish Part B. Check the answer with the class.( 1. football field 2. badminton court 3. swimming pool)
Step 4 Doing consolidation exercise
Do you like playing volleyball or badminton?
I like playing football after school.
I often go to the swimming pool to swim with my parents
They often play basketball at the basketball court.
There is a big football field in our school.
Step 6 Doing homework
1. Try to find more vocabularies about sports.
2. Make a conversation about sports with your classmate.
Period 5 Grammar (Ⅰ)
Teaching goals
● To make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb ‘to be’
● To learn to use the simple present tense
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presenting
Write three sentences on the Bb:
1. Cats eat fish.
2. My hair is long.
3. Simon plays football after school.
Ask Ss in what tense they are spoken. Tell Ss that we use the simple present tense to talk about things that
● are always true
● are true now
● we do regularly (habits, jobs, school work…)
Step 2 Doing activities
1.Choose the best answer:
1) The sun rises in the east(东方).
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
2) Daniel wears glasses.
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
3) Birds fly in the sky.
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
4) Kitty dances every day.
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
5) Sandy has long hair.
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
6) I do my homework in the evening.
a. Things are always true. b. Things are true now. c. Things we do regularly.
( 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b. 6.c )
2.Ask Ss to analyze some more sentences :
1) Tigers eat meat. (Things are always true.)
2) She has an e-dog. (Things are true now.)
3) She lives in Beijing. (Things are true now.)
4) I listen to English every day. (Things we do regularly.)
5) Fish lives in water. (Things are always true.)
6) He plays football after school. (Things we do regularly.)
Step 3 Presenting
Go through the table of simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’. Point out the contractions. Ask Ss to find out how to use ‘am, is, are’ and how to make negative statements.
Go through the table of asking questions with the verb ‘to be’. Ask Ss to find out the rule. Pay attention to the intonation.
Step 4 Doing activities
1. Fill in the blanks with the right form of ‘to be’:
1) My name is Millie. I am an American girl. My parents are kind to me.
2) My cousin is 12 years old. He is in Class 1, Grade 7.
3) Our teachers are very helpful. They are the best teachers.
4) Is your mother a doctor? No, she is a teacher.
5) Jack and Peter aren’t happy today, because their team lost the game.
6) Our school is very big. We are happy to study here.
7) Five and five is ten.
8) You are wrong. It isn’t a dog. It’s a cat.
2. Playing a game:
Prepare five small pieces of paper and write ‘teacher, student, doctor, policeman, worker’ on the paper.
1) Choose and invite one of the students to the Bb. Ask him/ her to close the eyes. He/ or she can choose a job and show it to the class. He/ she can ask the whole class: Am I a teacher? The whole class answer together: Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t.
2) The student can choose a job but the other students don’t know. The whole class can ask: Are you a teacher? The student can answer: Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
3) One student chooses a job. The other two students ask and answer (One student knows the job, the other doesn’t.) A: Is he/she a teacher? B: Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t.
4) Use the same way to practice the plural form: Are we/ they teachers? Yes, you/ they are./ No, you/ they aren’t.
3. Ask Ss to finish Part A and check the answer. (1.is, 2.are, 3.are, 4.is, 5.Is he, 6.he isn’t, 7.He’s, 8.Are you, 9.I am, 10.I’m)
Step 5 Having a summary
Let Ss sum up when and how to use ‘am, is are’.
Step 6 Doing consolidation exercise
His cousin is good at swimming.(改为否定句)
His cousin isn’t good at swimming.
1. Those boys are from England.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)
Are those boys from England? No, they aren’t.
2. He is in Class 1, Grade 8.(对划线部分提问)
What class is he in?
3. mother’s, is, my, long, hair(连词成句)
My mother’s hair is long.
4. teachers, they, doctors, are, or (连词成句)
Are they teachers or doctors?
Step 7 Doing homework
1. Revise the simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’.
2. Do some consolidation exercises.
Period 6 Grammar (Ⅱ)
Teaching goals
● To make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb ‘to do’
● To learn to use the simple present tense
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presenting
T: What do you do every day? S: I go to school every day. / I play football every day./… T: What does Millie do every day, do you know? Please open your books, and turn to page 10. Try to finish Part B. After that, please tell me what Millie does every day.
Check the answer orally with the whole class. (1.live 2. have 3. go 4. love 5. talk 6. take)
Read the sentences together.
T: Now , can you tell me what Millie does every day. S: She takes her dog for a walk every day.
Write two sentences on the Bb: I take my dog for a walk every day.
She takes her dog for a walk every day.
Ask: What’s the difference between the two sentences? ( We must use verb form for the simple present tense in the third person singular.) But how to change the verb form. Let’s go through the table on page 10.
Step 2 Practicing
Complete the sentences. Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets
1. My father_______(listen) to the radio every day.
2. He often _______(wash) clothes with his hands.
3. We______(take) Eddie for a walk after supper.
4. Mike_______ (study) in a middle school.
5. Simon ______ (pass) the ball to Daniel.
6. Miss Li_______ (teach) us Chinese.
7. Look at the animal, it ____ (have) four legs.
8. Uncle Wang (fix 修理) bikes for people every day.
9. He (stay) at home every Sunday.
10.The boy with his parents (go) to the park after supper.
(1. listens 2. washes 3. take 4. studies 5. passes 6. teaches 7. has 8. fixes 9. stays 10. goes)
Step 3 Presenting
T: Do you watch TV every day? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (Ask students to say a complete sentence: Yes, I watch TV every day./ No, I don’t watch TV every day.) (To another student) Does he watch TV every day? S: Yes, he does. He watches TV every day./ No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t watch TV every day.
Step 4 Doing activities
1. Go through the tables on page 9. Read them together.
2. Ask Ss to finish Part C and Part D. Check the answer with the whole class.
(Part C: 1. Do, Yes, they do. 2. Does, No, he doesn’t. 3. Does, No, she doesn’t 4. Do, No, they don’t. 5. Does, Yes, he does. 6. Do, Yes, they do.)
(Part D: 1.do not /don’t play 2. plays 3. does not/ doesn’t walk 4. takes 5. do not/don’t like)
3. Make a conversation:
First, ask Ss to think of some verb phrase: play football/ basketball/ computer games…/listen to music/ watch TV/ take my dog for a walk…
Conversation 1: A: Do you listen to music every day?
B: No, I don’t. I don’t listen to music every day.
A: Do you watch TV every day?
B: Yes, I do. I watch TV every day.
B: Do you play football every day?
A: No, I don’t. I don’t play football every day.
B: Do you read English every day?
B: Yes, I do. I read English every day?
(Ask Ss to answer with a complete sentence.)
Conversation 2: A: I watch TV every day. I don’t listen to music every day.
B: Does XXX listen to music every day?
C: No, he/she doesn’t. He/She doesn’t listen to music every day.
C: Does XXX watch TV every day?
B: Yes, he/she does. He/She watches TV every day.
4.Ask Ss to finish Part E. Then check the answer with the whole class: ( 1. go 2. play 3. does not/ doesn’t watch 4. watches 5. am 6. Are 7. flies 8. have 9. eat)
Step 5 Taking a summary
Work out the rule of the simple present tense. ( the usage of ‘do/ does’)
Step 6 Doing consolidation exercises
Complete the sentences. Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. Jordan _______(play) basketball.
He ___________(not play) football.
2. I _______(go) swimming on Sunday.
But I___________ (not go) shopping.
3. My cousins _______(enjoy) computer games.
But they __________(not enjoy) ball games.
4. you _______(like) fish?
Yes, I . But he ___________(not like) fish.
5. Kate (walk) home?
No, she . She (take) a bus.
6. your mother (teach) English?
Yes, she . She (teach) English in N0.10 Middle School.
( 1. plays, doesn’t play 2. go, don’t go 3. enjoy, don’t enjoy 4. Do, like, do, doesn’t like 5. Does, walk, doesn’t, takes 6. Does, teach, does, teaches)
Step 7 Doing homework
1. Revise the simple present tense.
2. Do some more consolidation exercises.
Period 7 Integrated skills
Teaching goals
● To extract information from a passage
● To get information from listening
● To consolidate information and complete a newsletter article
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presenting
(Show a picture of the famous football player Beckham to students.) Do you know him? Yes, he is David Beckham, a good football player. Where was he born? He was born in London. What is he good at? He is good at playing football. He scores goals in most matches. He plays for Real Madrid (皇家马德里队). He wants to play football in the next World Cup.
(Write ‘player, play for, score, goal, the next World Cup’ on the Bb, and ask Ss to explain their meanings.)
Step 2 Doing activities
1. Ask Ss to look at the headline of the newspaper article and the picture. Ask the following questions: 1) Who is he? (He’s Li Hua.) 2) What is he? (He is a football player.) 3) What team does he play for? (He plays for Huanghe Football Team.) 4) What is he good at? (He is good at scoring goals.) 5) What does he want? (He wants to play football in the next World Cup.)
2. Read the article together.
3. Say: Do you know how old Li Hua is? Do you know where he was born? Do you know how he looks? Do you know what his hobbies are? If your answers are ‘No’, please listen to the tape. After listening, you will know the answers.
4. Listen to Part A2 and complete the notes in Part A1. Then check the answer with the whole class.( Li Hua, 22, Guangdong, Huanghe Football Team, strong, reading books, Shanghai)
5. Ask Ss to use the article and the notes to finish Part A3. Check the answer with the whole class: ( 1. 22 2. strong 3. Guangdong 4. reading books 5 Huanghe Football Team 6. World Cup 7. like)
6. After checking the answer, ask Ss to read Part A3 together.
Step 3 Presenting
Ask: Who is your favourite football player? Why? How does he look? Is he strong? Does he play football very well? Does he often score for his team? Now you will hear a conversation about Daniel’s favourite football player. Please listen carefully. After listening please answer my question: Who is Frank?
Step 4 Doing activities
1. Listen to the tape with the question in mind .(Books closed) After listening, ask one student to answer the question ‘Who is Frank?’ (He is Daniel’s favourite football player.)
2. Listen to the tape again.(Books open) Ask and answer the following questions:
1) How does Daniel look today? ( He looks happy?)
2) Why does he look happy? ( Because their football team wins again.)
3) Does Frank play very well in the match? ( Yes, he does.)
4) How is Frank?/ What’s Frank like? ( He is tall and strong.)
5) Does Frank often score for his football team? ( Yes, he does.)
3. Read after the tape. Then read together.
4. Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs. Then make up their own conversations.
5. Role-play. (Ask some students to act the dialogue out.)
Step 5 Doing consolidation exercises
Yao Ming is a very good basketball player.
I like reading books about sports.
We play for our school volleyball team.
Are you good at swimming? No, I’m not.
Do you want to watch the next World Cup? Yes, I do.
Does he look strong? Yes, he does.
Frank was born in America, but he lives in England.
Does your football team win? No, it doesn’t.
He plays very well in the match.
My favourite football player often scores goals in matches.
Step 6 Doing homework
1. Read and recite ‘Speak up’.
2. Do some more consolidation exercises.
Period 8 Study skills
Teaching goals
● To encourage students to use English as much as possible
● To use everyday expressions to make requests, give instructions, and give responses
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presenting
1. ( Before class, ask one student come into the classroom late. After the bell rings, the student knocks on the door.) The teacher say: Look, he is late. At this time, what should he say? He should say : “May I come in?” This is a class expression. It’s important to learn some common expressions of class. Today we will learn some sentences that will help you in your English lessons.
2. Go through Part B with class.
3. Add some other class expressions: 1) If you can’t hear your teacher clearly, you say: Excuse me, I beg your pardon./ Pardon?
2) If you need help with your lesson, you say: Can you help me?
3) If you see others are in trouble, and you want to help them. You say: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ Can I give you a hand?
4) If you finish a role-play, you say: That’s all. Thank you. …
3. ( Pretend to be looking for your book.) Say: I can’t find my pen? Can you help me? Do you know where my pen is? S: Sorry, I don’t know. T: What can I do? I must borrow a book from you.(Write the word ‘borrow’ on the Bb, and ask Ss to guess its meaning.)
Step 2 Doing activities
1.Make conversations:
Conversation 1: A: Do you have a pen?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Can I borrow your pen?
B: Yes, you can. Here you are.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You are welcome.
Conversation 2: A: Do you have a pen?
B: No, I don’t. Ask Sandy. She may have one.
A: Thanks a lot.
A: Excuse me, Sandy. Can I borrow your pen?
Sandy: I’m sorry, I don’t have one. Ask Amy, she may have one.
A: Thank you.
A: Excuse me, Amy. Can I borrow your pen?
Amy: Of course you can. Here you are.
A: Thank you very much.
Amy: That’s OK./That’s all right.
2. Go through Part A with the whole class.
Step 3 Doing consolidation exercises
What do you say when you meet the following circumstances:
1.当你不知道某个事物用英语怎么表达时, 你应该说:
Excuse me. How do you say that in English?
2.当你不知道某个问题的答案时, 你应该说:
I’m sorry. I don’t know.
Sorry, I don’t understand.
I will begin/ start now.
That’s all. Thank you.
May I come in?
Thank you.
That’s OK/all right. / You are welcome. /It’s my pleasure./ Don’t mention it….
That’s OK/all right. / Not at all. / Never mind./ It doesn’t matter….
Step 4 Doing homework
1. Revise the class expressions.
2. Make conversations with your classmates.
3. Do some consolidation exercises.
Period 9 Main task
Teaching goals
● To organize ideas before writing
● To write a profile
● To introduce yourself to others
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presenting
Teacher says: Today we will learn to write a profile. Do you know how to write a profile? What should we write?[Ask Ss to answer, and write the answer on the Bb: name, age, birthday, birthplace, living place, school, class, grade, appearance(外貌), hobbies(爱好), good at…/ not good at…, personality(性格), … ]
Ask Ss to read the passages on page 15. Try to find out some information to finish the table.
Name Millie Daniel
Age 12 11
Birthplace Beijing Nanjing
Living place Beijing Beijing
School Beijing Sunshine Secondary School Beijing Sunshine Secondary School
Appearance not tall, dark brown eyes, short black hair short, black hair, wear glasses
Hobbies listening to music, reading, English, Chinese playing computer games
Good at English ------
Not good at ------- sports
Personality -------- polite and helpful
Check the answer and read the passages.
Step 2 Practicing
Ask Ss to finish the table of Part B1.
Step 3 Writing
1.Ask each of the students to write a rough draft using the table of Part B1. In pairs, students read, check and correct their partner’s draft. As you go around the class, suggest improvements in the choice of words, spellings and structures.
2. Ask students to rewrite their personal profiles on Part B2.
3. Ask for volunteers to read out their personal profiles to the class.
Step 4 Game
Tell students not to include their names on the first drafts. Collect the students’ first drafts, mix them up and hand them out to different students. Each student reads a personal profile, tries to guess who the writer is and returns the personal profile to the writer.
Step 5 Doing homework
1. Read the passages on page 15 three times.
2. Write a profile with more information.
Period 10 Check out
Teaching goals
● To revise the vocabulary of this unit
● To revise the grammar of this unit
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Make a revision
Revision 1
(Show the pictures of the six students and put them up on the Bb.)Say: In this unit, we meet six new students from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Can you tell me what they are like? ( Ask Ss to look at the picture and describe their appearance. After that, ask them to fill in the blanks.)
Millie: She is not very tall. She has dark brown eyes and her hair is short and black.
Sandy: She is very tall and slim . She has long black hair.
Daniel: He is short, his hair is black. He wears glasses.
(Ask Ss to describe their own appearance or their parents’ or friends’ appearance.)
Revision 2
(Point at each picture and ask.) What do they like? (Ask Ss to fill in the blankets.)
Millie likes English and Chinese at school. She is good at English. She loves reading, she is in the School Reading Club. She loves listening to music. She listens to CDs at the weekend.
Simon likes playing football after school. He plays football on the school football field. There is a big swimming pool and a badminton court in his school, too.
Sandy likes listening to music, too. Kitty loves dancing. She works hard. Amy loves swimming. She is good at swimming. Daniel loves all his lessons at school, but he is not good at sports. He enjoys playing computer games.
(Make a conversation based on the model. )
A: What do you like?
B: I like playing volleyball?
A: Are you good at playing volleyball?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Do you like swimming?
B: No, I don’t. I don’t like swimming.
A: Does your mother like swimming?
B: Yes, she does. She likes swimming very much.
Revision 3
(Show the picture of Li Hua.) Ask: Do you remember him? Who is he? What is he? Where was he born? How old is he? How does he look? What does he like? Which team does he play for? What is he good at? What does he want? ( After answering the questions, students should fill in the following blanks without opening their books.)
Li Hua is my favourite football player. He is 22 years old. He looks strong. He was born in Guangdong, but he lives in Beijing. He likes reading books about football. He plays for Huanghe Football Team. He is the newest member in it. He is good at scoring goals. He wants to play football in the next World Cup.
Revision 4
1. Go through Part B on page 17. Then Check the answer: 1. basketball 2. glasses 3. swimming 4. fish 5. badminton
2. Choose the right phrase to fill in the blanks:
come from, like…very much, walk home, look happy, the answer to the question, play with, go running, half an hour, polite and helpful, take the bus, take…for a walk
1. Do you know ? Sorry, I don’t know.
2. We our teachers .
3. I watch TV for every day.
4. Daniel is . We all like him.
5. You today. I think your team wins again today.
6. Where does he , Beijing or Shanghai?
7. I my dog every day. I him after supper.
8. My home is near my school. So I after school.
9. We usually at the weekend. It’s good for us.
10. He is at the bus atop. He is going to school.
(1. the answer to the question 2. like ,very much 3. half an hour 4. polite and helpful 5. look happy 6.come from 7. play with, take, for a walk 8. walk home 9. go running 10. take the bus)
Revision 5
Ask Ss to finish Part A. Then check the answer with the whole class.(1. Do 2. are 3. Do 4. comes
5. Is 6. am 7. loves 8. is 9. Do 10. goes 11. love)
Read the dialogue together and act it out.
Go through the table on page 9. Ask Ss to sum up the rules of the simple present tense.
Step 2 Doing homework
1. Revise vocabulary and grammar of this unit.
Teaching aims:
A: Knowledge
1. Learn the greetings of meeting people
Good morning / afternoon / evening
Hi, I’m ----------. What’s your name ?
My name is ---------- .
2. Learn the new words .
e-dog , master , instruction
B: Language skill
Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .
e.g. What’s your name ?
My name is -------.
C: Feeling
1. To develop students to like English .
2. Arouse students’ interest in learning English
3. Train cooperation study
Main points :
Difficult points : How to greet when meeting people .
Teaching method : Circumstance teaching
Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide
Style of lesson : New lesson
Design for blackboard :
Unit 1 This is me !Hi, I’m--------- . e-dog What’s your name ? masterMy name is -------- . instruction
Teaching process: Teaching activities
Step 1 Warming –up activities
1. self –introduction
Good morning / afternoon /evening
I’m Mr /Mrs /Miss --------.I’m -----------years old . I’m your teacher .
2. Lead-in
Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .
The teacher asks one student some questions
“ Hi’, I’m -------- ? What’s your name?”
Then ask some students to do it again . (about 4 students )
Give the model sentences on the blackboard.
e.g. (1) “What’s your name ?” ---- My name is --------.”
(2)“Hi, I’m --------? “ ----“What’s your name ?”
-----“My name is --------“
3. Practice
(1) Let some of the students come to the front and ask the class .
In pairs .(about 4 groups )
Let them practising greetings above.
(2) Work in pairs practising
(3) Check (ask the students to the front and practise )
Step 2 Presentation
2. Introducing six new friends
T: Now you have many new friends .Do you want to make more new friends ?
Show pictures on the blackboard .Let the students look at them .
This is Simon. This is -------.
3. Make six masks of the children and go on introducing six children’s names .( Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves )
Ask six students to come to the front and play six new friends .
The students point to themselves and say ,
“ I’m Simon” “I’m Amy” “I’m ------------“
3. Pair work.
Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them .Practise greetings in pairs .
Step 3. Greetings
1. Show a clock of different time .Let the students identify the time .
14:35 08:20
22:15 18:10
2. Let the students know when to say
Good morning /afternoon /evening / night
3. Let the students practice greetings at different time
Greet their partners and then introduce themselves
(Ask students to draw pictures of the sun ,the moon , the sun set , a sleeping baby , say greetings to each other according to these pictures.)
4. Do written exercises part B on page 3 and then check it .
(write greetings on the book .)
Step 4 Presentation
1. Use a multimedia to let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo.
2. Introduce
This is Eddie . This is Hobo . Eddie is Hobo’s master . Hobo is an e-dog .
3. Ask the students
Who is Eddie? (He’s the master .) Who is Hobo ?
( He’s the e-dog) . Do you like Eddie ? Do you like
e-dogs ? You can ask your mother to go and buy it for you .
Does Eddie like the e-dog ? How do you know ?
(show a real e-dog ) This is an e-dog . It’s very lovely .
4 . Learn new words
Step 5 Presentation
1. Let the students watch the cartoon and listen to the talk
between Eddie and Hobo .
2 .Let students read after the talk of them .
3. Show the new words of this text . Let the students read them first ,then read after the teacher. .
Step 6 Practice
Let the students read by themselves .
Check Let students read the talk .
Step 7 Acting
Let the students play Eddie and Hobo and act out Pair work
Step 8 Homework
Let the students write their profiles .
Notes: 我是-------------。我---------------岁。我是一名学生。我在二班。
Unit One ( the second period )
Teaching Contents : Reading (A, B)
Teaching aims:
A: Knowledge
1. Learn the new words .
Year , flat . clever , maths , basketball , club ,come from , be born , slim ,ponytail ,music ,profile , hard . wear ,enjoy ,polite ,helpful, funny
2. Learn the introduction of oneself
B: Language skill
Let students use the words and the drills to introduce oneself .
C: Feeling
1. To develop students to speak up actively
2. Let students be full of self-confidence
3. Train cooperation study
Main points :
1. The new words
2. Drills
Hi, I’m _______.I’m_________years old . I’m________(tall/short).
I live in a flat in Huai’an.
I love ________(swimming / dancing / playing computer games)
Difficult points : Learn how to make an introduction of oneself
Teaching method : Task-based teaching
Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide
Style of lesson : New lesson
Design for blackboard :
Unit 1 Reading ( A, B)Millie Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel
Teaching process:
Teaching activities
Step 1 Revision
1. Review the lesson which we learned last time
Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students)
2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting
people .
Step 2 Presentation
1. Intrduction (show three pictures of Chinese teacher ,Maths teacher and English teacher with a few
self-introduction words below them )
Hi, I’m ---------. I’m ------------years old . I’m ---------tall/short.
I (don’t ) wear glasses. I live in a flat in Huai’an.
2. Ask students to read them and guess who they are .
3. Ask students to say after the teacher .
Step 3 Practise and act out
Ask students to practise themselves in groups and act out .
Step 4 Presentation
1. Show six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize
2. Write the names on the blackboard
3. T: Do you know what they like ? If you want to know ,please read their profiles on page 4.
4. Ask students to answer questions “What do they like ?” Use the sentences “ -----likes doing --------.”
5. Learn the new words
T: Now we know what they like ,but do you know more about them ?
I’ll ask you to read it again . Before that , let’s learn the new wordain task of this Unit?”
Let the students discuss and ask one of the students to tell the class .
Teacher writes it on the blackboard
Main task : Writing a profile about yourself.
2.T: But do you know how to write a profile ? First please read Millie’s and Daniel’s profiles to know how to write a profile .
3. Get the students to read the profiles .
4.Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.
1).How old are they ? 2).When were their birthdays?
3).Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?
5).What do they look like ? 6).What are their hobbies?
7) Who is Andy ? 8). Who has a lot of CDs ?
9).Does Millie have a lot of friends ? 10).What does Daniel do on the line ?
5.Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .
Read some new words and phrases on the blackboard .
6).Now do you know how to write a profile ?
Sump up : 1). … 2). … 3). …(让学生总结。)
Step 2. Practice
1.T: Millie has a lot of CDs , I have a lot of CDs ,too.
I like listening to music , do you like listening to music ?
S: Yes , I do .
T: Do you like playing computer games ?
S: Yes ,I do .
T: I’m good at singing , are you good at singing ?
S: No , I’m good at playing football
T: I have a cousin ,Do you have a cousin ?
S: No, I don’t . But I have a sister .
2.Can you practise like this .(Let the students ask and answer freely.)
Step4. Writing
T: We will have a party in our class . And many our penfriends will come to the party .
Can you write your own profile for your class noticeboard to let our penfriends know us well .
Now please write .Let the students write .
Ask some students to come to the front to read theirs , that is to tell the class yourself .
Homework :
1. Ss write their profiles and stick their own photos on the page .
2. Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .
Procedures of teaching for Unit 1
(The Ninth Period)
Teaching content : Checkout To revise the grammar and the vocabulary in Unit 1.
Teaching aims: 1. To revise the grammar and to be able to use it correctly .
2.Enable the students to master the vocabulary in this Unit and to be able to find out more words .
3.Enable the Ss to use what they have learned to communicate with others freely .
Teaching Aids : Pictures Of six students .
A projectors .
Teaching procedures :
Step 1. Revision
1.T: Last lesson I ask you to write your own profile for your class noticeboard . Have you finished ?
S: Yes .
T: Now please hand in your profiles with their photos .
Show some profiles to the Ss and talk to the Ss like the following .
T: Do you know this girl ? S: Yes, I do . She is … .
T: Is she lovely / pretty / beautiful ? S: Yes, she is .
T: Look at this girl , is she tall/ slim / fat /thin ? S: Yes, she is .
T: Does she have long hair ? S: Yes , she does .
T: What is she like ? S: She is slim .
2.Then teachers and Ss talk about their profiles together .
3.T: This is Lily’s profile , look ,Lily is pretty .
Lily ,can you read your profile?
4.Ask some other Ss to come to the front to read their profiles .
Step 2. Presentation
1.Today let’s learn the last lesson --- Checkout .
We will revise grammar and vocabulary .
2.T: Do you like listening to music ? S: Yes, I do .
T: Do you like playing football?(板书)
S: No, I don’t like playing football .(板书)
But Simon likes playing football .(板书)
T: Excuse me , Simon . Do you like playing football ?
Simon: Yes, I do .
T: Oh. I see . You like having sports . Me , too.
But how many kinds of sports do you know .
S: Basketball , football , volleyball and so on .
Now open your book at page 17. We have three word families ---- People , Sports , Appearance .Please put the words on the right word families .
3.Ask three Ss to come to the blackboard and write their answer .
4.Check the answers on the blackboard . Let the students read the words on the blackboard together .
5. Can you say more words about people , sports , and appearance ?
Let the Ss discuss in pairs .
6. Ask some Ss to say their answers .
Step 3.Grammar
T: Now boys and girls ,please look at the blackboard
What kind of tense is used in these sentences .
S: The simple present tense .
T: yes, you are right . Now do you know how to use it ?
Let the Ss discuss in groups to sum up the usage of the simple present tense .
Step4. Exercises
1.T: Now do you know the grammar ?
Do you understand it ?
S: Yes , we do .
T: Please open your books at page 17. Do part A.
Let the Ss fill in the blanks , and then check the answers .
Ask some pairs to work in pairs .
Get them to write their score on the paw .
3.Ask the Ss to write a profile about their good friends, then get the Ss to read it in class .
Homework :
1.Preview the next lesson .
2.Recite the words and expressions of Unit 1.
3.Write a profile about their teacher .
Unit 1 (the Tenth Period)
Integrated skills B
Study Skills
Teaching Design
Teaching aims:
1. Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.
2. Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.
3. Enable the students to respond questions to oneself.
4.Enable the students to establish and
maintain relationships and routines in school.
5. Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.
Teaching Aids:
1. Student’s Book 7A
2. Some pictures.
3. A computer and a slide projector
Teaching procedure :
Step 1 Revision
1. Greeting. and try to find something about me .
2. Check the homework.
Step 2 Presentation
B Speak up: making new friends
1. Let students ask the teacher some queations.(to the following table)
Name: (What’s your name?)
Address: (Where do you live?)
Hobby: (What’s your hobby?)
T: Could you please say something about me now?
( Show the paper)
Name: Wang Ling
Address: Renmin Road
Hobby: Reading
A member of the Reading Club
S: Your name is ….
T: Good. Where do I live?
S: You live on Renmin Road.
T: ( to another studrnt) Where do you live?
S: I live …. ( Let students practise them.)
T: What do I like?
S: You like reading and you are a member of the Reading Club.
T: Yes. What do you like?
Ss:I like dancing. I am a member of the Dancing Club.
I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.
I like playing the piano. I am a member of the Piano Club.
I like swimming. I am a member of the Swimming Club.
I like playing football. I am a member of the Football Team.
I love watching films. I am a member of the Film Club
2.Present the dialogue.
T: (OK. Do you want to be my friend?) Hi, my name is Wang Ling. What’s your name?
S: I’m Rose.
T: I live on Renmin Road. Where do you live?
S: I live on ….
T: What do you like?
S: I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.
T: Oh really? I’m reading. I’m a member of the Reading Club
Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you, too.
3. Work in pairs (show the sentences).
4. Act out their dialogue.
Step 3 Listening
( Show the picture of Daniel and Sandy)
T: Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Daniel and Sandy.
T: What are they doing? S: They are talking.
T: What are they talking about? Please listen to the tape.
And then answer the questions.
Where do they live?
What do they like? (Written on the blackboard)
1. Play the tape for the students.
2. Check the answers.
3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
4. Read the dialogue in parts.
Step 4 Presentation
Working with others A
1. Present this.
T: Boys and girls, I want to copy this dialogue. But I don’t have a pen with me. Do you have a pen?
S: Yes, I do. Here you are.
T: Thank you very much. Oh, do you have a new exercise book with you?
S: No, I don’t.
( Written and read)
Do you have a …? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
Step 5 Practice
1.Students make dialogues using them.
2.Act them out.
Step 6 Presentation
1. Present this.
T: Do you have a ruler, Mike?
S: Yes, I do.
T: Can I borrow your ruler?
S: Yes, I can. Here you are.
T: Thank you very much. (to the all) I borrow Mike’s ruler or I borrow the ruler from Mike. And Mike lends me his ruler or Mike lends his ruler to me.
一 本册教材总的教学要求:
七年级(上)沪科版数学七年级上册共包含以下5章 第一章有理数 第二章整式加减
第三章一次方程和方程组 第四章直线与角 第五章数据的收集与整理。
在教学的过程中,理要讲透,运算要准确,在字母表示数理解要深刻。同时逐步渗透数形结合的思想,代数转换思想,方程模型思维。二 各单元教学要求:
第一章有理数 主要内容分两个部分,一是有理数的有关概念,二是有理数的运算。概念中的难点是绝对值,教学中应从主观到抽象逐次推进。运算中的难点是三级混合运算,也应逐次推进且应多练,学好本章为今后的数学学习起奠基作用。
第二章 整式的加减 本章内容是代数式,求代数式的值。整式有关的概念与整式的加减。重点是现实生活中的变化的量之间的关系用代数式简明准确地表示出来,不仅是本章的重点,也是以后数学知识的基础。列代数式中不少问题具有一定的探索性,应注意逐步推进。
第三章 一次方程与方程组 方程是初中代数的主要内容之一,一元一次方程是最简单的方程,二元一次方程组是最简单的多元方程组,教科书按照“实际问题-建立方程模型-探究数学模型的解-回到实际问题解决”。这是本章的难点,也是提高学生思维能力重要载体。
第四章 直线和角 本章是平面几何的基础知识,让学生初步感受几何体在实际生活中的广泛应用,感受点、线、面、体之间的关系,初步了解立体图形与平面图形的相互关系。
第五章 数据的收集和整理 本章让学生了解数据收集,数据处理,数据描述的基本方法,初步经历从事数据收集,整理,描述等基本活动,体验统计与生活的联系,了解普查与抽象调查,理解条形统计图,折线统计图,扇形统计图的特点,会选择适当的统计图描述数据。
(一) “写作导引”探究
教材“写作导引”告诉学生, 生活是丰富多彩的, 并指出, 从生活中学习写作应注意一些问题。归结起来就是:观察是写作的“铁门限”, 写作就是写生活。
教材这样编排的目的是什么?笔者认为不外乎4点:1、名称变化。在小学阶段, “新课标”把这个内容称之为“写话”和“习作”, 现在称之为“写作”, 目的就是告诉学生, 随着年龄的增长, 知识的增加, 教材对这方面的学习也有了更规范的要求。2、观察生活是“写生活”唯一正确的途径。初中生记叙文写作存在的最大的问题, 就是记叙内容抽象笼统, 而解决这一问题的关键, 就是让学生明白只有认真观察才能使记叙的内容生动逼真。需要强调的是, 观察不仅要用眼睛“看”, 更要用心去“感知”。3、只有观察才能写出“真情实感”的好作文。观察有助于思考, 人们在观察时, 总是在脑子里进行排列组合, 只有通过仔细观察, 才能激发自己内心深处的情感, 才会产生“母亲啊!你是荷叶, 我是红莲, 心中的雨点来了, 除了你, 谁是我在无遮拦天空下的隐蔽?” (冰心《荷叶母亲》) 这样发自肺腑的真情实感。4、观察是写作训练的一个基础, 无论写作内容发生怎样的变化, 都必须牢牢遵循观察这个基本原则。
歌德说:“理论是灰色的, 而生活之树是常青的。”作为教师, 我们一定要引导学生认识到观察对于写作的重要性, 并在教学实践中不断强化。
(二) “写作实践”探究
教材“写作实践”中的3个题目, 其实是两个方面:200字左右的写作片段和不少于500字的作文。
两者是什么关系呢?如果把不少于500字的作文比作室, 那200字左右的写作片段则是入“室”的“堂”。从内容上看, 200字可以写花草树木, 写作题材较为宽泛, 而两个500字的作文都是写人;从目的上看, 花草树木是练笔, 写人是综合能力的展示;从作用上看, 200字的写作片段是为写500字的作文服务的。仔细揣摩, 我们发现两个500字的作文也各不相同:第二个题目要求写新结识的老师或同学, 写一个相识瞬间;第三个题目要求写父母亲人对自己的关爱。通过比较这些不同, 我们发现, 写作实践的3个题目为学生提供了广阔的写作空间, 这也是“新课标”中“语文课程应该是开放而富有创新活力的”“要尽可能满足不同地区、不同学校、不同学生的需求”精神的具体体现。
总之, “堂”是“室”的基础, “室”是“堂”的提升。
(一) “写作导引”教学策略
教材“写作导引”中1、2自然段可由学生阅读、讨论并归纳, 教师可以启发学生谈谈自己丰富多彩的生活。教材3~7自然段比较重要, 教师可采用灵活多样的方式进行教学。如“观察生活”这部分, 无论教师讲述还是学生合作探究, 效果都不会很好, 因为这一问题过于抽象。教师不妨在课前先安排学生收集戴嵩画《斗牛图》的故事, 课堂上让学生讲述, 这既锻炼学生的语言表达能力, 又能激发学生的学习兴趣, 最后让学生合作探究这个故事给我们的启发:要认真、仔细地观察事物, 不能凭空想像;不能迷信权威, 要从客观事实出发;画画需要认真观察, 写作也如此;写作就是写生活, 要写好作文, 就要认识生活;有时由于缺少观察, 不了解生活, 名家也会闹出笑话。
“感受生活”这一内容, 教师可以让学生去品读 (不是朗读) 《散步》这篇清新优美的散文, 具体方法是:要求学生认真默读课文, 然后找出文章记叙要素 (时间———初春的一天;地点———田野里池塘边的小路上;人物:我, 我的母亲, 我的妻子和孩子;事件:散步) 。品读课文的同时, 教师要引导学生体会作者从散步这件平常的小事中表现出的浓浓亲情, 之后由学生合作探究, 总结本文立意选材的技巧———以小见大。最后, 教师再适时点拨。学生在写作时可以选取生活中看似平凡而实则韵味深刻的内容作为自己的写作素材, 学生在自己的习作结尾处可以仿照课文提炼出蕴含哲理的一两句话。
“写自己熟悉的生活”这一内容, 教师可对学生讲一些著名作家的作品就是“写自己熟悉的生活”的小故事。例如, 2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言, 他之所以成功, 写的就是他“自己熟悉的生活”———山东高密“东北乡”;现代文学家鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》写的也是作者熟悉的生活;史铁生的《秋天的怀念》写的就是自身的经历, 所以真实可信, 动人心魄……通过这些小故事, 教师可以让学生知道, 只有写自己熟悉的生活, 才会有独到的体会和感受, 写出来的文章也才不会空洞、思想贫乏。
总之, 教师在作文教学中要按照“新课标”的要求, 以“要激发学生的学习兴趣, 培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯, 引导学生掌握语文学习的方法。”为出发点。
(二) “写作实践”教学策略
“学生生理、心理以及语言能力的发展具有阶段性特征, 不同的教学也有各自的规律, 应根据不同学段学生的特点和不同的教学内容, 采取合适的教学策略。” (“新课标”语) 刚刚步入中学阶段的学生, 他们的思维方式大多对事物还是处于感性认识阶段, 教师不妨采用举例法, 来引导学生进行写作教学。举例时我们要注意以下几个方面:1.根据“写作实践”的具体要求, 认真甄选;2.举例既可是全文, 也可是重点段落;3.举例的方法、方式要灵活多样。
如“写作实践”的第一个题目是写一段200字左右的文字, 这个片段的目的就是引导学生写自己眼睛观察到的事物, 而不是凭空想象拼凑的内容。教师可举下面甲、乙、丙3段文字进行对比, 让学生谈感想。
春天到了。春天是四季中最美的季节。每到春天, 万物苏醒, 到处都是万紫千红, 充满了生机。
春天是五彩缤纷的世界。草地上, 马路边, 公园里, 处处都可以看见五颜六色的鲜花, 红的、黄的, 各不相同。春天不但植物是多彩的, 人们的衣服也是花花绿绿, 显得潇洒万分。
春天更是动物们的天堂。小河身上那厚厚的冰融化了, 发出潺潺的流水声。鱼儿在河里自由地游着, 只见它们摇着尾巴, 一会儿游到这儿, 一会儿游到那儿, 欢快极了。在春天, 不仅鱼儿高兴, 鸟儿也很愉快。只见它们扑腾着翅膀, 嘴里还不停地放出叫声, 好像在说:“春天来了, 春天来了!”
在学校的小花园里, 我也发现了春天的足迹。干枯了几个月的树木终于又有了生机。梧桐树的枝头已挂满了嫩绿的树叶, 瓜子黄杨上也长满了新的芽苞, 云南黄桉的枝条上已簇拥着层层金黄的颜色。最吸引眼球的要数垂柳了, 那随风拂动的枝条荡漾在水中, 轻轻地画着一圈又一圈的水纹。
正是早春时候, 到处都生机勃勃。譬如, 我们小区的草地, 虽然还没有绿油油的一片, 像地毯似的覆盖着大地, 但那黑褐色的泥土里, 小草们分明已经探出了它们嫩绿的小脑袋, 尽管若隐若现, 尽管他们的数量像星辰那般稀少, 但远远望去, 还是能让人感到春的脚步。
我们来比较这3段文字, 甲文虽然也写了花草鱼鸟等具体事物, 语言也流畅, 但文章写的是书本上的春天, 是别人眼里的春天, 是拼凑出来的春天, 所以是概念化的春天;而乙、丙两段文字则是作者经过仔细观察后, 描绘的自己亲眼看到的春天。这样的春天才是自己的, 才是形象生动的, 才是有生命力的春天。教师可带领学生通过对比分析这3段文字, 引导学生认真观察事物, 然后再去写这200字左右的片段。
“写作实践”的第二个题目, 是写一位升入初中之后新结识的老师或同学。完成这个题目的关键就是要写好“瞬间”这部分内容。那如何写好“瞬间”呢?写人的文章, 人物肖像、语言、动作、心理等细节描写都是必须要考虑的, 具体要求如下:1.肖像细节描写。肖像描写是对人物的外貌, 也就是人物的音容笑貌、身形服饰、表情姿态的具体描写。因为人物的生活经历总要在人物肖像方面留下痕迹, 人物的思想意识也总会在肖像方面有所流露。因此, 在人物塑造上, 我们应抓住人物肖像的细节特征, 加以描写和刻画。这样才能既绘其形, 又传其神, 收到“见微知著”的效果。当然描写人物外貌, 不可泛泛描写, 一定要抓住特征, 要简单几笔就勾勒出人物的精神风貌。2.动作细节描写。人的所作所为甚至一举一动都是其思想性格、情感心境的表现, 绝没有凭空发生的。所以, 写人的作文, 必须重视对人物动作细节的描写, 这也是构成人物形象不可或缺的部分。3.语言细节描写。语言细节描写, 是人物语言描写的一个重要组成部分。描写人物的语言能揭示人物的个性、性格和情态等。一篇好的文章, 这些细节描写的各个方面都是需要考虑的, 如鲁迅在写与藤野先生相识时, 就很好地把握了这个“相识瞬间”。写藤野先生“黑瘦”“八字须, 戴着眼镜”“穿衣服太模糊了, 有时竟会忘记带领结;冬天是一件旧外套, 寒颤颤的” (肖像细节) ;“挟着一迭大大小小的书。一将书放在讲台上” (动作细节) ;“便用了缓慢而很有顿挫的声调”“‘我就是叫作藤野严九郎的……’” (语言细节) 。通过这些细节描写, 一位生活简朴、严谨治学的学者形象展现在读者面前。由此看来, 写好了“瞬间”这部分内容, 再加上开头、结尾, 以及相关内容的延续和补充就是一篇很好的作文了。
“写作实践”的第三个题目, 要求从家庭成员中选择一位给你留下美好记忆的人物进行记叙。写好这个作文可引导学生利用《秋天的怀念》和《荷叶母亲》两篇课文作范文, 可借鉴这两文中任何一种写法。如借鉴《荷叶母亲》, 教师可以要求学生再次品读课文《荷叶母亲》, 要求学生思考这篇课文中什么事物曾触动了自己的情思, 并引发了自己的联想, 触动自己的“物”是否与自己生活中的什么情景相类似。教师可以要求学生在把记叙要素交代清楚的基础上, 重点描写自己选择的“物”的特征, 并把自己抒发的感情有机地融合在叙述之中。在抒发真情实感的基础上, 可以提醒学生描写事物时要适当地运用比喻、拟人等修辞手法, 这样会使文章更生动传神。用课文作例文的好处:一是强化学生对教材的理解;二是减少教师课外搜集资料的劳苦;三是更为有效地利用了课程资源。
译林版小学四年级英语下册 知识点复习总结10-17