
2024-09-29 版权声明 我要投稿


四年级上册英语句型表 篇1

七上6-9短语 49.next to 隔壁 1.running star赛跑明星 50.have a sale =on sale在甩卖2.lots of = a lot of大量;许多 51.can afford our prices能承担得起我们得价格3.have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早/中/晚餐 52.can’t afford to buy a house 买不起房子4.movie(film)star电影明星 53.your mother’s birthday你妈妈的生日5.healthy food健康食物 54.fifteen years old 15岁6.have sth.for breakfast早餐吃。。55.an old man一位老人7.have a look at.看一看 56.an old bike一辆旧自行车8.at school/ at home在学校/在家里57.have an English speech contest举行英语演讲比赛9.relax sports休闲运动 10.some runners一些运动员 11.how much +(不可数)多少/多少钱 12.how many +(可数)复数多少 13.Here you are.给你14.I’m sorry.对不起 15.great sale大甩卖 16.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事 17.That’s OK.不用谢 18.What’s the price of sth ?=How much … 多少钱19.in all colors各色 20.clothes store= clothes shop服装店 21.ask sb to do sth叫某人做某事 22.I don’t think so.我不这么认为 23.how old几岁 24.school trip郊游 25.volleyball game排球赛 26.help sb with sth帮助某人某事 27.school day学校庆祝日 28.be born in/on出生于 29.Art Festival艺术节 30.pop contest流行音乐会 31.English speech contest英语演讲比赛 32.soccer ball game足球赛 33.birthday party生日会 34.each year =every year每年 35.a piece of paper一张纸36.physical education =PE体育

37.be strict with对某人严格 38.have math上数学课 39.on Monday在星期一 40.TV show电视节目 41.be tired疲倦的 42.have Chinese history club 参加中国历史俱乐部 43.ask sb.to do sth.要某人干某事 44.play with sb.与某人玩耍 45.run around with sb.在某人周围 46.a short yellow T-shirt 一件短的黄色的T恤衫47.at a very good price以非常优惠的价格58.in August在八月59.in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天60.on Friday在星期五61.on Friday morning =on the morning of Friday在星期五早上62.on March 12th 在三月十二日63.Tom and Tim’s mother Tom和Tim的母亲(一个妈)64.Tom’s and Tim’s roomsTom的和Tim的房间(两间房)65.Teachers’ Day教师节66.go on a trip去旅行67.New Year’s Day元旦68.Women’s Day妇女节69.Children’s Day儿童节70.his favorite subject他最喜欢的科目71.an English teacher一位英语老师72.be free 有空的,闲的73.be busy with sth忙于某事74.be busy doing sth忙于做某事75.next year明年76.my last class我的最后一节课77.last week上星期78.half an hour半小时79.an hour and a half=one and a half hours一个半小时80.really interesting真地有趣

七上5-9句型1.Do you have a ping-pong ball?你有乒乓球吗?—Yes, I do.是,我有。/No, I don’t.不,我没有。2.They have a tennis racket.他们有网球拍。3.They don’t have a tennis racket.他们没有网球拍。4.Does he have a soccer ball?他有足球吗—Yes, he does.是,他有。/No, he doesn’t.不,他没有。5.Tom has a soccer ball.Tom有足球。6.Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball.Tom有足球。7.Let’s play tennis.让我们 打网球吧。8.That sounds good.那听起来真好。9.Do they like pears?他们喜欢梨吗?—Yes, they do.是,他们喜欢。/No, they don’t.不,他们不喜欢。10.They /I/We like hamburgers.他们/我/我们喜欢汉堡


11.She likes ice cream.她喜欢冰淇淋

12.Does she like ice cream? 她喜欢冰淇淋吗?

—Yes, she does.是,她喜欢。/No, she doesn’t.不,她不喜欢。

13.What does he have for lunch?午餐他要吃什么?

14.---He has chicken, carrots and broccoli for lunch.午餐


15.What do you like for dinner?晚餐你喜欢吃什么?

—I like vegetables for dinner.晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜。16.I also like strawberries.=I like strawberries, too.我也


17.How much is this T-shirt?=What’s the price of this T-s

hirt?---It’s seven dollars.这件T恤衫多少钱?-7美元。

18.How much are these socks?-They’re two dollars.这些


19.Can I help you?=What can I do for you?=Is there anyth

ing I can do for you?我能帮你吗?

20.I want a sweater.=I want to buy a sweater.我想买一件


21.I want to buy a pair of pants.我想买一条长裤。22.I’ll take it/them.我要买它(们)。23.Here’s the money.给钱。

24.The price of the watch is low/high.手表的价格是低的/高的。

25.The watch is cheap/expensive=dear.手表是便宜/昂贵的。

26.We need to learn English well.我们必须学好英语。27.My watch needs mending.我的手表需要修理。28.Here is a pair of shoes.这儿有双鞋。29.Here are shoes.这儿是鞋子。

30.What color do you want?你要什么颜色?

31.We have great bags for only 18 yuan.我们有只售18元的大包。

32.We sell pants for only 30 yuan.我们的长裤只卖30


33.We have shirts in many colors.我们有许多种颜色的衬衫。

34.Can I have a try?我可以试一试吗?

35.Can I try it/them on?我可以试穿它(们)吗? 36.You’re welcome.不用谢。

37.What size do you want?你要多大尺码?

-Size L/M/S/40.大号/中号/小号/40号。38.That’s too expensive.那太贵了。39.How about 20 yuan?20 元怎么样?

40.We each have 200 yuan.=Each of us has 200 yuan.我们每人有200元。

41.When is your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?

42.My birthday is October 10/10th/tenth.=It’s October 10/


43.The first month of the year is January.=January is the fi

rst month of the year.一月是一年的第一个月。44.How old are you?=What’s your age?你几岁?

45.I’m fifteen years old.=I’m fifteen/15.=Fifteen.我十五


46.How old is he/she?他/她多大?

47.What’s the date today?=What date is it today?今天是


48.It’s December 2.是十二月二日。

49.When were you born?你什么时候出生?

50.I was born on February 12th,1993.我出生在1993年二


51.In which year were you born?你是哪一年出生的? 52.I was born in 1995.我是1995年出生。

53.When was she born? –She was born on December 25th,1642.她何时出生?她1642年十二月二十五日出生。

54.When is the basketball game?篮球赛在何时?

55.What is your favorite subject?=What subject is your fa

vorite?=What subject do you like best?你最喜欢什么科目?

56.My favorite subject is science.=Science is my favorite

subject.=I like science best.我最喜欢自然科学.57.Why do you like science?你为什么喜欢自然科

学?---Because it’s interesting.因为它有趣.58.Who is your art teacher?谁是你的美术老

师?---My art teacher is Mrs Jones.我的美术老师是琼斯太太.59.When does he have math?他什么时候上数学课?---60.He has math on Wednesdays.他每个星期三上数学课.61.What day is it today?今天星期

几?---It’s Friday.=Today is Friday.今天星期五.62.What’s the date today?What date is it today?今天几月


63.It’s December 30th,2005.今天是2005年十二月三十

日.64.It’s Tuesday,November 11.今天是十一月十一日星期

二.65.Why doesn’t he like music?他为什么不喜欢音乐? 66.I don’t like any subject.我不喜欢任何科目.67.I like to play with my dog.我喜欢和狗玩耍.68.Sunday is the first day of the week.星期天是一个星期的第一天.69.This pair of shoes is red.这双鞋是红色的。

四年级上册英语句型表 篇2

该句意为:“发现某人正在做某事”。常见的类似的动词还有see, hear, watch, keep等。如:

I found my brother reading in his room. 我发现哥哥在他房间里看书。

I saw her dancing under the tree. 我看见她在树下跳舞。

2. That made me feel very happy.

(1)make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”,句中的make是使役动词,其后接省略to的动词不定式。如:

The boss made them work for ten hours a day. 老板让他们一天工作十小时。


He feels very happy when he stays with his parents. 当他与父母在一起时,感到非常幸福。

3. We had fun doing...

该句意为:“我们做某事很愉快”。fun是不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词修饰,但可以用great, much,a lot of等加强语气。如:

We have fun swimming in the sea. 我们在海里游泳很开心。

We had a lot of fun climbing mountains. 我们爬山真痛快。

【拓展】have fun的同义词组还有enjoy oneself和have a good time。如:

We had fun at the party yesterday. = We enjoyed ourselves at the party yesterday. = We had a good time at the party yesterday. 昨天我们在聚会上玩得很开心。

4. And he doesnt wear glasses any more.

“not...any more”意为“不再……”,相当于no more,指程度上或做事的次数不再增加。如:

I cant drink wine any more. 我不能再喝酒了。

I didnt hear from her any more. 我再也没收到她的信。

【比较】“not...any longer”意为“不再……”,相当于no longer,指时间不再延长,多与延续性动词连用。如:

He doesnt live here any longer. 他不在这儿住了。

5. Some are... Others are...


Some are singing. Others are dancing. 一些人在唱歌,其他人在跳舞。

6. sb. want to be...

该句意为:“某人想成为……”。用来表示某个人的理想。want是及物动词,表示“想要;希望”时,其后可接名词、代词、不定式(to do结构)作宾语。如:

She wants to be a policewoman. 她想当警察。

7. I hope you have a good trip.

(1)这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,“You have a good trip”是宾语从句,省略了连词that,其宾语从句的谓语用现在时表示将来的意义。如:

I hope you like my present. 我希望你喜欢我的礼物。


I hope to visit Paris some day. 我希望有一天能去巴黎。

I hope that he will come back soon. 我希望他能早点回来。

8. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.

(1)这是一个倒装句,正常语序是:A small house with an interesting garden is next to the hotel.

(2)句中的with是介词,意为“具有……;带有……”,在句中作定语修饰a small house。如:

The girl with long hair is my sister. 那个长头发的女孩是我的妹妹。

9. I showed each student six things and asked them about each other.

(1)show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.意为“给……看;出示;展示”。如:

Let me show you my picture. 让我展示我的画给你看。

Please show your new bike to me. 请让我看看你的新自行车。

(2)ask sb. about sth.意为“询问某人某事”。如:

He asked me about my study. 他询问我的学习情况。

10. What do you think of...?


—What do you think of Chinese food? 你认为中国食物怎么样?

—Its delicious. 非常美味。

11. What + do/ does + sb. + look like?

该句意为:“某人长什么样子?”是用来询问某人的长相、外貌。look like意为“看起来像”,like是介词。如:

What does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样子?

12. What does sb. do?


—What does your mother do? 你妈妈是干什么工作的?

—She is a teacher. 她是一名老师。

【拓展】询问职业,还可以用“What + be + sb.?”。如:

What is your brother? 你哥哥是干什么工作的?

13. Why do you like...?

该句意为:“你为什么喜欢……?”这是由why引导的询问原因的特殊疑问句。这类句型的基本结构为:“Why +一般疑问句?”,常用Because引导的原因状语从句来回答。如:

—Why do you like monkeys? 你为什么喜欢猴子?

—Because they are very funny. 因为它们很有趣。


Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. —Thanks for ______ me about your school life.

—Youre welcome.

A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. tells

( )2. —Where is Nancy?

—She is in the garden. She is having ______ good time there.

A. the B. a C. / D. an

( )3. The children are in the room. ______ are dancing; ______ are singing.

A. Some; others B. Any; others

C. Some; the other D. Some; other

( )4. —Do you like dumplings?

—Yes, I do. But I dont like hamburgers ______ French fries.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )5. —John, its 11:00 p.m. Its time ______ to bed now.

—OK, good night, Dad!

A. goes B. go C. going D. to go

( )6. —Mike can speak French. What ______ Jim?

—He can speak it, too.

A. about B. from C. with D. for

( )7. —Did your mother have fun ______ at home?

—Yes, she did.

A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking

( )8. —Is the girl helping her father ______ the car?

—No. Shes reading a book.

A. washing B. washes C. wash D. washed

Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1. 晚饭后他们经常去散步。

They often ______ ______ ______ ______ after dinner.

2. 你想要吃哪种面条?

What ______ of noodles ______ you like to eat?

3. 他没有找到宾馆住。

He didnt find a hotel ______ ______ in.

4. 上海的天气怎样?

______ is the ______ in Shanghai?

5. 你能给我一些关于学好英语的建议吗?

Could you give me some advice ______ ______ ______ learn English well?

6. 我认为他不是个好学生。

I ______ think he ______ a good student.

7. 超市对面有一个邮局。

There is a post office ______ ______ the supermarket.

8. 彼得晚上洗澡吗?

Does Peter ______ ______ ______ in the evening?

9. 沿着这条街一直往前走,然后向左拐。

______ ______ this street and ______ ______.

10. 我发现他在教室里读书。

I ______ him ______ in the classroom.

Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 你认为这部电影怎么样?


2. 在图书馆不准大声讲话。


3. 桌子上有一大碗面。


4. 记住明天把这本书带到学校。


5. 她喜欢音乐,因为它能使她快乐。



Ⅰ. 1~5 CBACD 6~8 ADC

Ⅱ. 1. go for a walk 2. kind; would 3. to live 4. How; weather

5. on/ about how to 6. dont; is 7. across from 8. take a shower

9. Go along; turn left 10. found; reading

Ⅲ. 1. What do you think of the movie

2. Dont talk loudly in the library

3. There is a large bowl of noodles on the table

4. Remember to bring the book to school tomorrow

四年级英语上册单词表及重点句子 篇3

Module 1

dear 亲爱的

well 健康的

of ……的

soon 不久,很快

tell 告诉,讲述

love 爱你的

Module 2

skirt 短裙

clean 打扫,清理

finish 完成

dirty 脏的

paint 绘画

Mr 先生

phone 打电话

Module 3

Didn’t=did not 不

National Day 国庆节

stay 停留

what 多么

boring 无聊的,令人厌烦的

day 一天,白天

Module 4

invent 发明,创造

paper 纸

important 重要的

printing 印刷术

print 印刷

right 正确的,对的

between 在……之间

bicycle 自行车

mouse 老鼠

beside 在……旁边

man 男人

Module 5

went go的过去式,去

saw see的过去式,看见

trip 出行,旅行

took take的过去式,需要花费

fifty 五十

minute 分钟

top 顶部

mountain 山

ate eat的过去式,吃

candies candy的复数形式,糖果

plant 植物

had have的过去式,度过

have a good time 过得愉快

bought buy的过去式,买



go on a trip 去旅游

ice 冰

at first 起初,开始时

fell fall的过去式,掉下,摔倒

fall over 摔倒,跌倒

hurt 使疼痛,使受伤

a lot 在很大程度上

able 聪明能干的

be able to 能够

skate 滑冰

Module 6

become 变成

gold 金子

ago 以前,以往

long ago 很久以前

magic 有魔力的

paintbrush 画笔

woman 妇女,女性

became become的过去式,变成

real 真实的

bad 坏的,不好的

took take的过去式,拿走

away 离去,离开

leaves leaf的复数形式,树叶

only 只,仅仅

painting (一幅)画;绘画作品

angry 生气的,愤怒的

said say的过去式,说

Module 7

doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃

matter 事情

lost lose的过去式,丢失

found find的过去式,发现

key 钥匙

look for 寻找

Module 8

when 什么时候

came come的过去式,来

competition 比赛

won win的过去式,赢,获胜

gold 金制的

cup 奖杯

flute 长笛

practice 练习

took take

look 看上去……

a lot 经常,长时间地

Module 9

happen 发生

fall off 从……跌落

bike ride 骑自行车

thirsty 渴的

water 水

watermelon 西瓜

carried carry的过去式,拿,搬

bump 碰,撞

hurt hurt的过去式,使疼痛;使受伤

knee 膝盖

cut cut的过去式,切,割

finger 手指

Module 10

early 早

every 每个,每一

during 在……期间

computer game 计算机游戏

take 服(药)

medicine 药

a lot of 许多的

exercise 运动,锻炼

healthy 有益健康的;健康的

juice 果汁

before 在……之前

after 在……之后

toilet 厕所


Module 1

1. It’s from my friend Lucy.

2. It was my birthday on Saturday.

3. Here is a photo of my birthday part.

4. The girl in red is my new friend,Zara.

5. She’s got long,black hair.

6. We were at Buckingham Palace.

7. Write to me soon.

8. Tell me about your friends.

9. Thank you for your letter.

10. We were at the Great Wall.

Module 2

1.Yesterday,I cleaned my room.

2.I finished my homework.

3.My trousers were very dirty.

4.Then I helped my mum.

5.She was very happy.

6.I washed my skirt!

7.Yesterday,Mr Smart cooked noodles.

8.Ms Smart phoned Grandma.

9.Sam watched TV.

10.Amy painted a picture.

11.She played the flute.

12.He listened to music.

Module 3

1.Yesterdaywas National Day!

2.Lingling watched TV and played with her toys.

3.Lingling didn’t get up at 7 yesterday.

4.And she didn’t walk to school.

5.She didn’t have English at school.

6.But I didn’t ride my bike yesterday.

7.And I didn’t play football in the park.

8.I stayed at home and cleaned all the rooms.

9.What a boring day!

10.I talked on the phone.

Module 4

1.Chinese people invented many important things.

2.Chinese people invented paper.

3.Chinese people invented printing,too.

4.We print books and newspapers.

5.Look,it’s between the chairs.

6.Look,it’s between the chairs.

7.Where was Lingling?

8.She was beside the two girls.

9.She was between the two girls.

10.She was in front of the two girls.

Module 5

1.We went to the Great Wall.

2.It took us fifty minutes to climb to the top.

3.And we saw lots of mountains.

4.We ate candies.

5.You had a good time.

6.And we bought you a present.

7.Yesterday,we went on a school trip.

8.I wore warm clothes.

9.At first,I fell over.

10.Then I was able to skate.

Module 6

1.He had a magic paintnrush.

2.This old woman didn’t have food.

3.The bad man didn’t have gold.

4.But it didn’t become gold.

5.It became a snake!

6.She didn’t take the leaves away.

7.She only took her painting away.

8.The bad man was angry.

9.Then the ship became real.

10.The bad man went to sea in the ship.

11.But he didn’t come back.

Module 7

1.What’s the matter,Amy?

2.I lost my favourite doll.

3.You found Amy’s doll.

4.Did you see my black bike? Yes,I did.

5.Did you take my blue bag? No, I didn’t.

6.Did you look for it in your bag? Yes,I did.

7.Did you go to the park last Sunday?No,I didn’t.

8.Did you play football last Sunday? Yes,I did.

9.Did you clean your room last Sunday? Yes,I did.

10.Did youcook noodles last Sunday?No,I didn’t.

11.I lost my bag,It’s big and black.There is a book and two pens in the bag.

Module 8

1.Some English children came to China last week.

2.Did they come for the music competition?Yes,they did.

3.When did they come?

4.They came last Wednesday.

5.Look,this girl won the gold cup.

6.What did she play?

7.She played the flute.

8.Where did you go last Sunday?

9.I went to the zoo.

10.I took a picture of you.

Module 9

1.What happened to your head?

2.Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.

3.Did you buy some water?

4.No,we bought a watermelon.

5.Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.

6.Did you fall off your bike?

7.No,Sam fell off his bike.

8.And I bumped my head.

9.What happened to you?

10.I fell over.I hurt my knees.

11.I cut my finger.

Module 10

1.What’s the matter?

2.I’ve got a cold.

3.Take this medicine.

4.Drink a lot of water.

5.Go to bed early.

6.Get up early.

7.Do some exercise.

8.Do you want to be healthy?

9.Eat vegetables every day.

10.Drink lots of water or juice.

四年级上册英语句型表 篇4

1. Hello!喂 Hi! 嗨

2. Hello! I’m Wu Yifan.

I’m from China.



3. What’s your name?


4. My name’s Chen Jie.


5. I have a pencil.


Me too.我也是。

6. Good morning.


6. Good morning.


Good afternoon.


7. This is Miss White.

这是Miss White。

Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你.

8. Where are you from?


I’m from America. 我来自美国.

9. Let’s go to school.


OK. 好的.

10. How many cakes?


One cake. 一个蛋糕。

11. How are you?


I’m fine, thank you.


12. Let’s paint.


Great. 很好.

13. I like green.


Me too. 我也是.

14. I have a rabbit.


15. Cool! 酷

Super! 棒极了!

Great! 很好!

Wow! 哇!

16. May I have a look?


16. May I have a look?



17. Here you are.给你。

Thank you.谢谢。

You’re welcome.不客气。

18. I like hamburgers.


Me too. 我也是。

19. Have some French fries.


20. Can I have some chicken?


21. How old are you?


19. Have some French fries.


20. Can I have some chicken?


21. How old are you?


I’m nine.

四年级上册英语句型表 篇5

1.Hello/ Hi 你好 2.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 早上/下午/晚上好

3.———How do you do? 你好!(第一次见面时)

———How do you do?你好!

4. ———How are you?(你好吗?)

———I’m fine./ I’m OK/ I’m very well./ Just so—so(一般般).And you?——— I’m fine, too(也).Thank you.5. ———Nice to meet you!(见到你很高兴!)

——— Nice to meet you,too!(见到你我也很高兴!)

II 重点句型

1. What’s your name, please?(请问你叫什么名字?)

什么是 你的 名字 请

2. My name is ……/ I’m …(我的名字是。。/我是。。)

我的 名字 是 我是

3. This is ……(这位是。。)

这位/个 是

4.———What’s this in English?(这用英语怎么说/ 这是什么?)什么是 这个 用 英语

——— It’s a book.(它是一本书)

它是 一本 书

5.——— What are these?(这些是什么?)

什么 是 这些

——— They are books./ These are books.(他们是书/ 这些是书)他们 是 书 这些 是 书

6.——— How many desks are there?(有多少张桌子?)

多少 桌子 有

---------There are ten desks.(有十张桌子)/ There is(only)one desk./ 仅只有一张桌子)

有 十(张)桌子 有 仅仅 一(张)桌子

There is no desk.(没有桌子)

有 不 桌子

7.-------What colour is the tree?(这棵树是什么颜色的?)

什么 颜色 是 这(棵)树

-------It’s green.(它是绿色的)

它是 绿色

-------What colour are the flowers?(这些花是什么颜色的?)什么 颜色 是 这(些)花

-------They’re blue.(他们是蓝色的)

它们是 蓝色

8.------How do you spell “blue”?(怎样拼写“blue”)

怎样 你 拼写 蓝色
