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郑州大学期末考试英语选择试题 篇1

26~30 D B C A C 31~35 C D D A A 36~40 D D B B D 41~45 A D A C B 完型填空 46~50 D A B E C 翻译





郑州大学期末考试英语选择试题 篇2

[关键词]数学 试题 错因 良策

[中图分类号] G623.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-9068(2015)20-057












2013年高一期末考试英语试题 篇3


第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21.Word of her mother’s death was a terrible _________ to her and her father.A.honourB.identityC.shockD.attitude

22.Tom had better not_______ the bike, or he’ll not be able to put it together.A.set upB.break downC.sort outD.take apart

23.A student in our school is _____ from school because he often plays computer games.A.goneB.removedC.movedD.beat

24.Possible use should be ______ advanced science and technology.A.made ofB.made upC.made fromD.made sure

25.Mandela was_____________ by his people though he himself didn’t think he had done anything special.A.thought little ofB.thought poorly

C.thought highly ofD.thought highly

26.Houses of this kind are so __________ that they can been seen everywhere.A.usualB.ordinaryC.normalD.common

27.Mistakes don’t just happen;they occur for a reason.Find out the reason and then making the

mistake becomes______________________.A.favorableB.preciousC.essentialD.worthwhile

28.The ship sank quickly but ________ everybody was saved.A.generallyB.naturallyC.fortunatelyD.strongly

29.Pollution problems ______ at the international conference, but no one can answer.A.came upB.raised

C.were risenD.asked

30.That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ____ ____ to the enemies until death.A.gave upB.gave outC.gave inD.gave away


初一下册英语期末考试题 篇4





















郑州大学期末考试英语选择试题 篇5


1.Where are _____ keys? I can’t find them.A.IB.meC.myD.mine

2.In China, Spring Festival always comes _____ January or February.A.inB.onC.atD.to 3.-______ did you go last summer vacation, Kathy?

-I went to Harbin.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhenD.Where 4.I’m hungry, mum.Can I have some______? A.booksB.cakesC.drinksD.sports

5.Bob, it’s 7:30.Hurry up, _____ you’ll be late for school.A.butB.andC.orD.so 6.–Have you seen Harry Potter V?

-Of course, it is one of _____ movies this year.A.popularB.more popularC.most popular D.the most popular 7.–How can I get to People’s Hospital?

-You’d better _____ a taxi.It is far from here.A.takeB.tookC.takingD.to take 8.–You’ve told Mary the good news, haven’t you?

-No.I’ll tell her as soon as she ______ back.A.comeB.comesC.cameD.will come 9.-_____ you play tennis?

-No.But I am good at playing football.A.CanB.MayC.MustD.Should

10.My teacher asked me _____ a speech in front of the whole school the next week.A.giveB.gaveC.to giveD.giving 11.My twin sister _____ to music when I got home.A.listensB.listenedC.is listeningD.was listening 12.My uncle is a computer programmer in IBM.He ____ there for 5 years.A.worksB.workedC.will workD.has worked

13.Yesterday we visited an old church.It _____ more than 100 years ago.A.builtB.is builtC.was builtD.has built 14.I enjoy my life here.I have ____ friends, and we meet quite often.A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little 15.–What can we do to help the kids in the poor areas?

-We could _____ signs asking for old books.A.put upB.put onC.put downD.put off 16.Dad, I think you should stop _____.It’s bad for your health.A.smokeB.smokedC.smokingD.to smoke 17.–I’m flying to Paris tomorrow.-_____!

A.That’s all rightB.That’s a good idea C.Thank you very muchD.Have a good trip 18.Can you tell me _____ tomorrow evening?

A.when will the party startB.when the party will start C.when did the party startD.when the party started 二.完型填空

Kid in the digital age

Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently.One day he used the family’s __19___ to stop an attempted robbery.While the thief was busy searching the flat, Sammy went into his bedroom ___20__and used his computer to call the police, who __21__ five minutes later and caught the thief.These days ,it is ___22__ for children as young as Sammy to be so computer literate.Many children use computers at home or at school and some __23___ even have their own websites.Such websites not only offer students the opportunity to learn new skills but also mean that people all over the world can __24___ out more about their school.Some parents think that spending too much time using a computer can be harmful, when really the __25___ is true.“Kids should be __26___ to use computers as early as possible,” said Tony Roberson, a software developer.“Children learn really fast.Many children __27___ much more about technology than their parents.”In Hong Kong, the “IT 2010” project __28__ to provide every student with a computer by the year 2010.Schools, hospitals, shops and homes will all be interconnected by an island-wide network.__29___ at home or school, the digital

age has certainly opened the __30___ to a whole new world of learning.19.A.radioB.computerC.recorderD.telephone 20.A.quietlyB.slowlyC.easilyD.excitedly 21.A.leftB.returnedC.answeredD.arrived 22.A.hardB.usualC.commonD.dangerous 23.A.schoolsB.homesC.shopsD.hospitals 24.A.giveB.findC.sendD.work 25.A.opposite B.unknownC.sameD.new 26.A.invitedB.forcedC.allowedD.encouraged 27.A.thinkB.rememberC.knowD.discuss 28.A.prepares B.appearsC.plansD.starts 29.A.WhenB.WhereC.EitherD.Whether 30.A.heartB.doorC.eyesD.minds 三.阅读理解


Last week we asked students to write about their favorite school events in the year.Here are some of their replies.School Events

1.I really like sports(I’m on the basketball team and the swimming team), so I

enjoy all the sporting events in our school.My favorite event of the year is our School Olympics.Paul(8th grade)

2.My favorite subjects at school are physics and chemistry, so for me, the best

event of the school year is the Science Fair in the spring.I really enjoy taking part in this event and seeing other students’ projects.Mary(9th grade)

3.The best part of the school year is School Camping.At the camp there are

always exciting things to do.Last year we went rock-climbing, and this year we are going hiking.Tony(9th grade)

4.There are many social events in the school year, but my favorite is the School

vest clothes, and we danced all evening!31.What’s Jenny’s favorite school event? A.School Olympics B.Science Fair C.School CampingD.School Party.32.Who likes Science Fair best? A.PaulB.MaryC.TonyD.Jenny.33.Last year Tony went _____.A.swimming B.dancing C.rock-climbing D.hiking


My Daddy on Campus

I was late on my first day of high school.My next class, scared me.As the second bell rang in the hallway, I ran to the door of the classroom.At the door, a hand reached out and shook mine firmly.I looked up.A man smiled and introduced himself as Profe, which means teacher or professor in Spanish.Right away, his warm smile and welcoming words eased my fears.I enjoyed his classes a great deal because I learned more than just Spanish.I admit I only speak a little Spanish.But I try to live out the life lessons I learned from Profe every day.“Everyone is worth your time.”Profe stood outside his classroom door every day before and after class.During lunch, his room was always filled with students.He would stay after school to listen to and chat with students.He taught me that every person is special“Don’t fear the difficulties.”One time, I ran into his class crying.My friends had ’t even sure why they always left me alone.Profe told me, “Linda, life gives you ashes(灰尘), But learning its lessons will turn those ashes to jewels.The hard stuff will help you become a better person.” I learned to look at my troubles differently because I know I’ll grow in difficult times.A year ago, I visited my old high school hoping to see Profe.But he had retired.My high school helped me contact him.Now we stay in touch through e-mail.The author William Arthur Ward wrote: “The ordinary teacher tells.The good teacher explains.The superior teacher shows.The superior teacher shows.The great teacher

34.Profe was a teacher of _____.A.EnglishB.GermanC.FrenchD.Spanish35.Which of the following is NOT true? A.The writer could speak very good Spanish B.Profe spent a lot of time with his students.C.The writer enjoyed Profe’s classed very much.D.Profe and the writer stay in touch through e-mail now.36.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The writer missed her high school life very much B.The writer learned lots of life lessons from Profe.C.Profe helped the writer deal with difficulties D.Profe was good at teaching language.37.The underlined word “rejected” means _____.A.refusedB.acceptedC.annoyedD.frightened


Sugar-free beets that still taste sweet, tastier tomatoes and brighter-col0red fruits and vegetables that stay ripe(熟的)longer are all foods that are being grown now.How can they carry traits, such as being tastier, brighter, and riper? They are genetically engineered.Genetic engineering(基因工程)is like making a change in a recipe.For example, when you make cakes, you mix together all of the usual lingredients.If you add an extra ingredient, like salt, the cakes will taste differently.Genes are ingredients in the recipe for life.THEY CARRY THE TRAITS OF LIVING THINGS.Your genes dictate what color hair and eyes you’ll have, how tall you’ll be, as well as many other traits.Genes carry traits for plants, too.By adding genes to a plant, you can sometimes create new traits.For example, adding farmers happy because they don’t have to use chemicals to keep bugs away(虫子).This makes some farmers happy because they don’t have to use chemicals to keep bugs away from their plants.It sounds great, but some people are opposed to the idea of food that is genetically engineered.Ronnie Cummins, from the Campaign for Food Safety, is don’t always label foods that are genetically engineered.A customer could unknowingly buy food that has an added gene gene from another plant that he or she is allergic to.It could be dangerous.Gary Burton from Monsanto, a seed(种子)company that engineers food, disagrees.He says his company tests for allergies.Bruton believes that genetic engineering is a valuable fool for making better food.The technology can help farmers use less insecticide(杀虫剂)and grow healthier crops.Burton thinks there are many advantages.But Cummins says that we just don’t know what will happen in the future if we keep adding genes to foods.We could mistakenly create a monster.People have different opinions about genetic engineering.One side supports it and thinks it will only help us.The other side is opposed to playing with nature and fears health risks.Which side do you think is right?

38.What could be a good thing about food that is genetically engineered? A.It’s more expensive.B.It could taste different

C.It requires less insecticide.D.It’s not labeled in the supermarket.39.In general, who does not support the idea of genetic food? A.People from seed companiesB.Farmers who use engineered seeds.C.People from the Campaign for Food SafetyD.Scientists who create genetically engineered food.40.It can be inferred that _____.A.growing genetic foods will make farmers richer B.people will eat more genetic foods in the future C.using fewer chemicals could make the food tastier D.there could be unknown dangers about genetic foods 41.What is the best title of this passage? A.Future FarmingB.Foods with a Difference

C.Genetic Engineering D.Genetically Engineered Fruits 四.选择方框中的合适单词Tree, look, live, is, lovely, dog, but, friend

Hello.My name is Rufus.I __1__ in New York with my mum and dad and two brothers.We’ve also got two __2__ and one cat.My parents keep the __3__ cat.My elder brother Tom __4__after his dog Dan and my younger brother Ben takes care of his dog Holy.How many children are there in your family? Have you got any pets at home?Tom and I are in City High School, and Ben __5__ in Garden School.We all work hard.Which grade are you in?My best __6__ is Sally.She is in the same grade as me __7_ in a different class.We’ve known each other since we were born.We’re still neighbours and often play together.Who is your best friend? 五.根据中文意思完成句子


It’s 7:30 am now.__________________ together.2.我昨晚工作得很晚,知道九点才回家挨。I worked late night.I _________________ 9 pm.3.谢谢你寄给我这张CD,我非常喜欢它。Thanks for ________________.I love it very much.4.约翰无法用计算机工作,因为它出毛病了。

John can’t work on his computer, because ________________________ 5.小明是我的好朋友,他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。

Xiao Ming is my good friend.He ________________________________ 六.阅读与表达

What’s the word?

Next time you eat potato chips in the bathtub during a blizzard, think about this: potato chips, bathtub, and blizzard are all words that were born in the USA!Americans have added thousands of words to the English language.“These words make up the story of America,” says Allan Metcalf, co-author of a book called America in So Many Words.“They show our goals, hopes, worries, and attitudes over time.”Need a Ride? becoming more aware of(意识到)the environment.To help protect the air,people began to share, or “pool”, car rides.Teen IdolCan you wait to be a teenager? Eighty years ago, there was no such thing as a “teenager”.Until the early 1900s, kids, age 13 or 14, were viewed as adults.At that age, many kids ended their schooling and went to work.But new laws, which ended child labor, required kids to finish high school.People in their teens were no longer children, but they weren’t yet adults, so teenager was the perfect word to give these 13-to-19 year-olds an identity.Words Get a New LookSome words change their mening over time.If you were hit by a blizzard in 1825, you wouldn’t be clearing snow.But, you might have a black eye.Back then, a blizzard meant a knockdown punch in boxing.Through the years, the word developed.Soon a knockdown snowstorm was called a blizzard.Imagine trying to catch a skyscraper!In 1866, it was possible.At that time, fans referred to a highflying baseball as a skyscraper.But when American cities started growing “up”, the old term was given a new meaning.The tall buildings that appeared to scrape the skies became known as skyscrapers.Words have a wonderful way of changing.You never know when they’ll change.In 50 years, you might be driving a hamburger to work!1.Was the word “bathtub” born in America or in England?

______________________________________________________ 2.Why did people begin to share car rides?

_______________________________________________________ 3.Did new laws allow child labor?

______________________________________________________ 4.What word was once used in boxing?

_________________________________________________________ 5.What does the passage mainly tell us?



一.单项选择 1.C2.A3.D4.B5.C6.D7.A 8.B9.A10.C 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 二.完形填空

19.B 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.C 29.D30.B 三.阅读理解

31.D32.B33.C34.D35.A36.B37.A38.C39.C40.C D41.B 四.根据方框中的词填空

1.live 2.dogs 3.lovely 4.looks 5.is 6.friend 7.but 五.完成句子

1.Let’s go to school 2.didn’t go home until 3.sending me the CD

4.There is something wrong

5.not only studies well, but also likes helping others 六.阅读回答问题 1.In America

2.To help protect the air 3.No, they didn’t 4.Blizzard

七年级英语上册期末考试题 篇6


(时量:90分钟 满分:120分)

Name: Class: Marks:



( ) 1. A. right B. white C. light

( ) 2. A. Kate B. grade C. kite

( ) 3. A. heavy B. very C. every

( ) 4. A. see B. three C. meet

( ) 5. A. six B. box C. bus

B) 反应:根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。

( ) 6. A. I don’t know. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, she is.

( ) 7. A. Lucy does. B. Lily is. C. We have.

( ) 8. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.

( ) 9. A. No, it’s new. B. No, it’s old. C. Yes, it’s different.

( )10. A. I’m in Grade One. B. I’m in the same class.

C. I’m in Class One.

C) 理解:根据听到的对话及针对该对话所提问题,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。

( ) 11. A. He is at school. B. He is not in. C. He is in his room.

( ) 12. A. Eight. B. Nine. C. Ten.

( ) 13. Lucy’s. B. Kate’s. C. My teacher’s.

( ) 14. An apple. B. An orange. C. I don’t know.

( ) 15. A. Kate. B. Lucy. C. Han Mei.

D) 听写:根据录音,补全对话。

A: Hello! 5527788.

B: Hello? Jim?

A: No, 16 is Mike.

B: Hi, Mike. This is Tom. 17 are you?

A: Fine, thanks. 18 you?

B: I’m fine, too. Is Jim 19 ?

A: Sorry. He is 20 at home.

B: OK. Thank you. Bye!

A: Bye!



21. baby(复数)_______________ 22. she(宾格)________________

23. he(名词性物主代词)_______ 24. China(形容词)____________

25. old(反义词)______________ 26. their(主格)________________

27. picture(近义词)___________ 28. right(同音词)_____________

29. is not(缩写)_____________ 30. Tom(所有格形式)_________



( ) 31. ---- Is Han Meimei an _____ girl?.

---- No, she isn’t.

A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French

( ) 32. This is an old picture _____ my family.

A. with B. of C. to D. four

( ) 33. I’m in ______________.

A. grade 1, class 2 B. Class 2, Grade 1

C. Grade 1, Class 2 D. one grade, two class

( ) 34. This is a cat. ____________ name is Mimi.

A. Its B. His C. Her D. My

( ) 35. ---- ______ your mother?

---- She is a teacher.

A. Where’s B. What’s C. How’s D. Who’s

( ) 36. They are new students. Please _____ them.

A. look B. look like C. look after D. look out

( ) 37. The students of Class Four _____ not on the first floor.

A. have B. is C .am D .are

( ) 38. Mike sits between ______.

A. Tom and me B. me and Tom C. Tom and I D. I and Tom

( ) 39. These are pears. Please colour ____ yellow.

A. it B. they C. them D. its

( ) 40. ---- What time is it?

---- ________.

A. It’s five o’clock B. It’s five hours

C. It’s five a clock D. It’s five of clock.

( ) 41. We go to school ____ Monday _____ Friday.

A. from, to B. to, from C. at, to D. on, and to

( ) 42. Is his answer right ___ wrong?

A. or B .and C. not D. nor

( ) 43. ---- Are there ________ books on the desk?

---- No, there aren’t ______.

A. some, some B. any, any C. some, any D. any, some

( ) 44. Look! Here ______.

A. is the twinsB. are the twins

C. the twins is D. the twins are

( ) 45. Let’s _____ basketball.

A. play B. to play C. play with D. play the

Ⅳ. 维尼的“超级任务”。(15分)


We are in the park now. 1 is a big and beautiful park. 2 many people in it. We all like this park. The park has a 3 , too. We can boat on it. But we 4 swim in it. It is dangerous (危险的).

Look at that family. They are under the tree. The boy is 5 the left of his father. The family bring their 6 to the park. It is a white cat. The boy has a 7 in his hand. He wants (想要) to fly it.

But I think they 8 look for a right place. It’s not a good place here. There are too many trees.

The mother has a beautiful handbag. It’s 9 . I like the colour. It’s the colour of the sky (天空).

There is a 10 in the tree. It says “Don’t climb the tree!” But the cat is in the tree now.

1. A. He B. It C. They

2. A. There areB. There is C. There have

3. A. tree B. lake C. playground

4. A. can B. can’t C. must

5. A. on B. in C. under

6. A. son B. petC. teacher

7. A. ball B. kite C. shirt

8. A. are B. do C. must

9. A. blue B. black C. yellow

10. A. book B. newspaper C. sign

Ⅴ.对话配对(共10 小题,计10分)

在B栏中找出A 栏相对应的答语。


( ) 46. Good morning. A. I am.

( ) 47. Who is on duty today? B. That’s all right.

( ) 48. Are we all here today? C. Thank you.

( ) 49. Nice to see you. D. Good morning, sir!

( ) 50. How old are you, Miss Green? E. Yes, we are.

郑州大学期末考试英语选择试题 篇7

1.A. They are studying.B. They are my friends.C. They are busy.

2.A. No, it isn’t.B. It’s a hat.C. Yes, there is.

3.A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. Sorry, I don’t know.

4.A. Excuse me.B. You are welcome.C. Sorry, Ms Clark.

5.A. They are cute.B. Pandas.C. How about you?


6.A. The United Kingdom.B. France.C. America.

7.A. Across from the supermarket.B. Behind the supermarket.C. Next to the supermarket.

8.A. He is an actor.B. He is a teacher.C. He is a waiter.

9.A. He’s doing some reading.B. He’s cleaning the house.C. He’s doing his homework.

10.A. China.B. Japan.C. Australia.


11. I am .

A. a bank clerkB. an English teacherC. a reporter

12. My vacation was days .

A. fiveB. sixC. eight

13. I stayed with during the vacation.

A. my familyB. my friendsC. interesting people

14. It was on October twenty-fifth.

A. cloudyB. rainyC. windy

15. We stayed at home and watched a on TV on Oct. 25th.

A. talk showB. sitcomC. soap opera

第二部分 笔试(55分)


16. My grandmother often tells me my uncle.

A. forB. aboutC. inD. at

17. I have a small house an interesting garden.

A. atB. inC. ofD. with

18.―Mum, I’m hungry. ―OK. I’ll cook for you.

A. something deliciousB. delicious something

C. nothing deliciousD. anything delicious

19.― ―He’s a reporter.

A. Who is he?B. What does he do?C. What is he?D. Both B and C

20. The man had for breakfast.

A. two bowl of porridgeB. two bowls of porridge

C. two bowls of porridgesD. two bowl of porridges

21.―Can he speak English? ―Yes , but only .

A. a littleB. a fewC. fewD. little

22.―Where do you work?

―In a , People give their money to me or get their money from me.

A. bankB. supermarketC. hospitalD. post office

23.―Mum, I am very tired.

―Oh, I think you can listen to music to yourself.

A. sleepB. cleanC. relaxD. play

24. It’s time for class. Stop , Please.

A. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talks

25. Mary has hair.

A. short curly blondB. curly short blondC. blond short curlyD. short blond curly

26.―What animals do you like? ―I like dogs, too.

A. otherB. anyC. someD. many

27.―Would you like with us? ―Sure. I like very much.

A. swimming; swim B. to swim; swim

C. swimming; swimming D. to swim; swimming

28.―Does Victor sit you in the classroom. Nancy? ―Yes, I sit behind him.

A. next toB. across fromC. on the right ofD. in front of

29.―Let’s go out to play basketball! ― . The TV show is boring.

A. I’m sorryB. No, thanksC. That sounds goodD. You’re welcome

30.―How’s it going? ― . I’m the last in the English test.

A. Pretty goodB. Very goodC. TerribleD. I’m going to Shanghai


Today is Saturday. Lisa doesn’t go to school. She goes to Center Zoo 31 her sister Sally. The zoo is not near their house. 32 they go there by bus. At about eight thirty they get to the zoo. In the zoo, they see lots of interesting 33 . At eleven thirty, they feel kind of 34 . They have lunch in a small restaurant near the zoo. After 35 , they go to the supermarket. Sally wants to 36 some bananas for her grandfather. Near the supermarket they 37 a little girl crying(哭泣). She tells them she can’t 38 her mother. Lisa is very 39 . She talks with the girl and knows her mother’s 40 number. Then Lisa calls her mother. Two minutes later, her mother arrives. This girl is very happy to see her mother. Of course, Lisa and Sally are very happy, too.

31. A. andB. butC. withD. or

32. A. BecauseB. AtC. ForD. So

33. A. foodB. vegetablesC. fruitD. animals

34. A. boringB. hungryC. interestingD. friendly

35. A. lunchB. breakfastC. classD. school

36. A. sellB. buyC. lookD. enjoy

37. A. listenB. seeC. look forD. call

38. A. missB. letC. findD. play

39. A. cleverB. uglyC. difficultD. beautiful

40. A. ID cardB. busC. taxiD. telephone



Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records(《吉尼斯世界记录大全》),and some people want to be in it! How do people get their names in the book? They do something new and different, such as(比如)making the world’s(最大的)cake with more than(多于)54,000 eggs.

For many people, it is fun to make world records. It’s exciting . But who eats the cake? While(当……时候)some people are making world records, others don’t have enough food to eat. Hunger is a very serious(严重的)problem in many places. How many old people do not have enough(足够的)money to buy good food? How many children go to bed without(没有)dinner? The answer is“too many”.

41. How do people get their names in the Guinness Book of World Records?

A. They do something new and different.B. They do something new and interesting.

C. They only have a large cake.D. They only make a large cake.

42. How many eggs are there in the world’s largest cake?

A. 54,000.B. More than 54,000.C. Less than 54,000.D. We don’t know.

43. What’s the Chinese meaning of the word“problem”?


44. Are there any children go to bed without dinner in the world?

A. Yes, there aren’t.B. Yes.C. No.D. Yes, there’re 54,000.

45. What should we do when some poor people don’t have any food?

A. We do nothing.B. We can make world records.

C. We are poor(穷的), too.D. We can give them some food.


Hey , I’m Mary. I like animals. I have a parrot(鹦鹉). Her feather(羽毛)is green. So I call her Ms Green. Ms Green is only two years old. She’s not big. She’s very clever. She can say“hello”and“goodbye”to people in Chinese and English.

Ms Green likes dancing. She dances every morning. Ms Green likes to eat fruit. Her favorite fruit is bananas. Ha, she only likes healthy food.

Ms Green also likes walking. After dinner I take a walk near my house with her. Ms Green is good with kids. She always says“hello”to them. When I go to school, she plays with my little sister Susan. Susan likes singing. And now Ms Green can sing.

46. From this passage we know Ms Green is Mary’s .

A. sisterB. cousinC. parrotD. toy

47. Ms Green likes best.

A. vegetablesB. bananasC. applesD. oranges

48. After dinner Ms Green often takes a walk .

A. in the parkB. in the zooC. near Mary’s schoolD. near Mary’s house

49. Susan .

A. doesn’t go to schoolB. doesn’t like Ms GreenC. is only two years oldD. likes fruit and vegetables

50. Ms Green every morning.

A. watches TVB. eats bananasC. dancesD. sings


An old woman opens her windows and looks out. What a sunny day! But she is surprised that there is a man in the front of the garden. The old woman looks at him and says,“He is eating grass. Why?”She goes out into her garden and says to him,“Are you very hungry? Why don’t you go to work and get some food?”The man looks at her and says,“I don’t like working. I just like eating. Now I’m hungry. I have nothing for my breakfast. You see, I’m eating grass. Can you give me some food?”

The old woman says,“Come to the back door of my house.”The man is very happy. He thinks he can get food from the old woman. So he goes with her. The old woman opens the back door and says to the man.“Look, the grass here is longer(更长的)than that in the garden. Just enjou it here!”

51. What’s the man doing in the garden? He is there.

A. working hardB. opening the windowsC. eating some foodD. eating the grass

52. What does the man have for breakfast?

A. Some food.B. Nothing.C. Vegetables.D. Fruits.

53. How does the man feel(感觉)when the old woman asks him to the back door?

A. Sad.B. Sorry.C. Interesting.D. Happy.

54. What does the woman ask him to do?

A. She asks him to work for her.B. She asks him to the back door and eat food.

C. She asks him to the back door and eat the grass thereD. She gives him some food at the back door.

55. What do you think of the man? He is .

A. happyB. sadC. lazyD. sorry


Many years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats.①The children came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the old woman’s house.②There were too many cats. The old woman couldn’t feed them all. Then she had an idea.“The children love my cats,”she thought(想).③So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they each had a room.


She have children because she children.




The old woman was happy, because she his cats the children.

60. Did the old woman love cats?(回答回答问题)


61. The old woman is too weak to look after (she).

62. Next Friday is our grandfather’s (seventy)birthday. Let’s have a party.

63. How (care)the girl is doing her homework and she often gets good results.

64. After a few (month)rest he got better.

65. He is an (help)boy because he always thinks of himself.


In North America, most students go to school o 66 the school buses. Some students also walk or r bikes to school. In other parts of the w 68 ,things are d 69 .In Japan, most students t 70 trains to school, although o 71 also walk or ride bikes. In China, it depends w 72 you are. In big c 73 , students usually ride bikes or take buses to school. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu, Hubei a 74 Kaishandao, students usually go to school by b 75 . That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.



A: Hi, Peter, 76

B: Well , I am watching TV.

A: Do you like watching TV?

B: Yes , very much. I often watch TV at home.

A: 77

B: No, they don’t. They say I can watch TV if I finish my homework.

A: How lucky you are! 78

B: No , the soap opera is boring . I often watch the talk show.

A: 79

B: The sitcom? I also like it very much. And I like the news show.

A: I also like it. 80

B: Yes , you are right.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.



参考词汇:clean my room打扫房间,do my homework做家庭作业,visit my friend看望朋友,get up起床,read a book看书,go to the movies看电影

第一部分 听力

一、【答案】1~5 A C C C B


1.What are they doing?2.Is there a hat under the bed?

3.Did your father go to Australia on vacation?4.Don’t run in the hallways.

5.What animals do you like?

二、【答案】6~10 C A C C A


6.W:Do you know the with glasses?

M:Yes.He is Tom and he is from America.

Q:Where is Tom from?

7.W:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?

M:Yes.It’s across from the supermarket.

Q:Where’s the post office?

8. W:Where does your uncle work,Alan?

M:He works in a restaurant.He is a waiter.

Q:What does Alan uncle’s do?

9. W:Let’s play baseball,peter?

M:Sorry,but I’m doing my homework.

Q:What is Peter doing?

10. W:How was your vacation,Nick?

M:Great.China is an interesting country.

Q:What did Nick go on vacation?

三、【答案】11~15 C C A B C


I’m a reporter. l am very busy every day. I have to meet interesting people and ask them questions.Sometimes I have to go to other cities and visit people.This year I had a short vacation.It was from October 20th to October 27th.I was very happy and I stayed with my family. We had a good time. We went to the beach and to the movies. It was rainy on October 25th,so we stayed at home and watched a soap opera on TV.

第二部分 笔试

四、16~20 B D A D B 21~25 A A C C A26~30 A D D C C

五、31~35 C D D B A 36~40 B B C A D

六、41~45 A B C B D 46~50 C B D A C 51~55 D B D C C

七、56.didn’t;disliked 57.孩子们到她家来跟猫玩。

58.有太多的猫。 59.gave;to 60.Yes,she did.

八、61.Herself 62.Seventieth 63.carefully 64、months’ 65.unhelpful

九、66.on 67.ride 68.world 69.different 70.take

71.others 72.where 73.cities 74.and 75.boat

十、76.what are you doing? 77.Do your parents mind it?

78.Do you watch the soap opera?79.What do you think of the sitcom?

80.I can learn many things from it.

