The bright moon lifts from the mountain of heaven in an infinite haze of cloud and sea,
Changfeng tens of thousands of years, blow of Yumen Pass.
China marches its men down Baideng road while tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay.
And since not one battle famous in history sent all its fighters back again,
The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border, and think of home, with wistful eyes,
And of those tonight in the upper chambers who toss and sigh and cannot rest.
2 Li Bai: drinking alone with the moon
From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me.
Till, raising my cup , I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three.
Alas, the moon was unable to drink and my shadow tagged me vacantly;
But still for a while I had these friends to cheer me through the end of spring.
I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after.
As long as I knew , we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.
Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the river of stars.
3 Li Bai: ancient people.
Hour do not know, call for white plate.
I doubt Yaotai mirror, fly in the high official position end.
The vertical bipedal, Katsura Juku completely.
Rabbit rammed into, asked who with the meal?
Toad loss round shadow, Daming night was disabled.
Yi of fall nine black, and clear and ann.
Yin essence this become confused, to lack of.
1 Image
It is a figure of speech referring to using some concrete form or pictures to present people's appreciation and experience in intellect and emotion.In the novel the writer uses the kind of form as follows:
Tears and fog
When Tess was seduced in the night,the writer says like this:"D'Urbervilles stopped and heard a gentle regular breathing He knelt and bent lower till her breath warmed his face,and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers.She was sleeping soundly and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears."(Thomas Hardy,page 119)Readers can easily have a picture in mind,and in fact realize Tess will be seduced.Her sound sleep and tears upon her eyelashes foreshadow that Tess will often have tears in her eyes in the following days.At the end of this chapter,the writer shows the intension of this image,that is,"As Tess's own people down in those retreats are never tired of saying among each other in their fatalistic way,it was to be there lay the pity o it.An immeasurable social chasm was to divide our heroine's personality thereafter from that previous self of hers who stepped from her mother's door to try her fortune at Trantridge poultryfarm(Thomas Hardy,page 119)."
There are at least three descriptions about tears later in the novel,which make readers consciously or unconsciously think the general aspect of tears when Tess tears in the first time.At the night of their marriage when Tess confesses her incident to Angel,Angel feels very bitter.His facial expression is described as:"She hardly observed that a tear descended slowly upon his cheek,a tear so large that it magnified the pores of the skin ove which it rolled,like the object lens of a microscope(Thomas Hardy,page 300)."The occasional factors appear many times,which forms an inevitable thing and likes a thin thread running through the whole book making people associate it with disaster and troubles.
The description of tears appears again in the farm where Tess falls in love with Angel when they have a walk in the morning,such as:"Minute diamonds of moisture from the mist hung,too,upon Tess's eyelashes,and drops upon her hair,like second pearls."(Thomas Hardy,page 188)Later when Tess and Angel tell their love to each other,the environment around them makes the readers think the tears again,that is:Upon this river-brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them—which was very early in the evening at this time of the year—setting on the lashes of her eyes,where it rested like crystals,and on his brows and hair.(Thomas Hardy,page 259)The writer uses image–fog in fact tells readers the bad luck following Tess from beginning to the end even if the writer doesn't tell us directly.It is the mystery of the techniques of writing.
Tears always have ties with bad things,which is usually the results of bitter things.The writer uses tears properly,in fact foretelling us Tess's bad life in her whole life.The writer also uses the fog ingeniously.On a foggy day,it is hard to see everything clearly,so the fog gives the impression of obsceneness.While the tears are concrete,the writer mainly use the image–tears and fog indirectly to show the bad luck of Tess making readers feel both obscure and clear,and the mystery is presented naturally.
2 Omens of Bad Luck
It refers to people's presage by intuition.Because something or some phenomenon is clear,the writer just according to idealism to deduce the fate in the future.It manifests the writer's superstition and unknown world outlook.Why the writer has a faith of superstition and unknown world outlook?In fact the writer's superstition and unknown world outlook are influenced by the histories of his family.Hardy's father died of the disease of rheumatism in his old days.At that time he usually went to the cottage to visit him.It was in the cottage that some grievous things always happened.When Mary,Hardy's grandmother was born,her father died there.When Mary was only six years old her mother also died there.So little Mary was sent to the home o Henry,her maternal uncle,and was brought up.Unfortunately,in1783 when Mary was only eleven yeas old,Henry's wife and his two sons died in the same year.The hit to Hardy made him believe superstition.He thought his family was cursed and had a bad fate from that time.So in his novel the superstition can be found in many places,that is,the writer makes purposely Tess's ancestor make mistakes and Tess's fate was so bad.The write uses the form:
Death of the horse and the blood splashed by the horse
In chapter four as young Abraham begins to wake up,he looks about him and sees"stage shapes assumed by the various dark object against the sky;of this tree that looked like a raging tiger springing from a lair;of that which resembled a giant's head."These threatening images are(as often in this novel omens of the disaster that is soon to follow:in this case,the death of the horse.The entire incident is an omen of what wil result from attempting to"claim kin."There are several similarities between the death of the horse and later events:Tess tries to help the dying animal and is splashed with blood as a result,jus as at the end of the novel she will be splashed with Alec's blood both Alec and the horse die from wounds in the breast.By"killing"the a horse Tess destroys the family's livelihood;by killing Alec she does the same thing again but she also loses he life.Hardy remarks that the hole in the horse's chest looked barely large enough to let his life pour out,and this is an ironic foreshadowing of the insignificance of Tess's tragedy in comparison with the huge scale on which nature works.When writing this part,the writer by describing the death of the horse and the blood splashed by the horse indirectly tells us the bad luck o Tess in her whole life.
3 Fairy tale(Bible)
Bible has a great impact on European and American literature.As a child,Hardy usually went to church with his family He is a sincere believer of Christianity.In his novel,he quotes a lot of stories from Bible.By using the stories successfully,he makes his novel much more charming and mysterious.Some examples are illustrated as follows:
3.1 Waiters on Providence
In chapter five when the writer describes Tess's mother,he writes as follows:Her mother's intelligence was that of a happy child:Joan Durbeyfield was simply an additional one,and tha not the eldest,to her own l Dollop and the widow long family o waiters on Providence(Thomas Hardy,page 76).Here"waiters on Providence"comes from Bible"wait on the Lord and wait on the God."which means God decides everything.In other words one can't change the bad luck.Reading here,readers can get some information that the writer thinks in the world there is God and He decides everything.God itself has something mysterious.No one has seen him,so the mystery arises again.
3.2 The second waking of Eve
In chapter twenty-seven,when Tess and Angel are in love the writer describes like this:"At first she would not look straigh up at home,but her eyes soon lifted,and his plumbed the deepness of the ever-varying pupils,with their radiating fibrils of blue and black,and gray,and violet,while she regarded him as Eve a her second waking might have regarded Adam(Chapter 27 page232).Here the so called"her second waking"that is when Eve ea the fruit of wisdom,her eyes become lighter and feel shy when she see Edam again.This part describes the sweet love of Tess At the same time,the writer tells the Tess's unhappiness when she is seduced.By using similarities,Eve eats the fruit of wisdom,which is forbidden to be eaten by human beings,and God should punish her.Tess is seduced so she also should be punished,so she experiences many bad things and she lives a miserable life in her whole life.
4 Environmental Descriptions
It refers to some description about the places especially the place where some bad things happen.The writer usually first describes the environment around them.The terrible environment foreshadows the bad things.
4.1 The dairy shed
In chapter twenty the peculiar kind of"luminous gloom"in which Tess and Angel walk to the dairy shed each morning makes Angel's mind turn to the hour of the Resurrection;Hardy comments that"he little thought that the Magdalene might be at his side."At these moments,Tess looks"ghostly,as if she were a soul at large."She was no longer the milkmaid,but a visionary essence of woman—a whole sex condensed into one typical form(Thomas Hardy,chapter twenty)."In sentences and references like these,the plot as such is not really advanced,but in them by describing the environment around them a sense of Tess's stature of her moral and spiritual magnitude is revealed.
4.2 Place of Angel's sleepwalking
On the night of marriage,under the influence of any strongly-disturbing force,Angel has a bad dream and the fact that he often has troubled sleep during which he seems to act out whatever is disturbing him is a force of the sleepwalking.Look the description in the novel:"Here they were within a plantation which formed the Abbey grounds,and taking a new hold of her he went onward a few steps till they reached the ruined choir of the Abbey-church.Against the north wall was the empty stone coffin of an abbot,in which every tourist with a turn for grim humor was accustomed to stretch himself.In this Clare carefully laid Tess.Having killed her lips a second time he breathed deeply,as if a greatly desired end were attained(Chapter37 page 320)."The description of the environment around them makes the atmosphere more terrible and makes readers present on the spot.So the mysterious and terrible atmosphere is showed naturally.
Above all,in the whole novel the writer uses the mystical descriptive techniques successfully which makes readers go back to the 19th century of England,or even much more ancient times.Although the writer doesn't tell directly what bad things will happen,readers can feel something strange haunting around them and can easily find the answer from the later description in the novel.It is the effect of the mystical descriptive techniques that the writer uses.The successful uses of the four mystical descriptive techniques in the novel offers a much more better understanding of the society of England in Victorian Period.Because the writer can't analyze the society of England at that time rightly,the techniques of the writing that the writer uses also present the writer's world outlook.He thinks the"inner will"dominates the whole world,which is the limitation of the writer at that time.Although the writer exposes the weak points during the industrial civilization,he still doesn't extricate himself from the society he lives.All in all,the successful uses of the mystical descriptive techniques in the novel provide a good and useful technique of writing.
[5]Ackerman R.托马斯·哈代的德伯家的苔丝[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996(361).
[6]Hardy T.Tess of the d'Urbervilles[M].Foreign Language Press,1981.
[7]Laird J T.The Shaping of Tess of the d'Urbervilles[J].Oxford:Clarendon Press,1975(299).
[8]Carson M.The Body and Text:A Reading of Hardy's Novel[J].Oxford:Clarendon Press,1991(306).
[9]Entice A.Thomas Hardy:Landscape of the Mind[M].New York:St Martin's Press,1979(278).
say that themoon is at its brightest and roundest on this day. Based on the Gregoriancalendar, this years August Moon Festival will be held on September 27.
Reconstruction work underway in many provinces hit hard by the nation#39;s worst winter in 50 years is generating additional business in a range of industries, with stock and metals prices rising along with increased demand.
At the top of the list are power equipment makers. Rebuilding the damaged power grid in snow-ravaged regions is increasing needs for equipment used for power transmission.
Shao Yukai, an industry analyst at Industrial Securities in Shanghai, says “a sharp increase in demand for power equipment will generate more than expected profits for listed companies.”
Domestic building suppliers are also increasing output of cement and steel to provide needed materials.
Stocks for listed companies show that demand and production is high. Anhui Conch Cement Co rose an aggregate 8.7 percent to 67.43 yuan ($9.48) per share, while Hunan Huayin Electric Power Co climbed a total of 7.6 percent over a month ago to 8.2 yuan.
Analysts say the unusually heavy snowstorms revealed that the country#39;s infrastructure is unable to withstand extremely severe weather conditions, a realization that has prompted the central and local governments to improve designs and construction.
Luo Guo, an analyst on the building materials industry at Orient Securities in Shanghai, notes that “reconstruction of damaged infrastructure poses an urgent need for many building materials” but the demand is temporary.
“When reconstruction work winds up, the demand for building materials will show a gradual decline that may bring the production and profit of those companies to their usual levels,” Luo says.
“The reconstruction work will benefit relevant industries in the short term,” says Liu Jiangang, an analyst at Industrial Securities in Shanghai. “The growth opportunities brought to some industries is just a temporary factor to consider,”
The snow the whole village the roof is white, as if under a tree in the tree are covered with silver flowers, in real seems to the house wearing a lovely hat on the ground, such as the winter girl to spread a vast expanse of silver carpet. Give people a very pleasant feeling.
The best play is in the large snowflakes are dancing in the snow, like fairies descend. In the snow snowman, snowball fights. Have a great time.
刚回到家,我就一直望着窗外,今天似乎少做了什么事情,到底是什么呢?不想了,反正也想不出。我打开抄写本子,准备最后检查一遍,等等,嫦娥在哪里呢?月球啊,对了!今天是中秋节啊!我提起剩余的月饼给爸爸妈妈看, 他们也全都记起来了。