What are the origins of Christmas?
Christmas is the most popular holiday in America. Both the secular and the sacred celebrate it, but for different reasons. Some see it as the greatest business time of the year which is fueled by the buying and exchanging of gifts. Others consider it the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Then again, there are those who don’t care except that they get time off from work and have to buy people gifts. Either way, it is a very important holiday both commercially and spiritually.
The word “Christmas” comes from two old words: Christes maesse. It means, “the Mass of Christ.” This comes from the Catholic Mass, the practice where the priest re-offers the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross during the time of Communion.
湖南省众多闻名中外的旅游景点对湖南的经济发展发挥了强大的拉动作用, 湖南省政府提出5年内实现旅游强省的目标, 到2015年, 全省接待国内外游客要达到4亿人次以上。在这样的发展势头下, 每年外国游客的比例都在增长。然而, 在历史文化厚重的人文景点的解说中, 由于涉外讲解员个人语言能力、文化素质和应变能力的欠缺, 导致讲解出现很多的问题, 影响到景点的译介, 阻碍涉外旅游业的发展。这些问题主要包括两个方面: (1) 因文化历史背景不同于心理契合度不一而导致文化沟通不畅, (2) 因伦理道德观念和历史沿袭不同而带来的宗教信仰问题。造成这些结果的原因既有主观因素, 也有客观因素。主观上, 由于解说人员的语言能力和文化素养不能满足需要, 不能确保英语讲解意思的准确性、覆盖的全面性和文化历史契合的适度性, 从而影响了理解和沟通。客观因素是, 人文景点承载着深厚的中国文化, 中国文化文明史上有许多精华内容还未被充分译介, 外国人对于中华文明了解还很少。
以马王堆汉墓为例, 从中出土的3000多件文物所蕴含的文化内涵可谓是博大精深。古墓的时代背景可以追溯到西汉早期, 距今大约2100年, 当时中国的政治、经济、文化等对于外国人来说就是一团谜。外国朋友对历史背景的空白直接导致对出土文物的难以理解。如果在解说中能采用正确的指导思想, 并采取恰当的策略, 就能够处理好这些问题, 加深游客对文物及其所承载的文化内涵的理解。
1 确立以旅游者为取向、以旅游者文化为取向的翻译解说指导思想
浙江大学陈刚教授在《涉外翻译与涉外导游》一书中指出, 旅游翻译应该以旅游者为取向, 以旅游者文化为取向, 这一旅游翻译标准应成为旅游翻译标准的首选或主要标准。这就要求译者在翻译中更多地考虑如何使译文传递的信息便于读者理解和接受, 如何最有效地实现译文预期的功能和目的, 原文的形式和内容往往要服从于译文的需要, 服从于问题的功能 (贾文波, 2004:38) 。
根据对湖南涉外旅游市场的调查, 接待外国游客的英文解说词基本上是从汉语解说词的基础上逐字翻译过来或是直译过来, 没有对其作出太大的改动。马王堆汉墓的汉语解说词是以中国人为取向, 是在假定中国游客熟知马王堆的历史文化背景的基础上展开的, 照搬过来译成英语, 这种机械的译法显然不适合针对外国人的解说, 势必带来语言、文化、宗教等方面的不解、误解甚至对立, 应该马上做出改变。这就要求讲解员在翻译讲解实践中, 认真研究景点英语解说的语言特点, 结合文化元素和文体特点, 将翻译技巧和跨文化意识融合在一起。达到翻译讲解的“信、达、美”的境界, 在推介景点的同时, 将景点所承载的悠久文化发扬光大。
2 具体的措施
2.1 采用删减或概述的翻译方法, 去掉历史文化因素的困扰
考虑到外国人对中国地理和历史知识的欠缺, 有些与主题关系不大的且容易引起思维混乱的内容, 我们可以考虑用删减或概述的翻译方法。
(1) 解说首先从介绍马王堆的地理位置开始, “马王堆位于长沙市东郊地区原马王堆乡, 距市中心约四千米。”原译文是“The Han Tombs of Mawangdui are located at the former Mawangdui Township in the eastern part of Changsha City, about four kilometers away from the downtown.”外国游客对长沙的地理位置没有概念, 对马王堆乡不感兴趣。在译文中没有必要介绍得这么详细。在翻译时做适当的删减, 只要笼统地介绍其位于长沙市的东郊, 距市中心约四千米就可以了, 处理之后译为“The Han Tombs of Mawangdui are located at the eastern suburban district of Changsha City, about four kilometers away from the downtown.”
(2) 解说“马王堆”名字的由来时, 原文:“相传这里是五代时楚王马殷的墓地, 故名马王堆。”“Legend goes that here was the burial ground of Ma Ying, King of Chu State of Five Dynasties Period, hence the name‘Mawangdui’”外国游客对五代十国的历史一点都不了解, 可以采取概述的翻译办法加上注释法来解决上面的问题。“The name also came from a legend that here was the burial ground of Ma Ying, an ancient King, hence the name‘Mawangdui’.Wang means king”
(3) 接下来介绍道“但是根据北宋《太平寰宇记———长沙县志》记载, 这里是西汉初年长沙王刘发葬其母程、唐二姬的墓地, 号曰‘双女冢’”。“But as recorded in《Records in Peaceful World———Changsha County》of the Northern Song Dynasty, this place was called‘Two Ladies’Tomb, where King Liu Fa of Changsha State of the early Western Han Dynasty buried his mother Chen and Tang.”这个传说本是为了激起游客的好奇心和兴趣, 对于中国的游客会达到预期的目的。但是, 将它直译过来后, 对于不了解历史背景的外国游客来说, 会引起信息的混乱, 增加不解, 是画蛇添足之举, 解说译文中可以将其去掉。
(4) 接下来介绍马王堆被发现的原因“1971年底, 湖南省军366医院决定兴建地下医院和仓库。在施工中偶尔发现了这座墓。”原文翻译为“At the end of 1971, 366 Hospital of Hunan Province Military Command decided to build here its underground warehouse and wards.The tomb was found during the construction.”游客对我国的军队建制不了解, 也不感兴趣。因此, 在译文中, “湖南省军区366医院”不要详细地出现, 可以将其模糊化。“At the end of 1971, A Military Hospital of Hunan Province decided to build here its underground warehouse and wards.The tomb was found during the construction.”
2.2 采用增译或注释法, 弥补游客的历史文化空白
马王堆出土了三千多件文物, 承载着深厚的历史和文化信息, 在导游翻译中, 如果解说只是流于表面, 不讲解透彻, 就会让游客陷入谬误之中 (丁大纲2008:22) 。对于一些文化意味厚重的词语, 可以采用增译法或注释法。
(1) 解说“马王堆”名字的由来时, 原文是“这里地势平坦, 地面有土冢两个, 他们大小相仿, 平地兀起, 中间相连, 形状颇似马鞍。”原译文为:“On the even ground, there are two earth tombs connected in the middle, protruding abruptly, with a shape similar to a saddle.hence the name was‘Mawangdui’”此段文字从汉墓的形状似马鞍来解说马王堆名称的由来。译文中, 没有说明“马”在英语中的意思是“horse”, 游客不清楚汉墓形状与名字的密切关系。可以主要采取增译法加上注释法来解决上面的问题。现译文:“On the even ground, there are two tombs connected in the middle, each one protruding abruptly, with a shape similar to a saddle, Ma means horse, Dui means tomb, so it’s called Mawangdui.”
(2) 三号墓出土了一支纪年木牍, 文字非常晦涩难懂, 将其译成现代汉语是这样的:“十二年二月乙巳朔戊辰, 管家奋将随葬品及其一份清单呈送主葬郎中。主葬郎中收到清单后, 先后对照实物一一唱读和验收, 最后将结果启奏主葬君。”原文翻译为“On the morning of the first day of Feb.of the twelfth year, the steward Feng, submitted the funeral objects and a list to the functional officer, who upon receiving the list, examined the objects one by one, and reported the result to the presiding officer.”经查证, 十二年二月对应的时间是公元前168年2月, 乙巳朔是24日, 戊辰是指上午9点左右。在译文的后面就要增译说明:“The time is the funeral time of the master, and it’s equal to 9o’clock in the morning of Feb.24th of 168BC”
(3) 介绍一号墓主人辛追用了这样一段话“利苍的夫人葬于一号墓, 根据墓中出土的一枚‘妾辛追’的印章可以得知她的姓名叫辛追。”原译文“Li Cang’s wife was buried in Tomb No.1.From the seal’Marquise Xin Zhui’unearthed we know her name was Xin Zhui.”“妾”是辛追对自己的谦称, 并不是指的小老婆。Marquise是侯爵夫人的意思, 用在这里太直接, 不符合主人委婉自称的原意。可以直译后再加注释来说明。“Li Cang’s wife was buried in Tomb No.1.From the seal’Concubine Xin Zhui’unearthed we know her name was Xin Zhui.Concubine was a modest call of herself.It meant wife here.”
(4) 在介绍出土文物时, 导游说道“请各位游客特别注意看黄杨篦子”原译为:“I’d like you tourists to take special notice of the boxwood Bi”后面应该要加上一个注解:“Bi is fine-toothed comb” (篦是一种齿很细的梳子) 。
(5) 文物中有很多木俑, 有冠人男俑, 女侍俑, 彩绘木俑, 奏乐俑和舞俑。这些木俑是墓主人生前的奴婢写照。俑是我国古代独特的陪葬品, 墓主人死后带上他们, 是为了和生前一样地享受荣华富贵。西方人不理解这些俑的作用, 因为他们死后, 一般只有圣经, 钥匙等一些简单的陪葬品。因此在介绍各种木俑的角色, 地位, 工作之前, 用注释的方法做一个总体的介绍“Figurines were unique funerary objects in ancient China and most of them were copies of the masters’slaves and servants.The master brought them to enjoy the same great wealth as lifetime even after death.”再接下来介绍各种俑的角色、地位、和工作。这样旅游者就容易接受和理解了。
(6) 在出土的云纹漆案、云纹漆鼎、粉彩漆方奁、彩绘双层九子漆奁、锥画纹漆奁等众多文物中, 都绘有云纹图案。导游词对器具的形状、结构、功能以及出土时的情况都做了详细的解说, 但听完解说之后, 外国朋友会有一个疑问:为什么这么多的器具上都有云的图案?他们有什么深刻的寓意吗?在翻译过程中, 讲解员只是介绍了器具的表面知识, 器具图案所隐含的文化内涵却被译者忽视了, 但这恰恰是旅游者感兴趣的地方, 所以讲解员要做出回答。经笔者查找资料, 对“云”的象征意义介绍如下:“云纹”是富含中国文化内涵的图案, 表达了中国古代人们对于云雷的崇拜, 寓意高升与如意。可以在介绍完这些器具之后, 再来补充说明“云”的象征意义:“The cloud pattern represented ancient Chinese people’s worship for clouds and thunder, and it meant progresses and good luck”
(7) 马王堆汉墓出土的棺椁只有红和黑两个颜色。这是因为我国古代的人认为黑色代表死亡和悲伤, 红色象征吉祥和喜庆。用这两种颜色染棺椁, 一方面表示墓主人悲伤地离世, 另一方面代表墓主人要去天国继续过荣华富贵的生活。中外的人们对黑色的理解是一样的, 但红色在西方象征危险、流血等等。在讲解了棺椁的结构、大小、内饰等要素之后, 用注释的方法再对颜色做说明“The coffins were stained with the two colors.It means the tomb owner passed away sadly and she would go to heaven to continue her splendor life.Because red means good luck and happiness in ancient China.”
2.3 采用国际通用的纪年方式来转换原纪年方式
在三号墓中, 发现一幅“长沙国驻军图”。在原解说词中介绍了它的历史背景“高后末年, 割据岭南的南越王赵佗发兵攻打长沙国南部, 随即汉王朝及长沙国派兵征伐, 这场战争一直延续到汉文帝初年。”原文译为“At the end of the reign of Empress Dowager Lu, King of Nanyue State, Zhao Tuo, who set up a separatist regime in south of the Five Ridges, sent troops to attack southern Changsha State.Immediately, Han Dynasty and Changsha State dispatched troops to suppress them.This war lasted to the early years of the reign of Han Emperor Wendi”这段译文有如下几个问题: (1) “高后”是吕氏专权之后自己改的年号, 历史上的知名度不高, 很多中国人都不清楚, 外国人更是弄不明白, 这里不宜直译出来。可将高后末年和汉文帝初年用公元纪年表示出来 (约公元前180年和约公元前170年) 。 (2) 译文对南越国的介绍有误, 说它是a separatist regime (割据政权) , 但历史上确认它是当时岭南地区的一个独立国家。 (3) “随即”指时间上的先后承接, 不是“立刻、马上”的意思, 应该译为“then”。修改的译文如下:“At about 180B.C, Zhao Tuo, King of Nanyue State (which was an independent country in the Western Han Dynasty in Lingnan region) , sent troops to attack southern Changsha State.Then, Han Dynasty and Changsha State dispatched troops to suppress them.This war lasted to about 170B.C”
2.4 以前进的眼光来对待“龙”的文化内涵, 用精妙的语言来推介龙文化
在出土文物中多次出现龙的形象, 如“龙纹漆几”、“双龙穿玉壁”图案等。有人担心对于龙的讲解会带来外国朋友的误解和抵触。因为在历史上, 西方龙是邪恶、丑陋的化身。这种担心其实是多余的, 近些年来, 两种认识不再碰撞。因为中国和西方本没有真实的龙, 都是人们的想象, 称为龙, 是东西方的人们在历史上造成的错误的巧合。实际上, 当今天的人们把龙和中国联系起来的时候, 多数西方人心目中龙的形象是人们熟悉的中国龙, 是吉祥、神奇的象征, 而不是西方恶龙。所以在讲解时, 不要有避讳和顾虑, 也不用加注释来特别说明或者解释, 而更应该把这当作难得的机会来向世界推介我们的龙文化。解说龙纹漆几时, 原文“在光泽亮丽的黑漆地上, 描绘着承云穿雾, 张牙舞爪的巨龙”。解说时要找到恰如其分的词汇和方法, 描绘出原文中龙的神韵。可以译为“On its bright and beautiful background of black lacquer was depicted a great dragon that was speeding across the sky, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.”解说“双龙穿玉壁”图案时, 原文“两条披鳞甲长凤羽巨目利牙的龙, 身体卷曲, 穿壁而过”。可以译为“These two dragons, with their big eyes open and sharp teeth baring, were curling their bodies to pass through the wall.”选择恰当的词语, 让译文形象生动, 将神龙的英姿描述得栩栩如生, 让龙的形象也深入到外国游客的心中。
2.5 选择正确视角, 找对切入点, 应对宗教问题
相对于文化差异, 宗教问题其实更难处理, 这考验讲解员的文化综合素质和灵活处理的能力。宗教信徒认为他们的信仰是独一无二的。遇到宗教冲突问题时, 要本着尊重他人的原则灵活处理, 不要引起反感、误解、对立甚至冲突。
一号墓出土的T形帛画上画的是当时人们认为的天上、人间和地狱的情景, 反映当时当地人们的信仰。画的最上部分, 分别有烛龙神、太阳神和月亮神, 反映出当时的人们是崇拜多种神的。这种多神信仰被英国著名传教士兼汉学家理雅各 (James Legge, 1815年—1897年) 评价为“低劣的迷信活动”, 是“驱邪逐鬼的法器”, “充满了大量的荒诞迷信”, 多神信仰也是西方人不能接受的。因此, 解说这幅画的语言尺度要掌握好, 只是解说画面的内容, 点到而止, 不再对内容展开深入评价。遇到敏感问题, 可以采用避讳的翻译方法。譬如:解说上天的三个神时, 只是把他们当作一般的神灵, 而不上升到人类崇拜敬仰的天神, 这样可以避开一些敏感的话题, 免去不快与排斥。解说从美学的角度出发, 最后以艺术的高度来评价。最后加上结束语“这幅帛画的内容极为丰富, 从人间到天上、地下, 从现实到幻想, 表现手法多样而协调, 色彩艳丽而不凌乱, 表现了我国古代绘画艺术的最高水平, 在古代绘画史上是难见的杰作, 它具有难以评估的艺术价值。”译文为“The content of the silk painting is extremely rich, From earth to heaven and hell and from reality to fantasy, Its expression techniques varied harmoniously, it’s Colorful but not messy.So, the T—shape silk painting is a rare outstanding masterpiece in the ancient painting history of China and has immeasurable artistic value.It is really a worthy artistic treasure of the Chinese people.”
选择恰当角度解说的方式, 还可以用于对帛书《五星占》的英语解说中。这本书的第一部分是对“金、木、水、火、土”五大行星的运行规律进行记录, 并运用天文星象来占吉凶。第二部分则是记录当时天文学方面取得的伟大成就。西方人认为“中国固有思想中最固执的倾向是相信阴阳五行及他们的相生相克”, 对此, 他们持强烈批判的态度。因此, 在讲解时, 第一部分的内容点到而止, 重点讲解第二部分内容。让外国朋友感受到远在秦汉年间中国就取得了了不起的天文成就。
3 结束语
景点的英语翻译解说实际上是一门综合学科, 要求译者有深厚的文化底蕴, 要综合运用外语、汉语、历史、地理、宗教、心理学、口才等各方面的知识和能力, 才能保证意义的准确性、覆盖的全面性、文化契合的适度性和宗教的可接受性。
[1]陈刚.涉外翻译与涉外导游[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2006.
[2]贾文波.应用翻译功能论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004, (7) .
[3]丁大纲.旅游英语的语言特点与翻译[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2008, (1) .
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菲利普·塔斯卡(Phillip Tyska)来自美国奥古斯塔那大学(Augustana College),华中师范大学外国语学院外籍教师。从小热爱中国文化的他,将自己比作一座贯通中西文化的“桥梁”,积极地为中国学生讲授英语学习方法并广泛普及英美文化知识。近日,《中学生英语》特约记者赵凡走近菲利普,和他一起谈论圣诞节的趣闻轶事,在品味中西文化的同时,菲利普向本刊读者朋友们传授英语学习的一些基本经验。
Phillip:当然有了,通常我们会有一个圣诞休息日(Winter Break),时间一般是两个星期,在这段时间,孩子们会随着父母上街购物,清扫房屋,为圣诞节的到来做好一切必要的准备工作。
It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches.One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.;afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world.Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question.No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question Who is Jesus? than the date of his birth.Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun.Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox(March 25th)and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice.In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus.possible impluse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the Unconquered Sun-God by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D.to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire.In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the Sun of righteousness(Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himselfthe light of the world.
I love Christmas.What’s Christmas?I’ll show you.When is Christmas
It’s on December twenty fifth.Christmas is a western holiday.On holiday,peple don’t work,children don’t go to school.Christmas is special.Why?Because we have Christmas trees,lights and Santa.Who is Santa?He is a merry man in red clothes.Children say he bring gifts on Christmas.We invite our family and friend to our house.They bring gifts for us,and wegive our family and friends gifts,too.
I love Christmas.I’m excited on Christmas.Do you like it?
On Christmas Day, I often play with my friends and go shopping with my parents. But, this year, I will do some other different things. In the morning, I want to listen to music and eat some good food with my sister. In the afternoon, I will go to my English school to have a good party with my classmates. Next, happy time is coming, the moon goes up. I will meet my friends in my house. We will play some happy games. We can dance, sing together and play with Father Christmas. We can also eat cakes, hamburgers and chicken. Health is important for us. So, we do some funny sports. We can jump, hop, turn around and so on…And this day is my best friend —— Ren Yun’s birthday. I will feel happy.
Oh, my Christmas Day life is very colorful, busy and happy. I love Christmas Day.
Wishing you a white Christmas.
May peace and happiness be with you always.
Have you been naught your nice thi syear?
Don t forget to hang up the sock!
A Christmas wish for my best friend!
A Christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend.
Why don t we enjoy our holidays together?
We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us!
Take your passion and make it come true.
I hope we can spend the holidays together.
I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas.
Mom and Dad:Thank you for everything this holiday season!
I ll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you.
A present from me is on the way.I hope you like it.
Thinking of you at Christmas time.
Seasons greetings from Tom,Leslie and Tom Jr.
A holiday w
ish from yours on Philip.
May you have the best Christmas ever.
A Christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughter.
Merry Christmas to the worlds best parents!
Seasons greetings to my favorite parents!
For you and your family,boss,during this holiday season!
There s no place like home for the holidays.
Best wishes for a wonderful NewYear.
Wishing you happiness now and throughout the year.
May happiness follow wherever you go!
A Christmas wish from your nephew.
From all of us in sales:Merry Christmas!
A Christmas kiss from your secretary.
Your entire staff wish you and yours a most happy Christmas.
To Grandpa and Grandma:Merry Christmas!
That day, I meet in schools and students, and the boy to a super fly snow, hee hee, look to bully my boy, do I fly snow, I think only KuangPen KuangPen, see they bully me, finally at half past seven, I finally want to use my weapon, think that the boy to so many people!
We took only a few, blame him, to spell, have never thought the boy so much, I defy spirit, picked up the blowing bottle, ran to the boy, unexpectedly, spray in my eye.
I feel, is that guy use , others also spray dead boy, but, we are still less than boys, make a few girls cry, we know that our dead, unexpectedly Zhang Wen we ran, pull the boy also ran to come over, organize a reunion...
Christmas Day is very popular around the world, which originates in western country, but now it is celebrated by the world. When this bigday comes, there will be a lot of products that sold in very low prices, and the Santa Clauss image will be seen all the street. Shops will play Christmas songs. I always spendthis festival with my friends, because my parents dont take this day seriously. We hang out the street and join the big crowd in the square, singing with people and then wait for the time to count down.
It is such a great moment for me. I can feel the lively atmosphere, like the New Year. On the way home, we share our wishes and talk about the happy incidents. Christmas activity brings meunforgettable memories.
Christmas, annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as well. Members of the Eastern Orthodox Church usually delay their most important seasonal ceremonies until January 6, when they celebrate Epiphany, a commemoration of the baptism of Jesus. Epiphany also traditionally commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men of the East in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem, Israel), where they adored the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The official Christmas season, popularly known as either Christmastide or the Twelve Days of Christmas, extends from the anniversary of Christ’s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus’ birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew (see Matthew 1:18-2:12) and the Gospel according to Luke (see Luke 1:26-56). Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of the Nativity, as early as 336 ad. The word Christmas entered the English language sometime around 1050 as the Old English phrase Christes maesse, meaning “festival of Christ.” Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas—Xmas—may have come into use in the 13th century. The X stands for the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified.
It’s for the foreigners, which Christmas Day is to them what Spring Festival is us. But with the development of the society, more and moreforeigners come to China.
And then it is popular in China. I feel excited to see the Cristmas decoration and Christmas trees.
I also like Santa Claus, who will give Christmas present for us under the table. And people will say ”Merry Cristmas” to each other on that day.