
2025-02-14 版权声明 我要投稿


短文填词练习 篇1

Susan says she has never been m______(10), but now she is loved by everyone.3Mr Lee was a very rich man.He lived alone and e______(1)buying old things.He bought a teapot for two million dollars, and showed it o_____(2)to his friends George and Jenny.Then he locked it in the safe(保险箱)at his house.That night, the safe was opened and the teapot was m_____(3).Mr.Lee reported it and the police came and looked c______(4)around Lee’s house.They found a black ear-ring near the open safe.They a____(5)found there was a lot of earth on the wet ground outside, but inside, the floor was very c______(6).The police first q______(7)George and Jenny.But n_____(8)of them agreed that he or she had taken the teapot.The police found Jenny was wearing a black necklace(项链), but no ear-rings.When she was s______(9)the ear-ring, she agreed it was hers, but someone had taken it away from her house a month before.The police then questioned Lee and, in the end, he agreed he had taken his o______(10)teapot.He had bought insurance(保险)for it and would get two million dollars if the teapot was lost.He took Jenny’s ear-ring and put it near the safe.4 Many people believe that Americans love their cars more than anything else.It may be t_____(1).When children are fourteen years old, they are likely to dream of having their o______(2)cars.Many young people work after school during their last year of high school in order to buy a car.Learning to drive may be one of the most e_______(3)things for them.People almost never go to see a doctor when they are s______(4), but they will take their cars for repair at the first sign of a p______(5).People do not like to work around the home on Saturday, but they may s_____(6)most of that day washing and waxing(上蜡)their cars.For some families one car is not e_____(7).They often have two cars-----one for work and one for recreation(娱乐).Many men and women in the United States need to have a car to drive to work.Housewives need a car to go shopping, to take the c_____(8)to school or do some other things.Young people learn to drive in high school, where driving training is one of the most p______(9)courses.At the end of the course the students must take a driving test to get a license.For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol.It m_____(10)that they are now grown-ups.George was very stingy(吝啬的,小气的).He hated spending money.Whenever he had to buy something he always argued about the price and tried to bargain(讨价还价), even for the c______(1)things.If he wanted to buy a can of Coke, for example, and the shopkeeper a______(2)for $2, George would say, “Make it $1.90 and I’ll buy it.” Sometimes the shopkeeper a_____(3)to reduce(减少)his price a little.“What’s ten cents?” he asked himself.“If it makes this man happy, then it won’t hurt me much.” In this way George s______(4)a few cents here and a few cents there, and by the end of year he had saved several hundred dollars.One day he had a very b_____(5)toothache and had to go to the dentist.The dentist looked at the tooth and said, “This tooth will have to be p_____(6)out.It’s too damaged(危害的)to save.” “How much do you charge(收费)to pull a tooth?” George asked.“Forty dollars,” the dentist said.“Forty dollars!”George thought this was much too e_____(7).“How long will it take you to pull out the tooth?”He asked.“About two minutes,” the dentist said.George could not b______(8)what he was hearing.“Forty dollars for two minutes’ work!” He s______(9).“That’s robbery.”

The dentist smiled.”You’re right.” She said.“Thank you for telling me.I’ll pull your tooth out very s______(10).How about half an hour?”

短文填词练习 篇2

1 立足课本, 夯实基础

现在泰州市各中学采用的牛津版的教材, 是话题为中心的。老师可以根据相应的话题自编或改编相关的信息材料, 以供学生练习。如每个单元的Comic strips, 可以将漫画和对话改编成短文填空的形式。每个单元的Reading也可以改编, 使学生既复习了课文, 又锻炼了解答短文填词的解题能力。这样既提升了学生的兴趣, 又消除了恐惧感, 学生愿意去尝试。

例如在《牛津初中英语》9A Unit1“Comic Strips”, 我改编成这样的形式:

One morning, Eddie was having his________when he asked Hobo to bring him the_________.Hobo told Eddie to read his stars in the newspaper because it was very________.Eddie got a piece of good news from the newspaper.It was that he could have________to eat and drink.But Hobo brought him a piece of_______news.It was that his breakfast had been eaten by______.

2 培养语感, 厚积薄发

实践证明, 一个语感能力强的人, 能迅速捕捉语言信息并迅速领悟、理解其内涵。语感来自于语言实践, 又指导语言实践, 语感教学是英语教学的支撑点。教师在教学过程中, 应对学生长期的进行有针对性的训练, 多方面、多角度地培养学生的语感, 才能帮助学生迅速捕捉短文填词中的语言信息并迅速领悟、理解其内涵。

例如在《牛津初中英语》9A Unit 1“Star signs”的教学中, 我设计了改写同义句的训练, 如将It's necessary that we read English every day.改写成:It's_________________read English every day.以及改错题, 如:That's very kind of you to help me so much.通过训练, 不仅可以加深学生对语法规则的理解, 减少英语写作中的出错, 而且也能养成“英语思维”的能力。

3 联系生活, 优化教学

生活化教学是近年来教学研究中的一个热点话题。以往初中英语教学仍以课本为主, 与现实生活的脱离导致了学生学习积极性不高。因此在平时的教学过程中, 教师可以在生活中寻找素材, 编写短文填词。学生对于身边的事较为熟悉, 容易联想。这既让学生练习了短文填词的能力, 也帮助他们解决了生活中的实际问题。

例如, 我以初中生中的比较典型的青少年问题为题材, 编写了如下短文:

A:I’ve got a problem, Amy.I’m very worried.

B:I’m s_______to hear that.What’s the problem?

A:I’ve lots of hobbies.I love reading, writing poems.At the moment, painting is my f__________hobby.

B:That’s great.What c________your problem?

A:Sometimes I have a lot of homework to do and I can’t f_____any time for my hobbies.Very often, I can’t d________when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.

B:You can p______your day carefully and m______a list of all the things you have to do, then c_______one hobby to do each day.I hope this piece of a_______will be useful to you.

A:Thank you.

B:It’s my p__________.

4 注重积累, 不断完善

在平时的教学过程中, 有意识地强化学生去记忆那些易错的单词。比如:born、first、realize等等。我们可以开展各种各样的单词竞赛, 帮助学生加深印象。如让学生抢答以字母a开头的动词、形容词等。同时, 还要教会学生的解题技巧, 适当的解题技巧能让学生理清解题思路, 提高解题正确率。

(1) 通读全文, 打好基础

首先, 教师需要指导学生对全文内容有一个整体的了解, 从中获取文章的基本结构、体裁、主题以及所使用的语态等信息, 这是正确解题的前提。

(2) 依据线索, 展开联想

在通读全文的基础上, 教师要指导学生充分理解问题, 如是否考查固定搭配、是否考查从句的连接词等。还要善于运用逻辑推理法, 根据文章提供的线索, 展开联想。对于有一定难度的缺词处, 先将其放置一边, 最后再从全篇的内容上考虑、分析, 多试一些可能的单词。

(3) 运用语法, 确定形式

在填词时, 还要注意词的各种形式, 在这一过程中一般不提倡边读边做题, 因为这样可能会将某一个句子孤立起来, 忽略了该句子与文章整体的联系, 导致解题失误。碰到动词时, 需要根据其在句中的意思确定其正确的时态、语态及非及谓语动词形式。

(4) 全面复查, 及时纠正

做完题目后, 别忘记复查。填完所有单词后, 将所填的词放入文章中再读一读, 读起来是否流畅, 单词拼写是否正确, 单词的形式是否恰当等, 发现问题应及时纠正。

总之, 短文填词是一项要求综合能力较强的题目。虽然, 短文填词能力差是大多数学生普遍存在的问题。但只要教师平时注意训练, 持之以恒, 就一定会有所收获。

摘要:短文填词是一项综合能力较强的题目, 需要平时注重训练, 逐步强化提高。本文从立足课本, 夯实基础;培养语感, 厚积薄发;联系生活, 优化教学;注意积累, 不断完善这四个方面提出了“征服”短文填词的技巧, 以供参考。



[1]陈占亭, 李玲.如何做“短文填词”[J].中学生英语 (初中版) , 2005 (12) .

[2]杨岷生.阅读理解填词 (英文) [J].初中生学习, 2003 (Z2) .

短文填词练习 篇3

【关键词】 格斯塔理论 短文填词

【中图分类号】 G633.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4772(2014)04-004-02





表1 2009-2013年短文填词试题题型设置特点



表2 2009-2013年短文填词目标考察词词类分布




表3 2009-2013年高考短文填词目标词在《BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus)》的分布信息

表3显示:该题的目标词考查基本控制在BNC最常用15000词汇的前3500词。2009年grammar,2010年besides和toys,2012年learnt 和overcoming, 2013年participate在3500常用词之外,其中2012年的目标词的原形learn 和overcome依然处于常用词之内。13年的time虽排在63位,但没有出现in time of这结构的词组 ,该词组也没有收入到《现代汉语用法词典》(1994年10月第一版 张道真编),只有in time,这就考查了学生的灵活运用能力。体现了试卷较高的信度、效度及必要的区分度,有利于高校科学公正地选拔人才,有利于推进普通高中实施素质教育。

五、 学情分析

表5 2009年福建高考短文填词考生答题的典型错误



依据格式塔理论、英语考试说明的命题要求以及学生答题情况,以2013年高考短文填词为例,设计如下解题过程:把握考点。对于考什么、怎么考,考生必须了然于心。因此有必要把以下考点传递给学生。动词:时态、语态、语气、主谓一致、情态动词、非谓语形式。名词:单复数。形容词:修饰名词。副词:修饰动词、形容词和整个句子。连词:根据句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,弄清缺省部分与其他部分的逻辑关系,如:对比、转折、因果、递进、让步、并列、选择、先后等, 先通过比较推理,最后确定答案。短语和固定搭配:还原词组缺省的某个词,缺省部分为动词、名词、副词、介词、形容词、数词、量词等。

通读全文,把握文章的主旨大意。通读全文,有利于考生对文章内容的整体把握。短文填词的第一句,一般不挖空,通常是文章的主题句。如考生可以2013年短文填词的第一句”Every individual is a member of a group called the community, and it is the duty of every citizen ask what he can do for his community.”考生可以从这句体会文章主题——自愿行动,服务社会。

以句子为单位,分析语境,灵活运用短语和固定搭配。Many school societies train students to become good citizens who later p in volunteer work and serve the public in .t of need. 83. 84. 该句意思是:许多学校的社团把学生训练成为好公民,今后,在需要的时候他们能参与自愿者工作并服务社会。由此可知,83题填“参与”。“参与”的词组有: join , join in, take part in, participate in,由于首字母是p, 所以填participate 。

注重词形变化:先定词性,再选词,最后确定词形变化。A good citizen (相信) that he should serve the community and not the community serve h .77. a good citizen 是句子的主语,句子缺少谓语动词,所以填动词;再根据提示可知选believe 。最后,根据动词主谓一致原则填动词believes。这就是确定词性、选词、确定词形的三个步骤。

以句子为单位,整体分析句子结构和逻辑关系。短文填词是一篇内容完整的文章,上下文有着紧密逻辑关系。考生必须根据句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,分析句子的逻辑关系,如:对比、转折、因果、递进、让步、并列、选择、先后等, 通过比较推理等方法最后确定答案。学生自主改编试题。提供学生完整的短文。让学生挖空,自主改编试题,以此培养学生的创新能力。


( 1) 词汇教学要参照课标、考试说明要求。各阶段的教学重点要有所区别。高一高二,扩大学生的阅读量,提高所学词汇的复现率。高三阶段重点复习考纲词汇。(2)重视教材,充分利用教材所呈现的材料。(3)高考是选拔性考试,词汇学习除加强7级词汇的学习外,还要加强选修模块的学习,使学生能熟练掌握八级所需要的3500词。(4)运用格斯塔心理理论,加强整体阅读训练,提高整体篇章的理解能力。

[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1] 中华人民共和国教育部.《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》.人

民教育出版社, 2003.

[2] 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)解读 北京: 北京大学出版社,


[3] 黄远振. 新课程英语教与学[M]. 福州: 福建教育出版社, 2003.

[4] 韩志毅. 格式塔整体性原则在英语阅读教学中的应用[J]. 中


[5] 王定升,赵国瑞. 格式塔心理学的整体观及其对心理学的影响

短文改错练习 篇4

Now I’m getting tiring, so I’m going to bed.I can think about my future in bed.I get my best ideas when I’m lain down.I have known my friend Rebecca for a long time.We firstly met at a friend’s birthday party five years before.We found out that we both liked singing and dancing, so I invited Rebecca over to my place.We listened to the music together and soon became best friends.Three years ago, Rebecca’s parents invited me go on holiday with them.It is great.We spent three wonderful weeks in a little cottage.Rebecca and I loved walking along the beautifully beach.We took a lot of photos and had a lot of funs.Last year, Rebecca’s father changed her job, and they moved to other town.Since then we haven’t seen each other very much, but we’ve talked in the phone and we’ve written emails to each other.Dear Joe, How are you? Thanks to your post — good to know when you’re OK.I’ve got news too.I’m going on holiday next weeks with my brother and Anna, a friend from school.We’re going to stay on a farm with four days!We’re going to look after the animals and doing some horse-riding.I’m sure I’ll love it.You know how crazy I am about the animals!I want to learn all about the cows or the horses.I hope I will have some times to go walking in the hills, too.Well, right now I’m going to finish homework — lots to do before the holiday!I’ll write to you when I get back to telling you about my holiday.Yours, 4 Nadia People had always been interested in bees.This interest may have begun with the honey what bees make.In the fact, it has been found that people have been eating honey for thousand of years.In the more recently past, people were interested in the way bees made honey.They admired the way bees seemed to working so hard.Some languages even developed expressions about people working like bees.In English, for example, we talk with a “busy bee”.Now scientists has a new reason to be interested in bees.They have discovered that bees able to communicate with each other.Research has revealed some surprised facts about this, but there are still many mysteries.Yesterday afternoon, I took the No.6 bus to go home.It was crowded on the bus, and I had listened to music by my earphones.Suddenly I saw the name of the bus stop that I should get off, so I got off the bus in hurry.When I arrived home, I realized that I had left my bag on the bus.My ID card and ten books were in the bag.I was worried and eager to finding it, so I went to the bus companies for help.Fortunate, at the Lost and Found, I see my bag.I wanted to thank the person who had found my bag, and the staff there said the person hadn’t left his name.How a good man!

I read an interested piece of news on a newspaper today.According to Professor Richard Wiseman, only less than a quarter of the British achieved their New Year goals because they do it in the wrong way.He studied 700 volunteers who made a wide ranges of New Year goals, including quitting smoking, losing the weight, or gaining a qualification.Just 22 percent of the participants managed to meeting their goals or described their progress like “very successful.” The reason so much failed was that they took the wrong approach and led by self-help books in the wrong way.They tended to spend a lot of time on thinking about the “bad things” what would happen if they did not achieve their goals instead of taking action.Last weekends, I went shopping by myself.It was a sunny day and I feel very happy.When I had bought anything I needed, I went to the bus stop to take a bus.Unfortunately, there were too much people at the bus stop.Then it was my turn to get on, there was no room.I had to wait the next bus.Suddenly, it started to rain.I had no choice but to call a taxi.Half way through the journey, the taxi was broke down.I was filled with angry when I saw an emptier bus go by.Finally, I decided to walk home in a rain.What an unlucky day!

My name is Li Hua and I wanted to be class monitor.I am responsible, sociable, or easy-going.I enjoy serving others.Additionally, I have vary interests.I love singing and playing the drums as well soccer.I am also a good listener and be always open to different opinions.I am confident that I can do the job good.Being a student myself, firstly, I will create an academic atmosphere so that everyone in our classes can improve their studies.For those students who is falling behind, I will find ways to help them to catch up.Secondly, I will serve as a bridge among teachers and students.Finally, I will arrange parties so we can relax.I believe I am the right person to this post.Dear Sarah, I’m writing because I want to apologize to what I did last week.I’m really sorry.I know we said 8:30, and I would’ve gotten here on time if everything hadn’t gone wrongly.I was late because my watch broke and I didn’t know what the time it was.So you see, I would’ve arrived on time if my watch hadn’t broken.Then I have to walk because I’d missed the bus.And then I fell over and my trousers got dirty, so I had to go home and get changing.Then I decided to catch another buses, but it was too late.I would have phoned you and my brother had taken my mobile phone.Anyway, I hope you aren’t too angrier with me.Hope to hear you soon.Yours, Jack

Today my classmate and I went to a farm for a trip.I get up at six o’clock and we set off by bus.On the bus, some of us sang, and some of us talked.We all had good time.Two hours late, we arrived at the gate of the farm, that the farmers were waiting to give us a warm welcome.After we were shown around the big farm, they began to plant trees.It was really a good way to getting close to nature and protect the environment at the same time.Next, we had a picnic and it was great fun to eat on the open air.Finally, we went home at half past four.Although all of us was tired, our trip was really very more unforgettable.Both my father and mother has been wanting me to study abroad.They think that it’s natural to master a foreign language in an English-speaking country and that studying abroad at early age will enable me to be dependent.Moreover, it will be easier to me to gain advanced knowledge of technology, that will prepare me for a brighter future.Moreover, my good friend, Zhang Hua doesn’t agree with them.He thought my English is too limited to communicate with foreigners.Besides, the cost is too much for his family.In my opinions, I should continue to study in China.As long as I study hard at now, I’ll make great achievements in the future.Advertising informs consumers about newer products available on the market.It gives us information with everything from shampoo to toothpaste to computers and cars.But there is one serious problems with this.The information are actually very often misinformation.It tells us the products’ benefits but hides its disadvantages.Advertising not only leads us to buying things that we don’t need and can’t afford, but it confuses our sense reality.“Zoom toothpaste prevents bad teeth and gives you the white teeth!” the advertisement tells us.And it doesn’t tell us the complete truth that a health diet and a good toothbrush will have the same effect.My grandfather had had enough of his cat.He was tired of her scratching all the furnitures and made a mess.So he gave her to a friend, who lived on the other side of town.He told his friends that he was getting so old to look after her.A week later, in a very cold winter day, my grandfather returned home from shopping and surprised to see the cat on his doorstep.My grandfather was moved by the fact that his pet had found his way back from the other side of town in such a cold weather.He took the cat outside and gave her lots of loving attention.He decided he will never give her away again.Bedouin, the Arab people who live in the desert, living in a traditional society.This means they live on much the same way as their ancestors did.People who live in traditional societies has strong ties to the past.Customs and beliefs have changed very slower.They fear that when changes will make their lives worse rather than better.Values are passing on with little changes from one generation to the next.Yet changes do take place.All cultures change, but they change much quickly at some periods than at other.In very recent years, changes have taken place very quickly everywhere, including deserts of Southwest Asia and North Africa.My uncle and aunt come home one evening and discovered huge hole in their roof.They also found that their dog was dead and their furniture were covered in horrible-smelling matter.Upset by which they saw, they phoned the police.After the police looked into the problem, they were told what had happened to.It seemed that the container holding the wastes from the toilets on a passing plane had burst openly.The contents froze in the atmosphere as it fell towards the ground.Then the resulting block of ice crashed through the roof and broke into piece, killing the dog after melting in their house.Taking parts in recreation activities help us keep fit.There are various kinds of activity in our daily life, for example, listening to music, watching TV, playing chess, or going to cinema.But I think we’d better to have more outdoor activities.As students, we usually sit too longer in the classroom, and as a result our eyes and brains getting tired.But it’s a good idea to play basketball, football, table tennis, go swimming, do some runnings, or even go for a picnic.Our brains also need changes to make it smart and active.In a word, exercise is good for the health.Dear Sandra, You’ll never guess where I’m writing this email.A cave!You know we’re on holidays in Spain.Well, we spend a few days in Barcelona first.We had a good time there, though one day I didn’t feel very good.I think I ate too much ice cream the day before.Anyway, when I left Barcelona, we came to spend a few days in Granada.However, we couldn’t get a hotel — too many tourists and not enough bed!Then the hotel owner said, “Why don’t try the cave hotels?” We thought he were joking.Living in caves? But there we are and it’s wonderful.We’re enjoying it much that we don’t know when we’re going to leave.We’re never going to have enough time to explore for everything.Take care!


My uncle buys a satellite dish, which is a large round piece of metal that receives satellite television.He decided to set up himself.He climbed up the ladder and attached the dish with the side of his houses.After he finishing, he and my aunt relaxed for the evening in front of the TV.The next day was very much hot, and they decided to stay at home and watch TV.That afternoon they heard lots of shouting outside.When they went outside, they saw that the house opposite were on fire.Fortunately, the fire was putting out.It turned out that the fire had started because my uncle’s satellite dish had been concentrating the sun’s rays on the curtains of her neighbor’s house but had caused the fire.Christmas is supposed to be a time express our love and goodwill towards others.It is supposed to be a time which we perform acts of kindness for people less fortunate to ourselves.But do we think of the other people when we sat down to our Christmas dinner? Of course not — we’re too busy eating those delicious foods related with Christmas.We are too busy wondering that the presents we gave were as nice or better than the one we received.They forget to think of the sick and the homeless.The whole idea of Christmas has complete changed.What a shame!

A thief broke into our house and filled his bag by our possessions when he suddenly feeling a pair of eyes on him.Looking up, he sees an eagle staring at him with cold, merciless eyes.At first the man was too frightening to move, but after ten minute he tried moving quietly towards the door.Therefore, the eyes just followed him and he couldn’t move.Eventually, my parents returned to and found the thief in our house.When my father turned the light, the thief could see that the eagle was just a toy.But it was too late and she was arrested.My father said that the toy eagle were better than any watchdog.21

Nowadays more and more students were found cheating in exams.Some copy from each other;some copy from their text books, reference books or prepared note;others use modern communication tool such as mobile phones.Cheating in exams will cause some worse effects.For one thing, it will result unfair competition and destroy the creativity of bright students.For another, students who often cheats in exams will develop bad habits and won’t be able to meet the needs of society in the future.So how can cheating in exams be stopped? On my opinion, severe punishments should be put into the effect to prevent students from cheating.At the same time, great efforts should be made to make students understood what kind of person society needs or try to build up their honesty.Dear Jack, I’m glad to learn that you will come Beijing to learn about Chinese culture as an exchange student.At the moment, I am studying English in my school but I always get better grades in my class.I’m good at the spoken English, so I’m sure I will communicate with you frequent.Beside, my parents are open and kind and is friends with many of my classmates.I believe you will be one of their friend too.Therefore, I invite you to live in my home during you stay in Beijing.I’m willing to helping you as much as I can.Best wishes!

适合练习朗读的短文 篇5


















文言《短文两篇》过关练习 篇6




1.字词过关 夸父与日逐走(竞跑,赛跑),入日(追赶到太阳落下的地方);(想要)得饮,饮于 黄河)、渭;河渭不足,北饮大泽(湖,传说其大纵横千

里,在雁门山北)。未 至,道渴而死。弃其杖,化为邓林(桃林)。.2.你怎么看待夸父这一人物?

夸父是一个有胆量有决心,目标远大,气魄非凡,意志坚强的英雄人物。所以,现在人们常以“夸父逐日” “夸父追日” “逐日” 这些词比喻人有宏大的志向或巨大的力量和气魄。













⑴北二百里(向北)⑵曰发鸠之山(叫)⑶其状如乌(像)⑷其鸣自詨(呼唤自己的名字)⑸溺而不反(溺水)⑺以 堙没)







