Unit 1 1. 今天我有很多吃的和喝地。I will have lots to eat and drink today.2. 那么你就不会为不吃早饭而担心了。
Well, you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then 3. Millie已经对的12生肖很熟悉了。
Millie is already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.4. 他刚刚获知,西方的人也有12星座。
She has just discovered that people in the West have 12 star signs.5. 他想弄清更多的情况,因为他想更多的了解西方的文化。
She wants to find out more about them because she wants to learn more about Western culture.6. 一年被分为12个不同的星座。A year is divided into 12 star signs.7. 你出生的时间决定了你的星座。The time of your birthday decides your star sign.8. 一些人认为,出生与同一星座的人拥有相似的性格。Some people believe that people born under the same star signshare similar characteristics.9. 一些人认为你有的时候很自私。Some people think that you are selfish at times.10. 你很有耐心,不容易放弃。You are a patient and do not give up easily.11. 你喜欢朋友买一些漂亮的礼物。You like to buy your friends nice gifts.12. 你不停地过多的担忧。You worry too much at times.13. 你训练有素,总是过多的关注细节。
You are practical and you always pay attention to details.14. 你很优雅,喜欢一些漂亮的事物。You are elegant and love beautiful things.15. 你不能原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.16. 你热爱生活,有很好的幽默感。You enjoy life and have a good sense of humour.17. 你效率很高,经常获得成功。You are businesslike and are often successful.18. 你有足够的耐心来等待,却不会生气。
You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.19. 然而,一些人认为,你很奇怪,因为你不喜欢和别人一样。However, some people think that your are strange as you
hate to be like anyone else an 20. 你总是尝试着与众不同。You try everything just to be different.21. 你喜欢对所有的事情充满着幻想。You like to dream about everything.22. 你认为Peter会成为一个好的主席么?
Do you think Peter would be a good chairperson? 23. 我认为,他将不能很好的组织事情。I don’t think he’d be able to organize things well.24. 但是,他有足够的创新,而能产生一些新注意。
But he’s imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.25. 其他还有谁将会合适呢?Who else would be suitable? 26. 我很乐意推荐David做学生会的新主席。
I’d like to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students’ Union.27. 这就意味着,他极有可能即活泼又聪明。This means he is probably lively and clever.28. 我认为David应当做新主席,因为他象我的叔叔一样聪明。I think David would be a great chairperson.29. 这个非常重要因为他将不得不在整个学校的前面发言。This is very important because he will have to speak in front of the whole school.30. 由于他非常的努力,他不会介意为学生会做一些额外的工作。Since he is so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for the Students’ Union.31. 我们认为David拥有所有成为一名好主席的素质。
We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson.32. 你应当有足够的信心来接受这项工作。
You should be confident enough to take this job.Unit 2
1.我宁愿穿兰色的而不愿意穿分粉红色的。I’d rather wear blue than pink.2.粉红色没有什么错。There is nothing wrong with pink.3.但是兰色在你身上看上去很好。But blue looks good on you 4.没有颜色,世界会变成一个单调的地方。The world would be a dull place without colors..5.你是否知道一些关于颜色的有趣的事情。Do you know anything interesting about colours.6.这份报告解释颜色能做些什么以及他所代表的特征。This report explains what colours can do and the characteristics they
represent.7.一些颜色使我们感觉安静、平和。Some colours make us feel calm and peaceful.8.穿着兰色的衣服或者睡在兰色的房间对大脑和身体有好处,因为这种颜色能产生和谐的感觉。Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony.9.另外一种能使你感觉安静、平和的颜色是白色。Another colour that makes you feel calm and peaceful is white.10.如果你感到压力,你应当穿白色。You should wear white if you are feeling stressed.11.居住在寒冷气候的人们宁愿使用暖色以给他们的家一个温暖舒适的感觉。
People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel.12.橘红色能给你带来成功,当你感到伤心的时候能使你开心。
Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.13.黄色能使你想到温暖并充满阳光的日子。Yellow can remind you of a warm, sunny day.14.任何感觉疲倦虚弱的人应当穿着那些使你感觉精力充沛的颜色。
Anybodyt who feels tired or weak should wear colours that make you feel energetic.15.如果你是一个需要体力的人,你应当穿着红色的衣服。
If you are somebody who needs physical strength, you shold wear red clothes.16.穿着红色能使你更容易采取行动。Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action.17.我宁可吃中餐而不愿意吃西餐。I would rather have Chinese food than Western food.18.Danial情绪很差,整个下午都不想和任何人谈话。Daniel was in a bad mood and didn’t want to talk to anyone all the afternoon.19.他确保没有人能听到他在说什么。He made sure that nobody could hear what he was saying.20.每人似乎都有一个秘密,或者就是举止不正常。Everyone seemed to have a secret or was just not acting normally.21.我想不到任何可以谈话的人。I can’t think of anyone to talk to.22.23.你需要一个象我一样的人来使你开心。
我想给你买你最喜欢的卡通书但是店里面什么都没有剩下。I think you need someone like me to cheer you up.24.她只是想使自己看上去更有力。She just wants to make
herself look more powerful.25.红色与白色是很好的搭配,因为充满力量的红色可以平衡冷静的白色。
Red and white is a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.Unit 3
1、我没有足够的睡眠I don’t have enough sleep.2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don’t have enough time to do my homework.3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhealthy.4、跑步和游泳对你有好处Running and swimming are good for you.5、我想知道如何解决它I want to know how to solve it.6、目前画画是我最喜爱的业余爱好At the moment ,painting is my favourite hobby.7、认真学习并按时上交作业社很重要的
It is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time.8、作业上花费了如此多的时间,以致我找不出时间用于我的爱好
I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.9、上 我只是不能决定何时做作业,何时花时间在我的业余爱好I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.10、你能教我如何在这两者之间获得平衡吗?
Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?
11、对 热爱现在已经变成了大问题
My love of football has become a big problem now.12、我们喜欢待在外面踢足球到很晚We like staying out late to play football.13、真不理解他们为何如此严格I really don’t understand why they are so strict.14、我们在业余爱好上花点时间是重要的
It is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies.15、能帮助我们放松并使我们的生活丰富多彩
This can help us relax and make our lives colourful.16、真不知道怎么办?I really don’t know what to do.17、能给我提点建议吗?Can you offer me some suggestions?
You do not have enough time to do your homework。
19、你似乎有很多业余爱好You seem to have a lot of hobbies。
20、你似乎在篮球方面花很多时间It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football。
21、放学后(连续)数小时踢足球或待在外面很晚是不明智的 It is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or stay out late。
22、早点回家比较好It is better for you to go home earlier。23.我们总是从老师那里得到很多作业I usually get a lot of homework from teachers.24.我没有很多时间为考试复习I don’t have much time to revise for tests.25.有太多的作业要做There is too much homework to do.26.虽然我知道作业是重要的,我(还是会)生气 Although I know homework is important ,I get angry.27.路上交通总是很拥挤There is always a lot of traffic on the road.28.许多学生不能决定何时工作何时玩
Many students can’t decide when to work and when to play.30.我真不知道先做哪一个 I really don’t know which to first.31.我有时感到有压力I feel stressed from time to time.32.你能告诉我和谁去谈、去哪里求助吗?
Can you tell us who to talk to and where to get help?
33我们相信每周给学生测试是没有必要的.We believe it unnecessary to give students tests every week.34.这些学生认为顾老师是最好的老师The students consider Mrs Gu the best teacher.35.我们已经证明他是错的We have proved him wrong.36.苏似乎高兴得多了Sue seems much happier.37.我也告诉她别去理睬那些嘲笑她们的人
I also told her to.pay no attention to the students who laugh at her.38.虽然她考试成绩好,但是她(也)有问题
Although she does well in the exams, she has problems.39.我告诉她在体育课上怎么办I told her what to do in PE lessons.40.听到此事我感到遗憾I’m sorry to hear that.41.他们应该考虑他们擅长的事情They should think about the things they are good at.42.谢谢你聆听我的问题并给我提出建议
Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice.431.有几种解决压力的简单办法There are some simple ways to deal with stress.44.我们不知道何时工作、何时玩We do not know when to work and
when to play.45.事实上和我同龄的很多学生都感到有压力In fact many students of my age feel stressed.46.他们中的一部分人不能肯定如何处理这个问题
Some of them are not sure how to deal with this problem.47.父母可能认为看电视没有用Parents may not think watching TV very useful.48.如果你不知道和谁谈,你始终可以给我写信
If you don’t know who to talk to ,you can always write to me.49.把你的担心留给自己只能使它们变得更糟
以新目标九年级上册第一单元为例。本单元标题为How do you study for a test?本单元主要话题为讨论如何学习, 在第一、第二课时以学习为话题, 全面涉及如何学习英语, 如何通过制作卡片, 阅读报纸, 杂志, 广告, 听英文歌曲, 组织英语角练习口语, 用英语通过网络发展各种感官去感知英语。在通过用英语做事, 强调学习过程, 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。提倡在学习英语的过程中, 避免直接告知, 死记硬背和机械训练的模式。帮助学生发现和分享有效地学习英语的策略, 注重激发学生积极学习英语的情感, 从而使学生建构起综合语言运用能力。所以本单元的课程设置并非简单地学习词汇、句型、语言点。更加侧重强调提高学生有效的学习语言学习途径与方法。鼓励学生根据自己的需要, 选择恰当有效地学习英语的方式, 尽可能的自己创造学习英语的机会。引导学生尽量在真实语境中, 通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作的方式, 发现语言学习的规律, 培养学习英语的兴趣。逐步掌握语言知识和技能, 在使用英语的过程中加深对语言的理解, 提高运用语言的能力。引导学生明白学习风格因人而异, 并无绝对的优劣之分, 学习者应该结合自己的学习风格探索最适合自己的学习策略。
本单元第三课时中, 通过一位学生学习英语时一开始有困难, 后来通过不懈的努力, 最后在考试中得到A, 并得到老师同学由衷的赞赏这样的故事, 着重强调学习英语需要的坚持不懈的情感态度, 强调学生培养积极向上的学习动机, 浓厚的学习英语的兴趣和大胆实践的精神有利于提高学习英语的效果, 自信心有助于学生客服外语学习中遇到的困难。同时值得注意的是, 教师在教学中这些情感方法, 价值观的渗透其实与教学内容是相辅相成的关系, 情感, 态度价值观的渗透有利于激发学生学习英语知识的兴趣。
本单元第四课时, 内容进一步拓展和深化, 谈及如何解决学生容易遇到的问题, 如人际交往困惑, 如何处理与父母, 同学, 老师的关系。当遇到问题时, 学会交流, 学会善忘, 指导学生千万不要因为小事挫伤美好的亲情、友情、师生情。还谈到在遇到生活, 学习的压力时, 视问题为挑战, 引导学生在学校接受教育是人生重要的组成部分, 作为学生, 应该尽力主动接受各种挑战, 同时面对生活中的各种困难, 也将其视为挑战, 磨炼自己的意志与坚强的品格。这一部分还谈到要有自己的幸福观, 与那些情况比自己还要糟糕却勇于挑战自己并取得成功的人做比较, 激励学生战胜困难的勇气与方法。这一部分即教会学生如何面对生活中的困难, 又很好的引导学生来了解英语在民族地区作为第二语言, 甚至第三语言学习时, 不可避免地要进行各种尝试, 走弯路, 遇到困难是很正常的, 让学生认识到英语学习中表现的情感态度与学习英语的结果有密切的关系, 作为学生应该有积极的态度去克服各种困难。而勇于去克服这些困难才是勇者, 是胜者。
总之, 人际交往智能与语言不仅与有着千丝万缕的联系, 还在很多方面直接或者间接影响语言学习, 对外语的影响则更加明显。积极向上, 活泼开朗的个性有助于学生积极参加语言学习活动, 获得更多学习的机会, 坚强的意志和较强自信心有助于克服外语学习遇到的困难。
作为英语教师, 以语言技能, 语言知识, 人际交往智能, 学习策略和文化意识五个方面共同构成的英语课程总目标, 既注重体现英语学习的工具性, 也体现其人文性;即关注学生发展语言运用能力, 又重视学生发展思维能力, 从而达到有效提高学生的综合人文素养的目的。
摘要:人类语言的重要功能之一是促进人际交往, 人际交往就要涉及到情感态度。而情感态度在很大程度上需要通过语言来表达与传递。英语课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能, 而且有责任培养学生积极向上的人际交往智能。
Ⅰ. 根据句意及所汉语提示,在空格上填上正确的单词。
1. Jim played a _________(小丑) in the play and did a good job.
2. Look! There is a water _________(滑梯). Let’s go and play there.
3. —Can you go to the park with me now?
—OK, but we can go there an hour later. It’s_________(不拥挤).
4. The boy caused a lot of _________(麻烦) to his parents.
5. I ________(想知道) why James is always late for school.
6. Don’t _________(混淆) Austria with Australia.
7. Jim put on his ________(发亮的) shoes and went out.
8. There was a _________(井) in our village. It’s said that it was dug in the 1940’s.
9. Please put your camera in the _________(小提箱里).
10. Please take the _________(旅行手册), or you’ll get lost.
11. Tina, have you packed your _________(毛巾) and toothbrush?
12. It’s dark in the room. Please _________(点燃) the fire for us.
13. He went to America ten years ago. But China is his ________(故乡), so he came back.
14. We often put the bowls, chopsticks and spoons in the ________(碗橱).
15. My uncle is a ________(农民). There used to be a lot of apple trees on his farm.
Ⅱ. 根據句意及首字母提示,在句子空格内填上正
16. —Would you like another cake?
—No, thanks. I’m f________.
17. In Brazil, you should w________ your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.
18. His c________ was to get up early and have a cold bath.
19. It is bad m_______ to make noise while eating soup.
20. It’s r_______ to point at others with your finger.
21. He has broken his leg and t________ he can’t walk.
22. You should make a l_______ before you go shopping.
23. Jim got up late this morning, so he m________ the early bus.
24. He thought of the success as a t________ point in his life.
25. Yu Dan’s new book will be a________ in the shops next month.
26. I have never seen a zoo that was s________ for animals to live in.
27. We u________ all of the students to leave school quickly after evening classes.
28. The animals are kept in t________ cages and can hardly move at all.
Ⅲ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
29. He had lost all __________(feel) in the left leg.
30. There are two _________ (knife) in Kate’s pencil case.
31. Most of the Americans use their cars __________(most) for their job.
32. The mother has never give up ________ (help) her disabled child.
33. Miss Gao has decided ____________ (have) an exam at the end of this week.
34. They are having their wedding at the hotel. It has the best ___________(light).
35. ________ (advertise) is one of the biggest businesses in America.
36. Please tell us the ________ (true) of the matter.
37. He is a good boy, don’t let bad companions________(lead) him.
38. Cattle _________(main) feed on grass and so do sheep.
39. It was _________(thank) to John that we won the game.
40. There are __________(thousand) of people in the supermarket on Sundays.
41. Xiamen is one of big cities in _________(south) China.
42. If fish are taken from the sea, there will soon benone________ (leave).
43. If we keep on ________(cut) down trees, forests will disappear.
44. Manatees usually _________ (weight) about 1000pounds.
45. Many rivers and lakes have become ________(pollute) in our countries.
46. I feel that there are few laws to stop people_________(put) the waste into rivers or into thesea.
Ⅳ. 根据句意,用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。
hand in magic drugstore trouble structure
dress up wonder hang out crowded lend
47. Yesterday I saw Jenny ________ in her mother’s clothes.
48. The market is ________. We can ride a bike to do some shopping now.
49. In the evening he and his wife often ________ in the park.
50. Can I ________ you to shut the door?
51. The man used ________ to produce six rabbits from his hat.
52. He ________ that book to me the day before yesterday.
53. He ________ why people built ugly homes,when they could have beautiful ones.
54. The teacher told us ________ our exercise books at the end of the lesson.
55. The biology teacher told us about the _______ of the brain today.
56. When you go to the ________, please buy some medicines for me.
1. I don’t decide _______ one I will choose.
2. Can you tell me ________ the film will begin?
3. Do you know ________ your friend is so worried?
4. He told me _______ he was reading a newspaper.
5. Could you tell me ______ is the man over there?
6. Do you know ________ CDs are these?
7. I don’t understand ________ you said just now.
8. Can you tell me _______ there’s a good place to eat?
9. Will you please tell me _______ I can get to the post office?
10. Can you show us ________ we can turn on the computer?
be supposed to“应该”
What are you supposed to do; I was supposed to;You’re supposed to
1. __________________________ when you visit a
friend’s house?
2. ___________________ when you are invited to a party?
3. _____________________ brush your teeth every time you finish a meal.
4. _____________________ when you have a bowl of rice in China?
5. _____________________ bow when I met someone for the first time in Korea.
6. 你不应该用筷子指着任何人。
You _______ _______ _______ point at anyone with your chopsticks.
7. 我们不应该在这里抽烟。
We’re _______ _______ _______ _______ here.
8. 她上课又迟到了,她应该向老师说对不起。
She is late for class again and she _________ _______ sorry to the teacher.
9. 当你被邀请参加聚会时,你应该做什么?
What are you ________ ________ _______ when you are invited to a party?
10. 在韩国,人们第一次见面时经常应该鞠躬。
In Korea, people _______ _______ _______ _______ when they meet for the first time.
1. _______ you ________ (finish) ________ (read) thebook yet?
2. ________ you ever ________(be) to West China?
Great changes _______(take) place in West China inthe last few years.
3. By the time I _______(return) home yesterday, they _______ already _______(have) dinner.
4. Though he had often made his sister ______(cry),today he was made ______ (cry) by his sister.
5. He ______(meet) by my father as soon as he_______(arrive) last week.
6. I visited my uncle for a few days last week. When I _______(get) to his house, he _______(mend) a bike.
7. What _______ Tom _______(do) while his mother_______(cook) a meal yesterday evening?
8. The little boy _______(sleep). You’d better _______(not wake) him up now.
9. It’s your turn _______(speak). ______ you ______(get ) ready yet?
10. She _______ already _______(sing) several songs.
一、1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C
二、1. x2?1 2. x<-7 3. x≤3 4. 1 5. x≥2y
1 2. x>-1 3. x=0 2
§22.1 二次根式(二) 三、1. x≥
一、1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B
22二、1.(1)3 (2)8 (3)4x2 2. x-2 3. 42或(-4)2 或 (?)7)
4. 1 5. 3a
三、1. (1) 1.5 (2) 3(3) 25 (4) 20 2. 原式=(x-1)+(3-x)=2 7
3. 原式=-a-b+b-a=-2 a
§22.2 二次根式的乘除法(一)
一、1. D 2. B
二、1. ,a 2. 3. n2?1?n?1?n?1(n≥3,且n为正整数)
212三、1. (1) (2) (3) -108 2. cm 32
§22.2 二次根式的乘除法(二)
一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D
二、1. 3 2b 2. 2a 2 3. 5
三、1. (1) 52 (2) 62 (3) 22 (4) 4a2b 2. cm §22.2 二次根式的乘除法(三)
一、1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C
, 2. x=2 3. 6 32
22三、1.(1) (3) 10 (4) 2 2 (2) 3-32二、1.
2. 82nn?8?2,因此是2倍. 55
3. (1) 不正确,?4?(?9)??9?4?;
(2) 不正确,4121247. ?4???2525255
§22.3 二次根式的加减法
一、1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B
二、1. 2 ?35(答案不) 2. 1 3.
4. 5?2 5. 3
三、1.(1)43 (2) (3) 1 (4)3-52 (5)52-2 (6)3a-2 3
2. 因为42??)?42?32?42)?4?82?2?45.25>45
3. (?2)2?23?2
§23.1 一元二次方程
一、1.C 2.A 3. C
二、1. ≠1 2. 3y2-y+3=0,3,-1,3 3.-1
三、1. (1) x2-7x-12=0,二次项系数是1,一次项系数是-7,常数项是-12
(2) 6x2-5x+3=0,二次项系数是6,一次项系数是-5,常数项是3
2. 设长是xm,根据题意,列出方程x(x-10)=375
3. 设彩纸的宽度为x米,
根据题意得(30+2x)(20+2x)=2?20?30(或2(20+2x)x+2?30x=30?20 或2×30x+2×20x+4x2=30×20)
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(一)
一、1.C 2.D 3.C 4. C 5. C
1二、1. x=0 2. x1=0,x2=2 3. x1=2,x2=? 4. x1=-22,x2=22 2
三、1. (1) x1=-,x2=; (2) x1=0,x2=1;
(3) x1=0,x2=6; (4) x1=?
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(二)
一、1.D 2. D 3. B
二、1. x1=3,x2=-1 2. x1=3+3,x2=3-;
三、1.(1) x1=3,x2=0 (2) x1=3,x2=-5 2, x2=1 2. 11米 3
(3) x1=-1+22,x2=-1-22 (4)x1=75,x2= 24
1 3
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(三)
一、1.D 2.A 3. D 2. x=1或x=?
1; 2. 移项,1 3.3或7 二、1. 9,3;193
三、1. (1)x1=1,x2=-5;(2) x1=5?,x2=5?;(3)x1=7,x2=-1; 22
?p?p2?4q?p?p2?4q5?5?2. x=或x=. 3. x1=,x2=. 2222
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(四)
一、1.B 2.D
552552二、1. 3x2+5x=-2,3,x2?x??,(5)2,x2?x?2???()2,x?5,1 ,3336366636
2x1=?,x2=-1 3
2. 125, 3. 4 416
22?2?3??b?b?4ac. 三、1.(1)x?; (2)x? ; (3)x?242a
5752≥0,且7>0, 2. 原式变形为2(x-)2+,因为(2x?)4884
7所以2x2-5x-4的值总是正数,当x=5时,代数式2x2-5x+4最小值是. 84
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(五)
一、1.A 2.D
二、1. x2+3x-40=0,169,x1=5,x2=-8; 2. b2-4ac>0,两个不相等的;
?1?5?1?5 ,x2= 22
三、1.-1或-5; 2. x?2?2 ; 3. x?2?; 4.?9? 3223. x1=
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(六)
一、1.A 2.B 3. D 4. A
二、1. 公式法;x1=0,x2=-2.5 2. x1=0,x2=6 3. 1 4. 2
三、1. x1=5?,x2=5?; 2. x1=4+42,x2=4-42 ; 22
3. y1=3+6,y2=3-6 4. y1=0,y2=-
5. x1=1; 2111,x2=-(提示:提取公因式(2x-1),用因式分解法) 6. x1=1,x2=- 322
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(七)
一、1.D 2.B
二、1. 90 2. 7
三、1. 4m; 2. 道路宽应为1m
§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(八)
一、1.B 2. B 3.C
二、1. 500+500(1+x)+500(1+x)2=0, 2. 30%
三、1. 20万元; 2. 10%
§23.3 实践与探索(一)
一、1.D 2.A
二、1. x(60-2x)=450 2. 50 3. 700元( 提示:设这种箱子底部宽为x米,则长为(x+2)米,依题意得x(x+2)?1=15,解得x1=-5,(舍),x2=3.这种箱子底部长为5米、宽为3米.所以要购买矩形铁皮面积为(5+2)?(3+2)=35(米2),做一个这样的箱子要花35?20=700元钱).
三、1. (1)1800 (2)2592 2. 5元
3.设道路的宽为xm,依题意,得(20-x)(32-x)=540 整理,得x2-52x+100=0
§23.3 实践与探索(二)
一、1.B 2.D
2二、1. 8, 2. 50+50(1+x)+50(1+x)=182
三、1.73%; 2. 20%
1 由题意,得(5-x)2x=4,整理,得x2-5x+4=0. 解得x1=1,x2=4. 2
当x=4时,2x=8>7,此时点Q越过A点,不合题意,舍去. 即经过1秒后,△PCQ
(ii)设经过t秒后PQ的长度等于5厘米. 由勾股定理,得(5-t)2+(2t)2=52 .
整理,得t2-2t=0. 解得t1=2,t2=0(不合题意,舍去).
(3)3x2+6x-5=0,二次项系数化为1,得x2+2x-5/3=0,移项,得x2+2x=5/3,配方,得x2+2x+1=5/3+1,即(x+1)2=8/3,(4)4x2-x-9=0,二次项系数化为1,得x2-1/4x-9/4=0,移项,得x2-1/4 x= 9/4,配方,得x2-1/4x+1/64=9/4+1/64,即(x-1/8)2=145/64,习题21.2第4题答案(1)因为△=(-3)2-4×2×(-3/2)=21>0,所以原方程有两个不相等的实数根
习题21.2第8题答案解:设这个直角三角形的较短直角边长为 x cm,则较长直角边长为(x+5)cm,根据题意得:
1/2 x(x+5)=7,所以x2+5x-14=0,解得x1=-7,x2=2,因为直角三角形的边长为:
习题21.2第11题答案解:设这个矩形的一边长为x m,则与其相邻的一边长为(20/2-x)m,根据题意得:
当x=6时,20/2-x=10-6=4.故这个矩形相邻两边的长分别为4m和6m,即可围城一个面积为24 m2 的矩形
假设存在有18条对角线的多边形,设其边数为x,由题意得:1/2 x(x-3)=18
∴ 抛物线y=-3x2+12x-3的开口向下,对称轴为直线x=2,顶点坐标是(2,9)
∴抛物线y=2x2 +8x-6的开口向上,对称轴是x=-2,顶点坐标为(-2,-14)
(4)∵a=1/2,b =-2,c=-1
(4)设函数解析式为y=ax2+ bx+c(a≠0),将点(1,2)(3,0)(-2,20)代入得
习题22.1第11题答案解:把(-1,-22)(0,-8)(2,8)分别代入y=ax2+bx+c,得a=-2,b=12, c=-8
一、填空.1、《水浒传》又称《水浒传》《忠义水浒传》,它是一部以北宋末年宋江起义为题材的我国第一部章回体长篇白话小说。作者是施耐庵,朝代元末明初,《水浒传》中共有一百零八将,天罡是三十六 人,地煞星七十二人。
5、梁山泊中的三员女将的名字及绰号是:(1)“母大虫”顾大嫂;(2)“一丈青”扈三 ;
6、《水浒传》中从最初占据水泊梁山到梁山好汉聚齐一百零八位直至被朝廷招安,梁山寨主先后共有三位位.他们是汪伦、晁盖、宋江.7、“自幼曾攻经史,长成亦有权谋。恰如猛虎卧丘„„他时若遂凌云志,敢笑黄巢不丈夫”这是 宋江 在 浔阳楼 写的 反诗 诗。
10、我国第一部歌颂农民起义的长篇章回小说, 《水浒传》写得荡气回肠,全书的高潮部分梁山英雄排座次;全书的低潮部分是魂聚蓼儿洼。
11、中国有一部古典名著,它最早的德文译名是《强盗与士兵》,法文译名是《中国的勇士们》,美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时定名为“ 四海之内皆兄弟 ”,这部名著是《 水浒 》。
⒈史大郎夜走华阴县, 鲁提辖 拳打镇关西⒉赵员外重修文殊院, 鲁智深 大闹五台山.⒊ 花和尚倒拔垂杨柳, 豹子头 误入白虎堂⒋梁山泊林冲落草,汴京城 杨志卖刀
5、杨志押送金银担 吴用智取生辰纲
1、《杨修之死》:选自《》。《》是我国第一部长篇章回体小说,描写了 三国时期的历史故事,集中表现了统治集团之间政治和军事斗争。作者:罗贯中,名本,字贯中,号 湖海散人,元末明初(填朝代)小说家。
成语:三顾茅庐人物及故事: 刘备三请诸葛亮
4、《三国演义》中“温酒斩华雄”、“三英战吕布”、“过五关斩六将”、“单刀赴会”、“水淹七军”等一系列可歌可泣的英雄是 关羽。(人名)
5、请结合《三国演义》说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多的战例,是战 ;诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为 失街亭 一事。
6、纶巾羽扇,身衣鹤氅,素履皂绦,面如冠玉,唇若抹朱,眉清目朗,身长八尺,飘飘然有神仙之概。人物: 诸葛亮,性格特点:清忠耿直,用人唯贤,谦虚、谨慎、认真又尽职、鞠躬尽瘁。
六出:祁山东和:东吴收二川: 东川、西川
七擒:孟获北拒:曹魏排八阵: 摆设八卦阵
1、傅雷是我国著名的翻译家,他曾翻译过巴尔扎克的《 人间喜剧 》。
2、傅雷是一个严厉、尽责的父亲,在儿子长大成人、留学海外后,仍通过书信的方式对儿子的生活和艺术进行悉心指导,这些家信汇编成书,就是《 傅雷家书 》。傅雷的两个儿子分别是 傅聪。
3、《傅雷家书》信中首先强调的是一个年轻人 如何做人,如何对待生活 问题。傅雷用自己的经历现身说法,教导儿子待人要 谦虚,做事要 严谨,礼仪要 得体 ;遇困境 不气馁,获大奖 不骄傲 ;要有国家和民族的荣誉感,要有艺术、人格的尊严,做一个“德艺俱备,人格卓越的艺术家”。
历史唯物主义认为, 任何历史事件的发生都有其产生的根源。本课从英国工业革命产生的原因看,除了英国拥有雄厚的资本、充足的劳动力和广阔的海外市场等有利条件外,还有一个重要的前提是资产阶级统治在英国的确立, 这与17世纪英国发生资产阶级革命有着密切联系。因此,教学时可以从英国资产阶级革命的相关内容入手,然后延伸到工业革命,从而探究英国首先发生工业革命的根源, 通过这样引导学生回顾旧知识,充实新课内容,从中引导学生运用历史唯物主义史观分析理解问题。
许多历史事件,表面上看似乎各自独立,但实际上却相互联系,相互影响。就本课而言,教材分为“珍妮机的故事”、“瓦特与蒸汽机”和“火车的诞生”三个小标题的内容进行叙述。粗看好像这几个历史事件似乎没有关联,但仔细分析,会发现他们之间有密切联系。首先,从整体看,他们围绕工业革命这一主题,分别从工业革命的起因及开始、发展及扩展、结果及影响等讲述。第二,从具体联系看,珍妮机的发明导致工业革命的开始,但由于珍妮机等前期发明的机器受各种条件(如动力条件、自然条件等)的制约,促使人们进一步发明并不断改进动力设备和机器,正是在这样的背景下,有了蒸汽机的发明和瓦特改良蒸汽机,工业革命进一步发展。瓦特蒸汽机的出现,推动了人们利用蒸汽机改进和发明交通运输工具, 这样的背景下,火车诞生了,工业革命进一步扩展到其他部门和行业。经过近一个世纪的历程, 人类历史上的第一次技术革命在不同国家陆续完成。工业革命的完成,最终给人类世界带来了翻天覆地的变化, 给人类历史带来了深刻的影响。通过这样分析,本课涉及的几个历史事件的内在联系一目了然,学生对教材涉及的相关历史知识已能初步掌握,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。
本课教学中,必然会涉及工业革命对世界、对人类历史的影响这一内容。从这一内容出发,教学中可以利用历史事件之间的点面联系,从纵向或横向延伸、拓展教材内容,从而避免简单、粗浅或单纯的复述教学内容,培养学生学会运用点面联系获取和掌握知识的能力。在本课中,可运用该方法的地方很多。从工业革命联系到人类历史上的第二、第三次科技革命:运用归纳对比等方式,从工业(科技)革命的开始、主要标志(或特征)、主要成果、影响(或意义)等角度分析比较,使学生在这一过程中获取大量相关知识,并学会运用比较归纳分析、掌握历史知识的方法。通过上述联系, 一个个单纯的历史事件 (即“点”)被放在广阔的历史画面 (及“面”) 中 , 从而增长知识 , 开阔视野,学习内容不再单调而变得丰富。
《义务教育历史课程标准》(2011年版 )指出 :“注重人类历史不同领域发展的关联性,注重历史与现实的联系,使学生逐步学会综合运用所学知识和方法对历史和社会进行全面的认识。”把学生从“历史”的学习引向对“今天”或“未来”的关注,知古鉴今,这不仅是新课程理念的体现,而且学习历史的意义所在,更是素质教育的要求。从本课学习中,可以让学生知道:工业革命中一系列大机器的发明并被运用到工业生产中,促进了生产力的巨大发展,但是,煤炭等一系列不可再生资源被肆意开发、工业生产中大量排放的废气带来的雾霾天气、温室效应与全球气候变暖、交通运输工具的广泛使用给城市带来的交通堵塞,等等,给人类的今天或未来带来怎样的影响? 人类又将如何正确看待和处理? 通过这些问题,将工业革命与环境保护、经济可持续发展等问题联系起来,引导学生从历史的学习中转而关注现实,关注人类,获得启示,从而实现历史教学的目标和价值。
1. You can’t enter her room without her p____.
2. Don’t b____ me. I’m very busy doing my homework.
3. Tom is c____ of winning the match.
4. I asked him to go fishing with us, but he r____.
5. If you don’t work hard, you’ll fail the e____.
6. The ____ (架子) are too old. Please take them out.
7. Please ____(覆盖) the table with a piece of paper.
8. Let’s go ____(在楼下) to have dinner.
9. What would you do if you had a ____ (百万) dollars?
10. The hotel owner agreed to ____(提供) hot water all day.
B) 用括号内的词的正确形式填空。
1. If I ____(be) you, I would go to school by bike.
2. If he ____(have) time, he would play basketball with you.
3. If it ____(not rain) tomorrow, I will visit my grandmother.
4. Most of them share free ____(medicine) care.
5. I’d wait for her to introduce ____(her) to me.
6. His grandfather is ____(knowledge).
7. The policeman went into the room and carried the boy to ____
8. Miss Wang is ____(help). She often helps others when they are in
9. The teacher got ____(annoy) when she heard the news.
10. How many ____(listen) are there in the meeting room?
1. ——What would you do ____ you got a million dollars?
——I would buy myself a wonderful car ____ I got a million dollars.
A. if; whetherB. when; ifC. if; ifD. after; whether
2. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble ____ you.
A. troubleB. troublesC. will troubleD. troubled
3. ____ people play basketball for fun and exercise, but few people
know how the sport started.
A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Two millionD. Two millions of
4. If I ____ her, I would sing a song in English at the party.
A. amB. wasC. areD. were
5. I can’t decide ____.
A. to choose which presentB. choose which present
C. which present to chooseD. to which present choose
6. If it ____ tomorrow, we will have a picnic.
A. not rainB. won’t rainC. doesn’t rainD. didn’t rain
7. Victor has ____ friends because he’s easy to get along with.
A. plenty ofB. a fewC. fewD. a lot
8. It’s dark. I would rather ____ in bed than ____ a walk outside.
A. lie; takeB. to lie; to takeC. lie; to takeD. to lie; taking
9. The leader always comes up ____ good solutions ____ people’s
A. with; toB. with; ofC. at; toD. of; of
10. He made a shelf ____ his books on.
A. putB. to putC. puttingD. for putting
1. What would you do if someone asked you to in a movie?
2. He will catch the bus if he got up early.
3. I want to have two millions dollars.
4. I can’t sleep the night before a exam.
5. They say that you’re easy to get along.
1. He has plenty of friends. (改为同义句)
He has ____ ____ ____ friends.
2. If I were you, I would wear a skirt to the party. (对划线部分提问)
____ ____ you ____ if you were me?
3. Five people would talk to the friend right away. (对划线部分提问)
____ ____ people would talk to the friend right away?
4. I’m creative and outgoing. (对划线部分提问)
____ are you ____?
5. I would argue with him if I were you. (改为否定句)
I ____ ____with him if I were you.
1. 如果我买彩票中奖一百万,我要把它给慈善机构。
If I ____ a million yuan in the ____, I’d give it to ____.
2. 你不应该担心别人在穿什么。
You ____ ____ ____ what other people are wearing.
3. 你的朋友大概会说你很随和。
Your friend would probably say you are ____ to ____ ____ ____.
4. 你的周围有一帮很好的朋友。
You have ____ ____ ____ very good friends.
5. 词典对我们学习英语非常有用。
A dictionary ____ ____ ____ study English for us.
A: I just did a personality survey in Teen Time magazine. __1__
B: Oh? How did you do, Peter?
A: __2__ But it’s a really interesting test. You should try it, Milk.
B: OK.
A: How about Question 1? What would you do if the teacher asked
you to give a speech in front of the whole school?
B: __3__ I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole
A: __4__ What would you do if someone asked you to be in a
B: Oh, I’d say no. __5__
A. I’d be too nervous.
B. I don’t know yet.
C. How about this movie question?
D. It tells you how.
E. I’d say I had a cold and couldn’t speak.
Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted __1__ in Green Park with some of her friends. She was very happy about it.
__2__ she was ready, she got on her bike and left for the park—it was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she __3__ sirens(警笛). The sound of the sirens was getting __4__, so Debbie looked __5__ her to see what was happening. As a result (结果), she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t hurt, __6__ a car hit her bike. After the car __7__, two men got out and started running. __8__, a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got out and started running after the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves (贼)!”
__9__ a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a way, she had helped them __10__.
1. A. goes to skateB. go skating
C. going to skateD. to go skating
2. A. WhileB. As soon asC. IfD. As quickly as
3. A. heardB. listened toC. foundD. saw
4. A. close and closeB. closer and closer
C. big and bigD. bigger and bigger
5. A. afterB. in front ofC. behindD. before
6. A. becauseB. soC. butD. and
7. A. fell overB. passed awayC. turned backD. stopped
8. A. A few minutes laterB. Just then
C. After an hourD. Very fast
9. A. In a few daysB. Sometimes
C. Some time laterD. At the same time
10. A. get out of the carB. run after the two men
C. catch the thievesD. shout at the thieves
Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”
“OK, Dad,” said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn’t remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it now and then.
Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that no man would come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.
The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”
The man was very surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”
“Burnt yesterday evening,” said the boy.
1. Mr. Brown told his son that ____.
A. he would be away from home for four days
B. he would be back in seven days
C. he would be back in a month
D. he liked a cup of tea
2. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ____.
A. the wallB. the door
C. a piece of paperD. his son’s pocket
3. A man came to visit the boy’s father on ____.
A. the second dayB. the third day
C. the fourth dayD. the fifth day
4. The man was very surprised because ____.
A. he thought the child’s father was dead
B. the child didn’t ask him to sit down
C. the child gave him a cup of tea
D. he couldn’t find that piece of paper
5. What was burnt? ____.
A. The piece of paperB. Mr. Brown
C. The visitorD. The boy
You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying, when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don’t like one of your classmates?
If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容).Tolerance is the ability(能力) to realize and respect(尊重) the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.
Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind.
You need to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is important to treat them kindly too. If you tolerate(宽容) something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.
It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone’s lives easier. Learn to accept(接受) people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.
1. What does the writer think of school?
At school, students can not only study but also
2. It’s important for you to get to know others. What can it help you?
It can help us
3. How can you get along well with your classmates?
4. Must you change yourself or others if you tolerate something?
5. Why is tolerance important?