
2024-08-07 版权声明 我要投稿


初等英语六级模拟题 篇1


As one of the oldest civilizations of the world, China has a long history and brilliant culture. After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty, China created glorious science and culture. The compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing are considered to be the four great inventions of ancient China, which have contributed immensely to the civilization of the world and the progress of mankind. The Silk Road of China, the oldest trade route in the world, largely promoted the cultural exchange between the East and the West. The Great Wall and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal are honored as the engineering wonders in the world. Besides, China has colorful traditional culture and folk arts such as Beijing Opera, paper-cutting, kite, embroidery and shadow play.


1.第一个句子的主语是“中国”,后面跟着两个并列的谓语“是”和“有着”,翻译时可将“中国有着悠久的历史…”译为主句,将“是…之一”译为“as+名词短语”结构,即as one of the...,放在句首。

2.第二句的主干可理解为“中国创造了…”;将“中国在夏朝时开始进入了文明时代”作为时间状语处理,采用“after+动名词”结构来表达,译为After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty。


初等英语六级模拟题 篇2



1 系统规划

系统利用Sql Server2005数据库,采用具有较好的独立性和安全性的B/S结构与微软公司的IIS架构Web服务器,运用 .NET技术,结合Web开发技术及平面设计技术,设计开发了系统。用户通过Web或手机登录,制订个性化的学习方案,随时进行学习、自测和模考。并建立一个管理系统,对学生进行管理,对学生的学习情况进行分析统计,利用Ajax技术实现在线答疑的功能。

2 系统设计

2.1 系统总体设计


2.2 系统功能模块说明


(1)用户信息管理 :本系统提供了新增用户的信息注册,具体包括用户名、密码、性别、电子邮件、所在学校,来实现用户密码找回并根据所在学校来方便各个学校对学生自主学习情况的管理。

(2)真题试卷文档的在线查看 :每个访问该网站的用户都可以根据需要在线查看历年试卷内容,该页面上的文件列表为从数据库自动读取的前五条记录,并通过借助第三方控件Flex Paper来实现在线阅读 .pdf文档的功能,当用户需要下载该文档时则需要登录,下载时仍为 .doc文档以方便下载到本地可编辑。

(3)在线考试 :本系统通过计时与题型的完整全面真实模拟考试环境。听力部分利用网页中嵌入系统自带的windowsmedia player,可以实现 暂停、音量的 大小控制 ;利用绑定Sql Data Source控件并与其它相 关控件(如Timer、Grid View、Repeater等)结合的方式从数据库绑定数据,呈现到前台页面中。在学生完成考试后,提交考题,系统会自动执行客观题判分功能,主观题则会与数据库中正确答案实行匹配,按匹配程度给出相应的参考分数,并自动生成考试记录。

(4)资料的管理(上传下载):管理员与教师可以查询系统中已存在的所有资料,并对资料可以进行增删改的操作,可以上传 .doc/docx、.pdf、.ppt/.pptx、.txt、.mp3、.wma等格式文件,其中非音频文件在上传过程中会自动转化为 .pdf文件,并将件相关信息(包括文件名、文件格式、文件所属类型、文件大小、文件上传时间)提交到数据库,供首页提取信息在前台显示,当前端用户点击某个文件名时会自动将值传递给Flex Paper并调用相关 .pdf文件,来实现整个的文件浏览功能。

(5)在线交流 : 每位成功登录的用户均可以参与讨论交流,本功能利用Ajax与js的结合,实现实时刷新在线交流,无需数据库,每隔2s刷新一次。这样既减少了数据库存储聊天记录的负担,又实现了考试系统能够互相交流的人性化设计,学生可以在线提出有关学习或者有关系统帮助的疑问,在线的教师或者系统管理员都可以给与回答。

(6)教师手动阅卷或统计学生考试情况 :在非客观题部分,系统只能根据数据库中给出的参考答案与学生考试提交的答案进行相关匹配,给出一个供参考的分数,教师的手动阅卷将会为学生提供一个更为准确的分数。此外教师可根据学生编号或者姓名对某个学生近一周或近一个月的学习考试效果进行评估,系统可以自动绘制出近期该学生模考的成绩趋势图,直观的反应出近期学生的练习水平,并可以自动生成一个评估报告,评估报告包括该学生近期学习记录和模考情况,此时老师可根据此报告提出建议发送给该学生 ;除了针对个人,教师与管理员都可以针对某个学生群体进行评估,看出整体的学习情况,以方便为教师的日后英语教学提供参考。


2.3 自动组卷的算法说明


本系统采用分段与分类相结合的形式对题库进行处理。所谓分类,即按照不同的题型(英语四六级考试包括听力、快速阅读、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、作文的题型)将题目放在不同的数据表中,其次每道题目都有唯一的编号(如0420100602 :04表示该题为四级题目,2010表示2010年,06表示该题为6月份考题,15表示那份试卷的第2项,四六级题型共6项);而对于分段,则是将每类的题目在分段处理,根据编号ID中表示该题首次出现的时间数字(如四级为04XXXXXX02)进行分段处理。这样假设共分成了m种题型,n段,在算法中,我们随机生成一个随机数r,r表示从m种题型各自所包含的n段中的第r段取一项题目,共需要产生m次的随机数(0

3 系统技术特点

ASP.NET是 .NET是一项微 软公司的技术,是Frame Work框架的一部分,是一种使嵌入网页中的脚本可由因特网服务器执行的服务器端脚本技术,它可以在通过HTTP请求文档时再在Web服务器上动态创建它们。指Active Server Pages(动态服务器页面) ,运行于IIS(Internet Information Server服务,是Windows开发的Web服务器)之中的程序。ASP.NET由于完全基于模块与组件,所以具有更好的可拓展性与可制定性。ASP.NET在数据处理方面引入了许多新技术,这种新技术具有革新意义。它具有更强的灵活性,有效的缩短了Web应用程序的开发周期。

而后台语 言C# 是与 .NET配套的编程语言,它对 .NET有良好的支持,它与 .NET有着密不可分的联系。C# 语言是一种简单、面向对象、类型安全、平台独立的编程语言,是微软公司为了能够完全利用 .NET平台优势而开发的一种新型编程语言。C# 在继承了C/C++ 灵活性的基础上也为程序员带来更高效的开发方式。它不但能用于WEB服务程序的开发,而且还能开发强大的系统级程序,是微软打造的Microsoft.Net平台的主流语言。

同时系统采用了三层架构,将整个业务应用划分为 :表现层(UI)、业务逻辑层(BLL)、数据访问层(DAL),同时还设置了实体层(Model)。在客户端与数据库之间加入了一个“中间层”,也叫组件层。这里的三层体系,不是指物理上的三层,也不仅仅有B/S应用才是三层体系结构,三层是指逻辑上的三层,即使这三个层放置到一台机器上。三层体系的应用程序将业务规则、合法性校验等工作放到了中间层进行处理。通常情况下,客户端不直接与数据库进行交互,而是通过表现层与中间层建立连接,再经由中间层与数据库进行交换。示意图如图3所示。

4 小结



初等英语六级模拟题 篇3

Higher Grades Challenge College Application Process

A) Josh Zalasky should be the kind of college applicant with little to worry about. The high school senior is taking three Advanced Placement courses. Outside the classroom, he,s involved in mock trial, two Jewish youth groups and has a job with a restaurant chain. He,s a National Merit semifinalist and scored in the top ? percent of all students who take the ACT.

B) But in the increasingly frenzied world of college admissions, even Zalasky is nervous about his prospects. He doubts he#ll get into the University of Wisconsin, a top choice. The reason: his grades. It$s not that they%re bad. It&s that so many of his classmates are so good. Zalasky’s GPA is nearly an A minus, and yet he ranks only about in the middle of his senior class of 543 at Edina High School outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. That means he will have to find other ways to stand out.

C) “It’s extremely difficult,” he said. “I spent all summer writing my essay. We even hired a private tutor to make sure that essay was the best it can be. But even with that, it’s like I*m just kind of leveling the playing field.” Last year, he even considered transferring out of his highly competitive public school, to some place where his grades would look better.

D) Some call the phenomenon that Zalasky’s fighting “grade inflation”―implying the boost is undeserved. Others say students are truly earning their better marks. Regardless, it’s a trend that’s been building for years and may only be accelerating: many students are getting very good grades. So many, in fact, it is getting harder and harder for colleges to use grades as a measuring stick for applicants.

E) Extra credit for AP courses, parental lobbying and genuine hard work by the most competitive students have combined to shatter any semblance of a Bell curve, one in which A,s are reserved only for the very best. For example, of the 47,317 applications the University of California, Los Angeles, received for this fall’s freshman class, nearly 23,000 had GPAs of 4.0 or above.

F) That’s also making it harder for the most selective colleges―who often call grades the single most important factor in admissions―to join in a growing movement to lessen the influence of standardized tests.

G) “We,re seeing 30, 40 valedictorians at a high school because they don,t want to create these distinctions between students,” said Jess Lord, dean of admission and financial aid at Haverford College in Pennsylvania. “ If we don’t have enough information, there’s a chance we’ll become more heavily reliant on test scores, and that’s a real negative to me.”

H) Standardized tests have endured a heap of bad publicity lately, with the SAT raising anger about its expanded length and recent scoring problems. A number of schools have stopped requiring test scores, to much fanfare.

I) But lost in the developments is the fact that none of the most selective colleges have dropped the tests. In fact, a national survey shows overall reliance on test scores is higher in admissions than it was a decade ago. “It’s the only thing we have to evaluate students that will help us tell how they compare to each other,” said Lee Stetson, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania.

J) Grade inflation is hard to measure, and experts,caution numbers are often misleading because standards and scales vary so widely. Different practices of “weighting” GPAs for AP work also play havoc. Still, the trend seems to be showing itself in a variety of ways.

K) The average high school GPA increased from 2.68 to 2.94 between 1990 and , according to a federal study. Almost 23 percent of college freshmen in reported their average grade in high school was an A or better, according to a national survey by UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute. In 1975, the percentage was about half that.

L) GPAs reported by students on surveys when they take the SAT and ACT exams have also risen―and faster than their scores on those tests. That suggests their classroom grades aren’t rising just because students are getting smarter. Not surprisingly, the test-owners say grade inflation shows why testing should be kept: it gives all students an equal chance to shine.

M) The problems associated with grade inflation aren’t limited to elite college applicants. More than 70 percent of schools and districts analyzed by an education audit company called SchoolMatch had average GPAs significantly higher than they should have been based on their standardized test scores―including the school systems in Chicago, Illinois, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Denver, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Columbus, Ohio. That raises concerns about students graduating from those schools unprepared for college. “They get mixed in with students from more rigorous schools and they just get blown away,” said SchoolMatch CEO William Bainbridge.

N) In Georgia, high school grades rose after the state began awarding HOPE scholarships to students with a 3.0 high school GPA. But the scholarship requires students to keep a 3.0 GPA in college, too, and more than half who received the HOPE in the fall of and entered the University of Georgia system lost eligibility before earning 30 credits. Next year, Georgia is taking a range of steps to tighten eligibility, including calculating GPA itself rather than relying on schools, and no longer giving extra GPA weight to vaguely labeled “honors” classes.

O) Among those who work with students gunning for the more selective colleges, opinions differ as to why there seem to be so many straight-A students. “I think there are more pressures now than there used to be, because 20 or 30 years ago kids with a B plus average got into some of the best colleges in the country,” said William Shain, dean of admissions and financial aid at Bowdoin College in Maine. “It didn,t matter if you had a 3.9 instead of a 3.95. I don,t know if it matters now either, but people are more likely to think it does.”

P) Lord, the Haverford dean, sees grade inflation as the outcome of an irrational fear among students to show any slip up―in grades or discipline. In fact, colleges like his are often more interested in students who have overcome failure and challenge than robots who have never been anything less than perfect. “There,s a protection and encouragement of self-esteem that I don’t agree with, but I think it’s a lot of what’s going on here,” he said. “And the college admissions process feeds into that.”

Q) Back in Minnesota, Edina may join a growing number of schools that no longer officially rank students―a move that could help students like Zalasky, who says he was told by Wisconsin his class rank makes him a longshot. “They feel they’re being left behind or not getting into the schools that they’re applying to because of a particular class rank,” says Edina counselor Bill Hicks. “And there is some validity with respect to some certain schools that use certain formulas.”

R) But the colleges most popular with Edina students already know how strong the school is: students’ median verbal and math SAT scores are 1170 out of 1600. Hicks isn’t willing to blame the concentration grades at the top on spineless teachers, or on grade-grubbing by parents and students. Expectations are high, and grades are based on student mastery of the material, not a curve. Wherever teachers place the bar for an A, the students clear it.

S) “Everyone here is like, ‘ if I can get a 98 why would I get a 93? said Lavanya Srinivasan, who was ranked third in her Edina class last year. Far from being pushovers, she says, Edina teachers are tougher than those in a course she took at Harvard last summer. Zalasky agrees the students work hard for their high grades. “The mentality of this school is, if you’re not getting straight A,s you’re not doing well,” he said. “There’s just so much pressure on us day in and day out to get straight A’s that everybody does.” Hicks compares the atmosphere at Edina to the World Series expectations that always surround the superstar lineup of the New York Yankees. “If they don’t win it,” he said, “then it’s failure.”

1. Nearly half of the applications that the University of California received this autumn had GPAs of 4.0 or above.

2. It,s also harder for the most selective colleges to lessen the effect of standardized tests.

3. More than 30 years ago, about 11.5 percent of college freshmen reported their average grade in high school was an A or better.

4. Because of the negative effects of standardized tests recently, a lot of universities have no longer required test scores.

5. Some think Zalasky’s improvement unworthy, while others think his high grades win the praise for him.

6. Because many of his classmates are so outstanding, Zalasky is nervous about his college application.

7. Some colleges would like to admit students who have conquered failure and challenge rather than those who have never been anything less than perfect.

8. In the next year, Georgia is taking a series of measures to tighten qualification, including calculating GPA itself and avoiding paying too much attention to vaguely labeled “honors” classes.

9. In Zalasky,s opinion, students are put under great pressure to work hard to get straight A”s, or they will be regarded as losers.

初等英语六级模拟题 篇4


















8:50---9:00 试音时间


9:10 开始是作文考试

9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)9:40---9:55 做快速阅读


9:55---10:00 试音,准备听力考试

10:00 开始听力考试,开始放音


11:20 全部考试结束









12月大学英语六级模拟试卷 篇5

1. w: hi , tom . have you been playing much basketball lately ?

m: i play as often as i can get out of the classroom .and the game is my way to be somebody . it’s my life ,you know ?

q: what does tom tell the woman ?

2. m: could you drop by the lab for a minute ? i have some experiments running that i need to check on before dinner .

w: sure . i have plenty of time . i’d be interested to see what you’re working on , anyway .

q: what will the man and the woman do ?

3. w: where are you going at this time of night ?

m: i’m checking into a hotel . for the past two hours ,you have been complaining about everything i do .

q: what was the woman doing before this conversation ?

4.w: i heard they didn’t sign the agreement .

m: yes ,it’s too bad . but i’m certainly not going to lose any sleep over it .

q: what was the man’s reaction ?

5. m: why don’t you immigrate to swill instead of coming here on short visits ?

w: i would like to but i couldn’t live if i were cut off from my family and friends .

q: where are the woman’s family and friends ?

6. w: excuse me , sir .visiting hours are over .you must leave ,so your wife can get some rest .

m: pardon me ,nurse . i didn’t hear the bell or i would have left earlier .

q: where did this conversation take places ?

7. w: please turn down the television . i can’t understand anything my friends is saying on the phone .

m: hurry up and finnish your call .i don’t like standing so close . the light hurts my eyes .

q: why is the woman upset ?

8. m: hi, if you can’t enjoy that at a sensible volume ,please use the earphone ,i’m trying to study .

w: oh, i’m sorry ,i didn’t realize it was bothering you .

q: what has the man probably been doing ?

9. w: i thought for sure that bobby would hit that tree .

m: i thought so too . but thank goodness ,he swerved just in time .

q: what did you learn about bobby ?

10. m: jean said she would meet you in the library .did you get together ?

w: yes ,but it’s a wonder that we did .i had given up waiting and had gone inside the classroom .she had done the same thing .

q: where did the two women actually meet ?

section b

passage one

birthdays ---we all have one and in the course of lifetime we celebrate our own and those of friends and relations many times .some birthdays are personal landmarks .in britain ,one of the most important of these is the twenty ---first birthday ,which until recently also has a legal significance . it was the voting age .

the twenty ----first birthday used to be the day when young were finally accepted as adults and presented with the key to the house as a symbol of this new status . the voting age is now eighteen .ideas of when a person reaches adulthood have also changed .nevertheless many design on the twenty ----first cards still include a silvery key .

by middle age birthdays tend to be regarded with mixed feelings ,some people celebrate them with relish . others keep them secret ,even ignore them altogether as unwelcome reminders of the rapidly passing years .however it’s doubtful that many people would choose to ignore their hundredth birthday when a high-light of the day id a personal telegram form the queen .

11. what is the voting now ?

12. in the passage ,what kind of the presents will you get on your twenty –first birthday ?

13. what do you feel about middle age birthday ?

passage two

good friday is the most solemn day of the year for christians ,and is the anniversary of the crucifixion of jesus christ .it was also once considered by some people to be the most unlucky day .they would not use nails or iron tools on this day in remembrance of their use on the cross .in english it’s called good friday ,and here the word “good” has its own sense of “holy”.

less than 48 hours later ,believers everywhere celebrate the most joyful day in their calendar ,the resurrection of jesus christ on what is called easter day .this occurs on the first sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox ,so the exact date varies each year between march 22 and april 25.

the name easter comes from the name of pagan festival held during the equinox in honor of anglo-saxon goddess foster .people once believed that foster brought the world to life again in spring ,and the sun danced on her day .

14. what is the date of good friday ?

15. what is the easter day?

16. where does the name easter come form?

passage three

the history of modern water pollution goes back to february 28, 1931 ,when mrs. mrphy leaned over her back –yard fence and said to mrs.holbook , “ you call those shirts white ?” mrs. holbrook was ashamed to admit they were as white as she could get them with that ordinary soap .

“what you should use is this formula cake soap which guarantees against the dull grey look that the family wash always had .”

doubtful but adventurous ,mrs. holbrook tired the formula soap ,which did take the gray out of her husband’s shirts . but what she didn’t know was that the water eventually emptied into the blue sky river ,killing two fish .

three years later ,mrs. muphy was hanging her shirts and mrs. holbrook said , “ how did you ever get your collars so white ,surely not with formula ?”

“ not ordinary formula .but i did with super fortified formula . you see , it attacks dirt and destroys it . here ,try some on your shirts .”

mrs. holbrook did and discovered her husband’s shirt collars turned pure white . what she could not possibly know was that it turned the river water pure white as well .

six months later ,the blue sky river was declared a health hazard . one day as mr. holbrook was walking home form work ,he accidentally fell into the blue sky river ,swallowed a mouthful of water and died immediately . at the funeral service the minister said , “ you can say anything you want about holbrook ,but no one can deny he had the cleanest shirt in town .”

17. when did the history of modern water pollution go back to ?

18. why did mrs. holbrook feel ashamed ?

19. why could mrs. holbrook make the shirt clean ?

20. what is the result of using super fortified formula ?
