
2024-07-01 版权声明 我要投稿


五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇1

1。―Ifyoubecomeaprofessionalsinger,youmaybe 。





2。 awaythisdirtyshirtandbringmeacleanone。



3。Themanmakesaliving teaching。

A。without B。with C。by


4。Thisisagreatchanceforme fromaforeigner。




5。Ifourgovernment payattentiontothesafetyoffood,ourhealth indanger。




6。We’lleasilybecomeunhappy wesolveourproblems。



五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇2

Festivals in Hong Kong

get red packets拿到紅包(Spring Festival)

play trick or treat不給糖就搗蛋(Halloween)

play with lanterns玩燈籠(Lantern Festival)

easter eggs復活節彩蛋(Easter)

send Christmas cards 贈送聖誕節卡片(Christmas)

sweep the graves掃墓(Tomb-sweeping Day)mooncake月餅(Mid-Autumn Festival)

watch dragon boat races 觀看龍舟比賽(Dragon Boat Festival)wear costumes穿戲服(Halloween)

rice dumplings粽子(Dragon Boat Festival)

五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇3

1.I want you to go shopping with me today.今天我想要你和我一起去购物。(P70)

此句型为want sb.to do sth.,意为“想要某人干某事”,want是及物动词,to do sth.为动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

He wants me to help her with her maths.他想要我在数学方面帮助她。want还可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,即want sth.或want to do sth.。例如: She wants a pair of jeans.她想要一条牛仔裤。I want to buy a lot of things.我想要买许多东西。(P70)I want to see my parents this weekend.这个周末我想去看望我的父母亲。2.I’m not free today.我今天没空。(P70)

free是形容词,意为“空闲的,有空的”。常与be(am, is are, was, were)动词连用。例如: She is not free now.她现在没空。Are you free this evening? 你今晚有空吗?

3.I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你拿所有的包。(P70)

(1)此句型为need sb.to do sth.,意为“需要某人干某事”,need是及物动词,意为“需要”,to do sth.为动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

He needs his parents to clean his bedroom.他需要父母亲打扫卧室。

need还可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,即need sth.或need to do sth.。例如: I need a lot of energy.我需要许多能量。(P54)Do we need to buy some vegetables? 我们需要买些蔬菜吗 ?(P62)(2)carry意为“搬运、随身携带”,还含有“肩挑、手提”的意思。例如: Could you help me carry the box? 请你帮我拿这个箱子,好吗? bring和take也有“拿、带”的意思,但用法各不相同。


You must finish reading the magazine this evening and bring it here tomorrow.你必须今天晚上看完这本杂志,明天把它带到这儿来。

Your cousin asked me to bring you a birthday present.你表哥让我给你带来一件生日礼物。

take意为“拿去、带去”,指把某物或某人从说话处带到别处去,它与bring所表示的方向相反。例如: Take away this empty bottle, and bring me a full one,please.把这个空瓶拿走,请给我拿个满的来。4.Can I help you? 你想要点什么?(72)What can I do for you?我能帮你忙吗?(72)

Can I help you? 与What can I do for you?两者可用来询问别人是否需要服务或提供帮助,意为“要我帮忙吗?”,在不同的场合表达不同的意义。例如:在图书馆,图书馆管理员对你说Can I help you?或What can I do for you?,表示:“您要借书吗?”在商店,营业员对顾客说,表示“您想要买点什么”。

Can I help you? 还可表达成:Could I help you? 或May I help you?,这两者在语气上要比Can I help you?更加客气、委婉。

5.I’m looking for some football cards and stickers of Huanghe Football Team.我在找些足球卡片和黄河足球队的贴花纸。(P72)

look for意为“找,寻找”。例如:

He is looking for his comic book.他在找他的连环画。She is looking for her mother.她在找她母亲。(P85)

6.There are some cards and stickers over here.那儿有些卡片和贴纸。(P72)

over here意为“在这儿,在这边”,在句中可作状语。over here也可在句中作表语、定语。例如: My car is over here.我的车在这儿呢。(表语)

You can ask the man over here.你可以问问这边的那个人。(定语)

Please put your school things over here.请把你的学习用品放在这儿。(状语)7.Take a look.看一看(P72)

take a look 相当于have a look,意为“看一看”。若表示“看一看某物”时,则后跟介词at,表达为:take a look at„或have a look at„。例如:

Take a look at her hair clips.How lovely!看一看她的发夹,多漂亮啊!Let me have a look at your new watch, please.请让我看一看你的新手表。8.How much do the cards cost? 卡片多少钱?(72)

(1)how much可用来询问价格、价钱,或对不可数名词的数量提问。例如: How much is your CD? It’s ten yuan.你的CD多少钱?10元。

How much does the Walkman cost? It’s about 120 dollars.这个随身听多少钱?大约120元。(2)cost是动词,意为“花费”,其主语为物,后接表示“金钱”的名词作宾语。例如: This teddy bear costs twenty yuan.这只玩具熊20元。

表示“某人花钱干某事”,用spend的句型,其主语必须是人,动词用-ing形式。He spent two hundred yuan buying this watch.他买这块手表花了200元。

spend后接名词时,用介词on。“他买这块手表花了200元。”这句也可表达成: He spent two hundred yuan on this watch.spend还可表示“某人花时间干某事”,这时用句型(人)spend some time on sth / doing sth.。例如: She usually spends half an hour on English.You mustn’t spend too much time playing volleyball.也可用句型It takes sb.some time to do sth.表示“干某事花某人多少时间”。例如: It usually takes her half an hour to read English.读英语花费她半小时。

It usually takes me more than two hours to do homework.家庭作业通常花我两个多小时。9.I want to buy a present for my friend.(P72)

buy意为“买”,表示“给某人买某物”时,可用句型buy sb sth,也可用give sth for sb。因此原句也可表达为:I want to buy my friend a present.。例如:

I also want to buy a CD for her.= I also want to buy her a CD.我也想给她买个CD。(P72)I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD then.我没有足够都的钱给她买CD了。(P72)

Maybe you can buy him a football in the sports shop.= Maybe you can buy a football for him in the sports shop.也许你可以在体育用品商店给他买个足球。(P75)

10.I’m sure you can find some nice clips for your friend.(P72)(1)find意为“找到、发现”。例如:

She can’t find her mother.她找不到她母亲。(P72)

(2)look for 和find 都有“找”的意思。但look for强调找的动作,find强调找的结果。例如: What are you looking for? My bag.But I can’t find it.你在找什么?我的包,但我找不到。He is looking for his little dog, but he can’t find it.他在找他的小狗,但他没找到。(3)find与find out find通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某种情况。例如: I looked for my pen here and there, but didn’t find it.我到处找我的钢笔,但没找到。

find out意为“找出、发现、查明”,多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无行的、抽象的东西。例如:

Please find out when the train leaves.请查一下火车什么时候离站。11.They match her favourite T-shirt.他们与她的T恤相配。(P72)

match为动词,意为“适合,(与„„)想配”,相当于go well with。例如: This pair of boots matches my jeans.这双靴子配我的牛仔裤。Match还可作名词,意为“比赛”。例如:

I like watching football matches very much.我非常喜欢看足球比赛。

12.I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD then.我没有足够都的钱给她买CD了。(P72)


We haven’t got enough apples for so many people.=We haven’t got apples enough for so many people.我们没有足够的苹果供这么多人吃。


I’m not tall enough to reach the basket.我不够高,够不着篮球架。(P31)The boy is old enough to go to school.这男孩年龄够大了,可以去上学。

Beibei ran fast enough to catch up with her mum.贝贝跑得够快的,能赶上她妈妈。(3)enough还可作名词。例如:

Would you have some more rice? No, thanks.I’ve had enough.再吃点饭,好吗?不用了,谢谢。我已吃得够多的了。

13.Your Walkman looks great!你的随身听看上去真棒!(P75)look意为“看上去”,作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。例如: You look so beautiful in a blue dress.你穿上蓝裙子看上去很漂亮。The children look very happy.孩子们看上去很开心。14.I’m waiting for my turn.我在等待我的次序。(P77)

wait for one’s turn意为“等某人的次序”,turn是名词,意为“(依次)轮流,轮值”。例如: It’s your turn to read.轮到你读了。

We take turns to look after the sick.我们轮流照顾病人。

15.She is paying for her new shoes.她在付她新鞋子的钱。(P78)pay for sth.意为“付某物的钱”。例如:

You should pay for the things before you go.你应该在走之前先付钱。He didn’t pay for the coat and left.他没付大衣的钱就走了。注意pay与spend,cost的区别。试比较他们不同的句型结构: pay: 人 + pay + 钱 + for + 物。人 + pay + 钱 + to do sth.。spend: 人 + spend +钱 + on + 物。人 + spend +钱 + doing sth.。cost :物 + cost +人 + 钱。

因此,“这条连衣裙她花了100美元。”可表达为: She paid 100 dollars for this dress.She paid 100 dollars to buy this dress.She spent 100 dollars on this dress.She spent 100 dollars buying this dress.This dress cost her 100 dollars.16.Can our school send them some stationery? 我们学校可以送给他们一些文具吗?(P81)

句型send sb sth,意为“送给/寄给某人买某物”,send意为“送给,寄”,send sb sth=send sth to sb。因此原句也可表达为:Can our school send some stationery to them? 例如:

She always sends her mother a card when Mother’s Day comes.母亲节到来时,她总是个她妈妈寄张卡片。17.I’d like to buy a pair of football boots.(P81)

would like意为“想要”,相当于want,但比want语气婉转,常用于口语中。(1)would like to do sth.意为“想要干某事”。例如: She would like to go shopping with us.她想要与我们去购物。(2)would like sth.意为“想要某物”。例如: Would you like a glass of water? 你想要杯水吗?(P63)I would like a pair of shoes.我想要买双鞋。

(3)would like sb.to do sth.意为“想要某人干某事”。例如:

My parents would like me to work hard at my lessons.I’d like a cup of tea.我想要喝杯茶。I’d like to ask you some questions.我想要问你一些问题。(P27)What would you like to have? 你想要吃些什么? 18.Could I try them on? 我可以试穿一下吗?(P81)

try on意为“试穿/戴(衣、鞋、帽等)”,其后接代词做宾语时,代词应置于两词之间。例如:Try on the coat before you buy it.在买大衣前先试穿一下。

This dress looks nice.Please try it on.这件连衣裙看上去很好看。请试穿一下吧。

19.„, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.„„,总是有许多人在等我完成。(wait for意为“等,等待”,for为介词,后接名词或代词的宾格。例如: I’m waiting for my turn.我在等待我的次序。(P77)They are waiting for him at the bus stop.他们正在车站等他。

五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇4


1.This questi on is very easy,Butn________of us can an swerit.

2.-How many t________of dog food would you like?-four.

3.I’m hungry;Let’s_________(订购)a pizza.

4.Would you like to play_________(羽毛球)with me?

5.Can you buy the food_________(用)so little money?

6.I often see a film with my family in a c________.

五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇5

共12分)2.(2分)—______do you go to school? —By bus.A.How     B.What     C.Where     3.(2分)a big breakfast!A.What     B.How     C.Who     4.(2分)当你问别人2加5等于多少?应说:                    A.How much is two and five?     B.How many is two and five?     5.(2分)It's more        twenty thousand kilograms.A.many     B.about     C.than     6.(2分)How ________ Amy? A.about     B.old     7.(2分)(2018四上·浙江期中)________ English books do you have? A.How     B.How much     C.How many     三、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)8.(5分)You have a ________(咳嗽).四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;


A.brother    B.grandfather    C.are    D.does    E.do(1)—________you have a watch? —Yes.(2)He's my father's father—I call him ________.(3)—How ________;your mother feel? —She's sad.(4)He's my father's ________.He's my uncle.(5)Danny and Peter ________;cousins.五、情景交际(共1题;


A.Yes,I do.B.Mr Li.C.No,he isn't.D.He's young.E.Maths,Chinese and English.(1)Who's your maths teacher?________(2)What do you have on Thursdays?________(3)What's he like?________(4)Is your father strict?________(5)Do you like English?________ 六、翻译(共2题;

共12分)11.(8分)汉译英(1)拍照________(2)说英语________(3)读故事________(4)去游泳________(5)下象棋________ 12.(4分)You can smell the coffee.________ 参考答案 二、单选题(共6题;





初一上册英语unit同步练习题 篇6
























五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇7



教学内容 :Unit10 My room 主要学习关于房间的10个单词:room,clost,telephone,computer,TV,bed,picture,table,lamp,armchair,初步学习方位介词behind,next to复习in,on,under;简单的交际用语What’s behind the door? A chair.字 母H,J,K,L。











重点、难点 重点:10个单词,2个方位词 难点:用方位词描述房间物品的位置

教具、学具 教学挂图,投影片 单词卡



课时安排 教学内容 教学重点 教学实数

Lesson 55

关于房间的10个单词 1学时 Lesson 56 方位介词behind,next to 1学时 Lesson 57 Living room,study,bedroom 1学时 Lesson 58 句子:What’s behind the door?A chair!H J K L 1学时 Lesson 59 句子:What’s in your room? There is a picture in my room.1学时 Lesson 60 句子:Where is it? 1学时




三 班



课题 Unit 10 My room

Lesson 55 教学内容 关于房间的10个单词 教学目的 要求 要求学生能够听说认读这10个单词 教学重点、难点 重点是这10个单词


教具学具的准备 单词卡片,教学挂图,录音磁带 教学过程

知识点 教师活动 学生活动

bed picture lamp computer telephone table closet room TV(—)热身 Freetalk:How are you?Fine,thank you!复习上个单元的知识。


利用教学模型,边出示模型边问:“What’s this?学了几样家具及物品后,可教学生用句子把新词连起来进行叙述。B部分听录音,指句子

(三)操练 看口型猜单词 正反手练习读 看单词卡猜单词 听录音跟读 学唱歌谣




板书设计 Unit 10 My room bed

telephone lamp

armchair table

room clost

TV computer picture 有效备课

英语 学科




课题 Unit 10

Lesson 56 教学内容 方位介词:behind,next to句型:Where is Lucky? 教学目的要求 要求学生能够听说并熟练运用方位介词 教学重点、难点 重点:两个方位介词 难点:句子Where is Lucky?

教具学具的准备 教学挂图,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程

知识点 教师活动 学生活动 Hello

behind,next to





1、利用教学图片问:“Where’s Angle?”引出behind,领读,重复操练

2、同样的方法引出next to

3、利用教学挂图问:“Where’s Lucky?”




2、猜“Who is missing?”

3、让学生以pair work形式进行练习



(四)Homework 把所学的单词及句子回家说给爸爸妈妈听 师生相互问候 复习单词




鼓励学生说出来东西在哪里 跟读 板书设计 Lesson 56

Where’s Lucky? behind next to





执教人 徐海蒙

课题 Unit 10 Lesson 57 教学内容 单词:living room,study,bedroom 句子:What do you see? 教学目的要求 要求学生能够会说三个单词,并能够简单的描述物品所在的位置 教学重点、难点 重点:三个单词 难点:对房间物品位置的描述

教具学具的准备 教学挂图,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程

知识点 教师活动 学生活动 behind,next to

What do you see?




1、展示教学挂图问:“What’s is?” 教师:“起居室,living room。” 领读,重复多读几遍





4、在教室布置一个乱场景,学生以group work形式动脑动手重新安排一下。跟着教师复习上节课所学知识



学生跟着教师完成每一项游戏 板书设计 Lesson 57

What can you see? living room study bedroom 有效备课




执教人 徐海蒙

课题 Unit 10

Lesson 58 教学内容 What’s behind the door? H J K L

教学目的要求 要求学生能够运用句型:“What’s behind the door?” 要求学生能够借助计算机键盘学会字母:H J K L 教学重点、难点 重点:句子What’s behind the door?

字母:H J K L 难点:本课的句型

教具学具的准备 教学图片,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程

知识点 教师活动 学生活动 living room bedroom study

句子:What’s behind the door? 字母:H J KL

(一)热身复习利用单词卡片复习单词 正反手读单词

(二)呈现新知 A部分

看教学挂图讲解句子 领读 B部分

根据计算机键盘讲解字母H J K L(三)操练

1、教师把教室布置成房间的摸样,把物品分放在各个地方。让学生带上动物头饰,以Group work的形式分角色表演小熊的家。


(四)Homework 回家把句子说给爸妈听,在键盘上找相对应的字母。跟随教师复习单词


学习字母H J K L

学生指自己相应的手指 板书设计 Lesson 58 What’s behind the door? H J K L


英语 学科


执教人 徐海蒙

课题 Lesson 59 教学内容 A Think,draw and say B 句子:What’s in your room?

There is a picture in my room..教学目的要求 培养学生通过仔细观察,寻找事物规律的能力 要求学生掌握B部分的句型

教学重点、难点 重点:句型 what’s in your room? There is a picture in my room.难点:同上

教具学具的准备 教学图片,录音磁带 教学过程

知识点 教师活动 学生活动 What’s behind the door? A chair.H J K L

What’s in your room?

There is a picture in my room.(一)







3、教师用对话的形式检测学生掌握本单元重点句型:What’s in your room?



2、让学生画自己的家或者自己设计的家,或画自己想象中未来得家。然后让学生以group work形式,自编对话并进行表演。师生互相问好 用手指说字母

学生边说边指 多读多说句型 同位间互问互答

学生和老师配合完成 板书设计 Lesson 59 What’s in your room?

There is a picture in my room.有效备课




执教人 徐海蒙

课题 Unit 10

Lesson 60 教学内容 Fun Time 教学目的要求



教学重点、难点 重点:把本单元所学的语言与词汇结合起来,让学生在实践中运用语言。难点:同上。

教具学具的准备 教学挂图,教学录音磁带,若干小礼物,小奖品


知识点 教师活动 学生活动 What’s in your room?

There is a picture in my room。

Where is it?

It behind/next to/in/under/on、、、、(一)








5、教师指导学生进行group work 活动,模仿课本做“找礼物”的游戏。




五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇8

16.He got very angry______you had said.

A.because B.because of C.because what D.because of what

17.Where______for the last few months?

A.have you gone B.have you been C.did you go D.are you

18.I promised to______all the money borrowed from the bank within one year.

A.pay for B.pay back C.pay D.give

19.Whom do you think Alice is going to______?

A.get married B.marry to C.be married with D.marry

20.My parents had to use______they had to buy the house which we are now living in.

A.all what B.that C.what D.which

21.Bob thought be couldn’t go to the party because he had too much homework,but he went______.

A.after all B.at all C.at last D.too

22.——How much is this painting______?——I______10,000 francs on it.

A.cost,spent B.worth,spent C.cost,gave D.worth,paid

23.Ann’s pronunciation is much better than______in her class.

A.anyone’s B.anyone’s else C.anyone else’s D.anyone else

24.Mathilde went to the palace ball,_____a beautiful necklace around her neck.

A.put on B.dressed C.taking D.wearing

25.Do you think the novel well worth______?

A.reading B.to read C.being read D.to be read

26.There are______books that it’s hard______.

A.too much,to choose B.such many,to pick out

C.so much,to be chosen D.so many,to choose

27.The cloth______this evening dress is made is produced in our town.

A.with which B.form which C.of which D.for which

28.Why not______shopping this afternoon and what about______a film after that?

A.going,seeing B.go,seeing C.go,to see D.to go,see

29.He was the only one of the villagers who______killed in the fire that broke out yesterday.

A.was B.were C.had been D.is

30.Dogs______people by their smell.

A.know B.remember C.recognize D.understand


五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇9

1. 掌握含有There be结构的各种句型

2. 掌握名词复数形式的构成

3. 能够对学习设施进行介绍,并能回答有关问题

4. 能够用表示方位的介词和介词短语按一定顺序介绍某个地方


only some any

football field basketball court

in front of in the front of

in the middle of between

Is there…? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there…? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

How many… are there in…?

Where is /are…?

What about…?


1. Is there a computer room in your school? 你们学校有微机房吗?

“Is there…?” 是询问某地是否存在某物的一般疑问句。

①There be句型的一般疑问句就是把be动词提前,句尾加问号。

例如:Is there a map of China in your classroom?

回答 Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there fifteen chairs in front of you?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

②There be句型的否定句直接在be动词后面加not。

例如:There aren’t nine rubbers on the desks.

There aren’t any books in her bag.

There are some books in her bag.


There are some apples on the tree, but there aren’t any birds in the tree.

③How many + 可数名词复数 + are there + 地点状语?


例如:How many teachers are there in your school?

How many cars are there on the road?

④What’s + 介词短语?询问某地有什么

What’s on the teacher’s desk? There is a box of chalk.

2. 名词复数的构成




①通常在名词的单数形式词尾直接加s boys bags

②以s, x, ch, sh等结尾的单数形式,要加es boxes watches

③以f或fe结尾的,改f或fe为v再加es knives wives

④重读闭音节以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加es families

⑤以o结尾的,有的加s,有的加es tomatoes mangoes


man-men woman-women tooth-teeth child-children

Chinese Japanese单复同形

3. 用介词短语表示方位时,记住要在前面加be动词。

The students are under the tree.

The cat is on the chair.

4. Where is the bird?


Where is the boy? He is in his room.

Where are your parents? They are in the shop.



1. There are one hundred animals in the zoo.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ are there in the zoo?

2. There are some dogs in the park.(变否定句)

There _________ _________ dogs in the park.

3. The shop is in the park. (对划线部分提问)

___________ _________ the shop?

4. Look at the blackboard.(变否定句)

_________ look at the blackboard.



跟我来! Follow me! 这边请。 This way.

做得好! Good job! 有什么事吗? What’s up?

你先请。 After you. 我明白了。 I see.

我也是。 Me too. 来吧! Come on!

不行! No way! 天哪! My god!



1. It’s _____ black. It’s _____ black car.

A. …/… B. a/… C. …/a D. a/a

2. Where’s Beijing? It’s near_____.

A. Zhejiang B. Hubei C. Hunan D. Hebei

3. Which of the two policemen ____ Mike?

A. am B. is C. are D. be

4. ____ eraser on the desk is Jim’s.

A. An B. The C. A D. /

5. Can you _____ the number of the bus? Yes, I can.

A. listen B. look C. see D. meet

6. Are Lucy and Lily from the same family? _____.

A. Yes, they are B. No ,they are

C. Yes, they aren’t D. No, they are America

7. Don’t sit on the chair, there _____ on it.

A. is some water B. are some water

C. is any water D. are any water

8. There are _____ on the hill.

A. apple tree B. apple trees C. apples tree D. apples trees

9. This is Rose’s sweater. Put _____ on her bed.

A. them B. it C. this D. that

10. ---Give me some oranges, please. --- _____.

A. Here you are B. That’s all right

C. OK, give you D. It‘s here


1. They are English buses. (改为单数句)

______ ______ English bus.

2. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.(否定句)

There ______ ______ flowers on the teacher’s desk.

3. The girls put on their football shoes. (祈使句)

Please ______ ______ ______ shoes, girls.

4. Lily’s father and mother are at home today. (同义句)

Lily’s ________ are at home today.

5. We have six classes in Grade One. (同义句)

______ _______ six classes in Grade One.

6. Kate’s skirt is on the clothes line. (划线部分提问)

_______ _______ is on the clothes line?


1. we , put , here , our coats , can


2. down , sit , please , there , over


3. today , please , after , look , the twins


4. are , they , Grade 1 , in , Class 2


5. an , boy , English , is , Jim



Mrs. Green doesn’t like sports. She has much work to do at home. Her mother is coming this afternoon and she goes to meet her. Near the school she looks at her watch. She has some time. So she goes into the school. Her son isn’t in the classroom. She asks a boy and knows they’re behind the school. She sees some boys playing there. Her son is there, too. She watches them playing and soon is angry. She takes her son to the wall.

“Go home with me, Richard,” says she. “Don’t play with them. I can buy a nice ball for you. Then you don’t need to scramble for(抢夺) the ball.”

( ) 1. Mrs. Green doesn’t like sports, so ____.

A. she is at home B. she doesn’t know about balls

C. she has much work to do D. she thinks she is well

( ) 2. Mrs. Green goes to ____.

A. see her son B. watch her son play

C. meet Richard’s grandma D. meet her grandma

( ) 3. Richard is a _____.

A. schoolboy B. schoolgirl C. teacher D. driver

( ) 4. Mrs. Green sees her son and his friends playing ____.

A. volleyball B. soccer (橄榄球) C. baseball D. table tennis

( ) 5. Mrs. Green thinks ____, so she wants to buy one for him.

A. her son likes balls B. her son needs a ball

C. her son is very small D. she likes her son


要求:以 “Our Classroom” 为题写一篇短文


1. 教室又大又干净

2. 墙上有一张地图和两块黑板

3. 教室里有四十张课桌,四十把椅子

4. 在教室的前端有一个漂亮的讲台

5. 班上有二十一个女生和十九个男生

6. 我们都喜欢我们的教室


一、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A

二、1. It’s an 2. aren’t any 3. put on your

4. parents 5. There are 6. Whose skirt

三、1. Can we put our coats here

2. Please sit down over there

3. Please look after the twins today

4. They are in Class 2, Grade 1

5. Jim is an English boy

四、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B

Our Classroom

Our Classroom is big and clean. There is a map and two blackboards on the wall. In the classroom there are forty desks and forty chairs. There is a nice teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom. There are twenty-one girls and nineteen boys in our class. We all like our classroom.

★ (牛津版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 7-8

★ (北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit2 Families

★ 初一英语下册同步练习试题

★ (人教版+朗文)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 7

★ 再别康桥同步练习

★ 《离骚》同步练习

★ 牛津版八年级上册英语同步练习题

★ 牛津版一年级英语下册同步练习题

★ 《采薇》同步练习

五年级英语下学期Unit10的同步练习题 篇10


()1.All animals need _______ water.A.little B.many C.lot of D.plenty of()2.-You are standing too near to the TV.Can you move a bit _______?-OK, Mom.Is it all right here? A.faster B.slower C.farther D.nearer()3.-Did you have breakfast this morning?-No, I got up late and went to school _______ breakfast.A.for B.in C.without D.after()4.Your classroom is so dirty.Everyone should keep it _______.A.dry B.open C.quiet D.clean()5.There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago.A.thousand of B.thousands of C.three thousand of D.three thousands of()6.-Wow, your school is great!-It is _______ school in the city.A.much more beautiful B.much beautiful C.the most beautiful D.beautiful()7.Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they_______ the smallest sea animals.A.feed in B.live in C.feed on D.fed on()8.-Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _______ time?-I think I can.A.few B.fewer C.little D.less()9.As we know, water is very important _______ us.A.of B.to C.on D.with()10.Look!There is a rabbit, two _______ and two _______ in the picture.A.cows;sheeps B.mice;tiger C.gooses;snakes D.foxes;wolves 精品小编为大家提供的初二英语上册unit4同步练习大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝同学们学习进步。

