
2024-10-12 版权声明 我要投稿


英语课堂评课用语 篇1









1、歌曲导入,充分调动起学生兴趣。良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的作用。本堂课一开始,教师就用歌曲‘You and Me ’导入新课,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里被激活,而且很自然的导入此堂课。

2、关注教学方法,体现了一个活字。教师的教学方法灵活,新单词呈现形式多样。应该说整堂课中,教师在引入新词时,都是比较新颖而又自然,而且具有生活化的。老师能贯彻以学生为中心的原则,关注教学过程,尽可能发挥学生的主体作用,让学生真实的去感受知识,体验知识,积极参与,努力实践,在活动中学会用语言表达交流,较好的体现了从不懂到懂,从不会到会,从不熟练到熟练的过程。本堂课的主要任务就是让学生通过综合练习,巩固新的语言知识,首先是帮助老师解决问题,然后是帮助the lonely kid 解决问题,再引申至解答学生们自己的问题。这样循序渐进的方式既可帮助学生练习之前所学的句型和词汇,又巩固本课的教学重点。






一环扣一环,学生活动高潮迭起,教师引导巧而得法,获得了听课老师的一致好评。一,课堂教学设计理念新 以学生的发展为根本,运用任务型教学方式引导学生积极参与教学活动,在整个过程中实现师生,生生互动,活动内容丰富多彩,接近学生生活,在互动,交流,合作,探究中实施教学。整个过程中教师的角色起了深刻的变化,真正成了组织者,参与者,引导者,帮助者,关注学生学习策略,学习方法,学习态度,成为名副其实的“以学为本”的教学设计,以课题为背景,任务型教学Learning by doing 的理念和思路清晣,课堂设计体现了一位优秀教师的先进理念与素质。

二,体现了新课程“三维目标” 陆老师在教学过程中处理好“知识与技能;过程与方法;情感态度与价值观之间的关系。”①不是教书本,而是以书本教,以学生现有的知识经验导入,学生兴趣浓,由学习课本的语言知识输入到延伸过程中的语言知识输出,通过教师引导使学生运用语言知识,学会交际,学会做事情。例:Say something about my nice bedroom……运用学到的语言知识学会做事,这就是能力。②从Warming——up→Pre——task→while task →post task整个教学过程中,以学生为主体,注重在教学过程中加强对学生学习方法的培养,学习策略的渗透,情感的培养,真正朝着“学生发展”方向努力。③重视情感态度与价值观的培养。教学过程中培养学生的团队合作精神,积极调动不同层次学生积极学习,自主学习,积极评价,激发持续的学习热情,不断使学生体验成功,提高学生的自我价值,也注意了个性的培养。陆老师自己拍摄自家客厅的录像用多媒体展示出来,创设教学情境,拉近了师生的距离,激发了学生热情,活跃了课堂气氛。


以教材为基本,但又不拘泥于课本,利用多媒体创设情境,促使学生感悟和体验教学内容与生活的内在联系,培养学生语言技能和语言运用能力。教学重点突出(there be),教学难点注意(with sb,be up,like to play …)学生在活动中运用知识学会做事,教学内容注意开放性。

如:there be 句型应用贯穿全过程。①What′s in my purse ②What′s in the play house ③What′s in Miss Lu′s living-room ④Say something about your bedroom ⑤利用贴画,设计房间摆设(含听力训练)。在这几个环节,陆老师把听,说,读,写的训练巧妙地穿插其中,尤其是把自家的客厅的录像以多媒体展示出来;以贴画的新颖活动形式,吸引学生参与房间设计,是教学设计的二大亮点,体现了陆老师的教学智慧。四,学生发展与教师成长



②Make dialogues between Lucy and Lily.但上台的却是一男生与一女生进行对话。可以改为Suppose you are under the tree,please make dialagues.那么男女生都可上台进行对话。


How can we become good learners? 说课稿(第一

课时)2015年12月22日 14:42:05访问量:1246次 作者:陈子秀

How can we become good learners? 说课稿(第一课时)


一、课题:(新目标)九年级英语Unit1 How can we become good learners?




本节课的中心话题是谈论怎样来学习“Talk about how to study”,具体的目标语言是: How do you learn English? I study by doing sth.从语言上看,本部分的语言结构相对单一,仅要求掌握“by+动词-ing形式”即可,但具体的短语内容却非常丰富,可利用这一时机引导学生滚动复习七、八年级学过的相关短语和搭配。如果这一部分建构好了,便为后续的学习奠定良好的语言基础。





(1)熟练掌握下列词汇:textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation,sentence(2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud make word cards practice pronunciation

(3)掌握下列句型:How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group.能力目标:


2.学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议 情感目标:


四、教学重难点 教学重点:

1.学习并掌握How do you study...? I study...by....等相关句型和词汇。2.学习并掌握用by + doing 结构表达方式方法。教学难点:





听力教学——讲求听力技巧,先审题,预测答案,再去听,听什么?听关键词;短语教学——采取启发式的教学方式,让学生在思考中输出自己的语言,并在 句型中学会运用;




Step 1: Lead in

Listen to an English song named Fairy Tail.• T: Do you like this song? ·S: …

• T: Yes, I like this song.And I like English songs.I often learn English by listening to English songs.I think listening to English songs is a good way to learn English.Do you think so? 【设计意图】

通过听英语歌曲,引入新课,首先活跃了课堂气氛,同时引出了学习英语的一种非常棒的方法listening to English songs,接着询问学生所喜欢的学习英语的方式,让学生尽可能多的发言,为下一步的对话练习做准备。Step 2: Phrases study(短语学习)Activity 1.复习本节课所用的单词:

textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation,sentence 【设计意图】

由单词到短语到句子,不光让学生认识单词,还要理解,尽量达到会用的目的。比如…… 做到这一步,教师必须整体把握单元脉络,为后面的学习铺路。

Activity 2.利用课本P1的图片预测他们所使用的学习方法,呈现by + doing的结构,为听力1b的学习作前提准备。

Activity 3.完成课本上1a看词打勾的练习。Step 3: Listening and Pair Work


Step 4:Listening 2a, 2b Activity 1 学习2a


2.大声读出2a问题,画出听力中出现的学习英语的方式:①②③④⑤ 3.完成2a,勾出你听到的问题,就相对简单多了。【听力技巧】

加入听力技巧的指导,要想听好听力,提前做好准备。先审题,抓住关键词,再预测答案,最后听关键词。Activity 2 学习2b

1.小组合作学习,找出重点和难点的短语,明确词义 2.完成2b练习


Step 5: 能力提升

Activity 1.让学生二人一组就听力2a 和2b的内容进行模仿对话的练习。You can do like this:

A: Hello,every one!Welcome to my class.Today we’re going to talk about the best ways to learn English.……

B: Yes, … C: No, … D: …


① Do you learn English by …?

② What about doing sth?

③ Have you ever …? Activity 2.写作练习


英语课堂评课用语 篇2

学生学习英语的机会主要是通过课堂教学实现的。在课堂中, 英语教师主要运用英语和学生交流, 用英语来组织课堂、传授知识。因此, 课堂用语在英语课堂中起着举足轻重的作用。恰当的课堂用语能拉近师生之间的距离, 激发学生学习兴趣, 能让整个课堂如行云流水般地缓缓展开, 让师生享受其中。


1. 评价鼓励型

这种类型见于任何课堂, 是对学生的回答作出的肯定性评价, 或是鼓励学生进行课堂活动时的口语。如:You did a good job./Sounds reasonable./I’m sure you can do it./Why not try it?等, 这种类型具有随机性、灵活性强的特点, 对调动学生积极性、激发学生学习兴趣起着重要作用。

2. 内容分析型

用英语对课文内容进行讲解、概括、推理时要用的一些句子, 如:It means..., in other words..., that is to say..., to sum up..., What’s the attitude of the author towards the phenomenon metioned in the text?What can you infer...?What does this word refer to?What’s the main idea of the text?What may the text be about according to the title?

3. 组织课堂结构型

首先, 可以利用这些句子来复习巩固学过的知识。比如, 在讲反意疑问句时, 课前可以和学生闲聊:

T:It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

S:Yes, it is.

T:I think you are eager to go outing on such a day, aren’t you?

S:Of course.We’re eager to.

再次, 可以用来准备高考中的情景对话。近两年高考情景对话至少占三分, 教师在平时的教学中要注意对这一部分慢慢渗透。如:Where was I? (刚才我讲到哪里了?) How do you find/like the character?What do you like about the story?...


对于教师在课堂用语上存在的问题, 据笔者观察、反思、归纳, 大致有以下几种情况:

1.一些教师有口头禅, 比如, 一位教师有句口头禅是“Do you think so?”每句话后都要说一次, 听得学生疲惫不堪。

2.有些教师忽略学生的课堂反应, 或许也带点“show off”的感觉, 语速过快, 使学生难以理解。

3.有些教师不熟悉学生的基础, 在课堂用语中大量运用学生尚未学过的词汇、句型, 课后仰天长叹遭遇这样差的学生, 而学生此时也无所适从。

4.有些教师课堂用语语气单一;有些过于严厉, 导致学生情绪紧张, 课堂气氛紧张, 严重影响了教学质量。这一点在教学中易被忽视, 如有些教师在课堂上讲话的口气极其生硬, 不用please, 几乎使用清一色的命令句。学生回答错误时, 老师的脸色就不太好看了。长此以往, 学生会对老师及其课堂产生畏惧心理。也有些教师为了鼓励学生, 对学生的回答一味赞美, 答对了, 固然是“Wonderful”, 答错了, 也是“Good”, 这样会产生负面效益, 即学生搞不清谁对谁错。


1. 教师应该对学生的实际情况有清楚的了解

教师要考虑中学生的生理、心理及英语语言能力的特点, 要在课堂上仔细观察学生的反应, 注意他们疑惑的眼神, 或用手势、道具帮助理解, 或把较难的单词写在黑板上, 给出中文, 或用简单的单词代替。

2. 教师应特别注意调动学生的积极性

要达到这一点, 要求教师在课堂教学中不但要使用恰当的句型, 而且应注意语音语调的柔和, 并常伴以微笑。“Thank you”这句作为重点推荐, 无论学生答对还是答错, 教师都应对学生积极参与课堂给予积极评价, 即使学生答错, “Thank you all the same”, 能令学生心满意足, 准备第二次回答。

3. 在不同的场合, 应选用不同的课堂用语

巧妙使用课堂用语, 如触景生情、幽默诙谐的话语可以活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生的学习热情。比如在课堂上看到学生A在打瞌睡, 可以说“Look, A is struggling so fiercely with the sleep that I feel pity on him.”讲独立主格时, 学生B在吃零食, 教师可以说“B is eating something delicious.The teacher looking at him hungrily.”通过这些情景, 既提醒了“开小差”的学生, 又给出一个合适的例句 (当然说时要注意面部表情应是善意微笑的, 否则会被该学生误以为在讽刺他) 。

英语课堂教师用语研究 篇3



























[2]Gower,Roger&Steve Waiters,TeachingPractice Handbook,London:HeinemarmEducationalBooks Ltd,1983:26


评课用语 篇4






英语课堂招呼用语 篇5

2. At what time? 什么时间?

3. From 4 to 4: 四点到四点半。

4. All right. 好吧。

5. So you’ll come then. Please phone in if you can’t make it. 那么你就那时来,如果来不了,请打电话给我。

6. I have an interview this afternoon. 我今天下午有面试。

7. I can come any time except Sunday. 除星期天外我都能来。

8. You can reach me at 6609 你打电话6609823就能找到我。

9. He phoned to cancel the meeting. 他打电话来取消会议。

10. Please call me before you come. 你来之前请打电话。

11. Please make an appointment with my secretary. 请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

12. I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday.

13. 我不得不把约会从周一改到周四。

14. What’s your trouble? 你有什么不舒服?

15. How long have you had it? 你得这病多久了?

16. I should say you’ve caught a cold. 我看你感冒了。

17. You need an injection. 你需要打针。

18. Is it serious? 我的病严重吗?

19. Do I need to be hospitalized? 我需要住院吗?

英语教学中如何使用课堂用语 篇6


1. 避免使用冗长的句子。

如:Well, we make some sentences with the new words and expressionsin the text we learnt yesterday.

2. 避免使用书面语言。

如:This sentence is grammatically wrong.

3. 避免使用复杂的时态。

如:The first part of the text should have been previewed by the end of week.

可以看出, 上述所有列句, 语言结构复杂, 学生听起来很费力, 这样一来必然使学生产生畏难情绪, 从而影响教学效果。

二、课堂用语的形式——多建议, 少命令

课堂用语的形式多种多样, 常用的主要有命令式、请求式和建议式三种。同一内容用不同的表达形式, 所取得的效果会完全不同。如:

Command:Write down these examples for future use!

Request:Willyou please write down these examples for future use?

Suggest:Why not write down these examples for future use?

从以上列句不难看出, 尽管命令式具有结构简单、表意清晰等特点, 但是过多地使用这种形式、这种语气, 容易导致课堂气氛紧张, 师生关系疏远, 不利于调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。若采用请求式和建议式, 则语气比较委婉, 缩短了师生间的距离, 有助于建立融洽的师生关系, 学生能踊跃发言, 大胆地发表自己的见解。

三、课堂用语的选词——紧扣教材, 不断变化

1. 尽量选学生已学过, 不选学生不熟悉的和生僻的词汇。

课堂用语应反映口语的特点, 因此在选词上要注意选用那些简单的、最基本的常用词。如讲语音发音特点时, 要学生注意老师的口形, 我不用“Look at my tip-position”, 而采用“Look at my mouth”。这样可以减轻学生的听课负担, 让学生注意力集中, 容易形成爱学、乐学的英语的氛围。

2. 要随着教学的前进, 不断结合所学知识更新所使用的词。

如要求学生安静时, 开始说“Be quiet!”教了keep后, 我们可以说“Keep quiet!”教了stop后, 我们可换“Stop talking.”这样边教边用, 可以促使学生边学边用, 不断复习巩固所教知识, 启发学生大胆地运用英语, 增强课堂活力, 避免了课堂气氛单调枯燥。

高中英语课堂评价用语探究 篇7

【关键词】高中英语 课堂评价 评价用语 改进策略




第二,课堂评价用语缺乏宽容和鼓励,影响了学生学习热情。在高中英语课堂教学过程中,我们不难发现,当学生无法说出问题答案或回答得不正确时,教师有时会做这样的评价:It seems that you don't know the answer, sit down. / Youre wrong. / It's a terrible answer.这样的评价用语,过于直接冷漠,缺乏宽容和鼓励,容易挫伤学生的自尊心,降低学生敢于回答问题的积极性和主动性,长此以往,会影响学生的学习热情,甚至会让学生产生对英语的抵触和逃避的消极情绪。




幽默风趣的课堂评价用语往往可以化解课堂中学生的尴尬、紧张、不安情绪,促进师生之间积极的情感交流,激活课堂,营造良好的学习氛围。因此,在高中英语课堂教学中,教师在进行课堂评价时,要注意把握评价语言的幽默性和趣味性,打破课堂枯燥局面,营造良好的学习氛围,让学生在愉悦和谐的气氛中受到触动,从而引发学生的情感共鸣,激发学生的学习动机。比如,在教授人教版高中英语必修二Unit 4 wildlife protection时,笔者让学生思考讨论这样一个问题:Do human beings have the right to kill animals?有学生认为:No, we don't. Life is equal and precious, no one has the right to deprive the life of an animal.而有些学生则反对这一观点,认为人并不等同于动物。这时,笔者通过以下幽默故事让学生明白人与动物是平等的,动物也有生存的权利,从而加强学生保护野生动物的责任感,引导学生树立尊重动物和保护野生动物的意识:

Tom's father asked Tom: Tom, What is the difference between zoo and park? Tom said: Zoo is a place occupied by many kinds of animals, while park is a place occupied by one kind of animals only.


教师在进行课堂评价时,要避免使用千篇一律的评价用语,注意评价语言的多样性,多一些表扬肯定,少一些批评指责,让学生在轻松愉悦的学习环境中体验成功的喜悦感,自主掌握知识,提升能力。比如,当教师对学生的回答作充分的肯定时,除了使用单一的Good,Very good用语外,还可需使用Creative ideas,Exactly,Good boy/girl,Wonderful 等富有感情和个性化的赞扬性用语。当学生回答错误时,教师不宜直接否定学生的回答,可通过委婉否定,调动学生英语学习积极性和主动性。如:I'm proud of you for your brave, though not so accurate.当学生语言表达不完整或回答不全面时,教师可以通过部分肯定用语激励学生,唤起学生学习热情。如Creative ideas, it is reasonable, but could you say it in complete sentences? 同时,教师还可以通过使用激励性的表扬用语,增强学生成就感,提高学生学习信心。如:You made great progress! I'm are particularly pleased. / You always have interesting ideas. We all want to learn from you!


叶圣陶先生曾说过:“教师之为教,不在于全盘授予,而在于相机诱导。”评价并非是对知识正确与否进行评定,更是对学生学习方法、学习习惯、学习能力的一种引导。因此,教师在进行课堂评价时,要注意把握评价用语的启发性,善于抓住有效信息和资源,巧妙引导,并加以适时适当的点拨和指示,诱发学生积极思考,自主探究、体验、创造,发散学生思维,寻找出解决问题的思路和方法,培养学生英语兴趣和创造性意识,增强学生独立思考、分析问题以及解决问题的能力。譬如,Looking at this topic, what do you think of it? / After reviewing the text, what have you known about it and what questions do you have in your mind. / Try to give as many answers as you can.


英语课堂教学用语集锦 篇8



That’s true.对。

You’ve done a good job.太棒了。It’s almost perfect.几乎完美无暇。

I think your answer is very useful.你的答案很有用。What you said is meaningful.你说的很有用。Your answer is interesting.你的答案很有趣。

This question is a bit difficult, try to think about it.这个问题有点难,再想一想。

Don’t worry.You still have a chance.别担心,还有机会。Don’t be shy.I’m sure you can do it.别害羞,你肯定行。Don’t be afraid.Take it easy.别害怕,放松点。Nearly.差不多。Not quite.不完全。Not really.不太对。

Sorry, I don’t think you are right.抱歉,我想这不太对。I’m afraid this is wrong.我恐怕它错了。I don’t think so.我不认为这样。

Really? Could you talk about the story a detail? 真的吗?你能再详细说说吗?

I can’t accept this point.我不能接受这观点。Your answer isn’t to the point.你的观点不能切中要害。I don’t agree.我部同意。

It’s much better this time.这次好多了。I agree with your point.我不同意你的观点。I think so.我认为也是如此。This is to the point.切中要害。

Well done.Congratulations.太好了。祝贺你。


Right.Very good.That’s it.Great.A good job.Excellent.Terrific.Exactly.Absolutely right.决对正确。

Completely correct.Sound good.不错。That’s correct.正确。You did good.很棒。That’s funny.真有趣。Good idea.好想法。

You’re great.We should clap for you.棒极了,我们应该为你鼓掌。Don’t give up.Try your best.别放弃,尽你的全力。You did a good job.I admire you for your works.我十分佩服你说的话。

Don’t be afraid.Show your confidence.别害怕,拿出你的勇气。Be confident.自信些。

Don’t lose heart.You can try it again.别灰心,你可再试一次。Think carefully.Don’t leave it to chance.仔细想想不要碰运气。Your answer makes me think another point.你的答案让我想起了另一点。

Great.Who first think of this idea? 好,谁先想到这个主意的

三、组织课堂教学 Hello, boys and girls!Is everybody here? What’s the matter / wrong with Li Ming? 怎么回事? Could tell me why / what is the matter? Be quiet, students.Now I’m going to call the roll.请安静,开始点名了。

What day is it today? 今天星期几。What’s the date today? 今天几月几号?

How is the weather today?/ What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What month is it? 几月份? Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日。

That’s right.I remember now.对了,我记起来了。

You look worried.What’s wrong? 你看起来很着急,怎么回事? Excuse me, Mr.Zhang.Could I be excused for a while? May I ask for leave? 对不起,张老师,我出去一下好吗?

How is the weather today? How about the weather today? 今天天气怎样?

Keep silent, I have some good news to tell you.请安静,有好消息。Whose turn is it to clean the blackboard? 轮到谁擦黑板了? Can you see the blackboard clearly? If not, come up to the front.你们能看清黑板吗?如果不能,向前来一点。

四、语言项目教学 Class begins.Now please open your books and turn to Page 43.Let’s go over what we learned last lesson.Well, look at the dialogue, and let’s practise it once again, shall we?


Have finished the exercises which I gave you last time? How about revising them again, OK? 在复习一遍,好吗? How about another practise on this point?All right? 对于这一要点,我们在复习一遍,好吗?

Now I want some students to retell the story that we learned.Are you ready? Revision is very useful for learning English, So you shouldn’t think it’s boring.复习对学英语十分有用,所以不要厌烦。

Now this is about what we learned last lesson.Are you clear? 这是我们上节课所学内容,清楚了吗? I’ll check your homework.Answer these questions according to the last lesson.根据上节内容回答我的问题。

Listen to the dialogue once more and complete these exercises.再听一遍并完成这些练习。

Who can talk about the story in your own words? 谁能用自己的话谈论一下这个故事。

Who can recite the text? Hands up, please.Let’s check the answers together.让我们对一下答案。

To let me see if you’ve understood, I’ll ask some questions on this passage.让我看看你们是否已掌握,就这段文章,我要提几个问题。Now I want you to turn to Page 23.What can you see in the picture? What can we know from the picture? Can you say something about the picture? Who can describe the details of the pictures? Say a few words about the pictures.Sum up the picture in a few words.用几句话对这幅画进行概括。Tell us a story with the picture.Now this is something new, Ready to listen.注意听了,下面是一些新内容。

Now listen to me carefully.Make up sentences about the picture.First listen.Then I’ll say it again.What I’ll tell you are the important points today.这是我今天要讲述的重点。

Keep to the points.要抓要害。

Read after me, OK? Repeat!All together.Speak louder, please.Quicker, please.Softer, please.Listen to the tape again, pay attention to the new words.Now we shall do some pair work.Practise this part by yourself.Practise in pairs.First you may use the look-speak method.分组练习首先你们可以使用look-speak的方法。

Now watch me.I’ll do an example,then you will try to make up dialogues in paies.注意看,我要给大家做一个示范,然后你们自己分组练习。

Which group would like to act out this dialogue? 哪一组愿意表演这段对话?

Who can act this role? Any volunteers? 谁愿意担任这个角色?有自愿者吗?

Who’d like to have a try? Hands up, please.Don’t be shy.Try to retell the key points without books.别害羞,脱开书本,试着复述出这些要点。


First work in groups to talk about the topic of this dialogue.Look at the picture at the top of this page, please tell me what happened in the picture? Books closed.Listen to the dialogue for the first time and try to fin out: When and where did the conversation take place? I’ll give you five minutes to read the dialogue loud.How many people were mentioned in the dialogue? Now listen to the dialogue once again, then we will practice the roles.Good.Listen again This time you should repeat after the tape.All right.please practise the dialogue in pairs.Which group would like to act out the dialogue? I’d like to call some pairs to practise the dialogue.Who wants to be Nancy? / Who would like to play Mary? Would you like to be Jack? / Would you like to act Jack? / Would you like to act the part of Jack? The rest of you are the audience, OK? Let’s have a look.Jim and Bob are acting out the dialogue.Please make up a similar conversation with these notes.When you practise the dialogue with others , be sure to use your own words as much as possible.I’ll give you some advice.If you want to speak English very well, you must seize every chance to speak and talk in English in and out of class.给大家提点建议,如果想说好英语,你必须抓住任何一个练习的机会,并坚持课内、课外用英语交谈。


Today we are going to learn an important grammar point.Notice this sentence , what tense should be used here? 注意这个句子,用到了什么时态?

Here we should use the Present Tense.这里我们用到了一般现在时 Who knows the Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb? 谁知道一般过去时和这个动词的过去分词?

We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.我们应当用心记住这些不规则动词的三种形式。

Write down the forms of these verbs and keep them in mind.Do you know the form of this tense? 你知道这个时态的结构吗? Notice the subject.Here , we should use the Passive Voice instead of Active Voice.注意句子的主语,这里我们应该用被动语态来代替主动语态。Now, change these sentences into Indirect Speech.现在把这些句子变成间接引语。

Can you change this sentence into the Passive Voice? When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, we should pay attention to the changes of the tense, the persons, adverbials of time and place.What part of speech is it? 它是什么词类?

Notice this word, it is a proper noun, so no article is needed.注意这个单词,它是一个物质名词,不用冠词。

This is an abstract noun, but it is used as a common noun here.这是一个抽象名词,在这里用做普通名词。

Is the article in this sentence used correctly? Who can correct the mistake? What article should be used here , “a” or “an”?

This noun is used in a general sense, we must put the indefinite article “a” before it.Could you tell me the plural form of this word? Generally, we should replace nouns with pronouns here.一般说来,这里我们用代词来代名词。

Is this word a countable noun or an uncountable noun?


Today we are going to learn a new text.I’d like to look at the picture on the right.Who can describe it? What can you learn from the picture? What you describe fits the content of the text.你所描述的非常符合文章的内容。Read the text quickly and think about the questions: Why / Where / When / How did the story happen? Don’t worry about the new words, Just try to guess their meanings.Read the text again more slowly and try to answer the comprehension questions.I’ll explain some important language points.Please take out your notebooks and get ready to make notes.我要解释一些语法点,拿出你的笔记本准备做笔记。What does this part / this paragraph describe? What’s the main idea of this passage?

Fill in the following form according to the text.Correct these mistakes in the sentences according to the text.Please read this part carefully and find the topic sentence.请仔细地朗读这一部分,找出主题句。

Notice the topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph.注意主题句经常是一个自然段的第一句或最后一句。Using the information, retell this part.Here are two similar words.Let’s find the differences between them.这里有两个相似的单词,请找出他们的不同来。

Now open your workbook and complete Exercise One.For the rest of time, please ask and answer the questions with your desk mates about the text.用剩余的时间,同桌间就课文内容进行相互问答。

Listen to the tape carefully.Pay attention to pronunciation, phrasing and intonation.仔细听录音,注意语音,语调和措辞。


1.Read through these words yourself, according to the phonetic symbols(音标).2.Who will volunteer to pronounce these words for us? 谁愿意为我们读出这些单词?

3.Listen to the tape and then try it yourself.听录音然后自己读。4.There’s a mistake in your pronunciation.Notice where the stress(重音)is.5.Listen to me carefully and read it like this.6.Don’t be shy.Just open your mouth widely.7.Speak loud and repeat.8.Now watch my mouth, please watch and do the same.9.Notice how my tongue touches my teeth.注意我的舌头是怎么摩擦牙齿的。

10.Read the word clearly and don’t swallow a syllable.把单词读清晰,不要吞掉音节。

11.To read the word, we must roll our tongues(卷起舌头).12.How many syllables(音节)are there in the word? 13.Try to remember the meaning of this word.14.We can get a new word if we add a suffix(加一个后缀)after it.15.Can you tell me any synonyms(同义词)of this word? 16.What’s another way of saying exam? 17.Can you spell this word? 18.Let me see if there is anything wrong with your spelling.19.The letter “r” is missing.20.Place a letter “s” before this word.在这个单词前加字母s.21.Cross out this letter.Cross off the extra letter “n”.去掉多余的字母n.22.Letter “L” should be capitalized(大写).23.Begin / Spell the word with the small letters.记下这个单词以小写字母开头。

24.Write these letters together.把这些字母写到一起。

25.Read out the words correctly.Don’t add any extra syllable.正确地读出这些词,不要多加任何音节。

26.With the root of this word, take a guess.What is the meaning of this word? 根据词根猜一猜这个单词的意思是什么?

27.What’s another word for the same meaning? 也表达同样意义的另一个词 是什么?

28.What is meant by that word? 那个词作什么解释?


1.Today, we’ll have a listening practice.You’ll have a conversation between a driver and a passenger.2.Have you finished? Well, I’ll start the tape.3.OK, listen for the first time and finish Exercise One.4.Listen and catch the key sentence.5.Let’s check the answers.First, you can check your answers with desk mate.6.Is there anyone who got full marks? 7.Read your answers aloud, OK? 8.Be careful, I’ll give you the correct answers.9.This conversation is to give you practice in listening for the central idea.10.Listen and pick out the new words.11.Listen carefully and try to catch every sentence.12.Listen and repeat.After that retell the story in your own words.13.Listen to the tape to get a general idea, then write down the information below.14.While listening, you must keep calm.15.When you do listening in the exam, you must first look through all the questions as quickly as possible and try to guess what the passage is about.16.Before listening, think of some possible answers to these questions.17.Listen and catch the key sentence.18.Listen and write down the key points by heart.十、写作教学

1.Today we are going to write a passage on the new High Dam at Aswan.2.Before writing, let’s have a discussion.What subject do you think we should write about in the passage? 3.Let’s have an oral practice first.Work in groups to talk about the topic.4.Read the two notices “Found and Lost”.Learn to write similar notices like them.5.Using these guiding words, write a composition of about 100 words.6.Before you start to write, could you tell me what you are going to write? 7.Before writing, you can make a draft(打草稿)first, then copy it on your exercise-books.8.Work in groups of four.You have read the story of the great written.Now, each of you will write a part of the story.The titles of the four parts are as follows.9.Today we are going to learn how to write expository essays.Write a description of your province.First collect some key information and make a list.今天我们学如何写说明文,写一篇关于我省的介绍文章,首先收集一些关键信息,并列举下来。

10.Write a summary of the story about Bob Geldof.It must cover the following points.11.Don’t forget to put in proper punctuation(标点).十一、试卷及练习解析

1.This lesson, I’ll explain the test.Li Ming, please return the papers to the students.2.Let’s go through these exercises together.3.Look at Exercise One.Let’s check the answers.4.What’s the best answer to Exercise One? 5.Let’s go to the next exercise.They are a bit difficult.6.Make your own.Give yourself one point for every correct answer, and take off a point for every wrong answer.7.Look at the first blank.Which word should be filled in? 8.Lily, could you tell us the correct answer?

9.Look at Number Three.Could you explain why you like this / why you gave such an answer? 10.Do you have any questions to ask? 11.These exercises are common, but very important.So we need to remember them carefully.12.Wen Jing, what’s your opinion of it?

13.Take notes about the exercises which you got wrong and I’ll ask you to see if you got them during the next lesson.做错的要记下来,下节课我要提问看你们是否掌握。

14.Now count up your points and write down your score at the top of the paper.15.Is there anyone who got full marks? Who got only one mark? 16.Focus on(注意)Exercise Three.It is a bit difficult.17.According to the content(根据上下文), which word should be used? 18.We shouldn’t only know How, we should know Why.21.Can you tell me the antonym(反义词)of this word? 22.Something important, we form the noun operation by adding the suffix – tion after operate.词尾加后缀-tion 可得一名词operation.23.This word is a derivative.Can you point out its root? 这是个派生词,你能指出它的词根吗?

24.What does this word mean when the prefix(前缀)is added? 25.When we make sentences, notice that the predicate verb must agree with its subject in person and number.当我们遣词造句时,要留心谓语动词一定要在人称和数上与主语 一致。26.This word is a transitive verb.We can use a noun or noun phrase as its direct object.这是一个及物动词,我们可以用名词或名词性短语直接作其宾语。27.This word is an intransitive verb when it needs an object, don’t forget to put a preposition after it.这是个不及物动词,当它后跟宾语时不要忘了加适当的介词。

28.Notice, need here is the model verb.It takes an infinitive without to.注意need在此是情态动词,后跟不带to的不定式。29.Can you tell the differences between with and by? 你知道介词with 和by之见的不同点吗?

30.What do you know about this preposition? 对这个介词,你了解有多少?

31.Notice the two sentences.Between them, we should add a conjunction.当心这两句话,它们之间应加一个连词。

32.With some proper conjunctions combine these short sentences together.用适当的连词,把这些短句连在一起。

33.Pay attention to the word order of this sentences together.Can you correct the mistake? 注意这句话的语气,你能纠正这个错误吗?

34.Generally, adverbs of time and place should be put at the end of a sentence.一般来说,时间和地点状语常放在句末。

35.Can you tell me the comparative form and the superlative form of this word? 你能给出这个词的比较级和最高级吗?

36.I want you to change the affirmative sentences(肯定句)into an interrogative sentences(否定句).37.There are three forms of the sentences affirmative, interrogative, and negative.句子有三种形式:肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

38.This is an objective clause.Notice the word order.这是一个宾语 从句,注意语序。39.Do you know the present forms(现在式)of this word? 40.Give out the plural form of the nouns.给出下列名词的复数形式。41.We can use proper pronouns to replace nouns for short.为简便,我们可以用适当的代词来替代名词。

42.As we know, news is an uncountable noun(不可数名词),but tell me what about advice, suggestion and information.42 It was much better.Let’s do it once more.43 Imagine that you were Matilde, what would you say? 44 With these key words try to retell the story.45 If the case happened to you, what else could you say? 如果这种情况发生在 你身上,你还会怎么说呢?

Hold a discussion about the story, let’s see whose idea is the best.让我们讨论一下,看看谁的想法最好?

Pay attention to these complex sentences.I’ll explain them again.注意这些复杂的句子,我要在讲解一遍。

Now, you will have ten minutes.Please write a short passage on this topic.Following what we learned, complete these exercises.根据我们所学的知识,完成这些练习。

Last lesson, we learned some important language points.Now I’d like to see how much you can remember.I’d like some students to retell the story with these key words.I’ll divide the class into groups of four to discuss the problem.You’ll have a few moments to prepare your speech, so you can make a draft first.你们将会有一会儿时间来准备你们的发言,可以先打个草稿。

Go through Exercise 3.If you have any questions, please raise your hand.Now I’ll call out several pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.Please complete the dialogue in your words.According to this paragraph, ask as many questions as you can.Make up a dialogue, using the following as a guide.Be careful, this is something different.十二、听写训练

1.Books closed.Please take out a pen and a piece of paper.Now we’ll take a dictation.2.Are you ready? I’ll start to read.3.First, listen carefully and I’ll read it through.4.Pay attention to your handwriting.Notice the capital letters and the small letters.5.Include the proper punctuation(标点).6.Notice your speed of dictation.7.If you meet some new words, don’t mention them, go on dictating.8.Try to catch the main idea of the dictation.That way, you can finish it much more easily.9.Now I’ll read it for the last time.Go through your dictation.10.Who’d like to read the dictation?

十三、解释标点 1.After this sentence, what mark should be put here? 2.Put the proper punctuation in the sentence.3.Don’t forget to put an exclamation(感叹号)mark at the send of the sentence.4.Is the punctuation used in this sentence correctly? 5.There is no need to put in punctuation.So, we should cross out the comma.十四、教学设备运用
