主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)

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主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)(精选4篇)

主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇1




考例: A group of ___ are eating ___ and ___ at the foot of the hill. (NMET’95) A. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheeps; grasses; leaves C. sheep; grass; leaf D. sheeps; grass; leafs

e.g. His family is going to have a long journey.

The whole family are watching TV.

注意:集体名词为 people, police, cattle,谓语动词用复数形式

e.g. The police are searching for the thief.

由集体名词,如family, team, class, crew, company等作主语时, 如果看成一个整体,谓语动词用 单数形式,如果看成其中各成员, 则用复数形式 。


考例:All the ___ are made of ___ , not plastics. (MET’93)

A. glass; glass B. glasses; glass C. glass; glasses D. glasses; glasses

成双成对构成的东西,如glasses, shoes, chopsticks, scissors等作主语,谓语动词用复数形式,但与pair一起构成作主语时,谓语动词的形式与的数一致.

e.g. This is pair of glasses is his.


e.g. The Emperor’s Clothes was written by Hans Christian Anderson.

2)不定代词each, every, no所修饰的名词,即使用 and或逗号连接作主语,或主语为more than one, many a + n.谓语动词用单数

Every boy and every girl has a book in their bags.

Many a teacher has been there.

More than one child has read the book.



When and where to build the new factory ___ yet. (NET’91)

A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided



1) A library with five thousand books ___ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered

2) E-mail, as well as telephones, ___ an important part in daily communication. (上海’90) A. is playingB. have played C. are playing D. play

3) Nobody but Jane ___ the secret. (MET’86)

A. know B. knows C. have knownD. is known

当主语前有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, with, like, rather than, together with, besides, in addition to等引起的短语作后置定语时,谓语动词的形式视主语的单复数而定.


e.g. The rich are to help the poor.

The wounded was a young boy.

以定冠词the + adj.(或过去分词)结构作主语,谓语动词常用复数形式,如the brave, the poor, the blind, the sick, the unemployed等,但有少数过去分词与定冠词连用时指个体,用单数形式。


1.[考例]--- Each of the students , working hard at his or her lessons, ___ to go to university.

--- So do I. (上海’98)

A. hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped

当either (each, one)+ of+复数名词,或some, any, no, every和body, one或thing构成复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式. none, neither作主语时,谓语动词单复数都可.


She is one of the few girls who ___in the kindergarten. (上海‘94)

A. is well paid B. are well paid C. is paying well D. are paying well

关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语 动词的形式与句中先行词应保持一致。

e.g. Those who want to go please sign your name here. This is the photo, which shows my house.

[注意]在“one of+复数名词+关系代词” 的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词用复 数形式;但是若前有the only, the every将其限定为只有一个时, 谓语动词用单数形式。

e.g. Tom is one of the students who are good at playing football.

Tom is the only one of the students who is good at playing football.



___ of the land in that district___ covered with trees and grass.(上海2000)

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; isD. Two fifths; are

由分数或百分数或或a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, half of, the rest of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式与of 后面的名词的数一致

e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire.

Some students are planting trees. The rest of them are watering them.


1) What we need is more time and more materials.

2) What we need are teachers.

主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇2

1. Talk about eating habits and health. Talk about seeing the doctor. Practise giving advice and making suggestions.

2. Use the modal verbs: had better, should and ought to.

3. Learn some useful cooking terms. Read and write recipes.

Ⅱ. Teaching Times: 5 periods

The First Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: sweet, mushroom, fried, junk food, fat, snack, stomach, fever, salad, peach, ripe, ought, examine, plenty, all the time, have a fever, be careful with, plenty of.

2. Sentence Patterns: (1) advise sb. (not) to do sth.

(2) There’s sth. wrong with…

3. Train the Ss’ listening ability.

4. Develop the Ss’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Trains the Ss’ listening ability.

2. Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and everyday English and make the Ss be free to talk about their favourite food and give reasons for their decisions.

3. How to finish the task of speaking.

§ Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up: Brainstorm (words about food)

* List the food we eat in the Spring Festival:

rice, porridge, noodle, dumpling, corn, big flatbread, steamed bun, fried twisted dough sticks, walnut, peanut, chestnut, bean cake, mushroom, fried chips, hamburger, ice cream, chocolate, apple, pear, banana, orange, grape, chicken, beef, fish, pork, cucumber, carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage.

* Fill in the table

Name Food Junk food / Healthy food





* Talk: Are these food good for our health, or be harm to our health?


A: Do you like eating fried chips? B: Yes, I like it very much.

A: But I think it is junk food, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.

B: Really? So I’d better not eat too much.

Step 2. Speaking

T: There are so many food for us to eat, right? They are very delicious, but if you eat too much in a meal, or eat some raw food, you will be ill as Sharon. Turn to Page 3, read the dialogue and pay attention to the useful expressions.

* Useful Expression

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. I don’t feel well.

There’s sth. wrong with my back / my knee / my arm.

Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look.

* Make a short dialogue

Step 3. Listening

* First time, listen carefully and try to understand what does it talk about?

* Second time, answer the following questions

1. What’s wrong with Mike?

2. What did Mike have for breakfast?

3. Can you give Mike some advice? What should he eat less of?

* Third time, answer the next three questions

1. Which side of Mike’s stomach hurts?

2. Does Mike have a fever?

3. What does the doctor tell Mike to do?

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise everyday

2. Ex1 & 2 on Page 72

3. Preview the reading part

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Unit 13 Healthy eating (first period)

Brainstorm: Words & Phrases:

dumpling, all the time

corn, have a fever

noodle… be careful with…

The Second Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Review the words and phrases learnt last period

Step 2. Pre-reading

Q1. Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink, a bar of chocolate? (a bar of chocolate)

Q2. How many meals do you eat every day? Which meal do you think is the most important? Why? (3, breakfast)

Q3. How much water do you drink every day?

Step 3. Reading

* Fast reading, what does the text mainly talk about?

* Details

Q1. What does the word “green” mean in the text above? What about the word “fuel”? Can you find any other words used in the same way?

A: unpolluted, unharmful and good for people’s health; other words used in the same way; fuel means all the things we eat for our bodies, it can help keep our body functioning and fighting disease.

Q2. The text gives examples of how people make choices about what they eat. List the examples and the reasons why people eat or don’t eat certain kinds of food.

A: Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe. Some people are vegetarians, because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they do not think we should kill animals for food.

Q3. How have our eating habits changed? Why? Try to think of as many examples and reasons as possible.

A: People have experienced the processes from having no enough food to having enough food, and later from having enough food to having better food. Now people buy and eat sth. , we not only think about if the will give us the nutrients we need, but also if the food belongs to eco-foods.

Q4. Why do people go to fast food restaurants?

A: it is very convenient, and it can save time.

Q5. Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar or fat?

A: If people eat too much sugar and fat, they put on weight very easily and some of them may have bad teeth.

Q6. Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

A: Because people want to be smarter, healthier, in particular, young people want to be more beautiful. It goes with the need of the times.

Q7. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?

A: Buy and eat good, nutrient foods from all the food in the right amounts, and eat less sugar and take more exercise.

* More exercises: translate the sentences underlined on Page4 into Chinese

Step 4. Homework

1. Finish word study on Page5

2. Preview the integrating skill reading on Page74

3. One reading exercise every day

The Third Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision: What does the text mainly talk about?

Ask some Ss to try to say sth. about the text.

Step 2. Integrating Skills--Don’t be a Mouse Potato (on Page74)

* Fast Reading

Read the quickly in 5 minutes, and then answer the following questions.

Q1. What is a couch potato?

A: couch potatoes means people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.

Q2. What is junk food according to this text?

A: It is food that has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Q3. Why are people becoming potatoes and what can people do to avoid it?

A: One reason is our modern way of life; we must make sure that our diet is varied and balanced.

* More reading exercises on extra materials from English Weekly.

Step 3. Important Points and Difficult Points

1. prepare (sth.) to do / for… 2. in the form of… 以…形式

prepare oneself for… 3. be short of 短缺…

be / get prepared for / to do… 4. go for 也如此,对…也适用,向…攻击

5. be based on / upon 以…为依据

6. exercise不可数,意为“运动” exercises可数,意为“练习,体操,演习”

7. not a bit一点儿也不 not a little非常

* Exercises

1. Bob is a diligent student and is ___ his coming examinations while his mother is ___ supper.

A. preparing for; preparing for B. preparing; preparing for

C. preparing for; preparing D. preparing; preparing

2. We should do more exercises, both __ for our health and __ for our knowledge.

A.exercise;exercise B. exercises;exercisesC.exercise;exercises D.exercises; exercise

3. ___ do you base your calculation?

A. On which B. On what C. About what D. For what

4. some stones weigh ___ fifteen tons.

A. as more as B. so more as C. as much as D. as many as

5. ---Are all the telephone numbers ___ in the directory? ---Yes, all __ Jane’s.

A. listed; included B. listing; includes C. listed; including D. being listed; includes

6. Before the election, the candidates(候选人) ___ each other in the newspaper.

A. went with B. went for C. went over D. went forth

7. The boy __ on the ground __ that he had seen a cock __ an egg.

A. laying; lay; lay B. lying; lie; lie C. lying; lied; lay D. lay; lying; lay

8. Jenny ___ have kept his word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A. must B. should C. need D. would

9. We ___ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study

Answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise every day

2. Prepare a healthy diet and explain why it is healthy

3. Remember the first 15 words and prepare for the dictation.

The Forth Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Review the words learned in the last three periods.

2. Learn and master modal verbs: had better, should, ought to

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2. Let the Ss learn how to give advice or opinion about sth. , especially master hoe to use “should, ought to, had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision---dictation about the first 15 words in this Unit

1. junk food 2. fat 3. stomach 4. salad 5. ought to 6. energy 7. peach 8. plenty of 9. examine 10. ripe 11. soft 12. fever 13. fuel 14. diet 15. keep up with

Step 2. Word Study

Give Ss 5 minutes to do the exercises on Page5, then ask some Ss to say the Chinese meaning of the sentences, and check the answers.

1. nutrient 2. diet 3. vitamin 4. mineral 5. fat 6. sugar 7. protein 8. calory

Step 3. Grammar

* Translate the following sentences into English

1. 外面很冷,你最好穿上你大衣。

It is cold outside, you’d better put on your coat.

2. 你最好别脱下你的衣服。

You had better not take off your clothes.

3. 我们应该尊敬老师和父母。

We should / ought to respect our teachers and parents.

4. 你不应该这么粗心。

You shouldn’t / ought not to be so careless.

* More exercises on Page5 and Page74

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise every day

主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇3

1、Learn and master some important sentences.

2、Train the students’reading ability.

3、Let the students learn about the relation between festivals and culture with the attempt of strenghtening the student’s cross-culture awareness.

Teaching important points:

1、Improving students’reading ability.

2、Help the students learn more about foreign history and culture.

Teaching methods:

1、Reading to understand the passage correctly.

2、Group work to make the students take an active part in the activities in class.

Teaching aids:

Cards; paper

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Lead-in

T:Everybody please speak out as many festivals as you can at home or abroad

S:Christmas;Spring Festival;April fool…

T:The Christmas is on the way,can you sing the Merry Christmas together


Step 2:Reading

T:Today we are going to learn a kind of festival that some of you may have not heard of.It called “Kwanzaa”,it is celebrated by Afican-American,it is a young festival and does not have a long history.Do you want to kown more about Kwanzaa?

Please open your book to the page 15,read the passage in 2 minute and then answer the question on the blackboard.

(read and then answer the question and explain some important sentences and new words)

Step 3:Discussion

Now you must have a better understanding of Kwanzaa,I would like to divide you into two groups to discuss the differences and similarities between kwanzaa and spring festival.

Step 4:Summary

Today we have learnt about a new kind of festival,do you want to celebrate the festival with them someday? Since the globalization is unavoidable,wo should respect other’culture and keep our own culture identity.


主谓一致 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇4

1. Practise making comments and giving opinions.

2. Ask questions about the place where they grew up, the time when they were young, the reason why they chose their jobs and about their career.

3. After graduating, she went to New York, where she started working as an actress and won the Theatre World Award for her role in a play.

4. During the 1980s and 1990s she won many more prizes while acting in famous films such as….

5. In the beginning he took many small jobs to make money.

6. This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.

7. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.

8. Here he worked on a short film, which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world.

9. This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.

10. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.

11. Scientists want to find ET to cut him into pieces to do research.

12. But in the world of children and the world where ET comes from, love and friendship are the most important things in life.

13. When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong.

14. In his war film, he has shown that love and peace will win over war in the end.

15. When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

16. After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.

17. While watching Titanic, most people couldn’t help crying when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.

18. Film companies often make follow-ups to films that have been very successful.

19. Zhang Yimou’s film “Not one less” tells a simple but moving story.

20. She wants them to let her appear live on the air, hoping that Huike will see her.

21. Many people like this film not only because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.

22. If you think highly of the film you may encourage other people to go and see it.

23. What do you think about/of…?

=How do you feel about/like/find…?

短语 1. stay away for a month 2. take one’s place

3. lock sb. up 4. cause trouble

5. run away from school

6. determine to bring sb. back safely

7. can’t afford to do sth.

8. ask sb. for help 9. a happy ending

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