
2024-10-16 版权声明 我要投稿


如何提高雅思英语口语 篇1








如何提高雅思英语口语 篇2

雅思听力所强调的语音、词汇、语法三要素是影响听力理解的决定性因素。雅思听力考试的语音主要为英音、澳音、美音, 还掺杂其他一些国家的口音, 如马来西亚、印巴、日本等国家的口音, 其中英音所占比重最大, 70%左右。英音中[ei]在澳音中为发[ai]。例如, 在澳洲, 当地人向你打招呼, 会问你:“Where are you going today?”他会将today这个词发成[t藜謖dai], 如果你不了解英音和澳音的区别, 会理解为是to die这个词组, 还以为他在问你:“你去哪死?”因此, 考生一定要掌握各种语音的异同, 才能正确理解所听内容。此外, 考生需要熟悉连读、重读、弱读、爆破等英语发音规律, 并在语流中把握重音、节奏及语调。

词汇是语言中最为基本的元素, 考生应特别注意词汇量的积累, 若没有一定的词汇基础, 即使在听的过程中能听清并能模仿, 也无法在语境中将语音和语义联系起来, 以致影响听力理解的整体水平。许多考生背诵单词时只是用眼睛去看, 只注重单词的汉语意思, 而忽略了单词的发音, 不会读, 所以录音播放了很多遍也听不懂, 可是一看原文却发现都是很简单的词汇。对于听力词汇的练习, 必须做到音、形、义的结合, 做到听说读写四会。

美国英语与英国英语在词汇上存在差异。英美英语词汇的差异常常会影响学生的听力理解。有时, 英美人用不同的词来表达相同的意思或使用相同的词来表达不同的意思。例如“地铁”, 英国用“Underground”或“Tube”来表示, 而美国用“Subway”;英国用“Primary school”表示小学, 美国用“Elementary school”, 等等。如果不熟悉英美人在使用词汇上的这些区别, 就会对听力理解造成影响。此外, 要注意介词、副词、冠词、连词等一些小词汇。一般情况下, 这些词都是弱读的, 都是一带而过, 又轻又快, 要在平时多练习才可以听得出。雅思听力考试中的一些场景是经常出现的, 根据这一特点, 考生在备战雅思听力考试时, 应该熟练背诵常见场景词汇。

句法结构是理解句子的关键。英语中动词有16种形式, 每种形式都有特定的意义, 考生应对每种动词形式的用法非常熟悉。例如, 在题干中出现“How many conventions have already been held?”句子时态为现在完成时, 强调过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在的影响。题干问已经举行了多少次会议, 听力原文给出“这是第三次会议”, 所以你的答案应该是“两次”。此外, 要熟悉口语句子结构, 熟练掌握常见的日常用语和句型, 结合语法部分的准备, 形成一定的条件反射, 有助于提高听力的理解能力。

考生在平时除了必须积累英语语言知识, 打下扎实的语言基本功, 还必须了解和熟悉海外学习生活的点点滴滴。雅思听力考试的目的就是考查考生的实际语言运用能力能否满足海外生活的语言需要。它的素材选取包括两大方面。一为生活英语, 包含考生在国外日常生活的各个方面。例如, 租房、旅行、就餐、参加各种娱乐活动等场景。二为学术英语, 包含学习生活的方方面面。例如, 平时的课程、讲座、研讨会、口头演讲、借阅图书等场景。由于中西方文化在各自的教育制度、生活方式、节日、风俗习惯等各方面都有不同, 表达的方式不同, 思维方式也不同。因此, 了解必要的文化背景知识, 并在听过的过程中运用背景知识, 排除干扰, 将有助于提高听力理解的水平。

心理因素在雅思考试中也是不可忽视的。过度紧张, 注意力不集中, 疲倦对于考试都有很大的影响。许多考生有过这样的经历:听时容易走神, 精神紧张, 导致进入听力考试状态的时间过长。在考试中, 一定要克服心理因素的干扰。因此, 在听之前要做好充分的准备。首先, 明确题目要求, 看清例题, 快速阅读试题。雅思听力的每个部分都会给考生一定的时间读题, 如果能够有效地读题, 将大大提高正确率。但是, 要在读题的时间内用精读的方法把每个单词都读完是不可能做到的, 所以考生需要有选择性地读, 快速地读, 在平时练习的过程中, 培养和熟练掌握速读能力和题型定位法。所谓的速读就是抓住一个句子的关键字, 也就是句子的主干, 从词性上分, 包括句子的名词、动词、形容词这三类。其次, 预测答案, 使自己在听题过程中更为主动。在做题时, 考生要做到眼、耳、手协调一致, 排除不相关的内容, 在保证准确度的前提下提高做题速度。

雅思听力能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程, 学生应结合影响雅思听力理解的各种因素了解自己的薄弱项, 科学地运用各种策略, 掌握自我提高的方法, 提高听力水平。


[1]彭新松.雅思听力特训.群言出版社, Stuart Perkins, 2005.

[2]卢峭梅.最新雅思听力胜经.中国人民大学出版社, 2008.

如何提高雅思英语口语 篇3

Dear Ms Barnes,

I am writing concerning (关于) the position of Assistant Office Manager that I am due to begin (应该接任) next Monday. I am afraid to inform you that a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle's food-packing business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there.

Unfortunately, he has had to go into hospital for an operation, leaving my aunt in charge of (负责) both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office.

I realise this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances (鉴于这种情况), you would be prepared to allow me to take up (开始从事) my position with you two weeks later than planned.

I would like to emphasise that I remain very keen (渴望的) to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

John Forbes

【分析】通过分析上面这篇雅思范文的结构,我们可以看出写道歉信的主要思路:总述—陈述原因—提出措施—结尾。由于这封信是写给未来雇主的,因此文体相对来说比较正式。在第一段的总述中,范文使用了句型I am writing concerning ...开门见山地说明写信的缘由,其中的concerning为介词,表示“关于”,相当于about。后面定语从句中的due to do sth.在此表示“应该做某事”。紧接着范文用I am afraid to inform you that表示转折,说明下周一无法按时接任助理一职。第二、三段开始陈述原因。范文用了unfortunately来衔接这两段,紧接着又用了现在分词短语leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business和as引导的原因状语从句来说明客观情况,同时也表明自己这么做也是情势所迫。第四段提出措施,作者用了very much hope that和较为正式的虚拟语气you would be prepared to来表示自己的诚恳态度。除了这个句型外,我们还可以用表示委婉和礼貌的句型could you please ...或I wonder if ...来表示请求。为了表示自己对这份工作的渴望和对未来雇主的歉意,范文第五段再次表示了自己的态度和诚意。最后作者用了期待对方回信最常用的句型I look forward to ...来结尾。通篇思路清晰,一气呵成。


你给英国朋友Chris写一封信,内容包括:1. 你们原计划7月份一同去云南旅游;2. 由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往;3. 表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到8月份。

注意:1. 词数不少于50。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


总述:开头段我们可以使用上面范文中的“I am writing concerning/about ...”。根据内容要点1和2可知,写信的内容是自己本计划在7月和朋友一起去云南旅游,结果由于扭伤脚踝,现在无法按原计划去了。此处可以借鉴雅思范文,先用I am afraid to inform you that引出问题,紧接着再简单介绍一下原因。

陈述原因:接下来可以具体陈述原因,比如“原以为自己能很快康复(recover),但是不得不去医院做手术”。我们可以借用范文里的分词短语,比如“自己的缺席造成没人负责朋友的旅游”就可以表达为leaving nobody in charge of your trip。

提出措施:根据内容要点3可知,措施就是“将旅行推迟到8月份”,此时可以用范文里比较委婉和诚恳的句型“I realise that this will be inconvenient for you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to ...”,也可以用I wonder if ...等相对简单的句型。范文第五段进一步表明了自己的态度,有能力的同学也可以发挥想象,比如“我非常希望和你一起去云南,届时我一定会为你安排一趟舒适的旅行”。



Dear Chris,

I am writing concerning the visit to Yunnan that we are due to begin in July. I am afraid to inform you that a problem has arisen. I had an accident and fell and sprained my ankle.

At first, I thought I would recover quickly if I just stayed at home. However, I have had to go into hospital for an operation, leaving nobody in charge of your trip.

I realise that this will be inconvenient for you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to go to Yunnan with you four weeks later than planned.

Please accept my apology for the delay and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am organizing a trip for a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. I am writing this letter to enquire (询问) about the following. First of all, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display (参展物品)? Secondly, when will the exhibition be held and what are the daily opening hours (每日的营业时间)?

I must point out that I hope to bring some students over (说服) to the exhibition, so I would like to enquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets (入场券) for students. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

【分析】上面这篇范文是一篇典型的咨询信。咨询信的写作基本思路是:表明写信缘由—概括咨询内容—展开咨询事项—结尾。首先需要写清个人的基本情况,即“我”正在进行某项活动,在这项活动中产生了咨询的需要。接着需要对咨询的内容进行概括,范文中用到的句型I am writing this letter to enquire about ...比较常用,大家可以积累下来。接下来详细说明咨询的事项,如果不止一条,需要用firstly、secondly等表示次序的词标记清楚。在范文中,由what和when引导的五个疑问句分别对规模、主题、参展物品、参展日期和营业时间等要素进行了提问。如果需要对某方面进行强调,则可以另起一段,如范文中用point out表示强调,同时与文章首句相互呼应。之后范文使用了I would like to enquire if ...句型,对打折情况进行询问。结尾对咨询结果表示期待,给人以行文圆满之感。



注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 参考词汇:住宿—accommodation




展开咨询事项:通过分析可知,真题和范文的相同之处在于二者都涉及了size、date、daily hours,所以我们在写作时可以参考范文中的五个疑问句句式。需要注意的是,我们需将daily opening hours改为daily learning hours,虽然题目要求问的是每周的课时数(how many hours of learning per week),但每天的课时数与每周课时数可以换算,而且形式上更加简练。最后的type of accommodation,我们可以发挥想象,比如最便宜的宿舍。此外,大家如果想强调某方面或某几方面,可以套用范文里的I should point out that I hope to ...句型。比如想强调住宿费用要尽可能低,就可以说成:I should point out that I hope to spend as little as possible on accommodation. 句中除了使用了spend ... on ...的结构,还使用了as ... as结构,使行文更加生动,同时避免落入使用the cheapest的俗套。



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am planning to attend a six-week English training course in Britain this summer. I am writing this letter to enquire about the following.

First of all, what is the size of the class? Secondly, what are the start dates of the courses and what are the daily learning hours? What about the fees?

I should point out that I hope to spend as little as possible on accommodation, so I would like to enquire if there is any discount available and what the requirements are.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



如何提高雅思英语口语 篇4


Undoubtedly, children benefit a lot from reading and storytelling, such as accumulating vocabulary, expanding outlook, and even acquiring desirable traits from the figures in book. But, the problem is whether it is better for children to read independently from various sources or to read with parents’ company.

Admittedly, it is essential for children to nurture the ability to study and acquire information independently through reading. With freedom and full control of what they are exposed to, children will be more confident and self reliant. When coming across new vocabulary or paragraph that is challenging to comprehend, they need to be more intellectually involved and even do some research by themselves, such as looking up in the dictionary or asking Google. This process is contributive to children’s development of problem solving ability and cognitive competence. In a word, the independent reading rewards children with more confidence and capability.

However, parents’ role in children’s reading is also indispensable. At least, it is of great significance for parents to be selective and supervise what their children are reading. Also, children will unavoidably encounter something they can hardly understand by themselves. At this time, parents can assist them by giving detailed explanation and background introduction. Moreover, while reading together, parents are supposed to encourage children to think more creatively and critically through discussion on the story, such as the plot and figures’ personalities. With parents’ support, children surely benefit more from one book or simply one piece of story.

To sum up, children should be encouraged to read independently, while parents play the role of supervisor and instructor.

Some people think it is important for parents to spend time reading or telling stories to children, while others think children can read through a variety of sources, such as books, TV and the Internet by themselves. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.









如何提高雅思阅读速度 篇5

1. in turn

大多数同学会理解为 “反过来”,认为前后语义是对立的,但实际上阅读中也可能表示顺接关系,翻译为“接着会…(发生)…”

The conventional theory is that people yawn when bored or sleepy because yawning raises blood oxygen levels, which in turn raises alertness.

2. account for

大家背四级单词时更多的理解为 “(比例上)占…”的含义,实际上account for还有“解释,说明……”这个意思。

Heavy rain accounts for most of the water that enters into lakes.

Scientists will not be able to account for climate changeover the past century until they learn more about the urban heat island.

3. precipitation

这是个话题词汇,大多数文章中翻译为 “沉淀”,不过也有“降水”的意思。

Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams.

4. game


They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk.

5. solution


Mineral deficiencies in many plants can be cured by misting their roots with a nutrient solution or by transferring the plants to a soilless nutrientsolution.

6. current


The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope.

7. browse


Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding.

8. impact


In view of these facts, scientists hypothesized that a single large asteroid, about 10 to 15 kilometers across, collided with Earth, and the resulting fallout created the boundary clay. Their calculations show that the impact kicked up a dust cloud that cut off sunlight for several months, inhibiting photosynthesis in plants; decreased surface temperatures on continents to below freezing…

9. complex


It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices…

10. readily


The release of heat energy is retarded by the tall vertical city walls that do not allow infrared radiation to escape as readily asdoes the relatively level surface of the surrounding countryside.

11. evident


Wind velocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes.

12. collectively


Eventually, six round forms of handwriting, composed of three pairs of big and little scripts known collectively as the Six Pens, became the standard repertory of every calligrapher.

13. evenly

别以为“even”加个“-ly”就是甚至的副词形式,别忘了 “even”本来就是个副词。这个词是“均匀地”。

Petroleum forms best when organic matter is evenly distributed over …


sweet water 淡水 (不是“糖水”)

confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)

criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)

service station 加油站

rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)

sporting house 妓院或赌场(不是“体育室”)

horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)

capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)

familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)

black tea 红茶(不是“黑茶”)

black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)

mine 矿,矿产(不仅仅有“我的”的意思)








关键词主要是用于定位,其选取十分重要,如没选好我们就很难找到该题。比如有道判断题“In 1985, AI was at its lowest point.” (剑5Test3Passage3Q33)不少同学打算拿AI或lowest去定位,但这篇文章的标题就叫“The Return of Artificial Intelligence”, AI是文章的主题词,到处都是,没办法定位到一个点上;此外,判断题有可能是错的,对于这道题最可能错的地方就是lowest,一旦此题是错的,用lowest是没法定位的。因此,我们尽量要选取特殊且不可替代的信息作为关键词来定位。


有些题目的关键词在原文中会进行同义替换。有时我们能够找对关键词,但其替换词可能不认识或没注意到。比如某道题中的关键词“protect”在原文中出现的替换词是“conservation”,如果不认识这个替换词,很可能就找不到该题。或者有时候是由于注意力不集中而没有注意到关键词的替换。比如剑4中有道题出现了“1900”这个年份,在原文中的同义替换是“twentieth century”。不少同学看到“twentieth century”一下子的反应是从开始,没有意识到是19,这样此题也有可能错过。因此,平时单词的积累以及考试集中注意力非常重要。









在这里,笔者先举个简单的例子,大家都知道work是工作,劳动的意思,而在“The new method worked”这个句子里,work的意思却是奏效的意思。太简单了?那好,我们再来看个例子,deny这个词,很多人都知道是否认,拒绝的意思,大家甚至于列出一大堆同义词来,比如,refuse, decline, reject 等, 这是个好现象,但是很多学生当碰到 “In the old times, a lot of girls were denied the right of education.”这样的句子的时候就开始犯难了。否认,拒绝套进去似乎都解释不通。其实,这个句子里的deny没像大家想象的那么神秘,各位可以用 be deprived of 这个词组来理解它。



提高雅思口语小贴士 篇6

1. Record yourself and then write down your answer 自己录音再写下答案

This is something everyone should try. It is almost certainly a bad idea to write your answer first and then speak it. This is because we speak and write in very different ways and it is a mistake to try and train yourself to speak in the way you write. But you can learn a lot from recording what you say and then writing that down word for word.


Things you can learn are:


Do you say enough? Do you give very short answers? In parts 1 and 3, you should say at least a couple of sentences in answer to every question.


Is what you say organised? Can you see a structure to your answer? Is it possible to put in sentences and paragraph breaks? Do you have some organisation language like “The first point is..”


Do you speak too slowly or too quickly? Try counting the words in your part 2 answer. Most of my answers as a native speaker are about 240 words long. You should probably aim for around 200 or so. Less than that and you are speaking too slowly, but if you have more than that, it may be that you are speaking too quickly.

有没有说得过快或过慢?试着数一下Part2 你的答案的字数,一般native speaker能说到240字左右,烤鸭们一般要写到200字左右。如果字数少于这个值,那说明你讲话太慢,如果超过了,说明你讲话太快~~

How long are your pauses? You can pause, but your pauses should generally come between sentences/paragraphs and they shouldn’t be more than 2/3 of seconds


Did you answer the question?


Is your pronunciation okay? If you can’t immediately understand what you say, the examiner won’t either!


Are there some words you repeat a lot? You probably shouldn’t worry too much about content words such as “television” C native speakers will repeat those a lot when speaking. Rather you should look at more functional words/phrases such as “I think”. It’s very easy to repeat these a lot and it is also quite simple to train yourself to use more variety.

有没有重复很多词?不要担心重复实义词,即使是native speaker也会一直重复,因为你讲的就是这个东西~不过,你应该重点检查功能词汇,比如“I think” ,烤鸭们很容易老重复这些词,不过让自己练习用不同的词也不是难事。

2. Do it first in your own language 先用母语说

This is perhaps an unusual piece of advice. In the speaking, you should aim to be thinking and speaking in English as much as possible and not translating from your language to English. It can, however, sometimes help to practise the long turn part 2 in your own language first:

一般来说,最好是能用英语思维思考,并用英语回答。但是像Part2这种比较长的题目, 先用母语说可能会好一点。

some people struggle to speak in their own language for 2 minutes: they prefer short/concise answers and not longer more discussion type answers. So before you try it in English, make sure you can do it in your first language.


It helps you understand how long 2 minutes is and how much you need to say to fill that time.


if you record and listen to yourself in your first language, you will probably find yourself using quite a lot of “structure” language such as “As I mentioned before”. This is a lot of the language you need for part 2.


3. Don’t practise the whole part 2, do it bit by bit 不要一口吃成胖子,练习第二部分,慢慢来

Some people find part 2 frightening because they are worried they can’t speak for 2 minutes. Relax. You don’t have to. It’s much easier than that, you need to speak for 20 seconds and 20 seconds and 20 seconds and one minute.


This is because there are always 4 points for you to talk about on the cue card. You want to try practising talking about the first 3 points on the cue card for about 20 seconds each (the who, where, what type questions). Make sure you don’t say “last year”, but you extend that a little . Then all you need to do is talk for 1 minute on the longer question at the end that is almost always about explaining something.


4. Practise by describing photographs 通过描述照片来练习

In the exam of course you don’t get any photograph to help you. It would probably be easier if you did because when you have a photograph, you can see what you need to talk about. The idea is here that if you learn to see pictures as you are speaking, you find more things to say. I suggest:


find a picture about an IELTS topic e.g. a picture of a wedding C describe what you see 找一些跟考试题目相关的照片

then try talking about the same topic without the picture 然后不用照片试着将同样的事情

in the exam itself, all you need to do is imagine a picture in your head 在考试中,自己想象一张图片

What I strongly suggest is that you look at your own photographs, as what you will need to speak about are your own memories. 而且强烈建议看你自己的照片,因为你需要说的是你自己的memories

5. Read then speak 先读再说!

It helps to practise reading and speaking together because reading gives you words and sometimes ideas. This idea is a very simple one. When you read a passage in English, you should then try and summarise what it says speaking. The ways this works is:


To summarise a reading text, you are going to need to use some of the words used in it


If you say the word aloud, you have learnt that word better and are more likely to us fit for yourself in the future


If the text is longer, you should find yourself having to list the different points it contains. This should help the coherence of your speaking as you will need to use language like “Firstly…then… next …”etc


Two extremely good sources for this type of reading is 6 minute English and my favourite Words in the News. It sometimes helps to choose 5 words from the text you are reading that you want to use when you speak.


6. Improve your memory C write your life history 提高记忆力,写自己的故事

Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test are personal questions about who you are (part 1) and what you have done (part 2). One reason why some candidates have problems is not the language, but that they can’t think of things to say. The solution is simple C refresh your memory about important events in your life before the test.

Part1 和Part2 主要是关于你自己的一些问题,有些烤鸭的问题不在于用什么语言说,而是他们根本想不到要说什么。。那么就在考试前重温一下、回忆一下你生活中的重要事情吧!

The idea is not so much to practise exam questions (it’s hard to predict those), but to practise speaking about your memories of people, events, places and things. Do that and the exam should be simpler as you have memories you can use. Write down some personal memories and then try speaking about them. Some ideas here are:


Think of important/interesting people in your life: Ask yourself: When did you meet them? How long have you known them? Why are they important/interesting? Can you remember something you did together? What about a conversation you had with them?


Think of important events in your life: Ask yourself: What it was? Where did it happen? Who were you with at the time? What else was happening in your life then? What one thing stands out in your memory about it? How well do you remember it?


Think of places you have been to: Ask yourself: Where it was? How did you get there? In what detail can you describe the place? Can you describe the general area it is in? Would you want to go back there?


Think of your possessions: Ask yourself: How long have you owned it? Where did you get it? Is it special or something normal? How often do you use it? Do you associate with someone else?


7. Practise saying “I don’t know” 练习说“I don’t know”

Another reason why some candidates go wrong in the exam is that they feel they have to give a complete answer to very question and they think of IELTS as some academic test. It isn’t. It’s simply a test of your language. In parts 1 and 3, you may well be asked questions that you have very little to say about. That’s not a problem, there’s always another question coming. The big mistake is to try and give a full answer when you have nothing to say. What happens is that your language becomes confused and so do you, with the result that things get and worse and worse.


All you need to do is say you don’t know and explain why and then wait for the next question. This may take a little practice. You want to build a set of phrases such as:


Q. What colour is your favourite room and why did you choose that colour?

A. I’m not sure what to say about that. It’s not a question I’ve ever thought about before. I suppose yellow is just my favourite colour and so I painted my room yellow?

8. Talk to a mirror拿个镜子

This is another strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical C especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practise speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because:


Eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. As a former speaking examiner for other exams, I can promise you that examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact - even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language is around 70% of all communication.


the other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!


9. Write your own questions写下你自己的问题

This is another activity that I suggest everyone should try at least once. You should of course practise with “real” exam questions too, but there is a lot to be learnt from writing the questions first and then trying to answer them. The way it works is that if you write the question yourself:


you are more likely to try and answer it properly and give a full answer because you understand what the question is asking C good practice


you learn to add details to your answers by thinking of more question words. So when you answer the question “Are you a student or do you have a job?”, you are more likely to say “I’m a student at Wuhan University and I have been studying there for the last 3 years” C adding information by thinking of the question “How long” even though you weren’t asked it.


10. Improve your coherence and fluency C easy as 1-2-3 0r 3-2-1 提高你的连贯性和流利度

This is another of my favourite classroom speaking activities. Ideally, you need one or two more people to practise this with, but you can do it by yourself. The idea is that you don’t just practise speaking for 2 minutes. Rather, you start off by speaking for 3 minutes about that topic, then you do the same thing for 2 minutes, then for 1 minute. In the perfect world, you would also speak to a different person each time.


How does it work? The first time your answer is probably slightly incoherent and lacks fluency. The next time you speak though, you know what you want to say and, if you have listened to someone else speak, you now have more ideas. The result is that when you speak, you answer becomes more fluent and coherent. Then when you do it for 1 minute, your answer needs to become even more coherent because you now have lots of things to say but not very much time to say it.


I should add that this activity works best if you have different people to speak to. It works because each time you speak to someone different, it becomes a different conversation C even if you are talking about the same thing.

如何提高学生的英语口语 篇7


创新源于模仿, 模仿是学习英语的基础, 也是创新的基础。只有在你通过模仿, 真正掌握了英语的灵魂、精髓之后, 才能谈到自己的语言风格。在日常教学中, 让学生多听录音并模仿跟读, 做到语音和语调、词汇和句型、思维和文化三点突破, 精说泛说并举, 口语提高虽非朝夕之功, 却也可以收效显著。模仿应大声朗读, 鼓励学生大胆开口说英语, 大胆展现自己。这样才能充分体会发音细节, 注意停顿和语调, 并在朗读的基础上背诵, 之后录下自己的声音, 和原音比对, 逐音逐调纠正。在此基础上背诵, 能帮助学生在脑子里储存词汇和习惯用语, 形成语感, 养成用英语思维的好习惯。


对每一位英语学习者来说, 背诵是必不可少的, 尤其对中学生来说是至关重要的。它是提高学生英语口语能力和英语成绩的有效途径, 也是必经之路。它也是克服当前中国学生的“哑巴英语”的有效途径。 (1) 任何一门语言的学习都有一个从模仿到逐渐学会运用的过程, 是一个在头脑中大量储存语言信息并在实践中练习提高的过程。“熟读唐诗三百首, 不会作诗也会吟。”熟读实际上就是储存语言信息。这句话也指明了语言学习的基本方法, 而熟读成诵就是储存语言信息的最有效的方法之一。 (2) 在英语学习中, 背诵是切实有效的方法, 是知识输入的一种有效途径。它不仅可以帮助学生掌握大量的英语基础知识, 而且可以培养学生丰富的语感, 进行与说有关的各项活动, 提高学生英语口语表达能力。 (3) 外语学习是一个长期的过程, 学生必须要做艰苦的努力。尤其是在背诵的开始阶段, 每一篇课文的背诵都需要大量时间, 因此教师必须要培养学生不怕艰苦, 克服困难的品格。成功的外语学习能够使学生养成良好的意志品格, 使他们不仅在语言技能方面, 而且在自我实现方面有所进步。教师还要尽可能设计多种活动, 让学生乐于进行背诵练习。


学英语离不开记忆, 记忆不是死记硬背, 要有灵活性。复述就是一种很好的自我训练口语, 记忆单词、句子的形式。听磁带后复述, 能够保证有正确的语言和自然的语调。“听后复述”要循序渐进, 可由一两句开始, 听完后用自己的话 (英语) 把所听到的内容说出来, 一遍复述不下来, 可多听几遍。在刚开始练习时, 因语言表达能力、技巧等方面原因, 往往复述接近于背诵, 但在基础逐渐扎实后, 就会慢慢放开, 由“死”到“活”。在保证语言正确的前提下, 复述可有越来越大的灵活性。在日常教学中, 我们可以采取复述课文的形式来练习。这样看起来虽然很慢, 但实际上对英语综合能力的培养很有帮助。这样做, 可以加深掌握语言的精确程度, 同时也提高了书面表达能力。


如何提高学生英语口语能力 篇8

关键词:口语能力 句型 词汇

比如,假定要召开一个英语演讲会,自己是演讲会的主持人,那么就应该设想如何约稿,如何布置会场,大会主席该如何致词等,让自己进入这一角色,有声地完成整个过程。每个人可以根据自己的需要有目的地选择"环境主题和角色"。在这样一种口语环境下使用外语,有如音乐家在演奏时见到音符就出声,拳击手见对方的破绽就出击,反应必须及时到位,要求的是一种"技能",而不仅是"知识",要求一定程度的"熟练",而不仅是"知道"。这就需要我们在日常生活中经常地、有针对性地对自己进行这样的思维和训练。要在自己的大脑中建立起外语语境,需要一个阶段用一定的强度、用相当的数量对自己的大脑施以相当的"强制"来进行。过了这个阶段,才是对新建立的语言体系进行补充,使其日臻完整。单靠平平常常的积累很难达到这个境界。 过好口语三关发音关:






熟练句型的第二个方法是即席讲话。讲话的题目应稍为广一点,不要老是"My family""My school"。比如谈论北京的话题,有的同学只说一句"北京是中国的首都",下面就不知要谈些什么。实际上,有许多话题可以谈论。例如:北京的历史、气候、大学、公园、交通、街道、建筑以及现代化建设等方面,还可以将话题引入自己感兴趣的体育比赛、电视剧、文艺或小说中去谈论一番。有的学生自尊心较强,害怕出错,不敢张嘴。即席讲话就是要求学生克服自卑与羞怯,大胆张口,在轻松愉快的气氛中用英语进行交谈,将所学句型用于谈话当中,将话题引入自己所熟悉的话题和表达法中。



