外研版英语选修八模块3Foreign food 译文(推荐9篇)
本课例为笔者在参加山东省“一师一优课”活动时所做的创课展示, 授课时长为45分钟, 指导教师为山东省特级教师于艳红和姜春阳。
《普通高中英语课程标准》 (以下简称《标准》) 要求高中英语课程应根据高中学生的认知特点和学习发展需要, 着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 逐步培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化差异, 拓展视野, 为学生的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。
结合《标准》和本堂课具体内容, 笔者设计了连贯的课堂活动, 为学生营造真实的情境, 让学生在准备并完成“介绍文艺复兴及代表人物和作品”的过程中学会运用所学知识, 条理清晰、准确地进行语言输出, 并表达自己的观点。《标准》要求英语教学要促进学生情感、态度与价值观的发展。笔者在“文艺复兴的代表人物”这一部分的教学中设计了“我们可以从大师身上学到什么”这一话题, 旨在激发学生思考, 积极表达观点。
(一) 教学内容分析
本课教学内容选自外研版高中英语选修八Module 2 The Renaissance板块中的Reading部分。本单元的中心话题是欧洲文艺复兴与中国古代文明。本课主要介绍了欧洲文艺复兴, 阐述了文艺复兴产生的历史背景和主要成就, 介绍了文艺复兴时期的代表人物达·芬奇。通过对课文的学习, 学生可以熟练地介绍文艺复兴的情况, 并能介绍中国古代四大发明之一———印刷术在文艺复兴时期所起到的积极作用。
(二) 学情分析
授课对象为高中二年级学生。高二学生已经储备了一定的语言知识, 在英语学习能力上较高一时提高了很多, 想象力丰富, 思维能力活跃, 且具备学科知识迁移的能力。文艺复兴的基本概念对学生来说并不是什么难题, 但如何引导学生通过阅读文章探索并理解文艺复兴的精神和《蒙娜丽莎》的魅力所在, 依然具有很大的挑战性。在完成任务性课堂活动过程中, 要求学生主动参与课堂, 主动对课文内容提出疑问, 在思考和讨论之后勇于阐述自己的见解。
(三) 教学目标
1. 通过回答问题抓住每段的主题句和关键词, 了解文章的整体结构;
2. 通过填空练习在语境中学习并掌握一些与文艺复兴相关的表达;
3. 通过问题引领、找关键词等方式理解文章的细节;
4. 通过思考和小组合作讨论探索文艺复兴的精神和《蒙娜丽莎》的魅力。
(四) 教学方法
本堂课采取任务型教学法, 即教师呈现任务, 引导学生在文本处理的过程中对任务达成做好充分的准备, 在展示中学以致用, 在巩固所学知识的同时熟练表达自己的观点。具体到文本的处理, 可以采用问题引导的方式, 学生在自主探究和小组合作中理解并探索文本内容。在语言输出阶段, 学生通过自主思考、组织语言和小组探讨的方式完成学习任务。
(一) 图片导入
1. 导入《蒙娜丽莎》的图片 (Mona Lisa['m藜un藜'li:s藜])
2. 给出《蒙娜丽莎》的基本信息
It is an oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the year 1503~1506.
It is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
3. 让学生自主发表对这幅画的看法
What do you think of the Mona Lisa?
4. 引用文章中的句子———The Mona Lisa is generally believed to be the best example to express the spirit of the Renaissance.
【设计意图】利用《蒙娜丽莎》这一文艺复兴时期重要的作品, 吸引学生的注意力, 激发学生的学习兴趣。学生根据自己对《蒙娜丽莎》的直观感受自由发表观点, 这能为下一步的任务呈现做好铺垫。
(二) 任务呈现
Suppose the Louvre will hold a Renaissance exhibition and volunteers are needed as guides.
The volunteers should
◆have a good knowledge of the Renaissance.
◆be able to introduce the masterpiece Mona Lisa and its creator.
【设计意图】在学生自由评论了世界名画《蒙娜丽莎》之后, 笔者顺势引出活动任务。“志愿者”的任务让学生的表达不再随意, 而是有理有据, 准确得体地进行表达;不再是肤浅的概括介绍, 而是深入到文化的内涵。学生以身份带入, 更有针对性地学习本堂课的内容。
(三) 细节阅读, 层层展开
1. General information
(1) Read the first three paragraphs and answer the following questions.
When did the Renaissance take place?
Where did the Renaissance happen?
What is the origin of the word“Renaissance”?
What areas are involved in the Renaissance?
(2) Use one or two sentences to tell visitors general information about the Renaissance.
As we all know, ...
【设计意图】让学生对文艺复兴的概念有所了解。这样, 学生就能很容易找到基本信息, 但作为志愿者向参观者介绍时需要体现交际性, 所以设计了第二步, 让学生整合信息, 并尽量用高级句式来组织语言, 在每一步的语言操练中达到熟练。
2. Background
(1) What changes happened in Europe at that time leading to the Renaissance? (Para.2, 3, 5)
(2) It was as if Europe was waking up after the long sleep of the Middle Ages.
For the first time, they put the people, not religion, at the center of the universe.
(3) Retell the background by filling the blanks
Europeans’_______ (discover) of the new land inspired their sense of_______ (explore) ._______, with the development of the international business, Europe was getting richer, _______ (mean) people could afford_______ (employ) the artists and their works.More_______ (important) , the philosophers put people at the centre of the universe_______religion, which would_______ (激励) the great creation of individuals._______ (毋庸置疑) all those things above made the Renaissance possible.
【设计意图】在介绍了文艺复兴是什么之后, 引领学生直接穿越到当时的时代背景。通过文本段落整合, 学生可以在段落提示中找到关键词:exploration, trade, religion。比较难理解的是第三个因素, 结合文章第二段提到的as if, waking up, the Middle Ages, 简单解释“文艺复兴对于当时的欧洲来说似乎是一种苏醒 (Ancient Greece and Roman—the Middle Ages—the Renaissance) ”;事实上, 不仅有复苏, 更有新的发展, 第一次把“人”放在全宇宙的中心, 强调人文主义, 而这正好是文艺复兴的精神。让学生对这一点印象更深刻一些。第三步旨在让学生及时巩固所学知识。
3. Achievements
(1) Find out the new developments in different areas. (para.4-6)
(Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph.)
(2) painters:图片展示Mona Lisa.
分析原因:How to use perspective and the effect of light?
Paint the real person instead of the God.
(3) an inventor (Leonardo) .He was well-known for his astonishing drawings of machines.
built hundreds of years later图片展示达·芬奇的设计图
(4) Introduce the achievements to your deskmates.
(pay attention to using some link sentences.)
【设计意图】关于文艺复兴时期的成就, 学生可以把握关键词, 找到art, philosophy, science等三个方面。然后着重介绍《蒙娜丽莎》和达·芬奇在科学领域的贡献, 前者是为带领学生进一步思考《蒙娜丽莎》的魅力所在, 后者是为下文的文艺复兴代表人物埋好伏笔。蒙娜丽莎的画像融入了科学的绘画技巧, 并且不同于中世纪多被神化了的人物形象, 而是真实的人, 符合人文主义精神。最后, 在学生介绍成就时, 引导学生注重不同方面之间的合理衔接, 力求语言流畅自然。
4. Renaissance Man (Para.7)
(1) What is“Renaissance man”?
(2) 补充达·芬奇的信息。
Painter, inventor, architect, sculptor, engineer, writer, musician, mathematician, geologist, botanist, etc.He is also said to have been physically strong and to have had a good singing voice and an attractive appearance.
(3) Translation:But even if his only contribution to history had been Mons Lisa, it would have been genius enough for all time.
【设计意图】第一个问题比较简单, 学生在阅读完之后可以在原文中找到答案。结合上一部分已经提到的达·芬奇科学家的身份, 继续补充达·芬奇的相关信息, 使文艺复兴代表人物形象更加饱满, 引导学生充分领略伟大时代的大师风采。翻译句子旨在鼓励学生在准确理解句子含义的基础上体会出《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画的重要地位和作用。
(四) 深入思考, 灵活表达
1. Why does the writer think highly of Mona Lisa?
【设计意图】在一步步了解了文章的基本信息后, 设计独立思考的环节, 旨在训练学生的英语思维能力, 同时检测学生是否对文艺复兴的精神有了深刻的体会。关键词可以帮助学生理顺思路, 学生可适当参考关键词。水平高的学生可以结合自己的知识储备进行更好的发挥。
2. If anyone can be called a universal genius, it is Leonardo.
Wherever he went, he carried a notebook around with him, in which he wrote down his ideas.
What should you do to contribute to achieving the Chinese Dream by learning from the masters?
【设计意图】《蒙娜丽莎》是世界名作, 作者达·芬奇是当之无愧的天才。文艺复兴这一伟大时期诞生了无数的大师, 或者说, 正是这些天才般的大师们创造了文艺复兴时期的新辉煌。学生可以从达·芬奇的全面发展、随时随地记下灵感等方面进行思考, 表达自己的观点。
(五) 小组合作, 任务输出
The volunteers should
◆have a good knowledge of the Renaissance
◆be able to introduce the masterpiece Mona Lisa and its creator
the Renaissance:main idea, background, achievements
Mona Lisa:science, humanism
Da Vinci:genius (painter, inventor...;detailed habits)
【设计意图】在文本处理过程中已经进行了信息提取、句式表达、段落衔接、交际得体等训练, 在小组合作中学生共同组织语言, 在分享中不断完善自己的语言表达;在展示中学会倾听和欣赏。
(六) 课堂延伸, 全面了解
Homework:Make your own poster about the Renaissance covering more relative information in other fields which you are interested in.
【设计意图】在本堂课中学生学到的有关文艺复兴的知识是有限的, 但笔者通过课堂上的引领激励学生主动探索更多的相关知识, 更积极主动地结合自己的兴趣学习英语。
本堂课的设计目的是把学生比较难理解的文艺复兴精神具体到真实的语境中, 让学生可以在完成任务的过程中学以致用, 巩固所学, 更重要的是让学生在运用英语解决实际问题的体验中增强学习英语的自信心, 并且在中西方文化的交际语境中增强世界意识和爱国主义情怀。
设置活动时, 笔者从学生的实际出发, 让学生运用所学知识积极参与语言实践活动, 从而加深对所学知识的理解和掌握;让学生在讨论和分享中实现思维的碰撞和提高, 从而提高自身综合运用语言的能力。
本堂课导入自然直接, 采用了《蒙娜丽莎》、达·芬奇和卢浮宫的图片, 在介绍了《蒙娜丽莎》的作者和现存位置后, 让学生评价这幅画, 学生表达的积极性被调动起来, 在他们回答问题的过程中直接进入到与话题相关的词汇、句式的准备中, 全面启动了本堂课的探索之路。如果把图片换成不同人眼中的《蒙娜丽莎》的图片或者视频, 在更活泼或更动感的视觉冲击中, 学生会更加兴奋, 思维活跃起来的速度也会更快。
笔者在设计中灵活处理教材内容, 重点突出。在语言输入环节, 对段落进行整合, 把与文艺复兴背景、成就相关的段落放在一起, 而不是严格按照原文顺序, 这样, 可以帮助学生理清思路。在分析文艺复兴的成就时, 并没有逐条分析绘画、作曲、建筑、哲学, 而是先集中分析这些成就的共性, 即体现了创新。这样, 学生理解起来就少了很多障碍。接下来, 笔者从绘画和科学两个角度重点阐释。用画家的创新来探究《蒙娜丽莎》的魅力, 用达·芬奇科学方面的成就使达·芬奇的形象丰富起来, 同时也为完成任务输出埋下伏笔。
本堂课设置的任务是:学生作为志愿者介绍文艺复兴及其代表作品———《蒙娜丽莎》和作者达·芬奇。笔者在文本解读过程中设计了语言操练环节, 包括抓关键词、高级句式的使用、词汇的准确运用、段落之间的有效衔接等, 让学生熟练表达自己的观点, 为完成任务输出打好坚实的基础, 让学生在有条不紊和步步为营中体会有针对性的高效学习, 在小组合作讨论展示中降低学习难度, 增强学习乐趣。
Content : Introduction
Teaching aims and teaching demands:
1 Have the students know some Chinese and western instruments.
2 Have the students know some knowledge about music.
3 To train the students’ speaking skills and listening skills through making dialogues.
4 To train the students how to improve their oral English.
Important and difficult points:
1 How to master the names of different instruments.
2 How to distinguish the Chinese and western instruments.
3 How to make the students perform themselves in class and make dialogues with others in English.
4 The knowledge of music and development of the students’ oral English and the skills of communication.
Teaching style: warming-up
Teaching methods: elicitation and discussion.
Teaching instruments: computer, blackboard, and lantern slide.
Teaching procedures:
Step I : Lead-in.
•Teacher: Thank you for your sing!
•Do you like singing in your spare time?
•How do you feel when you finish listening to a song or singing a song?
•Which subject do we study from how to sing?
•Is sing equal to music?
Notes: The teacher directs the students to begin this topic through their answers---singing.
T: In this module, we will discuss something about music together.
Step II: Warming-up..
1: T: How much do you know about the world of music?
2: Ss: There are the types of music, composer, band, singers, choir, instruments and so on.
3: T: What do the types of music have?
4: Ss: pop music, folk music, rock music, classical music, rap music, and jazz music.
Step III: The discussion about instruments.
1 T: Please discuss the question with other students.
① How many of the Chinese instruments and western instruments have you heard?
Two minutes!
2 Ss: The names of different instruments.
3 T: Let’s enjoy beautiful pictures about instruments to know them detailedly.
Notes: The teacher first shows different pictures about the instruments and then have the students answer what it is. If some instruments are not known by the students, the teacher will gives information about them for the students.
4 Instruments include: erhu, drum, flute, vertical bamboo flute, piano, electronic organ, saxophone, konghou and harp, guzheng, dulcimer, violin, guitar, cello, lute, pipa, mandolin, and yueqin.
StepⅣ: Introduction.
1 T: Have the students complete activity 1.
Look at the photos of Chinese and western musical instruments and answer the questions.
2 Check the answers:
① All of them have strings
②The pipa and the lute, the konghou and harp
③ The pipa, lute, yueqin, and mandolin.
Notes: When the students answer the questions, the teacher needs to refer to the other instruments which the students enjoyed just now.
StepⅤ: Discussion.
1 T: Give three questions to the students.
•(1) How much information do you know about the artists Langlang and Twelve Girls Band?
•(2) Do you know any Chinese classical music pieces which feature these instruments? Eg; Liangzhu.
•(3) Which type of music do you like best, and why?
•Notes: If the students may not know them in detail, they can ask their music teacher or surf the Internet after class. Five minutes.
•Notes: some information bout Langlang and Twelve Girls Band:
•Langlang: pianist king , he was born in Shenyang city and began to study piano at the age of 3. He is the first Chinese pianist who played the piano in the White House. On 8th in August in , he played the piano in the 29th Olympics in China. We are all proud of him, because we are all Chinese.
•Twelve Girls Band is already one of China’s most popular groups. It is made up of a dozen beautiful women who are among the most gifted musicians in the world. They perform on traditional Chinese instruments such as the Guzheng, the pipa and so on. Having received classical training, those twelve girls have built a musical bridge between east and west and charmed the people of many nations around. The group shows a genuine love for all styles of music, which makes them well received all over the world.
•2 Students’ performances.
•Step Ⅵ: Homework.
•1 Review the instruments which we knew in this class.
()1.—It will be________ tomorrow.—Yes.Let’s have a picnic in the park.A.windyB.sunnyC.rainyD.snowy()2.—I forget________ my pen here.May I use yours?
—Sure.Here you are.A.bringB.bringsC.to bringD.bringing()3.Ann couldn’t see the screen because a tall man was standing________ the screen.A.in front ofB.close toC.behindD.opposite()4.—Jane, why don’t you take part in the sports meeting?—I________ doing exercise.A.preferB.hateC.startD.continue()5.—Will you tell Mr Green about the matter by email? —No.I will go________.A.at firstB.all the timeC.in factD.in person()6.—Tom, what are you doing here? —I’m________ tomorrow’s lessons.A.preparingB.collectingC.interviewingD.worrying()7.—Did you watch the football match last night? What was the result?—We lost by one________ to three.A.touchB.priceC.ageD.goal()8.—Keep________ hard and you will do better in the competition.—I will.A.workingB.workC.to workD.works()9.—Is________ here today? —Yes, we are all here.A.somebodyB.nobodyC.everybodyD.anybody()10.—Do you like Tian Zhen?
—Yes.She is my favourite singer.I like her special ________.A.soundB.voiceC.noiseD.song()11.— I don’t know when he will come back tomorrow.— Don’t worry.I ________you when he back.A.call;comes B.will call;will come C.will call;comes D.call;will come()12.—I’ve forgotten something.—What have you forgotten ________?
A.to doB.doneC.didD.do()13.— Have you finished reading “Harry Potter”? —________.I still have some pages.A.Yes, I doB.No, I don’tC.Yes, I haveD.No, I haven’t()14.— Where is your father? We haven’t seen each other for a long time.—________.A.He was in AmericaB.He has gone to England
C.He is going to AmericaD.He would visit my grandparents
()15.We ________here two hours ago.We ________here for two hours.A.have arrived;have beenB.have come;have been C.came;have comeD.arrived;have been Ⅱ.完形填空(10分)
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.Millions of walkers__16__ 40 countries celebrated International Walk to School Day this year.About half of the primary schools in Shawnee Mission __17__ the activity.The activity wanted to teach the students __18__ to walk to and from school safely.Eden and her mother __19__ to the school to celebrate the day.“It is our chance(机会)to walk to school,” Eden said.“It provides __20__ with good exercise and it is a good way to get to nature.It is __21__ good for the Earth, helps us save gas and keep health.”
A doctor at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia __22__ us that almost 250 students under 15 died on the way to or from __23__ last year.More than 30,000 young walkers hurt(受伤).So teachers, parents and students should work together to keep students
__24__ when they travel.That’s the __25__ of the news.Thank you!
()16.A.atB.onC.outD.from()17.A.took part inB.lived onC.found outD.dropped out()18.A.whereB.whenC.howD.why()19.A.walkedB.ranC.bowedD.jumped()20.A.itB.usC.herD.him()21.A.alsoB.butC.tooD.so()22.A.toldB.protectedC.watchedD.trained()23.A.officeB.cinemaC.stationD.school()24.A.dangerousB.safeC.usualD.far()25.A.exampleB.causeC.endD.start Ⅲ.阅读理解(30分)
Special Attractions(吸引)in the City Zoo this week Feeding Pandas
See how we look after baby pandas.Time: 11:30 am—12:00 am Every day except Saturday Place: Pandas’ House Tickets: Free
A talk by Professor(教授)Li
Professor Li studies animals.He will tell us what he saw and did in Africa this summer.Time: 8:00 am—10:00 am Saturday Place: Meeting Room in Building B Price: 10 yuan Only for children over 8.Dolphin Show
Our dolphins can make you laugh.Time: 9:00 am—9:30 am 2:00 pm—2:30 pm 3:30 pm—4:00 pm Every day
Place: Dolphins’ Home
Price: Children Under5: freeAdults: 15 yuanChildren aged 5-15: 10 yuan
Photo Show
Thousands of photos of all kinds of animals.Time: 8:00 am—12:00 am 2:00 pm—5:00 pm
Every day except Monday
Place: Exhibition Hall(展览大厅)in Building B
Price: Children: 5 yuan Adults: 15 yuan
()26.Your classmate, Jim canin the zoo without paying.A.see the feeding of pandasB.listen to a talk C.watch the dolphin showD.see the photos
()27.If Andy goes to the zoo at ten o’clock on Saturday morning, he will see.A.the feeding of pandas B.the talk C.the dolphin show D.the photo show()28.Mr and Mrs Liu, with their two sons will have to payif they want tosee the photo show.A.20 yuanB.35 yuanC.40 yuanD.60 yuan
()29.Each dolphin show will last for.A.one hourB.half an hourC.one and a half hoursD.two hours()30.Lucy likes animals, so she will probably go to.A.Pandas’ House B.Dolphins’ Home C.Exhibition HallD.Meeting Room B
Do you want to be a newsreader or a presenter? By reading this you’ll know
how to take the first step(步骤)to be one!Making a radio programme is fun.The most important thing you need to do is to decide what kind of programme you are going to offer.Have you always wanted to be a DJ just to play music? If so, what kind of music? And will others want to hear the music you want to play?
Maybe it’s not music but information that you want to offer.You may want to do a talk show about a special subject.If so, great!Choosing something you’re interested in will make it a great experience for you.If you’re good at a subject, you’ll be known as a great presenter.Or, maybe you would like to make a programme like an interview with others.Programmes like this are easy to listen to and always interesting to make because you’ll never know what a guest is going to say and maybe your subject will change.()31.The writer thinks it’sto make a radio programme.A.boringB.excitingC.funD.rude()32.The most important thing you need to do is to decide.A.when to offerB.what to offerC.how to offerD.where to offer()33.What does the underlined word “DJ” mean?
A.音乐节目主持人 B.新闻播报员C.爱音乐的听众D.体育解说员()34.What does the writer think of a programme like an interview with others?
A.Easy and interesting.B.Hard but interesting.C.Easy but surprised.D.Hard and possible.()35.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.The important thing of making a TV programme.B.How to practise your English listening skills.C.The ways of listening to radio programmes.D.How to make your own radio programme.C
Wang Long showed Liu Ming around the People’s Amusement(娱乐)World.They went to the part of man-made(人造的)hills first.People who love operas(京剧)got together on the hills.At the foot of the hills, an old man was singing songs with some old people.On the other side of the hills, a young woman was singing popular songs with some young people.Then Wang Long and Liu Ming walked to the part of man-made lake.People were boating in it.And people can fish for free.But when they leave, they must put all the fishes back into the water.Wang Long didn’t take a fishing rod(杆)with him.They had to leave for the part of animals.There are some kinds of animals there.They are rabbits(兔子), cows, birds and horses.People can feed them with grass and touch them with hands.Most children like staying there and look after the animals.At last, they got to the part of amusement.Each part of the People’s Amusement World has a store.You can buy water, ice creams, food and souvenirs(纪念品).They ate ice creams and watched the children play.They had a good time.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
36.What part will you go if you like Beijing Opera? ___________________________________ 37.Where do people who like popular music stay? ___________________________________
38.Why didn’t Wang Long fish?
39.How many kinds of animals are there in the part of animals? ___________________________________ 40.Where can you buy a souvenir?
___________________________________ Ⅳ.词汇运用(10分)
41.Mike likes playing tennis but he never w_______ in matches.42.There are lots of a________ about animals in the magazine.43.Bob came late but he didn’t e________ why.44.Our team made a s_________ in the last minute of the game.45.The students will have a health c______ next Monday.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。weekreportglasscollecthave
46.Sam wants to be a ______ when he grows up.47.Linda planned ______ a picnic with her friends this weekend.48.Boys and girls, please come to the ______ meeting on time.49.Be careful!There are some pieces of _______ on the floor.50.Sue enjoys _________ her favourite singer’s CDs.Ⅴ.完成句子(10分)
51.Dora took her friends to see her school yesterday.(写出同义表达方式)Dora _______ her friends ______ her school yesterday.52.Peter seems to take part in the competition.(写出同义表达方式)______ ______ _______ Peter takes part in the competition.53.The cinema is not far away from our school.The cinema is ______ ______ our school.54.What’s the problem? Jack doesn’t know.(合并为一句)
Jack doesn’t know ______ ______ _______ _______.55.The little boy wasn’t sure what he should do to help others.(改为简单句)The little boy wasn’t sure ______ ______ _______ to help others.Ⅵ.根据对话内容用适当的单词补全对话。(10分)A: Mum, may I go to 56_______with my uncle?
B: Go Shanghai with your uncle? Oh, yes, you may.How 57_______is it? A: It’s about 1,400 kilometres 58_______.B: Oh, it’s too far.How will you go there?
A: By 59_______.The airline 60_______is not expensive.B: What 61_______are you going to visit?
A: The Bund(外滩), Oriental Pearl TV Tower(东方明珠电视塔)and Town God’sTemple(城隍庙).B: That’s great!When will you 62_______from Shanghai?
A: I’m not 63_______about it.Maybe a week later.B: OK.I’ll ask your 64_______about it.Please 65_______me when you get there.A: OK.Ⅶ.书面表达(15分)
为帮助同学们更好地学习英语,你们学校的广播电台最近想开办一个英语节目。现特向同学们征求意见。假设你是王文雅,根据下面的提示写封70词左右的邮件,把你的想法告知张老师。提示:1.可以听英语新闻;2.写作好的学生可以当新闻记者; 3.语音好的学生可以当新闻播报员。Dear Mr Zhang,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes to our new programme!
Yours,Wang Wenya
1-5 BCABD6-10 ADACB11-15 CADBD 16-20 DACAB21-25 AADBC 26-30 ADCBC31-35 CBAAD 36.I’ll go to the part of man-made hills.37.They stay on the other side of the hills.38.Because he forgot to bring his fishing rod.39.Four.40.In each store in the People’s Amusement World.41.wins42.articles43.explain
46.reporter47.to have48.weekly49.glass50.collecting
51.showed;around52.It seems that53.close to54.what the problem is55.what to do 56.Shanghai57.far58.away 59.plane60.ticket
61.places62.arrive63.sure64.uncle65.phone One possible version:
Dear Mr Zhang,I’m happy to hear that our school radio will start a new English programme to improve our English.I think we can listen to the English news, because it can not only improve our English listening skills but also help us know more about the world.Some students write well and they can be reporters.And some students’ pronunciation is better and they can be the newsreaders.Best wishes to our new programme!
On May 12 14:28 pm, our country Wenchuan had 8.0 magnitude to hit the earthquake. We feel regarding this very sad, our school has also held donation. This time, keeps out the wind account awning, bed warm quilt and mattress, bowl of chummy noodles, sincere regards. Is hoped perhaps regarding the disaster area people that perhaps tomorrow will be. A spot very small benevolence is multiplied by 1,300,000,000, will collect Cheng Ai the sea, the major difficulty will divide 1,300,000,000, will be four large brush-written Chinese characters: Unity is strength.
1.feel sad感觉难过2.What`s the matter?怎么了? 3.miss China想念中国
4.feel bored感觉无聊5.want to play chess想下象棋6.feel angry感觉生气
7.Of course not当然不8.think about思考/考虑….9.It`s a secret.它是个秘密。
10.make you a surprise cake意外的蛋糕
11.on your birthday在你生日(那天)12.It`s not a surprise!13.feel happy感到高兴/幸福14.on the farm在农场15.all day整天16.win a chess game赢了一场象棋赛17.go out to play出去玩18.lose one`s bag丢了某人的包19.smell some nice noodle soup闻到了一股/一些面条汤味20.a present just for you一件正好给你的礼物21.a wonderful book一本精彩的书 22.thank you(very much)for.....为...而感谢你23.feel tired感觉累了24,be tired累了
1.What`s the matter?怎么了?【What`s the matter?=What `s wrong?=What`s the problem?都是表示“怎么了?出什么事了?”常询问得病、不舒服、麻烦事等情绪的。这几个句子后还可接with+sth,表示某物/人怎么了。】再如:What`s the matter with you?你怎么了?What`s wrong with your bike?你的自行车怎么了?练习:你妈妈怎么了?
2.Are you feeling sad?Yes,I am./No, I`m not.你感觉难过吗?是的,我难过。/不,我不。【be +doing表示动作正在进行。Feel是个连系动词,和“be”一样,后面加形容词。Are you feeling....?是询问情绪的一般疑问句“你感到.........?”】再如:
Are you feeling bored?你感觉无聊吗?练习:你感觉累吗?
3.What are you thinking about?你正在考虑/思考什么?【think about.......思考/考虑....后面加名词或代词,或者相当于名词的词。】
4.I`m going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday!我准备在你生日时给你做一个令人意外的蛋糕!【be going to+动词原形,表示“准备、打算、将要做........”。Make sb.Sth.给某人做某物;a surprise cakeon your birthday在你生日时/在你生日那天。】练习:我准备在你生日那天给你做一个令人惊喜的风筝。
5.How do they feel?他们感觉如何?【how如何、怎么样?是对情绪的提问。】I`m /快乐。(对划线提问)
6.ts/ts/ cats,coatsds/dz/ beds, friends/ts//dz/:舌端齿龈破擦辅音:舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。/ts/清辅音(声带不振动),/dz/浊辅音
tr/tr/train, trousersdr/dr/ driver,dress/tr/ /dr/齿龈后部破擦辅音:舌身采取发/r/的姿势,但舌尖上翘贴在齿龈后部,气流冲出这个阻碍,发出短促的/t/,/d/后立即发/r/./tr/清,/dr/浊 ch/tʃ/ chair , lunchj,dg/dʒ/ jacket,bridge/tʃ/ /dʒ/舌端齿龈破擦辅音:舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。/tʃ/ 清/dʒ/浊。
朗读下列单词:sits ,beds,hands,cats, track, drop, chess,chick, enjoy,juice,just,dangerous
3.n.(pl.)笔记,随笔 4.n.报告,汇报
5.v.增大,增长〔原形、过去式〕 6.巨大的,庞大的 7.v.造成,引起 8.n.麻烦,问题
9.n.v.增长,增大 10.n.出生 11.十亿
12.第五,五分之一 13.【词组】稍等 14.套房,公寓 15.垃圾,废弃物 16.寂静的,安静的 17.当地的,本地的 18.【词组】(永久)关闭,关停 19.小学生 20.n.污染
21.公共的,公众的 22.公共服务,服务 23.v.解决问题
Module 10 1.云,云雾 2.阵雨 3.雪,下雪 4.暴风雨
6.多雨的,下雨的 7.多雪的,下雪的
9.多风的,刮大风的 10.v.滑冰 11.厚的 12.n.冰
13.v.说笑话,开玩笑;n.笑话 14.可能,也许 15.温度
16.负的,零下的 17.度,度数 18.然而,尽管 19.下雨的,湿的
20.(某人或某事物)也不 21.使人烦恼的,可怕的 22.v.但愿,希望 23.或许,可能 24.【词组】快点 25.英里 26.围绕地
Module 11
1.(有檐的)帽子 2.国际象棋 3.(同类事物的)
(一)副,(一)套 4.【短语】一副国际象棋 5.筷子 6.玩具
7.(电子)视频的 8.【短语】电子游戏 9.礼物
10.惊奇,意外之事;v.使(某人)吃惊 2.玻璃
3.(pl.)楼梯 4.n.救助,帮助
5.【词组】急救 6.医学的,医疗的 7.v.想象,设想 8.n.底部,下端
11.立刻,立即 12.n.差别,差异
13.v.收受,接受 14.传统习俗 15.例子,实例 16.【短语】例如 17.必须,应该 18.月,月份
19.认真严肃的,不开玩笑的 20.v.有…的味道;n.味道,滋味 21.n.经历,经验 22.n.逗留,停留 23.某人,有人
24.【短语】首次,初次 25.三明治,夹心面包片 26.炸薯条
27.【短语】炸鱼加炸薯条 28.到……之上,向……之上 29.男士,先生 30.肩膀
Module 12 1.破碎的
11.【词组】……怎么了? 12.n.问题,困难,烦恼
13.v.举起、抬起、提起;n.电梯 14.【词组】抬起,提起 15.有害的
16.使落下,投下 17.n.训练,培训
18.【词组】确保,确认 19.v.盖,盖上 20.地震
22.内部,里面;在里面;里面的,内部的;在……里面23.在…正下方,在……下面 24.窗户
26.不和…接触的,不挨……太近的;v.清除,移走 27.【词组】不和……接触 28.镇静的,沉着的 29.勇敢的,无谓的
1、at school 在学校
2、have English and Chinese 上英语课和语文课
3、at the weekend 在周末
4、have Maths and Science 上数学课和科学课
5、play football 踢足球
6、go swimming去游泳
7、in the morning在早上
8、in the afternoon 在下午
9、have Music ,Art and PE 上音乐课,美术课和体育课
10、watch TV看电视
1、What do you have at school,sam?萨姆,你在学校上什么课?【have在这里是“上课”的意思。“have”根据不同语境有不同翻译:⑴“有”I have a dog.我有一只狗。⑵“吃”I have breakfast at seven o`clock.我七点钟吃早饭。⑶“喝”Have some tea,please.请喝茶!⑷“上课”I have English at school.我在学校上英语课。】
2、I have English and Chinese.我上英语课和语文课。【“have+课程”表示上什么课。】再如:I have Maths and
4、Do you play football in the morning?No,I don`t.I paly football in the afternoon.你早上踢足球吗?不,我下午踢足球。【这种一般问句,一般第一个词是什么,回答就用这个词回答。in the morning 在早上;in the afternoon 在下午:in the evening在晚上】
5、I sleep in the morning.我早上睡觉。【go to bed 是“上床睡觉”强调这个动作;sleep睡觉,强调状态】
6、你早上/下午七点干什么?我下午七点看电视。【这是经常询问某人在几点做什么的问句。注意:at seven o`clock in the afternoon。下午七点钟,英语中先说小时间,再说大时间。先说几点钟,再说在早上还是下午】练习:你早上八点干什么?我上语文课。你下午六点钟做什么?我吃晚饭。
7、What does Lingling have at school today ,Daming ?She has Music ,Art and PE today.大明,玲玲今天在学校上什么课?她今天上音乐课,美术课和体育课。【这是询问第三人称经常做什么的句子,注意观察句子中与上边学过的有啥不同,对,第三人称的句子助动词用“does”不是“do”,在She has Music ,Art and PE today.中用“has”而不是“have”.】
8、At the weekend Lili plays basketball.在周末莉莉打篮球。【at the weekend可以放在句首,也可以放在句末】答案:
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外研版八年级英语下册Unit 4教案02-19