1.Jenny’s grandma wants to go to school everyday.()2.Jenny goes to school by bus.()3.Jenny’s grandma is good at dancing.()4.Jenny’s grandma has a good time at school.()5.Jenny’s grandma doesn’t want to learn new things.6.The children have fun in the Safari Park.()7.The monkeys are from Yancheng.()8.The monkeys live happily in the park.()9.The children are not afraid of the snakes.()10.The tigers are not dangerous.()11.The snakes are from Africa.()12.Tom’s father is buying some drinks.()13.Tom’s mother is buying some food.()14.Tom’s family don’t have a picnic at last.15.Everyone in the family likes eating cakes.()16.Grandma is buying some plastic plates and napkins.17.Susan is jumping.Her shadow is jumping too.()18.Paul is good at running.He can run quickly.()19.Paul is thirsty.He wants a hot drink.()()
20.we shouldn’t climb trees because it’s dangerous.()
1.How does Jenny go to school?()A.on foot
B by bus
C.by bike 2.Who goes to school together with Jenny?
C.mother 3.Does Jenny’s grandma have a good time at school? A.Yes
B No
C.I don’t know 4.What does grandma like? A.dancing
C.both A and B 5.Where are the Hippos from? A.Africa
C.Australia 6.Which animal is the tallest in the park?.A.tigers
C.giraffes 7.What do the giraffes eat? A.leaves from the tree
C.fish 8 what is hissing in the bushes? A.lions
B snakes
C.hippos 9.What animals are staying cool in the water? A.Hippos
C.giraffes 10.which animal can climb the tree? A.giraffes
C.monkeys 11.Everyone in the family likes _____.A.cakes
C.orange juice 12.What does Tom’s grandma buy?
A.plates and napkins
C.drinks 13.What does Tom’s mother buy?
A.plates and napkins
C.drinks 14.How many family members are there in Tom’s family? A.three
C.five 15.Why can’t Tom’s family have the picnic?
A.Because it’s raining
B.Because they don’t have time to go out
C.I don’t know
16.If you are running, your shadow will ____.A.jump
C.run 17.Did Lisa and Ann share the hot dog? A.Yes, they did.B.No, they didn’t
C.I don’t know.18.Is Tom naughty? A.Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.C.I don’t know.19.Susan is good at skipping.She can _____ very high.A.run
C.swim 20.What can the children see in the park? A.giraffes B lions
C.both A and B
三、填空(20)分 1.Please _______(not)climb, Grandma.2.Why is Jenny’s grandma ________(study)with us? 3.I can hear the lions.They ________.(roar)4.The e_______ are bathing in the water.5.The giraffes are eating l_______ from the tree.6.I want to buy some ________(mango)juice.7.All the food and drinks are ______(准备好了)but it’s raining.8.Paul is good at r_______.He can run fast.9.I’m really t_______.Can I have something to drink? 10.Lisa and Anna are good friends.They always s_____ things.参考答案
2-10 TFTFF
6-10 CABAC 11-15BABCA
3.are running
4.elephants 5.leaves
8.running 9.thirsty
《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 ( 实验稿) 》在语言技能目标描述和基本学习策略描述中, 明确要求教师要在小学阶段通过培养学生的英语阅读能力, 以达到提高学生综合运用英语能力和自主学习的能力的目的。
英语教学需要大量的语言材料和语言实践, 我国一线教师和广大家长也越来越重视到英语读物的重要性。因此, 针对不同年龄与不同英语水平学生的分级阅读教材也就应需而生。目前, 大部分小学英语教师仍沿用传统教学法来进行阅读教学, 过分解读生词与语法分析, 逐句逐段跟读等环节, 不符合阅读的本质与儿童心智特点, 也不利于学生英语兴趣的保持与输入内化。针对这种现状, 探究在小学阶段进行英语分级阅读教学活动的方法与策略亟待解决。
( 一) 分级阅读走进课堂的意义
分级阅读的教材大都图文相配、形象生动、情节有趣, 单词语句难度符合小学生心智水平。在阅读的学习中, 学生最先掌握的往往不是单词的发音与书写, 而是文本所传达的意义, 如此有助于学生获得整体性的语言输入。此外, 阅读教学有助于学生增长语言知识, 提高言语技能; 采用不同策略阅读文本有利于帮助学生形成策略意识, 进而提升学生的综合语言运用能力。
( 二) 分级阅读教学方法探究
阅读教学要以故事图片为引导、启发、激活、调动学生的已知常识来预测未知知识, 理解故事大意和主要情节, 引导学生在情境中学习语言和表达方式。英语阅读教学按照步骤可分为阅读准备阶段、故事呈现阶段、逐页理解阶段、读后交流阶段。
1. 阅读准备阶段
英语阅读的准备活动是指在阅读前开展与阅读主题或内容相关的活动, 通过活动激发学生阅读积极性、激活学生阅读背景知识, 为英语活动的正式开展打下良好的情感与知识基础。在此阶段, 可以引导学生进行封面阅读活动。阅读读物的封面包含着许多重要的信息, 例如标题、人物、作者等, 通过阅读封面学生不仅能够获取关于故事的基本信息, 也能拓展故事的背景知识, 丰富学生对于阅读读物的认知。
如在学习Seasons Scrapbook ( 《公园里的春夏秋冬》) 这一阅读课时, 教师向学生呈现封面, 请学生观察封面上的四幅图分别对应哪个季节, 问学生是如何推断出来的。请学生找一找本故事是谁著的又是谁配图的? 再看看封底, 猜猜这课主要的话题是什么? 通过这样的过程, 拓展了学生对于本课的知识储备, 丰富了低年级学生对于以四季的为题材的故事的了解, 引导学生更好的学习文章。
2. 故事呈现阶段
故事的呈现方式可以是多种多样的, 比如采用多媒体影音激发学生学习兴趣。不少英语故事书除了纸质书本外还配套有相应的视频资源与音乐资源, 通过对于视频与声音的赏析, 学生能够直观地了解故事内容, 帮助学生在真实、自然、丰富的故事情境中体验和感知语言, 尝试理解和提取基本信息。
3. 逐页理解阶段
教师逐页逐句向学生呈现文本内容。即教师通过自己的朗读、表情演绎、肢体语言等对于文本内容进行形象化的演绎, 将自己对作品内容的理解、对作品情感和图文美的体验传达给学生, 通引导学生形成英语思维。
另外, 可请学生自读文章, 即学生对于文本进行独立阅读, 尝试从中获取一些基本信息。如在学习X计划一级的故事AHome for Ted (《Ted的家》) 时, 教师可以提出有针对性的问题:
问题1: What is Cat doing? Cat在做什么?
问题2: What’s wrong with the house? 这个房子怎么了?
对于低年级学生来说, 他们的自读基本以读图为主, 通过游览图片, 理解图片顺序排列之间的逻辑关系, 学生能够很快地了解故事大概。
4. 阅读后续阶段
阅读后续活动的设计目的在于帮助学生进一步巩固和内化所学知识、分享和交流阅读心得、体验和感受英语阅读的欢乐, 因此形式多样的阅读后续活动是十分必要的。
例如, 在完成学习大猫英语分级阅读二级What ’s for breakfast ? ( 《早餐吃什么?》) 这一阅读课后, 教师可请学生发散思维, 想想我们每天的早餐是什么, 和主人公小蚂蚁的早餐有什么区别, 你能为大家设计一个人人喜欢的早餐吗? 通过这样的延伸讨论活动, 既巩固了关于本课的食物类单词, 也锻炼了英语交际能力。
同时教师可以鼓励学生在课后借阅英语阅读书籍, 并利用课间开展英语阅读交流会, 请同学们分享自己近期读到的好书并交流阅读心得, 将英语学习从课堂过渡到课外, 构架起阅读与生活间的桥梁。
阅读一直是英语教学中的重要环节, 而小学阶段对阅读的教学并不尽如人意。图文并茂的分级阅读故事的出现, 有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣, 提升学生的阅读素养, 促进学生认知、情感与人格的健全发展。本研究初步探究了英语课堂阅读的应用策略, 希望能够为进一步完善小学低年级英语阅读教学提供实践参考。
[1]中华人民共和国教育部.全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 (实验稿) .2011.
[2]王蔷.提高小学生英语阅读素养的理论与实践探索——基于全国教育科学“十二五”规划课题的研究.英语学习, 2015, (05) .
[3]沈淼.基于绘本应用的小学英语教学初探[J].新课程, 2012, (10) .
【关键词】英语 分级阅读 教学方法
基础级:包含391个单词,涵盖语法点:现在进行时,动词第三人称单数,There be, can/can’t。适龄阶段:7-8岁。
巩固级:包含516个单词,涵盖语法点:一般现在时和现在进行时,动词第三人称单数,一般过去式,There be, can/can’t,some/ any/have to,频率副词:often,sometimes, always , never等。适龄阶段:8-9岁。
be going to ,… 适龄阶段:9-10岁。
提高级:包含691个单词,涵盖语法点:一般将来时:be going to/will, 情态动词,比较
超越级:包含633个单词。涵盖语法点:情态动词,比较级和最高级,一般将来时will,现在完成时,if引导的虚拟语气,过去分词,动名词等。适龄阶段:11-12岁。学生用书(A/B):附带活页迷你故事书,增加阅读量VCD和Video Guide:为学生提供地道美语环境CD/磁带:包括所有听力活动和悦耳的歌曲歌谣活动手册:练习书写、语法和语言表达学习手册:包括词汇表、歌曲歌谣、知识点索引和录音曲目。
教材中每个单元的Little Book都讲述一个故事,在增加学生阅读量的同时了解不同国家的文化;每单元在课程设置中渗透情感因素,让孩子学习语言知识的同时接受情感教育。
2.make the children use the new words and sentences correctly.3.make the pupils more interested in learning English.Teaching Important:The students can master the new words and sentences Teaching Difficult:The students can use the new words and sentences correctly.Procedure :
Step1 :Greeting
Step 2:Warming up:Sing ABC song
VOCABULARY PREVIEW 1.Ask students to read the alphabet to correct the pronunciation.2.Ask students to write 26 letters from the memory to correct the form.3.Learn the numbers from”0-10”,pay attention to the pronunciation of “0” 4.Practice the numbers.(read one by one , check somebody)5.Write the two sentences under the words.a.There are 26 letters in the alphabet.b.I can read the numbers from “0-10”.6.Introduce myself to lead out”Her name is Maria.””His name is Jack.”
7.Show a picture ,to learn the word “address”.Teach the students to express the specific address.8.Do actions to learn “telephone number”.sentence:May I have your telephone number?
Expansion:QQ number ,Micro-letters number,Fax number
What’s Your Name? 1.Introduce myself My name is Lurry.My address is 321 the west of Beijing Road.My telephone number is 3638827.I’m from Wuzhong City.I am 26 years old.I like playing basketball.I like English very much.2.Lead out the questions 3.Learn the text.4.Answer the questions.(P2)5.The students introduce themselves.Role Play
1.Show the pictures to learn the words “actor,actress,athlete,president” Expansion:chairman ,player.2.Role play:Interview a famous person.(group work)
How To Say It 1.Make a dialogue with a student.2.The students practice the dialogue with the partner.Expansion: How old are you?
Where are you from?
What do you like: What’s your address?
What’s your telephone number?
What’s your QQ number?
I. 词汇:
dig, drop, soil, directly, leaf, flood, prevent, northern, wide, blow, sand, towards, farmland, point, correct
II. 词组和惯用法
so that 以便、以致 hear of 听说
run away 流失、逃跑 in this way 用这种方法
point to 指向 far away 很远、遥远
thanks to 由于、幸亏 the more the better 越多越好
hand in 交上来 more or less 多少有点…
Tree Planting Day 植树节
knock …into把…插进
as often as possible尽可能多地
the Great Green Wall绿色长城
millions of 成百万的
in a few years’ time 几年后
in / out of class 课内/外
III. 交际用语
The ground must be just right.
It’s best to …
The hole should not be too deep.
What’s next?
The more, the better
IV. 语法:
1. 被动语态的用法
A. 不知道谁是动作的执行者
B. 没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者
Many flowers have been grown on each side of the road.
The old man was taken to the hospital at once.
情态动词(can, may, should, must等)+be+动词过去分词
These things can be bought at this store.
The rules of the school must be kept by the students at school.
This kind of flowers should be watered twice a day.
The dishes may be put in the cupboard.
主动语态:Her father gave her a present on her birthday.
A present was given to her by her father on her birthday.
The host passed the guest a cup of tea.
被动语态:A cup of tea was passed to the guest by the host.
主动语态:They found her dancing in the room.
被动语态:She was found dancing in the room.
2. plant / grow
Every Tree Planting Day the young people go to plant tree by the river.
The farmers were planting roses in the field at this time yesterday. (plant可做名词,植物)
People grow wheat in the north.
The old man grows many flowers in his yard.
A. 用作不及物动词,“成长、长大、增长”
The town is growing rapidly.
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
B. 用作不及物动词,表示“大小、体积、数量的增长”
The world’s population is growing much faster than before.
She grew in experience.
C. 可作系动词表示“渐渐变得”与become, get一样,后接形容词。
The weather is growing colder and colder.
3. earth / on the earth / on earth
Cover the roots with earth.
The earth goes round the sun.
(2)on the earth 在地球上、大陆上
We live on the earth.
There are all kinds of animals on the earth.
(3)on earth 究竟、到底
A. 放在最高级之后,用来强调最高级
Edison was the greatest inventor on earth.
B. 意为“到底、究竟”放在代词who, what或副词when, where, why, how之后,以加强疑问。
Why on earth didn’t you go to school?
What on earth is it?
4. in order to / in order that
(1)in order to +动词不定式
in order not to do sth.
The assistant told the students to keep quiet in order not to disturb others.
(2)in order that 后接从句,表示目的,从句中常用may, can, could, might, will be able to, would, should 等情态动词。
He spoke slowly in order that everyone could understand him.
5. thanks to / because of
(1)thanks to 意为“多亏、由于”,带有感情色彩,表示由于某种原因得到了好的结果。
Thanks to her help, the old woman found her daughter.
Thanks Jim ,we finished it first.
(2)because of 无感情色彩,只表示某种原因。
He didn’t come because of sickness.
His face went red because of what she said.
6. knock 构成固定短语
knock at / on the door 敲门
knock against (撞、碰)
knock down打倒、撞倒
knock off掸掉、减去、减低
knock out敲出、敲空
knock up 敲起、敲门惊醒
一. 选择填空
1. The man ______ blue is Mike’s teacher.
A. wears B. in C. with D. put on
2. ______ of the girls likes Math.
A. Both B. Neither C. Some D. Everyone
3. The farmers teach us______ to plant trees.
A. how B. what C. that D. while
4. He wanted to know what ______ her.
A. happened on B. had happened to
C. was happening at D. had happened with
5. Everyone goes to plant trees______ Tree Planting Day.
A. on B. on the C. in D. in the
6. ______ you ______ I am a worker.
A. Both, and B. Either, and C. No, but D. Neither, nor
7. His mother often stops her ______ on the wall.
A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. from drawing
8. There are many ______ stars in the sky at night.
A. thousands of B. thousand of C. thousand D. thousands
9. He tied the horse ______ trees.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
10. Spring is the time ______ trees.
A. planting B. for planting C. to plant D. plant
11. The hole must be ______ for the tree.
A. enough B. large enough C. too large D. so large
12. In 1850, about a third of the USA ______ by forests.
A. were cover B. was covered
C. has been covered by D. were covered
13. A lot of good land has gone with them, ______ only sand.
A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. leaves
14. Put the tree in the hole ______ it is straight.
A. when B. because C. so that D. since
15. The bike must ______ over there.
A. put B. be put C. be putted D. be putting
16. Mary dances ______ among the girl.
A. good B. better C. well D. best
17. Middle school students should ______ drink ______ smoke.
A. either…or B. neither… nor C. both…and D. neither… or
18. Let’s cover the food ______ a piece of paper.
A. by B. with C. in D. for
19. ______ you sleep, ______ you’ll be.
A. Much, lazy B. More, lazier
C. The more, the lazier D. The more, the lazy
20. Bruce and Bill ______ many Chinese books in the past few years.
A. read B. are reading C. were reading D. have read
二. 阅读理解
The Great Wall
It is difficult to imagine that paper started as a tree, but perhaps you already know that paper is made from wood. First, trees are cut down.
a. And then old paper is mixed with the wood pulp to make new paper. ( )
b. The mixture is spread thinly onto a copper net. ( )
c. Then they are taken to a pulping plant. There the bark of the trees is taken off. ( )
d. The mixture is put into a big tank with a lot of water. Now colour can be added to make coloured paper. ( )
e. Next, they are dried. The thing that is left is called wood pulp. This is used to make paper. ( )
f. The wood chippings are made smaller and washed in the pulping factory. ( )
g. The pulp stays on top and the water drips through the net. The paper is left to dry. ( )
h. When the pulp has been mixed well enough, it is sent to the papermaking machine. ( )
i. The trunks are then put into a machine and they are chopped into very small pieces called wood chippings. ( )
j. Something is put into the mixture to make it stay strong and thick. ( )
When it is dry enough, it is rolled up on a big machine with rollers. The paper can now be used to make lots of different things.
The Great Wall
The Great Wall, the symbol of China, is one of the world’s most famous projects. It is 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing.
The construction of the Wall first began during the period of the Warring states (476-221BC). At first, walls were built by different kingdoms to protect themselves. In 221BC after the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified China, he decided to link up the walls and make it longer.
About one million people, one-fifth of China’s population at the time, took part in the project. It took them more than ten years to finish the work.
When it was finished we call it “Wan Li Chang Cheng”which means “Ten Thousand-Li-Long Wall”. The Great Wall which we now see was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century. Before the Ming Dynasty, the Wall was built of earth and rock. Under the Ming, it was rebuilt in most places with bricks and stones.
Fortresses were built along the Wall. Beacon towers were built on both sides of the Wall. Whenever the enemy appeared, bonfires were lit on the towers to tell the coming of enemies.
Along the southern side of the Wall, there are gates with stone steps leading to the top of the Wall. The top surface of the Wall is covered with large bricks. It is four to five meters wide, enough for five horsemen to ride side by side…
1. The Great wall was built by Emperor Qin Shihuang to protect country. ( )
2. In Qin Dynasty there was a population of about five million people. ( )
3. The Great Wall was named after its length. ( )
4. The same materials as those in the Qin Dynasty were used to rebuild the Wall in Ming Dynasty. ( )
5. Other soldiers might know that enemies were coming by seeing the smoke of bonfires. ( )
Try to answer the questions
1. What’s the use of the gates along the southern side of the Wall?
2. Why was the surface of the Wall built to wide?
New words:
Kingdom王国 beacon tower烽火台 surface表面
三. 完形填空
Half an hour before, kick-off, a list of the Brazilian team was given out to journalists. Ronaldo was not on the list. Then the list was 1 and new one was given in the 2 . But why was the list suddenly changed? Ten minutes after kick-off the Brazilian manager said, “Ronaldo went to 3 for a ‘test’ on his left ankle just before the game,” he said. The test 4 that he could play in team, so they changed the list. But 5 one look at Ronaldo out on the field I knew at once that he was having problem. 6 it wasn’t just his ankle-so what was it? Was he just very nervous in a big match like that? He was neither running 7 nor attacking. He was either ill or hurt-maybe both ill and hurt-but something was wrong.
Ronaldo said, “I was feeling something very 8 after lunch which I never felt before in my life. I really felt bad. I had a headache…and a pain in my stomach.” Was this his 9 or was he really sick? Was this all a clever trick against the Brazilian team? If Roanldo really was ill or hurt, 10 did he play in match?
Even journalists sometimes cannot find the true story, so The Great Roanldo Mystery is still that: a mystery
1. A. shown B. written C. changed D. read
2. A. class B. group C. row D. team
3. A. hospital B. police station C. school D. TV station
4. A. told B. showed C. asked D. spoke
5. A. before B. after C. if D. while
6. A. And B. So C. Or D. For
7. A. badly B. well C. slowly D. quickly
8. A. interesting B. delicious C. dangerous D. strange
9. A. excuse B. reason C. result D. answer
10. A. how B. why C. what D. when
四. 用high, tall, long, wide, deep, thick填空
1. The mountain is about two thousand meters______.
2. I can swim across the river. It’s only one hundred meters______.
3. Tom’s father is over two meters______.
4. The hole is about two meters ______.
5. The Great Wall is over six thousand kilometers______.
6. The ice in the river is over one meter ______. You can skate on it.
五. 翻译句子
1. 最好在春天种树。
It’s____________________________ trees in spring.
2. 仔细检查以确保一切都好。
Look over carefully and ___________________ that everything is OK.
3. 如果天气很好,地不应该太潮。
If it is a sunny day, the ground _________________ too wet.
4. 地面绝对不能太硬。
The ground ______________________________.
5. 通过电视我们能看到全世界的名胜古迹。
We can see the place of interests __________________ through TV.
6. 这条河大概有40公里长,200米宽。
The river is about __________________________ and _____________________.
7. 学生的错误应该得到纠正。
The students’ mistakes_______________________________.
8. 此外还有四扇窗子要擦。
There are still _____________________ windows to be cleaned.
六. 初级写作
以Spring Festival 为题写一篇短文,字数为80-100.
1B 2B 3A 4B 5A 6D 7D 8D 9C 10B
11B 12B 13A 14C 15B 16D 17B 18B 19C 20D
二. A: c(1) i(2) f(3) e(4) a(5) d(6) j(7) h(8) b(9) g(10)
B: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
1. Soldiers could come down and go up to the Wall through the gates.
2. Horsemen could move quickly from here to there.
三. 1C 2D 3A 4B 5B 6A 7D 8D 9A 10B
四. 1. high 2. wide 3. tall 4. deep 5. long 6. thick
1. best to plant 2. make sure 3. should not be 4. must not be too hard
5. all over the world 6. 40 kilometres long, 200 metres wide
7. should be corrected 8. four more
Spring Festival
In China the Spring Festival is the important holiday.
Several days before the lunar New Year, we clean our houses and decorate them. We make everything new and clean and hope that New Year will bring us happiness and good luck.
The celebration begins on the eve of the lunar New Year. The family get together for dinner. If a person is far from home, he will always try to get home for this big dinner.
On the first day of the holiday, we usually stay at home. We get up early and exchange New Year greeting first.
On the second and third day, we go visiting relatives and friends. We sit around talking and eating sweets, cakes and all kinds of delicious food. Every family prepares something special.
The celebrations last 15 days. The 15th night of the first moon is called the Lantern Festival. On that day many people go out to enjoy themselves.
分级阅读通常也被称为基础阅读或简易阅读, 其原理是通过使用分级材料让读者阅读无障碍。在我国, 分级阅读概念的提出与实践还刚起步, 虽然对“中国中小学生英语分级阅读体系标准研制”的研究已取得阶段性成果, 但是国内英语分级阅读课堂教学的现状并不乐观, 在教学实践层面还需要进一步积累并提升阅读效度的经验。下面, 笔者从教育生态学视角对影响学生分级阅读效度的因素进行分析, 探索提高学生分级阅读效度的方法和途径。
教育生态学是将教育及其生态环境相联系, 并以其相互关系及其机理为研究对象的一门新兴学科。从教育生态学的角度出发, 课堂教学是一个社会生态系统, 具有整体性、和谐性、互动性和开放性等属性。 用生态的眼光来审视英语分级阅读课堂教学, 就是设立有助于提升学生整体阅读水平的分级阅读目标, 构建学生主动参与、师生和谐互动的有效阅读模式, 让学生在开放的生态阅读环境中得到充分发展, 从而提高英语分级阅读的效度和教学质量。
目前, 英语课堂生态失衡现象较为普遍, 已成为影响学生分级阅读效度的主要因素, 表现在以下几个方面。
意识形态, 可以理解为对事物的理解、认知, 它是一种对事物的感观思想, 是观念、观点、概念、思想、价值观等要素的总和。部分教师没有分级教学意识, 甚至排斥分级阅读理念, 表现在忽视学生个体差异, 在阅读策略指导等方面千篇一律, 缺乏针对性, 教学任务没有梯度, 导致课堂教学效率低下。
教师重讲解、重灌输而轻引导、轻点拨, 这种 “教”的方式侵占了课堂生态主体, 即学生“学”的主体地位, 这种阅读策略指导不力的习惯最终会导致学生阅读能力下降、阅读兴趣锐减, 课堂缺乏应有的生机与活力。
生态位是指在一个群落中, 每个物种不同于其他物种的时间、空间位置, 也包括在生物群落中的功能地位, 不同学生由于个体差异导致各自所处的生态位也各不相同, 这就需要不同生态主体之间互相促进、 共同成长、互利共生。然而, 由于教师分级阅读策略指导不到位, 学生或冷冷清清、不愿参与交流讨论, 或热热闹闹、浅尝辄止、流于形式, 生态主体之间出现不合理的竞争或排斥, 导致课堂群体生态失衡。
根据教育生态理论中的最适度原则, 教育生态主体在其发展过程中, 对周围生态环境和各种生态因子都有自己的适应范围和区间。学校应帮助教师和学生建立“园丁”和“种子”共赢的“生态园区”。然而, 受传统观念和教学条件的影响, 课堂生态的物理环境和精神环境还没有得到有效改善, 导致课堂生态主体与课堂生态环境失衡。
生态系统论认为, 系统内各因子相互联系、相互作用构成整体性。整体的功能大于部分功能之和。分级阅读教学的目标不是培养阅读水平两极分化的学生, 而是提高班级整体阅读的软实力。然而, 窄化分级目标的课堂构建模式依然存在, 导致生态课堂整体阅读效度降低。
教师可以结合国内中学生的认知水平, 借助国外较为成熟的分级标准 (如Lexile) 和分级读物 (如Guided Reading Level) 来指导学生进行分级阅读。 教师要在引导、点拨、评论的角色上, 基于分级阅读教与学微技能的训练, 让生态课堂中每个个体因子功能最大化。
(1) 发挥“共生效应”。生态学中的“共生效应”, 即某种植物单独生长时会枯萎死亡, 而与另一种植物一起生长时, 两者都会生机勃勃。提高英语分级阅读教学的效度就是要让学生在分级阅读教学中互相帮助、 互相学习、扬长避短、共同发展, 从而让共生性有效促进英语课堂教学。
(2) 利用“鲶鱼效应”。沙丁鱼生性懒惰, 不爱游动, 在刚捕捞上来的沙丁鱼鱼槽里放入几条鲶鱼, 生性好动的鲶鱼在陌生的环境里会加速游动, 沙丁鱼发现异己, 紧张得四处游窜, 不断波动的水会增加氧气, 使沙丁鱼运回港口时保持鲜活。心理学家把这种现象称为“鲶鱼效应”。根据这一理论, 教师可以发现并培养身边的“鲶鱼人才”, 激发学生的阅读期待, 克服分级阅读畏难情绪, 通过激励个体阅读推动群体阅读。
在教育生态学视角下, 通过多元、多向、多层次的合作、交流、体验、探究, 使学生重新组合、选择、 建构自己的阅读领域, 努力调动学生的阅读积极性、 创造力, 向分级阅读更深层次内化, 从而取得更好的阅读效果。下面以牛津译林2011年版新教材9A Unit 5 Reading第一课时为例, 来阐释“3R”生态课堂分级阅读模式的设计与实施。
阅读文本是关于著名作曲家谭盾热爱音乐并取得巨大成就的故事。文本内容篇幅较长, 生词很多, 对部分学生来说难度相当大。课堂上, 教师将学生在小组内隐性分层, 设为A、B、C三个相对等级。任务的设计尊重学生个体差异和学生的最近发展区, 用合理、 科学的“梯度”任务设计驱动学生的“分级”阅读行为, 从而改进生态课堂阅读教学方式, 优化课堂阅读教学结构, 实现阅读教学效益最大化。
(1) 学生独自阅读。设计低层次问题, 让每个学生获得初步成功的快感, 要求学生在文本上划出正确答案。提问时, 尽量提问每组的C级同学, 激发学生参与度。回答完成后, 让学生划出自己不懂的单词、 短语或句子。
Pre-reading: Listen to the reading part and answer some questions.
1 Who is the article about?
2 What is he? What is he famous for?
3 When and where was Tan born? Do you know what he loves the sounds of?
4 When did Tan go on to study in the USA?
5 What is his best work?How does he make music about Water?
6 Is his music for the Beijing Olympics very special? Why?
(2) 生生互助阅读。首先, 设计中等难度的问题, 让学生集体思考。利用“鲶鱼效应”, 尽量提问B级中踊跃举手的学生, 肯定他们的答案, 并指出不足。其次, 针对疑惑, 小组内部互相交流、同伴互助, 发挥共生效应。C级学生在B级学生的帮助下, 解决自己不懂的词句。再次, 回归阅读文本, 从而真正掌握阅读策略。
1 Read and answer. As a composer, what is Tan Dun best known for?
2Read and answer. What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music?How does Tan make musician Water?
3 Read and discuss. What does Tan Dun mean by saying “My music is to dream without boundaries”?
(3) 教师辅助阅读。设计高难度问题, 尽量让A级学生回答。教师加强阅读策略指导, 引导学生由表及里深度挖掘文本。让A级学生帮助B级学生解决疑惑, 让B级学生帮助C级学生解决疑惑, 必要时教师适当补充。教师还可以进一步给A级学生增加阅读任务, 在最近发展区内拓展阅读空间。
Post-reading: What do you think of Tan Dun’s music?Do you like Tan Dun? Why or why not?
1. 专注读书
在教师指引下,在学校开展的阅读,在这过程中学会阅读,享受阅读。“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”。所以要重视对学生在课堂上的阅读指导。课堂教学是学生学习,教师向学生传递知识的主要平台,我们要充分利用课堂的时间教学生学会在分级指导下有效阅读,分类阅读。我们的人教版语文教材每册分了八个单元,每个单元都是同类别的文章,我们可以利用课堂教学时间,要学生学会整合单元的知识,学会单元式的阅读,提炼单元主题,提高阅读的效率。在读的过程中边读边积累,读中画好词好句,读中些感受写批注,这样可以提高阅读的效率,达到阅读的目的。书读百遍,其义自见,所以要求学生书要反复读,读反复,不同的时候读会有不同的感受,不同的体会。课堂只有40分钟的时间,是非常有限的,读的内容也主要是教材要求的内容,课后的阅读就是对课堂阅读的必要的延伸。 课间的学生自主阅读是非常有重要的一项,学生的自主阅读时间主要是安排在课间和午读时间,所以每天的25分钟的午读必须得到保障,学生能利用这个时间进行把在课堂上没有读完的,没有读透的文章继续阅读。
2. 亲子阅读
苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“所有那些有教养、品行端正、值得信赖的年轻人,他们大多出自对书籍有着热忱的爱心的家庭。”而著名的美国阅读研究专家吉姆·崔利斯《朗读手册》上也有这样一段话:“你或许拥有无限的财富,一箱箱珠宝与一柜柜的黄金。但你永远不会比我富有,我有一位读书给我听的妈妈。” 家是孩子生活的地方,是他感觉最放松、最舒适的地方。父母是孩子的第一任老师,也是人生中最重要的老师。家也是孩子读书的主要阵地,父母就是孩子家中阅读的指导老师了。孩子们在学校读书,在老师的指导下进行分级阅读,其实最重要的是要孩子学会阅读,在家里是不是就不用阅读了呢?其实不然,课外阅读是分级阅读最重要的一项。但小学中年段的孩子毕竟还小,所以在家也需要父母的陪同,需要父母的指导,这样有目的的阅读才能更有效。通过亲子共读,父母与孩子共同学习,一同成长;通过亲子共读,为父母创造与孩子沟通的机会,分享读书的感动和乐趣;通过亲子共读,可以带给孩子欢喜、智慧、希望、勇气、热情和信心。