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关于好朋友的英文演讲稿 篇1

when we have something annoy us, we will naturally to find someone to talk about it, the first choice is friend. we will not talk about it in front of our parents, because we don’t want them to worry about us. friend is so important in our life, we have many friends, we will share our happiness and sorrow with them, we hang out together, in a word, friends are part of our life. what will happened if someone have no friend? we hear from the news that the crime people are isolated by others, most of them have no friends, their view point about the world is distorted. without friends, people have no where to relieve their emotion, the long time’s depression of the emotion distract people from the normal life. so friends are very important, we can’t live without friends.

关于好朋友的英文演讲稿 篇2

A study presented on Nov. 12, 2013 at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, suggests there’sa connection between social interactions and brain structure.

“We’re interested in how your brain is able to allow you to navigate in complex social environments, ” study researcher MaryAnn Noonan, a neuroscientist at Oxford University, in England, said at a news conference.“Basically, how many friends can your brain handle?”Noonan said.

Scientists still don’t understand how the brain manages human behavior in increasingly complex social situa-tions, or what parts of the brain are linked to deviant social behavior associated with conditions like autism andschizophrenia.

Studies in macaque monkeys have shown that brain areas involved in face processing and in predicting theintentions of others are larger in animals living in large social groups than in ones living in smaller groups.

To investigate these brain differences in humans, Noonan and her colleagues at McGill University, in Cana-da, recruited 18 participants for a structural brain-imaging study. They asked people how many social interac-tions they had experienced in the past month, in order to determine the size of their social networks.

As was the case in monkeys, some brain areas were enlarged and better connected in people with larger so-cial networks. In humans, these areas werethe temporal parietal junction, the anteriorcingulated cortex and the rostral prefrontalcortex, which are part of a network involvedin “metallization”—the ability to attributemental states, thoughts and beliefs to another.

“These different brain regions are allsinging different songs, ” Noonan said. “Net-worked areas are all singing the same song, and when they’re connected better, they’resinging more harmoniously with each other.”

The researchers also tested whether thesize of a person’s social network was linkedwith changes in white-matter pathways, thenerve fibers that connect different brain re-gions.

Again, they found that white-matter tracts were better connected in people with bigger social networks.“The nerves were more like a Los Angeles freeway than a country road, ”Noonan said.

The researchers couldn’t say whether social interaction caused these changes in brain structure and connec-tivity, or whether the brain determined how innately social someone was.

In the case of the monkeys, the researchers dictated the size of the animals’social network, so they con-cluded that social-group size was causing the brain differences.

“It can be inferred that a similar process takes place in human brains, but to prove this, long-term studiesare needed, ”Noonan told LiveScience.

The fact that some brain regions may be larger and more connected suggests other regions might be small-er in the brains of the more socially adept, Noonan said.

“If you’re spending a lot of time in social environments using social skills and your brain’s changing, may-be you’re not learning to juggle in your free time or becoming proficient at the piano, ”she said.“The brain isjust changing and optimizing to reflect your needs, and if that is thriving within a complex social environment, that is what your brain is reflecting.”


2013年11月12日, 神经科学学会的年会上提出的一项研究表明, 社会互动与大脑构造之间存在联系。

研究员玛丽安·努南是英国牛津大学的一名神经学家。她在记者招待会上说:“我们有兴趣知道你的大脑如何使你在复杂的社会环境中保持方向感。简言之, 你的大脑能‘招架’多少朋友?”

科学家仍不清楚大脑是怎样在日趋复杂的社会环境下管理人类行为的, 或者说, 大脑的哪个部分与异常社会行为有关联, 比如孤独症和神经分裂症。

对于猕猴的研究表明, 在大的社会群体中生活的动物与生活在较小社会群体中的动物相比, 前者参与面部识别、揣测他人意图的大脑功能区较大。

为研究人类大脑的这些差异, 努南和她在加拿大麦吉尔大学的同事招募了18名参与者展开了一项结构性脑成像研究。他们询问参与者在过去的一个月内参与了多少社交活动, 以确定他们社交网络的大小。

与猴子实验结果相符, 拥有较大社交圈的人某些脑部区域被扩大、更好地与人联络。对人类而言, 这些区域是颞顶叶交界处、前扣带皮质和侧前额叶皮层, 这些是部分参与实现“心理化”的神经系统——即支配精神状态、思想和信仰的能力。

“这些不同的大脑区域分工协作, ”努南说, “神经系统整体步调一致, 并且当它们联络得更好时, 这种协同合作更和谐。”

研究人员还测试了一个人的社交圈是否与白质通路 (连接大脑不同区域的神经纤维) 的改变有关。

同样地, 他们发现拥有更大社交圈的人的白质纤维束联络更为发达。努南说:“这些神经不再如同乡间小路, 而更像是一条洛杉矶高速公路。”

研究人员还不能确认社交互动是否导致了大脑结构和连通性的改变, 或者大脑是否决定了一个人与生俱来的社交能力的高低。

在猴子的案例中, 研究者记录了动物社交圈的规模, 因此得出结论:社会群体的大小导致了大脑的差异。

“由此可推测, 人类大脑也经过了类似的过程, 但是这仍需长期研究来证明。”努南在网络杂志《生活科学》中提到。

她还表示, 社交达人特定大脑区域更大、联络更发达的事实暗示了他们大脑的其他区域可能会较小。

关于亲情的英文演讲稿 篇3

Today I read a story. It goes like this. A woman was pregnant. In order to get her three-year-old son ready for a new baby, the mother trained the boy to sing to her tummy. But unfortunately, the baby was born seriously ill and was sent to hospital. Days inching by, the new-born girl was getting even worse. The parents were told to prepare for the worst. At this, the boy begged to sing to his sister. Against the head nurse’s will, Michael was taken to the pediatric department where he kept singing the song “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… Don’t take my sunshine away.” Miracle took place. The very next day the baby completely recovered.

Reading the story, I was moved to tears. The miraculous powers of relatives struck me greatly. I think I appreciate family better than ever before. In a family you are special and unique and there is no substitute for you. Family is a place where people love each other. Each member is the sunshine and the top concern of another, whatever you are, however old you are, and wherever you are. Family is the sunshine that warms you in cold weather. Family is like an umbrella that shelters you from heat and wet. Do appreciate yourself and your family. Don’t take the sunshine away.

关于禁止吸烟的英文演讲稿 篇4

Nowadays many countries in the world have passed laws to ban smoking in public places. Some smokers claim that their rights are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places. However, most non-smokers regard the ban as good news. As far as I’m concerned, smoking should be banned in all the public places such as restaurants, theaters and public squares。

On the one hand, smoking is harmful both for smokers themselves and others. It is reported that every year smoking causes millions of death around the world. On the other hand, smoking pollutes the air. Just imagine that you sit in a restaurant full of smoke, how can you enjoy your meal there? Besides, smoking is bad for the elevation of a country’s image in the world。

I believe if smoking is banned in all the public places, most of us will breathe in more fresh and clean air. And the health condition of all the people will be greatly improved。

关于大学重要性的英文演讲稿 篇5

Nowadays, What should we learn in the dog-eat-dog society? Besides knowledge, the most important thing is interpersonal interaction ability.University is an important turning point in relationship to social.All kinds of about interpersonal communication course in the university will teach us how to get along with others , the course will make us to be friendly, outgoing and kind.In college, we have roommates, classmates, teachers and so many people will help us get better along with others.As we get along with others and communicate with roommates, classmates and teachers, we will continue to broaden our horizons, enhance our own ability.And more importantly, we will know a lot of good people and make friends with them, broaden our friends circle, so many benefits will play role in our development in the future, so everyone needs to go to college.

关于大学恋爱的演讲 英文版 篇6

Dear ladies and gentle man:

It’s an honor for me to stay here.Today, I would like to take a hot-topic –college love.It’s going to be fun, for me.Girls, have you ever considered to find a boy friend to protect you, to company with you, to travel with you, or more, you may show his most handsome picture to your roommates? OK, hands up, thanks!

Boys, have you ever thought that seeked a beautiful girl to knit sweaters for you, and eat dinner with you, even helps you to wash your stink stocks? OK, No hands up!You did, right? Today, my topic is say no to college love!

I know some of you guys already have found lovers in this college.I made this speech not going to offend you, but to give most of you normal guys who want to or going to have a lover in college now.As for lovers in our classroom, I would like you to sleep or whatever you want, whatever!It’s OK, really!I do not want you break up because of me!

Let’s begin with a little story happened us.I have a cousin, boy, who is 4 years older than me, who is really intelligent in math.Also, pretty handsome.When we were young, we study together, sleep together, we did everything together, again, he is a boy.(don’t worry, he isn’t a gay, so am I.At that time, he often tell me he wouldn’t find his love before 28.For a period of time, he is my hero.But after entering college, everything changed, he found a girl, he thought she was beautiful.Since then, he sing for her, dance for her, even a brouch of roses for her, he did everything to move her.Finally, he succeed.You guys now think his spring was coming, right?

Wrong, that special girl dropped out of school in the second year, so did he.Staying in Beijing about a year, he could hardly fed himself, no company would like to hire him.Last, the girl was forced by her parents to break up with my cousin.We can say that a college love died at last, what a pity!Ok, let’s jump out of this sorrow, and ask ourselves, is it worthwhile for my cousin to pay such attention on this love, “NO”

关于好朋友的英文演讲稿 篇7

Speech 1 Good morning, everyone!This week, we are going to learn a new topic——the Aims of Education.Differ from Whitehead’s idea;I think the aim of education is to help people form a lifelong learning consciousness.In my eyes, education is not an end, but a means to an end.In other words, we do not educate children only for teaching them knowledge but to help them form a lifelong learning consciousness.We can see that, as education appeared, the aim of it has always been a hot topic to human beings, especially the great thinkers.Their ideas towards the aim of education reflect the educational changes in human society.That is to say the aim of education is not static.In ancient Greek, Aristotle thought that “Education must aim at the development of the full potentialities of each man”.Later, it developed into the idea of training young people to be well-educated gentlemen or citizens in Henry Newman’s work The Idea of a University.3 As the society develops, the aim of education has taken in new meanings and implications-----to educate and train people to be all-roundly cultivated persons.To achieve this goal, one has to spend his whole life to learn.However, in the usual case people just spend some years on study in schools or universities.After they leave school, they seldom pick up books.Now the government is advocating building a “learning society”.It provides people chances to do some continuous learning in other schools besides the formal ones, like night schools.4 In fact, the idea that education should be throughout a person’s life has been existing for a long time.In China, it can be traced further back to “the Analects of Confucius”.Confucius said, “If some years were added to my life, I would give fifty to the study of the Yi, and then I might come be without great faults”.This indicates his idea of lifelong learning.Besides, some famous western philosophers also held the idea that individual education should be a continuous process.For example, the great thinker Aristotle claimed that “Education is the best provision for the journey to old age”.These claims above show that those great educators take education as a long term task.5 Unfortunately, the time that people spend in schools or universities is limited, so is the knowledge they can learn in the formal schooling.As a result, it is significant for teacher to promote learner autonomy and guide students to form a lifelong learning consciousness in school.But usually people do not take it serious until they leave school.I would like to take my elder cousin as an example.6 My elder cousin went to a professional school after he graduated from high school.One year later, he became a workman in a factory.He was satisfied with the job and stopped learning.Yet as time goes by, now he feels that the task is beginning to exceed his ability.This is not a single case happen to those “graduates”.7 Nowadays, more and more people realize this problem and start to take some measures to solve it.In order to get a higher degree, people take some courses on the Internet or go to night schools to do their further study.Such being the case, why not help people build up their consciousness of lifelong learning when they are still in school? Thus they can do some preparation and try their best to create opportunities for further study even after they leave school.To conclude, the aim of education ought to educate people to consider education as a continuous process and form this consciousness in school so that people can receive any kind of education in any time or anywhere to adapt to the development of society.

关于好朋友的英文演讲稿 篇8

Good afternoon everyone.I am grateful for the chance to be here and give the presentation.I guess most of you know that there is a lyrics saying “love really needs the courage to face the rumors and slanders”.But I am not going to talk about love and courage, that’s the poet stuff.What I shall be speaking today about is the courage to speak and listen.Ok, first I want to conduct a simple survey here.Now, let’s suppose that we are having the English public speaking class, and I am Banjo, I want a person to give a speech here, to tell us your thought about our class and me, right now.who want to be the one?

Well , it seems like you prefer to sit down and listen to me instead of standing up to speak.And, now if I give you 2 choices , the first one is to stand up and say something, jokes, stories, news, whatever you like, for 5 minutes.The second one is you have to sit in the teachers’ office and listen to your most serious teacher criticize you, for one hour.If you choose the first one, hands up.And who would like to choose the second one?

Here we see, we do not only need the courage to love, and we also need the courage to speak and listen.Specifically, we need the courage to express our thoughts and ideas, and the courage to listen to criticism and different opinions.Then, I want to share some experience of myself with you.This is the fourth time I stand here.Actually I don’t like to do this but I have to.I used to serve as a host of the art festival in my middle school for many times.Before having this class I thought it would be very easy to give a speech in the class.But I just forgot the speech should be given in English.It turned to be really difficult for me.People who have public speaking experience know that, few people can do it in calm mood confidently on the stage.But I have to make it.I just told myself, stand up, and everything will naturally go on.The only courage I need is to make me stand up.That’s enough.And here, all of you, as listeners and my audience, sitting down and listen to me is not difficult.But as I just said, you may need some courage to listen to others’ criticism.We all know that good medicine always tastes bitter.Good advice and criticism is the same.Maybe it sounds unpleasant, but accepting it will make you a better person.It is the same as standing up and speaking.You just need to tell yourself, sit down, calm down and listen.Well, every beginning is difficult.All the courage you need is to sit down instead of blocking your ears or even turning round and

leaving.I hope I have made myself understood.By the way of conclusion, I’d like to share a quote of Churchill, ” Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

我的好朋友英文作文怎么写 篇9


She is a cute girl. Her hair is long and straight. Her eyes are big. Her nose is small. She is very thin.


She likes to help others. She is a hard-working student. She is good at English and Chinese.


Her favorite season is summer, because she likes eating ice-creams in hot days.


She has many hobbies. She likes playing the piano, reading books and singing songs.


We often play games together. I hope we can be friends forever.


思念朋友的英文句子 篇10

1、how tranquil!how quiet!what silvery moonlight!where are you,my dear when can we sit together by the window enjoying this quiet,tranquil evening今夜月色如银,多么安谧,多么宁静?亲爱的,你在哪里?何时才能和你共剪西窗烛,欣赏这静夜恬适的美景?

2、in my heart there is a secret.it is contained in only four words-l miss you sorely.我的心中珍藏着―个秘密,说出来只有四个字――我太想你!

请珍惜身边的朋友(纯英文) 篇11

My Friends

At that period of time, A likes me and fortunately i like A too.So i fall in love.After a long time, A is removed from ir heart because i want to grow up.Then i am in relationship with B,but i break up with B shortly.After spending a long hard time, i decide to start a new life.i grow up well, but what i knew is not simple as before.i am always waiting the unknown F although F never appears in my sight.It is likely that F is part of my life but i have forgotten the feeling of love.i start to miss A and B, those i loved people.In fact, i don’t even their address and whether they are in good luck.When 1 know the meaning of treasure, it is too late.Sometimes i will yell what’s the hell going on?I have a lot of friends, they are G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N.Some of them are innocent playmates, classmates, i keep contact all the time.Suddenly i find G do not call i as much as before, even G does not reply ir message.I forgive him because everyone is busy.After some time, i know H and I married and live happily.I could play with them but i know i are the redundant one..J met with a very good guy so she gradually lose contact with others.K calls i everyday because she failed in love.However, she fall in love after money and she does not call i anyone.One day, i feel very sad before i gave a call to L, because i become estranged unconsciously.M is ir best friend but M is so busy.N gives i a message occasionally, but i know he gives the message to all his friends one time.From the first time, i would reply his message…

I will comfort irself and talk to irself “they always treat me as friends.” I will have new friends they are O, P, Q, R, S, T.O is ir best friend in college and he is like old friends at the first meeting and he knows i well.After 3 months of graduation, i almost lose contact and i doubt whether the felling between is true.P, Q and i am often getting together to have party.I am too happy to imagine the date of leaving.Sometime i want to be alone unconsciously.R is the friend i meet with accidentally, i will say anything that i even do not tell i best friends even although i are just normal friends.I often go shopping with S but i do not share ir life with S.I want to know much about T but he keeps i at an arm’s length.I guys look great but the fact is the opposite.Y always helps i if i have problems.But i feel i are lack of something.So i tell irself this is life.Now i will miss G, H, I…But they are in different cities and have different life.Their life is none of business and i could not help.I really want to make new friends.They may be called V, W, X, Y.I want V to accompany with i, want W to sing with i, want X to chat with i and want Y to play with i.I decide to cherish ir new friends.All of sudden, i know if i make this decision i will always treasure the next friends.I want to avoid the fact and tied of solving problems.But at the end of the story, i know there will be a Z who can accompany i to be end of life.I are not looking forward to a romantic lover because of tiredness instead i just pursue quiet life.Happiness does not show appear, but at the end of the story, as human nature there will be an Z.It is necessary to know that i should cherish ABCD….Y as i treasure irself until i meet with Z.Although I try my best to keep contact with i, some of i step out of my sight.Do i ever know i never step out of my miss, my dear friends.
