本课重点学习一些常见国家的英文表达,以及该国在初次见面时的行为与语言, 该话题能激起学生的好奇心,调动学生学习英语的积极性。其中有听力练习也有口语练习。内容相对来说较简单,重点帮助学生练习“be supposed to do” 的用法,在不断的练习中达到掌握以及熟练运用的目的。
1、能够使用be supposed to do谈论不同国家人们初次见面时的礼仪
2、掌握关键词:shake hands , bow , kiss ,custom3、句型: A: What are you supposedto do when you meet someone for the first time?
B: We are supposed to shake hands/bow/kiss.4、句型“should have + done”
能力目标:正确运用短语:be supposed to, should do something ,情感目标:本单元以谈论“习俗”为话题,了解各地不同的文化知识,从而让学生知道哪些是应该做的,哪些是不应该做的,要学会尊重不同的文化,养成良好的行为习惯,培养学生的学习兴趣。
1.Thecustoms of some countries.2.Tellwhat you are supposed to do in different situations.四、教学难点
Can use“be supposed to” correctly.五、教学策略
录音机 课本 课件 多媒体设备。
How manycontinents are there in the world? And what are they? As we all know, the sevencontinents are made up of many countries.Who can list some countries inEnglish? Every country has its own flag.If you see a flag, can you tell mewhich country it stands for? Show them some flags of the countries.And enjoythe beautiful scenery of some countries.Ask the students to try their best tolove the world and protect the environment to make the world more beautiful.2、课堂讲授
Differentcountries have different customs.We are from China.When you meet someone forthe first time, what should you do? Roleplay your conversation with your partner.We use language to express ourselves.But sometimes we also use body language to help express ourselves.In Chinawhen we meet some for the first time, we shake hands with them.Do youknow the customs of some other countries.Finish 1a according your understanding.Listento the tape to check your answers to 1a.3、课堂练习
Doexercises to check if the students master the knowledge they have learned inthis class.4、课堂活动
Let’shave a pairwork according to 2aand 2b.A: Howwas the dinner at Paul’s house last night?
B: Well,it was Ok, but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but Iarrived at 8:00.Thengive students some other situations, for example, “greet teachers”, “dohomework”, “visit someone” ask them make conversations using “what are yousupposed to do when you...?”
(1.)Be(not)supposed to do
(2.)Customs of some countries6、作业布置
(1.)Write at least 5 sentences using “besupposed to do”
(2.)Find other differences of customs betweenChina and other countries
You aresupposed to shake hands when you meet for the first time.Besupposed to
任务型语言教学是目前交际教学思想中的一种。以任务为中心的教学营造了一个有利于学习者语言习得的最佳环境, 把语言应用的基本概念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式, 它倡导“在做中学, 在做中用”的教育理念, 将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。运用学习任务组织教学, 强化了语言实践的过程, 充分体现了语言的交际本质。在完成任务的过程中, 学生自然地应用语言知识, 从而获得语言运用的能力, 真正体现了从知识到能力的转化。
英语是一门有声语言, 与其他任何语言一样, 它是用来交流思想的, 其重要作用就是交际, 首先要求说话者必须听懂对方的话, 听不懂也就失去了交际的意义。英语听力教学不仅仅起听力练习的作用, 更给我们提供了一个有声有色的语言环境。把学生带进了谈论本单元话题这样一个贴近生活的环境, 容易激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生接触到了地道、纯正的英语, 有利于学生模仿。
1. 语言目标
(1) 重点单词及短语:stressed out, happen, no wonder, realize, rush, by the time, gotten, oversleep。
(2) 能听懂对话内容, 会从中提取信息和观点。
(3) 能就所提供的图片表达自己的观点和看法。
2. 能力目标
(1) 训练学生听力能力及获取语言信息的能力, 完成围绕听力内容所设计的各种任务, 初步掌握听力技巧。
(2) 在听录音的过程中培养学生捕捉信息的能力, 熟悉口语特点, 激发学生主动学英语和用英语的积极性。
3. 情感态度目标
回忆过去的事, 谈论的主题是“Bad days”, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 克服消极情感因素。
环节1.听前活动 (pre-listening activities)
学生在做听力理解前, 根据所给的图片或对话标题, 可对将听到的材料内容进行预测;做好听前预测可消除学生对听力的畏惧心理。
(1) 看1a动画图片, 学习新单词是为听力中的生词做铺垫
Ask students to have a look at the pictures in 1a and provide sentences showing the meaning of the words.
T:What do you see in the first picture?
S1:She slept for a long time.
T:That's correct.She slept too late.She overslept.Class re peat, she overslept.
SS:She overslept.
(2) 全班互动交流。通过让学生观察动画图片预测听力对话内容。
【教学反思】预测能力是听力能力中不可缺少的一部分, 因此, 万不可盲目地按下播放键, 让学生在没有任何与听力材料相关的线索下, 漫无目的地、不知详略地乱听。只有当学生见到1a中对话者的形象, 大概了解对话主题之后, 他们作出的猜测才是有意义的, 才能在听的过程中有的放矢, 达到目的。
环节2.听中活动 (while-listening activities)
通过听对话了解对话内容主旨大意以及能捕捉到相应的信息, 完成题目1b要求。
(1) Play the recording the first time. (要求学生带着问题听对话, 捕捉大意)
(2) Play the recording a second time. (要求学生边听边完成题目要求, 为了给学生充足的时间来填写, 作以必要的停顿)
【教学反思】听的过程中要明确目的, 分步细听, 解决细节问题, 教师在设置听力问题时, 一定要注意任务的难度。听力材料一开始就出现理解障碍, 容易给学生造成不安或畏惧的情绪。教师首先可呈现较容易的学习内容, 旨在使大部分学生有成就感, 再呈现较难问题, 旨在让学生了解自己的听力水平。
环节3.听后活动 (post-listening activities)
《新目标》教材中的听力材料富有趣味性和实用性。听力录音的声音、语速和节奏等都比较符合说话人的身份和语境, 具有较强的真实感。而听力教学的主要任务是帮助学生提高语言信息的接收和理解能力, 而理解和表达是交际的两个方面, 不能完全分离。因此, 听力教学应让学生在听懂的基础上围绕听的材料说, 在说的同时提高其听的能力。教师应充分利用这些语言材料, 让学生在完成听力任务的同时, 模仿并朗读听力材料, 最后围绕话题展开自由讨论。
Ask and answer in pairs according to the conversation.
A:Hi, Wang Mengze.You look stressed out.
B:I am.I had a bad morning.
A:Really?What happened?
B:Well, I overslept.And by the time I got up, my brother had already gone into the shower.
A:What about you, Sun Xiaoyin?
【设计意图】充分利用听力材料, 在听力理解的基础上过渡到说。
(1) Read after the tape.
【设计意图】加深对语篇的印象, 模仿语音语调, 培养语感。
(2) Say something about other students.
Wang Mengze had a bad morning.He overslept.And by the time he got up, his brother had already gotten in the shower...
【设计意图】语言输出, 培养学生的综合语言表达能力。
(3) Write a short passage about himself or herself.
【设计意图】最终落实到写, 检测学生对听力材料的巩固情况。
(4) 学生总结汇报。
(5) 老师给予总结性评价。
上述听力任务设计都是紧紧围绕教学目标展开的, 在听力训练的基础上, 通过听力材料所获得的语言知识和语用知识就会有效地转化为听、说、读、写的能力, 真正做到用教材, 而不是教教材。
【教学反思】任何听力材料都包含语言知识, 与主题相关的文化知识和语篇方面的知识, 教师应善于根据教学实际需要, 灵活地和创造性地使用教材, 根据教学目标合理设计听力任务, 把听与说、读、写紧密地联系起来, 使学生把通过听力材料所获得的语言知识和语用知识有效地转化为听、说、读、写能力。
In this period we've practiced the target language in spoken conversation, and practice the spoken English using the target language.
Write a short passage about bad things.
A. was happenedB. have happened
C. have been happenedD. happened(2005年毕节市)
2. What________ to her yesterday evening?
A. was happenedB. happened
C. happeningD. happen(2005年甘肃省)
【考点解读】 happen 是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语,也没有被动形式。 (sth)happen to(sb) 意为“(某人)发生了(某事)”。
3. A team of climbers reached the top of the mountain early this morning.(词语释义)
A. set offB. left for
C. arrivedD. got to(2005年新疆维吾尔自治区)
4. When did Mr Smith and his friends________(到达) in China?
5. —Computers are very useful.
—Yes, with the help of computers, news can________ every corner of the world.
A. getB. returnC. arriveD. reach(2005年宁波市)
【考点解读】 用英语表达“到达某地”之意时,可用“reach/get to/arrive in/at + 地点名词”,其中reach 为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。 arrive 为不及物动词, arrive in 后接相对而言比较大的地方,而 arrive at 后接比较小的地方。若后跟 home, here, there 等副词时,则用“get/arrive home/here/there”,而 reach 后面一般不接地点副词。
6. We should return the books to the library________ time.
A. aboutB. onC. byD. for(2005年大连市)
【考点解读】 on time 意为“准时”、“按时”,指按照规定的时间;而 in time 则是“及时”的意思。
7. Where is Jim? I’m afraid he has________(忘记) we’ll have a meeting this afternoon.(2005年河北省)
8. —Sorry, Mr Green. I have________ my homework at home.
—That’s OK. But don’t forget next time.
A. forgottenB. put
C. leftD. kept(2005年山东省课改卷)
【考点解读】 forget 意为“记不起”、“忘了”,尤其指忘了要干的事情,而 leave 则表示“把某物遗忘在某地”之意。
9. About six________(千)people were killed in a big earthquake in Indonesia last month.(2006年徐州市)
10. Bill Gates gets four________(百万) e-mails a day. Most of them are not important.(2005年包头市)
11. Harbin is a beautiful city.________ people come here to visit the Sun Island every year.
A. ThousandsB. Thousand of
C. Thousands of(2005年哈尔滨市)
【考点解读】 英语中使用 hundred(百), thousand(千), million(百万), billion(十亿)时应注意以下两点:表示确切数目时,用“基数词 + hundred/thousand/million/billion + 复数名词”;表示不确切数目时,则用“hundreds/thousands/millions/billions + of + 复数名词”。
12. Kate won’t send e-mails to her e-friends this evening. I won’t, either.
________Kate________ I will send e-mails to our e-friends this evening.
13. Not only Jack but also Mike has been to that island.(改为同义句)
________Jack________ Mike have been to that island.(2005年漳州市)
14.________ Lily________ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; nor
C. Both; andD. Either; or(2005年吉林省)
15. —What do you think of the book about Harry Potter?
—I like it very much. It’s________ interesting________ exciting.
A. neither, norB. not, but
C. not only, but alsoD. either, or(2005年武汉市)
【考点解读】 “both... and”意为“……和……都”,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 “either... or”意为“或者……或者……”,“neither... nor”意为“既不……也不……”;“not only... but also...”意为“不但……而且……”。这三对连词连接并列主语时,谓语动词的形式应按照邻近一致原则,与最靠近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
16. In Zhejiang there will be a new bridge over 30 kilometers long________ Ningbo and Jiaxing.
A. besideB. between
C. next toD. from(2006年浙江省)
17. Every week, we have classes________ Monday to Friday.
A. onB. to
C. fromD. with(2005年南宁市课改卷)
【考点解读】 “between... and...”意为“在……和……之间”;而“from... to...”则表示“从……到……”的意思。
18. Many people decided________(move) to the countryside because of much air pollution in the city.(2006年盐城市)
19. —Have you decided________ to Wuhan?
—Yes. I’ll go there by train. It’s much cheaper than by plane.
A. when to goB. how to go
C. where to goD. whom to go(2006年宜昌市)
【考点解读】 decide 意为“决定……”,中考英语一般考查其两种搭配形式,即“decide to do sth”和“decide + 连接代词/连接副词 + to do sth”。
20. —What are you going to do with your pocket money?
—________give it to the children from Aids(艾滋病)families?
A. What aboutB. What for
C. Why don’tD. Why not(2006年宜昌市)
21. 博物馆很近,为什么不走着去呢?
The museum is quite near.________ on foot?(2006年北京市)
【考点解读】 “Why not do sth?”意为“为什么不……呢?”,此句式常用于表示建议。
22. I didn’t hear anyone shouting. I was________(听) music then.(2006年徐州市)
23. While I was reading, I________(听到) a noise.
【考点解读】 listen 和 hear 都有 “听”的意思,但用法不同。 listen 是不及物动词,若后接宾语,须与介词 to 搭配,即 listen to sth,强调“听”的动作;而 hear 常用作及物动词,意为“听到”、“听见”,强调“听”的结果。
24. Would you please________ the window? It’s too hot here.
A. openB. opening
C. not openD. not to open(2005年厦门市)
【考点解读】 “Will/Can/Could/Would you please...?”句式常表达一种客气的请求, please 后面必须跟动词原形。
25. This book is very________ and I am________ in it.
A. interest; interest
B. interesting; interested
C. interested; interesting
D. interested; interested(2005年甘肃省)
【考点解读】 interesting 常指事物的特性,可以用作定语或表语;而 interested 常指主语(人)所处的状态,常用于“be interested in”结构,表示“对……感兴趣”的意思。
26. —Have you heard the song Take Me To Your Heart?
—Yes, it________ terrific.
A. smellsB. soundsC. looks(2005年哈尔滨市)
27. I’ve heard of the story. It________ funny.
A. looksB. tastes
C. feelsD. sounds(2004年大连市)
28. —What he said at the meeting________ quite all right.
—I can’t quite agree with you.
A. soundedB. showed
C. lookedD. listened(2004年武汉市)
29. —How about the young lady?
—It’s hard to say, but her voice________ beautiful.
A. singsB. hears
C. listensD. sounds(2004年重庆市)
【考点解读】 sound 用作连系动词时,意为“听起来”。注意 sound 与下面三个系动词的词义辨析: smell 意为“闻起来”; taste 意为“尝起来”; look 意为“看起来”。
30. —Who is Father Christmas?
—He is a kind-hearted man and his hair is as________ as snow.
A. whiteB. whiter
C. whitestD. black(2005年湘西地区)
31. Tom is 18 years old. His cousin is 18 years old, too.(合并为一句)
Tom is________ old________ his cousin.(2005年福州市)
32. He did the work as________(careful) as his father.(2005年青海省)
【考点解读】 as... as 的中间要用形容词或副词的原级,表示同等程度。至于选用形容词还是副词,要根据前面的动词来判断。若前面是系动词,则选用形容词;若前面是实义动词,则选用副词。
33. Mrs Green gave birth to Lucy and Lily in 1992. They’re twin sisters.(改为同义句)
Lucy is the________ age________ Lily.(2006年盐城市)
【考点解读】 the same... as 的意思是“与……一样”。
34. Bob didn’t tell the others________ he found it.
A. whatB. that ifC. how(2005年武汉市)
35. —Do you know________ we’ll get there at 3:00 this afternoon?
—I’m afraid we’ll be late.
A. thatB. how
C. whyD. whether(2005年安徽省)
36. —Could you please tell me________?
—It’s next to the post office.
A. where is the supermarket
B. where the supermarket is
C. where was the supermarket
D. where the supermarket was(2005年北京市海淀区)
37. —Do you know________ the MP3 player last week?
—Sorry, I have no idea.
A. how much did she pay for
B. how much will she pay for
C. how much she paid for
D. how much she will pay for(2006年北京市)
【考点解读】 中考英语对宾语从句的考查主要集中在以下三个方面:
(1) 连接词的选用:引导宾语从句的连接词有连词 that, if 和 whether,连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which 以及连接副词 when, where, why 和 how。 that 没有词义,在从句中不作任何句子成分,在口语中常省略。 if 和 whether 意为“是否”,在从句中不作句子成分,一般情况下可以换用,但在有些情况下,只能用 whether 而不能用 if。而连接代词或连接副词引导宾语从句时有各自的词义,又在宾语从句中充当一定的句法成分,具体情况见下表。
(2) 时态:宾语从句的时态必须与主句的时态相呼应,即若主句是现在时态,从句可根据需要选用任何适当的时态;若主句是过去时态,从句原则上应选用某种过去时态。但若宾语从句的内容表达的是自然现象、客观规律、真理、格言、谚语等时,从句的时态不受主句时态的限制,谓语动词用一般现在时。
(3) 语序:宾语从句表达的不论是陈述内容还是疑问内容,都要用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语动词在后。
38. —Are you going to buy a camera?
─Yes. But there’re so many kinds that I can’t decide________ to buy.
A. whatB. which
C. howD. where(2006年武汉市课改卷)
39. —We can use QQ to talk with each other on-line.
—Good! Will you please show me________ it?
A. what to useB. how to use
C. when to useD. where to use(2005年山东省课改卷)
40. I don’t know what I should do with the letter.(改为简单句)
I don’t know what________________ with the letter.(2005年烟台市)
【考点解读】 动词不定式可以和 what, which, where, when, how等疑问词连用,构成“疑问词+不定式”结构,充当句中谓语动词的宾语。这种结构可以和宾语从句进行相互转换,转换时宾语从句的引导词下移,成为疑问词,再加上动词不定式。
Teaching material: Unit 14 Have you packed yet? Section B(3b-self-check)Ⅰ.Teaching objectives.1.Knowledge objectives:(1).key words: wave.lead singer, scene, hit, appear, some day, be off, poem, cupboard, turn, mail.(2).Practice reading and writing with the target language(3)Be able to make sentences with the key words.2.Ability objectives:(1)Enable the students to describe the bands they like.(2)Enable the students to do some writing practice by reviewing the main contents in this unit.3.Moral objectives;
Opportunity belongs to those who have made full preparation.In order to make life colorful, everyone should listen to music as often as possible.Ⅱ.Teaching key and difficult points: 1.Master the key words.2.Reading and writing practice.3.How to improve the students’ writing ability.Ⅲ.Teaching methods and aids
Task-teaching method,Multi-media computer and so on.Ⅳ.Teaching procedures StepⅠRevision:
1.Show some of real objects and some main pictures of the text with the multi-media computer.2.Ask the following questions to help the students to review the contents and the grammar focus of this unit.T: What are they doing? What have they done? Have they packed the beach towels yet? 3.Get the students to answer the questions using the target language learnedin this unit without looking at the book.4.Have the students work in pairs.Some poor students can look at the textbook.A: What has Tina already done? B: She has already put her bike in the garage.A: Has Mark fed the cat yet? B: No, he hasn’t.He will do it in a minute.....Get the students to answer the above questions using the target language learned in this unit And I will help them if necessary to consolidate the contents learned in this unit.StepⅡ.Presentation:
1.Show some of the pictures of the objects in Section B 2a to help the students to recall the listening contents learned yesterday.2.Get the students to talk about the band with the help of the questions in 2a and the phrases in2b
For example:T: How long have they been together? Have they written original songs?...3.I will explain some diffficult language points.StepⅢWriting: Teaching3b.
1.Get the students to read the instructions in3b and have themlookat the beginning of the review in the box.2.Ask the students to complete the review on their own words using the information in 2a and 2b.3.After the students finish writing,I will choose three good compositions to the whole class with the of the multi-media computer and correct any mistakes.Teaching Part 4
1.Read the instructins to the students and calltheir attention to the chart and read out the “Have you ever..?”questions.2.Let the students work in groups of three to make a survey about the questions in the chart.And then write down the results of discssion in the blanks.3.Then ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation in the box and make their own conversations using the information in thr chart.4.Finally,ask some pairs to act their conversations out to the class.StepⅣ Self-check Part 1
1.Point to the words in the box and invite a student to read the completed sentences.Then read the instructins to the students,have them fillin blanks with those words in the correct form.In the end,make up new sentences with them.2.Choose five students’sentences and show them to the class.Correct any errors with the of the multi-media computer.Then show the sample sentences to the students.Part 2
1.Read the instructins to the students and ask twostudents, one for Sue,the other for Jerry to act out the conversation to the class.2.Tell the students to read the conversation again,and then make the list individually.3.Check the answers in pairs and then with the whole class.StepⅤConsolidation 1.Tranlate some sentences into English with the of the multi-media computer.2.Finish 3c.2.Write something about their favorite band.(1)Choose two good compositions to share with the class.And correct any mistakes
(2)Show the sample composition to the students.StepⅥ Summary:
In this class,we’ve done much writing practice using the Present Perfact Tense structure.And we’ve alse reviewed the contents learned in this unit.StepⅦ Homework
1.Write something about their favorite music group..Preview the content of the reading in this unit for the next period.The blackboard design
时间:2010年4月7日第三节 地点:周闸初中
(A.the moreB.the mostC.the lessD.the fewest
(A.fill with peopleB.full of peopleC.fill of peopleD.filled with people
()3.Father has bought some books , one is written in Chinese , are written
in English.A.the othersB.the otherC.anotherD.some other
()5.—Are you sure that you can win the game ?---Yes,A.its just a piece of cakeB.its hard to say
C.it’s not easy to do soD.I like the game very much.()6.—Hi, have you found your lost book ?—Not yet.I have looked for it ’t found it.A.over thereB.somewhereC.here and thereD.at those places
(A.give him a talkB.take him a massageC.wake him upD.ring him up
()8.The man doesn’’s right.A.wayB.ideaC.lifeD.sound
()9.To many Chinese students , English they spend a
lot of time and money on it.A.a diseaseB.difficultC.easyD.colorful
(A.forgot itB.didn’t comeC.lost his wordD.lost his way
()11.—Where do you often exercise ?—I often exercise in a park.It’house.A.underB.nearC.behindD.in front of
(A.look likeB.the same asC.as popular asD.so friendly as
()13.Mr.Green’s many students so that the classroom crowded
students.A.was famous for B.was welcomed by C.was interested in D.was different from
()14.If you read widely , you’A.make money by readingB.like studying better
C.learn a lot by readingD.spend much money on knowledge
(health.A.is good forB.is made ofC.is thankful forD.is worried about
()16.—Shall we go to watch a basketball match , Mike ?
--Wow ,A.It sounds boringB.I feel thirstyC.I like drinking tea better D.It’s my favorite
(A.hear…ofB.make …happyC.know …wellD.look…down
(A.turn upB.put upC.get upD.think up
()19.In our life , It isn’A.rise from bedB.put upC.wake upD.stand up
()20.—The work is too hard for me!—You are always great!You’if
you have a try.A.be successfulB.make it easyC.take it easyD.give it up
()21.—I’m too thirsty—Here you are.A.more than twoB.another twoC.other twoD.two others
(A.any dayB.one dayC.few daysD.several days
()23.—A.like..less thanB.like…better thanC.like..bestD.like…worst
(A..don’t agreeB.not agreeC.doesn’t agreeD.unagree
(A.a friendB.tasteC.a hopeD.a chance
(’d better not go there.A.NowB.At onceC.Right awayD.Today
(A.arrived atB.arrivedC.reached in D.went
(’s fans.A.SomeB.A fewC.MuchD.Many
()29.—Whose book is it, Jay ?—A.be CarlaB.belong to Carla’sC.be Carla’sD.belong Carla
(—Really ?Hw terrible it is!
A.ran away fromB.Played inC.took away fromD.jumped away from
(A.go to…by seaB.went to…by airC.went to…by trainD.walked to
(A.get alongB.get upC.gets alongD.gets over
()33.I don’(A.carefulB.popularC.importantD.useful
()35.I’A.very quicklyB.very wellC.at presentD.at the moment
()40.Let’ A.think about B.care about C.think of D.care for
(A.belong to Li YingB.belong to Li Ying’sC.be Li YingD.belong Li Ying
(.A.loud B.noisyC.quietD.quite
(A.on showB.sellingC.showD.to sell
(A.wantB.shouldC.feel likeD.feels like
()48.I’A.neverB.stillC.not…any moreD.not …any longer
()49.He looks very sad, let’A.help him outB.provide him with something to eatC.make him happier
(A.help…withB.offer…toC.buy…forD.suggest …at
()51.—I’m afraid of speaking in front of others.—Be brave!Don’t be a chicken.A.不要成为一只鸡 B.不要吃鸡C.不要那么胆怯D.不要那么太张狂
()52.Though it was raining cats and dogs outside, he came to tell me the exciting
good news.A.雨中游好多猫和狗B.雨下得很大C.淹死了猫和狗D.雨下得很小
()53.The boy always breaks the rules in class , and it makes his teacher see red.A.the red colorB.healthyC.shyD.unhappy
()54.It is difficult for Tina to find a good job , because she has a green hand.A.she likes greenB.her hand is green
C.She has no experienceD.She is working hard
()55.Tom takes after his father.A.looks afterB.is similar to C.looks the same
()56.Oh, my alarm clock doesn’t work.A.breaks downB.doesn’t go offC.isn’t on timeD.breaks off
()57.Can you help me give out the test paper ?
A.help outB.hand outC.set outD.work out
()58.Don’t make fun of the poor man.It’s impolite.A.make room forB.laugh atC.findD.be funny
()59.Though the homework today seemed difficult, the teacher didn’t tell us how
to deal with it.A.work atB.solveC.reviewD.make up
()60.Marry came top in the final exams , she didn’t let her parents down.A.make her parents frustratedB.let her parents be disappointed
B.get worried about her parentsD.feel terrified of her parents
()61.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to do something on their own.A.togetherB.in commonC.by themselvesD.by others
()62.You look worried.What’s wrong with you ?
My mother was ill yesterday.I had to look after her.A.anxiousB.importantC.excitedD.happy
()63.The man has run out of all his money.He is poor now.A.used upB.think upC.run offD.run away
()64.Don’t be afraid!No matter what happens, I’ll be behind you.A.meetB.missC.changeD.support
()65.I hear quite a few boys in your school like playing basketball after school.A.quite a lotB.the number ofC.too muchD.a number of
()66.There are still two hours left.Please take it easy.A.no hurryB.don’t hurryC.hurry offD.hurry up
()67.He dreams of going to the USA for his further education.A.would likeB.wants toC.feels likeD.is willing to
()68.—I’m having a cup of coffee.What would you like ?
--Same here.A.Me, too.B.Me, neitherC.EitherD.Soda
()69.We rise very early every morning to school for morning exercises.A.stand upB.get upC.wake upD.look up
()70.His uncle works in a factory that makes very good TV sets.A.storesB.doesC.producesD.invents
()71.On April Fool’s Day, I was fooled by my friends.I felt I lost my face.A.was happyB.was excitedC.lost moneyD.was embarrassed
()72.Don’.A.finishB.overC.run out ofD.sell
(A.runningB.running afterC.walkingD.shouting
(A.weren’t interested inB.didn’t agree withC.couldn’t forgetD.didn’t know
(A.wentB.came over toC.walkedD.run
九年级英语unit2教案:Where is it
教学目标(Teaching Aims)
broom,raincoat,cap,Hong Kong,Macao,SAR
/i:/ e /e/ e /k/ k /^ / g /s/ s /z/ s
本单元主要学会表达大范围(Where is Beijing?)和小范围(Where is my desk?)的空间关系。小范围的空间关系,可利用教室里的物品练习句型。老师可不断的变换物品的位置让学生熟悉前面提到的几个介词。
Where is/ Where’s …?
It is/ It’s on/ in/behind/near/under the…
Where are/ Where’re …?
They are/ They’re on/ in/behind/near/under the…
特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 是动词 + 主语 + 问号
介词 + 定冠词 + 名词
如:in the morning,at night,in the desk,on the table,near the door等。
Look at the picture。What can you see …? I can / can’t see… Can you see …?
Where is /Where’s…? It is / It’s in,behind,near,under the…
Where are /Where’re …? They are / They’re in,behind,near,under the…
classroom,blackboard,schoolbag,raincoat,football 均为合成词。可让学生利用所学过的单词知识,自学这些单词。
学生能自学的词尽量让学生自学,老师可稍加引导,以下单词可迁移,让学生自己读 behind → find room →broom
本单元的口语训练应放在空间关系上。并应当贯穿始终。口语训练重要的一环就是正确引入“位置”所谓概念。这与中文有较大的差异。中文说:在… 里,(上,后面,附近)的结构,英文只用一个介词,不同的介词比表达了不同的位置,而且一般要与定冠词the连用。向学生们介绍介词时,多用直观展示,适当用中文。
2、寻找一个非设计空间表达不可的动机。如:寻找一个提问者看不见的东西。老师上课找不见黑板擦,问一个学生。----Where’s the brush?----It’s under the teacher’s table。老师也可自问自答。尽量从交际出发,减少纯句型练习。
Teacher: Could you help me?
Student: Sure。
T: Go to my office and fetch your notebooks。
S: Where are our notebooks?
T: They are on my table。
S: Where is your table?
T: It’s near the second window。
S: OK。
in the bag,under the table,on the desk,on the table等。
可利用本单元所提供的内容,Taiwan,Hong Kong,Macao,SAR,进行爱国主义教育。
1、指人或事物的某一种类。例如:He is a student。他是学生。
2、指人或某事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如;A boy is over there。
3、表示数量“一”的概念。例如:I have a bike,a computer and a small room。我有一辆自行车、一台电脑和一个小房间。
(1) 认知目标:掌握单词theatre, man—men, woman—women;学会使用一般过去式描述过去发生的事情。
(2) 能力目标:联系生活实际, 设计活动任务, 引导学生主动参与合作、体验感知, 同时培养学生知识迁移的能力与想象力。
(3) 情感目标:培养学生的交流合作意识, 同时对中外文化的异同有所了解。
1.The men wore women’s clothes.
2.The actors told lots of jokes.
3.We laughed a lot.
录音机, 磁带, 单词卡, 课件
Step 1:warm-up
(1) T:Let’s play a game.Help the animals findtheir homes. (出示单词的原型和过去式的课件, 原型是各种动物的小房子, 过去式是各种动物go/went, wear/wore, tell/told, be/was, were, laugh/laughed, eat/ate, have/had, watch/watched, read/read)
(2) A free talk:What did he do last night? (根据教材当中P35.3图片, 制作成课件并进行夸张处理)
(分析:利用游戏热身, 渲染轻松愉快的英语氛围, 同时吸引学生的注意力。通过说过去时, 激活学生已有的知识与能力。制作成课件并进行夸张处理, 使学生能够在笑声中描述图片, 为揭示课题做铺垫。)
Step 2:Presentation, practice and production
T:After talking about“What did he do last night?”, We laughed a lot. (板书课题)
T and Ss:We laughed a lot.
T:Look, listen and choose. (出示根据课文内容而制作的图文并茂的课件, 根据问题去听课文, 并选择正确的答案)
1.How many letters has Daming got?
a.Two b.One c.Three
2.Daming has got letters () .
a.in Chinese b.in Japanese c.in English
3.Where did Lingling go last week?
a.A children’s theatre.b.A children’s cinema.C.A children’s museum.
4.What did men wear?
a.Men’s clothes.b.Women’s clothes.c.T-shirt.
5.What did the actors do?
a.They wore men’s clothes.
b.They told jokes.
c.They sang songs.
6.What did Lingling do after the show?
a.She went back home.b.She went to a restaurant.c.She went to see a movie.
T:Open your books, listen to the text and repeat Correct the answers
1. (出示国家大剧院照片China’s National Grand Theater) T:Do you know this place?
T and Ss:It’s a theatre.
T: (出示与剧院相关的课件) Make some sentences.
S1:I went to Dalian Theatre.
S2:He went to a theatre.
S3:We went to a chlidren’s theatre.
T:Follow me.We went to a chlidren’s theatre. (对学困生进行单独提问)
2.T:Let’s play a game.Find your friends. (准备单词单复数的卡片多套joke/jokes, child/children, actor/actors, letter/letters, man/men, woman/women, hamburger/hamburgers, 把卡片分发给学生, 教师做示范, 让学生到前面读卡片, 相应的单复数卡片的学生就立刻到前面并读出自己的卡片, 看谁反应的快)
T and Ss:man-men, woman-women
T: (让学生和教师一起记住这个顺口溜) 男人女人a变e, 女人读音要注意, 不是/′wumen/是/′wimin/。
3. (出示P35.2第一张图片及相关的课件, 课件中有单词wear)
S1:The men wore women’s clothes.
S2:He wore a T-shirt.
S3:She wore a dress.
4.T:Look, listen:What did the actor do? (出示P35.2第二张图片及相关的课件, 课件配有声音)
S1:The actors told lots of jokes.
S2:My father told a story.
S3:His jokes are good.
5.T:唱“反调”, High and low voice.Fast and slow speed (教师通过转换朗读方式的方法带领学生朗读。在操练新句型时, 若教师大声读, 学生则小声读;教师语速慢, 学生则语速快)
We laughed a lot.
The man wore women’s clothes.
The actor told lots of jokes.
6.T:Put the words in the correct order.
(准备一些单词卡片, 教师一一呈现单词卡片, 谁能准确读出, 就将这张卡片给这个学生。然后教师开始说一个句子, 学生听到属于自己的这张卡片的单词, 就到讲台上面来。上来的几个同学, 根据句子的内容, 排成一列, 形成一个完整、通顺的句子。看谁反应快。注意多给学困生机会)
操练的句子为:We went to children’s theatre.
The men wore women’s clothes.
The women wore men’s clothes.
The actors told lots of jokes.
We laughed a lot.
1.T:Read the text and ask the questions if you don’t understand.
S3:lots of和a lot意思一样吗?
T:lots of许许多多, a lot是副词“十分, 非常”。
2.T:Answer the following questions: (分成4人一组的小组, 小组内合作完成, 看哪一个小组汇报得好, 汇报时把问句变成陈述句)
(1) How many letters has Daming got?
(2) Has Daming got letters in English?
(3) Where did Lingling go last week?
(4) What did men wear?
(5) What did the actors do?
(6) Do English Children love the theatre?
(7) What did Lingling do after the show?
(8) What did they eat?
3.T:大家一起来找茬。 (出示一篇有错误的本课课文, 分成4人一组的小组, 小组内合作完成, 看哪一个小组汇报得好)
Last week we went to a children theatre.The man wear women’s clothes.The woman wore men clothes.The actors told a lot jokes.It was very funny.We laughed a lot.English children love the theatre.After the show we go to a restaurant.We al ate hamburger and chips.
(分析:把训练穿插于新授教学过程之中, 每教学一个新知及时安排了训练, 学生学到哪里就训练到哪里;把握了课堂提问的策略, 让各类学生有输出信息的均等机会;落实小组合作学习, 让学生成为学习的主人;运用了课堂的“增鲜剂”———游戏和顺口溜, 符合小学生好奇和求新的心理特点, 通过反复刺激他们的听觉神经, 使学生玩中乐、乐中学、学中受益, 有效地调动了学生的学习积极性, 达到掌握重点和突破难点的目的。)
Step 3:Summary
S1:theatre, man-men, woman-women
S2:We laughed a lot.
The man wore women’s clothes.
The actor told lots of jokes.
S3:Daming’s letter from Lingling.
(分析:学生自己归纳知识, 使他们能够系统地掌握知识。)
Step 4:Homework
A.Fill in the blanks.
1.We went to a_______ (剧院) .
2.They__________ (穿女人的) clothes.
3.The actors__________ (讲许许多多笑话) .
4.We__________ (大笑) a lot.
B.小小故事家评比 (用今天所学的单词和句型写一篇关于过去发生事情的小故事, 尽自己最大的努力完成)
begin常见意思有:“开始,着手”。start 常见的意思有:“开始,动身,发动,开办,流出,惊起”。
The ice began/started to melt. 冰开始融化。
She is just beginning/starting to write the letter.
They are just beginning/starting to plant trees. 他们刚刚开始栽树。
He began/started to understand it. 他开始明白这件事情。
2. run out, run out of
run out=become used up意思是“用完了”,其主语通常是时间、金钱、事物等名词。
run out of意思是“用完,耗尽,把……撵走”,主语一般是人,表示主动含义。例如:
His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。
Their food ran out in a minute because of hunger.
He is always running out of money before pay day.
I have run out of my money to buy a new computer.
We ran him out of the town. 我们把他撵出城。
3. resolve, solve
They resolve to work hard. 他们决心努力工作。
We have resolved all doubts. 我们已经消除了一切疑问。
The mystery was resolved. 这个秘密被解开了。
He finally solved the difficulty of work. 他终于解决了工作中的困难。
Have you solved all the problems yet?你把所有的问题都解答了吗?
4. else, other
Whats that in your other hand? 你的另一只手里拿着什么?
Other people may not think that way. 别人可能不这样想。
This story is more interesting than the other one.
I dont like these. Have you any others?
2)else作形容词时,用在who, whose, what等疑问代词或something, anything, nothing, anybody, nobody等不定代词后作定语。例如:
Would you like anything else to drink, Miss Yang?
Do you have anything else to say? 你还有别的事情要说吗?
Who else will go to the medical conference?
else作副词时,用在when, where等疑问副词后作状语。例如:
Where else are you going to stay?你们还要在什么地方停留?
5. by, until, before
I will finish my task by nine. 我将在九点钟前完成任务。
The plane takes off at 10:00, so you must try to be at the airport by 9:30. 飞机在十点钟起飞,所以你必须在九点半之前赶到机场。
2)until用在肯定句中,谓语动词通常是stand, stay, talk, wait等延续性动词,表示主句动作终止的时间。例如:
I waited until he came back.我一直等到他回来。
The war lasted until 1945.战争持续到1945年。
[注意]until如果用在否定句中,谓语动词通常是open, start, leave, arrive, finish, stop等瞬间性动词,强调主句动作开始的时间。例如:
I didnt leave the boy until his mother turned up.
The noise in the street didnt stop until it was midnight.
Einstein almost knocked me down before he saw me.
He had measured me before I could get in a word.
6. trust, believe
We have always trusted him. 我们一直信任他。
Do you trust in the man in blue over there?
You should trust the teachers and try your best.
Dont believe what the boy said. 不要相信这个男孩的话。
We believe in her very much. 我们非常信任她。
7. try to do sth., try doing sth.
try to do sth.意思是“尽力或设法去做某事”,事情的结果如何,不得而知。例如:
Try to finish your work on time, please! 请尽量按时完成你的工作!
2)try doing sth. 表示“试着去做某事”。例如:
Yesterday the old man tried opening the door.
8. be filled with, be full of
1)be filled with意为“充满……”。例如:
The young man is filled with joy. 那个年轻人内心充满喜悦。
She was filled with happiness when she heard the news.
2)be full of是短语形容词,含义与filled with相近,意思是“装满了……”,可充当状语、定语(后置)或表语。例如:
Tom stared at the footprint, full of fear.
He received several baskets full of cards, letters and telegrams of congratulations.他收到了满满几篮子表示祝贺的卡片、贺信和贺电。(定语)
The room is full of people. 房间里挤满了人。(表语)
9. costume, clothing, clothes
Chinese national costumes are really very colourful.
Elizabethan costumes were displayed at the exhibition.
Sometimes Jenny dressed in mans clothing.詹妮有时穿着男人的服装。
We must be on guard against the wolf in sheeps clothing.
Please send those clothes to the laundry.
10. in time, on time
on time的意思是“准时”,“按时”,指正好在规定的时间内。in time的意思是“及时”,指按照预定的时间行事,不迟,尚有富裕时间可做些别的事情。另外,in time后面可接介词for,on time则不能这样用。
You must always return your library book on time.
The train arrived into the station on time. 火车准时到达。
Youre just in time for the football match. 你正好赶上足球比赛。
The baby was badly ill. Luckily the doctor came in time. He was saved. 婴儿病得很重。幸好医生及时赶到,他得救了。
11. farmer, peasant
Whats the old peasant saying to them?那位老农在对他们说什么?
The man is a farmer who owns a farm in California.
About eighty percent of the population in our country are peasants.
12. whole, all
All the school was very happy at that time. 那时全校师生都很开心。
(2)whole则位于这些限定词之后,即:限定词+whole+单数名词。如果名词前没有限定词,不能用whole,如可说all day,但不能说whole day。
When the driver told me the whole story, I felt very happy about the ending. 当司机给我讲完整个故事,我对结局感到高兴。
(3)whole与all的后面也可接复数名词,其结构分别是“all+限定词+复数名词”,“the whole of+复数名词”。
All the students are busy cleaning the streets.
新目标九年级英语units 10教案03-01
新目标九年级英语下Unit 4教案07-23