合同范围(Object of the Contract)第三章
(Contract Price)第四章
(Terms of Payment)
技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation
技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training)
合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products)
保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims)
侵权和保密(Infringements and Confidentiality)第十章
税费(Taxes and Duties)第十一章
履约保函(Performance Bond)第十二章
不可抗力(force Majeure)第十三章
争议的解决(settlement of Disputes)第十四章
合同生效及其他(Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous)第十五章
法定地址(Legal Addresses)签字日期: _______年_______月_______日 签字地点: ____________________________ 合同号:
__________________________________ 1
1.1 “引进方”是指中国____________________________公司。1.2
“合同价格” 是指引进方支付给根据合同全部完满完成其合同义务的让于人的金额。
“中外运”是指中国对外贸易运输总公司,它是引进方指定的在目的港接受技术资料和软件、合同设备及部件的代理: A.
中国天津新港:中外运塘沽分公司 地址: 中国天津塘沽新港路44号
电传:23187 TGFTT CN,传真: 022 984757 B.
中国北京首都机场 中外运北京空运公司
地址: 中国北京亮马桥路安家楼 电传:210205 AIRFT CN 1.10 “P.R.C”是指中华人民共和国。1.11 “F.R.G”是指联邦德国。
1.12 “世界银行”是指国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)和国际开发协会。
第二章 合同范围
2.1 让于人同意向引进方转让并且,引进方同意从让于人获得设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修及管理合同产品的专有技术。合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术标准详见合同附件二。
2.2 让于人同意给予引进方在中华人民共和国境内设计、制造、使用和销售合同产品以及出口合同产品的权利。这种权利是非独占性的和不可转让的。
2.3 让于人同意向引进方提供与合同产品有关的技术资料和软件,其具体内容、数量和交付时间详见合同附件五和附件六。
2.4 让于人同意派遣技术人员到合同工厂进行技术服务,其具体内容和要求详见合同附件九。
2.5 让于人同意在让于人的工厂和合同工厂对引进方的人员进行技术培训,并保证使引进方技术人员掌握转让的技术培训的内容和要求详见合同附件十。
2.6 让于人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的十年内以最优惠的价格向引进方提供制造合同产品所需的零部件、原材料及辅助设备。双方届时将另签合同。
2.7 让于人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的十年内以最优惠的价格向引进方提供让与人自己生产或改造的制造合同产品所需的设备和软件,并协助引进方得到第三方生产或改进的制造合同产品所需和设备和软件。
2.8 让与人同意,如果合同产品达到合同附件二所规定的技术和质量要求,引进方有权在合同工厂生产的合同产品上标明“由_______(让与人名称)许可在中国制造”的字样,至于是否在合同产品上标明上述字样,则由引进方自行决定。
3.1 基于本合同第二章规定的内容和范围,以及让于人按本合同的规定应完成的义务,本合同总价格为_______欧元。分项价格如下:
3.1.1 专有技术费为_______欧元。专有技术恩项价格为: A.
人员培训费:_______欧元; D.
3.2 以上合同总价是对于让与人在本合同下应尽的包括按CIF条款将技术资料和软件运达北京机场之全部责任的固定价格。
第四章 支付条件
4.1 本合同的所有费用将使用世界银行第_______号贷款以德国马克通过不可撤消的、允许分批交付的、以让与人为收益人的信用证支付
4.2 让与人应在合同生效后三十个工作日内,通过其中国银行总行向让与人推荐并经引进方认可的让与人所在国的一个银行开出不可撤消的信用证,该信用证的金额应等同于合同总价。该信用证将允许按本合同第4.3条规定的支付条件进行支付。
4.3 专有技术费用的支付
4.3.1 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的10%,即_______马克将在让与人提交下述单据并符合合同规定后支付:
A. 让与人国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证的影印件一份; B.
向开证行开出的即期汇票两份; E.
4.3.2 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的25%,即_______马克,将在让与人按合同附件6的规定交付了第一批技术资料/软件,并提交下述符合合同规定的单据后支付:
A. 商业发票五份;
C. 交付第一批技术资料或软件的空运单副本五份; D. 第一批技术资料或软件的装箱单五份;
E. 引进方出具的证明让与人已交付第一批技术资料和软件的确认函副本两份。
4.3.4 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的15%,即_______马克,将在本合同产品样机验收完成、让与人提交下述单据且符合合同规定后支付:
C. 双方签字的合同产品验收合格证书副本两份。
4.4 引进方有权从履约保函或正在议付的付款中扣除让与人根据合同规定应支付的罚款/或补偿费。
4.5 在中国境内产生的银行费用又让与人承担。除了因引进方的延误支付而产生的利息之外,议付过程中产生的一切利息费用均由让与人承担。
第五章 技术资料和软件的交付
5.1 让与人应按本合同附件5.6 中规定的内容、数量和时间将技术资料和软件运至北京机场。技术资料和软件的风险将在该技术资料和软件运达北京机场之后由让与人转移给引进方。
5.2 北京机场盖章的日期将作为技术资料和软件的实际制服日期。5.3 在每批技术资料/软件交运后的两个工作日内,让与人应通过电传或传真将合同号、空运单号、提单日期、资料号、邮包号、重量、航班和预计到达时间通知引进方和合同工厂。与此同时,让与人应向引进方和合同工厂各邮寄两套空运单和技术资料/软件的详细清单。
5.4 如果技术资料/软件在运输过程中发生丢失、损坏或缺少,让与人将在收到引进方的书面通知后45天内免费补发或更改。
5.5 技术资料/软件应包装在坚固的箱子内以适于长途运输,且能防潮、防雨。
5.6 每箱技术资料/包装的外包装上应以不褪色的油漆用英文注明以下内容:
合同号:_______ B.
收货人: 中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司 C.
收货人代码:_______ D.
到货机场:北京机场 E.
麦头标记:_______ F.
毛/净重量(公斤):_______ G.
箱号/件号:_______ H.
外形尺寸(长X宽X高):_______ 5.7
5.10 让与人负责在合格的保险公司办理保险,投保费用由让与人负担。引进方为保险收益人,投保金额为合同总价110%的“一切险”和“战争险”。
5.11 本合同下提供的所有技术文件、软件和技术服务应来源于现行世界银行采购指南中所列的合格的国家和地区。
第六章 技术服务和人员培训
6.1 根据本合同的规定,让与人将派遣其熟练的、健康的、合格的技术人员到引进方的合同工厂现场进行技术服务。让与人技术人员的专业任务、服务内容、来华人数和在华时间详见本合同附件_________。
6.2 引进方将为让与人技术人员的出入境签证、在华的工作和生 7 活提供帮助。让与人技术人员在华的待遇详见合同附件_______。
6.3 让与人的技术人员在华进行技术服务期间应遵守中华人民共和国的法律以及合同工厂的规章制度。
6.4 引进方将派遣其技术人员到让与人的有关工厂进行技术培训。培训人数、专业、内容、时间及培训要求详见合同附件_________。
6.5 让与人将为引进方培训人员的出入境签证提供帮助并提供技术培训必需的设施。培训人员在让与人国家的待遇详见本合同附件_________。
6.6 引进方的培训人员在培训期间应遵守让与人国家的法律以及让与人工厂的规章制度。
第七章 合同设备的验收
7.1 为了检验让与人根据合同所提供的技术文件和软件的完整性、准确性和可靠性,让与人应自费派遣其代表到合同工厂会同引进方技术人员对合同产品进行验收。验收的具体程序和标准详见合同附件_________。
7.2 在合同产品的验收试验中,如果合同产品达到合同附件_________所规定的所有技术要求,让与人和引进方授权代表应签署四份验收证明,双方各执两份。
7.3 如果合同产品在验收试验中达不到合同附件_________中规定的技术指标,双方将进行友好协商并共同分析原因,采取措施排除缺陷。第二次验收试验将在排除缺陷后进行。
7.4 如果由于让与人的原因造成第一次验收试验失败,让与人将采取措施排除故障,并再次派技术人员参加到二次验收试验,费用由让与人承担,同时让与人应承担第二次验收试验的有关直接费用,包括材料费。如果是由于引进方的责任造成第一次验收失败,引进方将采取措施排除故障,费用自理,并承担第二次验收试验的有关直接费用。
7.5 在第二次验收试验时,如果是由于让与人的责任导致本合同产品的技术指标仍未达到合同附件_________的要求,让与人将赔偿引进方的直接损失,并自付费用采取措施排除故障,再次派技术人员参加第三次验收试验,并 8 承担第三次验收试验的有关费用,包括材料费。如果由于引进方的责任造成第二次试验失败,引进方将采取措施排除故障,费用自理,并承担第三次验收试验的有关费用。
7.6 如果由于让与人的责任造成在上述三次验收试验中合同产品的技术指标仍未达到合同附件_________的要求,合同条款第8.7款将被引用。如果由于引进方的责任造成在上述三次验收试验中合同产品的技术指标仍未达到要求,双方将通过协商达成进一步执行合同的协议。
第八章 保证和索赔
8.1 让与人将保证按合同要求向引进方提供的技术资料和软件是让与人实际使用的和最新的并被证实了的技术资料和软件,并保证在合同执行过程中及时向引进方免费提供改进、修改和开发的新的技术资料和软件。
8.2 让与人保证所提供的技术资料和软件是完整的、正确的、清晰的,并保证按合同附件_________的规定及时交付。
8.3 如引进方发现让与人交付的技术资料和软件不符合本合同第_________款的规定,让与人应爱接到引进方的书面通知后三十天内免费将有关的技术资料和软件邮寄给引进方。
8.4 如让与人没有按本合同附件_________及第_________款中规定的时间交付技术资料和软件,让与人应按比例向引进方交付技术资料和软件的迟交罚款:
8.5 让与人按第8.4款向引进方交付迟交罚款后,并不能免除让与人继续交付迟交的技术资料和软件的义务。
8.6 如技术资料和软件的迟交超过 六个月,引进方将有权终止合同。在这种情况下,让与人必须见引进方已制服的全部金额加上年利率为12%的利息,9 一起退还给引进方。
8.7 在合同产品的验收中,如果由于让与人的责任造成合同产品的技术指标达不到验收标准,则按以下方式处理:
第九章 侵权和保密
9.1 让与人保证对根据本合同向引进方提供的一切专有技术和技术资料和软件拥有合法的所有权,并有权向引进方转让该专有技术和合同设备。如果发生第三方指控侵权,让与人应负责与第三方交涉,并承担由此引起的法律上和经济上的责任。
9.2 合同双方应在十年内对相互提供的具有技术和商务性质的技术诀窍、技术文件以及有关合同工厂的水文、地理和生产等方面的资料承担保密义务。如果上述技术诀窍、技术文件或资料的某一部分被公开,不管是由上述技术诀窍、技术文件或资料的所有方还是由第三方公开的,则另一方不再承担对上述技术诀窍、技术文件或资料的保密义务。
9.3 引进方有权在本合同的有效期之后使用让与人提供的专有技术、技术资料和软件设计、制造和销售合同产品。
第十章 税费
10.1 中国政府根据现行税法对引进方征收的与执行本合同有关的一切税费应由引进方承担。
10.2 中国政府根据现行税法和《中华人民中和国和联邦德国政府关于避免双重征税和防止漏税的协议》对让与人征收的与执行本合同有关的一切税费应由让与人承担。
第十一章 履约保函
11.1 合同双方签字后三十天以内,让与人应提交金额为合同总价10%的履约保函,该保函应由北京中国银行根据外国某一银行向北京中国银行提交的反担保开具。该履约保函的有效期将持续到合同产品验收和合同设备保证期结束以后。
11.2 让与人应按合同附件_________的格式提交履约保函,由此产生的费用由让与人承担。
11.3 如果让与人未能履行合同规定的某项义务,引进方将有全对该保函行使保函行行使追索权。
第十二章 不可抗力
12.1 如果让与人和引进方中任何一方由于战争、洪水、火灾、台风、地震或其他双方认可的不可抗力事故而影响合同的执行,则履行合同的期限将推延一段相当于该事故所影响的时间。
12.2 受不可抗力影响的一方应尽快通过电传或电报将发生不可抗力的情况通知对方,并于十四天之内以航空挂号信将有关当局楚剧的证明文件交另一方确认。
12.3 如果不可伉俪持续120天以上,双方应通过友好协商尽快解决继续履行合同的问题。
第十三章 争议的解决
13.1 合同双方应通过友好协商解决在执行合同过程中发生的一切争执。如协商后仍不能解决时,应提交仲裁解决。
13.2 仲裁将在斯德哥尔摩进行,由斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁委员会按其程序和规定进行仲裁。
13.3 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。
13.4 仲裁费用将由败诉方承担,除非仲裁院另有裁决。
13.5 在仲裁期间,除了合同中提交仲裁的部分之外,双方应继续履行合同义务。
第十四章 合同生效及其他
14.1 本合同由双方授权代表于一九九____年_____月_____日在北京签字。双方将在必要时向各自政府申请批准合同,合同生效日期将以下列事项最后一个发生的日期为准:
最后得到政府批准一方的批准日期: B.
世界银行对合同的批准: C.
14.2 如合同自签字之日起经过六个月仍不能生效,则双方有权取消本合同。
14.3 本合同自生效之日起_________年有效,有效期满后合同将自动失效。14.4 合同有效期满将不影响双方未了的债权关系,债务人将继续付给债券人未付的债款。
14.5 本合同以英文书写,正本一式两份,双方各执一份。
14.6 本合同由条款第一章至第十五章及附件_________至_________组成。合同正文及附件都是本合同不可分割的组成部分,或有同等法律效力。14.7 有关本合同的任何变更、修改、补充和分包将在双方授权代表签署书面文件以后生效,同时将成为本合同的组成部分并与合同具有同等法律效 12 力。
14.8 在本合同执行过程中,双方通讯应以英文星星。正式通知应以书面形式一式两份用挂号航寄。
14.9 尽管本合同本章第14.1款的规定,如果不是由于让与人的责任而使合同_________在签字后三个月内未能生效,双方均有权终止已经或可能生效的本合同,如果由于让与人的责任使合同_________在签字后三个月内仍未生效,引进方有权在两个月内决定是否终止本合同。在终止本合同的情况下,双方应通过友好协商解决赔偿支付和双方已产生的费用。
第十五章 法定地址
15.1 引进方:
15.2 让与人:
15.3 双方授权代表签字:
Date of signing : _________,_________ Place of signing : Beijing.China Contract No.: ______
In accordance with Bid No.______under the I.B.R.D.Loan No.______ , International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation, Beijing PRC(hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”)on the one hand, and ______Company, Germany(hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”)on the other hand
Whereas the Licensor has the technical know-how for design, manufacture, assembly, installation, test, inspection, adjustment, operation, maintenance, management and sale of Railway______ as required by Licensee;
Whereas the Licensor has the right and agrees to transfer the above – mentioned technical know – how to the Licensee for the manufacture of Railway ______product;
Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor’s technical know-how for design, manufacture, maintenance, sale and export of the Railway______ product;
Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor’s technical know-how for design, manufacture, maintenance, sale and export of the Railway ______ product;
Whereas the Licensor agrees to supply to the Licensee and the Licensee agrees to obtain from the Licensor a certain amount of parts and components for the assembling and manufacturing of the Railway______ product under other contract.The authorized representatives of both parties, through friendly negotiations, have agreed to enter into the Contract under the terms and conditions as stipulated below;
1.1 “The Licensee” means International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation, Beijing, P.R.C.1.2 “The Licensor” means _____Company, Germany.1.3 “The Contract” means the agreement entered between the Licensee and the Licensor, as recorded in the Contract signed by both parties including all annexes, attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.1.4 “The contract Price” means the price payable to the Licensor by the Licensee under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.1.5 “The Contract Products” means all the products with the models and specifications and performances which are manufactured by the technology transferred by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex 2 to the Contract.15
1.6 “The Contract Factory” means the place where the Licensee manufactures the Contract Products by using the Technology supplied by the Licensor, That is _____ factory.1.7 “The Technical Documentation and Software” means all the documents to be supplied to the Licensee by the Licensor as stipulated in Annex _____ of the Contract, It consists of the followings:
A.All the technical indices, drawings, design, technical documents and software relating to the design, manufacture, calculation, assembly, installation, test, managements, inspection, adjustment, operation, maintenance, acceptance test and sale of the Contract Products;
B.All the technical indices, drawings, design, technical documents and software relating to the inspection, installation.Commissioning, testing, acceptance, operation and maintenance of the Contract Equipment;
C.All the technical indices, drawings, technical documents and software relating to the inspection, testing, adjustment, assembly and maintenance of the SKD/CKD Parts.1.8 “The Technical Service” means the technical assistance, supervision, instruction, training and other services under the contract to be rendered by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex _____ and Annex_____ to the Contract.1.9 “SINOT RANS” means China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation, which is the pointed agent of the Licensee 16 for receipt of the Technical Documentation and Software, the Contract Equipment and the Parts at the ports of destination:
A.Xingang seaport:
Xingang Road, Tanggu, Tianjin, 300400, China Telex: 23187 TGFTT CN, FAX:022 984757
B.Beijing Airport:
SINOTRANS, Beijing Air Freight Co.Anjialou Liangmaqiao Road, Beijing, 100621, China Telex: 210205 AIRFT CN
1.10 “PRC” means the People’s Republic of China.1.11 “FRG” means Federal Republic of Germany
1.12 “The World Bank” means the International Bank for reconstruction and Development(I.B.R.D.)and International Development Association.ARTICLE 2 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT
2.1 The licensor has agreed to transfer to the Licensee and the Licensee has agreed to obtain from the Licensor the technical know-how for the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, test, inspection, adjustment, operation and maintenance and management of the Contract Products.The name, model, specifications and technical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.2.2 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and 17 right to design, manufacture, use, sell in the PRC the Contract Products and export the Contract Products.The license and right are nonexclusive and non-transferable.2.3 The Licensor has agreed to provide the licensee with the Technical Documentation and Software related to the Contract Products.The contents, copies and time of delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software are detailed in Annex _____ and Annex _____ to the Contract.2.4 The Licensor has agreed to dispatch his technical personnel to the Contract Factory, for Technical Services.The specific contents and requirements for the Technical Services are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.2.5 The Licensor has agreed to give the Licensee’s personnel technical training in Licensor’s factories and at the Contract factory, to ensure that the Licensee’s technical personnel;shall master the above technical know – know transferred to the Licensee.The specific contents and requirements of technical training are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.2.6 The Licensor has agreed, upon the request of the Licensee for a period of 10(ten)years after the date of validity of the Contract, to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with the parts, components, raw materials and accessories which are necessary for manufacturing the contract Products under a separate contract to be signed in due time.2.7 The Licensor has agreed, upon the request of the Licensee for 18 a period of 10(ten)years after the date of validity of the Contract, to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with equipment and software which are made or developed by the Licensor and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract software which are made or developed by the third party and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract Products.2.8 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to use, on the contract Products manufactured by the contract Factory, the word “ Made in China under license of “followed by Name of the Licensor, at the option of the Licensee, provided the Contract Products can meet the technical and quality requirement as specified in Annex _____ of the Contract.ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT PRICE
3.1 The total Contract price, which is based on the contents and scope stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract and the Licensor’s fulfillment of his obligations under the Contract, shall be _____ DEM,(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY)details as follows: 3.1.1 Price for Technical Know-how: _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).The breakdown prices of the technical know-how are as follows: A.Technology transfer fee is: B.Technical documentation and software fee(CIP Beijing Port)is _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).C.Personnel training fee is _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).D.Technical service fee is _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).3.2 The above-mentioned total Contract Price shall be firm and fixed price for the Licensor’s obligation under the contract including all expenses incurred for delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software CIP Beijing Airport, China.ARTICLE 4 TERMS OF PAYMENT
4.1 All the payment stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in DEUTSCH MARK(DEM)through an irrevocable letter of credit partial shipment allowed under the I.B.R.D.Loan No._____ for the price for the Technical Know-how, obtained from the World Bank opened in favor of the Licensor.4.2 The Licensee shall within thirty(30)working days after effectiveness of the Contract, open an irrevocable letter of credit by the Bank of China, Beijing in favor of the Licensor, in a bank in his country nominated by the Licensor and accepted by the Licensor, for and amount equivalent to the total Contract price, the letter of credit shall permit payments as stipulated in Article Payment for the Price for the Technical Know-how
4.3.1 10%(ten percent)of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM(SAY: _____DEUTSCH MARK ONLY)shall be paid after the Licensor has presented the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract.A.One Photostat copy of valid export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Licensor’s of Licensor’s subcontractor’s country, or one copy of the letter issued by the relevant authority of the Licensor’s country starting that the valid export license is not required.B.One original and one copy of the irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the Licensor’s Bank for a sum of 10% of the total price of for the technical know-how in favor of the Licensee, The specimen of the little of guarantee is detailed in Annex_____ to the contract.C.Four copies of the proformal invoice covering the total price for the technical know-how D.Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.E.Four copies of commercial invoice.The above-mentioned documents shall be presented not earlier than 30 days after effectiveness of the Contract.4.3.2 25%(twenty five percent)of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM(SAY: _____DEUTSCH MARK ONLY)shall be paid after the Licensor has delivered the first batch of the technical Documentation/ Software as stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract: A.Five copies of the commercial invoice.B.Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C.Five copies of the airway bill for the first batch of the technical Documentation and/or software.D.Five copies of the packing list for the first batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software.21 E.Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered to the Licensee the first batch of Technical Documentation and/or Software as stipulated in Annex _____and Annex _____ 4.3.3 50%(fifty percent)of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY)shall be paid after the Licensor has delivered the last batch of the Technical Documentation/Software as stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the contract: A.Four copies of the commercial invoice.B.Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C.Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the technical Documentation and/or Software.D.Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software.E.Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered to the Licensee all Technical Documentations as stipulated in Annex _____ 4.3.4 15%(fifty percent)of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM(SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY)shall be paid after acceptance of the Contract Products by the Licensee and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract: A.Four copies of the commercial invoice.B.Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C.Two copies of the Acceptance Certificate for the Contract Products 22 signed by the both Parties.4.4 The License shall have the right to deduct from the performance Bond or relevant payment under negotiation the penalties in form of liquidate damages, which Licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract.4.5 The banking charges incurred in the P.R.C.shall be borne by the Licensee and those incurred outside the P.R.C.shall be borne by the Licensor.The Licensor shall bear all interest charge in case they occur in the negotiation of the payment, unless these interest charges have been occurred by reasons of default by the Licensee.ARTICLE 5 DELIVERY OF THE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION AND SOFTWARE
5.1 The Licensor shall deliver to the Licensee the Technical Documentation and Software at Beijing Airport in accordance with the contents, copies and time stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract.The risk of the Technical Documentation shall be transferred from the Licensor to the Licensee after its arrival at Beijing Airport, China.5.2 The data stamped by Beijing Airport, China shall be the actual date of delivery the Technical Documentation and Software.5.3 The Licensor shall, within two(2)working days, after dispatching each batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software, inform the Licensee and Contract Factory by telex or fax of the Contract number, number of parcels, weight, flight and expected arrival date.At the same time, the Licensor shall airmail to the Licensee and the Contract Factory each two copies of the airway bill and the detailed list of the Technical Documentation/Software.5.4 In case of any loss, damages or shortage caused to the Technical Documentation and Software during the transportation, the Licensor shall make supplementary or replaceable delivery to the Licensee within 45(forty-five)days after receiving the Licensee’s written notice without any charges.5.5 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be packed in strong cases suitable for long distance transportation and numerous handling with protective measures against moisture and rain.5.6 The following contents shall be marked on the cover of each package of the Technical Documentation and Software with indelible paint in conspicuous English printed words: A.Contract No.: _____.B.Consignee: International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation C.Consignee code: _____.D.Destination Airport: Beijing Airport.E.Shipping Mark: _____.F.Gross/Net Weight(kg): _____ G.Item No./Case No.: ______ H.Dimension(L x W x H in CM): ______
5.7 In side of each package of the Technical Documentation and software, there shall be two copies of the detailed list to identify each part.24
5.8 For the delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software, partial shipment is allowed.Transshipment is not allowed.5.9 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be carried flight belonging to the member countries of the World Bank and Switzerland.5.10 The Licensor shall effect the insurance, with insurer from eligible source country, for and amount of 110% of the total contract price on “all risks” and “war risk” basis at the Licensor’s expenses with the Licensee as the beneficiary.5.11 All of the Technical Documentation and Software, and services supplied under the Contract shall have their origin in the countries and areas eligible under the current World Bank Guideline for Procurement.ARTICLE 6 TECHNICAL SERVICE AND PERSONNEL TRAINING
6.1 The Licensor shall send his skilled, healthy and competent technical personnel to the Contract Factory of the Licensee to provide Technical Service on site in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract.The stipulation, the number of personnel, specialty, task, content and duration in PRC are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.6.2 The Licensee shall provide assistance for entry any exit visa, work and life in PRC for the Licensor’s Technical Service personnel.The treatment conditions of the Licensor’s technical personnel in PRC 25 are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.6.3 The Licensor’s technical personnel sent to PRC for the Technical Service shall observe the laws of the People’s Republic of China and rules and regulations of the contract Factory in the period of service in PRC.6.4 The Licensee shall send his technical personnel to the relevant factories of the Licensor for technical training.The number of personnel, specialty, content, duration and requirement of training are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.6.5 The Licensor shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa and shall provide the facilities necessary for the technical training for the Licensee’s trainees.The treatment conditions of the trainees in the Licensor’s country are detailed in Annex ____ to the Contract.6.6 The Licensee’s personnel under training shall observe the laws of the Licensor’s country and the rules and regulations of the Licensor’s factories in the period of training.ARTICLE 7 ACCEPTANCE OF THE
7.1 In order to verify the completeness, correctness and reliability of the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor under the Contract, the Licensor shall, at his own expense send his representatives to carry out acceptance test on the Contract Products jointly with the technical personnel of the Licensee in the contract 26 Factory.The specific procedure of the acceptance test and the standard of the acceptance are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.7.2 If the technical performances of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract are achieved in the acceptance tests, both parties’ authorized representative shall sign four copies of the acceptance certificate for the Contract Products and, two copies for each party.7.3 If any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is not achieved in the acceptance tests, both parties shall have friendly consultation and discussion and jointly analyze the causes and take measures to eliminate the defect.The second acceptance test shall be carried out after the defects have been eliminated.7.4 If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensor, the Licensor shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects, again send his technical personnel to participate in the second acceptance test and shall bear all the expenses incurred in the second acceptance test including the expenses for the materials used in the second acceptance test.If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensee, the Licensee shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminated the defects and bear all the relevant expenses incurred in the second acceptance test.7.5 If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the 27 Contract is still not achieved in the second acceptance test, the Licensor shall compensate the Licensee for the direct expenses sustained by the Licensee, for the acceptance test, and shall at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and send his technical personnel to participate in the third acceptance test.If the responsibility for the failure of the second acceptance test lies with the Licensee, the Licensee shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and bear the relevant expenses incurred in the third acceptance test.7.6 If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is still not achieved in the above-mentioned three acceptance tests lies with the Licensee, then both parties shall discuss and agree upon further execution of the Contract.ARTICLE 8 GUARANTEES AND CLAIMS
8.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract shall be of the latest and well-proved Technical Documentation and Software which are actually used by the Licensor and that the improved, modified and developed Technical Documentation and Software shall be supplied in time by the Licensor to the Licensee in the course of implementation of the Contract, without charge.8.2 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract shall be complete, correct and legible, and shall be delivered in time in accordance with the stipulations in Annex _____ to the Contract.8.3 IF IT IS FOUND BY THE licensee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor is not in conformity with the stipulations in Annex _____ to the Contract and Clause 8.2 to the Contract, the Licensor shall mail the related Technical Documentation to Licensee free of charge within 30(thirty)days after receiving the Licensee’s written notice.8.4 If the Licensor fails to deliver the Technical documentation and Software in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract and Clause 8.3, the Licensor shall pay to the Licensee penalties for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software at the following rates:
0.5%(point five percent)of the total Contract price of the Technical Documentation and Software for each full week of late delivery.The above-mentioned total penalties shall not exceed 5%(five percent)of the total Contract price of this contract.The penalty paid shall be in the form of Liquidated Damages and shall fully indemnify the Licensee for all costs incurred as a result of such delay.8.5 Payment of penalty made by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the stipulation in Clause 8.4 to the Contract shall not release the Licensor from his obligations to continue to deliver the Technical Documentation and Software, which is subject to penalties for 29 late delivery.8.6 If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceed 6.(Six)months, the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract.In such case, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already paid plus interest at the rate of 12% per annual thereon.8.7 If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products is not achieved in the acceptance tests, the case shall be dealt with in the following manner:
If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is not achieved, and the Licensee cannot put the contract Products into production, the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract.In the case of termination of the Contract, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which have already been paid by the Licensee to the Licensor plus interest at the rate 12% per annual thereon and compensate the licensee for direct losses upon mutual agreement.If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that only some of the technical performances of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract are not achieved, but the Licensee still can put the Contract Products into production, the Licensor shall compensate licensee for the direct expenses at an amount of 5%-10%(five to ten percent)of contract price according to the significants of the discrepancy.30
9.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Licensor has lawful ownership of all the technical know-how, the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract, and that the Licensor has the right to transfer the technology and supply the Contract Equipment and the Parts to the Licensee.In case any third party brings a charge of infringement, the Licensor shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all legal and financial responsibilities, which may arise.9.2 Both Parties shall keep secret all technical know-how, technical documentation and all the information of hydrology, geology and production of the Contract Factory regarding the business of the other party, being either technical or commercial of nature, during the validity period of the Contract as well as thereafter for a period of 10 years.If a part of the whole of such know-how, information or documentation becomes or is made publicly known, either the Party knowing such Know-how, in formation or documentation or through a third party, the other Party shall no longer be held to his secrecy obligation.9.3 The Licensee shall have the right to use the technical know-how and the Technical Documentations and software supplied by the Licensor to design, manufacture and sell the Contract Products after the terminal of the Contract.31 ARTICLE 10 TAXES AND DUTIES
10.1 All taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensee in accordance with the Chinese tax laws and regulations in effect shall be paid by the Licensee.10.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensor in accordance with the tax laws in effect and the “Agreement between the Government of Federal Republic of Germany for the Reciprocal Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Property” shall be borne by the Licensor.10.3 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied outside the PRC shall be paid by the Licensor.ARTICLE 11 PERFORMANCE BOND
11.1 The Licensor shall, within thirty(30)calendar days after signing of the contract, furnish a Performance Bond to the Licensee, issued by the Bank of China, Beijing against the counter-guarantee issued by a foreign bank to the Bank of China, Beijing: in the amount of ten(10)percent of the total Contract Price.The Performance Bond shall remain valid until the acceptance of the Contract Products and expiration of the guarantee period of the Contract Equipment.32 11.2 The Performance Bond shall be furnished by the Licensor by a Bank Guarantee in the form as stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract.The cost thereof shall be borne by the Licensor.11.3 In case the Licensor fails to perform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Licensee shall have the right to have a recourse from the Performance Bond.ARTICLE 12 FORCE MAJEURE
12.1 If either of the contracting parties is prevented from executing the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure, the time for performance of the Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of such cases.12.2 The affected party shall notify the other party of cases of force majeure occurred by telex, cable or fax as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail, within 14(fourteen)days thereafter, a certificate issued by the authority or department concerned to the other party for confirmation.12.3 Should the effect of the force majeure cases last for more than 120(one hundred and twenty)days, both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultation as soon as possible.33 ARTICLE 13 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES
13.1 All the disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled by both Parties through friendly consultations.In case no settlement to the disputes can be reached by both Parties through friendly consultations, the disputes shall be settled through arbitration.13.2 The arbitration shall take place in Stockholm, Sweden, and be conducted by the Arbitration Institute of Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm according to the provisional procedures and rules of the said Arbitration Commission.13.3 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party, except as otherwise awarded by the said Arbitration Commission.13.5 In course of arbitration, both parties shall continue to execute the Contract except the part of the Contract, which is under arbitration.ARTICLE 14 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTRACT AND MISCELLANEOUS
14.1 This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on ______in Beijing.Both parties shall file applications with their respective governments for ratification of the Contract, if required.The date of effectiveness of the Contract shall be the date of last happening of the followings: A.Ratification of the Contract from the last party.B.Approval of the contract by the World Bank.C.The Licensee’s receipt of the Performance Bond.34 Both parties shall do their utmost to obtain the ratification, and shall advise the other party by telex or fax and send a letter for confirmation.14.2 If the Contract cannot come into force within 6(six)months after the date of signing the Contract, both parties shall have the right to cancel the Contract.14.3 The Contract shall be in force for 5 years from the effective date of the Contract.After the expiration f its term of validity, the contract shall automatically become null and void.14.4 The outstanding creditor’s right and debts between both parties at the expiration of the Contract shall not be influenced by the expiration of the Contract.The debtor shall continue to pay the creditor the outstanding debts.14.5 This contract is made out in the English language in two originals, one for each party.14.6 The Contract is formed by Article I to Article 15 and Annex I to annex ______.The text and Annex of the contract shall be integral parts of the Contract and have the same legal force.14.7 Any changes, amendment, supplement and subtractions to the stipulations of the contract shall be valid after both parties’ authorized representatives have signed written documents, which shall form integral parts of the contract and shall have the same legal force as the Contract.35
14.8 In the course of implementation of the Contract, all the communications between both parties shall be in the English language.Formal notice shall be in written form in duplicate and be sent by registered airmail.14.9 Notwithstanding the stipulations in Clause 14.1 of this Clause of this Contract, both parties shall have the right to terminate this Contract which has already or may become effective, if the Contract No.____-has not come into effect not due to the Licensor’s responsibility within 3 months after signing this Contract.In case that the Contract No.______ can not become effective due to the Licensor’s responsibility within 3 months after the signing of them, the Licensee shall have the right to decide within two months thereafter whether or not to terminate this Contract.In such cases of termination, both parties shall settle account through friendly consultation as regard to compensation of payment and expenses already made by each party.ARTICLE 15 LEGAL ADDRESSES
作为最重要的国际交流语言之一, 英语在国际商务活动中扮演着极其重要的角色。在涉外贸易等商务交谈中, 双方就某项合作事宜达成协议后必须形成一项书面文件——合同。作为商务领域的重要沟通方式之一, 商务合同在企业的日常运营中越来越要。本文研究基于有30个样本的小型语料库, 旨在通过自建小型语料库, 通过整理分析得出结论, 以便更好地指导以后的研究。这30份英文商务合同大多是从网上搜集而来, 相关网址将随后附上;还有少部分材料是从国际贸易公司及从事国际商务谈判的工作人员处获得。
1. 国际商务合同的分类
商务合同种类繁多, 每一类都有其特定的适用领域, 总的来说, 常见的商务合同主要有以下几类:
1) 国际货物销售合同 (contracts for international sale of goods)
2) 国际技术转让合同 (contracts for international technology transfer)
3) 中外合资经营企业合同 (contracts for Sino-foreign joint ventures)
4) 国际工程承包合同 (contracts for international engineering projects)
5) 涉外劳务合同 (contracts for foreign labor services)
6) 涉外信贷合同 (contracts for Sino-foreign credits and loans)
2. 商务合同语言特征的相关理论
本文研究基于系统功能语言学的语域理论 (Register Theory) , 系统功能语言学 (systemic functional linguistics) 由英国语言学家韩礼德 (Halliday) 创立, 其核心观点有以下几个方面。第一, 它非常关注语言如何实现其社会功能;第二, 它认为语言应该是一种实践, 而非认知;第三, 此理论非常重视对特定语言特征及其语言变体的分析;第四, 此理论用连续性变化解释了语言的不同表现形式 (比如:不符合语法—不符合习惯—有点不符合习惯—比较符合习惯—合乎语法) ;以上几个观点将此理论与其他语言学理论明显地区分了开来。
1. 词汇层面1) 专业术语
商务合同形式多样, 设计领域广泛, 这决定了不同的合同内容都有其特定的专业术语来进行描述, 以便交易双方能够尽快明白合同中涉及的双方权利和义务。专业术语的特点是简洁、精确、客观、并且涵义明确, 其正符合了合同, 特别是商务合同的特点要求。例如:发盘 (offer) , 信用证 (L/C) , 装运港船上交货 (FOB) 等。
2) 正式用语
因商务合同涉及交易双方的权利义务甚至资金安全, 其内容必须描述清楚各方的职责条件等, 这也就决定了商务合同的语言质量要求相当高, 必须使用正式用语, 以避免因措辞造成的不可抗拒的纠纷。
3) 古英语词语
在现代英语口语及书面语中, 很少能见到古英语词, 然而在英语商务合同中, 却能随时见到。古英语词, 众所周知, 其具有简洁、清晰、明了、意义精确等特点, 这就更进一步说明了商务合同对语言质量的精确要求。通过研究样本可以看到, 常见的合同古英语词汇都是合成词。比如:thereby, thereof, wherein and heretofore等。这些词汇都是有两个或三个简单介词合成, 表达了比原有词汇更加精确的意思, 主要体现着方向明确上。在贸易合同中, 卖卖双方经常会使用此类术语来明确货物发送和接收以及运费的支出由哪一方来负担。
4) 缩略词
跟专业术语一样, 缩略词的大量运用更加体现了合同简洁、明确的语言特征, 我们最典型的例证就是缩略专业术语。专业术语本身非常繁杂, 用缩略词代替则极大地方便了贸易商之间的谈判。
5) 句法层面
词汇层面的语言特征还不足以描述清楚合同这一特殊写作体裁的全部内涵, 我们仍需从句法和语义的层面来看一下合同的整体语言特征。
6) 多运用主动语态
我们都知道, 英语主动语态的表达非常自然、贴切、清晰、有力且直接, 它比被动语态更能表达出当事人的主观意愿, 即希望对方“去做什么”, “将什么做好”等意思。主动语态的使用使得合同的约束效力更加明显和直接。
7) 常使用条件句
除了复杂的买卖双方权利义务的描述之外, 在合同制定中, 我们必须考虑到不确定情况或不可困因素的出现以及相对应的补救方式, 这样才能避免在意外情况突发时无法明确职责, 从而导致纠纷。因此, 在合同中能经常见到条件语句, 特别是在货款支付 (payment) , 违约职责 (responsibility of breach) , 不可抗力 (force majeure) , 仲裁 (arbitration) 等几个部分中。常用的条件短语有:in the event that, in case等。尽管条件句略显冗长, 但其表意精确, 在很大程度上消除了可能的歧义。
8) Should/shall的使用
在合同中为了表达可能发生某事的语气和态度, 能常见到Should/shall的句子出现, 用来表示强烈的假设, 这样是编撰和阅读合同时必须注意的一个细节。比如:“BB (a company name) shall provide promptly, upon…”;“AA shall make all payments for products purchased in RMB complying to the purchase order strictly”.
本文从词汇和语法两个层面简单分析了国际商务英语合同的语言、语义特征, 明白这些特征, 对以后的商务谈判将具有很好的指导意义。首先, 从事国际性商贸洽谈时, 合作双方务必要将特定的合同术语, 句型, 注意事项等进行调研核实, 确保合同内容精准, 明确义务责任, 描述清楚不可抗力等情况, 以便更好地促进双方的合作。其次, 在合同翻译时, 一定要特别注意将英语翻译成目的语时特定词表达的特定涵义, 以便将源语言的核心概念完整地表达出来。也就是遵守合同翻译中的三大原则:“faithfulness, accuracy and conventionalization”.
摘要:随着世界经济一体化加快, 世界各国在贸易、金融、营销等商务活动中沟通日益频繁, 商务合同作为商务领域的重要沟通方式之一, 扮演着举足轻重的作用。本文从词汇和语义两大层面对商务英语合同的语言特征进行了分析, 通过了解这种具有法律效力的经济文书特征, 从而帮助合作双方更好地进行商务沟通。
[1]、胡庚申, 王春晖.国际商务合同起草与翻译[M], 北京:外文出版社, 2002.
[3]、周燕, 廖瑛.英文商务合同长句的语用分析及其翻译[J].中国科技翻译, 2004. (04) .
[4]、涂定武.国际商务合同精要[M], 杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2004:108-115
第一条 用人单位基本情况:Base on the needs of first party, hire second party.In accordance with negotiation of two parties, hereby draw up this compact with the terms and conditions as follows
甲方first party(用人单位employer)名称:______ 法定代表人legal representative:______ 甲方地址address:______ 联系电话:______
第二条 劳动者基本情况Second part:
乙方second party(受聘人员employee)姓名name:______ 性别gender:______ 年龄age:______
国 籍nationality:____________ 护照号码passport NO:____________ 住址address:____________ 宅电home telephone:____________ 手机号码mobile phone number :____________ 紧急联络人emergency contact person:____________
与劳动者关系relationship with emergency contact person:______ 联系电话emergency contact phone number:______
第三条 本协议自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。This compact apply during the period commencing on the date of ______ and ending on the date of.第四条 根据甲方工作需要及任职要求,乙方同意以兼职形式为甲方提供如下服务:
Base on the needs and requirement of first party, second party provide part-time service as follows:
1,与甲方指定客户进行约见和面谈,依甲方要求、协助甲方处理相关事宜;meet appointed costumers, according to the requirement from first party, provide correlative assistance.2,根据甲方要求协助甲方处理紧急事件;Base on the needs of first party, provide assistance on emergency.3,第五条 甲方每月 日(公历,遇节假日顺延)支付乙方上月服务报酬,乙方服务报酬(税前),乙方的报酬为税前,大写:
By the th day of each month(the Gregorian calendar, postpone in the case of holidays)Party B’s salary is in the probationary period.第六条 甲方制定的劳动纪律和规章制度应当符合法律、法规的规定,并向乙方公示,乙方应当在 确认后遵照执行。Labor disciplines and regulations which made by first party should fulfill the legal and regulatory requirement, and public notice second party who should act on this compact after confirming.第七条 甲方有权根据规章制度对乙方进行奖惩,当乙方严重违反甲方的规章制度时,甲方有权解
除本协议并不给予乙方任何经济补偿。First party has the right to reward or punish second party according to regulations, if second party committed a serious breach of regulations, first party has the right to make dissolution of compact without economic compensation to second party.第八条 由于双方的劳动聘用关系,乙方将有机会了解并使用甲方的有关商业秘密(包括但不限于经营策略、软件系统、薪酬系统、营销渠道、员工或客户资料、供应商、价格系统、知识产权等所有资料及文件),乙方有在协议期内及协议解除后保守甲方商业秘密不对外泄露的义务,也不能用于为自己谋取利益的经营活动中。乙方不得将涉及甲方商业秘密的实物、文字材料、电子文档等以窃取、摘抄、复制、传真、拍照、电子邮件等方式占有、传播、出售、使用或允许他人使用甲方的商业秘密。本条款所规定行为,乙方如有违反,应向甲方支付违约金。Because of the employer-employee relationship, second party would know and use the trade secret from first party(include but not limited to marketing tactics、software system、salary system、marketing channel、material of employee and client、supplier、price system、intellectual property rights and all sort of materials and documents),second party is in duty bound to not disclose the trade secret of first party, nor take advantage of company’s trust to seek profit for one’s own.Second party must not occupy、spread、sale、use、or let other people use the article、written materials、electronic document by stealing、extracting、copying、faxing、photographing、emailing and other methods.All the actions under this clause, if second party committed the breach, should pay penal sum of.第九条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除本协议,但是应当提前十日以书面形式通知乙方:
First party could carry out rescission of compact in any of the following circumstances, however, should notice second party by written form 10 days early.⑴ 患病或者非因工负伤,医疗期满后,不能从事原工作也不能从事由甲方另行安排的工作的;In the case of fall ill or wound in line of duty, when the medical treatment expires, if not be able to participate former work or other appointed work from first party;
⑵ 不能胜任工作,经过培训或调岗,仍不能胜任工作的;
Incompetent, after training or transfer-position, still incompetent;
⑶ 本协议订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使协议无法履行,经甲乙双方协商不能就变更协议内容达成一致的;Due to objective reasons, unable to fulfill compact,moreover, can not reach to an agreement with variation on contract.⑷ 法律、行政法规规定可以解除协议的。
Rescission of compact is in accord with law and administrative regulation.第十条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以单方面随时解除协议,并对乙方不作任何经济补偿;乙方因下列行为给公司造成损害的,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿损失:First party could carry out rescission of compact in the following circumstances at any time, without
making any compensation;first party has the right to let the second party compensate for loss in any of the following circumstances.⑴ 在应聘过程中提供的个人证件、体检、简历等个人资料有欺诈行为的;If there were fraud acts on personal papers、medical certificates、resume;⑵ 按公司奖惩的有关规定,严重失职,工作不负责任,玩忽职守、消极懈怠给公司利益造成损害的;In accordance with correlative provision of reward/punish, gross neglect of duty,irresponsible, listless during work, result loss to profit of company.⑶ 乙方盗窃公司、员工或客户财物的;报销费用时有虚报或假报金额等行为的;Second party steal property from company or employees;deception during the process of applying for reimbursement.⑷ 泄露公司商业秘密;利用职务以权谋私、损公肥私的;Breach of confidence;take advantage of duty to seek person profit.⑸ 欺诈客户、公司,谋取私利的,私下从事同业工作的;Sting client、company to seek personal profit, participate same type of work in secret
⑹ 结党营私、破坏员工关系,生活作风不端正的;Form cliques, wreck relationships Between employees, bad lifestyle(immoral love).⑺ 违法行为或不良社会行为而给甲方形象造成巨大伤害的;unlawful act or bad behavior which diminish the reputation of Talent.⑻ 有赌博、吸毒等不良行为的;gamble、drug taking or other bad behavior
⑼ 被依法追究刑事责任或违法被处罚的;Being undertaken for criminal responsibility or punished for breaking the law.⑽ 严重违反公司的劳动纪律、规章制度的;法律规定或双方约定的其它情形。
Committing a serious breach of discipline、regulation or other agreement between two parties.第十一条 乙方解除协议,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方。Second party make early rescission of compact,should provide 30 days prior notice to first party.第十二条 甲乙双方约定无论何种情形解除协议,乙方都对工作交接负有责任,须按甲方规定的程序进行工作交接。乙方不按甲方的规定交接工作的,甲方有权扣发乙方服务费;乙方不按规定交接工作致使甲方遭受损失时,甲方将依法向乙方索赔。No matter what type the rescission of compact is, second party does have the obligation of carrying out the handover of his work, and fulfill it according to the appointed process from first party.If the second party failed to do so, the first party has the right to deduct wages of second party;first party would ask second party for compensation if the non-fulfillment of second party led to economic losses of first party.第十三条 特别约定:special compact
⑴ 由于乙方为兼职人员,故甲方不需为乙方缴纳社会保险。Second party is part-time Job, no need to pay social insurance for.⑵ 乙方因病或非因工负伤医疗费用自行解决,医疗期内甲方不支付报酬。Second party get sick or get wounded not in the line of duty, second party should pay himself.⑷ 双方解除、终止本协议,甲方无需支付乙方任何经济补偿。If compact was determined by two parties, first party does not have to pay second party compensation.⑶ 其他:甲方如需乙方提供服务,需提前1天书面通知乙方.Other: first party needs to contact second party 1 day early when needs the latter.第十四条 协议约定内容与国家有关法律、法规、政策不一致的,依照国家规定执行。因本协议引的任何争议,均提请甲方所在地法院处理。Any section in this compact which does not accord with the law, legislation, policy of the government, carry out by the provision of the government.Any disputation cause by this compact, first party would entrust local court to settle.第十五条 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。This compact has made in duplicate, one for each party.甲方first party(盖章stamp): 乙方second party(签字sign here):
销售代理合同(中英文对照)正文:销售代理合同Sales Agency Agreement合同号:NO:日期:Date: 为在平等互利的.基础上发展贸易,有关方按下列条件签订本协议: This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人 Contracting Parties 供货人(以下称甲方): 销售代理人(以下称乙方): 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Supplier: (hereinafter called party A) Agent:(hereinafter called party B) Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品名称及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or Amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于**的商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than…… of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3. 经销地区 Territory 只限在……。 In …… only. 4. 订单的确认 Confirmation of Orders 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认,其细目应在双方签订的销售协议书中作出规定。 The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the p中国大学网()
Agreement, made this____ day of ____, 2000, between seller company(hereinafter called “seller”), and having an office at ____ and ____ buyer of ____(hereinafter called “buyer”).___ 公司(以下简称买方)和_____(以下简称买方)于 __年__月__日订立本合同。
Seller agrees to sell to buyer, and buyer agrees to purchase from seller, during delivery period hereinafter provided, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, the following material or materials:
The delivery period shall commence on ____ and shall continue until terminated on ____, or on any anniversary thereof, by either party upon at least thirty days’ prior written notice to the other party.As used in this Agreement, “contract year” shall mean a twelve-month period ending on ___ or on any anniversary thereof.交货日期从____ 起至 ____ 止;或每满一年后由有一方当事人至少提前三十(30)天书面通知另一方当事人所确定的日期为止。
本合同中的“合同年”指到___ 为止或到每年的此时为止的十二个月。
Seller’s standard specification for the material or materials in effect at the time of shipment.卖方商品装运时的规格标准。
Subject to increase as provided in paragraph 7 on the reverse side hereof.可按照本合同背面第七条规定上浮。
The additional terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof are part of this agreement as effectively as though they preceded the signatures of the parties.合同背面的附加条款规定视为本合同不可分割的部分,效率等同当事人签名前所列条款。
(Reverse side)
Seller may increase any price hereunder on the first day of any calendar quarter-yearly period by delivering or mailing written notice to Buyer at least 15 days prior to such day.Buyer, however,shall have the right to cancel the undelivered portion of the material to which such increase in price applies by delivering or mailing written notice to Seller prior to the date when such increase is to become effective.卖方提价可以在每个季度的第一天进行,但至少应提前十五(15)天向买方提交或邮寄有关的书面通知。买方则有权在涨价生效日之前向卖方提交或邮寄书面通知,取消涨价部分的订货。
In addition to the purchase price, Buyer shall pay Seller the amount of all governmental taxes, exercise and/or other charges(except taxes on or measured by net income)that Seller may be required to pay with respect to the production, sale or transportation of any material delivered hereunder, except where the law otherwise provided.除买价外,买方还应该支付卖方因生产,销售或运输本合同有关商品而规定缴纳的所有政府税收,营业税和/或其他一切收费(纯收入所得税除外),法律另有规定除外。
If Buyer furnishes proof to Seller that Buyer can purchase from a manufacturer in any contract year any of the aforesaid materials produced within the United States, of the same quality, upon similar terms and conditions, in approximately the same quantity as the then undelivered quantity hereunder during such contract year, and at a lower price than is then in effect under this Agreement, then if Seller shall not reduce the price hereunder to such a lower price for the aforesaid quantity, Buyer may purchase such quantity from the other manufacturer, whereupon Buyer’s commitment under this Agreement shall be reduced by the quantity so purchased.如买方向卖方证实,买方可在任何一个合同年度内从任何一个制造商处按类似条件规定购得在美国生产的上述商品,且质量一样,数量等同本合同年度尚未交货数量,但价格低于本合同之定价,如卖方拒绝就上述数量商品按此价格进行降价,买方可向其他制造商购买该数量商品,并按购买数量减少该合同所承担的购货义务。
Unless otherwise provided for herein, Buyer shall place order for, and shall be made in, approximately equal monthly quantities, or if any material is insufficient in quantity to permit monthly shipment, then in quantities approximately evenly spaced throughout each contract year.If Buyer fails to so order any quantity provided for under this Agreement, Seller shall not be obliged subsequently to deliver such unordered quantity.如无另行规定,买方每月定货量及每月装船发货量应大致相同,如果因缺货而影响每月装运,则应依量大致按合同年平均进行装运。如买方不按合同之规定订货,卖方将无义务提供未订购货物。
Payment shall be made on demand, without discount.Seller reserves the right, among other remedies, either to terminate this Agreement or to suspend further deliveries upon failure of Buyer to make any payment as herein provided.支付以取货即付的方式,不得折扣。如卖方不按本合同之规定支付货款,除其他补救之外,卖方有权中止合同或停止发货。
Buyer’s receipt of any material delivered hereunder shall be an unqualified acceptance of, and a waiver by Buyer of any and all claims with respect to, such material unless Buyer gives Seller notice of claim within fifteen(15)days after such receipt.Buyer assumes all risk and liability for the
results obtained by the use of any material delivered hereunder in manufacturing processes of Buyer or in combination with other substances.No claim of any kind, whether or not based on negligence, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of the material in respect of which such claim is made.In no event shall either party be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages, whether or not caused or resulting from the negligence of such party.买方收到按本合同所发商品后十五(15)天内不向卖方提交索赔通知,则视为无保留接受该商品,且放弃一切有关权利要求。买方承担在生产过程中使用按本合同所提供之商品或将其与其他商品混合生产而产生的一切风险和责任。任何索赔,无论是就所提供之商品或就不提供商品,因过失或不因过失,数额均不得超过索赔标的物的买价。任何一方均不对特殊、间接或继后的损害负责,不论其是否是因一方当事人过失而引起或产生。
Neither party shall be liable for its failure to perform hereunder due to any contingency beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God, fires, floods, wars, sabotage, accidents, labor disputes or shortages, governmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, whether valid or invalid(including, but not limited to, priorities, requisitions, allocations, and price adjustment restrictions), inability to obtain material, equipment or transportation, and any other similar or different contingency.The party whose performance is prevented by any such contingency shall have the right to omit during the period of such contingency all or any portion of the quantity deliverable during such period, whetherupon the total quantity deliverable under this Agreement shall be reduced by the quantity so omitted.If, due to any such occurrence, Seller is unable to supply the total demands for any material specified in this Agreement, Seller shall have the right to allocate its available supply among its customers and its departments and divisions in a fair and equitable manner.In no event shall Seller be obliged to purchase material from others in order to enable to deliver material to Buyer hereunder.因不可抗力事故(包括天灾、火灾、洪水、战争、破坏、意外事件、劳资纠纷或劳力缺乏)、政府法律、法律、规则和条例[不论是否合法,包括(但不排除其他)优先权、征用、分配及价格调整限制等]、物质设备及运输短缺、以及其他类似的或不同的意外事故,双方当事人均可免去违约责任。遇刺事故的当事人有权免去全部或部分在该事故期内本应收、发的货物,免去之数额应从合同总额中扣除。由于上述事故使得卖方无法提供本合同规定数额之某种商品,卖方有权公平合理的在其顾客、部门和分公司之间就可能提供之商品进行分配。在任何情况下均不得迫使卖方为满足买方的供货而向他人购买商品。
The validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement with respect to any material delivered hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State in which such material was manufactured.This Agreement contains all of the representations and agreements between the parties hereto.Seller warrants that material delivered hereunder meets Seller’s standard specification for the material or such other specifications as have been expressly made a part of this Agreement and that such material is adequately contained, packaged and labeled and conforms to the promises and affirmations of fact made on the container and label.THE FOREGOING WARRANTS ARE EXCLUSIVE, AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES(WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED)INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY IN OTHER RESPECTS THAN EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE AND WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.This