3.1.16 具有其它特征的人
magpie n. 饶舌之人;鹊
windbag n. 饶舌之人
maverick n. 想法与众不同的人;(未打烙印的小牛或小马)
nonconformist adj./n. 不遵照传统生活的(人)
mimic n. 模仿他人言行的人;v. 模仿,戏弄 (mimicry n. 模仿;拟态)
poseur n. 装模作样的人
nonesuch n. 无匹敌的人
nonpareil adj./n. 无匹敌的(人)
bigot n. 心胸狭窄者;(宗教、政治等的)盲信者
counterpart n. 相对应或具有相同功能的人或物
extrovert n. 性格外向者
howler n. 嚎叫的人或动物;滑稽可笑的错误
nonentity n. 不重要之人或事
pest n. 讨厌的人或物;害虫
polyglot adj./n. 通晓多种语言的(人)
raconteur n. 善于讲故事的人
wag n. 诙谐幽默者(小丑);v. (狗尾巴等)摆动
3.1.15 驾乘者
cavalier n. 骑士,武士
equestrian n. 骑师;adj. 骑马的
groom n. 马夫;新郎
jockey n. 骑师;v. 用计谋获取
rider n. 骑手;附文,附件
mariner n. 水手,海员
nautical adj. 船员的,航海的
pilot n. 飞行员;领航员;领导人
3.1.14 居民,隐士
aboriginal n. 原始居民,土著
denizen n. 居民;外籍居民
inhabitant n. 居民;栖息的动物
resident n. 居民;adj. 定居的,常驻的
tenant n. 房客
hermit n. 隐士,修道者
recluse n. 隐士;adj. 隐居的
solitary n. 隐士;adj. 孤独的
2. 关键词。找到了逻辑关系之后,就抓住了解题的方向。在有了大的方向的情况下,找到关键词,便可以很快的解题了。
3. 练习与反思。如果没有时间大量的去练习,也至少应该花一部分的时间出来去反思做错的题目,是因为单词不会?还是逻辑没把握住?还是其它的原因。有反思,才有进步。盲目的努力,只是在给自己的失败找借口。
Although she admitted that her airport expansion plan had recently collapsed, the governor (i)___ the significance of the failure, pointing out that competing economic development proposals are now more (ii)___ .
Blank (i) Blank (i)
A. minimized D. tenuous
B. touted E. complicated
C. acknowledged F. important
尽管承认失败,但是 ___ 失败的意义,第一空多么朴素,多么单纯。这个空如果选错了,还是先去做基础题吧。
minimize 减少到最低程度,极度轻视、贬低 … 的价值或重要性
tout 兜售(货物),招揽(生意),刺探(消息等)(尤指刺探赛马比赛的内幕消息),极力劝说,再三请求
competing 竞争的。在句中指跟机场扩建方案竞争的那些方案。
tenuous 细长的,稀薄的,弱的,站不住脚的,不足采信或依靠的,浮夸的
It is possible for human to go 40 or more hours without sleep and still be able to (i)___ information acquired at the beginning of the sleepless period. Thus, when we are considering a role for sleep in human memory consolidation, we are referring to a possible role in the (ii)___ encoding of information and optimizing of recall, not a (iii)___ of sleep for recalling events of the prior day.
Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)
A. legitimate D. longer-term G. requirement
B. augment E. acute H. surplus
C. disgorge F. qualitative I. facet
原句翻译:人类有可能 40 小时或更长时间不睡,而且仍有可能忘记醒时最初接收的信息。因此,当我们仔细考虑睡眠在人类巩固记忆过程中的角色,我们讨论的是这样一种可能,即睡眠在其中发挥了更长期记忆的信息编码和优化的作用,并非一定会回想起前一天发生的事。
本题讨论的是睡眠的功能,我们平常熟悉 “ 日有所思,夜有所梦 ” 的说法,但题目旨在颠覆这种认知。句子认为,睡眠不是为了回忆白天发生的事,而是对以前发生的事做编码储存和优化的工作。所以才能解释第一句发生的,40 小时不睡,结果醒着的状态下最初发生的事开始不记得了,因为没睡觉,来不及编码储存,遗忘了。
难点在于第一句的 be able to,我们一般认为 able 指人的某种能力或天赋,但本句中的 be able to disgorge imformation 不是 有能力 忘记信息,而是有可能被迫地忘掉了本该记住的信息,它描述了一种可能,而不是一种能力(本句明显不是为了讨论遗忘对人的保护作用)。
legitimate 正式批准、授权,使合法,给予合法地位或资格
augment 扩大,增加,补充
disgorge 呕出,吐出,喷出,流出,被迫交出(如偷来的财物等)
acute 敏感的,敏锐的,尖锐的,严重的,关键的,剧烈的,急性(病)的,高音的,锐角的
qualitative 品质的,性质的
encode 编码
optimize 使最优化,充分利用
requirement 必需品,必要条件。在句中意译为 一定会发生的事 。
surplus 过剩的
facet 宝石或首饰的小平面,刻面,情况或问题的方面
recall 叫回,(企业因安全或质量原因)召回(产品),回想,恢复
Not only is the advent of bookless or largely bookless libraries too large and powerful a change to be ___ , it also offers too many real advantages for it to be considered a tragedy.
A. understood
B. averted
C. foreseen
D. forestalled
E. endured
F. anticipated
两个 too … to …,(因)过于 … 而不能 …,可以理解为广义的因果关系。
The advent of bookless or largely bookless libraries is not only a too large and powerful change to be ___ , it also offers …
anticipate也有预料,并事先做准备的意思,但它不同于avert / forestall,后二者都意味着提前下手(对宾语)做不利的事,而anticipate更多用于事先做准备(配合宾语)的情况。
avert 移开(目光)(不看某物),回避,防止,避免
forsee 预知,预见
forestall 抢在(别人)之前行动(以阻止或妨碍、排斥),先人一着,垄断(市场)
endure 容忍
anticipate 预料,期待,预感(要发生某事而提前配合或准备),抢先(于某人)做(某事)
tragedy 悲剧(事件、作品或理论),灾难性事件
Although men still dominate the ranks of full professors in the field of astronomy, the increasing numbers of younger women in the field could ___ a change in its gender mix.
A. require
B. alleviate
C. block
D. presage
E. portend
F. hinder
alleviate 减轻,缓和
block 阻碍,抑制,限制
presage 预示,预感,预知,预警
portend 预示,预告
它们固然可以帮助读者有效的缩小阅读量,甚至鼓励人完全忽视掉那些专业的细节,但这些技巧存在有共同的问题:只对讲解员所讲到的有限的文章适用。 改进的办法是发明不同的技巧去对应所有文章。
另一方面,做题的技巧倒是非常实用,不过,运用做题技巧的基本条件是知道题目考察的是文章的哪个位置;位置的确定也许不能只靠单纯阅读技巧来碰运气。 GRE文章是论证性文字,不是说明性文字,如电视机的说明书和校园简介,也不是叙述性文字,如长篇小说和短篇小说。GRE题目也总是以考论证结构为主。
例如,考主题和态度(包括写法型EXCEPT,考负评价的取非,从否定角度考核心内容的一般的EXCEPT);考特殊论证内容,如让步、对比;考句子在段落中的作用(in order to);考有哪些论据(论据列举);考论据中的特殊形式(泛指化)。
由此,新GRE阅读读文章最重要的是分析结构。分析结构是一种研究式的学习,在其要求下,我们的阅读方法是结构化阅读。 论证性文字一定是以论证为特点,这特点及于文章的各个层面:篇章-段落-句子-单词。
很多教材都介绍了很多阅读把握逻辑框架的技巧,比如not only后的跳过,but also后的重点读,however后的要重点度之类的。
我想大家不能盲目记这些技巧,最好要自己亲手总结,适合自己的,毕竟很多时候gre细节题考的都是一些要”跳过的“插入语,或者for example之后的东西。如果读的时候直接跳过了,就会有问题。其实这个读重点的方法是非常好的,however,不应该那么死记硬背的去用,要通过自己的总结,去形成一种直觉,什么后面的该读,什么后面的该快速扫过。大家可以在刚开始读文章时,细细的读每句话,读完后,理解了整篇文章,脑子里默想下文章的框架和主旨,是什么观点,是怎么论证的,有哪些重要的证据和性质,老观点弱在哪儿,等等然后回过头去,划出你认为是非读不可,不读就理解不了文章主旨的。而且只要读划下文字,就能达到同样快速理解文章主旨的效果。刚开始划,会发现划了很多句子。然后再做下一篇,划下一篇,等做了十篇左右,就会发现划出的文字越来越少了,自己也慢慢清楚了gre的文章套路,哪些是会考的,哪些可以忽略
举个例子:一般反驳老观点的文章,看到第一个词many people,就可以扫过这句找however了,因为however肯定是指出他的不足和他对比,通过however的观点,脑子里就可以推出many people 的观点,这样就可以扫过不少内容。
3.3.3 倾斜
askew v. 歪斜,弯曲;adj. 歪斜的
cant n. 斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话
careen v. (船)倾斜;使倾斜
declination n. 倾斜;衰微
lean v. 倾斜;斜靠;adj. 瘦骨嶙峋的
list v./n. 倾斜;(n. 名单,列表,倾侧,愿望)
lopsided adj. 倾向一方的,不平衡的
oblique adj. 斜的;间接的
skew adj. 歪斜的,不直的
slant v. 倾斜;n. 斜面;看法
tilt v. (使)倾斜;n. 倾斜,斜坡 (tilted adj. 倾斜的)
3.3.2 弯曲(弄直)
arch v. 使…成弓形;n. 拱门,拱形
askew v. 弯曲,歪斜;adj. 歪斜的
bend v. 弯曲;屈服
contort v. (使)扭曲;曲解 (contortion n. 扭曲,弯曲)
crook v. 使弯曲;n. 钩状物 (crooked adj. 弯曲的;不诚实的)
distort v. 扭曲,弄歪
warp v./n. 弯曲,翘起
zigzag n./adj. v. 弯弯曲曲地行进;之字形(的)
crouch v. 弯腰,蹲伏
grimace v./n. 面部扭曲,做鬼脸
meander v. 蜿蜒而流;漫步
sprain v. 扭伤
wiggle v. 扭动,蠕动
wrench v. 扭,拧;n. 扳钳,扳手
awry adj. 扭曲的,走样的
curvaceous adj. 曲线的;婀娜多姿的
devious adj. 弯曲的;不正直的
serpentine adj. 蜿蜒的,似蛇般绕曲的
sinuous adj. 蜿蜒的,迂回的
skew adj. 不直的,歪斜的
tortuous adj. 弯弯曲曲的
winding adj. 蜿蜒的,迂回的
flexible adj. 易弯曲的,灵活的
limber adj. 易弯曲的,敏捷的
lithe adj. 易弯曲的,柔软的
pliable adj. 易弯的,柔软的
pliant adj. 易弯的;易受影响的
supple adj. 伸屈自如的 (suppleness n. 柔软)
yielding adj. 弯曲自如的;柔顺的 (yield v. 产生;屈服)
circuitous adj. 迂回的,绕圈子的
circumlocutory adj. 迂回的,委婉曲折的
itinerant adj. 巡回的,流动的
periphrastic adj. 迂回的,冗赘的
roundabout adj. 转弯抹角的,绕远道的
sinuous adj. 迂回的,蜿蜒的
winding adj. 迂回的,蜿蜒的
unbend v. 弄直;放松
3.3.1 变形,塑造
aberration n. 变形;离开正路,脱离常轨
ductile adj. 易变形的;易拉长的;可塑的
malleable adj. 可塑的,易改变的
metamorphose v. 变形
cast v. 铸造;扔;n. 演员阵容;剧团
mold v. 塑造;n. 模子;[美]霉
molding n. 铸造物;装饰线条
recast v. 重铸;更换演员
chasten v. 磨炼;(通过惩罚而使坏习惯等)改正
forge v. 锤炼;伪造;n. 铁匠铺
temper v. 锤炼;缓和;n. 脾气
3.2.2 接触
contact n./v. 接触;互通信息
nudge v. (用肘)轻触,轻推
palpable adj. 可触知的,明显的 (palpate v. 用手触摸)
tactile adj. 有触觉的
tangible adj. 可触摸的
impalpable adj. 无法触及的;不易理解的
intangibility n. 不可接触,无形
intangible adj. 不可触摸的
★ 工程开工项目经理需掌握技术要点有哪些?
★ 托福综合写作备考难点和要点分析
★ 托福写作题库
★ 常用托福写作段子
★ 托福阅读提升要点分析
另外,阅读记忆力不止对阅读有用,对于一些题目较长的比如填空或者数学文字题来说也能起到很大作用。比如填空中的三空题,题目本身长度往往接近一篇短阅读,考生又需要同时兼顾三个空格中的选项保持整体意思的合理恰当,如果没有一定的记忆能力,填了这个空忘了前面或后面的一些关键要点,就很容易选错答案。数学中一些本身难度不高但文字表达特别复杂的WORD PROBLEM也是如此。总而言之,练好阅读记忆力,对于整场GRE考试的各类题型,都能起到一定的积极作用。
1. 用3.5分钟读完一篇文章。
2. 在文章每段结尾,一句话概括出该段主旨。
3. 读完全文后,浏览每段主旨,做好归纳总结。
4. 提炼并确定文章整体主旨。
1. 把刚才看过的文章翻页,暂时不去看。
2. 在纸上写下刚才的每段主旨和文章整体主旨。
1. 现在可以把文章翻回来重新看了。
2. 如果题目涉及到具体细节,比如某段某行中有关于特定内容的描述说明等,就马上定位到文章当中的相关部分找寻答案。
3. 如果不是细节题,就直接答题。
4. 能够确定答案的情况下果断答题并继续做后面的题。
5. 不能确定答案的话再回到文章里找,但要求迅速完成。
6. 如果在上一步中无法解答题目,那么就做个标记,猜个答案然后继续做题。
Since the Hawaiian Islands have never been connected to other land masses, the great variety of plants in Hawaii must be a result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds, a process that requires both a method of transport and an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area.
There is some dispute about the method of transport involved. Some biologists argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii. Yet the results of flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air currents cast doubt on these hypotheses. More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. While it is likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii externally than internally, more varieties are known to be adapted to external than to internal transport.
17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
(A) discussing different approaches biologists have taken to testing theories about the distribution of plants in Hawaii
(B) discussing different theories about the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii
(C) discussing the extent to which air currents are responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to Hawaii
(D) resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant seeds to bird transport
(E) resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to carry plant seeds long distances
18. The author mentions the results of flotation experiments on plant seeds (lines 10-12) most probably in order to
(A) support the claim that the distribution of plants in Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds
(B) lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii
(C) suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is a process that requires long periods of time
(D) challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii
(E) refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved independently from flora in other parts of the world
19. It can be inferred from information in the passage that the existence in alpine regions of Hawaii of a plant species that also grows in the southwestern United States would justify which of the following conclusions?
(A) The ecology of the southwestern United States is similar in important respects to the ecology of alpine regions of Hawaii.
(B) There are ocean currents that flow from the southwestern United States to Hawaii.
(C) The plant species discovered in Hawaii must have traveled from the southwestern United States only very recently.
(D) The plant species discovered in Hawaii reached there by attaching to the feathers of birds migrating from the southwestern United States.
(E) The plant species discovered in Hawaii is especially well adapted to transport over long distances.
20. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?
(A) Why does successful long-distance dispersal of plant seeds require an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area?
(B) Why are more varieties of plant seeds adapted to external rather than to internal bird transport?
(C) What varieties of plant seeds are birds that fly long distances most likely to swallow?
(D) What is a reason for accepting the long-distance dispersal of plant seeds as an explanation for the origin of Hawaiian flora?
(E) What evidence do biologists cite to argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii?
A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objectives, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view. According to Webb, England already had a military imperial policy for more than a century before the American Revolution. He sees Charles II, the English monarch between 1660 and 1685, as the proper successor of the Tudor monarchs of the sixteenth century and of Oliver Cromwell, all of whom were bent on extending centralized executive power over England’s possessions through the use of what Webb calls “garrison government.” Garrison government allowed the colonists a legislative assembly, but real authority, in Webb’s view, belonged to the colonial governor, who was appointed by the king and supported by the “garrison,” that is, by the local contingent of English troops under the colonial governor’s command.
According to Webb, the purpose of garrison government was to provide military support for a royal policy designed to limit the power of the upper classes in the American colonies. Webb argues that the colonial legislative assemblies represented the interests not of the common people but of the colonial upper classes, a coalition of merchants and nobility who favored self-rule and sought to elevate legislative authority at the expense of the executive. It was, according to Webb, the colonial governors who favored the small farmer, opposed the plantation system, and tried through taxation to break up large holdings of land. Backed by the military presence of the garrison, these governors tried to prevent the gentry and merchants, allied in the colonial assemblies, from transforming colonial America into a capitalistic oligarchy.
Webb’s study illuminates the political alignments that existed in the colonies in the century prior to the American Revolution, but his view of the crown’s use of the military as an instrument of colonial policy is not entirely convincing. England during the seventeenth century was not noted for its military achievements. Cromwell did mount England’s most ambitious overseas military expedition in more than a century, but it proved to be an utter failure. Under Charles II, the English army was too small to be a major instrument of government. Not until the war with France in 1697 did William III persuade Parliament to create a professional standing army, and Parliaments price for doing so was to keep the army under tight legislative control. While it may be true that the crown attempted to curtail the power of the colonial upper classes, it is hard to imagine how the English army during the seventeenth century could have provided significant military support for such a policy.
21. The passage can best be described as a
(A) survey of the inadequacies of a conventional viewpoint
(B) reconciliation of opposing points of view
(C) summary and evaluation of a recent study
(D) defense of a new thesis from anticipated objections
(E) review of the subtle distinctions between apparently similar views
22. The passage suggests that the view referred to in lines 1-7 argued that
(A) the colonial governors were sympathetic to the demands of the common people
(B) Charles II was a pivotal figure in the shift of English monarchs toward a more imperial policy in their governorship of the American colonies
(C) the American Revolution was generated largely out of a conflict between the colonial upper classes and an alliance of merchants and small farmers
(D) the military did not play a major role as an instrument of colonial policy until 1763
(E) the colonial legislative assemblies in the colonies had little influence over the colonial governors
23. It can be inferred from the passage that Webb would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding garrison government?
(A) Garrison government gave legislative assemblies in the colonies relatively little authority, compared to the authority that it gave the colonial governors.
(B) Garrison government proved relatively ineffective until it was used by Charles II to curb the power of colonial legislatures.
(C) Garrison government became a less viable colonial policy as the English Parliament began to exert tighter legislative control over the English military.
(D) Oliver Cromwell was the first English ruler to make use of garrison government on a large scale.
(E) The creation of a professional standing army in England in 1697 actually weakened garrison government by diverting troops from the garrisons stationed in the American colonies.
24. According to the passage, Webb views Charles II as the “proper successor” (line 13) of the Tudor monarchs and Cromwell because Charles II
(A) used colonial tax revenues to fund overseas military expeditions
(B) used the military to extend executive power over the English colonies
(C) wished to transform the American colonies into capitalistic oligarchies
(D) resisted the English Parliament’s efforts to exert control over the military
(E) allowed the American colonists to use legislative assemblies as a forum for resolving grievances against the crown
25. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author’s assertion in lines 54-58?
(A) Because they were poorly administered, Cromwell’s overseas military expeditions were doomed to failure.
(B) Because it relied primarily on the symbolic presence of the military, garrison government could be effectively administered with a relatively small number of troops.
(C) Until early in the seventeenth century, no professional standing army in Europe had performed effectively in overseas military expeditions.
(D) Many of the colonial governors appointed by the crown were also commissioned army officers.
(E) Many of the English troops stationed in the American colonies were veterans of other overseas military expeditions.
26. According to Webb’s view of colonial history, which of the following was (were) true of the merchants and nobility mentioned in line 30?
I. They were opposed to policies formulated by Charles II that would have transformed the colonies into capitalistic oligarchies.
II. They were opposed to attempts by the English crown to limit the power of the legislative assemblies.
III. They were united with small farmers in their opposition to the stationing of English troops in the colonies.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
27. The author suggests that if William III had wanted to make use of the standing army mentioned in line 52 to administer garrison government in the American colonies, he would have had to.
(A) make peace with France
(B) abolish the colonial legislative assemblies
(C) seek approval from the English Parliament
(D) appoint colonial governors who were more sympathetic to royal policy
(E) raise additional revenues by increasing taxation of large landholdings in the colonies
在整个GRE考试过程中,小编认为大家需要做一样工作,就是收集整理自己的 “阅读难句”,把所有文章中出现的我认为 “绕”的句子都收录下来,每天早上看20-30句。 对于那些文章后面问题牵涉到或问到的难句,更要highlight起来,并把文章的问题附在句子后面,认真学习。这样做的好处是学习如何以ETS的眼光在文章/句子中“抽丝剥茧”,“infer” 出答案,因为阅读的难题通常是 “infer” 题,而 “infer” 题的答案通常都藏在那些难句或 “闪烁其辞”的句子中。这样看多了,“infer”的能力也相应的提高了。 (Eg: This ability to quickly locate unseen prey suggests,according to the researchers,that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers。 à Infer --- The speed with which the anteaters located their prey is greater than what might be expected on the basis of chance alone.)
关于 “GRE阅读速度”,小编认为称之为 “理解速度”更贴切,看得再快,不理解,又有何用? 现在对于提升阅读速度比较主流的意见有两种,一种是快速读文章,然后答题1题1分钟;另一种是读文章不用太快,要边读边总结,然后答题时就容易些,更有把握些,通常也不用1分钟1题。大家可以自己尝试一下哪种方法更适合自己然后选择使用,前者对于时间的把握可能更精准一些,后者对文章main idea及结构理解得更好,准确率也高,尤其对于长文章比较适用。
3.15.4 接受,收回
decent adj. 可接受的,适当的;得体的
procurement n. 接收,获得
receipt n. 收到,接到;发票,收据 (receive v. 收到)
receptive adj. 善于接受的;从善如流的 (reception n. 接待,欢迎)
recipient n. 接受者,收受者
confiscate v. 没收;充公
expropriate v. 没收;充公
forfeit v. 被罚没收,丧失;n. 丧失物
recall v. 收回;回想,回忆起;n. 唤回
recede v. 收回(诺言),后退
retract v. 收回,缩回 (retraction n. 收回,缩回)
retrieve v./n. 取回,寻回;挽回(错误) (retrieval n. 取回,补偿)
sequestrate v. 没收,扣押
withdraw v. 收回,撤退;隐居
3.15.3 获得,继承
desirable adj. 值得要的
dislodge v. 取出,逐出
eviscerate v. 取出肠及内脏
inception n. 取得学位;开端,开始
inexhaustible adj. 取之不竭的,用不完的
obtainable adj. 能得到的 (obtain v. 得到)
preempt v. 以先买权取得;取代 (preemption n. 先买权)
procure v. 取得,获得
procurement n. 获得,接收
reap v. 收获,收割
reaper n. 收割者
snatch n./v. 攫取,强夺
surcharge v. 对…收取额外费用;n. 附加费
undeserved adj. 不应得的
asset n. 财产;可取之物
belongings n. 财产,所有物
demise n. 财产转让;死亡
esoteric adj. 秘传的;神秘的
heir n. 继承人 (heiress n. 女继承人)
heirloom n. 传家宝
hereditary adj. 祖传的,世袭的
inherit v. 继承
patrimony n. 祖传的财产
sequela n. 后继者;后遗症
3.15.2 分配,散布
allocate v. 配给,分配 (allocation n. 配给,分配)
dispense v. 分配,分发
distribute v. 分发,分配某事物 (distribution n. 分发,分送)
issue v. 发给,分发;出来,流出;n. (书刊的)期
mete v. 分配,给予;测量;n. 边界
quota n. 定额,配额
ration n. 定量配给;v. 配给
redistribution n. 重新分配
bruit v. 散布(谣言)
decentralize v. 分散,权力下放
disseminate v. 散布,传播
emanate v. 散发,发出,发源
emit v. 放射(光、热、味等) (emission n. 发出,发光;放射物)
intersperse v. 散布;点缀
permeate v. 扩散;渗透
pervade v. 弥漫,普及
strew v. 撒,散播
至于阅读,一直有一种说法,在阅读文章之前先阅读标题似乎可以节省很多时间,但事实上,这是最愚蠢的方式带着满腹的问题读这篇文章首先,gre阅读备考, gre备考要多久不要谈论你能记住多少问题首先,你的脑子里塞满了一堆东西在这种状态下阅读只会降低效率最后,你看不懂这篇文章你忘了所有的话题这是浪费时间正确的方法是先读全文仔细阅读整篇文章,在此基础上解决问题,我没有快速阅读,反而什么都不记得了。
GRE阅读:Mary Barton
Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working-class homes. Her method is partly documentary in nature: the novel includes such features as a carefully annotated reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea party, an itemized description of the furniture of the Bartons’ living room, and a transcription (again annotated) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver.” The interest of this record is considerable, even though the method has a slightly distancing effect.
As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact. But there is genuine imaginative re-creation in her accounts of the walk in Green Heys Fields, of tea at the Bartons’ house, and of John Barton and his friend’s discovery of the starving family in the cellar in the chapter “Poverty and Death.” Indeed, for a similarly convincing re-creation of such families’ emotions and responses (which are more crucial than the material details on which the mere reporter is apt to concentrate), the English novel had to wait 60 years for the early writing of D. H. Lawrence. If Gaskell never quite conveys the sense of full participation that would completely authenticate this aspect of Mary Barton, she still brings to these scenes an intuitive recnition of feelings that has its own sufficient conviction.
The chapter “Old Alice’s History” brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. The account of Job Legh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of bioly, vividly embodies one kind of response to an urban industrial environment: an affinity for living things that hardens, by its very contrast with its environment, into a kind of crankiness. The early chapters—about factory workers walking out in spring into Green Heys Fields; about Alice Wilson, remembering in her cellar the twig-gathering for brooms in the native village that she will never again see; about Job Legh, intent on his impaled insects—capture the characteristic responses of a generation to the new and crushing experience of industrialism. The other early chapters eloquently portray the development of the instinctive cooperation with each other that was already becoming an important tradition among workers.
13.1. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward Gaskell’s use of the method of documentary record in Mary Barton?
(A) Uncritical enthusiasm
(B) Unresolved ambivalence
(C) Qualified approval
(D) Resigned acceptance
(E) Mild irritation
13.2. According to the passage, Mary Barton and the early novels of D. H. Lawrence share which of the following?
(A) Depiction of the feelings of working-class families
(B) Documentary objectivity about working-class circumstances
(C) Richly detailed description of working-class adjustment to urban life
(D) Imaginatively structured plots about working-class characters
(E) Experimental prose style based on working-class dialect
13.3. Which of the following is most closely analous to Job Legh in Mary Barton, as that character is described in the passage?
(A) An entomolist who collected butterflies as a child
(B) A small-town attorney whose hobby is nature photraphy
(C) A young man who leaves his family’s dairy farm to start his own business
(D) A city dweller who raises exotic plants on the roof of his apartment building
(E) A union organizer who works in a textile mill under dangerous conditions
13.4. It can be inferred from examples given in the last paragraph of the passage that which of the following was part of “the new and crushing experience of industrialism” (lines 46-47) for many members of the English working class in the nineteenth century?
(A) Extortionate food prices
(B) Geraphical displacement
(C) Hazardous working conditions
(D) Alienation from fellow workers
(E) Dissolution of family ties
13.5. It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes that Mary Barton might have been an even better novel if Gaskell had
(A) concentrated on the emotions of a single character
(B) made no attempt to re-create experiences of which she had no firsthand knowledge
(C) made no attempt to reproduce working-class dialects
(D) grown up in an industrial city
(E) managed to transcend her position as an outsider
13.6. Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase “this aspect of Mary Barton” in line 29 without changing the meaning of the passage as a whole?
(A) the material details in an urban working-class environment
(B) the influence of Mary Barton on lawrence’s early work
(C) the place of Mary Barton in the development of the English novel
(D) the extent of the poverty and physical suffering among England’s industrial workers in the 1840’s
(E) the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters
13.7. The author of the passage describes Mary Barton as each of the following EXCEPT:
(A) insightful
(B) meticulous
(C) vivid
(D) poignant
(E) lyrical
(1) General Understanding:
A. Main Idea or Point
B. Lical Development or Organization
(2) Specific Understanding:
A. Specific Details
B. Lical Details(细节中最为重要的东西,也是最需要我们在读文章时思考和掌握的细节)。
(3) Evaluating:
A. Implication
B. Further application