
2024-06-29 版权声明 我要投稿


过去分词定语状语练习 篇1


1.Generally speaking, _____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A.when taking

B.when taken C.when to take

D.when to be taken 2.In order to make our city green, ______.A.it is necessary to have planted more trees

B.many more trees need to plant

C.our city needs more trees

D.we must plant more trees 3.He sent me an e-mail, ______ to get further information.A.hoped


C.to hope

D.hope 4.____Will you go to the ball?

____No.Even if ______, I won’t.A.invited


C.not invited

D.not inviting 6.And there, almost ______ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.A.having lost


C.to be lost

D.lost 7.In order not to be disturbed(打扰), I spent three days ______ in my study.A.locking


C.to lock

D.lock 8.She’s writing a letter to a fried of hers, ______ him to attend the party.A.having invited


C.to invite

D.invited 9.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, ______ a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.A.reached


C.to reach

D.to be reaching 10.He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.A.noting


C.to note

D.having noted 11.He hurried to the station only ______ that the train had left.A.to find



D.to have found 12.______ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.A.Put


C.Having put

D.Being put 13._______ in a while uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A.Dressed

B.To dress


D.Having dressed 14.______ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A.Having lost


C.Being lost

D.Losing 15.______ to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, ______, an English teacher for a ten-year-girl.A.Determined;wanted



D.Determining;wanting 16.______ in 1963, and ______ in Philadelphia, Charles Pettigrew so impressed his teachers that he was sent to Bark lee School to study Jazz.A.Being born;having raised


A.to prepare



D.was preparing 35._____ down the radio.The baby’s asleep in the next room.A.Turning

B.To turn


D.Turn 36.When _____ the letter, tears came to her eyes.A.read


C.she reading

D.she was reading 37._____ another chance and we’ll do it better than before.A.Give

B.To give


D.Give us 38.Though _____ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A.lacked

B.lacking of


D.lacked in 39._____ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.A.Given

B.To give


D.Having given 40.The gift, _____ as a surprise for her mother, was lost in the mail.A.intended

B.to be intended


D.being intended 41._____ what you said you should be punished.A.Judging from

B.Judged from

C.Being judged

D.To judge from 42.The little girl, ____ at the examination results, stood there without saying a word.A.disappointing



D.disappointment 43.“We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, _____ out of the window.A.looking

B.to look


D.having looked 44._____ from a distance, the mountain looks like an elephant.A.Having seen

B.Having been seen


D.Seen 45._____ in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today.A.Though it written

B.Tough written

C.It was written

D.Written it was 46._____ to make a speech, he said he would be glad to.A.When asked

B.when asking

C.When he asking

D.When to ask 47.All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if _____ a pre-school for me.A.chose


C.they choose

D.choosing 48.The thief _____, they were happy to shout loudly.A.was caught



D.having caught 49.The boy came in, _____ by his little dog.A.follow



D.to follow 50._____ on the sofa, the little girl was reading a picture book attentively.A.Sat



D.Seated 51._____ all the guests, he made a short speech.A.Seating


C.Having seated

D.To seat

过去分词作状语 篇2


1.表示时间。相当于一个时间状语从句,有时候前面也可以加when, while强调时间概念。如:

Questioned about the murder, he came tense. (=when he was questioned about ...) 当问到关于谋杀的事情时,他紧张起来。

After many times, I told him the rescue. (=After/when I had been asked many times, ...) 当被问过多次后,我告诉了他结果。


Kicked out from this company, he would find a new job. (=If he were kicked out from ...) 如果他被公司解雇了,他得找个新工作。

3. 表示原因。相当于一个原因状语从句。如:

Deeply moved by the story, the children began to cry. (=As they were deeply moved ...) 由于被故事深深打动,孩子们都哭了起来。

4. 表示伴随情况。

She walked out of the house, followed by her little daughter. (= ... , and she was followed by her little daughter.) 她走出房子,女儿跟在后面。

He turned away and disappointed. (= He turned away and was disappointed.) 他转过身,非常失望。

5. 表示让步

Beaten by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged and practised even harder. (= Although they were beaten by ...) 虽然被对手战胜了,但是队员们毫不气馁,加倍练习。



误:Seeing on the top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.

正:Seen on the top of the mountains, the city looks more beautiful.

(若改为条件状语从句则为: If it is seen ...)



误:Once to be begun, the project won’t be changed.

正:Once begun, the project will never be changed. (=Once it is begun, ...)

误:If to be given more money, I’ll solve the problem.

正:If given more money, I’ll solve the problem.(=If I am give more money, ...)


过去分词作状语,相当于对应的状语从句,不可再用but, so, and, so, or, 否则重复。

误:Laughed at by everyone, but he had my sympathy.

正:Laughed at by everyone, he had my sympathy. (=Though he was laughed at by everyone, ...)

误:Known to all, so he was recognized very easily.

正:Known to all, he was recognized very easily. (=Because/As/Since he was recognized very easily)



误:No matter how well translated, we don’t like the poem.

正:No matter how well the poem translated, we don’t like it. (=No matter how well the poem is/has/been translated)

正:No matter how well translated, the poem is not liked by us.

注意 习惯表达插入起评注说明的作用,用法固定,不必考虑逻辑上的关系。如:Generally speaking, considering, supposing that, seeing that(鉴于)等。

Generally speaking, men can run faster than women. 一般说来,男人比女人跑得快。

Considering everything, it wasn’t a bad holiday. 考虑到各种情况,这次假日过得不错。


1. (被咬伤两次后), the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained(锁住) our dog. (bite)

2. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, (和……比起来) with his old one. (compare)

3. (给予更多的帮助), he’ll make greater progress in English. (give)

4. (如果被好好治疗的话), it may take him a while to recover from the operation. (treat)

5. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie (被老板提问) at the meeting. (question)


1. Bitten twice

2. compared

3. Given more help

4. If he is treated well

过去分词作状语教学设计 篇3

V-ed form as adverbials


Teaching aim: Help the students to grasp the key rules to use the ed-form.Teachering method:

From example to theory.Teaching process: Activity one: 用过去分词短语代替每个句子中的从句

1.Because he was born in a poor family, he had only two years of schooling.Born in a poor family, he had only two yeas of schooling.2.Because they were encouraged greatly, they worked even harder.Encouraged greatly, they worked even harder.3.When they are looked at from a distance, the hills resemble a sleeping woman.Looked at from a distance, the hills resemble a sleeping woman.4.If he will be given another chance, he will do better.Given another chance , he will do better.5.If these flowers had been given better attention, they could have have grown better.Given better attention, these flowers could have grown better.6.Although he was tired, he went on working.Although tired, he went on working.用从句代替过去分词短语

 Born in a poor family, he had only two yeas of schooling.(原因)

 Looked at from a distance, the hills resemble a sleeping woman.(时间) Given another chance , he will do better.(条件)

 Given better attention, these flowers could have grown better.(条件) Although tired, he went on working.Conclusion one(结论一): V-ed form can be used as adverbials of time, reason, condition, concession.过去分词短语在句子中可充当时间、原因、条件、让步状语,相当于时间、原因、条件、让步状语从句。

GUESS :V-ed作什么状语:

Given another chance, he will do better.条件

Seen from the top of the hill , the city looked like a big garden.时间 Laughed at by many people, he continued his study.让步

Devoted to work, he paid little attention to the world around him.原因

Activity two: 基础训练

1.____ more attention, the tree could have grown better.A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given 2.The computer center, ____ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A.open B.being opened C.having opened D.opened 3.____ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose 4.The plan is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done to change it.A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun 5.____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered 6.Though ____ of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.A.warning B.to warn C.warn D.warned 7.____, they ran out of the room.A.Being excited and happily B.Exciting and happy C.Exciting and happily D.Excited and happy 8.Prices of daily goods ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A.are bought B.bought C.been bought D.buying 9.If ____ green,the door might look more beautiful.A.paint B.painted C.painting D.to paint 10.Unless ____ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited(Because he was)lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.Though(he was)warned of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.TIP ONE: 当状语从句的主语与句子的主语一致,且谓语动词是系动词时,常省略从句主谓语,用过去分词作状语。

If invited, I will go to her party.When heated, water changes its form.Although tired, he went on working.TIP TWO: 过去分词短语作状语时,必要时前面可加连词when, if, once, though, unless等,以表明作何种状语 提升训练 GROUP 1 A.Seen B.Seeing C.To see D.Being seen *1._______ from the top of the hill, the city was very beautiful.*2._______ from the top of the hill, we managed to get to the summit.*3._______ from the top of the hill ,we found the city very beautiful.2 GROUP 2 A.Compare B.Compared C.Comparing D.To compare * 1._______ the two countries, you will find they are similar in many ways.* 2._______ the two countries, and you will find they are similar in many ways.* 3._______ with English, Chinese has more learners.GROUP 3 A.To repair B.repairing C.Being repaired D.Having repaired E.Having been repaired *1._______ this road already, the workers went to the next construction site.*2._______ this road before the deadline, the workers have to work day and night.*3._______ ,this road is not available at present.*4._______ ,this road is now available again.*5.The workers are working day and night, _______ the road.Conclusion two(结论二): 做此类题一要把握句意;二要考虑句子主语与非谓语动词的主被动关系。做状语的非谓语动词形式



与谓语动词 的先后关系

to do 主动、将来的 在谓动之后发生

doing 主动、进行 与谓动同时发生

done being done having done having been done

被动、完成 被动、进行 主动、完成 被动、完成

在谓动之前发生 与谓动同时发生 在谓动之前发生 在谓动之前发生

SUMMARY OF THIS CLASS(本课总结)Conclusion one(结论一): 过去分词短语可充当时间、原因、条件、让步状语,相当于时间、原因、条件、让步等状语从句。

过去分词和现在分词专项练习 篇4

1.____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.A.To see B.Seeing C.Having seen D.Being seen

2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth.I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ____.A.fix B.fixing C.fixed D.to fix 3.We’re ___ to listen to her ____ voice.It’s ___ to hear her sing.A.pleased;pleasing;pleasure

B.pleased;pleasant;a pleasure C.pleasing;pleased;a pleasure D.pleasing;pleasant;pleasure 4.___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps.A.Passed, buying B.Passing, to buy C.Having passed, buy D.Pass, to buy

5.____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.Comparing B.To compare C.Compared D.Having compared 6.Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings.A.designing B.design C.designed D.to design

7.____a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved

8.The teacher came into the classroom ____by his students.A.following B.to be following C.followed D.having followed 9.With the money ___, he couldn’t buy any ticket.A.to lose B.losing C.lost D.has lost

10.There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____.A.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear 11.The result of the test was rather _____.A.disappointed B.disappointing C.being disappointed D.disappoint

12.I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.A.use B.used C.using D.being used

13._____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.A.Not to know B.Not knowing C.Knowing not D.Not known 14.Deeply __, I thanked her again and again.A.being moving B.moved C.moving D.to be moved 15.With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.A.came B.comes C.come D.coming

16.____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.A.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown

17.He went from door to door, ____waste papers and magazines.A.gathering B.gathered C.gather D.being gathered

18.The student corrected his paper carefully, ____the professor’s suggestions.A.follow B.following C.followed D.being followed 19.The ___price will save you one dollar for each dozen.A.reduce B.reducing C.reduced D.reduces

20.People ____in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.A.live B.to live C.lived D.living

21.The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn’t make his point ___.A.understand B.understanding C.to understand D.understood 22.The scientists were waiting to see the problem ______.A.settle B.settled C.to settle D.settling

23.The library’s study room is full of students _____for the exam.A.busily prepared B.busy preparing C.busily prepare D.are busily preparing

24.The ground is _____with ____ leaves.A.covering, falling B.covered, falling C.covered, fallen D.covering, fallen

25.Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning

26.The wallet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building。A.stolen, hidden B.stealing, hiding C.stealing, hidden D.stolen, hiding

27.A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.A.to learn, to forget B.learning, to forget C.to learn, forgetting D.learning, forgetting

28.___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced

29.The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.A.coming to B.going to C.leading to D.turning to

30.Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.A.consider B.considering C.considered D.be considered

31.___many times, he still couldn’t understand.A.Having been told B.Having told C.He having been told D.Telling

32.The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____her two sons.A.to support B.supporting C.supported by D.having supported

33.China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9.6 million square kilometres.A.to cover B.covered C.covers D.covering

34.____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surprising

35.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added

36.“Can you read?” Mary said ____to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing

37._____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.A.Writing B.Having written C.Written D.Being written

38.Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ? A.fright B.frightening C.frightened D.frighten

39.Properly _____with numbers, the books can be easily found.A.marked B.mark C.to mark D.marking

40.The child sat in the dentist’s chair ____.A.tremble B.trembling C.trembled D.to trembled

41.At this moment the bell rang, _____the end of class.A.announce B.announcing C.announced D.to announce 42.He walked down the hills, ____softly to himself.A.sing B.singing C.sung D.to sing

43.I had to shout to make myself _____ above the noise.A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to hear

44.The graduating students are busy ___material for their reports.A.collect B.to collect C.collected D.collecting

45.The cars ____in Beijing are as good as those ____in Shanghai.A.produce, produce B.produced, produced C.produced, producing D.producing, producing

46.When I came in, I saw Dr.Li _____a patient.A.examine B.examining C.to examine D.examined

47.____a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

48.____a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

49.He wrote a letter to me _____that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed

50.He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____about what’s going on in the world.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed II.用适当的非谓语动词形式填空

1.She caught the student _______(cheat)in exams.2.When I got there, I found him _________(repair)farm tools.3.When I got there, I found the farm tools _______.(repair)4.Just then he heard someone _______(call)for help.5.He worked so hard that he got his pay ______.(raise)6.The missing boys were last seen _______(play)near the river.7.___________(compare)with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.8.The workers had the machines _______(run)all night long to finish the work on time.9.People in the south have their houses ______(make)of bamboo.10._______(lose)in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.1.(江西卷22)_____ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into the international stars.A.Giving B.Having given C.To give D.Given

2.(江西卷34)The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A.forced B.forcing C.to be forced D.having forced

3.(辽宁卷22)When we visited my old family home, memory came______ back.A.flooding B.to flood C.flood D.flooded 4.(辽宁卷27), you need to give all you have and try your best.A Being a winner B To be a winner C Be a winner D Having been a winner 5.(湖南卷21)Every evening after dinner, if not from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.A.being tired B.tiring C.tired D.to be tired

6.(湖南卷25)At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, in a small apartment near Boston and ______ what to do about his future.A.living;wondering




7.(湖南卷29)Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it.A.reusing B.reused C.reuses D.to be reused

8.(山东卷22)We are invited to a party _______in our club next Friday.A.to be held B.held C.being held D.holding 9.(山东卷25)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ___ rising steadily since1990.A.is B.are C.has been D.have been

10.(重庆卷29)With the world changing fast, we have something new _______with all by ourselves every day.A.deal B.dealt C.to deal D.dealing 11.(北京卷27)The way the guests ___ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.A.treated B.were treated C.would treat D.would be treated 12.(北京卷28)All of them try to use the power of the workstation ___ information in a more effective way.A.presenting B.presented C.being presented D.to present 13.(北京卷34)____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.A.Being bitten B.Bitten C.Having bitten D.To be bitten 14.(天津卷4)__ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.A.Competing B.Having completed C.To have completed D.To complete 15.(天津卷9)_____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.A.Being encouraged B.Encouraging C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged 16.(浙江卷3)_____ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.A.To be tried B.Tired C.Tiring D.Being tired

17.(浙江卷7)There is a great deal of evidence that music activities engage different parts of the brain.A.indicate B.indicating C.to indicate D.to be indicating

18.(全国卷II 6)It is often ___that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.A.said B.to say C.saying D.being said 19(重庆卷25.)Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ____with his old one.A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared 20.(四川卷2)He told us whether ___a picnic was still under discussion A.to have B.having C.have D.had 21.(四川卷4)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ____ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat 22.(四川卷10)________ many times, he finally understood it.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told 23.(江苏卷26)Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the

number hired last year, _____ reduce unemployment pressures.A.help B.to have helped C.to help D.having helped

24.(江苏卷32)Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.A.Attend B.To attend C.Attending D.Having attended 25.(全国卷I 30)The children all turned the famous actress as the entered the classroom.A.looked at B.to look at C.to looking at D.look at 26.(全国卷I 35)Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions____ ? A.taking B.take C.taken D.to take 27.(福建卷32 not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.A.Reminding B.Reminded C.To remind D.Having reminded 28.(福建卷34)In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, ____the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.A.marking B.marked C.having marked D.being marked 29.(全国卷II 16)They use computers to keep the traffic ______ smoothly.A.being run B.run C.to run D.running 30.(陕西卷12)I still remember to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.A to take B to be taken C taking D being taken 08 1.(全国I卷26)I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good ____.A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed 2.(安徽卷30)__ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.A.To walk.B.Walking C.Walked D.Having walked 3.(福建卷22)___ in the queen for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.A.Waiting B.To wait

过去分词定语状语练习 篇5

Created By Liusir 高二英语过去分词和现在分词专项练习

1.____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.A.To see B.Seeing C.Having seen D.Being seen

2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth.I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ____.country life.A.live B.to live C.lived D.living

21.The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn’t make his point ___.A.understand B.understanding C.to understand D.understood

22.The scientists were waiting to see the problem ______.A.fix B.fixing C.fixed D.to fix

3.We’re __ to listen to her __ voice.It’s _ to hear her sing.A.pleased;pleasing;pleasure B.pleased;pleasant;a pleasure

C.pleasing;pleased;a pleasure D.pleasing;pleasant;pleasure

4.___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps.A.Passed, buying

B.Passing, to buy C.Having passed, buy D.Pass, to buy

5.____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.Comparing B.To compare C.Compared D.Having compared

6.Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings.A.designing B.design C.designed D.to design 7.____a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved

8.The teacher came into the classroom___ by his students.A.following B.to be following C.followed D.having followed 9.With the money ___, he couldn’t buy any ticket.A.to lose B.losing C.lost D.has lost

10.There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____.A.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear 11.The result of the test was rather _____.A.disappointed B.disappointing C.being disappointed D.disappoint

12.I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.A.use B.used C.using D.being used

13._____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.A.Not to know B.Not knowing C.Knowing not D.Not known

14.Deeply __, I thanked her again and again.A.being moving B.moved C.moving D.to be moved

15.With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.A.came B.comes C.come D.coming

16.____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.A.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown 17.He went from door to door, ____waste papers and magazines.A.gathering B.gathered C.gather D.being gathered

18.The student corrected his paper carefully, ____the professor’s suggestions.A.follow B.following C.followed D.being followed

19.The ___price will save you one dollar for each dozen.A.reduce B.reducing C.reduced D.reduces

20.People ____in the city do not know the pleasure of

A.settle B.settled C.to settle D.settling

23.The library’s study room is full of students_____ for the exam.A.busily prepared B.busy preparing

C.busily prepare D.are busily preparing

24.The ground is _____with ____ leaves.A.covering, falling B.covered, falling C.covered, fallen

D.covering, fallen

25.Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning

26.The wallet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building。

A.stolen, hidden

B.stealing, hiding C.stealing, hidden D.stolen, hiding

27.A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.A.to learn, to forget

B.learning, to forget C.to learn, forgetting

D.learning, forgetting

28.___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced

29.The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.A.coming to B.going to C.leading to D.turning to

30.Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.A.consider B.considering C.considered D.be considered 31.___many times, he still couldn’t understand.A.Having been told B.Having told C.He having been told D.Telling 32.The old sick lady entered the hospital, __her two sons.A.to support B.supporting C.supported by D.having supported

33.China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9.6 million square kilometers.A.to cover B.covered C.covers D.covering

34.____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surprising

35.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added

36.“Can you read?” Mary said ____to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed

D.and angrily pointing

37._____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.A.Writing B.Having written C.Written D.Being written 38.Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ?


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39.Properly ______with numbers, the books can be easily found.A.marked B.mark C.to mark D.marking

40.The child sat in the dentist’s chair ____.A.tremble B.trembling C.trembled D.to trembled

41.At this moment the bell rang, _____the end of class.A.announce B.announcing C.announced D.to announce 42.He walked down the hills, ____softly to himself.A.sing



D.to sing

43.I had to shout to make myself _____ above the noise.A.heard



D.to hear

44.The graduating students are busy ___material for their reports.A.collect B.to collect C.collected D.collecting

45.The cars ____in Beijing are as good as those ____in Shanghai.A.produce, produce

B.produced, produced C.produced, producing

D.producing, producing

46.When I came in, I saw Dr.Li _____a patient.A.examine B.examining C.to examine D.examined

47.____a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

48.____a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

49.He wrote a letter to me _____that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed

50.He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____about what’s going on in the world.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed


1.She caught the student _______(cheat)in exams.2.When I got there, I found him _____(repair)farm tools.3.When I got there, I found the farm tools _______.(repair)

4.Just then he heard someone _______(call)for help.5.He worked so hard that he got his pay ______.(raise)

6.The missing boys were last seen ___(play)near the river.7.___________(compare)with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.8.The workers had the machines _______(run)all night long to finish the work on time.9.People in the south have their houses_________(make)of bamboo.10._______(lose)in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.III.单项选择

1.The prisoner(罪犯),____ the guard and run away, was caught the next days.A killed

B killing

C having killed

D being killed by 2.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless______ every day.(2007四川高考)

A watered

B watering C water

D to water

3.He is a student at Oxford University,_____ for a degree in

computer science.(2007北京高考卷)

A studied

B studying C to have study D to be studying 4.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,______ in the natural light during the day.A to let

B letting

C let D having let

5.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work_____, he gladly accepted it.A finished

B finishing C having finished D was finished.6.____in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A Having lost

B Lost

C Being lost

D Losting 7.Whether you believe it or not, it is _____ that cause you illness.A because of your overweight B you are so overweight C because you are overweihgt D your being overweight 8.All flights______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.A had been canceled

B have been canceled

C having been canceled

D being canceled

9._____ the old houses, they built a beautiful garden in that area.A Pulled down

B Having pulled down

C Pulling down

D To pull down Thousands of people have been moving to Shenzhen since 1992, its population_____ to over 10,000,000.A increasing

B increased

C has increased D has been increased

11.Studies show the electronic devices people have made use of_ music may be causing hearing loss in many people.A enjoy

B to enjoy

C enjoying D enjoyed 12.______, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed.A Vegetable cooked too long B Cooked too long

C Cooking too long

D Vegetables cooking too long 13.The schoolboys and schoolgirls are walking along the street,_______ a small red cap.A each of them has

B they each have

C every wears

D each wearings.14.Taiwan-borned filmmaker Ang Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78 Academy Awards,____ the highest honor in American movie fields.A to consider

B considering

C consider D considered

15.______ the public schools with the private school, the guide book gives us a clear idea about the differences between them.A Having compared

B considered

C To compare

D To be compared.高二英语过去分词和现在分词专项练习

Created By Liusir 【试题答案】

I.1—5 BCBBC 6—10 CDCCC 11—15BBBBD 16—20 DABCD 21—25DBBCC 26—30 ACDCC 31—35ACDBC 36—40ABCAB 41—45BBADB 46—50BABBC II.1.cheating 2.repairing 3.repaired 4.calling 5.raised 6.playing 7.Compared 8.running 9.made10.Lost



过去分词做定语用法阐释 篇6

(1) 过去分词用作前置定语:若是单个的过去分词或只带副词修饰的单个过去分词做定语, 通常置于所修饰的名词前,此时过去分词具有形容词的特点,侧重状态和比较永久的特点。

例如:a broken window 一扇坏了的窗户;a recently?built house 最近建造的一所房子

We need more experienced teachers. 我们需要更多有经验的老师。


例如:Do you know the number of the books ordered? 你知道订购了多少书吗?

Money spent is more than money earned. 入不敷出。

(2) 过去分词用作后置定语:若是过去分词短语做定语, 则通常置于被修饰的名词之后。此时过去分词既有形容词的特征,又有动词的特点,但主要突出动词的特征,且不像前置定语那样具有永久性的特点。做后置定语的过去分词一般都带有修饰语或其他成分,在语法上相当于一个定语从句。

例如: Well talk about the problem discussed(= that / which was discussed) at the meeting yesterday. 我们将谈谈昨天会议上讨论的问题。

(3) 过去分词也可用作非限制性定语,前后用逗号隔开,相当于一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。

例如:The books, written by Lu Xun (= which were written by Lu Xun), are popular with many Chinese people. 这些书是鲁迅写的,受到了许多中国人的喜爱。

The meeting, attended by one thousand students(= which was attended by one thousand students), was a great success. 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千名学生出席。

(4) 过去分词做定语与所修饰的词之间存在两种关系:一是及物动词表示被动或完成意义(有时也表示没有一定的时间性);二是不及物动词只表示完成意义,不表被动。

(5) 过去分词做定语与定语从句的关系。

过去分词做定语相当于一个由which, that或who引导的定语从句。若过去分词是及物动词可以改为动词为被动形式的定语从句;如果过去分词是不及物动词则可以改为动词为完成式或动词为表示状态的定语从句。

例如:Whats the language spoken(= which is spoken)in Germany? 德国说什么语言?

Most of the guests invited(=who were invited) to the evening party were college students. 应邀参加晚会的客人大多数是大学生。

a retired worker (= a worker who has retired) 一名退休工人

a returned soldier (= a soldier who has returned) 一位返乡的士兵

(6) 过去分词、现在分词一般式的被动式和动词不定式一般式的被动式做定语的区别:


The meeting held yesterday was very important. 昨天开的会很重要。

The meeting being held now is very important. 现在正在开的会议很重要。

The meeting to be held tomorrow is very important. 明天要召开的会议很重要。


1. After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope ________. (2012山东卷)

A. providing

B. provided

C. having provided

D. provide

2. Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of our company. (2012重庆卷)

A. to be made

B. being made

C. made

D. having been made

3. “Its such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table ________ for customers. (2012浙江卷)

A. to be reserved

B. having reserved

C. reserving

D. reserved

4. The club, ________ 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members. (2012上海卷)

A. founded

B. founding

C. being founded

D. to be founded

5. Cleaning women in big cities usually get ________ by the hour.

A. pay

B. paying

C. paid

D. to pay

6. A great number of students ________said they were forced to practice the piano.

A. to question

B. to be questioned

C. questioned

D. questioning
