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1. 有利于促进智力发展。
舞蹈主要是依靠肢体动作来表达内心情感和活动的一种运动, 因此很适合爱表演、好动的孩子来学习。孩子们在节奏感强的音乐和娱乐中就完成了和事物之间的深入沟通。舞蹈的基本动作为一门无声的言语, 就日常生活的教育问题上, 孩子们常常根据充分的想象以及思考来基于舞蹈动作展现自身内部感情。当然, 这类舞蹈的动作可以深入刺激和引导孩子们进入更为充分的思考, 进而拓展他们创新思维。
2. 有益于养成优秀的团体意识和坚强的意志。
少儿舞蹈无论是排练还是演出一般都是多人参加, 要求整齐划一的动作和协调统一的舞蹈安排。这往往会被理解为舞蹈形式整体美观的典型。所以, 在孩子们的舞蹈展示中, 如果一个孩子发生错误, 便会影响整体的不和谐, 甚至深入影响整体的和谐美。因此通过舞蹈训练, 可以引导孩子建立自律意识, 主动地帮助和关怀他人, 培育他们良好的团体归属感。
少儿舞蹈在引导和鼓励孩子们形成开朗活泼的性格方面拥有极为重要的影响。尤其是现代社会家庭独生子女众多, 很多的孩子普遍存在家长溺爱现象, 与外部环境交往不多, 特别是在集体场合通常会显得较为胆怯、固执、娇气等, 不轻易接受他人的建议。舞蹈形式的集体活动展示拥有与人们进行实时沟通交流的特点, 在教学过程中, 老师要能够借助舞蹈的外向性特点, 引导孩子身临其境地表演, 鼓励孩子们多和舞伴互相感受, 进而相互帮助。通过参与多次的舞蹈训练、舞台展示以及团体活动, 很多孩子都转变了过去胆小怯懦、自私独立的错误心理, 拓展了视野, 强化了信心, 这有益于养成开放外向的性格。
3. 有利提高少儿身体素质, 美化形体与气质。
舞蹈一般被认为锻炼人体的骨骼和形体的最好的训练方式。它可以通过协调性动作训练来提高人体各部分的柔韧性和协调性, 从而达到增强体能, 锻炼身体素质的目的。也可以进一步帮助孩子纠正一些诸如驼背弯腰等不良的姿势和习惯。坚持一段时间的训练, 这种习惯, 就能被有效彻底地纠正。和没受过舞蹈训练的孩子相比较, 受过舞蹈训练的孩子, 在仪态、举止上有很大的优势, 这种形体优势, 又会使他们自我感觉良好, 自信乐观。经过舞蹈训练的少儿, 能让人感受到挺拔向上、大方活泼的形体和开朗美好的气质。
舞蹈是通过调动人体姿态、表情、内心情感等多种心理和生理机能的艺术表现形式, 可以为孩子们提供和构筑富于童心的审美欣赏与审美创造空间。可通过舞蹈的具体形象来认识缤纷的世界。在教育观念中, 我们强调今天的教育轨道必须由原来应试教育向素质教育转轨, 我们应当加大力度推广普及少儿舞蹈教育的特殊作用和意义, 用科学合理的教育方法培养出外形与内质并存的优势新一代。
第一, 健康、积极向上的物质环境。其作为一种硬性环境, 在少儿的舞蹈训练中起着更为重要的作用。这种环境主要指的是两边用来基础训练的把杆以及宽大明亮的面镜。一般而言, 青少年宫是进行少儿舞蹈训练和展示少儿舞蹈优秀作品的绝佳舞台, 不仅可以使孩子在愉快的环境中完成舞蹈学习, 还能够提升他们对舞蹈美的感受力, 引起他们的好奇心。
第二, 创设一个充满爱心想出融洽的人际社会环境, 这是一种无形的环境, 主要指我们的老师合作、友好的共同教学与相处。心理学研究证明, 人的情感分为情感知觉和理智知觉, 当这两种知觉到达完全协调时, 人的思维才最活泼, 想象才最丰富, 记忆力才最强。少儿的特点往往是情感外露并支配理智, 情绪容易波动, 在少儿舞蹈训练中, 建立良好和谐的师生关系及教师紧密团结合作的气氛影响孩子, 使孩子能在一个充满爱的氛围中, 充分地把体验舞蹈的感觉表现出来。这样才能使少儿产生愉快的情绪, 提高参与舞蹈教学活动的活动性和积极性, 从而引起他们学习舞蹈的兴趣。
2.开展丰富多彩的舞蹈活动, 使舞蹈技能得以强化。积极引导少儿参加各种社团组织和汇报表演、演出活动等, 以调动其积极参与性。同时, 可以通过舞蹈结对的活动, 让同一班级的孩子之间进行有效沟通和交流, 也可以结成师徒关系, 进行一对一的帮扶, 抽空进行针对性的训练和练习。这样不仅可以巩固所学的舞蹈基础知识, 而且可以帮助孩子锻炼身体, 增加他们之间的交流和沟通, 加深友谊。
3.动作展示。动作的展示一定要是在孩子对跳舞蹈的基本动作和要领掌握的基础之上, 否则一味地死学, 只会让学生觉得单调乏味, 失去学习和参与的热情。学生的参与主要是初步接触和情感共鸣这两种。如果老师的情绪良好、线条优美、动作流畅, 孩子会对技术动作、音乐及表现力产生良好的感知, 激发兴趣;倘若演示正确动作时, 老师的情绪平平、动作绵软无力, 孩子也很难提起兴趣, 难以进入兴奋和欢愉的观摩学习状态。
4. 强化模拟。
强化模拟是教学环节中的至关重要的一个部分。通过强化模拟, 可以使孩子对舞蹈惟妙惟肖模仿的同时, 较好地领会其主旨意蕴, 而这首先要求学生要掌握舞蹈语言。比如掌握了伦巴舞的基本走步后, 要求孩子加上手臂的摆动动作, 掌握手臂摆动动作后, 再强调手臂的延伸感, 然后再逐步将音乐、节奏、动作等方面的要求添加进去;其次就是纠正错误。由于目的是巩固基础, 然后进行拔高, 这时孩子易被繁杂的要求弄晕, 老师需要反复纠正或示范, 才能达到教学的最终目的。
1. 教师运用趣味化舞蹈艺术来激发孩子的学习主动性和积极性。
2. 在进行舞蹈讲解时, 依据舞蹈中的关键步骤进行生动简明扼要的讲解, 从而使其能够较快地掌握舞蹈的精髓和主旨意蕴。例如:蒙古族舞蹈典型特征是热情勇猛、强健有力, 最典型动作有马步、硬肩等。
3. 鼓励创造美让孩子们将生活中的所见所闻, 巧妙地运用舞蹈语汇表达出来。从而提高儿童的观察力, 激发创作灵感和表演激情。
摘要:心理疾患的日益增多和日益加剧的社会竞争所带来的人的压力以及人自身的心理承受能力弱等要速度密切相关。舞蹈有启迪人只会和锻炼人品质的作用。孩子通过学习舞蹈可以强化体格, 而且能够启迪其发展想象力和创造力, 使他们能尽快融入社会生活。也就是说, 舞蹈不仅可以强化孩子的体格, 而且能够培养其审美能力和内心充盈的情感, 从而达到美育的目的。
[1]历向荣.少儿舞蹈与素质教育[J].职业, 2011 (05) .
[2]赵兰华.关于对少儿舞蹈艺术教育的几点思考[J].网络财富, 2010 (09) .
[3]王淑芹, 刘伟弟.浅论少儿舞蹈教育的价值[J].大舞台, 2010 (08) .
[4]王婉青.浅论少儿舞蹈教育的功能[J].企业家天地下半月刊 (理论版) , 2007 (11) .
Lesson 1(第一小节)
一.Good morning everyone!It’s my great honour to present my opening class to all of you.ok.at
first ,let me introduce myself.My name is。。.My English name is。You can call me。。.I hope you can have a good time in our class.大家好,很高兴有这么多的小朋友和家长来到我们学校来学习英语,希望大家可以享受快乐学习英语的过程。我们是来上课的所以老师要对你们提出几点要求:
(三)回答问题举手说“teacher me”
(四)当小朋友表现不好时,老师会说“Show me good”当老师说“ show me good”时,小朋友马上坐好
二.OK.Let’s begin our class.Now let great each other.At first ,I will introduce a friend to you.His
name is Happy.Everyone say hello to happy!Happy says “hello everyone!”Happy will say hello to each of you, you must say hello to Happy!
三.This is morning now.Do you know how to great each other in the morning? Good morning!Ok.I will throw the ball to you,and I will say good morning to you.Then you throw it back to me.,and say good morning Diana.Ok.Now Let’s listen a song:
Good morning to you!
Good morning to you!
Good morning dear tercher!
Good morning to you!
四.Learn the letter Aa [ae]AAA ae ae ae A ae apple
You have known teacher’s name,but you don’t have english name.Now I have some cards,I have written many english names on these cards.You can chose one as your english name.Now everyone has your own name.How to ask other’s name ?
What’s your name?
My name is ……
Play a game
I will use a hammer hit on the blackboard.Students pass the ball ,when I stop.The one hold the ball will be asked “what’s your name?”
Learn a song:
Hello hello what’s your name?
Play another game!
Divide students into 2 groups, play a game ,PK,The one who answer the question quickly will win 六.
Leaving song
OKHIWOWYeahbye3、let’s begin our class.同学们平常都爱看动画片吗?
小结:hello,hi 是我们日常用的打招呼的用语,当别人对你说hello时,我们通常用hi作为回答。
当我们要介绍自己时,要用句型:I’m…例:I’m Jim.4、游戏 同桌间相互问好,并作自我介绍。
5、What’s in my pencil-case
认识文具用品:pencileraserruler pen
Can you remember?
运用英语APP 英语流利说、少儿趣配音进行教学培训,让学生学会使用并提高自身的英语口语及完成作业能力。2 教学重难点
通过走访和笔者的教学经验, 选择学习拉丁舞的孩子大致可分为三种, 一部分是对拉丁舞有一定的了解, 被舞蹈节奏、动作、服饰所吸引的孩子, 一部分是喜欢舞蹈, 但却害怕练习软开度而选择了对软开度训练相对较少的拉丁舞, 最后一部分是驼背现象严重, 缺乏自信、体质较弱的孩子, 一般第三种情况的学习自主性起始于家长, 孩子需要通过老师的正确引导才能过渡或是完全积极并乐于融入到拉丁舞的学习。
(一) 让孩子快乐跳舞
“情动于中而行于言, 言之不足故嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足故咏歌之;咏歌之不足;不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。”善于抒情叙述的特点从古至今始终贯穿于所有舞蹈当中。拉丁舞的五个舞种有着不同的风格特点, 例如:恰恰舞欢快热情奔放, 舞步花哨利落;伦巴舞音乐浪漫抒情, 舒展优美;牛仔舞诙谐风趣, 轻巧灵活等等。在少儿拉丁舞的教学中, 我们教师除了要教授舞蹈技术外, 更重的是根据孩子的年龄特点, 抓住每个舞种的风格特点, 让孩子们体验不同的舞蹈文化, 只有通过快乐的学习舞蹈, 才能达到以舞抒情, 陶冶情操。
(二) 打好良好的身体体态习惯
无论基于以上那种类型的孩子, 我们教师首先应该解决的是孩子的舞蹈基本体态。
1. 从舞蹈的视觉效果出发。
基本体态是所有舞蹈的根基, 例如:双脚重心原地基本站位时, 教师应当反复纠正并且提醒孩子的脚尖方向“小八字”方向打开、大腿内侧夹紧、不能塌腰耸肩等一些注意事项, 使孩子无论从意识或是肢体上养成良好的习惯。
2. 从身体发育情况出发。
目前, 很多少儿拉丁舞老师仍处于教舞步在先, 跳舞步为主的教学误区。对于少儿拉丁舞者, 孩子的身体情况还没发育健全, 是养成良好体态的黄金期, 如果教师忽略严抓体态的最好时期, 那么孩子只会变成会跳舞步的机器, 与他们当初选择学习舞蹈, 希望成为“小公主”“帅气的王子”的意愿背道而驰。
(三) 提高身体素质
舞蹈除了具有抒情达意的特质外, 还有着强生健体的特性, 通过学习跳舞来达到锻炼身体效果同样是很多家长的期望。拉丁舞的运动强度较高与其他舞种, 对孩子的爆发力、耐力、协调性也有较高的要求, 我们老师应当抓住拉丁舞这一特点, 循序渐进的进行一些辅助训练, 如腰背肌、高抬腿、压跟腱等等。
(一) 模仿教学法
少儿在学习舞蹈时, 由于理解能力不及成人, 所以我们教师在讲解动作时, 应该掌握“会分解”“抓重点”, 对于初学者来说, 教师更应该完全掌握镜面示范教学。除了正确的动作示范, 笔者认为, 教师在教课中应适当加入错误性动作示范, 并且让孩子进行对比, 并进行口头表述, 不仅让孩子们从视觉上有了认识, 而且意识上也能独立更正错误动作。
(二) 启发教学法
处于少儿时期的孩子通常都思维活跃、想象力丰富, 我们教师应该抓住这一特点, 在教课时调动学生的学习积极性, 让学生充分融入到课堂中。舞蹈训练是一个枯燥单一的过程, 对于年龄偏小的学生, 发挥孩子的想象力更有助于教学, 举例如下。
1. 命名。我们在教授恰恰舞五拍横并步的时候, 可以启发孩子自己给这个舞步取名字, 通过观察老师的动作, 很多孩子会觉得这个步子跟螃蟹走路很像, 便命名为“螃蟹走路”。
2. 给孩子们编舞步口令。恰恰五拍横并步的节奏为“恰恰、1、2、3”, 加上前面孩子们对舞步的新命名, 我们的步子口令可以喊成“小、螃、蟹、弯脚弯脚 (恰恰、1、2、3) 。
3. 规范动作细节。
(三) 游戏教学法
游戏是每个孩子都热衷的一项活动, 将游戏与课堂有效的结合, 是提高孩子学习兴趣的最快途径, 在这里笔者谈到的游戏分为两种, 第一种是孩子们日常生活中所能接触到的游戏;另一种是教师通过编排, 讲授课内容和日常游戏相结合的一种游戏方式。
1. 日常生活中的游戏。
根据笔者的教学经验, 在课堂中, 这类游戏以奖励的方式进行, 通常孩子们是在已完成规定的动作, 达到教学任务或提前完成的情况下, 在下课前10分钟进行的各类小游戏, 介于游戏的吸引力, 孩子们对复杂的动作有了强烈的学习欲望, 而且学习积极性及高, 在达到教学任务的同时, 孩子们也在游戏中训练了团队协作的能力。
2. 通过教师编排的游戏。
这类游戏建立平时孩子们能接触到的游戏的基础上, 教师再将舞蹈动作融入到游戏中。例如:击鼓游戏, 在击鼓声停的时候, 根据教师的指令, 孩子需要完成舞蹈造型或舞蹈动作, 或是孩子们自行将舞蹈动作进行编排, 由同学扮演的评审评分等等。这类游戏课穿插在课堂中, 在游戏中通过动作反复的训练, 达到巩固、加深印象的效果。
总之, 在少儿拉丁舞教学中, 我们教师不应该照本宣科的将拉丁舞技术生搬硬套, 应该遵循孩子的生理和心理特点, 通过不断总结和完善, 寻求出一套适合少儿的教学方法和教学手段。另外, 我们教师应该建立良好的师生关系, 注意孩子的心理变化, 课间多交流多沟通, 让孩子对学习保持热情, 充满自信。
[1]冯蓓蓓.浅谈幼儿拉丁舞教学[J].大众文艺, 2009 (2) .
在练琴过程中,老师一定要强调音准 让耳朵随时得到音准的训练。老师拨动琴弦,让学生来听音、辨音,来训练耳朵的灵敏度。练习曲一般都具有针对性,很枯燥,但必不可少。通过练习,可以从中学会、巩固某种弹奏技巧和方法。儿童学琴,首先当是爱好,对于儿童练习曲的选择要有趣味性,比如杨娜妮老师的一些练习曲都很适合儿童练习。
二 、要注重培养少儿学习的古筝兴趣
兴趣是最好的老师。在教学中,教师要精心设计教学。例如学琴初期学生找音比较困难,我们就可以把低音区一个点的音符比喻为“脚穿鞋子”的小音符,高音区一个点的音符比喻为“头戴帽子的小音符”, 中音区没有点的音符没有穿鞋也没有戴帽子。这样形象的比喻学生会很快的记住高音区、中音区、低音区,能很快的找到乐曲中音符所处的音区。如托、劈指法练习 可以依据音高把它设计成小布谷鸟有节奏的叫声。小撮的练习,小朋友想象着在秋天的田野里捡豆子,一颗又一颗。古筝集体教学时,开展一些合奏活动,如《我有一头小毛驴》可以用小型打击乐器来伴奏。双响筒模拟小毛驴的蹄声,可以表现出小主人赶着毛驴的得意、欢快的心情。孩子们演奏时,心情十分欢畅,乐曲也表现得淋漓尽致。他们在快乐中,即训练了节奏,也培养了合作的能力。
总之,少儿古筝的教学,包含着我们所有引导者的爱。我们要让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习, 让孩子学得轻松,学得有效,才能让孩子在音乐的海洋中快乐的成长。
本课将要学习剑桥少儿英语一级unit9.在这篇课文的学习中主要要求学生掌握一些玩具类的单词,比如:玩具汽车,玩具飞机等。还要掌握方位词,例如:on,under,next to…要掌握的句型就是where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t
二 说教学目标
基于对课文内容的理解,以及对学生身心发展规律和认知规律的分析,我制定了如下教学目标: 1 语言知识目标:
(1)能正确地听、说、读、词语A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap
position:on in under between, behind, next to
(2)听得懂、会说、会用句子…where is …?/ it is…..have you got a …?/yes I have or no I haven’t.(3)要能用句型where is …/it is ….以及have you got a..?/yes I have or no I haven’t 灵活的做对话 2 语言技能目标:
(1)能根据情境和图片说出单词和句子(2)在设计的情景下进行简单的英语交流。3 情感态度目标:
(2)培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。(3)通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力。三 说教学重点 能听得懂、会说、会读单词A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap 听得懂、会说、会用句子where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t能流利表达物体所处方位以及自己是否已经拥有某样物品。四 说教学难点
该环节主要是复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,为新知识的引入做铺垫,使他们立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。首先,根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我给学生讲一个简短的小故事,Mary弄丢了她的玩具小汽车,自然而然地引导出句型“where is my toy car?”为新内容的学习做好认知准备。
1.在前面认知准备的基础上,带领学生学习新的单词。先是由ppt 展示之后出示几张单词卡片,并让学生通过跟读、集体读、自由读等形式初步接触新词。学完物体类的单词之后是一个抢读单词的比赛。将全班按人数分组,比如apple group, banana group ….每组每次出一名同学参加比赛,按座位一次向下轮流进行。
2.在where is ….?/it is …句型的学习上我先带学生读,了解句型结构,包括每个方位词的使用方法,分别在情境中作例句,(ppt 和书上的图画)带学生读,记忆。然后播放情境提问学生,找人回答。再之后由同学自己提问自己回答,最后找同学,一个同学问,一个学生答,做简单对话。反复练习。在第七部分的pair work 部分也采用同样的方式。
全国少儿美术教学课例设计大赛――课例教案文字部分 大母神 (想象画,3课时) 一.教学目的 用图画来赞美、讴歌创造世界的人类母亲。 二.教学重点 ○ 通过教学、创作,追溯人类女祖先的“创世史”。 ○ 掌握“互渗――组合”的“神话”创造方法。 三.教学准备 教师:世界各地区原始母神的岩雕、岩画图片若干。 学生:(1)课前阅读关于母神“创世――造人”的人类神话故事,(2)签字笔、8开纸。 四、教学过程 (一)文化导向:讲述人类神话关于母神“创世――造人”的传说,创造讨论气氛。 教师表述:我们有妈妈,动物有妈妈,植物是不是也有妈妈?没有妈妈,就没有天上飞的、就没有地上爬的、就没有水里游的,这个世界也就没有生命了。母神也是妈妈,她在先民的神话中,是世界与人类的缔造者。今天我们就来画一画人类的母亲,大大的妈妈――我们心中的母神。 教师展示世界各地区原始母神的岩雕、岩画图片若干供小朋友欣赏。 背景分析讨论 ○ 中国最有名的母神是谁? ○ 神话中女娲是怎样造人的? ○ 母神的时代离我们有多遥远? 造型分析讨论 ○ 即然母神是人类的母亲,她有眼睛,也有头发,她和普通妈妈有什么不一样? 女娲穿衣服吗? ○ 神话说,女娲下半身是蛇尾巴,她和美人鱼一样吗? 提示:母神下半身不一定是蛇尾巴或鱼尾巴,大家可以根据想象创造出自己心中的母神。 特质分析讨论 俗话说,画人难,画神画鬼易。因为我们天天看见人,一个鼻子两只眼,画错一点,谁都能挑出毛病。画神、画鬼就不同啦,神呀鬼呀谁也没见过,都是人们想象出来的。因为是想象出来的,因此,就没有了固定模式,就不存在象和不象的问题,我们没有了顾虑,就可以异想天开――想象创造啦。 提示:母神的眼睛,肯定和普通人不一样,怎么个不一样,大家可以讨论。 ……有同学刚才说,“母神的`眼睛,睁开可能是白天,闭上也许就成了晚上。”发言很精采!那么,大家再想一想,她的头发和妈妈一样吗?母神能创造世界,创造人类,肯定法力无边。她的身体一定也是神奇的,形象肯定和一般人不一样。 结论要点:任何物类结构的神性化,都是“互渗――组合”形成的,人与自然物的“互渗――组合”,就是最基本的神性化想象与创造方式。比如,自然的太阳+人脸,就成了“太阳公公”(太阳神)。 (二)创意要求: 1.根据我们对原始母神的分析了解,可选择:创世、造人、救世、崇祀等不同主题来表现母神。 2.可根据自己对妈妈的感受,把母神画得美一些、安详些、神异些、富有创造性些。 3.图画时不要关注技巧,线条流畅不涂改即可,最重要的是追着自己的感觉画。 4.用A3纸,签字笔图画。 (三)学生作画: 在背景音乐中―― 1.先冥想――追溯,然后大脑放空,进入“灵感”状态。 2.智慧提取――心象呈现――祖型复演。 (四)教师辅导: 1.教师行间巡视,对学生进行“文化导向――它发暗示”。 2.引导学生进入状态,心静,凭自己的感觉下笔:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”。 (五)创作讲评: 把学生的作品“投影”展示,大家共同欣赏评价: 1.先看“文化”――谁画的“母神”特征最突出,文化最原始,比较一下。 2.其次再评价技艺表现――谁画得最生动有趣,表现细致、线条优美。 鼓励学生评价自己或别人的作业,然后提出问题。 教师小结,要点提示:图画是心灵的表现,技艺永远是第二位的。 (六)结束教学 提示学生:1、图画写上自己的名子、日期,交给老师或带回;2、本次课后的神话故事阅读;3、清洁桌子周围卫生。 (任课导师:傅志保) 教学指导建议 本课题可适合各年龄段儿童,可以根据儿童的不同年龄心理特征,提出不同的教学要求。如低幼儿只要求表现“文化”及基本构造和特征;中、高年级则要求从不同主题、视角具体细致地文化复演,技艺表现。
摘 要:随着素质教育呼声的高涨,学习声乐的孩子们的年龄呈低龄化趋势。如何针对少儿进行声乐训练是摆在我们面前不可回避的现实和亟待研究的课题。孩子们的这个时期是身体生长发育期,声带很稚嫩,如果没有科学的方法去训练学生,可能会导致孩子声带受损,影响孩子的身心发展。因此,探讨科学的教学方法对少儿声乐发展会起到促进作用。本文从歌唱状态、发声方法、自信心及歌唱的表现力方面进行了论述,对少儿声乐的教学方法进行了分析,提出了一些解决的办法,希望能对少儿声乐教学起到抛砖引玉的作用。
关键词:歌唱状态 发声方法 自信心及歌唱的表现力
In part one, the author describes children’s physiological and psychological characteristics and English learning.Next, the author explores the strategies of English teaching in primary school.At the beginning of this part, the author analyzes why strategies of English classroom teaching are most important in the field of English teaching.That is because all English teaching activities must be held in the course of classroom teaching.Four teaching strategies are presented as follows:enlivening atmosphere;enlightenment;emotion and designing teaching process.Enlivening atmosphere strategy is introduced first which is used very widely in English classroom teaching in primary education.In the following section, the author states how to use enlightenment strategy to promote children’s learning ability.The importance of emotion strategy and how to use the emotion strategy to arouse children’s motive and interest in English learning are discussed in the third section.In the last section the author presents the strategy of designing teaching process.At the end of the thesis, the importance of the strategies of English classroom teaching is emphasized again.
1 Children’s physiological and Psychological Charac-teristics and English Learning
Psychologists believe that most children reach their best learning phase when they are 3 to 5 years old;after the age of 6, their learning ability will have a declining tendency (Zhao&Wang2002:246) .When children are 10 to 12 years old, they reach the linguistic puberty.During this stage, if a child still cannot speak, it becomes impossible for him to master a language, which is known in many cases of wolf–child in foreign countries (Zhao&Wang, 2002:248) .As children of linguistic puberty, the brain becomes mature.After the formation of mother tongue learning, the language of personal character just begins.With the native community awareness, personal awareness starts.At this point, learning another language systematically has greater physiological and psychological advantages.
Children, aged 6 to 12, have little psychological burden, and so strong plasticity.As a result, they have formed the initial understanding of their living environment, learning content and learning awareness, but their ideology has not been fixed (Wu, 1993:39) .Children in this stage of age are keen on the new things around them.English, which is totally unfamiliar and fresh to them, will cause great enthusiasm in them.On the other hand, children in this stage of age can accept different ideology, culture, history and tradition penetrated in the foreign language.In English learning, the differences in culture only cause delicate difficulty to them.Because when they learn a sentence, as long as they can understand the whole sentence and the meaning of the main words, and can speak it, they are willing to use it.For example, when English-speaking people meet each other, they often greet in this way“Hello!”or“How are you?”Chinese children learn this and willingly say like this, so they are not subject to the impact of cultural differences.
In English learning, bold attempt and exchange are needed.Adults are often afraid of making errors, thus they are ashamed of opening mouths to speak.Instead, when children learn English, they will be not reluctant to do so in most cases, because they are less shy and timid.Most children are willing to speak and to participate in various activities actively, because they are not afraid of making mistakes.
In learning English, children are malleable and easy to accept new things, but they are poor-controlled, and can not focus on the same goal for a long time, so they are easy to lose interest;when encountered problems or learning does not go well, they will be tired of learning (Zhao&Wang, 2002:247) .Moreover, children are liable to move, this physiological characteristic determines that their attention will not last a long time.
These physiological and psychological characteristics of children in language learning decide that English language teaching should adopt methods that combine teaching and entertainment, and teachers should put learning into entertainment, only in this way can we maintain children’s interest and initiative.
In order to carry out English teaching for children successfully, some strategies are needed, and in the following part the author will introduce four English classroom teaching strategies.
2 Strategies of English Classroom Teaching of Children
In most cases, students in primary schools master English knowledge and gain English ability through classroom teaching.Those experienced in teaching English in classrooms are good at inducing students to study actively, arduously and on their own initiative.On the other hand, students can build up full confidence, form good habit and train independent ability by English classroom teaching.So to master how to teach is far more important and necessary than to master what to teach.As an English teacher, grasping English classroom teaching strategies is most important, especially those that help English teachers improve their teaching level and prompt the students’balanced development in ability, affective emotion and interest, and that is to say, these strategies can promote one another in order to achieve full development of personal quality.
2.1 Enlivening atmosphere strategy
Teaching method of following a set of patterns often makes English classroom teaching dull, stiff and entirely lifeless, and that cannot improve pupil’s ability of listening and speaking or cannot develop their mentality, either (Jiang, 2002:27) .Then how do teachers enliven English classroom teaching atmosphere and how do they arouse children’s enthusiasm of study?How do they make children become active and learn English on their own initiative?The following is helpful to English classroom teaching.
2.1.1 Object method
Object teaching method is used very widely in teaching children English in the classroom.Because it can enliven classroom atmosphere, arouse students’interest and make English easier.Generally it falls into three phases:showing real things, showing pictures and drawing simple pictures.For example, teaching everyday things can go on by showing real things or pictures, thus leaving a very deep impression on children and cannot be forgotten easily.For example, when teachers teach their students the difference of the phrases in the east of/on the east of/to the east of they can draw some simple pictures like these:
Tell children that in Picture 1, we say B is in the east of A.In Picture 2, we say B is on the east of A.Then in Picture 3, we say B is to the east of A.Through the simple pictures, the difference of the three phrases is very clear to students.This is both time-saving and, more importantly, vivid.Now please look at another two simple pictures:
Through the two pictures above, the younger students can understand and remember the two words at once;meanwhile, an active and cheerful classroom atmosphere is achieved.
2.1.2 Story method
Story method not only can practice children’s ability in listening and speaking, but also can arouse their interest in English study.Teachers can tell short stories to lead to or sum up new lessons.
Using story method to teach, teachers must pay great attention to that the stories must be interesting and easy.Only when children really understand the stories, can story method just devote its great function.For example, when a teacher gives a lesson on some animals, he or she can tell students an interesting story:One day some fish swam freely in a small river, suddenly here came a cat The cat was very very very hungry, so he wanted to eat the fish.The fish’s mother was very worried.“What can I do?”She thought.At that moment, the fish’s mother made sounds like this:Wang!Wang!Wang!When the cat heard this kind of sounds, he thought there came a dog, so he went away.The fish were saved.With vivid performance of the teacher, children will be attracted by the story and laugh happily.What is more, this story not only enlivens the classroom atmosphere, but also children can learn the names of animals like fish, cat, dog easily.
2.1.3 Intercourse method
Intercourse method, briefly speaking, is the interaction between children and teacher or children in groups in English classroom teaching.Teachers should make full use of children’s characters.They are lovely, they have good memory, and they can imitate others very well.Then teachers should create real scenes to increase pupils’chances of touching English (Liu, 1998:117) .Using intercourse method to teach, teachers can divide pupils into several groups and ask them to practice what they have learned in class.Thus can make every child have more chances to listen and repeat.By letting pupils communicate with each other freely, teachers can accomplish the goal of improving their ability of intercourse step by step.For example, a teacher can divide children into groups of 5and then asks each of them to draw an object or a picture and to describe it with one word they have learned last class.Then the teacher lets one of the groups show their pictures together and tell the meaning of the picture.In this way, not only can the children remember these words easily and deeply, but also the spirit of team work is achieved.
2.1.4 Acting method
Acting method is that teachers and children act as different roles in the texts they have learned.They can act out dialogues simply;they can prepare some simple props and act out simple stories in the platform, too.In the course of acting, no matter who are acting or no matter who are watching, children’s attention can be highly attracted.Their great interest in play is developed obviously, in the meantime, a merry classroom atmosphere can be established in which children’s English knowledge and ability can be improved more easily.Take Lesson nine1, Book three for instance:the first part of this lesson is to learn names of five shops:bicycle shop, clothes shop...The teacher can let a few students with various kinds of props, posing as vendors.Then the teacher introduces each vendor that stands for a store.Now the teacher is in the store to buy a bike and ask pupils what is the name we should give this store. (x x shop) .Children will give bicycle shop, tea shop, tire shop and so on.Through this acting, students will learn much easier than before.Meanwhile they can extend to new content in daily life, such as shoes shop, pants shop...
2.1.5 Game method
Playing games is also a very good method in the teaching of English in the classroom.It is very helpful in both enlivening atmosphere and attracting attention.
Game method is teaching English by playing games.Some experienced teachers are very good at designing interesting games and playing them with children.In the process of playing game, their ability of listening and speaking can be greatly improved.
Many English teachers think that acting, guessing, competing are all good methods in game teaching.Acting can arouse children’s consciousness of attending actively.Guessing can satisfy their curiosity.Competing can bring successful happiness to pupils.If teachers can often use game method in English classroom teaching, students’interest in English study can improve a lot day by day.Take the game“Touch Mine” (碰地雷) for example, in the English word learning, children are reluctant to read after their teachers.This method is a good way to enliven the atmosphere.In a list of words, one mine is hidden under a word.This word is not allowed to read by the students.If some careless students read it, the other students count together:One, Two, Three, Bomb, and point at them.It is so interesting that students can learn solidly in this happy atmosphere.
Take another example.In the review of animal names, we may guess what kind of animal it is, according to some of the characteristics of an animal, such as“hook-like nose, ears like fans, legs like big round wood, with a fat tail.” (Elephant) .If teachers are under preparation for animal headdresses, they can organize students in the classroom to do the game of“Who Am I?”The teacher wears a certain kind of animal headdress:“Who am I?”And students can reply in this way under the guidance of the teacher“You are...”I teachers can integrate several methods for teaching, the effect is even better.
2.1.6 Song method
Songs are another effective means of enlivening English class atmosphere.What is more, words in songs tend to be the essence of a language.If teachers can purposefully choose some songs to coordinate texts, pupils can remember language knowledge easily and deeply.Song method can also train students’liking and interest in English study.For example, when teaching letters, teachers may apply ABC song and One, Two, Three, Four song is also available when numbers are learned.Songs can be also exploited to teach everyday conversations, such as Good Morning to You, Hello!Happy New Year and What Is Your Name?If some students are“dropping off”, we can use Are You Sleeping song.
2.1.7 Presentation method
Presentation method means that one can use something directly to make an action or to perform in order to let others understand the meaning of the action easily and clearly, which is a simple and quick way to make English classroom teaching lively and active.It can also make English knowledge create a deep impression on pupils.For example, when teaching the verb clean, teachers can clean the blackboards or the desks to show the meaning.When teaching the words close and open, teachers can close or open the door again and again to present the meaning.For example, learning English in primary school of Oxford Four, Unit 4 I like...A part o dialogue2:Do you like puppets?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.First the teacher replaces puppets with some candies.Students see candies and answer.If their answers are right, they can eat some candies In this way, the enthusiasm of the students becomes much higher than before.
2.2 Enlightenment strategy
Teaching method of enlightenment is not just a concrete method, because it has not regular teaching form and link.Asking questions at the beginning of class and making students learn the texts with the questions is enlightenment, assigning questions before finishing class and asking students to practice or discuss after class is also enlightenment.
Using the method of enlightenment can make pupils produce imagination and bring their activeness into full play, and the teaching texts can leave a deep impression on them (Xu, 1999:226) .
The following is some English teaching methods of enlightenment, which are similarly very useful to the English teaching.
2.2.1 Asking questions
In English class, teachers and pupils can ask and answer some simple questions in simple English.Simple questions, on the one hand, can enlighten children on their thinking, and on the other hand, can make children have more chances to listen and speak.If teachers use the method of asking questions, they must pay attention to the points below.First, following the enriching of the students’knowledge, teachers should change the forms and difficulty degree of questions.Thus they can, step by step, practice the flexibility and extent of students’thinking.Second, teachers should use different ways and means of asking questions for different students.For those who have an introverted disposition and do not like to answer questions orally, teachers should encourage and guide them.Thus they can increase students’courage and make them dare to answer the questions loudly.For those who have an extroverted disposition, teachers should also guide them to think and answer carefully when they affirm their activeness.Third, when asking and answering, the two sides, teachers and students or students in pairs or in group, should be interchangeable so that they have chances to both ask and answer questions.Last but not least, the questions should be easy enough for children to think and answer.English primary schools such as Oxford 3B Unit Eleven A Good Idea3:the teacher enters the classroom, wearing sports suit and holding a basketball.Students are really very curious, and also have high spirit.In the lead-in, the teacher plays basketball and asks them to count for him.In doing so, the pupils’attention will be drawn successfully and they will show great interest in what on earth the teacher will do.Then the teacher writes down 2008 on the blackboard, which makes the children more curious with an inquisitive mind into the English lesson and asks“Boys and girls, think over what will happen in 2008 in China?”Students will have Olympic Games in their minds.Through such simple enlightenment, it is very natural to lead students into the course.
2.2.2 Practicing
In English teaching, practice is more important than any other things they do.If teachers make pupils have more chances to practice in class, students can use the knowledge they have ever practiced to describe their own life.Of course, in order to maintain children’s attention and interest, the forms of practice should be various.Asking and answering questions, role-play, singing songs and playing games are all good forms of practice.Take a dialogue for example;a teacher can lead the pupils to the new words they just learned in this way:
A:Hello, B.What’s this in English?
B:It’s a rabbit.
A:Oh, I see.It’s a rabbit.What’s that in English?
B:It’s a puppet.I like puppets.Dou you like puppets?
A:No, I don’t.I like rabbits.Dou you like rabbits?
B:Yes, I do.But I don’t have rabbits.Let’s go to the supermarkets.
A:Ok.But how do we go there?
B:By bus.
Here is another example.It is called“Be On The Wrong” (将错就错) .First, let all the pupils keep still in their own seats.The teacher can walk randomly in the classroom.He or she can suddenly stop in front of a child, pointing to his or her nose with a finger and says“This is my eye” (Intentionally making mistake) .Of course, the child should point back to the teacher’s nose and says“This is my nose”.If the student is also wrong, let him substitute the teacher to do the same thing again.Teachers can also hold some stationery and point to the pen and say“This is my pencil”.The student points his pencils and says“This is my pen”.
2.3 Emotion strategy
Teaching theory always emphasizes the importance of the internal motive.Though teachers still play an important role in the teaching, the decisive factor should be internal cause (Wang, 2002:163) .In other words, the most important factor in teaching is the students’internal motive.
The function of motive of study mainly shows in the following phases.First, it can make students get into the condition of study quickly.Second, it can make students concentrate all the energy on the necessary task of study.Third, it can boycott the disturbance of something unimportant.Fourth, it can make students put full enthusiasm into study.
So as an English teacher, how can he/she train and arouse the students’motive of study, especially these younger English learners aged from 8 or 9 to 11 or 12?
2.3.1 Teaching with fullness of emotions to arouse response emotions
Teachers teaching posture and emotion are part of EQ educational content.Teachers’teaching posture should be natural, moderate and proper, and teachers’expression should make the younger students feel sincere, modest and serious, kind (Weiss, 1994:59) .Once teaching posture, such as teachers’kind face, expected eyesight and proper gesture, is transformed to the students’emotion experience, the students will generate emotion response.Teachers win pupils’respect and love by loving their job, loving the students and respecting the students’personality.Teachers conquer the students by the noble sentiment and profound knowledge and make English classroom become an emotion communicative world.Teachers and students’emotion communication and lively classroom atmosphere contribute to enlightening the student’s intelligence and to developing the students’ability.For example, to some poorly-performed children, teachers should talk with them as much as possible, and help them with their study and life and establish their confidence.At the mean time, teachers should also keep their eyes on these well-performed ones to make them feel they are equally treated.
Teachers’teaching language can express emotions.Teachers’teaching language should be compact, simple, logical, firm, confident and at suitable speed, either clanging or deep, showing happiness, anger, sorrow and joyfulness, guiding the children to experience situation, feel images and make the students’thought happily change along with teachers’thinking in order to promote their ability to absorb and understand what teachers’impart.
2.3.2 Creating positive emotional surroundings to arouse inter-est
Some experts say interest is the best teacher.It can make students raise new demands continuously and reach newer heights (Fang, 2004:49) .Teachers must pay attention to fostering students’great interest in English study.If teachers do that successfully, it is safe to say that they tide over a difficulty in English teaching.
Teachers’performance can arouse students’feelings.The students’higher learning emotion comes from teachers’unremitting pursuit of career, selfless devotion to their task, full teaching enthusiasm, firm teaching determination, tireless teaching spirit and conscientious working style.English teachers in primary school should always bear this view in their minds that children’s positive emotions should be cultivated in an early stage.In English teaching course teachers should try their best to rectify the students’learning attitude through their persuasion and education, and cultivate their hardworking spirit and noble sentiment;teachers must stimulate the students’learning warmth through their behavior, and prompt the students’learning desire;teachers must teach the students scientific learning methods through guiding them to learn and urge them to find out the important and difficult points of learning;Teachers should help the students establish determination confidence and perseverance, and defeat difficulty and frustration in learning and make for the success in the end.
In English classroom teaching in primary school, teachers must try actively to find out teaching rules, improve teaching methods, create pleasant teaching environment.Thus they can satisfy children’s emotional and psychological requirements and make English teaching vivid and full of merriness.
2.3.3 Evaluating properly to encourage students
Teachers’evaluation can control the students’learning emotion.Students need teachers’evaluation, because the younger the students are, the stronger desire that they hold for other’s attention (Guan, 2005:38) .They have the need of interaction and being paid attention.Teachers’evaluation can make the students feel teachers’respect and care for them.Therefore, teachers must value evaluation in classroom teaching.Teachers’evaluation to the students should be right and proper, particularly, after the students’answers to the questions.Teachers should use the style of positive reinforcement as much as possible to evaluate the students.If the answer is right, teachers give active evaluation:“Good/Perfect/Excellent/Well done/Adequate.If the answer is partly right, teachers should also encourage them:“That is almost correct”, “Better than last time”, “The first part of your answer is right, but...”.Of course criticizing properly is also useful.It can make students clear about their own weakness.But teachers must pay special attention to the way of criticizing.They must not hurt students’self-esteem.If the answer is wrong, do not satirize and ridicule the students, but point out their advantage as much as possible“Your answer is not right but your pronunciation is very good”;“No, it’s not the right answer to this question, but it is also very important.Thank you.”Pay attention to each student’s self-respect and self-confidence, and cultivate their interest in learning.
2.4 Designing teaching process strategy
When teachers design the activities for English classroom teaching, they should pay great attention to that these activities must not lose touch with the textbooks.Teachers must catch the key points and stress the difficult points (Breen&Little, 2002:82) And in the course of teaching, teachers should speak English as much as possible, only in doing so can children touch English fully and cultivate good habit of English learning, and a good study environment will be created for them at an early age.
Generally, there are some principles that teachers must payspecial attention to.First, teaching aims of designing activity mustbe clear.That is, through teachers’teaching activity, children cangrasp and absorb the content easily and communicate with othersin English freely and properly in future.Second, designing shouldbe interesting, attractive and creative.Teachers must make the de-signing have its own features and styles.Third, designing must suitpupils’real level and ability of receptivity and cater for children’smental needs.Last but certainly not least, English teachers in pri-mary schools should hold the view by the second that all the con-tents should be simple enough within children’s reach, and theyshould, in the meantime, keep an open eye on children’s responseand reaction to make sure whether the designed activities are be-yond the pupils understanding.
3 Conclusion
In a word, given children’s physiological and psychologicalcharacteristics of learning, English teachers in elementary schoolsshould adopt some strategies in classroom teaching to produce goodteaching result.Since children are poorly self-controlled, cannotconcentrate on their study goal for a long time, and easy to lose in-terest once they meet difficulty, teachers should take advantage ofstrategies (like enlivening atmosphere and enlightenment) to mobi-lize their activeness, to prolong their concentration, use other strate-gies (like emotion and designing teaching process) to make chil-dren easy to keep their interests in English learning.At last, inmodern China, if teachers can fully realize children’s characteris-tics in English learning and properly use methods and strategiessystematically, it will not only promote children’s all-round devel-opment of personal quality, but also improve the quality of theteachers.
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