
2024-08-30 版权声明 我要投稿


牛津英语高一必修一 篇1

enjoy: enjoy doing sth.enjoy oneself

enjoyable: adj 有乐趣的,令人愉快的 experience:n:可数名词:经历


v: 经历

experienced :

be experienced in He is very experienced in looking after animals.earn:

earn one’s living:谋生

She earns her living by writing.respect: show one’s respects to;respect sb for sth.devote:v.致力于;献身 devote one’s time to…;devote one’s life to… average:

above/below the average on average;an average of…

A reporter said that women lived an average of 5 years longer than men.struggle: struggle to do sth,struggle with/for/against The children talked so loudly that I had to struggle to __________(hear).challenging: face a challenge: 面临挑战;meet the challenge of :迎接……挑战

I am looking forward to the challenge of my new job.School must meet the challenge of new technology.satisfaction satisfy


be satisfied with…

She was not satisfied with the outcome of her effort.She looked at his face with satisfaction.exchange:

in exchange for


exchange sth.with sb.Would you like my old TV in exchange for the camera?

You can exchange your currency for dollars in this hotel.free :

free of charge

for free

be free to do

The expressways’ toll gates are __________ during the eight-day “Golden Week” holiday.I can offer you breakfast for free.former: adj 以前的the former

the latter

former president

Jane and Mary are good friends, the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.graduate: graduate from(学校)

graduate in(专业)

graduation develop :with the development of… gift:

have a gift for:

gifted He has a gift for language, while his sister is a gifted pianist.independent : be independent of…

depend on


It was very important for me to be financially independent of my parents.inform: inform sb.that

inform sb.of sth.keep ab.informed

Please inform us of the further information as soon as possible.We will keep you informed of our progress and look forward to hearing from you.approve: 批准,通过,赞成 approve of

No teachers can approve of cheating on exams.charge: in charge of

in the charge of

free of charge 免费

charge sb.… 要某人多少钱

be charged with: 被指控

take charge of: 接管 select:选择

select sb.as…

select sb.to do

more than

no more than 不超过

no more… than… 和


not more…than… 没有


more… than…


不如说 frighten : be frightened to do…

be frightened of doing…

be frightened to death bend :

bend over :附身

bend to : 屈服

bend one’s attention on…专心于 starve: starve to death

starve for… 渴望


tolerate: tolerate doing

Nobody can tolerate being laughed at in public.deserve:

deserve to do 值得…

deserve doing= deserve to be done

He deserves rewarding.can hardly wait to do …

can’t wait for…

be supposed to do… teachers are supposed to treat all students alike.be supposed to have done: He was supposed to have finished his homework last night.insist: insist on doing

insist that sb.should do worry : worry about

be worried about… harm:

do harm to …

be harmful to…

forbid: forbid sb.from doing…

forbid sb.to do… tend: tend to do…

tend to sb.照顾…

mix: mix up 弄混

mix with


mix … up with

把。。和。。弄混 figure: 体形;数据;人物

figure out 想出 理解

We should try to learn from our mistakes and figure out how to do it better.ashamed: be ashamed of…

be ashamed that…

be shamed to do… recover: recover from…

prefer:prefer to do…

prefer doing to doing

prefer to do… rather than do

Rather than travel abroad with her parents, she preferred to do volunteer work during the holiday.suffer:


suffer from+ 疾病 伤痛

sufferings 痛苦

Although the old man suffered a lot in the disaster, he did not tell others his sufferings.consider: consider doing …

consider … as…

consider that


have no effect on… take effect 生效 come into effect 生效

side effect 副作用 make the most of : make use of…

make good use of …

make the best of…

make full use of…

make little use of… in the long term:从长远角度看

in terms of:就


牛津英语高一必修一 篇2



教师: (故意从口袋中滑落一枚硬币) Do you have your pocket money?识

学生:Yes. (学生异口同声地回答)

教师:How to use your pocket money?

学生1: (踊跃地给出不同答案) I use it to buy some books. (buy toys, buy stationary.)

教师: (引导学生) If I have some money, I’ll help others.


学生: (能力较高的学生运用7A的知识回答)

S1:I can use it to help people in poor areas.…

Activity One

教师:How many students use their pocket money to help others?Work in groups.


教师引出课题“A charity show”, 讲解charity, 并让学生举例。

学生: (争先恐后地回答) Project Hope.…

教师:Do you know other charities in China?

(出示课件:慈善机构的名称, 理解其中文意思。)


1. 本课实际上是英语课与思想品德课的整合。学生在讲出了很多的慈善活动的同时也增加了关爱他人的意识。

2.教师让学生分组讨论时, 培养了学生积极参加慈善活动关爱他人的意识。并能以主人翁的身份, 提出种种更有意义的途径。


教师: (图片) Here are six pictures.What are they doing?

学生: (对于第一幅很熟悉的图, 学生很踊跃地回答) They are chatting on the sofa. (后几幅图片, 鼓励并提示学生完成。)

教师一一询问用哪幅图上的方式可以募集到钱, 提醒这几句为提建议的句型:Organizing a charity show is the best way to raise money.What would you like to be in the charity if we organize a charity show?

教师: (Hobo陶醉地手握microphone) What is he going to be?

学生眼前一亮, 兴趣倍增。有准备的学生会高兴地说出“Tobe the host.”。

教师最后设计两个活动, 谈论慈善和募集活动。


1.教师因势利导, 自然恰当的德育渗透, 起到一箭双雕的作用, 使活动达到了高潮。

2. 教师不是在“教教材”, 而是在“用教材教”。从学生熟悉的知识入手, 创建一个个与学生生活密切相关的问题情境, 让学生带着问题思考, 真正体现了在发展语言能力的同时, 发展思维能力, 激发想象力和创造力。


(一) “兴趣是成才的起点, 是最好的老师。”新颖奇特的东西最能激起学生的兴奋和愉悦, 引起他们定向探究的兴趣。英语教法上的不断更新变化, 在于缩短英语教学内容与师生间的距离, 体验到由于认识了未知的东西而感到高兴和满足, 使学生对教学内容始终保持浓厚的兴趣。巧妙地设计语境, 引导和帮助学生进行主动的、富有个性的学习, 从尊重学生的个人感受和独特见解出发, 整堂课的学习不仅仅有认知, 还扩展到情感、文化素养等领域。

(二) 本节课重视学生的语言输入与输出, 让学生在语言实践中丰富语言的积累, 培养语感, 发展语感。让学生在师生互动的过程中进行语言学习。学生的“动”不是无序的, 而是在教师的引导下, 让学生带着自己的经验、情感参与其中, 营造了一种平等、和谐、快乐的学习氛围。

(三) 从课堂情况看, 学生的参与意识强, 学生发言积极, 气氛活跃。充分发挥自己的特长, 以其良好的语言素养, 引导学生多方位地、认真地使用语言, 不断揣摩, 使学生从中感悟, 得到熏陶, 形成语感。


牛津英语高一必修一 篇3

【关键词】地理必修一 教学建议

引言 新课改后要求教师进一步转变教学理念,把课堂还给学生。这就要求教师要更深层次的研究教材,在课堂有限的时间里让学生有效掌握知识要领。目前全国绝大部分省份已决定高考采用全国卷,为准确把握全国卷,必须从我们日常教学做起,加强教材研究,以下是我对必修一教材教学的一些浅显认识。




1、做一个学习型教师,及时更新自己的存量知识 :在业务上教师要加强自身修养,强化教育理论与地理知识的学习,及时更新自己的存量知识。使自己的地理教学能力提速,使自己能充分地驾御课堂,上课方式上更有创造性,以便更好地引导生生互动、师生互动产生共鸣,结出思维和知识的火花,跟上新课程的时代步伐,进而推进新课改的落实。教师应多钻研教材同事交流中学习。


















8、充分利用生活中的地理教学资源,让学生去体验身边的地理,并从体验中去探索、领悟、学习。联系生活实际,从学生身边找实例,由远及近、由浅入深的选择案例,如:地 震、台风、寒潮等,培养学生的地理学科素养;


牛津英语高一必修一 篇4

The General idea of this period:

This period will deal with the grammar part: the Attributive Clause. You will have systematic explanations of the Attributive Clause as well as some exercises to consolidate what you learn.

Teaching Aim:

Introduce attributive clause

Teaching important point:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations.

Teaching difficult point:

How to help the students to learn the grammar efficiently.

Teaching method:

Deduction to present the usage of the relative pronouns and then some exercises to consolidate what we have learned.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greetings

Step2 Presentation

Look at the picture at page8 and ask the students to speak out what they may think of.(Write down these three structures on the Bb or show them on the screen below the picture.)

Adjective: a green team

Prepositional phrase: a team in green

Attributive clause: a team who were wearing green

Attributive clause modifies a noun in the same way as adjective or prepositional phrase does. The noun it modifies is called an antecedent.

Read Part2 at page8. Attributive clauses are usually introduced by relative pronouns like which, that, who, whom, and whose, or relative adverbs like where, why and when. In the clause these relative words usually function as the following: (page8)

Step3 Read the article at page9 and underline the attributive clauses you find in the article.

Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom and whose. Read this part at page10 and grasp the usages of these relative pronouns.(show the screen) Then do the exercise at page11.

Step4 Consolidation

Finish the exercises at page88

Step5 Homework

牛津英语高一必修一 篇5

2. 与---相似 be similar to…

3. 思考一些社会上的问题think about some problems in society

4. 对---作研究 do research on…

5. 与---分享 share with

6. 有说服力的广告语言 persuasive ad language

7. 推销产品 promote a product

8. 公共福利 public welfare

9. 意识到- be aware of ..

10. 挑战口臭 fight bad breath

11. 对---感觉良好 be good about..

12. 上当受骗 fall for…

13. 作弄--- play tricks on..

14. 有创意性的图片,original images

15. 旨在教育大众 be meant to educate the public

16. 过着美好的生活lead a good life

17. 公益广告宣传活动 public service ad campaign

18. 珍爱生命,远离毒品yes to life ,no to drugs

19. 希望工程 Project Hope

20. 犯罪 commit crimes

21. 对---精明 be smart about..

22. 为大众服务 serve the public

23. 让每个孩子都能上学school every child

24. 作市场调查 do market research

25. 高质量 of high quality

26. 最好的建议 top advice

27. 上升到 rise to increase to grow to

28. 降低到最低点 fall to drop to the lowest point

29. 最大值 maximum

30. 目标受众 target audience

31. 脑海中有---- have … in mind

32. 迎合---的反映方式appeal to the way …

33. 关注be concerned with care about

34. 把你的信息传达给---get your message across to…

35. 组织、汇集 put ..together

36. 主要取决于--- depend mainly on..

37. 吸收主意力 catch one’s attention

38. 达成理解 reach an understanding

39. 免费得到get ..for nothing for free

40. 对---习以为常 beget used to..

41. 诱使某人做--- trick ..into doing..

42. 对---感到厌倦 be bored with..

43. 完全的 complete

44. 宣称,号称 claim..

45. 不真实的 untrue

46. 广告牌 billboard

47. 消费者 customer

48. 评论 comment

49. 全国范围内 nationwide

50. 社会的 social

51. 标语 slogan

52. 满意的 satisfied

53. 独一无二的 unique

54. 迷人的 fascinating

55. 年长的,资历深的 senior

56. 购买 purchase

57. 重新包装 repackaging

58. 设计,图案 design

59. 特色 feature

60. 软饮料 soft drink

61. 难以忘怀的 unforgettable

62. 时髦的 fashionable

63. 实用的,机能的functional

64. 可获得的 available

65. 各种各样的 various

66. 决定 determine

67. 特别的 particular

68. 牛仔裤 jeans

69. 极其地 extremely

70. 途径,方法 approach

71. 我们对广告太习以为常了,我们甚至常常意识不到一天当中能看到和听到多少广告中。

We are so used to ads that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.

72. 商业广告是广告客户支付费用以推销某种产品或服务的广告。

A commercial ad is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service.

73. 我们对商业广告中所使用的技法还是得有些意识。

We must be aware of the methods used in a commercial.

74. 该信什么、不该信什么,我们需要在方面变得精明起来。

We should be smart about what we believe.

75. 与一则广告不同的是,广告宣传活动是一个经过组织的广告计划,使用各种类型的广告形式,以达到特定的目标受众。

牛津英语高一必修一 篇6

江阴一中 张小薇

The general idea of word power

This period is about vocabulary learning. In this period we will learn some words about outer space to enlarge our vocabulary. Also we will learn the names and the position of all the planets in the solar system.

Teaching aims:

1. Learn some new words of space and space exploration, such as astronaut, spaceman spacesuit, space walk, spaceship, space shuttle, space exploration, space station, outer space, launch , orbit, unmanned spaceship, rocket, artificial, sample, tracking, satellite, planet,etc.

2. Get some general information of space and space exploration: the solar system, some famous astronauts like Yuri Gagarin, Alexei Leonov, and Yang Liwei, brief history of world space exploration, and China’s steps in space exploration.

Teaching Important Points

1. How to master the words quickly and efficiently

2. How to understand the meaning of the speech made by the scientist

Teaching methods

1. Pictures for making the class more lively and content vivid

2. Read and recite the new words and repeat the activity

Teaching aids


Teaching Procedure

Step A Lead-in

[Picture of the full moon and Chang’e]

T: Look at the screen. What can you see?

S: We can see the full moon.

T: Don’t you think it’s very attractive? As a matter of fact, the moon looks so beautiful that ancient people imagined that a fairy named Chang’e lived there. Do you want to see Chang’e if you have a chance?

S: Yes, very much..

T: Actually, there has been someone to the moon. Do you know who he is?

[picture of Armstrong]

S: Armstrong, an American. He’s the first human being that set foot on the moon. He also said something very famous, that is, ‘It’s one small step for man; one giant leap for the mankind.’

T: Wonderful! What do we call this kind of activities in space?

S: Space exploration.

T: Good. Today, we are going to learn some words and get to know something of space and space exploration.

Step B Words Learning

[Picture of an astronaut]

T: What’s the person? What do we call his clothes? And the walk?

S: He’s an astronaut/spaceman. He is wearing a spacesuit, and he is taking a space walk.

T: How does he travel to space?

S: He travels to space by spaceship.

T: Good. Let’s share some pictures of spaceships.

[Pictures of spaceships and a space shuttle]

T: Spaceship has two kinds. Do you know what they are?

S: They are manned spaceships, like Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI, and unmanned spaceships that don’t carry man.

T: Wonderful! And what about this one?

S: That’s a space shuttle, a kind of spaceship that looks like an aeroplane.

T: Do you know the difference between a spaceship and a space shuttle?

S: A spaceship can be used only once, and a space shuttle can be used several times.

T: Let’s see some famous space shuttles in the world.

[Pictures of Columbia and Challenger; the former is marked with 19 and 7, while the latter marked with 10 and 7]

T: Do you know the two space shuttles?

S: One is called Columbia, and the other is called Challenger.

T: By the way, do you know what the number 19,7,10, and 7 mean?

S: (various answers are possible)

T: Let me tell you: 19 means Columbia was launched into space 19 times, and 7 means the 7 astronauts in the space shuttle. Now can you guess what about 10 and 7?

S: I try! 10 means Challenger was launched into space 10 times, and 7 means 7 spacemen travelled by Challenge.

T: Do you know what happened to the two shuttles?

S: I know, they exploded when they were on their way back to the earth, and all the astronauts in the shuttles lost their lives.

T: Good. So you know, it’s very challenging and dangerous to be an astronaut. They are very brave. That’s why the shuttle was given the name of Challenge. Do you think so?

S: Yes.

T: Do you think Yang Liwei is very great as he risked his life travelling in space?

S: Yes.

T: what about this one?

[Pictures of Dongfanghong, launch tower, space station]

S: Dongfanghong. I know it’s China’s first satellite.

T: Yes. It is an artificial satellite. ‘Artificial’ means ‘man-made’. And a satellite orbits a planet, just like the moon orbits the earth. By the way, do you know how an artificial satellite is launched? Let’s look at the following picture. Can you tell me the name of each part?

S: They are the launch tower, launch pad, and the rocket.

T: Good. And there is one more thing in space. What is that?

S: That’s a space station, a base in outer space where astronauts do their research.

Step C Confirmation & Check

T: Now we’ve learnt many words. Please read them again and try to remember them as quickly as possible, and then we will do a test.

astronaut/spaceman/spacesuit/space walk/spaceship/space shuttle/space exploration/space station/outer space/launch/orbit/unmanned spaceship/rocket

T: Are you ready for the test? Please do the exercise on page 7.

( Check answers and read the article )

Step D Understand the speech

T: By the way, do you know other events in history of space exploration? If you are not clear, read the speech and fill the form below:

Time Events

In 1957 Space exploration started with the launch of the first artificial satellite

Since 1959 Unmanned spaceships have been launched into space

By 1961 People were orbiting the earth.

T: Good. This is Yuri Gagarin.

T: What country does he come from?

S: The former Soviet Union.

T: Do you think it is a very powerful country in space exploration?

S: Yes.

T: Do you know another powerful country in this field?

S: The USA.

T: Let’s share some information of their achievements.

( Brief history of space exploration of USA and former Soviet Union )

T: Do you know anything about China?

(Achievements of China in space exploration)

Step E Space

T: Do you know China’s next step?

S1: Take a space walk.

S2: Set foot on the moon.

[Pictures of moon, earth, sun, nine planets]

T: What’s moon?

S: Satellite of the earth.

T: And the earth?

S: Planet of the sun.

T: What’s their relationship?

S: The moon orbits the earth, and the earth is in orbit round the earth.

T: Do you know names of the nine planets?

S: Let me have a try: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

T: Great. What do we call the nine planets and the sun?

S: The Solar System.

T: Good. How much else do you know about the solar system? Let us do a match game.

The closest is …

The farthest is…

The smallest is…

The biggest is…

The one with the most satellites is…

The one with much water is…

Morning star/ Evening star is…

T: Do you think the Solar system is as big as space?

S1: No, the Solar system is a very tiny part in space. It is part of the Milky Way.

S2: And even the Milky Way is a very tiny part in space. It is one of the millions of millions of galaxies in space.

T: Great. So do you think the space exploration will come to an end one day?

S: No. Space exploration will always continue.

Step F Summary and homework

T: If you have a chance to travel to space, what would you do? Where would you go?

Please write a short article of it. Is that clear?

S: Yes.

T: Thanks for you attendance! Class is over.

Activities and research:


1. Teacher and Students’ activities. Accordin to the picture given to the students, discuss some new words about new words and space exploration.

牛津英语高一必修一 篇7

高中阶段要求学生的写作语体由口语变为书面语。本课以一篇有着各种常见问题的学生作文入手, 引导学生们换位思考, 从读者的角度, 依据高考作文评分标准给作文评定分数, 在此过程中逐步发现影响作文得分的因素, 并进行修改。影响作文得分的因素依次为:书写、字数、段落划分、要点、时态、标点、语言性错误 (如单词拼写、单词形式、短语、句式等) 。针对改后的没有错误的文章, 再引导学生发现并练习写出五档作文的方法:即运用高级词汇或短语、高级句式以及连接词。学生利用高级表达法把这篇文章改为一篇五档作文。

在教学过程中, 学生一直处于探索、体会、发现的状态。高中英语新课标倡导任务型的教学模式, 教学过程应该形成一种师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。应该形成一种民主、开放的课堂教学氛围。让学生在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式, 实现任务的目标, 感受成功;在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整, 以形成积极的学习态度, 促进语言实际运用能力的提高。

通过利用高考作文评分标准, 学生可以在课堂中体验高考对他们的写作要求, 从而改善和提高自己的写作水平。



英语写作是英语教学的四项基本技能之一, 是学生语言输出的重要体现。加拿大多伦多大学安大 略教育学 院资深教 授Swain提出的“可 理解输出” (Comprehensible Output) 假设认为, 包括写在内的语言产出性运用有助于学习者检验目的语的句法结构和词语的使用, 促进语言运用的自动化, 有效达到语言学习的目的。语言运用 (Using Language) 中的写作环节能够检验学生对单元话题的了解程度以及语言表达能力。在高考中, 写作占25分之多, 足以说明写作的重要性。另外, 本单元的话题是关于伟大女性的, 学生在写作过程中也可以完成情感升华, 认识到女性的贡献, 从而激起自己贡献他人的崇高理想。


学生对英语写作的经验不够丰富, 见到一个写作题目, 打不开思路, 不知从何入手, 从而造成写作内容枯燥, 匮乏;写作时使用简单句过多, 主语单一, 对一些高级表达方式的使用尚不习惯。本次写作的重点是引导学生有意识地使用高级表达方法, 从而完成由口语到书面语的转化。高中生正处于心理、人格各方面成长的阶段, 写作任务不能只停留在表面意义上, 应该发掘出写作任务背后的深层寓意及其对学生的教育意义, 从而帮助学生形成正确的、积极向上的人生观、价值观。



通过本节课, 引导学生体会人物的写作方法。


1. 通过使用高级表达方法完成从口语到书面语体的表达, 培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。

2. 培养学生的探索能力, 让学生通过体验来感受从普通文章提升到高级文章的方法。

情感目标:引导学生学习林巧稚乐观的人生态度, 培养学生 (尤其是女学生) 的自信心、事业心和责任感, 从而塑造积极的人生观和价值观。



1. 指导学生运用实用的方法描写人物。

2. 情感教育。高中生正处于心理、人格各方面成长的阶段, 对于写作任务不能只停留在表面意义上, 应该发掘出写作任务背后的深层寓意, 及其对学生的教育意义, 从而帮助学生形成正确的、积极向上的人生观、价值观。本次写作任务旨在提高学生的写作能力, 更为让学生学习林巧稚心系人民, 忘我工作的精神, 倡导学生向她学习。


1. 学生的英语写作经验不够丰富, 见到一个写作题目, 打不开思路, 不知从何入手, 从而导致写作内容枯燥, 匮乏。老师应积极引导学生去正确分析写作背景材料, 拓展其写作思路。本课中, 教师将从本单元Using Language的复习入手, 引导学生写关于林巧稚的文章。学生在谈论熟悉的人时会感到有话可说。

2. 高中阶段要求学生写的语体由口语变为书面语。现阶段的高中生写作时使用简单句过多, 主语单一, 对一些高级的表达方式的使用尚不习惯。本次写作的重点是引导学生有意识地使用高级表达方法, 从而完成由口语到书面语的转化。这节课以一篇有着各种常见问题的学生作文入手, 引导学生们换位思考, 从读者的角度依据作文评分标准给作文评定分数。在此过程中, 学生能够逐步发现影响作文得分的因素并进行修改, 依次为: 书写、字数、段落划分、要点、时态、标点、语言性错误 (如单词拼写、单词形式、短语、句式等) 。针对改后的没有错误的文章, 教师再引导学生发现并练习写出五档作文的方法:即, 运用高级词汇或短语、高级句式以及连接词。学生利用高级表达法把这篇文章改为一篇五档作文。

3. 课堂教学内容与高考要求相结合。全国英语高考题 (新课标卷) 中写作占25分。我们在教学过程中要紧密结合高考的要求, 提高学生的写作水平, 培养学生应对高考的能力。




Name: Lin Qiaozhi

Profession: ______________

Life time _______________

Achievements: _______________________

设计意图:本步骤一方面帮助学生回忆已学的关于林巧稚的信息, 另一方面也是本节课作文谈论的话题, 起到引入教学内容的作用。


(一) 根据步骤一内容, 展示给学生一篇写作题目。

三八国际妇女节要到了, 你们学校将进行“伟大女性展”活动。现面向全校学生征稿, 介绍并歌颂伟大女性的贡献。请你依据以下要点写一篇关于林巧稚的文章。


注意 : 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

展示给学生高考评分标准 :

1. 总分25分, 5个档次。

2. 根据文章内容和语言初步定其档次。

3. 词数 <80或词数 >120的减2分。

4. 内容要点, 应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性, 以及上下文的连贯性。

5. 拼写与标点符号, 视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。

6. 书写较差影响交际, 降低一个档次。

展示三篇写作作品, 引导学生从评分老师的角度来分别评价作文, 并总结影响文章得分的因素 :

书写极差, 完全无法辨认。——0分

书写工整, 但是有多处语言表达错误, 未分段, 标点使用不规范。——15-17分

书写工整, 但是只运用了简单句式。——20分以下


(1) 印象分: ①书写②段落③词数

(2) 内容分: ①标点②语言错误③时态④要点

引导学生思考如何才能写出高分作文, 并向学生展示高考作文评分标准中五档作文的评分标准 :

第五档要求 : (21-25分)

1. 书写规范, 卷面整洁, 字数适当, 结构清晰, 层次分明, 格式完整。

2. 覆盖了所有内容要点, 时态正确。

3. 正确应用了较多的语法结构, 高级词汇及丰富的句式。

4. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑。完全达到了预期的写作目的。

设计意图:本步骤中, 学生将逐渐发现作文得分的影响因素, 从而在写作时避免一些常见问题。学生在评判这几篇文章的同时, 也能更多地了解林巧稚的贡献。本步骤能够激发学生学习林巧稚精神的热情。


通过3组句式的转化练习, 让学生亲身体会写作中从口语到书面语的提升, 并总结出完善作文的方法:1.运用高级词汇或短语;2. 运用高级句式 (a. 名词性从句b. 定语从句c. 状语从句d. 非谓语动词等e. 强调句f. 虚拟语气g. 倒装h. 语态) ;3. 运用连接词。

1) We all think he is a great man.

We all think highly of him.

2) Suddenly I thought out a good idea.

A good idea occurred to/struck me.

3) He knows a lot about foreign literature.

He has a good knowledge of foreign literature.

* Advanced words or phrases

Group 2

1) The little girl knows so many things. It surpriseshim.

① The little girl knows so many things that itsurprises him.

② So many things does the girl know that itsurprises him.

③ The little girl knows so many things, whichsurprises him.

④ It surprises him that the little girl knows somany things.

⑤ What surprises him is that the little girl knowsso many things.

2) The young man heard the bad news. Hecouldn’t help crying.

①Hearing the bad news, the young man couldn’thelp crying.

② On hearing the bad news, the young mancouldn’t help crying.

③ The moment/As soon as he heard the badnews, the young man couldn’t help crying.

3) He fell asleep. The door was open.

He fell asleep with the door open.

*Advanced sentences

A. Clauses

a. Noun clause (名词性从句)

b. Attributive clause (定语从句)

c. Adverbial clause (状语从句)

B. Structures: a. doing b. done

c. to do d. with …

C. Emphasis (强调句)

D. Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)

E. Inversion (倒装)

G. Voices ( 语态 )

Group 3

1 ) A s i s k n o w n t o a l l , c a r s h a v e b e c o m ea popular means of transport, bringing greatconvenience to our life. They have also caused someproblems such as air pollution and traffi c jams.

As is known to all, cars have become a popularmeans of transport, bringing great convenience to ourlife. However, they have also caused some problemssuch as air pollution and traffi c jams.

* Transitional words

A. 表递进关系的:moreover, besides, in addition, what’s more, furthermore, what’s worse, to makematters worse…

B. 表转折关系:however, on the contrary, though, but…

C. 表列举:fi rstly, secondly…, last but not least…, for one thing…for another…

D. 表总结:on the whole, in short, all in all, in general, in a word, in brief…

设计意图 : 本步骤中, 学生将发现把普通的简单句变换为高级句式的方法, 在以后的写作中能够有意识地运用这些方法提高写作水平。


要求学生利用高级词汇或短语, 高级句式和连接词修改步骤二中的第三篇文章, 使之提升为五档作文。以第二句话为例, 共同体会如何从简单的口语式句型提升到高级的书面语句式。

E.g.: She wrote a book. In the book she taughtwomen in the countryside to keep babies clean andhealthy.

Possible versions:

① Writing a book, she taught women in thecountryside to keep babies clean and healthy.

② She wrote a book in which she taught womenin the countryside to keep babies clean and healthy.

③ She wrote a book so that she could teachwomen in the countryside to keep babies clean andhealthy.

④ It was in the book she wrote that she taughtwomen in the countryside to keep babies clean andhealthy.


Lin Qiaozhi, born in 1901 in Xiamen, Fujianprovince, was a specialist in women’s diseases.

Lin Qiaozhi graduated from university and gota doctor’s degree in 1929. She devoted herself toimproving Chinese women medical conditions andreducing the death rate of having babies. She wrotea book in which she taught women in the countrysideto keep babies clean and healthy. She didn’t getmarried throughout her life. However, with her help, about 50, 000 babies were delivered. In 1983, thegreat doctor died, leaving behind a lot of medicalexperience.

People all think highly of her. Her devotion andselfl essness encourage us to carry on her work.

提醒学生从整片文章大局出发, 再做细微调整。

Lin Qiaozhi, born in 1901 in Xiamen, Fujianprovince, was a specialist in women’s diseases.

After she graduated from university and gota doctor’s degree in 1929, Lin devoted herself toimproving Chinese women medical conditions andreducing the death rate of having babies. She wrotea book in which she taught women in the countrysideto keep babies clean and healthy. She didn’t getmarried throughout her life. However, with her help, about 50, 000 babies were delivered. In 1983, thegreat doctor died, leaving behind a lot of medicalexperience.

People all think highly of her. Her devotion andselfl essness encourage us to carry on her work.


语境合情合理, 过渡自然;

语句有简有繁, 随“意”而安;

语法结构正确, 无懈可击;

语言地道, 书写规范;

思想健康, 积极向上。

设计意图:本步骤引导学生当堂利用所学方法, 把普通的简单句式变换为高级句式。让学生见证一篇普通作文到五档作文 (21分—25分) 的变化。



(一) 印象:1. 书写2. 段落3. 词数

(二) 内容:1. 标点 2. 语言错误 3. 时态 4. 要点

(三) 闪光点:1. 高级单词或短语 2. 高级句式 3. 连 接词

设计意图:通过总结, 学生可以对本课内容有整体的把握, 同时加深对提高写作水平的理解。



请你以“Madam Curie, a great woman scientist”为题写一篇文章。

设计意图:对于教师而言, 作业是检验学生学习情况的重要依据。通过作业情况, 教师可以了解学生对本课的掌握程度, 并适当调整教学内容。学生在完成作业的过程中可以运用所学知识, 发现自己欠缺之处并及时弥补。作业的主题是:“伟大的女性居里夫人”, 与课堂内容一致, 也能激发学生对于伟大女性的崇敬之情。



1. 学生的课堂行动

2. 学生的认知水平

3. 学生的作业情况



测试。以作业、试卷等方式检测学生的学习效果。 (注:可以采用老师评阅, 学生互阅和家长评价的方式。)

上一篇:7年级语文教学计划下一篇:狼牙山五壮士 评课稿