
2024-10-13 版权声明 我要投稿


高中英语语法动词的时态和语态常见搭配 篇1

  一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在进行时
主动 do/does did will/shall do would/should do am/is/are doing
被动 am/is/are done was/were done will/shall be done would/should be done am/is/are being done
  过去进行时 将来进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 过去完成时
主动 was/were doing will/shall be doing have/has done have/has been doing had done
被动 was/were being done ---------- have/has been done ---------- had been done


1、表示经常发生的习惯性的、现在反复出现的动作或状态,常用的时间状语有:always,usually,seldom, sometimes, every day, now and then, once a week等。




5、时间表、时刻表、日程表、节目单、课程表等按规定将要发生的动作,只限于go, arrive, leave, start, stay, return, begin, come等动词。




Here comes the bus!How it rains!


1、表示在过去某一时间点发生的动作或所处的状态,与现在没有关系。常用的时间状语有:yesterday, last night, at that time等。


3、用used to do或would do表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。

4、有些情况发生的时间没清楚表明,但实际上是“刚才,刚刚”发生的,属于过去时间,应使用过去时态。常见的有I didn’t know…或I forgot…等。

5、一般过去时可与today, this week, this month等时间状语连用。


1、will/shall do

(1)表示将来会出现的动作或状态。常用的时间状语:this evening, tomorrow, next week/month…,at the end of this term, in a few minutes等。





2、be going to do



3、be to do




4、be about to do





1、would/should do表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或将要存在的状态。通常用于其主句的谓语为过去时态的宾语从句中。

2、were/was to do 表示过去将来时间的安排,如果这个安排后来被取消,没有实现,则用was/were to have done表示。




3、有时可表示即将发生的动作(只限于go, come, stay, leave, start, begin, arrive, return, fly, drive等动词),这时常有一个表示将来时间的状语。

4、常与always, forever, constantly, continually, all the time等时间副词连用,表示反复发生的或习惯性的动作,常表示不满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。

5、有些表示感觉、情感的动词不能用进行时,它们是:know, understand, love, like, hate, feel, desire, wish, want, refuse, remember, hear, see, have等, 这些动词一般不用进行时,通常用一般现在时态,表示说话时发生的动作。





4、与always, frequently等副词连用,表示感情色彩。







用法 意义
继续 表示从过去继续到现在的动作或状态
经验 表示过去某一时期到现在的经验
完成 表示现在刚完成的动作
成果 表示现在是“做了……”的结果

1、表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常用的状语有already, yet, just等。

2、表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,而且还可能继续下去的动作状态。往往和表示一段时间的状语连用,如today, this week, lately, recently, in the past few days, since, for a long time等。


(2)此类动词在否定句中则可以与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。这类动词有:begin, leave, go, borrow, come, return, born, die, buy, arrive。










(2)状态动词、知觉动词或情态动词如:see, feel, know, love等,不用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。




过去 完成过去 现在


2、表示未曾实现的希望、打算、意图、诺言等。常用had hoped/ planned/ meant/ intended/ thought/ wanted/ expected等或用上述动词过去式接不定式表示即:hoped/ planned…+to do。

3、过去完成时用于hardly…when, no sooner…than等固定句型中。


1、there be 结构及所有的不及物动词或词组充当谓语时,无被动语态。


3、一些表示状态的及物动词,如cost, have, own, possess等不能用被动语态。

4、表示“希望、意图”的动词,如wish, want, hope, like, love,hate等不能变被动语态。

5、当及物动词leave, enter, reach等的宾语是表示地点和处所(包括组织、团体、军队、国家等)的名词时,不可变为被动语态。



2、在“have+宾语+to do”结构中,当不定式的逻辑主语在句中出现时,不定式用主动语态,否则用被动语态。

3、在“be+形容词+to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动表被动。


(1)be worth doing

(2)want, require, need后面的动名词用主动形式表示被动含义。



be seated(坐着), be hidden(躲藏),be lost(迷路),be drunk(喝醉),be dressed(穿着)


in advance of 在……前面

in aid of 帮助

in behalf of 为了,为了……的利益

in case of 如果,万一,以防

in celebration of 庆祝

in charge of 负责,管理

in commemoration of 纪念,庆祝

in defence of 保卫

in explanation of 解释

in face of 面对

in favour of 赞成,主张

in front of 在……前面

in honor of 纪念,祝贺,欢迎

in memory of 纪念

in need of 需要

in place of 代替

in possession of 拥有

in praise of 称赞

in respect of 关于,就……而言

in search of 寻找,搜找

in sight of 看得见,在看见……的地方

in spite of 虽然,尽管

in support of 为了支持(拥护)……

in view of 鉴于,考虑到


(1) admit to doing sth. 承认做了某事

(2) apply to doing sth. 适用于做某事

(3) object to doing sth. 反对做某事

(4) see to doing sth. 负责做某事

(5) stick to doing sth. 坚持做某事

(6) take to doing sth. 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事


(1) apply oneself to doing sth. 专心致力于做某事

(2) devote sth. to doing sth. 把……献给做某事

(3) devote oneself to doing sth. 献身于做某事

(4) limit sth. to doing sth. 把……限制在做某事的范围内

(5) reduce sb. to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事


(1) give one’s life to doing sth. 献身于做某事

(2) give one’s mind to doing sth. 专心做某事

(3) have a dislike to doing sth. 厌恶做某事

(4) have an eye to doing sth. 注意做某事

(5) have an objection to doing sth. 反对(反感)做某事

(6) pay attention to doing sth. 注意做某事

高中英语语法动词的时态和语态常见搭配 篇2

1. 运用学案导学及研究性学习教学模式, 让学生开展有效地自学、合作和交流。鼓励学生自己动手、独立思考, 并且能与其他学生合作、交流, 共同解决问题。

2. 课堂以学生为主体, 重视学生的体验参与。学生在学习过程中能科学合理地进行分工合作, 倾听别人的意见, 同时鼓励学生大胆质疑, 自由表达自己的观点和想法。

3. 在教学过程中, 将学习小组间的竞争贯穿到各个教学环节中, 激发学生更强烈的学习兴趣, 以便其更热情饱满地投入学习之中。

4. 课堂活动设计着重培养学生学以致用的实践能力以及跳出做题人的思维定势, 并尝试站在出题人的角度思考做题的新思路。

5. 根据教学内容的特点, 恰当地选择和运用教学媒体, 注重信息技术的应用, 以便提高教学效率。


英语中每个完整的句子都会涉及动词的时态语态, 它在英语语法中具有重要的作用。在高考中, 语法填空、短文改错及书面表达这三大题型都会对时态语态进行直接的考查。

本堂课是对英语考试大纲所要求掌握的九种时态语态的结构及用法的复习, 着重讲解语法填空和短文改错题型中遇见时态语态问题时的解题技巧。


学生对动词时态语态的结构和用法有了一定的认识, 但由于找不到时态语态间的规律, 因此难以将其融会贯通, 仅能生硬、机械地死记各种时态语态的结构及用法, 又往往出现识记不清的情况, 乱用时态语态的现象比比皆是。学生也表示对熟记并掌握诸多时态语态结构感到颇为头疼。因此, 教师应教授学生巧记、速记常见、常考时态语态结构的口诀, 以及提高时态语态题的解题技巧, 这对学生掌握时态语态结构有重要的作用。


1. 学生能通过口诀巧记、熟记常见常考动词时态、语态的结构。

2. 学生能通过微课中解题技巧的指导及实战高考题, 掌握时态语态题在语法填空及短文改错中的解题技巧。

3. 学生能通过“我来出题”这个环节, 跳出做题人的思维定势, 学会从出题人的角度揣测出题人的意图, 从而使自己在做题时能更全面地考虑问题。


Step 1:Using a short video to lead in the topic. (5 mins)

(目的:运用自己制作的小视频讲述龙州历史、人文与生活并将授课内容融入小视频, 从而导入话题, 用贴近学生生活的材料引起学生对本课复习内容的兴趣。)

Step 2:Showing the objectives of this lesson. (1min)


Step 3:Checking the coaching paper. (4 mins)


Step 4:Showing the students a short video about the solving method. (5 mins)

(目的:让学生通过观看微课视频, 了解动词时态语态在语法填空及短文改错题中的解题思路。学生还可以在课后下载微课视频, 以辅导他们日后的英语学习。)

Step 5:Doing exercises chosen from the College Entrance Examination

Tests. (5 mins)

(目的:让学生零距离接触高考题, 独立思考, 并将解题技巧运用到实际做题中。)

Step 6:Group work to check the answers. (3mins)

(目的:学生小组讨论, 自己纠错, 与组内成员合作、交流, 共同解决问题。)

Step 7:Students’show time. (8 mins)

(目的:请学生自己讲题, 把课堂还给学生。同时鼓励学生大胆质疑, 自由表达自己的观点和想法。)

Step 8:Making out questions. (6 mins)

(目的:让学生感受出题, 学会揣测出题人的意图, 使其在日后做题时, 更加全面地考虑问题。)

Step 9:Summary. (2 mins)

(目的:回顾总结本课内容, 使学生印象更加深刻。)

Step 10:Homework. (1 min)

(目的:正确运用本课所复习的时态、语态, 写一篇书面表达, 以巩固本课所复习的内容, 进而使学生学以致用。)


本课能依据学科课程标准, 科学、合理地确立教学重点和难点, 突出核心内容和核心能力。教师能够激发学生的学习动机和兴趣, 让学生以饱满的热情投入学习之中。在教学过程中, 教师能有意识地营造民主、平等、和谐的课堂氛围, 有效地组织和引导学生开展研究性学习, 使接受与探究相辅相成, 使学生的学习效果更好。

教师能对学生的学习过程及情感、态度及时给予有价值的反馈, 发挥课堂评价对学生学习的导向、激励、诊断和反思提高的作用。对于学生出现的错误, 能及时以恰当的方式指出和纠正, 并鼓励学生大胆质疑, 自由表达自己的观点和想法。但是, 由于本堂课的节奏稍快, 教师一旦包办课堂评价, 就无法给予学生足够的评价机会。此外, 指令性的课堂用语应该尽可能地简练表达。


周家凤老师从教九年, 综合素质较高, 讲授的这趟语法填空课闪光点颇多。这堂课充分展示了周老师的深厚的教学积淀, 成熟、稳定的教学风格。这堂课有以下几点让我感受最深。

第一, 英语口语表达能力很强, 语音面貌好。如果说一个人的语言表达能力决定了他的发展潜力的话, 我们完全可以断定, 教师“说得好才教得好”。尽管新课标主张教学要突出学生的主体, 但如果没有教师3~5分钟言之有物精彩演讲, 这堂课一定少了特殊的“魂”, 会暗然失色。这节课虽然是语法复习课, 但周老师用流畅的英语组织教学, 这着实值得其他教师学习。英语课只有充满英语才有英语味道, 当然教师还应注意“Speak English whenever possible, speak Chinese whenever necessary.”。

第二, 教学中充分展示了人格魅力。当教师的英语知识达到临界点之后, 决定教学成绩优劣的关键因素是教师的人格魅力和教学管理能力。从周老师的一招一式都可以强烈感觉到她的人格魅力以及教学情怀。课堂是否积极活跃与教师的人格魅力有必然关系。

第三, 合作性学习在教学中的运用。所谓“英语学习力”是指英语学习的“双商”培养:自我管理的“情商”, 有效学习的“智商”。合作学习能促进学生交流时“信息差” (information gap) 的形成, 使课堂产生“知识流”, 学生的思想碰撞产生火花。学生的小组合作学习, 互相讨论能有效扼制教师的“话霸”“话痨”, 还能提升教师的教学智慧。独霸课堂的教师是缺乏教学智慧的。学生从同学那里学到的东西并不亚于从教师那里学到的。

第四, 积极开发教学资源, 打造高效课堂。这节课周老师在引入部分利用了自制的录像, 让学生在熟悉的语境、话题 (关于龙州的介绍) 中加深对时态、语态的理解。周老师还在课堂上播放了微课视频, 进一步巩固了学生对于时态、语态的认识。

第五, 周老师在教学过程中聚焦高考, 自编习题 (导学案) , 精讲精练。好教师有不少标准, 自编习题便是其中之一。这节课周老师所编制的导学案针对性强, 突出了学生在学习时态所遇到的各种难点。学生在做导学案时能暴露各种问题, 教师通过组织学生讨论, 有效地解决了所暴露的问题。

当然, 人无完人, 课无完课, 这堂课有下面五个方面需要注意, 特与周老师商榷:

第一, 教师需要考虑语法课教学的本质 (what) , 采用何种核心手段 (how) 处理重点、难点, 以及为什么 (why) 用这些方法。这节课既是语法复习课, 又是高考新题型训练课。因此, 通过训练暴露出上、中、下不同层次学生在时态、语态方面存在的问题, 并设法解决, 这是本节课的本质和命门。有效教学活动建立在合理的基础之上。学生弄清楚为什要这样做或不那样做至关重要。英语教学“举一反三”是本。教师应积极引导学生学会“举一反三”。

第二, 教学指令 (instructions) 可以更具体、清晰一些, 这样效果会更好。教学指令的清晰度, 可操性与教学活动的精准性密切相关。

第三, 学习活动 (观看微课视频) 不宜易位, 教师可安排学生回家进行自主学习。

第四, 教学节奏可以放缓一些, 张驰有度, 尽可能多一些等待时间, 多一些“延时评价”, 多一些静悟反思。教师应该谨记“Learning a foreign language takes time. Therefore, we must be patient.”。

第五, 教学应充分考虑学生的差异性, 并不是每个学生都适合小组合作学习, 特别是性格内向的学生。

总之, 我从龙州高中周家凤教师所讲的这节课中学到不少, 悟到很多。听课是学习, 更是思考。这节课很成功, 可圈可点之处比比皆是, 我相信这其中既有集体的智慧, 更有个人的努力和教学悟性。


高中英语语法动词的时态和语态常见搭配 篇3



I´ll go there after I finish my work./ If it rains tomorrow,I won´t go there.3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:There goes the bell.铃响了。There comes the bus.汽车来了。Here she comes.她来了。



2.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。例如:She is leaving for Beijing.她要去北京。

He is working as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。My father is coming to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。3.代替一般现在时,描绘更加生动。例如:The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。The sun is rising in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。

4.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget,believe,trust,want,wish,refuse,like,hate,dislike,prefer,mind,hope等。


1.表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,或说话时已完成的动作。例如:I have finished the report./ She has cleand the room.2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for„”, “since„”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:He has learned English for six years./ They have worked here since they left college.3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:

1)用两种时态来表述发生在过去的某一动作,现在完成时强调这一过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,而一般过去时只表达过去的动作或状态,和现在关系不大。例如:She has cleaned the room.It´s very clean now.(此句has cleaned就不能改为cleaned.一是因为cleaned与现状无关,二是因为一般过去时不可突然跳到It´s„这样的一般现在时。)

2)汉语中的“了”、“过”、“曾”等词常用完成表达,如:I have seen that film.(我看过那部电影了。)但是如果是在特定的过去时间“看了”、“做过”,就不可用完成时而必须用一般过去进来表达。例如:When did you see that film? I saw it yesterday.(你什么时候看了那部电影?我昨天看的。)不能说:When have you seen that film?I have seen it yesterday.4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:

——Where is Li Hua? -He has gone to the reading-room.——She knows a lot about Shanghai.-She has been there.5.短暂动词(即瞬间动词),join, lose, buy, borrow, leave, go, come, arrive, die, marry, finish, complete, begin, start, break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:He has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”可采用1)“ago法”:He finished the work three hours ago.2)“延续法”:He has been through(with)the work for three hours.3)“since法”:It is/has been three hours since he finished the work.四、现在完成进行时

1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:He has been doing the maths problems since 8:00./ It has been raining for two days.2.凡是不能用于现在进行时的动词均不能用于现成完成进行时。五、一般过去时



1.表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。例如:He was preparing his lecture all day yesterday.2.表示动作在另一过去动作发生时进行。例如:They were still working when I left.3.用在两个过去进行时动作同时发生。例如:I was writing while he was watching TV.4.表示过去将来动作。例如:He said she was arriving the next day.七、过去完成时

1.表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作。例如:He had shut the door before the dog came up./ Everything had been all right up till this morning.2.表示动作或状态从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻才完成,甚至还要继续下去。例如:At the age of ten,he had learned 500 English words.He had been ill for a week when we learned about it.3.常用hope,expect,think,intend,want,suppose等动词的过去完成时来表示未实现的希望、打算或意图。例如:We had expected that you would be able to win the match.八、一般将来时

一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作和存在的状况。有下列一些形式: 1.will/shall do(侧重将来行为,不突出计划安排去做某事)2.be going to do(主观上打算或客观上可能发生)

3.be doing(按计划将要发生,常和表示最近的将来时间连用)4.be about to do(按计划即将发生)


用来表示在将来某个时刻(前)将完成的动作。常和by短语,when,before引起的时间状语连用。例如:We will have finished senior Book 2 by the end of this term.时态考点分析

1.——Can I join your club,dad?

——You can when you______a bit older.(NMET)

A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got 析:“You can”是将来意,when引导的时间状语从句要用一般现在时表将来所以此题答案为A.2.——Oh,it’s you!I______you.——I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.A.didn’t recognize B.hadn’t recognized C.haven’t recognized D.don’t recongnize

析:从“Oh,it’s you!”可知说话时已认出对方。“没有认出”是在此之前为过去情况,所以应选A.3.I don’t think Jim saw me;he______into space.(NMET)A.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared D.had just stared

析:在空白处应选一个与“saw”相配,能解释Jim didn’t see me 这一原因的选项,只有着眼于A、B。若选A不能体观他“当时正在做”某事,故排除A而选B。这样因为“他正在望宇宙天空”所以“未看到我”。4.——______my glasses?

——Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago.(NMET)

A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.Have you seen 析:现在完成时可表过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可作现焦急的心情。故答案为D。

5.You don’t need to describe her.I______her several times.(NMET)A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet 析:答案B。道理同4。

6.——Do you know our town at all?

——No,this is the first time I______here.A.was B.have been C.came D.am going 析:根据this/it is the first/second/„time sb.has done sth.句型,可定答案为B。又如:This is the second time he has visited the Great Wall.7.I don’t really work here.I______until the new secretary arrives.(NMET)A.just help out B.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out 析:根据I don´t really work here.以及„until the new secretary arrives,可知说话人所要做的事是计划安排行为,C、D两个选项都表将来动作,但D非计划安排,C则体现按计划去做,所以此题答案为C。8.——Is this raincoat yours?

——No, mine______ there behind the door.(NMET)A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung





例如:He was scolded by the English teacher.2.主语+get+过去分词+其它成分 例如:The boy got drowned last summer./ She got fired because of her faults.注意:使用这种结构不能带有“by+施动者”

3.带有双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)的主动句变为动句,其主语可以是直接宾语,也可以是间接宾语。例如:She lent me a bike.被动:1)I was lent a bike(by her).2)A bike was lent to me(by her).4.情态动词+be+过去分词

例如:This problem must be worked out in half an hour.5.双重被动式:主语+被动式谓语+不定式的被动式+其它成分

例如;These magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room./The murderer was ordered to be shot.二、主动表示被动的几种情况

1.不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态。常见动词是:cut,sell,read,write,fill,cook,lock,wash,drive,keep等。例如:This knife cuts well.这把刀好切。These books sell well.这些书好卖。The pen writes smoothly.这支笔写起来流畅。Meat won´t keep long in such hot weather.肉在这样热的天气里放不长久。The cloth washes well.这种布好洗。

2.一些连系动词的主动式+形容词。常见动look,smell,taste,sound,feel,prove,turn out等。例如:The apples taste good./The flower smells wonderful./The news proved/turned out true./Cotton feels soft.注:prove也可用于被动式,如:His answer(was)proved right.3.不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。常见形容词有:hard,defficult,easy,heavy,fit,good,comfortable,convenient,impossible等。例如:The problem is easy to do./The question is difficult to answer./The box is heavy to carry./The project is impossible to complete in a year.比较:The problem is to be done./The question is to be answered.没有形容词时,虽然不定式与主语是动宾关系,但必须用被动式。


1.I teach myself French.不可变为Myself is taught French.因为反身代词不可作主语。

2.We help each other/one another.不可变为Each other/One another is helped by us.因为相互代词不可作主语。

3.He lost heart.不可变为Heart was lost by him.因为象lose heart,make a face,keep silence,lose in thought这类动宾结构的固定短语只能用于主动式,不能用被动式。

4.She took part in the sports meet.不能变为The sports meet was taken part in by her.因为象take part in,belong to ,own,have,hate,fail,contain等表状态动词没有被动语态。


1.I need one more stamp before my collection______.(NMET)

A.has completed B.completes C.has been completed D.is completed


2.——Do you like the material?

——Yes,it______very soft.(NMET)

A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt


3.Great changes______ in the city, and a lot of factories______.(NMET)A.have been taken place„have been set up B.have taken place„have been set up C.have taken place„have set up D.were taken place„were set up

析:take place(发生)是不及物动词,不可用于被动语态,于是可排除A、D,又因set up(建造)是及物动词,在此题中应该用被动式,故排除C,答案为B。4.Most of the artists______to the party were from South Africa.(NMET)A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.had been invited 析:首先可排除B。因为它不表示“被邀请”。又因D项少引导词who,也应排除。A项=who were invited,C项=who were being invited,由象invite这类短暂动词的现在分词被动式不可作后置定语,故也应排除。因而可定答案为A。5.I don´t know the restaurant,but it´s______to be quite a good one.(NMET)A.said B.told C.spoken D.talked

析:根据“某人/某物据说„”英文句式为“sb/sth.is said„”可定答案为A。又如:He is said to be a clever boy.据说他是一个聪明的男孩。6.The police found that the house______and a lot of things______.(NMET)A.has broken into„has been stolen B.has broken into„had been stolen C.has been broken into„stolen D.had been broken into„stolen 析:“房屋被人闯入”,“东西被偷”都是被动语态,故可排除A、B。因C项中的has been broken into不能置于found之后,则答案只能是D。7.I promise that the matter will______.(NMET)

A.be taden care B.be taken care of C.take care D.take care of 析:take care of„是固定短语,若无of则不可带宾语,只能跟that从句。所以此题答案为B。

8.If city noises______from increasing,people____shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.(NMET)

A.are not kept„will have to B.are not kept„have to C.do not keep„will have to D.do not keep„have to


9.The Olympic Games,____in 776 BC,did not include women players until 1912.(NMET)

A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing

析;要表达“被举行”,只能在B、C中选。B意“将要首次举行”。显然不合in 776 BC这一过去时间,只有C,first played(=which was first played)才合用。故答案为C。

10.This sentence needs______.A.a improvement B.improve C.improving D.improved 析:初看此题似手A、C皆可,但improvement是元音开头词,其前要用an,故排除。need作实义动词,和require,want一样,后面可跟doing或to be done 表“需要被„”意。如:The door needs/wants/requires painting/to be painted.(这扇门需要漆一下。)11.I should very much like to have gone to the party,but I______invited.A.am not B.haven´t been C.was not D.will not be

析:should/would like to have done sth.意“本想做某事”,例如:I should like to have seen the film,but it wasn´t possible.由于这种句式表示“过去想”,所以but后的句子也应该是过去时态与之相配合,故此题答案是C。12.——______the note______to Mr Smith?

——No,It is still in my pocket.A.Is„being given B.Was„given C.Has„been given D.Hasn´t„been given 析:根据问句与答句,问话人显然是注重结果,故要用现在完成时。似乎D作为反诘句“难道条还没给史密斯先生吗?”也成立,但若是这种口气发问,答话人就应答“Sorry.It is still in my pocket.”,所以此题答案应为C。13.We heard it______that he had gone to New York.A.say B.said C.to say D.be said

析:It was said that„可以改为We heard it said that„(都表示“据说„”之意)。前一种说法中It 是形式主语,后一种说法中it是形式宾语。故此题答案为B。


1.The maths problem can be______.A.easy worked out B.easy to be worked out C.easily worked out D.easily to work out

2.Every possible means______,but none proves successful.A.has been tried B.tried C.is being tried D.has tried 3.The girl is to______a rich man.A.marry with B.be married C.marry to D.be married to 4.He received a telegram that______“Mother sick”.A.wrote B.says C.reads D.read

5.Who can you imagine______to his wedding party?

A.inviting B.being invited C.was invited D.to be invited

6.I______ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.(NMET)A.gave B.was given C.was giving D.had given 7.——Will somebody go and get Dr.White?

——He´s already been______.(NMET)

A.asked for B.sent for C.called for D.looked for

8.A conductor______to keep us in time in the singing yesterday.A.needs B.is needing C.was needed D.has been needed 9.When and where to build the new factory______yet.A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided

10.Ways______to stop pollution by now.A.must find B.will be found C.are found D.have been found 11.I don´t want anything______about it.A.to say B.said C.saying D.having said 12.——______that the sports meet might be put off.——Yes,it all depends on the weather.A.I´ve been told B.I´ve told C.I´m told D.I told

13.A library with five thousand books______to the nation as a gift.(NMET)A.is offered B.has offered C.are offered D.have offered 14.Betty has never been heard _______ill of others.A.speak B.spoken C.to speak D.was said

15.Tom______to have delivered the speech in their theatre room.A.said B.says C.is said D.was said 16.——What do you think of the book?

——Oh,excellent.It´s worth______a second time.(NMET)A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read

17.Little Jim should love______to the theatre this evening.(NMET)A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking.18.______more attention,the trees could have grown better.(NMET)A.Given B.to give C.Giving D.Having given 19.——where______the book?I can’t see it anywhere.——I______it right here but now it’s gone.A.did you put;have put B.have you put;put

C.had you put;was putting D.were you putting;have put 20.He would not fail so long as he______hard the next term.A.studied B.would study C.had studied D.studies 21.How long______the English party______?

A.has;been lasted B.did;last C.was;lasted D.will;be lasted 22.What______you______this time next Friday?

A.will;do B.have;been doing C.are;doing D.will;be doing 23.Hardly______the bell______when the teacher came in.A.did;ring B.would;ring C.has;rung D.had;rung 24.It______and the streets were still wet.A.had been raining B.rained C.had been rained D.would rain 25.The book____on the ground for ten minutes but no noe has picked it up.A.is lying B.has lain C.lay D.has been lying 26.We______there when it______to rain.A.were getting;would begin B.were about to get;began C.had got;had begun D.would get;began

27.The teacher said we______ten lessons by the end of this term.A.should have studied B.were going to study C.have studied D.should study

28.——she told me she had met you in London last year.——______you______her since?

A.Had;met B.Did;see C.Would;meet D.Have;seen 29.——When______again?

——When he______,I’ll let you know.A.will he come;will come B.will he come;come C.he comes;comes D.will he come;comes 30.Tom______for more than a week.A.has left B.had gone away C.went away D.has been away 31.——What happened to her teeth?

——She______the apple more than she could chew.A.has bitten B.bit C.had been bitting D.bites

32.Shakespeare was said______37 famous plays in his lifetime.A.finishing writing B.to finish writing C.having written D.to have written

33.——You’ve agreed to go.So why aren’t you getting ready?

——But I______that you______me to start at once.A.don’t realize;want B.don’t realize;wanted C.haven’t realized;want D.didn’t realize;wanted 34.——I missed the lecture last night.——Oh,what a pity!I wish______.A.you heared it B.you had heard it

C.you never heard it D.you hadn’t heard it

35.I’ll return the book to the library as soon as I______it.A.finished B.am going to finish C.will finish D.have finished 36.——Your phone number again?I______quite catch it.——It’s 9586442.(NMET)

A.didn’t B.couldn’t C.don’t D.can’t 37.——I’m sorry to keep you waiting.——Oh,not at all.I______here only a few minutes.A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be

38.When I was at college.I______three foreign languages,but I______all except a few words of each.A.spoke;had forgotten B.spoke;have forgotten

C.had spoedn;had forgotten D.had spoken;have forgotten

39.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she______.A.will arrive B.arrives C.is going to arrive D.is arriving(NMET)

40.——Who is Jerry Cooper?

——______?I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.(NMET)A.Don’t you meet him yet B.Hadn’t you met him yet C.Didn’t you meet him yet D.Haven’t you met him yet 41.——We could have walked to the station.It was so near.——Yes,a taxi______at all necessary.(NMET)

A.wasn’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t be D.won’t be

42.We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose______to her?(NEMT)

A.was happening B.to happen C.has haqqend D.having happened 43.On Saturday afternoon,Mrs Green went to the market,______some bananas and visited her cousin.(NMET)

A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.buy

44.As she______the newspaper,Granny______asleep.(NMET)A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell

45.I______the bad cold for a week,still I can’t get rid of it.A.caught B.have caught C.have D.have had 46.I______the time______so quickly.A.didn’t realize;had passed B.don’t realize;passed

C.haven’t realized;passed D.hadn’t realized;had passed

47.——My watch______twelve o’clock.It’s so late.——Let’s hurry up.A.is said B.says C.is told D.tells

48.Helen______her key in the office so she had to wait her husband_____home.(NMET)

A.has left;comes B.left;had come C.had left;came D.had left;would come 49.The pen I______I______is on my desk,right under my nose.(NMET)

A.think;lost B.thought;had lost C.think;had lost D.thought;have lost 50.——Jane has just arrived.——I didn’t know she______.A.is coming B.was coming C.had been coming D.will come


1-5 C A D D C 6-10 B B C A D 11-15 B A A C C 16-20 C A A B A

21-25 B D D A D 26-30 B A D D D 31-35 B D D B D 36-40 A A B B D

高中英语语法动词的时态和语态常见搭配 篇4




1.(2016·湖南四县联考)I sat down on the edge of a curb(路缘)and________(listen).

答案 listened [考查时态。and连接了两个并列的谓语动词,和前面的sat down并列。] 2.(2016·天水一中模拟)—Have you been to the United States? —Yes, only once.I________(stay)there only for seven days.答案 stayed [考查动词的时态。据句子 Have you been to the United States? Yes, only once.我去过美国,但已经回来,所以I________there only for seven days是过去的事,所以应用一般过去时态。] 3.(2016·济宁模拟)I________(think)about what you’ve said and I’ve decided to take your advice.答案 have been thinking [考查时态。句意:我一直都在考虑你所说的话而且我已经决定了采纳你的建议了。用现在完成进行时表示动作由过去的某一刻开始持续,直到说话的时候才刚好结束。] 4.(2016·福建泉州三月质检)I wondered why John kept it a secret.It was not until he________(ask)three times that he told me the truth.答案 had been asked [考查时态和语态。句意:直到我问了他三次,他才告诉我实情。主语he和ask之间是被动关系,并且发生在told之前,用过去完成时。] 5.(2016·陕西临潼华清中学模拟)—The constant noise around here ________(drive)me crazy!—Calm down.It’s no use complaining.答案 is driving [句意:——这里连续不断的吵闹声要把我逼疯了!——冷静点。抱怨也没用。根据谈话内容可知:使用现在进行时。] 6.(2016·兰州联考)—I wonder if you could go with me to the supermarket.1 —Don’t disturb me.I ________(write)my daily report this morning and haven’t finished yet.答案 have been writing [考查时态。句意:——我想知道你能否和我一起去超市。——不要打扰我,我今天早晨一直在写每日报告,现在还没有完成。根据句意,此处表示的从过去起一直持续的动作,用现在完成进行时。] 7.(2016·湖南浏阳一中期中)It was the fourth time she ________(shop)online for hours.答案 had shopped [考查固定句型中的时态。It was the fourth time...从句中应该用过去完成时态。] 8.(2015·福州八中质检)Being too anxious to help an event develop often ________(result)in the contrary to our intention.答案 results [考查一般现在时。从句子结构分析,动名词短语Being too anxious to help an event develop作主语,result是谓语动词,应当考虑时态;根据句子意思“急于求成,往往事与愿违”,是客观真理,应当用一般现在时,故填results。] 9.(2015·保定六市六校联盟)By April 2008,over 10 million articles ________(put)on Wikipedia.答案 had been put [考查过去完成时的被动语态。句意:到2008年4月份,1千多万文章已经登在维基百科上。和时间状语by April 2008连用谓语动词要用过去完成时,而且主语articles和动词put之间是被动关系。] 10.(2015·吉林一中月考)For thousands of years,the festival ________(mark)by eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan.答案 has been marked [考查时态。由时间状语for thousands of years可知,谓语动词要用现在完成时,表示端午节一直以来都以吃粽子和赛龙舟的方式进行庆祝。] 11.(2015·内蒙古包钢一中月考)I’m so sorry,but sometimes the bus can ________(delay)by some problems.答案 be delayed [考查语态。the bus和delay之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。] 12.(2015·海南中学月考)Now college graduates ________(encourage)to start their own business,which sounds really good for us.答案 are being encouraged [考查时态和语态。句意:现在大学毕业生正在被鼓励自主创业,对我们来说这听起来不错。根据时间状语now可知是正在进行时,学生与鼓励之间是被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。] 13.(2015·宁夏银川一中月考)So far I ________(adopt)and taught children for over 35 years.答案 have adopted [考查时态。根据时间状语so far“到目前为止”可知,该状语要与现在完成时连用。] 14.(2015·广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)So the questions must ________(deal)with carefully,the same way you would handle any other hot potato.答案 be dealt [考查语态。主语questions和动词deal with之间是被动关系。] 15.(2015·内蒙古师大附中月考)As a child,I lived in a poor family...the worst impression is that I ________(feel)hungry all the time.答案 was feeling [考查时态。根据时间状语all the time 可知此处要用进行时态,表示“一直”,这里是过去的事情,所以用过去进行时。] 16.(2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Sandy:What about his sister,Kate? Did she pass? Tom:Oh,yes.It seems she________(get)good marks.答案 got [考查时态。答句意为“好像她得了高分”。发生在过去的事要用一般过去时。] 17.(2015·河南洛阳一高月考)I think Chinese people choose chopsticks,rather than knives and forks,because Chinese people,under the influence of Confucianism,________(consider)knives and forks as symbolizing a type of violence traditionally.答案 have considered [考查时态。中国人在儒家思想的影响下,传统地认为刀和叉是暴力的象征。此处表示对现在造成的影响和结果,故要用现在完成时。] 18.(2015·辽宁锦州市质量检测一)He jumped out of the car,________(seize)a boy and pushed him up against the parked car.答案 seized [考查一般过去时。他从汽车里面跳了出来,抓住一个男孩。和jumped,pushed构成并列谓语,故要用一般过去时。] 19.(2014·河北邯郸市一模)Simon:Right.And how many people are coming? Did you say about 8? Linda:Yes,they said 8 at first,but________(change)to 6 this morning.解析 changed [考查一般过去时。他们一开始说是8个人,但是后来改成了6个。根据时间状语this morning可知此处要用一般过去时。] 20.(2014·山西太原五中模拟)He goes to a Buddhist monk for advice and expects to ________(tell)how to live a more simple life.答案 be told [考查被动语态。此人到庙里拜见高僧寻求指点,期望被告知如何过更简朴的生活。expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事,因为he和tell之间为被动关系,故要用be told。] 21.(2014·辽宁锦州市质量检测一)“He ________(hurt),and he’s too heavy for me”. 答案 is hurt [考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:他受伤了,对我来说他太重了。he和动词hurt之间是被动关系,且说的是客观事实,故要用一般现在时的被动语态形式。] 22.(2014·黑龙江大庆一中段考二)He ________(work)hard at his lessons every evening for months.He wants to go to Oxford University next year.答案 has been working [考查现在完成进行时。这几个月他一直在努力学习。用现在完成进行时表示最近一直在做的事情。] 23.(2014·黑龙江哈三中一模)If you ________(happen)meet a girl online who is intelligent,kind,honest,and you get a good feeling of her,won’t you have the desire to get to know her in person? 答案 happen to [考查动词的时态和固定表达。条件状语从句要用一般现在时表将来,happen to do sth碰巧做某事。] 24.(2014·山西太原五中模拟)There ________(be)more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September this year.答案 have been [考查现在完成时。九月份上旬以来,“土豪”一词在中国社交网络上出现了1亿多次。和时间状语since early September this year 连用,要用现在完成时。] 25.(2014·黑龙江哈三中二模)All the discoveries in human history have ________(make)as a result of curiosity.答案 been made [考查被动语态。the discoveries和动词make之间为动宾关系,空格前的have表明句子用现在完成时,故要用现在完成时的被动语态。] Ⅱ.语篇语法填空


(2016·济南外国语学校质检)George Washington was the first President of the United States of America.His first term__1__president was from 1789 to 1793 and his second term from 1793 to 1797.__2__he became president, he played important roles in the army,__3__(lead)the American Continental Army to victory over the British in 1783.Washington is often seen as the father of the United States and is probably the best__4__(know)American politician ever.The likeness and name of George Washington can still be seen in many places.There is the portrait of__5__(he)and three other American presidents carved into Mount Rushmore National Memorial.His image is also used on__6__one-dollar bill and the quarter-dollar coin.At least three universities__7__(name)after him.4 Washington’s Birthday was first celebrated as a holiday in Columbia in 1880.It was made a federal holiday in 1885.The holiday was__8__(original)held on the anniversary of Washington’s birth, on February 22.In 1971, this holiday was moved to the__9__(three)Monday in February.This holiday is legally designated as “Washington’s Birthday”.Though other institutions such as local governments and private__10__(business)may use other names, it is the federal government’s policy to always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law.【语篇导读】 乔治·华盛顿是美国历史上第一位总统,也是刻入拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园的四位伟大总统之一。美国人民非常崇拜华盛顿,将他的诞辰纪念日定于二月份的第三个星期一。1.as [考查介词。根据上下文语境分析,此处表示作为总统的第一个任期是从1789年到1793年,第二个任期是从1793年到1797年。as“当作,作为”。] 2.Before [考查连词。根据语境可分析,他在当总统之前,在军中起着重要作用。故需填入从属连词before。] 3.leading [考查非谓语动词。此处表示他在军中担任要职,他领导的美国大陆军于1783年战胜英军。主语he与动词lead之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。] 4.known [考查形容词。由语境和句式结构分析,空格处缺少形容词,表示“知名的”。结合提示词可知应填known。此处表示华盛顿通常被看作美国之父,他也可能是美国最著名的政治家。] 5.him [考查代词。根据语境分析,介词of缺少宾语,且此处指代华盛顿,故用him。] 6.the [考查冠词。由下文的“the quarter-dollar coin”可判断,此处为特指,即特指华盛顿的图像印在the one-dollar bill上。] 7.are named [考查动词时态、语态。本段的主体时态为一般现在时,且此处没有明确的表示其他时态的时间状语,由此可分析,此处应用一般现在时,而句中的主语“three universities”与动词name之间存在动宾关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,即are named。] 8.originally [考查词形转换。根据句子结构分析,此处的一般过去时的被动语态was held缺少副词修饰,故该填入形容词original的副词形式,即originally。] 9.third [考查序数词。根据语境和上文的定冠词the可判断出,此处该填入基数词three的序数词,即third。在1971年,这一节日移到了二月的第三个星期一。] 10.businesses [考查名词单复数。根据文中的关键信息“other institutions...local governments”可判断出,此处应用名词的复数形式businesses,表示多家私人企业。]



1.(关注一般过去时表过去的事实)—You’ve got your flat furnished, haven’t you? —Yes,I________some used furniture and it was a real bargain.答案 bought [句意:——你的房子装修好了,不是吗?——是的,我买了一些二手家具,确实便宜。从后面的was可知,买家具是过去的动作,故用一般过去时。] 2.(关注现在完成时和过去完成时的区别)John and I________(be)friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But we________(meet)each other a couple of times before that.答案 have been;had met [根据第一空后面的“for eight years”可知,第一空应用现在完成时;根据第二空前面的“got”及后面的“before that”可知,meet这一动作发生在got之前,故第二空应用过去完成时。] 3.(关注过去进行时表过去一段时间内正在进行的动作)—Hey,Gary,did Linda see you come in? —I don’t think so.She________(review)her lessons then.答案 was reviewing [句意:——嗨,加理,刚才琳达看见你进来了吗?——我认为没有。她当时正在复习功课。根据答语第二句中的then可知应用过去进行时。] 4.(关注各种时态的被动语态)A lot of attention________(pay)to greenhouse gas emission.Look at those posters for environmental protection.答案 is being paid [句意:温室气体的排放得到了很多关注。看那些关于环境保护的海报。根据“Look at”可知此处指的是现在的情况,且pay与attention之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。] 5.(关注不用在被动语态中的词)—Does China have cultural relics? —Yes,it is admitted that many cultural relics in the world,such as the Great Wall,the Potala Palace and the Mogao Grottoes,________(belong)China.答案 belong to [belong to不用于被动语态和进行时态。“许多世界文化遗产,如长城、布达拉宫、莫高窟等属于中国”,这是一个客观事实,应该用一般现在时。从句的主语是many cultural relics,所以谓语动词要用复数形式。] Ⅱ.语篇填空


高中英语动词时态语法 篇5

例如:They were sure that they would succeed.

5.现在进行时的用法(am/is/ are doing)

1) 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作 What are you doing?

2)表示某种感情色彩“总是” You are always watching TV. (was/were doing)


1) 过去进行时过去某一时刻、某一阶段正进行的动作

例如:In 1980 he was studying in a university. He was reading a novel when I came in. He was watvign Tv at this time yesterday.

7. 将来进行时(will be doing)表将来某一时刻,某一段时间正在进行的动作。

例如: I will be sleeping at this time tomorrow.

8. 现在完成时(have/has done)


例如: He has gone to fuzhou. He has been to fuzhou.

2) 现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去,for 和 since 表示一段时间的状语或 so far , now, today, this week (month, year ,), 等表示包括现在内的状语。 in

the past 3 years 等表示包括现在内的状语。

例如:He has studied english for 5 years. He has studied english since 1985. Now I have finished the work. 注意:表示短暂时间动作的词(如 come, go , die, marry, buy 等)的完成

时不能等连用。 与 for, since 等连用。


例如:I’ll go o your home when I have finished my homework. If it has stopped snowing in the morning, we’ll go to the park.

9.过去完成时的用法(had done)

1)过去完成时由“had + 过去分词”构成。过去完成时的动作表示过去某一时刻或某一时刻或某一动作之前完成的动作或状态。 句中常用 by, before, until,when 等词引导的时间状语。

例如:By the end of last year we had built five new houses. I had learnt 5000 words before i entered the university.

2) 过去完成时的动词还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或持续下去。

例如:Before he slept, he had worked for 12 hours.

10.将来完成时(will have done)

11.现在完成进行时 ( have (has)+ been +(doing)), 现在完成进行时表示现在以前一直进行的动作。有些动词(work, study, live, teach 等) 用现在完成时与用现在完成时意思差不多。
