
2025-01-15 版权声明 我要投稿


高中英语新教材 篇1


2011年, 国家教育部公布了修订的《英语课程标准》, 强调英语课程的目的是在发展学生综合语言运用能力的过程中, 培养学生的良好的道德品质和社会适应能力, 提升整体国民素质, 促进科技创新和跨文化的人才培养。

《义务教育课程标准实验教科书初中英语》教材 (七至九年级, 以下简称本教材) 于2002年经全国中小学教材审定委员会审查通过后, 在河北和其他实验市、区广泛使用, 得到好评, 形成了良好的课程影响。根据修订的《英语课程标准》以及教材实验情况, 本套教材于2010年起启动进一步的修订工作, 截至2013年, 整套教材修订工作已经基本完成。现从该套教材修订依据、修订原则、修订目标、修订内容等方面做些解读。


(一) 国家英语课程标准

遵循国家《英语课程标准》的理念、目标、内容要求, 以科学发展观为依据, 更加凸显英语课程人文和工具的双重属性, 更全面地体现社会主义核心价值体系。在发展学生综合语言运用能力的过程中, 培养学生的良好的道德品质和社会适应能力, 提升整体素质, 促进科技创新和跨文化的人才培养。强调培养学生综合语言运用能力, 在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力。

(二) 教材的实验情况

根据教材的实验情况, 分析在实验中发现的问题, 听取广大教师、学生、家长、社会各界对教材的修订意见和建议, 切实增强教材的适宜性和可操作性, 继续保持教材内容活泼有趣、知识丰富、语言地道等特色。


《英语》七至九年级的修订, 严格依据义务教育《英语课程标准》规定的课程目标及教学要求, 遵循以下指导思想:

(一) 重视以人为本, 强调素质教育

注重以学生的综合语言运用能力发展为宗旨, 引导学生创新, 培养学习合作精神和发现问题、解决问题的能力, 形成良好的学习策略;引导学生了解中外文化风俗、饮食习惯、禁忌、幽默等, 使学生在理解和尊重外国文化、增强世界意识的同时, 更加热爱祖国的文化;帮助学生树立良好的价值观, 发展健全的人格。

(二) 注重语言教学的科学性和系统性

教材内容由易到难, 循序渐进, 注重多种教学方法结合并用, 注重语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略、跨文化交际意识等内容和目标要求相互结合、相互渗透、相互支持。

(三) 坚持发展性和拓展性原则

倡导探究式、发现式的学习方法, 有利于学生拓展思维, 开阔视野, 注重对学生创新和实践能力的培养, 有利于学生自己进行归纳总结, 举一反三, 有利于学生在语言运用中发现语言规律。

(四) 坚持趣味性和实用性相结合

充分考虑中学生的年龄、心理特征和语言学习规律, 选取适合中学生年龄和心理特征、贴近生活的教学素材, 设计多种形式的有意义的教学活动, 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机。

(五) 注重体现时代特色

时代的发展日新月异, 教材的内容要反映时代的变化。本教材选择具有时代气息的语言材料, 利用现代化信息手段, 呈现中外社会生活。


(一) 全面贯彻《英语课程标准》的要求, 进一步提高对学生实践能力的培养, 注重学习过程对学生知识积累、学法形成以及性格培养的影响, 彰显英语教材的人文性与工具性。

(二) 保持教材先进的教学理念、地道活泼的语言特色, 并保持教材浓厚的生活气息, 突出故事性和趣味性。

(三) 提高教材的适宜性, 适当调整教材的容量和难度, 修改后的教材方便教与学, 增强教材的可操作性和实用性。


教材仍以系列化的交际活动方式展开, 注重多种学习方式和手段的运用, 注重生活情趣和情境化教学, 让学生接触大量的生活英语, 在熟悉的情境中开展学习活动, 使陌生的语言生活化、通俗化。

(一) 适当减少教材的容量:每单元新授课由原来的7个改为6个。

(二) 调整单元内容:调整教材部分单元和内容, 使其与小学英语内容更好地衔接, 并体现社会主义核心价值观。

(三) 明确学习目标:在单元首页和目录中, 明确本单元主要教学目标, 以达到便教利学之目的。

(四) 增加板块:增加Let’s Do It, Culture Tip, Dig In, Learning Tip等板块, 补充活动或练习, 以便有效地培养学生的英语听说读写技能和用英语做事能力, 拓宽有关文化差异的知识面, 并优化其学习策略。

(五) 充实复习课, 引导学生对单元所学内容进行归纳、总结并及时进行自我评价。


本套教材仍以主要人物的活动为主线, 以单元话题形式编排, 各单元、各册之间内容相互联系, 相互衔接。教材的内容始终贴近学生的学校生活、家庭生活以及社会活动等情景, 题材广泛, 涉及自然、科学、人文、地理等各个领域;体裁多样, 展现中外不同的文化背景。

本教材的修订继续采用教案式编排, 共分为5册。其中, 七年级分为上下册, 每册8个单元;八年级分上下册, 每册8个单元;九年级全一册, 10个单元。每个单元设置6个新授课和1个单元复习课。每课的内容分为课文和练习两部分, 课文占1页, 在一节课 (45分钟) 内完成。教材中继续使用图片和卡通插图, 尽量多地使用与课文主题有关的真实图像资料, 展示中西方文化, 以文字信息为主, 以图为辅, 另配有教师用书及教学磁带等。

本套教材在词汇、语法、语言知识的修订方面进行了合理的编排, 注意在学习语言时介绍语言规律。从七年级上册开始, 教授国际音标和读音规则, 使学生能按国际音标正确读出单词, 并在每单元复习课中补充了语言练习。语法教学从七年级上册开始系统介绍, 采用归纳法展示语法规则, 并对语法项目进行小结。


(一) 适当减少、降低教材容量和难度

修订后, 九年级上下册合并为全一册, 全套教材从原有44个单元改为42个单元;新授课时由原来的308个减为252个, 减少了教材容量。

在具体修订中改写或替换了部分课文内容, 降低了教材的难度。对语法、词汇、功能意念的呈现重新进行了梳理和安排, 删除部分超标词汇和超标语法项目。在同一单元话题下, 做到重点词汇、语法和功能项目出现得相对集中, 在全套书的呈现中做到螺旋式上升, 便于教师安排教学计划。

(二) 话题进一步丰富

参照修订的《英语课程标准》的24个话题项目表, 重新调整本套教材的话题。七年级下册将原有第1~4单元的“旅行”浓缩到第1~2单元, 北京之旅改成了围绕丝绸之路的中国之旅, 使得故事发展的节奏加快, 并扩展了对我国传统文化的理解和学习;增加了学校生活、课外生活、英语学习三个单元, 就饮食、音乐、服装、学校课程设置等多方面进行中西方的文化交流, 使话题更为丰富。八年级上第6单元话题改为Go with Transportation!八年级下册将第4~6单元话题整合为The Internet Connects Us, Buying and Selling, Be a Champion!九年级全一册在原教材基础上做了较大整合, 并补充了有关电影、人际交流方面的话题。

教材中进一步增加了社会主义核心价值观的素材, 加强对学生的道德培养。如调整教材部分单元和内容, 使其和小学内容衔接得更自然, 并体现社会主义核心价值观, 加强对中学生人生观和价值观的教育。

(三) 结构更加科学合理

英语听说读写等活动融入教科书中。以话题为单位、采用教案式编排。新授课每课内容遵循“新授+活动”的形式, 两页对开, 左页为新授课文部分, 右页为选择练习部分 (Let’s Do It) ;结构清晰、层次分明, 循序渐进, 为教与学提供了具体的指导和灵活多样的选择。

新授课文后面Let’s Do It项目中设计了与新授课相结合的活动, 便于学生及时巩固所学内容。活动数量控制在3~5个, 分别从课文理解、听力训练、基础知识、小组对话活动及课堂任务等几个方面着手, 每个单元各有侧重并保持整体平衡。

每个单元中的项目 (Project) 活动中, 学生需要使用英语合作完成项目, 并可将成果向全班展示。通过这种项目式设计, 引导学生用英语自然地交流思想、比较异同、体会意图并得出结论。这些活动不是单纯的练习题, 而是课堂教学环节的有机组成部分, 为教师的教学设计提供了参考, 有利于不同层次、不同学习风格的学生的语言学习。

每单元复习课引导学生对单元所学内容进行横向复习, 并归纳、总结。其听说部分中补充了对语音知识 (读音、重音、语调、连读等) 的学习和归纳;拓展欣赏部分与单元主题紧密结合, 在轻松的氛围中对单元知识作适当拓展。

另外, 设置了知识小板块, 增加教材弹性。根据单元具体内容, 适时增加了Dig In, Culture Tip, Learning Tip, Hands on Activities等板块, 和教材内容自然穿插。其中, Dig In引导学生就课文中关键内容做进一步思考;Culture Tip对课文中的文化背景或文化差异给出必要的说明, 渗透跨文化意识;Learning Tip是对课文中知识点的解释和说明, 便于学生更好地理解课文;Hands on Activities则强调学生在动手完成规定任务的过程中, 实现对语言的理解和掌握。

(四) 更新体裁, 增强时代感

本套教材以故事的发展为主线, 内容贴近学生生活, 提供了和学生生活息息相关的话题。在编写过程中, 语言素材由加拿大方作者执笔, 保证了语言的自然性和地道性, 保证了教材高质量的语言输入。

教材内容紧扣时代脉搏, 生活气息浓厚, 给人耳目一新的感觉。教材提供了全方位、多角度的话题素材, 为教学提供了丰富的语境支持, 便于学生用语言思考并做事情, 对同一话题可进行多方面、深入地探讨, 以此发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作能力。

教材呈现方式以对话和故事为主, 结合海报、问卷、报刊电子邮件、网络视频、论坛、博客及微博等多项内容。如:第一册第30课, 詹妮的奶奶过生日, 詹妮用微博的方式写祝贺语;第二册第11课, 詹妮从丝绸之旅回国后, 用论坛的形式介绍中国的饮食文化;第二册第13课王梅和詹妮用网络聊天工具交流学校生活, 第二册第26课Alicia和老师用网络视频电话交流英语学习。这些更现代化的交流手段, 丰富了体裁, 紧扣时代的脉搏, 具有浓烈的生活气息, 给人耳目一新的感觉。

(五) 关注学生的整体发展

本套教材强调学生的自主学习和课堂主体地位, 注重引导学生发现、选择适合自己的学习方式, 有意识地在各种活动中引导学生创新、合作和发现问题、解决问题, 培养学生的语言运用能力, 使其形成良好的学习策略。


明确学习目标, 补充图画等非语言信息, 帮助学生理解单元主题, 将单元页的You Will Learn改为We Will Learn, 强调学生的自主学习和课堂主体地位。在每个单元页为学生提供了生动的图片, 并将本单元的主要功能、语法和句子结构列到单元页, 使学生对本单元的重点一目了然, 便于明确自己的学习任务。

2. 引导合作学习。

在安排每课的活动练习时, 根据不同的学习目标, 有的侧重于合作学习, 有的侧重于个体思考。二者互为补充, 相得益彰, 有利于学生的语言应用能力培养。

3. 自我评价更加科学。

评价部分由原有的Do You Know?改为Self-Evaluation, 采用发现式的方法呈现, 不再采用对学习目标的陈列, 而是引导学生自己总结并反思学习过程。单元学习之后, 教材不再罗列单元的主要内容, 而是提纲挈领, 要求学生自己归纳和总结本单元所学的主要内容, 同时评估自己的完成情况。

4. 学习策略指导更为细致。

教材有意识地帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略, 引导学生发现、选择适合自己的学习策略;有意识地呈现学习英语的多种手段和方法, 鼓励学生动手动脑查找相关学习资料, 丰富学习资源, 收获成功的喜悦;根据课文, 适时对比和总结英语语言的规律, 如:英、美词汇的差异, 合成词的示例, 帮助学生借助联想和归纳来记忆词汇, 鼓励学生通过网络、图书或求助于老师、家长甚至同学来使问题获得解决。

5. 教材进一步丰富了文化内涵。

在英语国家文化基础上适当补充了其他国家文化的介绍, 并增强了社会主义核心价值观教育比重, 渗透了传统文化、爱国主义教育和道德教育素材。通过引导学生了解中外文化风俗、饮食习惯、禁忌、幽默等, 使学生开拓视野, 理解和尊重外国文化、增强世界意识, 培养跨文化交际意识和能力, 同时更加热爱祖国的文化, 树立良好的价值观, 发展健全的人格, 有利于学生的语言发展和综合素质培养。


作为全国优秀英语教材之一, 本套教材伴随着国家英语课程的发展和研究, 历经十多年的成长。同时锻造了一支优秀的编写团队, 其中既有中外英语语言和教学界博士生导师、教授, 也有长期从事一线教学研究的优秀教师和教研人员。编写团队一直坚持研究课程改革和发展, 对教材的使用情况做跟踪调查, 通过教师座谈、学生访谈、专家研讨、问卷调查、网络互动等手段收集教材的使用反馈意见, 对英语教育的发展与中学教学实践有着深刻理解和准确把握, 保证了教材最大程度地契合新课程标准的基本理念和要求。

高中英语新教材课堂设计 篇2






高一第5单元第一课是对话课,目的在于让学生通过说话掌握采用语言。我这样设计了本课的导人活动:先请大家说出自己最喜爱的流行歌手,然后令其上讲台尽力模仿之唱歌、动作或说话,其余学生当评委,评出模仿秀。学生纷纷跃跃欲试,想尽其所能地展示自己。待模仿秀产生后,我就自然地引入本课主题,请同学们以记者的身份采访他。此时学生交际热情高涨,大有要把被问者难倒之势,无形中他们己使用了大量的采访用语。这时我把其中一些地道的采访用语写在黑板上,然后告诉学生“If you want to know more about the way of asking questions in the interview . Listen to the dialogue .”。通过热身活动,学生处于学习的亢奋状态,思维一下子激活起来,急于想通过录音了解自己的未知信息,这种带着任务及兴趣听录音,不仅听得准、记得牢,而且为下一教学步骤--教师设置采访情景、学生自编对话作好了心理与知识上的准备。


在教高二第3单元“Body Language”一课时,为了加强学生的直观印象,我采用了这样的活动方式:把学生分为四大竞赛组、把事先写有提示体态语文字的20张卡片平均分给每组的两位同学,由他们上台根据文字提示表演出相应的体态语(如:骄傲、满意、爱、陷入困境、焦虑、胜利等),各组同学参与竞猜用最短时间的为获胜组。规则一宣布,全班立即进人活跃状态。为了使本組成员尽快猜准自己体态语所表达的意思,上台的八位同学使出了浑身解数。有个同学为配合对手表演,表达“胜利”的体态竟不惜让对方将自己打翻在地而衬托出胜利得意的姿态。为表示“爱”的体态语,一对男女生配合表演组竟大方地作了一个颇为令人捧腹的当众“吻”。在这种游戏式的课堂教学活动中,同学们无形中消除了拘谨和不安的紧张心理,对课文主题有了更加生动、形象的认识。更为重要的是这种愉悦的情感体验使他们对随之而来的教学过程中的一切构成因素和操作形式都会情感饱满地给与接纳和认同。






在高一第11单元“Country Music”一课中,我采用了以下手法补充相关词语:首先告诉学生:“There are many different kinds of music in the tape . Now listen and tell me . What kind of music each of them belong to? “待乐曲播放完毕,黑板上已写下了一大串与课文主题相关的音乐形式的英文名称,如:乡村音乐、轻音乐、爵士乐、古典乐、摇滚乐、流行音乐等。学生用英语说不出的由老师补充。这些补充使学生在乐曲中轻松愉快地掌握了主要的音乐类型及英语名称,为下一步教学的话题--”What kind of music do you like best and tell us the reason ? “中有可能出现的语言障碍的教学工作扫清了道路。

(二)以思考题为线索 呼应课堂教学情景

每单元课题完成后,教师应巧设思考题,引发学生思考。高一第19单元”job“一课讲述的是职业妇女为获取一份较满意的工作而女扮男装,遭遇车祸而事情败露后,公司老板对其去、 留问题与下属展开的一系列争论的故事。结合主题 我设置了两个思考题:(1)What do you think of sex -- discrimination?(2)Is there anything sex - discrimination in China? If so, what would you do as a woman?对这一类社会性问题的探讨,高中学生本来已经有自己独立的观察与见解,再加上通过课前一定的准备,发表的看法往往会有相当的深度。有的同学提出的某些社会问题,还真发人深醒。由于思考题贴近现实,讨论起来如同身受,加之允许在英文表达卡壳时使用汉语,大大减轻了学生怕词不达意而造成的尴尬,发言十分踊跃。这类思考题的讨论,我往往是作为每单元最后一课--巩固课的课堂教学活动来展开,因此在深化课文主题的同时,通过教学情景的呼应和深化又复习、巩固了课文知识。



关于高中英语新教材实验的思考 篇3



1. 解放思想,更新观念:

通过实验,广大教师普遍认识到:外语的工具性,运用的实践性和交际性的原则; 在教学实验中,教师已经接受和实施了“教为指导,学为主体,训练为主线”的“三主”教学思想,课堂教学中是否体现学生的主体地位已经公认为评课主要标准; 建立了新型的师生关系,即平等、融洽、和谐的新型师生关系。

一轮过程:由 不理解----理解(为什么要进行新一轮的教学实验)由 被动接受----主动适应

二轮过程:优胜劣汰(教师)----胜任、留下、不断充实新鲜血液(具有新思想教师)适应发展(学生)----由 知识接受----主动学习




2. 方法与过程:



普及提高----层层教研,聘请兼职教研员,要求相互听课评课,普及提高推广实验 优课评比----发现新苗,培养教坛新秀、骨干教师和学科带头人,催生基层教育干部 学生竞赛----坚持教改导向,学生培优机制,发挥激励作用




1. 教学模式:

纯认知型----字词句章教学,支离破碎,读读讲讲的讲读课串讲模式,忽视思维训练 技能训练型----听说读写机械训练,不讲究语境设置






2. 课型研究:





3. 教学控制论:













1. 学习水平----终身教育终身学习,知识不断更新,我们需要不断学习,不断充电

2. 教学手段----不断更新,传统的板书设计应该随着手段的不断更新而更新,包括使用


3. 理论指导----学习新的教育教学理论,运用新的教育理念指导教学

高中政治“新教材”使用感触 篇4

大新中学 苏凤







教师对新教材的教学从不熟悉到熟悉,从熟悉到吃透是有一个过程的,所以要求教师自身对教材结构、教材内容成熟于胸,特别是与老教材有差异的,有新增的知识,更应该认真分析梳理并加以拓展研究,力争做到胸有成竹,深入浅出,不含糊其辞。施教新教材一年多来我觉得:本教材体现了“以学生发展为本”的理念,注重培养学生创新能力和实践能力,渗透科学精神和人文精神,具有时代特点和上海特色。具体体现在以下几个方面。1. 性较强。2. 新教材不仅在教材内容设置上有了变化,而且在学生的学习上也有了明显的变新教材色彩鲜艳,利用大量图片说话,可谓图文并茂、生动有趣,可教性和可读化,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于思考。新教材中每一课都插入了六大板块——知识窗、相关链接、阅读与思考、经济(政治)观察、操作平台、学习训练园地等。这不仅使教材内容丰富了,也使学生的知识面拓宽了,同时更重视学生学习能力的培养,这种能力包括:学生收集和处理信息的能力;获取新知识的能力;分析和解决问题的能力;自主探究及交流合作的能力,具备了这种能力,也就学会了学习。知识可以传授,而能力则不能,需要在日常的自主探究式的学习过程中不断的积累而形成的;是在教与学的互动中不断向学生渗透而形成的。3. 新教材蕴涵了更多的温情,更加突出“以人为本”的教育理念,拉近政治与生活的距离,便于学生调动已有的生活经验来体验、感受课文内容,从而提高学生的政治素养,教学与学生的情感、生活贴近。

二期课改的教材是先进的,作为二期课改第一线实施的老师,我觉得在推进过程中还有不少的问题值得思考与商榷。1. 政治新教材与学生实际存在着差距。新教材难度较大,负担较重。特别是对于我们这样的普通农村中学的学生尤为困难,所以,一年下来我觉得教得很累。2. 3. 政治新教材有大量的新内容、新资料,资料比较难找,查资料花费的时间太多。课文内容太多,时间紧,教学进度完成有困难。有些活动只能匆匆掠过,不能做得太到位。4. 5. 政治新教材的教学中,有很多内容适合多媒体教学,但学校的配备不到位。政治新教材中的许多内容需学生通过网上搜索来获取,特别是操作平台的完成。但我校是一所农村中学,学生家里有电脑的很少。在高一开学第一堂课时,我就作过调查,有的班级只有一、二个学生家里有电脑,有的班级甚至一个也没有,所以,象这样的活动就很难完成。




初中英语新教材培训心得 篇5



对高中英语新教材的反思 篇6


1.加强单元整体观念教师在考虑整个单元的教学计划、 教学方法前必须掌握本单元的教学内容,分析哪些是教学的重点、哪些是教学的难点。这样有利于合理、科学地安排各课时的教学内容、教学重点和难点,做到课时与课时之间的相互衔接。教材每个单元都有一个总的“warming-up”,这一“warming-up”是整个单元内容的引入。

2.如何处理听力材料听力分为听力测试(Listening test) 和听力教学(Listening teaching),有的老师所重视的听力多数是属于听力测试,即根据听力材料选择正确的答案,因此从高一开始就在进行高考听力的模拟训练。而教材中的听力材料可以作为听力教学的材料,它有各种形式的答题要求, 如:填空题、回答题、完成句子、正误判断等。或许学生一开始会觉得难度较大,甚至有的老师也这样认为,据了解有的学校可能把这部分的内容删去了。其实在听力教学中关键是教师对听力材料作如何的处理,我们经常做一些“化难为易,化繁为简”的处理工作。

3.加强阅读教学此我们在教学中必须十分注重阅读能力的培养,我们对教材中的每一篇阅读材料都要充分地利用, 除了每单元的三篇阅读材料外我们基本上每一单元后再补充一篇与本单元内容有关的课外阅读;单元中的“language points,grammar”有时多讲点与少讲点关系不是很大,因为这种内容重复率很高的,即使课文中没讲到,练习中也会出现。阅读教学我们基本上也采用常见的模式:fast-reading、 careful reading.Fast-reading的问题只要求学生快速阅读就能找到即可:careful reading的问题可设计一些细节的寻找(time and places,characters…)、分析判断、推理等方面的问题。


1.课堂要有互动交往的教学设计教育活动,教学活动实际上是一种典型的交际( 交往) 活动,课堂教学是一个有目的的教学过程,它是师生之间或是学生之间为了协调沟通, 达成共识,联合力量去达到教学目的而进行的互动。在教学中存在着师生之间的交往和学生之间的交往。在教学中要围绕教学内容,教师要千方百计地创造各种交往情境,设法使静态的文字变成生动活泼的交际活动,使学生在语言运用中学习语言。在真实与互动的情境中,教材是脚本,教师是导演,学生是演员,师生双方共同参与,频繁交流,形成主动参与,探究合作的课堂气氛。

2.要有可行的教学任务在平时的教学中,我们应给予学生明确的任务,同时强调完成任务是值得珍惜的学习机会, 是对他们语言运用能力的提高。同时,教师要从任务的真实性、实用性、功能性三个方面保证任务的可行性,并且确保学生明确领会并全面执行教师布置的任务。在教学新知识时,教师应以大多数学生的语言知识技能为基点,设计难度适中,切实可行的活动或任务,使学生敢于去尝试用不同难度的任务让不同层次的学生在一堂课中都能被关注到,并都能解决问题。


1.正确处理好教与学的关系我们提倡“以教师为主导, 学生为主体”的课堂教学理念,但是从实际的、常规的课堂教学过程来看,至今,课堂教学中想要真正改变传统的“以教师为中心”的现象还是不容易的。课堂上有的教师从头讲到尾,却忽略了学生的学(自主学习能力)。相反,有些教师利用新教材组织了一些以学生为主体的课堂教学活动,但是, 也只能说它是一种表象而已(其突出表现在公开课上),没有实际的意义。有的教师在处理该教材的过程中,要么出几个问题学生自学,要么让学生试讲,要么搞些同步导练就算“突出了以学生为主体”的教学思想。这两种做法都是片面的。

2 . 深度把握教材以拓展信息量新教材当作“唯一教本”来教,教材上有什么就教什么,按部就班,照本宣读, 最终,教师教得费力,学生学习兴趣下降,课堂教学效果甚微。我们仔细研究新教材后,不难发现该教材突出的特点之一就是坚持听说领先的教学原则,每一个单元的教学任务编排打破了以往的对话课,阅读课,语法课及练习课等的固定课堂教学模式,在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学基础上,设计教学活动内容。而且,教学内容更贴近现代生活, 富有较强的时代气息,词汇量大,教学任务重。




高中生物新教材与旧教材的比较 篇7










七年级英语新教材的使用 篇8










高一新教材英语 unit 16 篇9

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Learning Aims

1.To encourage the students to think and talk about their science subjects and activate their relevant vocabulary at the same time.

2.To learn what should be paid attention to when doing an experiment in a lab and how to give instructions to others.

3.To train the students’ ability of listening for information.

Learning Procedures

Step 1 Warming up

Today, we are going to talk something about the subjects you are learning.

Q1: How many subjects are you learning now?

Q2: What are the subjects in which you learn science? Is it easy for you to learn them?

1). Group work

Divide the whole class into two groups, one group is going to talk about the question “ What do you learn about for each field of science?”, and the other “How are you learning these subjects?” Write down the result of the discussion in a card, and choose the best member to do the report.

2). Class work

Enjoy some pictures about the facilities in labs and students doing experiments in labs.

Q: Which subjects are connected with these pictures? Do you often do experiments in the lab?

Step2 Pre-listening

1).Group work

Is it necessary for you to do experiments in the lab? List the reasons in the card and see which group can find more.

2).Class work

Do you still remember what your teacher often remind you before, when and after you do an experiment? Divide the whole into several groups to have a competition in class and see which group will win the game.

Step 3 Listening

1). Listen to what Mr. Zhu is talking to his students for the first time, focusing on the subjects mentioned in the passage.

2). Listen to the tape for the second time to write down some key words to the questions and check with the partners.

3). Listen to the tape for the third time. Understand the whole passage fully and check if the answers are complete, especially pay attention to different structures of giving instructions.


Follow / teacher’s /instructions Don’t come into / without …

Be careful about / when… Don’t touch… / unless…

Always listen carefully to… Don’t throw… / unless…

Clean…away and leave …clean and neat Don’t forget to…

You should tie…up Never put / nose directly into…

Remember that… Never put /fingers into/ and taste…

Make sure that…

Step 4 Post-listening

1). Group work

List what you can do and can’t do in a lab as much as possible in groups.

2). Individual work

Knowing the rules in a lab is very necessary for the sake of our safety. Suppose you are a chemistry teacher, and you are going to make an announcement to your students to give them some instructions before an experiment.

3). Group work

Design the rules for the chemistry lab of your school in groups and put it on the wall in the classroom.


Task 1. Have a discussion to find out the best rules for the lab and recommend it to the school leader.

Task 2. Preview Speaking and try to search for some information about the new inventions and discoveries.

Period 2 Speaking

Learning Aims

1. To learn to cooperate with partners to analysis a problem in different views.

2. Enable students to describe the advantages and disadvantages of something in specific words.

Learning Procedures

Step 1 Warming-up

Daily report

1). Class work

Watch a video about the successful launch of ShenZhou V manned space flight in China.

Nowadays, more and more new inventions and discoveries are made all over the world.

2). Brainstorming

List the words they’ve learned about the new scientific inventions and discoveries. Then have a short introduction to Maglev train.

Step 2 Pre-speaking

1). Pair work

Read the dialogue aloud to finish the following form:

inventions advantages disadvantages

Maglev train

2). Group work

Discuss how you can talk about the advantages and disadvantages about some new inventions and list the relevant words and phrases an many as possible.

Advantages Disadvantages

It’s good for… It is too expensive

It can help… It is dangerous to…

It is important for… It is unnecessary to..

It brings people… Some people will use it for…

It doesn’t pollute… It is bad / or harmful for…

Step 3 While speaking

1). Group work

Enjoy some pictures about some new inventions. (Cloning, Nuclear energy, Computers and Space flight ) Each group is to choose one of them to have a discussion and list the advantages and disadvantages. Exchange the ideas with the whole class.

2). Pair work

Make a dialogue in pair to talk about one of the inventions, using the structures to show your agreement and disagreement, such as I’m afraid…/ I can’t agree with you./ I don’t think so. / In my opinion… And then act it out.

Step 4 Post-speaking

1). Debate

The scientific technologies are improving very fast. Some of them are widely accepted and applied, while some are still being argued about by people. Cloning humans is still one of them. In your opinion, do you think it good to do so all over the world?

Divide the whole class into two groups to have a debate and see which group will perform better.

2). Imagination

If you were a scientist many years later after you graduated from universities. Do you think what you would try to invent or discover? And why do you think so?


Task 1. Read the following poem ,and then try to imitate it and write down a similar one, of course, about other inventions.


A compute is a machine. A computer is interesting.

A machine is useful. I can study a computer.

I can use it.

Who made it? Humans being made it.

I am a human being. am warm. I am wise.

I have empathies for animals and people.

I conductor a computer. A computer does not conductor me.

Task 2 Find out one interesting story about some famous scientists and retell it in your own words.

Period 3 & 4 Reading

Learning Aims

1. To get to know something about the story of famous scientists.

2. Enable students to understand the given material better using different reading skills.

3. To have a better understanding about the importance of experiments in science.

Learning Procedures

Step 1 Warming up

Daily report: Share your poems with the other students.

1). Group competition

In the 18th and 19th century, scientists all over the world made many important discoveries and inventions in different fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and so on. Divide the whole class into four groups to name some of them.

Physics chemistry medicine biology

2). Group work

A match competition. Match Column B with Column A correctly.

Column A Column B

Alexander Bell the Theory of Relativity

Thomas Edison the first telephone

Wright Brothers the electric lamp

Madame Curie black holes in Universe

Heinrich Dreser electricity

Franklin the first plane

Steven Hawking the Theory of Gravity

Elbert Einstein Radium

Isaac Newton aspirin

3) Class work

Q1. Is it easy for the scientists to make these inventions and discoveries?

Q2. How could they succeed in their research?

It is really difficult for the scientists to achieve their goal , and only after tens of thousands of attempts, experiments, thinking and failure can they be successful in their research. Today, we are going to learn one example of them: Franklin’s famous kite experiment.

Step 2 Reading

1). Individual work

Skimming: Read the material fast to find out the right picture about Franklin’s experiment.

2). Individual work

Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to find out the topic for each one.

Para 1-3 the description of the experiment

Para 4 the equipment of the experiment

Para 5-6 the steps of the experiment

Listen with the questions below:

(1). Why did Franklin do this experiment?

(2). Was the experiment successful?

(3). What were needed when it was being done?

(4). How many steps were mentioned?

(5). What should be paid great attentions to when it was being done?

Step 3 Acting

1). Class work

With all the equipment ready ( a handkerchief made of silk, two pieces of light wood, strings, a sharp piece of metal, a key, a silk ribbon ), one student acts as the host to conduct two students how to make a kite as the one made by Franklin.

2). Individual work

After that, all the students try to tell how to make such a kite in their own words with the help of the pictures on the screen.

Step4 Further understanding

1). Pair work

Read through the passage to fill in the blanks in the form in pairs.

equipment usage

a kite

a key

a condenser

a sharp metal


a silk ribbon

2). Class work

Listen to some sentences to judge whether they are true or false.

(1). In 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is.

(2). Franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment.

(3). Franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity.

(4). A condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity.

(5). The key tied to the string was put into the door to stop the kite from flying away.

(6). The experiment can be done at any time.

(7). You can feel clear electric shock if you touch the string with your fingers after the kite is flying in the sky.

Step 5 Post-reading

1). Pair work

Franklin was doing the experiment with his little son, and he was a bit curious about what his father was doing. On the other hand, many people were watching Franklin doing the experiment. Divide the class into two groups to make a dialogue in pairs, one is between Franklin and his son ,the other Franklin and a person watching the experiment.

2). Group work

Discuss the following questions in groups:

(1). Why did Franklin do his experiment with a kite?

(2). Why the kite made of silk is better than the one made of paper?

(3). Is it dangerous for Franklin to do the experiment? Why do think so?

(4). What can you learn from the experiment and also Franklin?

Step 6 Oral practice

1). Individual work

After you read the interesting experiment of Franklin, do you think of one of your own experiments? Is it a very successful one? And what do you learn after you do the experiment? Tell the story to your group members, and then choose the best one to share it with the whole class.

2). Class work

During the lifetime of many famous scientists, there are a lot of interesting and instructive stories for us to enjoy. Then, we are going to hold a story telling competition in class.

Have some judges among the students first, and then each group choose one student to present the story in front of the classroom. See who can get the first prize in the competition.

Step 7 Watching, reading and thinking

1). Class work

The teacher is ding such an experiment and showing it to all the students: Prepare four glasses on the table. One is filled with oil, one vinegar, and one spirit. Pour some of the liquid into one big glass and then mix them up. Dip one finger into the mixture, take it out then and put it into the mouth to suck. Then give a smile to the students to show that it tastes very delicious. Show the glass around the class and ask the students to do everything as the teacher does.

Q: Does the mixture taste good? Why do you have a different taste from mine?

2). Individual work

Read the passage titled “Look carefully and Learn” to find out the reason.

Q 1: What do you learn after you read such a story?

Q 2: Do you think what is the most important when you are doing an experiment in the lab?

Q 3: If you want to be a scientist, what do you think are the most important qualities?


Read the following passage with the questions below.

Flossie Wong-Staal

An interview with Emilio Alvarez and Ann Crystal Angeles

Flossie Wong-staal stays on the move. She moved with her family from China to Hong Kong when she was five. Later she moved to the United States to attend college. Now Wong-Staal is on the move to clone the virus that is believed to cause AIDS and to figure out how the molecules(分子)of the virus are arranged. Wang-Staal heads a team of scientists at the university of California, San Diego. They are trying to save lives by making an AIDS vaccine(疫苗).

Emilio: How did you decide that you wanted to become scientist?

Wong-Staal: At first my teachers made the decision. In high school they said I should study science because of my grades. By the time I graduated from college, there were so many exciting discoveries being made in molecular biology that I wanted to specialize it.

Emilio: What was your high school like?

Wong-Staal: I went to an all-girl high school in Hong Kong. I felt very free at an all-girl school, and I have fond memories of that time.

Anne Crystal: Would you explain your research?

Wong- Staal: Basically me colleagues and I are trying to understand how the AIDS virus is replicated, and then to develop ways to interrupt the replication process, By “replication” I mean the way in which the virus gets inside a cell and uses that cell as a sort of factory to make many many copies of itself.

Anne Crystal: Do you always enjoy your job in the laboratory?

Wong-Staal: Yes,, I think it’s very exciting work. Of course it’s not every day that you make a discovery and have that kind of reward. But when it does happen, it’s a real thrill. It’s exciting to know that you brought about knowledge that didn’t exist before.

Anne Crystal: What would you tell students who would like to become research scientists?

Wong- Staal: Stay with your interest, and get good information about the education you will need. I also have warning: Things are not always easy. There are frustrations in research; sometimes things don’t go the way you’d hoped. But when you make a discovery or a contribution to science, it becomes worthwhile. And I want to encourage all young people to be interested in science: We need you !

1. As you read, guess the meaning of the boldface words from the surroundings words and sentences.

1. Look back over the reading to find the following information:

(1). Where Wong-Staal was born: (2). What she is studying in her research:

(3). What she was the first person to do:

(4). This article is primarily about______________.

A. the scientist Wong- Staal B. making an AIDS vaccine

C. preventing the spread of disease

(5). Which question is NOT answered in the reading?

A. What college did Wong- Staal attend B. What type of biology did she specialize in

C. Where does she work now

(6). You can infer that Wong- Staal

A. didn’t want to become a scientist B. is happy she becomes a research scientist

C. plans to retire soon

2. Write about the following two questions in your journal.

(1). Wong- Staal says that there are frustrations in research. What do you think she means? What frustrations might there be in doing research? How would you deal with these frustrations?

(2). Wong- Staal says that here teachers decided she should become a scientist. Do you think teachers should make career choices for their students? Why or why not?

Period 5 Language study

Learning Aims

Enable students to have a better knowledge of the rules of word-formation.

Learning Procedures

Step 1 Warming up

Daily report: Show your opinions about the two problems mentioned in the reading passage.

Individual work

Show a tongue twister to students:

If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

Practise the tongue twister for some times and see who can say it correctly and fast.

Q: Do all “doctors” in this sentence have the same meaning?

Conclusion: The meaning of the same word varies in different sentences and so does the gender.

Step 2 Reading and thinking

1). Pair work

Read the following sentences to distinguish the different meanings of the same word.

How much do you charge for repairing my CD player?

The frightened animal charged into the toy shop.

It usually takes one hour to get my call phone fully charged.

The man was charged for being irresponsible for the job in the court.

We gave her the charge of the house when we were away for holiday.

What is the charge for using the hall?

The guide conducted the tourists around the museum.

How well does this material conduct electricity or heat?

The concert on this Saturday evening will be conducted by a world famous conductor.

The teacher scolded him because of his bad conduct.

The manager conducted the business carefully.

He was surprise to see so many crosses marked in his Maths homework.

This fruit is a cross between an apple an d appear.

The river was too deep to cross.

The two main roads cross in the center of the town.

He crossed his name off the list.

2). Group work

Discuss in groups to think about more words of this kind and make sentences according to the different meanings. Then read it out and the other students try to guess the meaning of the same word in different situations.

Step 3 Imagination

Group work

Show some words on the screen ( such as bank, tie, sharp, tear) . Discuss in groups to make a short story, paying great attention to the different meanings and gender of the same word. Write it down on a card and share it with the whole class. See which group does the best job.

Step 4 Compound words

Sometimes if we put two different words together, we can make a new one. These words are called “Compound words”. Show some examples:

Blackboard is compounded with two words:

Part 1= a kind of deep color Part 2= a piece of thin wood

Show the students the formulation: Part 1 + Part 2 = ?

1). Class work

The teacher provide explanations to two single words. Ask the students to combine them together and then guess what the new word is. Repeat it for several groups.

Part 1= part of the body used when we talk Part 2= a round thing to play with

Part 1= water of ten degrees below zero Part 2= medicine to put on your skin

Part 1= a liquid you need to make tea

Part 2= moving in snow with wooden thing tied to your shoes

2). Group work

Discuss to think of some some compound words in groups and then do the same game with the partners.

3) Class work

Have a competition about word guessing and see which team can give the most wonderful performance.

Two students to make a team with one facing the blackboard and the other facing all the students. The teacher lists some compound words on the screen. The students facing the Bb explains the two parts of the compound word as quickly and exactly as possible, so that the other one can join the two parts together to guess which word is mentioned. The game is limited in two minutes and then they can find out which team have guessed more words than the others.

Step 5 Post-learning

Read the story about “Franklin’s famous kite experiment” again , and try to find out all the similar words as those learned in this class.


Task 1. Design an exercise to match the words in Column A with those in Column B to make some compound words. Exchange the exercises in class.

Task 2. Prepare to make up a story about the relationship of humans and animals in groups and then act the short play out.

Period 6 Integrating skills

Learning Aims

1. Get the students to have reading extension for scientific experiments.

2. Enable students to write an argumentative essay by discussion.

Learning Procedures

Step 1 warming- up

(1). Class work

Daily report: A short play about the relationship between humans and animals.

Q: What do you learn from it?

(2). Class work

Enjoy some pictures about animals killed by humans:

Q: Why do people kill so many animals? Can it be avoided?

(3). Class work

Q: Why do scientists do experiments on animals?

What would often be the result? Can it be avoided?

Step 2 Reading

(1). Individual work

Can scientists make experiments on animals to test new products? People have different opinions about the problem. Let’s read such a passage now.

Q: How many questions are mentioned?

( Does animals testing work? Do people have the right to use animals?)

(2). Individual work

People are having a heat argument about the problem. And if you were an animal, what do you think would say to humans beings?

Prepare to make a short speech and speak it out.

(3). Group work

As a human being, do you agree with which side? A reporter is very interested in this argument, and he is having an interview with some people. Discuss the problem in groups, one as the reporter to hold the interview, one as a scientist who sticks to testing on animals, one as an activist who is against the idea and the other one tries to make some suggestions and notes. Exchange ideas with each other with the information in the reading material as well as your own opinions. Do the report and share your conclusions with the whole class.

(4). Group work

It’s really difficult for us to judge who is right or wrong. So in order to avoid such an argument, do you have some betters methods to solve problem, especially in the future? Discuss the problem in groups and reach an conclusion.

Step 3 Writing

(1). Pair work

Now it’s time for you to write about an argumentative essay on this problem. So what do you think you are going to write about in your essay? Discuss in pairs and show the ideas to the class.

(2). Individual work

Read the tips carefully to check if you have the same idea.

Title Choose a clear Pro or Contra animal testing title

Introduction Explain for what reasons animals are used in experiments and make clear on which side you are: Is animal testing OK or are you an animal rights activist?

Second Paragraph: Arguments Pro Choose two or three arguments from the reading to support your view, Explain them in your own words: 2-3 pros.

Third Paragraph: Arguments Contra Choose one or two arguments from the reading that do against your view. Explain them in your own words and show that they are not true: 1-2 cons

Conclusion Write what we should do with animals experiments in the future and why.

(3). Individual work

Then Write down your answers to the questions listed in the form one by one.

Why are animals used in the experiments?

Are you on which side of them?

Which views do you agree with? Why?

Which views don’t you agree with? Why?

What other ways can you think of to solve the problem in the future?

(4). Individual work

Join your answers together to make a short passage. Divide them into several different paragraphs according to what you write about in each one. Read it through with your partners to make sure what should be corrected and improved.

(5). Class work

To make your essay read well, some useful words will help you a lot when your are writing an argumentative one. Read these words carefully, and choose to use some of them in your essay and then read it again to see what has changed.


similarly , the same as, similar to ,equal to, appear the same, both seem to, in the same way, in a similar way, in comparison with share…in common/ have….in common, compare …with…, be compared with, make a comparison between with… there are some similarities between…


nevertheless/nonetheless otherwise, whereas in contrast, on the contrary opposite to…, different from, on the other hand, have little/nothing in common there are some difference between…


for example/instance, as follows, such as, in particular in this case, one example is…and another example is… take ….as an example, the following examples will show that… there are many examples to show that….


in a word, generally speaking, in my opinion, to sum up, on the whole ,

