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新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇1



现在我评一下张海红老师2016年10月18日上午第一节八年级上unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-1c的课。她的这一堂课清晰实在,扎实系统,是一节成功的英语课。教师以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑了学生这一年龄阶段的特点,在本课的教学设计和组织上都注重了以下几个方面。




4、重难点突出,层次性强,知识挖掘的有广度、有深度、有梯度。如:stand的用法中补充了stand in the shoes of sb.处于某人的境遇。




新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇2

指导专家:张志富 (辽宁省英语教研员)

曲端 (辽宁省英语教研员)

刘静雯 (辽宁省大连市英语教研员)

陈玉卿 (辽宁省大连市金州新区英语教研员)


《新目标英语》八年级上Unit 5以娱乐活动为话题, Section A的话题主要围绕电视节目展开, Section B在此基础上引入电影话题。本堂课的教学内容是Section B部分, 阅读语篇围绕卡通片电影展开, 主要谈论美国卡通形象——米老鼠 (Mickey Mouse) 。


任务型语言教学体现了“教师为主导、学生为主体”的理念, 鼓励学生通过体验获得语言技能。在教学实际操作中, 教师需要对教材进行重新整合, 并根据学生的接受能力开展行之有效的教学活动。

本课教学以“阅读教学”为核心, 采用了新《英语课程标准》倡导的“任务型课文教学途径”教学理念, 即要遵循“整体—局部—整体”的原则。


(一) Knowledge and ability

1.Knowledge Master the new language:think of, come out, one of the main reasons, such as, was ready to

2.Ability:Learn to talk about cartoon characters and also the symbols of culture.

(二) Methods and procedures

1.Task based Teaching

2.Use the reading strategies to analyze the reading

(三) Value of emotion and attitudes

To know more about the symbol of American culture and also have a better understanding of Chinese traditional cartoons and the influence on Chinese culture.


(一) 整体阅读教学法

在教学中, 笔者运用了整体阅读教学方法, 对学生进行相关阅读技巧的训练 (如捕捉关键词或细节, 抓住主题句, 利用语境猜测词义等) , 重视培养学生的阅读习惯, 引导学生利用已有的背景知识对阅读材料进行猜测、推断、概括, 达到培养学生阅读能力的目标。

(二) 交际语言教学法

学习语言的最终目的在于交际, 笔者有意识地加强对学生学习策略的指导, 让学生在学习和运用语言的过程中学会学习, 使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、有效交际的能力。


Key points:Using the target languages to talk about the cartoon characters.

Difficult points:Using writing tips to write the cartoon characters and symbols of a culture.


本课以Mickey Mouse的诞生、成名过程和所拥有的成就为线索展开。为了更好地完成本课教学任务, 培养学生的语言能力, 笔者设计了教学活动流程图 (见图1) 。


笔者运用实物、录音机、多媒体等教学媒介, 为学生创设逼真的情境, 激发学生积极参与的欲望。


Step 1:Leading in

Show the students a video about different cartoon characters in different cartoons.

笔者通过播放一首歌曲, 激发学生的兴奋点, 自然地引出本课的主题“动画人物”。

Step 2:Pre-reading

1. Ask the following three questions

(1) Do you like to watch cartoons?

(2) What is your favorite cartoon?

(3) Why do you like it?

阅读文章是以一个广为人知的卡通形象———Mickey Mouse为核心的。阅读前, 笔者要求学生谈论有关卡通片的话题, 充分激活学生的背景知识。

2. Teach the new language points by introducing the cartoon called“Big Baymax”

Big Hero is a very famous and successful film.The main characters in Big Hero are Xiao Hong and Baymax.It first came out in China on February28, 2015.At first, Xiao Hong was unlucky.He lost his brother and he had some other problems, too.But he was always ready to try his best.And he won at last.

笔者与学生共同探讨较难的词、词组和语法结构, 扫清学生阅读障碍, 帮助学生顺利地进行阅读。

3. Prediction

教材的图片形象直观、新颖有趣。笔者通过挖掘图片资源, 让图片资源为教学服务, 培养学生的读图能力。

Step 3:While-reading

1.Read for the main idea

What’s the passage mainly about?

It is about a famous symbol in American culture——Mickey Mouse.

Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the passage.

学生快速阅读文章, 并判断自己的预测是否正确。这样, 学生通过快速阅读, 能够整体感知文章, 把握文章大意。

2.Skim for general information

Paragraph 1___Paragraph 2___Paragraph 3___

a.Who is Mickey?

b.What is Mickey like today?

c.Why was Mickey popular?

学生了解每段的大意和写作重点, 为后面的语言输出做好准备。

3.Read for details

(1) 2b Complete the time line.

学生再次速读课文, 并根据2b部分的时间轴补充信息, 其目的是培养学生的寻读能力。

(2) Read and fill the blanks. (见图2)

学生通过细读, 进一步从整体上了解文章的写作脉络, 为复述课文降低了难度。学生四人一组合作完成学习任务, 有利于培养自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的能力。

Step 4:Appreciate the sentences

1.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.

2.People went to the cinema to see the“little man”win.

英语学习既要有利于发展学生的语言运用能力, 体现工具性, 也要全面提升学生的人文素养, 体现人文性。学生通过了解Walt Disney和当时美国经济大萧条的背景, 进一步深入理解文章。

Step 5:Retelling

复述课文是思维整合和强化记忆的过程。复述课文可以训练学生的思维能力, 使学生巩固所学内容, 提高语言组织能力, 激发想象力。

Step 6:After reading

1.Discuss the following questions.

(1) Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man?Why or why not?Do you want to be like him?

(2) Do you want to be like Mickey?Why or why not?

(3) Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey?Why is the character popular?

(4) What cartoon character can be a symbol of Chinese culture?

口语活动能够使学生加深对文章的理解, 让学生品味阅读内容, 使学生能够将课文内容与自身实际相结合, 促进学生表达自己的观点。

2.Summary and writing (见上页图3)

(1) My favorite cartoon character

(2) Write about a symbol of Chinese culture.

学生对所学知识进行归纳、总结。在此基础上, 笔者为不同层次的学生设计了两个写作题目, 使学生在写作中学习和使用语言。

Step 7:Homework

1.Think of a cartoon character for our school mascot (吉祥物) .

2.Describe the mascot for us.


张红老师的教学设计理念新颖, 目标明确;课堂活动由浅入深, 层层递进。具体体现在以下三个方面:

第一, 重视整体性原则。整个课堂围绕美国卡通形象———米老鼠展开教学活动, 学生通过阅读, 了解了卡通片在美国文化中的地位。每个教学环节紧紧围绕这一主题, 循序渐进、由易入难, 让学生自然融入。张老师设计的任务难度不断加大, 在充分铺垫的基础上, 学生能够很容易达成任务, 形成语言技能。在任务设计时, 张老师给学生提供较大的创造空间, 使学生通过学习掌握描写卡通人物的表达方式。

第二, 重视培养学生的阅读策略和阅读能力。本堂课通过一个短篇文章, 张老师有意识地对学生进行学习策略指导, 使学生学会如何通过速读、细读、略读等方式来获取信息, 让学生在学习和运用英语的过程中学会学习。

第三, 重视工具性和人文性的统一。本堂课张老师的教学设计既有利于发展学生的语言运用能力, 培养学生的听、说、读、写技能, 从而使学生形成运用英语与他人交流的能力, 体现英语的工具性;又有利于全面提升学生的人文素养, 开阔学生的眼界, 丰富学生生活经历, 使学生形成跨文化意识, 体现英语的人文性。

新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇3

1. If you ____ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry.

A. stayB. will stayB. stayedD. stays

2. If you bring friends from other schools to the party, the teacher will

ask them ____.

A. leaveB. to leaveC. leavingD. to leaving

3. My parents are very happy to make ____ money.

A. a lotB. littleC. manyD. a lot of

4. In my class, some students are good at traveling, ____ are good at

spending time on computer games.

A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other

5. Your teachers will not be pleased if you don’t finish ____ your


A. doB. to doC. doingD. done

6. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ____ your

real friends are.

A. thatB. whoC. whichD. what

7. The ____ he studies, the ____ he will learn.

A. hard; wellB. harder; better

C. harder; wellD. hard; better

8. Young man! If you ____ late again, you’ll lose your job.

A. will beB. wereC. areD. have been

9. ——He thinks ____ of others than of himself.

——That’s why everyone likes to make friends with him.

A. moreB. lessC. muchD. little

10. ——Would you like me to call a taxi for you?

——____, but my driver is coming to meet me here. Thank you just

the same.

A. Please doB. No, I needn’t

C. I think soD. It’s very kind of you

11. Internet bars shouldn’t let people under eighteen in or let anybody ____ bad things, I think.

A. watchB. to watchC. watchingD. to watching

12. ——I am going to see the movie Superman Returns.

——____ Let’s go together!

A. Yes.B. Why not?C. Me, too.D. I’m afraid not.

13. Swimming in the lake always makes my mother ____ about me.

A. to worryB. worryingC. worryD. worries

14. If you get up ____ tomorrow, how can you finish ____ that book?

A. late; readingB. late; to read

C. lately; readingD. lately; to read

15. My father ____ my mobile phone because I didn’t have good grades

in the exam.

A. cleaned upB. passed on

C. ran awayD. took away



All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy sports. Since the days of long ago, people have called their friends together to spend __1__, even days, playing games. Sports help people to live __2__. When they are playing games, people __3__ a lot. This is good for their __4__. Many people enjoy sports by watching others __5__.

Games and sports grow out of the __6__ people do. In Portugal many people work to catch fish. Sometimes they use their __7__ for racing. The Arab are famous for their __8__.

Horseback riding is a very exciting sport in Morocco. Hunting and fishing are sports in Morocco. Hunting and fishing are work for many people who must get their __9__ this way. But for other people they are __10__.

1. A. weeksB. daysC. hoursD. minutes

2. A. aloneB. happilyC. easilyD. hard

3. A. studyB. watchC. standD. move

4. A. healthB. familyC. gamesD. children

5. A. wayB. rideC. playD. fish

6. A. workB. sportC. foodD. read

7. A. animalsB. boatsC. netsD. fish

8. A. fishB. horsesC. foodD. games

9. A. clothesB. foodC. booksD. drink

10. A. sportsB. schoolsC. subjectsD. homes



Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a dinner guest (客人) in Ghana, this information(信息) will help you.

In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time in Ghana. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food.

When you go to a home, the host takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dining room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In Ghana, you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else. But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末) of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard. You must chew it well, or you might get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

1. In Ghana ____.

A. dinner is always at four

B. dinner is always at six

C. rules for time are not strict

D. a family offers food only at four

2. People in Ghana eat ____.

A. from one side of a dish to the other

B. from the other side of the dish

C. with their fingers

D. from the different dishes

3. People in Ghana ____ in most meals.

A. eat a kind of food called fufu

B. eat from different dishes

C. like to have talks with each other

D. don’t chew fufu well

4. Where does the host take you to first when you go to a home? ____.

A. To the dining roomB. To the living room

C. To the bedroomD. To the washroom

5. It’s not polite to ____.

A. get food from the same dish

B. get food from one side of the dish

C. get food from the other side of the dish

D. eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand


1. If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be ____.

A. TV playB. SportsC. Around ChinaD. Talk show

2. The program of ____ will let you know much about foreign countries.

A. SistersB. Around China

C. Around the worldD. On TV next week

3. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best program for you is ____.

A. Around ChinaB. Animal world

C. TV playD. Foreign arts

4. English classroom is a program that ____.

A. lets you know something about classrooms

B. tells you something about students

C. lets you know something about school life

D. teaches you English

5. The program at the end of Channel 2 means ____ on TV next week.

A. newsB. programsC. peopleD. places


A) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。

1. I think I’m going to wear j____ to the party.

2. Mark is going to o____ a party.

3. Many people buy newspapers at the newspaper a____.

4. Mr Zhao had many reasons a____ his son to become a professional soccer player.

5. If you lose this c____ to get this job, I think you can’t get a better one.

B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. How many ____(play) are there in a football team?

2. Yesterday afternoon she fell off her bike and got ____(injure).

3. Who did ____(badly) in the long jump, Tom, Jim or Mike?

4. He makes a ____(live) by singing.

5. Do you want to be a ____(law) in the future?


1. 如果你把食物带到晚会来, 老师会拿走的。

If you bring food to the party, the teacher ____ ____ ____ ____.

2. 如果允许他们进入, 将会发生什么?

What will ____ if you ____ ____ ____.

3. 今晚我打算去买一些花。

I’m going to buy some ____ ____.

4. 你没注意到他们一直在跟着我们吗?

Don’t you notice that they have been following us ____ ____ ____?

5. 这个孩子太小, 还不能单独谋生。

The boy is too young ____ ____ ____ ____ by himself.


Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. __1__

Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?

Andrea: __2__

Mark: No, today is too early. __3__

Andrea: OK, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark: But there’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests.

Andrea: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. __4__

Mark: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.

Andrea: OK, good idea. __5__

Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.

A. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.

B. Can you organize the party games?

C. Will you help me organize it?

D. We can all meet and watch a video.

E. Let’s have it today after class.



1. 将会有许多来自世界各地的运动员;

2. 许多外地游客会游览北京这个美丽的城市;

3. 许多中国人会讲英语。

新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇4






本课的重点词汇短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my anut, thanks a lot for sth, have to culture club及时间短语;on Saturday afternoon,the day after tomorrow,the whole day等。

重点句型:can开头发出邀请的一般疑问句,和接受及拒绝的答句。Sure,I’d love to, sorry,I can’t, thank you for your invitation/asking, sorry I have to… 及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动





SectionA The 1st period 一,新课导入(cead-in)1,用unit3 What are you doing for vacation?来提问,这样既可复习旧的句型,也可以图片呈现方式引处新的短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my aunt.2,下对全体同学:Halloween is coming ,I will have a party, can you come to my party?启发学生基础。

Students: Sure ,I’d love to.和I’m sorry I have to go to the doctor 以及Sorry, I can’t, I am studying for a test.etc.3,小组操练,就上述导入的新句型反复操练,进行强调及反复练习。并鼓励学生,发挥自己想象力,根据自己的实际情况创立真实的情境练习发出邀请,及接受或拒绝邀请。4,听力练习,完成1B,再让学生复述听力原文。

5,Guess game

Can you guess why? 准备一些遮住一部分的图片,然后逐步露出图片,让学生猜:

T :I invited come of my friend to my birthday party, but they have some plans, so they can’t come to my party, Can you guess why? Keys:Can he come to my party?No,he can’t ,He has to go to the movies.Etc He is playing soccer on starday? 这一部分即使一个猜图片的游戏,也是对Can引导的一般疑问句和have to及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动的练习。6,导入听力,完成P26-2a,2b,Can jeff/many/may/claudia/poul come to the party? 7,pairwork(张靓颖本周来葫芦岛开演唱会,你有两张票,邀请你的同学和你一块去)

A:Can you go to the concert whit me?




SactionB The 2nd period 一,导入新课


并向学生介绍一周安排(如P27 4表格)二,设计日程表





Go to the piano lesson at 9:00 am.Visit my grand ma at 3:00 pm.Go to the concert in the evening.Watch a football game in the afternoon.三,教师呈现课前准备的几分邀请卡并教会学生阅读邀请卡,并设计几个问题,提问学生完成。以此为契机,讲解应用阅读理解的解题思路及方法。并选择一到两篇相应的应用文阅读理解,限时完成。为进一步提高阅读能力奠定基础。并完成P27-3a。









Saction The 3rd period 一,导入新课。

P29 3a 听力形式呈现,听后回答问题。

What is Sonia’s doing on Monday—Friday?


Thank you for doing sth.Have tennis training.On Friday evening etc.三,完成3b P29






五,Homework(给一定信息写一篇回复信)你的好朋友Anna邀请你去看演唱会,你不能去,原因如下: 1,你将为周一的物理考试做准备。



The fourth period 一,导入新课(lead-in)(准备一份台历)

(完成Scation B 1a)What’s the date today? What was the date yesterday? What day is it today?(tomorrow, the day after fromm并引出What’s today、It’s nonday the 14th

二,listening 完成P28 2a 2b 三,pairwork 引导学生根据2A录音内容,分小组展开课堂Pairwork对话及交流活动,培养口语能力,完成2C内容。

三,完成p30 slef cheak

并用Play soccer come to… have to 口头操练,以此夯实基础。

新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇5

Dear Mr. Brown

I have decided that I will join Lions.

If I join the Lions, I will be famous, and people all over the world will know me.

If I join the Lions, I will also make a lot of money, and give money to schools and charities to help people. And I also need money to travel around the world.

The most important reason is I love playing soccer. This is a great chance for me.



Dear Mr. Brown

I have decided that I won’t join the team.

If I join the team, I will never go to college, but I really want to get an education.

If I become famous, people will watch me all the time and follow me everywhere.

I love soccer , because it can make me happy. But there are many other interesting jobs I would like. They can also make me happy.

If I play sports for a living, my job will sometimes be very dangerous.

And I know many famous people complain that they are not happy. I want to make a lot of money, but I think money isn’t everything.

So I won’t join your team.



新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇6



1.单词:have , soccer , ball , soccer ball , tennis , ping-pong , volleyball , basketball , bat , does , doesnt , do 2.词组:have a ping-pong ball ,tennis ball , 3.句子:Do you have a ping-pong ball ? Yes , I do.No , I dont.4.语法:助动词do的用法。有实义动词时的一般疑问句。



根据音标读出Unit 5 P25-26的单词。


1.完成1a,翻译1a、2a、2d(将答案写在课本上)2.翻译Grammar Focus并背诵。



soccer ball_________ tennis ball________有______球________ 排球____________ 篮球________乒乓球_________球拍_________

三、选择:(1)-Is this your eraser?-__________ A.Yes, it’s.B.Yes, it is.C.Yes , is.D.It is.(2)Is that ______ pencil sharpener? A.he B.him C.his D.you(3)This is _____ bag.A.me B.I C.my.D.you(4)----Is that his case?-----__________.A.Yes, that is.B.Yes , it isn’t.C.No, it is.D.No , it isn’t.课内学习


1.检查1a、1c、2a、2d及Grammar Focus 的预习效果。

2.听力练习:听1b、2a、2b 完成课本上的内容。3.听力练习:2a, 2b 完成课本上的内容,再听一遍。

二、组内探讨:仔细观察下面例句中的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺内容。1.Do you have a basketball ? 2.Do you have a ping-pong bat ? 拓展类似的问句还有:

Do you have-------? Do they have_____? 〖结论〗根据以上例句可知,have的基本意思为“ ”,问lsquo;你有-------吗?需要在句首加助动词do。


作助动词无意义,翻译下列句子并能用have造出相似的句子.Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do.Do they have a soccer ball? No, they dont.Does she have a computer? No, she doesnt.Does he have a ping-pong ball? Yes, he does./No,he doesnt.句中的do和does都是构成疑问句和否定句的助动词 do not的缩写形式_______________ does not的缩写形式_______________ dont/doesnt+动词原形.如,I dont _________(have)a soccer ball.(我没有足球)He doesnt ___________(have)a ping-pong ball.(他没有乒乓球)三,这节课你学会了哪些表示球类的词。Play_______ , Explanation 1.have作动词,意为“有”,一般指某人拥有某物,侧重于所属关系。其第三人称单数形式是has。常用句式为:某人 + have/has + 某物,表示“人有某物”。在一般现在时态中,当主语为第三人称单数形式时,用has的形式。如: I have a good friend.我有一个好朋友。She has a new pen.她有一支新钢笔。

2.late “迟到” 是个形容词,常用 be late 的结构。Xiao Ming is always late.小明总是迟到。3.we是人称代词主格,意为“我们”,在句子中作主语。如:

We are good friends.我们是好朋友。

We have a new soccer ball.我们有一只新足球。

4.us “我们”。是we的宾格形式,在句子中放在介词或动词后作宾语。

we “我们” 是人称代词主格形式,作句子的主语。

us “我们”是人称代词宾格形式,作句子的宾语。

our “我们的”是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前作定语。

We are in Mikes room.我们在迈克的房间里。Call us at 457-3287.给我们打电话457-3287.Our teacher is in the classroom.我们的老师在教室里。


基本结构为:let sb.do sth.,表示 “让某人做某事”,表示说话人的建议。其中sb.可由名词或代词宾格来充当,其后的动词一定要用动词原形。

Let me do it.让我来做吧。Let him guess.让他猜一猜。

新目标英语八年级上unit5评课稿 篇7

Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?Teaching goals:1. Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc .2. Learn to talk about how often do you do things .3. 一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .4. 句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ? How often ?及回答.Important and difficult points :What does she /he do on weekends ?She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ?Once a week / Twice a week .Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1.Greetings:Talk about something the students did on

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summer vacation .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 1 , 1a .1. Look at the picture (学生识图).2. Name each activity .T: What are they doing ?They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding .(Help the students to answer )3. Write the activities on the line .4. Check the answers on the Bb .Correct their own activities .5. Practise reading .SB Page 1 , 1c .1. Focus on the conversation in the box .2. Practise reading .3. Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ? I .4. Groupwork :Divide the class into groups of four or five .Make conversations .First S1 to S2:S1:What do you do on weekends ?

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S2:I .S1:What does she /he do on weekends ?S2:She /He .5. Act out their own dialogues .Step 3 While-task SB Page 1 , 1b .1. Look at each picture in 1c.Tell what the person does on weekends .Check the Ss orally.2. Make sure what they will hear and do .3. Read these adverbs and explain.4. Play the tape twice .Write the letters on the line.SB Page 2 , 2a & 2b .1. read the activities and the answers of “how often” first .2. Practise reading .3. In 2a we should know the activities you hear .In 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities.4. Play the tape for a first time .Ss only listen .5. Play the tape a second time .Ss do 2a .

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6. Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .7. Play the tape .Ss do 2b .8. Check the answers .In this part ,we should pay attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 2 , 2c .1. Focus on the conversation .2. Practice reading .3. Read the activities in the left box .4. Fill in the chart .5. Pairwork: Make conversations .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1. Greetings2. Drills:T: What do you usually do on weekends ?S1: I usually play soccer .T: How often do you play soccer ?S1: I play soccer twice a week .T: How often does he play soccer ?The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week .Repeat for three times .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 2 ,Grammar Focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and answers .2. Practise reading .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 3 , Part 3 .

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1. Call attention to the survey .Make sure the Ss understand the chart .T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ?Ss answer .If necessary , give them help .2. Review the information in the green box with Ss .3. Read the article first by the Ss .4. Read it to the class .5. Look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article .6. Finish the activity individually .7. Check the answers .8. Practise reading .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 3,Part 4 .1. T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g. read English books, practice reading and speaking ) How often do you ?2. Think of more things you can do to improve your English and write them here .

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3. Ask several Ss each question .4. See: Who is the best English students in the class Homework:Revise the new words .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings & free talk .2. Practise reading the article in Page 3.3. Check the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page4 , 1a .1. Point out the five phrases .2. Ss read after the teacher .3. Make sure the Ss understand what do they mean .4. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .5. Match the words with the pictures .6. Check the answers .7. Practice reading .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 4 , 1b .1.pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .

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2. Read it to the class .3. Explain : “be good for” means :有益于…,对…有好处.4. Pairwork. Choose a new partner .Use the words in Activity 1a to make conversations .5. Share the students’ conversations.SB Page 4 ,2a&2b .1. T : Now you will hear a reporter interview two people ,Katrina & Bill .Read the two names for the Ss. In 2a ,we’ll know who is healthy , Bill or Katrina ?2. Read the questions in 2a .3. Listen to the tape carefully twice .Circle “yes” , “no” or “I don’t know” in the chart .4. Before we check the answers in 2a,we’ll read through the questions in 2b .Pay attention to Katrina’s and Bill’s answers .5. Play the tape again .This time ,if we have heard one questions and we have a pause .Make sure Katrina’s and Bill’s answer.

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6. From the answers in 2b ,we can tell who is healthy Bill or Katrina ?Step 4 Post-taskRole-play .Groupwork .Divide the Ss into groups of three .S1 is interview,S2 is Katrina ,S3 is Bill .S1: How often do you exercise ?S2: I exercise every day .S3: … .With the help of 2b .Homework 请同学们用2b里面的问题调查你熟悉的两位同学,写出答案并做比较.


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Unit 2 What’s the matter ?Teaching goals: 1. 词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些单词.2. 能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议.3. 通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力.4. 文化欣赏,中国文化.Important and difficult points:1. words .2. How to talk about the health and give the advice .Period 1Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in1.T :How many parts of the body can you name ?What’s this ?(head , mouth etc.)Today we’ll learn some parts of the body .2.This is my head .Oh ,I have a headache .Step 2 Pre-task1.Read the new words by the Ss first .

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2. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly .if there is a mistakes ,correct .3. Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes .4. Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard .5. Page7,1a.Do this part by the Ss first. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list .6. Check the answers .7. Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,we’ll have a instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear … .Let’s see which student do it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls .5 boys and 5girls to the front to do what the instructor said .if you are wrong ,please go back to your seats ,the last one who stands at the front is the winner .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 7, 1b .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 7,1c .Work in pairs and act out .

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SB Page 8, 2a .1. Point out the eight items in this activity .Read the item to the class .Ss repeat .2. There are different conversations .Listen carefully . people are talking about health problems they have and getting advice .3. Match the problems with the advice .4. Play the tape twice .5. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task 同桌之间设计一个医生与病人之间的对话.Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the name of your body part .2. Write conversations between the doctor and the patient .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Revise playing the game .3. Practice reading the dialogues .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 8, 2b .1. Pay attention to the four pictures .Each of these pictures illustrates one of the conversations .2. Play the tape ,write the missing words on the blank lines .3. Play the tape again and check the answers .4. Pairwork .Practice reading the dialogues in the pictures .Take turns having the problem and giving the advice .5. Practice reading the dialogue in 2c ,and make their onw conversations .6. Act out the dialogue .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 9, 3a .1. Point out the picture and ask Ss to describe it .(There is a boy sitting on a bench .He’s sick .A teacher is talking to him )2. Pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in the dialogue .3. Fill in the blanks in the conversation .4. Go over the answers.5. Practice reading the dialogue with a student, then work in pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 9 , 3b .1. Look at the picture with activity .A: What’s the matter ?B: I’m not feeling well . I have a toothache /fever/sore throat /sore back .2. Pairwork.Make your own dialogues setting 3a as an example .

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3. Act out the dialogue .Ask some pairs to come to the front to act out their onw dialogues .SB Page 9, Part 4.1. Read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime” is .2. Read the dialogue by the Ss .3. Ask a student to come to the front and mime an illness ,the other Ss guess what the illness is .4. Ask one student to give advice .5. Give several students an opportunity to come to the front and mime an illness .Step 5 Homework 1. When you had some problems.please remember what the doctor said .2. Remember the new words .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk .2. Play the game :One student mimes an illness , the other students guess the illness and give advice .What’s the matter? Do you have a sore throat ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 10 ,1a .1. Look at the picture .Point out the four new words and expressions .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat .2. The first picture .Explain something about it using one of the four words and expressions .3. Match the words with the pictures by the Ss .4. Check the answers .5. Practice reading and make sure the Ss understand the meaning of the words .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 10,1b .

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1. Read the four sentences ,Ss practice reading .2. Look at the picture and match each picture with advice.3. Check the answers .SB Page 10 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,make sure the Ss understand what they will hear .2. Then read the four names 3. Listen and write the problems on the bland lines .If possible ,write what each person “should” and “shouldn’t” do for their problem.4. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 10,2c .1. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .2. Pairwork .Make conversations with your partner .3. Act out the conversations for the class .4. Write two dialogues in the exercise book .SB Page 11, 3a &3b .1.3a .Read the article and underline the things you should do . Check the answers .

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2.3b .Let the Ss read the paragraph and fill in the blanks .Check the answers .SB Page 11 ,Part 4.Play the game Step 5 Selfcheck SB Page 12 ,Part 1 .1. Fill in the blanks on their own .2. Make your own sentences with the words .SB Page 12,Part 2.Read the letter .Make sure Ss can understand it .Step 6 Homework1. Remember the words in this unit .2. Do the exercises on Pages 6-8of the workbook .


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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ?Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases: babysit ,get back , fishing , rent , think about , decide(on) , tourist etc.2. How to talk about future plans .3. 现在进行时表示将来计划或行动.4. 特殊疑问句(where , when , how long引导)Important and difficult points :Drills :What are you doing for vacation ? I’m watching TV . When are you going ? I’m going … . How long are you staying ? We’re staying for five days .Teaching aids : cards and a tape ,a large wall calendar .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in

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1. Free talk .2. Put up the wall calendar .T: I’m staying home on Saturday (pointing to next Saturday ). Ss repeat . Ss: I’m staying home on Saturday . T: OK. Today we’ll learn how to talk about future plans.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 13 , 1a .1. Look at the picture carefully and tell what you see in the picture .2. Write the activities from the pictures in the box and add some more .3. Practice reading .Step 3 While-task 1. Using the activities we write in 1a to make conversations .For example :What are you doing for vacation ? I’m visiting my uncle .2. Pairwork .Practice in pairs .

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3. 用第三人称练习对话.4. Groupwork . Divide the Ss into groups of four or five .Make conversations .5. Listening Page 13,1b. Check the answers .SB Page 14 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,read the names of the people .2. Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .3. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 14,2c .Read the conversations first .Groupwork and fill in the chart .Step 5 Homework1. 如果没填完上面的表格回去接着做完.2. 记单词.


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Revise : Make conversations with the setences what are you doing for vacation ?When are you going ?Who are you going with?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 14,Grammar focus .1. Call attention to the sentences together .Read them by the Ss .Ask a student to say the question using the word he and then again using a boy’s name .2. Do in the same way with “she” and a girl’s name.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 15, 3a .1. Read the conversation by the Ss and practice reading .2. Listen and fill in the chart .3. Check the answers .SB Page 15, 3b .

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1. Look at the conversation in the box .2. Practice reading .3. Pairwork . Make conversations using the information in 3b .4. Act out your conversations .Step 4 Post-task Vacation Dreams .Imagine your dream vacation .Write something on a piece of paper using what we learnt .Share the dreams .Step 5 HomeworkWrite 2 conversations about 3b in the exercise books .If you don’t finish your dream writing, do it at home .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Check the homework :Ask one or two Ss to say something about their dream vacation .并给出全适的评价.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 16, 1a .1. Say each phrase and ask Ss to repeat .2. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .Match each phrase with a picture .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While task1. Make conversation. Work with your partner .Talk about what you would like to do on vacation .2. Share their conversations.SB Page 16 , 2a&2b .1.Read the reporter’s questions together .

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2. Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task 1. Find a new partner . Student A is the reporter .Student B is He Yu . A interview B . 2. Read the conversation in 2c and with the help of the listening .Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the new words .2. Write the conversations about your interview .


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Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings .2. Make an interview with a student .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 17 ,Part 4 .T: What are you doing this weekend ?1. Ask each other ,write down their answers .2. One student to present his /her exercise .Step 3 While-task SB Page 17 , 3a .1. Read the article about Ben Lambert’s vacation plans by the Ss .Tick out the new words .2. Read the article to the class .3. Explain the new words .4. Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat .5. Point out the five numbered pictures .Ss identify the items .

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6. Check the answers .7. Play the tape again .Practice reading .SB Page 17, 3b .T: This is an article about Julia’s vacation plans .Call attention to the blanks in the paragraph .Read the paragraph to the class ,saying blank each time when we come to a bland line .Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 17 , 3c .T: We read about Julia’s vacation and Ben’s vacation .If you are a famous singer or football player ,What are your vacation plans ?Write about your vacation plans .Give them help if they need .Step 5 Homework Complete the Selfcheck .


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Unit 4 How do you get to school?Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases: get to , how far , bicycle , subway , minute , mile , bus stop .2. Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .3. how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句.4. 复习基数词及时间的表示方法.5. 了解中外文化的差异.Important and difficult points :1. how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法.3. It takes /will take/took sb some time to do sth .Teaching aids: cards and a tape-recorder .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1.Greetings and free talk .

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3. T: How do we get to school ? Some students walk ,some students take the bus ,some students ride a bike .Does anyone take the subway ? No , we have no subway .OK ,today we will learn Unit 4 .Explain : get to Step 2 While-task SB Page19 ,1a&1c .1. Write down how you get to school .2. Look at the picture .Write down how the students get to school.3. Make dialogues with the phrases .4. Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of three or four .Practice reading the dialogues.5. Act out their dialogues .SB Page 19 , 1b .Listening 1. Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them an example orally if possible .2. Read the names .3. Play the tape and check the answers .

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SB Page 20 , 2a&2b .1. Revise the numbers .2. Teach the new word :minute .3. Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Then play again and check the answers .Step 3 Post-taskIf there is time ,make conversations .Step 4 Homework用对话的形式告诉老师你是怎么到达学校并需要多长时间,then please tell me how you get to school and how long it takes .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings .2. Check the homework .3. Go over the dialogue in Page20 ,2c .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 20 ,Grammar focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .2. Practice reading .3. Explain the usage of “take” in “take the train” and “take sb some time to do sth” .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 21,3a .1. Pay attention to the speech bubbles .Read the questions .2. Read the passage by the Ss. Find the answers to the questions and write the answers on the lines .

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3. Check the answers .SB Page 21, 3b .1. Show Ss the example in the box .Two students read it to the class .2. Pairwork: Make your own conversations using the information in the left box.3. Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the classStep 4 Post-taskSB Page 21 ,Part 4 .Groupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three .In each group ,one is A,who look at Page 21.One is B,who look at Page 85,the other is C,who look at Page 86 .Fill in the blanks .The group who fill in the blanks first wins .Step 5 HomeworkWrite two conversations in 3b in the exercise books .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings and free talk .2. Check the homework.3. Go over the passage in 3a Page 21 .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 22 ,1a .1. Say the four new phrases and Ss repeat .2. Match the words with the pictures .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 22,2a&2b .1. Play the tape for the students to finish them .2. Point out the two sets of pictures with a blank line in front of each .3. Check the answers .SB Page 22, 2c .Talk about how Nina gets to school .Step 4 Post-task

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SB Page 23, 3a .1. Read the instructions to the class and read through the statements abut the article .2. Read the article again by the Ss .Write if the statements are true or false in your exercise books.3. Do the activity individually and check the answers .SB Page 23 ,3b .Read the article and fill in the blanks .Check the answers.Selfcheck Part 2 .1. Look at the picture .Make sure what the people in the picture doing .2. Finish the conversation .3. Practice reading .Step 5 Homework1. Write a newspaper article .2. Go over this unit .


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Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A:1a , 1b ,1c ,2a ,2b.Teaching goals :1. vocabubary: lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party .2. Patterns: Can you come to my party ?z Sure, I’d love to . Sorry ,I can’t . I have to … .3. 能力目标:学会邀请别人以及回答的方式.4. 情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯.Teaching procedures :Step 1 leading in Play the song : Happy birthday .Say ,today it’s Meimei’s birthday .She wants to invite you to her birthday party .Can you tell me what she should say ?Ask students to say .

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Step 2 Pre-taskPage 25 ,1a ,1b .Ask ,Can you come to my party ?Ask some students to answer .Ask the students who say I can’t go to say why .Call attention to the words in Activity 1a. Read together .Say ,look at the picture .Ask Ss to tell what they see in each scene .Match the words with the picture and check the answers .Say ,now listen to the recording .Write the name of each person next to his or her picture .Play the recording .Ask Ss to complete the activity individually .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page25 , 1c.Point to the example in the box .Ask Ss to do a practice with partners .Ask some groups to act .Game:

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One student invite some students to his/her party .The other students answer .SB Page 26, 2a .Point to the five sentences .Say ,listen to each conversation and then circle the word that makes the sentences correct .Play the recording .Check the answers .SB Page 26 ,2b .Call attention to the five sentences in activity 2a ,ask a student to read these sentences to the class saying the correct word “can” or “can’t” .Say ,now listen to the recording again .Write the number of the conversation (1 through 3) in front of the reasons .Play the recording .Write down these answers .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 26 ,2c .Call attention to the points listed in activity 2b .

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Ask students to make their own conversation like the example .As students work ,move around the room and monitor .Ask some students to present their dialogue .Step 5 HomeworkPractice :Invite your friends to come to your party .Write down their answers .


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Period 2Teaching contents :Section A Grammar focus , 3a , 3b , 4 .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : whom , start , join , practice , math test , mall , calendar .2. Patterns : Can you go to the mall this week ? Can she/he/they go to movies ?3. 能力目标:学会写请贴,会制做日程表.4. 情感目标:学会人际交往的基本常识.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Ask :How many people did you invite yesterday ?What did they say ?Ask one student to show his answer .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 26 , Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .

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Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation .Call attention to “has to” and “have to” ,under the words write “I’m ing , and she’s ing .”Step 3 While-taskSB Page 27 , 3a .Call attention to the invitation .Ask questions about it .eg.What kind of invitation is it ?Call attention to the dialogue .Ask a pair of students to read it to the class ,saying blank each time they come to a blank line .Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the invitation .Check the answers .SB Page 27 , 3b .Ask two students to act the conversation you just completed .Call attention to the blank invitation card .Complete this card .

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Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 27 ,Part 4 .Read the instructions for this activity to the class .Read the dialogue with a student .Point out Eliza’s calendar on page 27 and Lu Qing’s calendar on Page 87.Ask students to make conversations.Discuss the answer with the class .Step 5 Homework1. Make your own calendar .2. Make an invitation .


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Period 3Teaching contents: Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary:Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday , Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday ,tomorrow .2. Pattern: Can you play tennis with me ? What’s today ?3. 能力目标:能训练地用英语和别人进行交际.Teaching aids :Step 1 Leading inAsk the student who is on duty to say something to the class .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 28 ,1a , 1b .Show the days of the week in a large monthly calendar .Point out the days of the week at the top of the calendar and ask a student to read these words aloud .Ask a student to point out today’s date ,tomorrow’s date ,the day after tomorrow’s date and yesterday’s date .

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Complete activity 1a ,check the answer .Ask students to write the words today ,tomorrow , yesterday and the day after tomorrow in the correct spaces on the calendars in their books .Step 3 While-task SB Page 28, 1c .Call attention to the example in the box .Ask two students to read it to the class .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask :What do you want to do on Monday , Tuesday … ?Write down your answers .Make some conversations with your partner .Ask some Ss to present their conversations .SB Page 28, 2a, 2b .Point to the picture .Listen to the conversation .Can Vince play tennis with Andy ?Circle “yes” or “no” .Play the recording .Ask what can Vince do today .Pay attention to the list of five activities ,and the three

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lettered words .Point out the sample answer ,say, Number 1 is b ,that means that Vince is playing soccer tomorrow .Play the recording .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 28, 2c .Help student find partners .Say ,one student is Andy ,the other is Vince .Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like the example.Ask some pairs to present their conversation .


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Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a, 3b ,3c ,4, selfcheck .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: e-mail message , invitation , science , match ,whole ,come over to ,till 2. Patterns: Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t . I have to … .3. 能力目标:学会以“邀请”为主题的书面表达形式,弄懂E-mail 的写作法.4. 情感目标:理解“义务”涵义.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inShow an article to the class .Say ,this is a e-mail message .Call attention to the form .Read the article individually .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 29 ,3a .

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Say ,there is another e-mail message .Ask a student to read it to the class .Call attention to the blank calendar .Say ,Now read it again .Then complete Sonia’s calendar .Check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 29 ,3b .Point out the e-mail message .Ask a student to read it aloud .Say ,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message ,use “I’m+verb+ing” or “I have to +verb”.Ask students to complete the activity on their own .Ask some Ss to present the answers to the class .SB Page 29 ,3c .Say ,now write your own e-mail message to a friend .say why you can’t visit next week , give some reasons you wish .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring their work.Ask some Ss to read their message to the class .

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Step 4 Post-task SB Page 29 ,Part 4 .Read the instruction to the class.Complete the calendar on Page 88 .Say ,now go around the class .Ask Ss if they can come to your party at the time you are free .Step 5 ExerciseSelfcheckThen ask some students to present their answers .Check the answers .


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Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister .Period 1Teaching contents : Section A 1a , 1b, 1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin .2. Pattern: He has shorter hair than Sam . Is Tom smarter than Tim ?3. 能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in Ask a student to introduce herself/himself .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 31 , 1a .Show some pictures to Ss .Say ,They are stars .Ask Ss to tell what they see .Ask Ss to use the words :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , short hair , heavy , calm , short and so on .

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Then ask Ss to repeat these sentences :Yao Ming is taller than Ronaldo .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 31 , 1c , 1b .Call attention to the picture .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Say ,Now work with a partner .Make your own conversation about the twins .Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations .Then listen to the recording .Ask Ss to number the twins .Check the answers .SB Page 32 ,2a .Point out the two columns and read the headings :-er , -ier and more .Then point out the words in the box .Read .Say ,now listen and write the –er and –ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column .Play the recording and check the answers .

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SB Page 32 , 2b .Point out the picture and the two boxes with the headings Tina is and Tara is .Say ,listen to the recording .Write word in the boxes .The words are from the list in activity 2a .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 32 , 2c .Point out the chart in activity 2c and on Page 89 . Say , Make your own conversations according to the information. Ask pairs to continue on their own .Correct the answers .Step 5 HomeworkHow are you and your sister /brother different ?Write down .


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Period 2Teaching contents: Grammar focus , 3a , 3b ,4 .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk ,How are you and your mother/father different ?Ask some Ss to answer .Step 2 Pre-task Grammar focus . Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to read the sentences to the class .Call attention to the word “funny”,circle “y” and say when a word ends in y ,change “y” to an “i” and add –er .Write the phrases “more athletic than” .Say,when you complete things using words with three or more syllables ,you use the word more .Practice : happy , outgoing , short , thin , good .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 33 , 3a .Call attention to the letter .Ask a student to read it to the class .Say, now read the article ,then answer the questions .

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Write if the statements are true ,or false ,or “don’t know” if you don’t know the answer .Check the answers .SB Page 33 , 3b .Say ,tell your partner about things that are the same and different between you and a member of your family or a friend .You can make a conversation like the example .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation in the box .Have Ss work and ask some pairs to say their dialogues .Step 4 Post-taskRead the instruction to the class .Ask pairs of Ss how many same and different examples they found .Work in pairs and ask some pairs to read their lists .Step 5 HomeworkWrite down the same and different between you and a friend .


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Period 3Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Show a maxim to Ss : A friend indeed is a friend in need .Ask ,What kind of things are important in a friend ?Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 34 , 1a .Read each description to the class and ask the Ss to repeat.What kind of things are important in a friend .Rank the things below 1-6 (1 is most important )Ask different Ss to copy the six phrases on the Bb .Then read the phrases together .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 34 , 1b .Say , Now make your own statements about friends using the phrases in activity 1a .Ask some Ss to tell the class what they look for in a friend .And say ,who is your best friend ?

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SB Page 34 , 2a .Play the recording and check the answers .SB Page 34 , 2b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 34 , 2c .Say , Now work with your partner .Make a conversation using information in the chart .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Homework 连词成句:1. Tom , Sam , intellectual , more , than , is .2. her sister , as … as . not, sports , at , good, is ,Liu Ying.3. me , same , as , the , friend , my , is .4. makes , laugh , a , me , good , I , think , friend .5. outgoing , are , both , we .


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Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 35 , 3b .Read the instruction to the class .Ask Ss to look at the chart on Page 34 .Ask a student to read the example to the class .Say ,now write your own sentences .Ask students who finish first to write sentences on the Bb.Ask some Ss to read the sentences ,each student read one sentence one by one .Step 3 While-task SB Page 35 , 3a .Read the instruction .Point out the sample answer .Say , Now read the article .Explain the words and sentences in your own words .Listen to the recording .

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Say ,Now read the article again .Underline all the words that describe what people are like .Check the answers .SB Page 35 ,3c .Ask Ss to choose a friend to write about .Ask Ss to try to tell the truth .Say ,Now finish the activity on your own .Ask some Ss to read their sentences to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 35 ,Part 4 .Write the names of two outgoing students on the Bb .Say ,Who do think should get the job , A or B ?Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask some pairs who they thought should get the job and why .Step 5 Exercise Selfcheck .Ask Ss to work on their own .Check the answers .


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Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .Teaching goal :1. vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient , cinnamon , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon .2. Patterns: How do you make a banana smoothie ? How many bananas do we need ? How much cinnamon do we need ?3. 能力目标:学会使用how many 和how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问.4. 情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的习惯.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Step 2 Pre-task

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SB Page 41 , 1a .Look at the picture .What can you see ?Point out the blank likes in the picture .Ask Ss to write the names of the actions .Choose the correct words .Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .Check the answers .SB Page 41, 1b .Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 41 , 1c .Point out the instructions in activity 1b .Ask Ss to talk with a partner .SB Page 42 , 2a .Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings .Say , Maria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write the names of the ingredients .

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Play the recording and check the answers .SB Page 42 , 2b .Say ,Now listen again .This time listen to the amout of each ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of each ingredient next to the correct amount .Ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 42 ,2c .Read the instruction for the activity .Point to the sample conversation .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to present their conversations .Step 5 Homework Make a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Ask two students to present their conversation about how to make a banana smoothie or fruit salad .Step 2 Pre-taskGrammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb .Ask one or two students to explain what these words meanCall attention to the verb .Say , there are imperative sentences .Ask some students to say sentences like these .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 43 , 3a .Point out the picture and ask Ss what the boy and girl are doing .Point to the four words at the beginning of the activity .Ask Ss to number the words to show the order .Read the conversation .Ask Ss to complete it .

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Check the answers .Ask Ss to read the conversation with their partner .SB Page 43 , 3b .Point out the picture .Ask Ss to tell what is happening in each picture. Review the words :popcorn , popcorn popper ,salt , bowl .Ask a student to read the directions in the box .Ask Ss to work with partner ,then ask one or two students to tell the class how to make popcorn .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 43 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in teams of three .Read the instructions. Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to present their questions and answers to the rest of the class .Step 5 HomeworkWrite your own recipe about a sandwich .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Review how to make fruit salad .Ask Ss to answer .Step 2 Pre-task Say ,Let’s make a sandwich .Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb .Then ask ,How do you make your favorite sandwich ?Ask one student to answer .Say , let’s make it together .Step 3 While-task SB Page 44 , 1a ,1b .Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat it .Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss write the things they like in a sandwich .Students work .After that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point

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out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with a partner .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .SB Page 44 , 2a .Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods in activity 1a .Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Play the tape again .Ss circle the words in activity 1a .Check the answers .SB Page 44 ,2b .Listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 44 , 2c .Ss work in pairs .Ask several pairs to act out .Step 5 Homework Make a sandwich .


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Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a,3b ,3c , 4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some students to show the sandwiches they made .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 45 , 3a .Read the instructions to the class .Have a student to read the recipe to the class .Point to the words vegetables ,meat and others in the chart .Point to the example answer .Say ,Now read the recipe and write the ingredients under the correct words in the chart .Check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 45 , 3b .Read the instructions to the class .Read the recipe to the class .Say “blank” each time when coming to a blank line .Say ,Now write a word in each blank .Check the answers .

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SB Page 45 , 3c .Read the instructions to the class .Then ask students to write their recipes .As students work ,move around the room offering assistance as needed .Ask students to read their recipes to a partner .Ask some students to read their recipes to the class .Step 4 Post-task Selfcheck .Ask students to finish the work .Ask some students to present their answers to the class .Check the answers .Step 5 Homework SB Page 45 , Part 4 .Ask students to work with a partner .Tell your partner how to make a sandwich with the ingredients in your list .


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Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Teaching goals :1. words & phrases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got , visitor , drive , at the end of .2. Use the past tense to talk about things .3. 掌握由there be 结构和行为动词构成的一般过去时.4. 掌握规则和不规则动词的过去时.Important and difficult points :How to use the past tense correctly .The form of the past tense .Teaching aids : card , picture and a tape recording .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting : talk about something the Ss did last week .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 47 , 1a , 1c .T: What did you do on your last school trip ?Look at the picture .Guess :What did Tina … do ?

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Pairwork : Did Tina buy a souvenir ? No , … .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 47 , 1b .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 48 , 2a , 2b .Play the recording and correct the answers.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 48 , 2c .Pairwork : Make conversations .Ask several students to present their conversations .Step 5 Conclusion Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and answers .Practice reading .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting : talk about what last day off was like .Was it a good day off or a terrible day off ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 50 , 1a , 1b .Look at the pictures .say something about the pictures .Point out the five phrases .Ss read after teacher .Make sure Ss understand what they should do .Rank them from 1-5 .Pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .Read .Pairwork : make conversations .Share the students’ conversations .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 50 , 2a , 2b .Say , Now you will hear a conversation about what Tina and Tony did on their last day off .Point out the sample answer in 2a .

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Listen carefully twice .Fill in the chart.Read the sentences in 2b .Pay attention to who said these things .Play the tape again .Listen carefully .Check the answers .SB Page 49 , 3a .Ask one student to read the article .Ss read and work : correct the statements below .Listen to the recording .Read after it .Ask Ss to read together .Step 4 Post-task Pairwork: Make conversations with your partner using these phrases : Were there … ? Did you see … ? Did you go … ?Step 5 Homework Make up a story .


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Period 3Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in Free talk .Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 51, Part 4 .Say ,Here are some photos of your last vacation .What did you do ?Ask and answer with your partner .Question like this : Did … ? What … ? Were there … ? Where … ? How was … ?Pairwork .Step 3 While-taskSB Page51 ,3a .Read the letter about the things Nick did by Ss .Explain the new words .Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat .Point to the number 1-5 .Point out the sample answer.

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Ss work .Then check the answers .Play the tape again .Practice reading .SB Page 51 , 3b .Say , Imagine you are Tony and you’ll give Nick a letter .Point out the letter .Read the letter to the class .saying blank each time when come to a blank line .Read the letter and fill in the blank .Ask one student to present the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 51, 3c .Say :We read about the things Tony and Nick did .What did you do on your last day off .Let’s write a letter about them .Give them help if they need .Ss work .Step 5 HomeworkComplete the selfcheck .


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Unit 9 When was he born ?Teaching goals: 1. Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth2. 掌握一般过去时态的以how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句.3. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物.Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting .Ask Ss when they were born and which sports stars they like.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page53,1a &1b.Ask Ss to make a list of international sports stars they know.Show some sports stars photos to Ss Ask :T: Who’s that ? S: That’s … .T:When was he born ? S: She was born in … .Pairwork :make conversations .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 53 , 1b .Look at the pictures .Read the names and the occupation .Make sure what Ss should do .Listen carefully.Complete the exercise .Check the answers.SB Page 53 , 2a & 2b .Point out the columns and read the headings to class .Explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column if necessary .Say ,this time fill in the information under How long .Play the recording,Ss complete activity 2b .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskPoint to the chart in activity 2a .Point out the fill-in lines in the conversation in activity 2c .Show Ss how to do the activity .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then make their own conversation .Correct the answers .Step 5 Homework Collect the information about sports stars.Then make cards .


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Period 2Teaching contents: Grammar focus , Section A 3a, 3b , 4a , 4b .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Revise the past tense .Step 2 Pre-taskSBPage54,Grammarfocus.AskSs to say the questions and responses .Answer the questions the Ss might have . Step 3 While-taskSB Pag3 55 , 3a .Ask Ss to point to the names in the chart below the article .Read the name to the class .Explain the word achievement .Divide the class into two groups -A and B .Have them continue filling in their own charts , on their own .SB Page 55 , 3b .After Ss have finished reading and filling their answers , ask Ss to work in pairs .Draw the chart on the Bb .Ask the Ss who finish first to write the answers in the chart .

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Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 55 , 4a .Write this sample question on the Bb .Then ask two Ss to ask and answer these questions .Ask Ss to talk to several other Ss .Move around the room checking their progress .SB Page 55 , 4b .Ask Ss to tell the class what they learned about a student. Allow other Ss to ask questions if they don’t understand something another student says .Ask each student to read at least one statement from his chart .Step 5 Homework( 改错 )1. I went to the classroom , but no one were there .2. Last summer I go to HongKong .3. Lucy and Lily didn’t late for school last week .4. Did your friend bought a new watch yesterday ?


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Period 3Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b ,2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Revision Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 56 , 1a .Write on the Bb the eight words at the top of the page .Ask a student to the names of the people in the pictures .Ask Ss to write one or two words from the list under each person’s picture .SB Page 56 , 1b .Ask several Ss to read the class the words they wrote under each picture .Say , Now work with a group .Make your own statements about the people in the pictures ,using the words you wrote in your book .Ask Ss to tell the class what they said about some of the people.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 56, 2a .

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Read the instructions and point out the words in the list in activity 1a .Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the words they hearCheck the answers.SB Page 56 , 2b .Point out the eight sentences .Ask two Ss to read them .Play the recording and have Ss write down the answers .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 56 , 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation .Have Ss work with a partner .Ask and answer questions using the sentences in activity 2b .Ask several pairs to say a conversation to the class.Step 5 HomeworkRemember the words learned in this class .


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Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss some questions :When were you born ? When did you get to school yesterday ? etc .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 57, 3a .Ask Ss to read the phrases in the chart .Then have Ss to read the article on their own ,ask Ss to circle any words or phrases they don’t understand .Ask Ss to read to the class any words or phrases they circled .Write them on the Bb .Ask other Ss to explain what they mean .Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the information in the chart .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 57 , 3b .

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Ask Ss to use these sentences to start their articles .Ask Ss to use the article about Midori as an example .SB Page 57 , 3c .Read the instructions and ask Ss who they write about .Ask Ss to work on their own .When they finish,ask the Ss to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 57 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in groups of four .Point out the sample conversation .Ask three Ss to read it to the class .Then ask Ss to work with their groups .Step 5 HomeworkGet Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .


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Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player .Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a , 2b ,2c .Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :programmer ,engineer ,pilot ,professional2. Pattern: I am going to do sth .3. 能力目标:掌握一般将来时的用法.Important and difficult points : be going to 的用法.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 复习一般现在时表示计划、打算做某事的用法.Step 2 Pre –taskSB Page 59 , 1a .Read each of the words to the class .Teach the new words Have Ss complete activity 1a .Check the answers .SB Page 59 , 1b .Play the recording .Ss listen and write down the answers .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 59,1c .In pairs ,Ss look at the jobs in activity

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1a and have conversations about these jobs .SB Page 60 , 2a .Point to the picture .Ask Ss to say what they see .Play the recording .Ss listen and write down the answers .Check the answers .SB Page 60 , 2b .Ask a student to read the sample question and sample answer to the class .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers in the chart .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 60 , 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Point to the questions and answers in activity 2b .Ask Ss to make conversation about Cheng Han .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .


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Period 2Teaching contents : Grammar focus,Section B 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :sound like , fashion show , part-time , save , at the same time , hold , rich ,retire .2. 能力目标: 谈论未来自己与他人的理想职业及原因.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inHave Ss make sentences with “be going to” .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 61, 3a .Call attention to the diary .Read the paragraph to the class.Then read the instructions to the class .Have them know what to do .Ask Ss to finish the activity on their own .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 61 , 3b .Point to the questions .Say , Answer these questions .Tell the truth about your life .What do you plan to do ?

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As Ss write ,move around the room offering help if neededPoint out the sample conversation .Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 61 ,Part 4 .Write the year on the Bb .Ask the class why that is an important date for Beijing and China .(China is hosting the Olympic Games in 2008)Divide the class into small groups .Ask them to talk about what they are going to do for the Olympics and make a list.Step 5 HomeworkWrite the sentences in Part 4 on the exercise books .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :resolution , instrument , fax .2. 能力目标:谈论为实现理想所做出的的打算和安排.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss to say the statement on their exercise books.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 62, 1a.Point to the resolutions and ask different Ss to explain in their own words what each one means .Point out the box next to each picture and ask some Ss to read the phrases .Ask Ss to match the phrases and pictures on their own .SB Page 62, 1b .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then ask Ss to find partners to have a conversation .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 3 While-task

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SB Page 62, 2a .Read the instructions and point out the phrases in the list in activity 1a .Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the phrases on the list in activity 1a they hear .Check the answers .SB Page 62 , 2b .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers on the blank lines after each person’s name .Ask three Ss to write one answer each on the Bb .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 62, 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversations .Then ask Ss to work with a partner .Step 5 HomeworkHave Ss write their resolutions on the exercise books .


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Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 ,selfcheck.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary: reader , keep , fit , keep fit , build .2. 能力目标:学习制定未来一段时间的计划.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 63 , 3a .Call attention to the magazine article .Ask a student to read it .Ask Ss to make a list of the New Year’s resolutions in this article .Check the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 63, 3b .Have Ss turn back to Page 62 and call on some individuals to say each person’s name and what that person’s

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resolution was .Then ask some other Ss to tell how each person was going to make his or her resolution work .Point to the magazine article in activity 3a .Ask Ss to write an article like this one .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 63 , 3c .Ask some Ss to tell the class about their New Year’s resolutions .Then ask Ss to write about their resolutions on their own .SB Page 63 , Part 4 . Divide Ss into small groups to do the activity .Ask some groups to write their plans on the Bb .Step 5 SelfcheckAsk Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .Step 6 HomeworkWrite the article in activity 3c on the exercise books .


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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : trash , chore , do chores , dish , sweep , fold , hate , meeting .2. patterns : Could you please + do sth ? Could you + do sth ?3. 能力目标:学习有礼貌地提出请求.Important and difficult points :请求允许做某事.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greetings .Step 2 Pre-taskTeach the new words .Step 3 While-taskSB Page65,1a & 1b.Point to the items and ask someone to read the each one to the class . Play the

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recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .SB Page 65 , 1c .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 66 , 2a & 2b .First point to the chart in activity 2a and get Ss to know what to do ,then play the recording and ask Ss to check “yes” or “no” .Correct the answers .Do with activity 2b in the same way .Step 5 Pairwork SB Page 66 , 2c .Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .Step 6 HomeworkIn pairs make a conversation using “Could you please …?Could you … ?”.


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Period 2Teaching contents:Section A Grammar focus,3a ,3b,4 .Teaching goals :1. Vocabulary :work on , laundry , do the laundry , wash .2. Master and use : I like doing sth because … . I don’t doing sth because … .3.情感态度目标:教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the pattern : Could you please … ? Could you … ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 66 , Grmmar focus .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Explain :the questions use the word could and the answers use the words can and can’t .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 67 , 3a .Read the conversation to class with a student .Say blank every time you come to a blank .Ask Ss to fill in each blank with the work make or do .Correct the answers .

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SB Page 67 , 3b .Ask two Ss to read the sample phrases . Say ,Now write a list of chores you have to do ,you can use the list of chores in 1a .Ask a student to say the name of a chore .Then ask another student to say I like or I don’t like .Then ask a third student to give a reason .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 67 , Part 4 .In groups of five , give each group a set of blank cards .Ask Ss in each group to write one core onto a card .In turns , one student turns over a card and asks the person next to him to do the chore , that person must say no and give a reason .Step 5 Homework Make some sentences with “I like doing sth because … .” or “I don’t like doing sth because … .”


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a ,1b,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: snack ,borrow ,invite ,disagree ,teenager2. 能力目标:熟悉并能灵活运用Could you (please)… ?Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss with questions :Could you please … ? Could you … ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 68 ,1a . Say , Look at the items on the list ,ask Ss to complete the writing on their own .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 68, 1b . Read the instructions and point out the sample conversation.Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their own conversations about the items in activity 1a .Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations

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to the class .SB Page 68, 2a & 2b . Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to write their answer on their own .Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 68, 2c . Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask Ss to ask and answer with a partner .Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to the class .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .Step 5 Homework 英汉互译: 1.洗餐具 2.处理琐事,干家务3.购物 4.take out the trash 5.make the bed 6.fold your clothes


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Period 4Teaching contents:Section B 3a, 3b , 3c, 4 , Selfcheck .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary :take care of ,feed ,mine ,weren’t=were not2. 能力目标:学习写留言条以请求他帮助.Important and difficult points : 留言条的书写.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk Ss to translate some Chinese phrases .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 69 , 3a . Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Ask Ss to read the letter on their own and complete the chart .Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 69 , 3b .Ask a student to read the beginning of the e-mail message.

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Have Ss finish the message .Tell them they can look at theChart in activity 2b for ideas .Ask some Ss to read their message to the class.SB Page 69 , 3c .Ask Ss to finish the e-mail message on their own and call some Ss to read their messages to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 69 , Part 4 .Point out the sample conversation and read the instructions to have Ss know what to do .Divide Ss into groups of three and ask them to make conversations .Ask several groups to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Homework Finish the selfcheck .


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Unit 12 What’s the best radio station ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station .2. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级.Difficult points : 特殊形容词的比较级和最高级.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Revise the comparative forms and superlative forms of some adjectives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 71 , 1a . Ask Ss to explain what the word or phrases means in their own words .Then ask Ss to decide which of the things are important or unimportant .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 71 ,1b .Ask some Ss to read the sentences,then

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play the recording .Correct the answers .SB Page 71, 1c . Ask Ss to make a list of real movie theaters they know .In pairs ,Ss read the conversation in the box ,then get them to make their own conversations according to the list of real movie theaters .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 72, 2a & 2b . Ask some Ss to read the phrases and sentences .Play the recording ,Ss listen and write down their answers .Check the answers .Step 5 Role play SB Page 72 , 2c . Have Ss work in pairs .Check the progress and offering help as needed .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 6 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .


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Period 2Teaching contents :Grammar focus, Section A 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary :teen ,bargain , delight , by bus .2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的比较并表达自己的好恶.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk a student to say something about the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 72, Grammar focus .Ask a student to read the sentences to the class .Say ,these sentences show different grammar points .Explain the two grammar points .Answer questions the Ss might have .Step 3 While-taskSB page 73 , 3a .Point to the chart .Ask Ss what they will write in the chart.Ask Ss to read the article on their own .

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Ask Ss to read the article again and complete the chart on their own .Correct the answers .SB Page 73,3b . Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .Ask Ss to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the Bb .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 73, Part 4 .Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the Bb .Divide the class into small groups .Ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart .Step 5 Homework写出下列单词的比较级和最高级:happy , late , good , bad , beautiful , heavy , big , wet , small , much .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b, 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals :vocabulary: positive , negative , dull , performerTeaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 74, 1a .Point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a student to read the pair of words to the class.Ask Ss to complete activity 1a on their own .Correct the answers .SB Page 74 , 1b .Explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people ,ask Ss to say only good things about people as they talk with partner .Ss work in pairs to talk about the people they know .Ask several Ss to say their sentences to the class .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 74 , 2a .Ask Ss what a “talent show” is and ask Ss to tell what people do at talent show .Point to the five pictures .Ask different Ss to say what the people are doing in each picture .Play the recording .Ss listen and write the correct name .Check the answers .SB Page 74 , 2b .Play the recording and ask Ss to write what different people say about the performers .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 74 ,2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then Ss work in pairs .Step 5 HomeworkAsk Ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2c on the exercise books .

