
2024-06-17 版权声明 我要投稿


04食用菌讲稿 篇1

With the high level of development of technology today, our lives have become more and more comfortable, wearing beautiful clothes, eating delicious food, and playing with modern toys.Most of us think that we human beings are the cleverest of all the animals around the world.Sure there is no doubt that we are wise.We have created a large number of successful things.On the other hand, we are also destroying the environment.What can you guess are the biggest threats to the environment in the world? They are contaminated drinking water, poor sanitation and air pollution.First let’s come to the problem of contaminated drinking water.Do you know why the drinking water is contaminated and even poisonous?The reason is very simple.More and more factories are being built in the cities and especially in the countryside.They have no place for disposing of toxic waste.They consider the rivers as the best place for such waste.Day in and day out the water gets dirtier.Most old men and women can still remember how clean the water was in their childhood.They could drink straight from the rivers without boiling the water.But now everything has changed… As for the poor sanitation, most children realize they should not throw rubbish everywhere.Yet many young people are unaware of this fact.Once I lived in the countryside.The road behind our house was full of rubbish every day.It attracted flies and mosquitoes during the summer.It is clear that many people feel no responsibility towards their own surroundings.They only think about their own convenience.But to tell the truth, they just attract more trouble to themselves.Perhaps the biggest problem is air pollution, isn’t it?It can cause many diseases.Knowing this, people still go on cutting down trees.A large number of forests have been sacrificed for urban development.As we all know, trees are able to help clean the air.Furthermore, we are killing animals while cutting down these trees.As a result, many animal species are dying out.To save the Earth we should take immediate action by changing the way we live.I believe that, if each of us makes a small change in our own lives we will make a big difference.That’s all, thank you.

04食用菌讲稿 篇2







