
2024-12-29 版权声明 我要投稿


represent短语搭配 篇1


These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.


These 50,000 arrears cases represent a tiny fraction of all home owners.


The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies.


For many they clearly represent an alternative to run-of-the-mill estate cars.


Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.

represent短语搭配 篇2


1. 由并列短语充当的主语, 共用一个谓语造成了主谓搭配不当。

例1:随着全球气温升高, 飓风、洪水、干旱等极端气象事件的频率和强度正在增加, 气候变暖已成为全人类必须共同面对的·挑·战。· (·2009年高考江苏卷)

例2:早上出门的时候, 他看到建筑工地上的挖掘机、装载机和十几辆翻斗车正在工作人员的指挥下挖土。······分析:例·1·句·中“频率”和“强度”共用一个谓语“增加”, 其中“频率”与“增加”不能搭配, 应改为“极端气象事件的发生频率正在提高, 破坏强度正在增加”。例2句中“挖掘机”“装载机”和“翻斗车”共用一个谓语“挖土”造成了部分搭配不当, 因为“装载机”“翻斗车”不能“挖土”。

2. 主语和谓语都是由并列短语充当, 造成了主谓搭配不当。

例3:大量事实表明, 90%的长期吸烟者, 记忆力和嗅觉灵敏度都明显迟钝和减退。······

分析:句·中·主语·“·记忆力和嗅觉灵敏度”及谓语“迟钝和减退”, 都是并列短语, 因前后照顾不周而造成搭配不当, 应改为“记忆力和嗅觉灵敏度都明显减退和迟钝”。


1. 由并列短语充当的谓语, 共用一个宾语造成了动宾搭配不当。

例4:采取各种办法, 大力提高和培养工人的现代技术水平, 是加快制造业发展的一件迫·在·眉睫·的·大事。

例5:市广播电视局宣布:2008年末三个月将在市区全面落实和推动有线电视数字化会议精神, 各居民小区电视信号·将先·后由·模·拟制转换为数字制。

分析:例4句中“提高”和“培养”共用了一个宾语“现代技术水平”, 但“培养水平”不能搭配。同样, 例5句中“落实”和“推动”共用了一个宾语“会议精神”, 但“推动会议精神”不能搭配。两句都是因为谓语使用了并列短语, 又共用一个宾语从而造成了动宾搭配不当。

2. 由并列短语充当的宾语, 共用一个谓语造成了动宾搭配不当。

例6:语文课堂其实就是微缩的社会言语交际场, 学生在这里学习将来步入广阔社会所需要的言语交际本领与素养。



例7:去年六月以来, 成都市锦江区的廖先生和两位朋友多次去灾区送温暖, 迄今为止, 他们共走访了二十多个社区, 近四百户家庭和三千多公里路程。 (2009年高考四川卷) ··

分析:·例·6句中宾语“本领·”·与“素养”共用了谓语“学习”, 但是“学习素养”不能搭配。例7句中谓语“走访”后接“社区”“家庭”和“路程”三个宾语, 但“走访路程”不能搭配。

3. 谓语和宾语都是由并列短语充当, 造成了动宾搭配不当。

例8:在新形势下, 我们应该树立新的文化发展观, 推进和挖掘文化体制创新和特色文化内涵, 着力开发富有时代·精·神·和四··川特·色·的·文·化·产品·。····

分析:句中谓语和宾语分别是“推进和挖掘”与“文化体制创新和特色文化内涵”两个并列短语, 但是“推进”只能与“文化体制创新”搭配, “挖掘”只能与“特色文化内涵”搭配。因此, 应该改为“挖掘特色文化内涵, 推进文化体制创新”。


1. 由并列短语充当的修饰语, 共用一个中心语造成了搭配不当。

例9:围绕“农民增收”这一目标, 该信用社大力支持农村特色经济的发展, 重点向特色化、优质化、技术化农户发放贷款。

例10:在11月26日的·恐·怖·袭击·中·, ·恐·怖·分·子在印度最大城市孟买的19处重要地点, 进行了“协调一致的一系列袭击”, 造成当地局势和社会秩序的骤然紧张。


分析:例9句中“特色化、优质化、技术化”三个并列短语共同修饰了“农户”, 但“优质化农户”不能搭配。例10句中“当地局势”和“社会秩序”共同修饰了“骤然紧张”, 但是不能说“社会秩序紧张”, 应该改为“造成当地局势骤然紧张, 社会秩序突然混乱”。

2. 由并列短语充当的中心语, 共用一个修饰语造成了搭配不当。

例11:越来越重的升学竞争和课业负担, 日益狭窄的生活空间和活动范围, 使现·在·的·中·学生·很·少·有·生活的体验和真实的感情。

例12:作为一个发展中国家, 要在高等教育规模持续增长的情况下, 继续保持教育质量的不断提高和发展, 中国将面临前所未有的严峻挑战。····

分析:例11句中“升学竞争”和“课业负担”都由“越来越重”修饰, 但“越来越重”不能修饰“升学竞争”, 因此造成了修饰语与中心语部分搭配不当, 应该改为“越来越激烈的升学竞争和越来越重的课业负担”。例12句中中心语是“提高”和“发展”, 修饰语是“教育质量”, 可以说“教育质量的提高”, 但“教育质量的发展”不能搭配。

3. 修饰语和中心语都由并列短语充当, 造成了搭配不当。

例13:对调整工资、发放奖金、提高职工的福利待遇等问题, 文章从理论上和政策上作了详细的规定和深刻的说明, 具有很强的指·导·意义和·可·操作性。··········

分析:中心语“详细的规定”和“深刻的说明”前面有修饰语“从理论上和政策上”, 因前后照应不周造成了修饰语与中心语搭配不当, 应改为“从理论上和政策上作了深刻的说明和详细的规定”。

represent短语搭配 篇3

Fang Yan, a 74-year-old painter who grew up in Beijing, has devoted himself for decades to preserving old Beijing on his canvases. His newly published illustrations collection, Pictures of Old Beijing: Living Memories of the Ancient Capital, has presented a panoramic view of Beijing during the period spanning from 1912 to 1948.

Published by New Star Press, the collection contains four volumes titled Life in Old Beijing; Ancient Architecture; Old Tianqiao Scenes; and Local Customs and Practices. Each volume is bound together using colorful threads on the right like ancient Chinese tomes. The collection features more than 400 pictures vividly depicting the daily life, food, customs, festivals, street performances and buildings of old Beijing. Half of the pictures are black and white and half are in color. A short description accompanies each illustration.

The book has been distributed in China as well as in English-speaking countries such as the United States, Britain and Australia. So far, nearly 2,000 copies have been sold.

Sun Zhipeng, Director of the General Editorial Office of New Star Press, told Beijing Review that the collection could be of interest to foreign visitors to Beijing who wish to learn more about the citys history.

Preserving history

Fang spent over one year painting the pictures included in the collection. In order to create an accurate portrayal, he had to research a large number of historical accounts both online and in books before putting his pen to paper. A picture was drawn based on historical accounts together with his memories. It sometimes took him several days to draw a small picture in order to guarantee accuracy.

“Only people as old as me are able to draw ancient Beijing because we have seen what the city was like in the old days,” said Fang.

Many of the architectural sites he painted have been demolished and many customs were lost in the course of history. For example, most of the 16 city gates drawn by Fang were torn down during the 1950s and the 1960s to facilitate transportation, leaving only parts of the Zhengyangmen and Deshengmen gates remaining. Beijing proper was once surrounded by a city wall with a total of 16 gates, nine for the Inner City in the north and six for the Outer City in the south. The Forbidden City, where the emperor resided, was located in the Inner City.

Vendors selling stringed jujubes, sesame oil and goose feather fans in hutongs(residential alleyways); traditional forms of transportation such as mule carriages, sedan chairs and rickshaws; and martial arts performances, wrestling matches and puppet shows were once ubiquitous in the Tianqiao area in the ancient Outer City. These activities, which were formerly commonplace in public, would appear quite unusual to todays Beijingers—especially the younger generation.

When he was young, Fang lived near Xizhimen Gate in the northwest of the ancient Inner City, where he would often climb onto the gate tower to fly kites and pick wild jujubes with his friends. With a keen interest in painting, he often drew pictures of city gates, temples and other ancient buildings. In winter, when it was too cold to stay outside, he would go to the train station and sketch portraits of passengers.

Fang said that the painting skills accumulated early in his life laid a solid foundation for his future career as a painter.

“Its inevitable that things fade out of history due to natural disasters or damage. However, I can preserve historic memories through my paintings so that the generations to come will be able to know what Beijing was like,” said Fang.

Fang is uncertain about how significant of a role his paintings can play, but he is committed to making the attempt.

One of his most notable works is a 7.8-meter-long scroll painting of Beijings south-tonorth central axis. Palaces, temples, altars and ancient government offices were built symmetrically along the axis when Beijing served as the imperial capital. The city was first made a national capital in A.D. 1153 during the Jin Dynasty(1115-1234), before going on to function as the capital of the ensuing Yuan (1271-1368), Ming(1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.

The Beijing Municipal Government launched a bid to apply world cultural heritage status for the central axis in 2011 and Fang was named an ambassador for the initiative that year.

In his foreword to Legacy of the Old Capital, another collection of Fangs illustrations published in 2012, Luo Zhewen (1924-2012), noted expert on ancient Chinese architect, commented, “Fang has accurately recorded the hutongs, stores and lifestyles of old Beijing in pictures, which is a remarkable feat.”

A secluded life

In order to be fully devoted to painting, Fang moved to his current abode in the suburban Tongzhou District, located about two hoursdrive from the city center, in 2003. The quiet surroundings of his house have enabled him to focus on his art.

Fang said if he lived in downtown, his retired friends, who have a lot of leisure time, would frequently drop in for a visit—an often time- consuming burden. Now that he lives far from central Beijing, few people pay him a visit.

Fang, who has few hobbies aside from painting and gardening, spends most of his time creating paintings of old Beijing.

“My wife and I lead a simple life. We seldom dine out or shop for expensive items,” said Fang. As Fang is presbyopic and does not know how to use the computer, his wife helps him do research for his artworks.

Fang is not alone in his quest to artistically depict old Beijing. Currently there are scores of painters engaged in the cause. Although these painters use differing techniques to draw different aspects of the city, they have one thing in common: They all cherish a deep love for the capital.

“As an artist who grew up in Beijing, Fang has deep affection toward the city,” said Liu Lihua, Deputy Editor in Chief of New Star Press.

admire短语搭配 篇4


We admire him for his righteousness.


You had better admire others more than criticize if you want to be popular.


Visitors admire Beijing for its beauty.


There is no man who does not admire him.

precious短语搭配 篇5


Pandas are precious creatures.


That old book is my most precious possession.


He is a rather precious young man.


Precious few people can afford prices like that.

follow短语搭配 篇6

FOLLOW FOCUS跟焦 ; 跟焦器 ; 按键跟焦 ; 否跟随焦点

Follow Path跟随路径 ; 沿路径 ; 制作动画 ; 路径跟随

FOLLOW KING追随国王follow time间隔时间 ; 跟随时间

follow scanner跟踪扫描器 ; 同步跟踪扫描装置 ; 跟随调焦装置

Follow order执行命令 ; 服从命令 ; 跟随阶数

follow vi连同 ; 听从 ; 听得懂

take介词短语搭配 篇7

take effect生效;起作用;

take off起飞;脱下;离开;

take a look看一下;

take out v. 取出;去掉;出发;抵充;

take into考虑到;说服;

take in接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短;

take seriously重视;认真对待…;

take away带走,拿走,取走;

take a look at[口]看一看;检查;

take over接管;接收;

take for granted认为…理所当然;

take the lead v. 带头;为首;

take charge of接管,负责;

set介词短语搭配 篇8


His wife set about upbraiding him for neglecting the children.


The instructions say we should leave it to set for four hours.


The table was set for six guests.


A date will be set for a future meeting

entry的短语搭配 篇9

Entry to this prize draw is limited to UK residents.


Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection.


Out of the original 23,000 applications, 16,000 candidates meet the entry requirements.
