
2024-10-10 版权声明 我要投稿


应届中专毕业生英文求职信 篇1











应届中专毕业生英文求职信 篇2

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 辅导方法

护考辅导一般为6周, 按照“重视护考工作, 成立指导机构;明确教学主导, 加强师资培训;改革教学过程, 提高教学效果;加强考前培训, 增强学生信心”的辅导方法进行辅导工作。

1.2.1重视护考工作, 成立指导机构

成立护考领导小组, 制订专门措施, 指导护考相关课程的教学与培训工作。同时学校以教研室以及个人为考核单位, 将护考通过率纳入教研室目标管理范畴, 由教研室主任负责教育引导工作。

1.2.2 明确教学主导, 加强师资培训

每个教研室由教研室主任组织集体备课, 统一教学内容, 研究考试大纲的变化、考试辅导技巧及各个考点的分配, 把握考试大纲, 总结各种记忆知识点的技巧, 如表格对比、顺口溜、图文并茂等。按照国家级考试命题原则、规范和方法进行命题, 最大限度地采取护考方法进行课程考试。安排教研室主任到南昌参加人民卫生出版社组织的护考师资培训工作, 聘请人民卫生出版社护考辅导培训师到学校培训全体护考任课教师。辅导期间, 各教研室每周至少进行一次护考辅导的专题讨论和研究。辅导教师对学生进行集中系统的授课、辅导, 把握考试大纲, 串讲知识点, 突出重、难点, 详细讲解需要重点掌握的内容。

1.2.3 改革教学过程, 提高教学效果

(1) 调整教学计划和教学内容。由于新考试大纲涉及学科由专科到全能, 因此, 除了完成国家规定的教学内容外还要补充教材中没有出现的内容, 如“护理管理”、“护理伦理与法规”, 同时归纳总结出各学科与护考考点密切的知识点, 在教学中加以侧重。另外, 对于学校中现行的教学安排进行调整, 从而适应考试的内容, 如增设“传染病护理”、“精神科护理”等。 (2) 改进教学方法。护考在突出“3基”知识的同时更突出了对护生应用能力、综合能力的考核, 考试题型也有明显变化, 临床病例题份量大增, 而均为中职生的学习能力、综合应用知识能力又差, 所以改进教学方法就显得尤为重要。在课堂教学中注重灵活运用多种教学方法, 在传统讲授法的基础上配合运用病案讨论、情景教学、演示练习、实验实训等多种教学方法, 使大纲要求的知识点得到充分地体现, 易于理解掌握, 激发学生的学习兴趣。 (3) 改革考核方法。常规考试题型包括:名词解释、填空、判断、选择 (单选和多选) 、简答、论述。而护考题型包括:专业实务题133道、实践能力题137道, A1型题占20%, A2型题占60%, A3/A4型题占20%。因此, 在护考培训中要优选试题类型, 课程阶段评价和终结评价均最大限度采取护考的评价方法。串讲知识点, 突出重、难点, 详细地讲解需要重点掌握的内容。对于每堂课、每周的学习效果要及时评价, 找到学生学习知识点的漏洞和不足, 并及时加以补充强调。

1.2.4 加强考前培训, 增强考试信心

(1) 做好宣传发动工作, 使毕业生充分认识护考的意义。可以通过以下方式激励毕业生以饱满的热情投入到复习当中:毕业生报考和返校时分别发给其一封公开信;返校后召开动员大会;教学区张贴大幅标语;各班召开主题班会;各班进行护考倒计时活动, 时刻提醒毕业生距离护考的时间, 让毕业生形成“两耳不闻窗外事, 一心只读护考书”的状态。 (2) 晚自习时间由辅导教师下班进行答疑解惑, 班主任教师分区负责课堂纪律。 (3) 仿真模拟练习。及时查漏补缺, 依照辅导内容及复习进度, 让毕业生每周做一次各科的强化练习模拟仿真题, 及时出成绩并分析反馈给辅导教师和班主任, 同时排名, 教师及时集中给毕业生纠错。定期安排模拟考试, 在题目的选择上依照范围广、内容全、针对性强、难度均衡的原则, 在试题组卷、答题卡的使用以及考试环境、考试时间的安排上, 都完全模拟正式考试的情景, 使毕业生逐步适应考试。 (4) 做好服务工作, 毕业生轻松应考。每年学校安排专人负责毕业生的报考工作, 要求全体毕业生参加考试。对于需要去外校参加考试的毕业生, 学校统一组织安排车辆接送, 班主任教师全程负责, 包括就餐等工作, 让毕业生轻松应考。

2 结果

我校应届中专毕业生护考通过率平均值为66.58% (见表1) 。

3 总结

按照“重视护考工作, 成立指导机构;明确教学主导, 加强师资培训;改革教学过程, 提高教学效果;加强考前培训, 增强学生信心”的辅导方法进行的辅导工作, 激发了中专应届毕业生的学习热情, 增强了其自信心。这一辅导方法充分把握了中专应届毕业生的心理状况, 有效激发了其个人潜能, 提高了他们的护考能力和综合素质, 在实践中取得了良好的效果。

4 讨论

4.1 激发自信心

在平时的教育工作中, 教师要以积极的态度看待毕业生, 多鼓励毕业生, 从而使毕业生对自身的能力和发展充满信心, 有毅力, 勇于向困难挑战, 从而获得更多的成功体验, 包括一次上课回答问题的正确, 一次模拟考试的成功。每位毕业生在清晨起床后可以对自己说:“我一定能行, 我一定能通过护士执业资格考试!”进而用饱满的热情和积极的斗志进入新一天的护考复习中去。

4.2 提高自觉性

从毕业生一入校门, 学校就应多方面强化他们的“双证”意识———毕业后要获得毕业证和护士执业资格证。学校还应加大宣传力度, 认真传达国家卫生部有关护考的文件精神, 让每位毕业生对考试的意义、任务、时间要求有充分的了解;把护考考纲要求融入教学计划, 使毕业生明确学习的目的, 从而让其意识到双证的重要性, 使毕业生在校学习以及医院的实习乃至返校复习的过程中都有一个明确的学习目的。

4.3 巩固基础课程知识

组织每位专业课教师学习、分析护考大纲, 并融入基础医学复习中, 淡化学科界限, 加强课程间的衔接和相互作用, 实现基础课程服务于临床的宗旨, 使毕业生在学习基础课程的同时树立专业思想, 为参加护考打下坚实的基础。

4.4 改善学习方法

学校本着为毕业生服务的宗旨, 组织强化培训、模拟考试、考前辅导等措施收到了很好的效果, 巩固了毕业生的知识点, 提高了毕业生的应试能力及护考通过率。

应届中专毕业生的护考通过率是反映学校教学水平和学生综合素质的一个窗口。因此, 大力推行以应届中专毕业生为主体, 以系统化、程序化的考前辅导和全方位的教育管理为依托的支持体系对应届中专毕业生获得专业技能、提高护考通过率以及不断加强和推进学校教育质量地建设、提高护理队伍的整体素质都具有重要的现实意义。

摘要:为提高应届中专毕业生参加全国护士执业资格考试的应考能力及通过率, 采用“重视护考工作, 成立指导机构;明确教学主导, 加强师资培训;改革教学过程, 提高教学效果;加强考前培训, 增强学生信心”的辅导方法, 抓住中专应届毕业生学习态度及变化特点开展辅导工作, 以提高中专应届毕业生的护士执业资格考试通过率。



应届中专毕业生英文求职信 篇3





























2014应届毕业生英文求职信 篇4

Dear SIr,applIcatIon for temporary secretary

I am wrItIng In response to your advertIsement In the 30 aprIl 2000 Issue of jobspower.com for a temporary secretary.a graduate of cIty commercIal college, I am well traIned and experIenced In the dutIes of a professIonal secretary.I have taken a hIgher certIfIcate In secretarIal studIes wIth languages, I am faIrly fluent In englIsh and mandarIn.havIng work as a secretary for senIor executIves In xx tradIng company for three years, and In the InternatIonal manufacturIng company for two years before that, I belIeve that I have developed practIcal skIlls that would be useful to your company.my past experIence has gIven me a In-depth knowledge and thorough understandIng of Import-export tradIng busIness.In the last fIve years, I have also learnt the Importance of beIng effIcIent and tIme management In my work.I am confIdent that these skIlls are requIred In beIng senIor and professIonal secretarIal staff.I enclose my currIculum vItae for your consIderatIon.If my qualIfIcatIons Interest you, I should be glad to come for an IntervIew at any tIme convenIent to you.yours sIncerely

应届毕业生英文求职简历 篇5

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

(010)62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com

Zheng Yan


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education

1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C , project 98, Office 97, Rational Requisitepro, process,pascal, pL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining practice Award

1997.4 Academic progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

英语专业应届生英文求职信 篇6

Dear sir or Madam,I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school.Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses.Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I canmunicate with others freely in English.I have goodmand of spoken and written English.At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled inputer useage ,such as CAD.Teaching practice do enrich my working experience.During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully.I havebined theories into practice.Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence.I was also popular with my students.My teaching practice which increase my responsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.The education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.The working experience offered me a good chance to improve my ability.I do believe that with my solid education background and rich working experience ,I would be an excellent member of your school.I would appreciate time in reviewing my enclosed resume.Thank you for your time and

Your consideration.I am looking forward to you reply.

园林专业应届生英文求职信 篇7


First of all, your hard work to extend my deep respect! Thank you for taking the time to read my resume, I hope this enthusiasm, I can open a door of hope.

My name is yjbys, graduated from the Yunnan Vocational College of Information Science and Technology 08 Landscape Engineering Technology. Graduated in July , hoping to join your organization work and future work to realize their value, so the venture was to recommend your organization own.

“Realistic, hard-working and innovation”, is my motto. I, self-confidence, optimism, courage to meet all challenges. Although I am now just an ordinary college graduates, but the young is my capital, hard work is my nature, to be my responsibility, I firmly believe that success will become inevitable. In the three years of university life, I know that knowledge is power, so in addition to studying expertise, I also strive to improve the professional theory and professional skills for the future of work and expertise has laid a solid foundation; at the University of three years, I learned the profession and relevant professional theoretical knowledge, and completed with honors the relevant courses, practical work for the future of professional and lay a solid foundation. Rapid development in technology today, I followed the pace of technological development, and constantly learn new knowledge and proficiency in the basic theory and application of computer technology, and passed the national high-tech image processing PhotoShop image vocational qualification certificate, advanced certificate Gardener , senior garden green chemical evidence. More professional in the learning process not only improve their own professional knowledge, professional practice skills and enhance my professional passion for gardening projects. In the meantime, in my spare time Self administration of Yunnan University, undergraduate education, to enhance and improve their own and continuous efforts.

Gentleman to self-improvement. Years of off-site school career that I have formed self-reliance, self-confident, humble character, refining the hard work will. Enrich the life experience, knowledge accumulation process, the psychology and mentality are also maturing. Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. Only one of the good into the community to make self-worth can be achieved. Others do not want to do, I will do the incumbent; others can do, I will make every effort to do better! Play to their strengths, I sincerely hope that your organization can give me a play to realize the value of life opportunities. I will use my outstanding performance to prove my ability to prove that you regret the choice! !

Finally, I sincerely hope that your organization can benefit down!


优秀应届生的英文求职信 篇8


I was referred to you by xiexiebang, a partner with your Beijing office, whoinformed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hirequality individuals for your Auditor program.I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning asan Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC.I will be receiving my MBAthis May from Tsinghua University.I am confident that my combination ofpractical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me formaking an immediate contribution to your company.I understand the level of professionalism and communication required forlong-term success in the field.My background and professional approach tobusiness will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor uponcompletion of your development program.I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16.please call me at***1 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss mybackground in relation to your needs.I look forward to meeting you then.Sincerely,

中专应届毕业生自我鉴定 篇9




行政管理专业应届生英文求职信 篇10


I am a guangdong vocational college of science and technology administrative professional class of 201 x, will graduate in July this year. My personality: cheerful, confident, willing to learn, dare to innovation, continuous pursuit of excellence.

My philosophy is: I am willing to endure hardship involved, from basic level, complement each other, to accumulate more experience of myself, looking for a job in the truth; Only willing to use their passion young power, efforts to achieve their own value and the biggest contribution in the work.

During the university to study, I study hard each basic course and specialized course, and got good grades; Also passed the English, computer and office automation certificate; And also on professional college administrative management professional skills including enterprise culture design second prize. And I think that a university graduates, while reading the book for more than ten years, have certain knowledge base, but compared with experience is relatively weak, so I really pay attention to all aspects of the ability training, I am in the process of studying on the one hand, as a class cadre, learn management method; On the one hand, in certain social practice, such as: summer vacation winter vacation in nut factory work, school, xi yuan tea restaurant part-time employees... While studying, working, and I actually learn not only the classroom knowledge, more extracurricular knowledge, it is a great secret to life is precious; Think all things need their experience, experience is the real know, from first hand experience and feeling to improve yourself. So I in learning, practice, I give myself summed up a few words:

As a beginner, should have to bear hardships and stand hard work, positive work;

As the participant, the honest and credible character, good team cooperation spirit;

As a leader, should have to do things effectively and, decisive style, good communication and interpersonal coordination ability;

Finally, I hope to become a member of your company, engaged in administrative/personnel, the salesman/documentary work. Admittedly I lack of rich work experience, but I will use my enthusiasm, diligence to make up for, use my knowledge, ability to repay the recognition of your company.

Hope you can give me a chance to interview.

工程管理专业应届生英文求职信 篇11

Dear Sir/Madam:


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement. I am a  session of the Huaihai Institute of Technology project management graduates, in-school period, I strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. I come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.

Four years of university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so I have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the en vironment. Today#39;s professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: While studying at the school I passed the national examination in English and four grade 2 level, Jiangsu Province, computer examinations and computer-aided design (AutoCad), and motor vehicles to pass in driver#39;s license (C) according to, able to skillfully use Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint), in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.

The success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people. Request that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, I will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.






应届中专毕业生英文求职信 篇12

respect your advertisement officer:

how do you do!

thank you in spite of being very busy toglance redundancy pull

reading my cover letter.the sails, depend on you the east wind power!im xxmunication collegemunication engineering fresh graduates weeks xx.will face the employment choice, i think of your unit is

priesthood.hope and the expensive unit colleagues work together, a total of yang to sail, create the brilliant career.“the blunt whetstone, the plum flower no sweet without sweat.” after four years of professional study and the life of university discipline, when they entered the innocent, naive i has now become calm and cool.in order to based on social, for their own career success, four years i keep studying hard, both basic course, or
