C:your host for today.Thanks for being here tonight!
X:hey,do you know the history of this contest?
C: certainly,our contest has been held for several years,it has become a brand characteristic activity of our department.X:brand characteristicof course.aiming at providing a stage for the participants to show their talents in language and public speaking,and also,we’d like to exchange ideas on important issues.C:also As we know, the 60th anniversary is coming,to celebrate this grand occasion,we would like students to show their feelings and best wishes to alma mater.X:Okay now let me introduce the distinguished judges.Let’s give the warmest applause to them!
C:Before we start the contest, we would like to introduce the rules in Chinese.本次比赛分为两个部分,第一部分分为三个环节。
第一环节:定题演讲:每组选手首先进行有准备发言,题目为“Alma mater in my heart”,演讲时间为3分钟,选手可自定小标题,按照抽签的结果依次出场。
第二部分为复活赛: 以即兴演讲的形式进行
C:wow,this must be exciting and challenging.X:yes,I really can’t wait,Now, let’s come to our first part.welcome the first group to have their speech.<小标题?>
Now we’d like to give out the score of the first group.······
The first part of our contest is concluded.according to the score in the first part,the top six will go to the final competition in 20th April.Now let’s come to the second part----the reviving match,the groups which take part in the reviving match are possible to have access to the final competition.Let’s welcome the group number one.······
X:I’m honor to announce the winners of the reviving match are group#,you also have access to the final competition,congradulations!
C:now let’s welcome *** to make a summary.C:Thank you!Now all the contestants have presented their speech.That was truely a wonderful show today.X:We would like to once again to thank all the contestants for their amazing performance!We also thank the judges for all your hard work(and all the audience for your attendance?)Thank you!
C:Now, the 2012”E&M cup”English Speaking Contest for today is concluded.Our final competition is to be held in 20th April, next friday, see you next time!
基于此, 该文将结合外研社杯英语演讲比赛和21世纪杯英语演讲比赛评委提问和选手回答的具体实例, 按照加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统对常见的问题进行归纳整理, 并分析问答环节中的提问和应答策略, 以期对参加演讲比赛的指导老师和选手有所帮助和借鉴。
1 英语演讲比赛问题类型
按照认知水平的问题分类有许多种, 其中加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统最为被人接受。这种分类系统是加拉赫 (J.J.Gallaher) 和阿什纳 (M.J.Aschner) 以吉尔福特 (J.P.Guilford) 的智力模式为基础建构的。但他们把认知和记忆合为一类, 因为它们所需要的智力活动类型相似。
1.1 认知记忆
认知记忆类问题指的是学生通过再认和机械记忆等过程重现事实、公式或其他需要记起的内容。比如在纪念中国东盟建立对话关系20周年外语演讲比赛中, 有这样一个问题:
这是属于回忆知识的问题, 还有举例类的问题在问答环节中也很常见, 相对而言也较容易回答。通常是针对演讲内容请选手举一两个具体的事例来进一步说明。常见的提问方式有:Can you give an example to show...?Could you explain this point by an example?
当然, 在高级别的比赛当中, 这一类问题的提问方式会稍微复杂一些, 复杂主要体现在对问题的铺垫和句式的难度上, 但本质上仍然属于这一类问题。
比如, 在第十五届21世纪杯英语演讲比赛全国总决赛中, 评委对冠军李某的提问如下:
Thank you Contestant 19.I’m gonna talk back to your story about the Marathon in which you said that your Marathon experience became an influential metaphor for your life.Can you give us a concrete example, one or two concrete example of how the lessons from the Marathon have been applied in other areas of your life outside of sports? (2010:14)
1.2 聚合思维
聚合思维是学生对提供的材料进行分析和综合, 其回答是结构性的, 可预料的, 因为此类问题必须按照牢固建立起来的框架作答。比如, 比较型的问题, 孔子和苏格拉底都是伟大的教育家, 那么你认为他们有什么不同呢?
第二种是延伸类问题。延伸类题目是针对演讲内容的进一步挖掘, 其实质和举例类题目相似, 都是要通过实例来回答, 只不过提问的方式更间接, 回答更具有层次性。2010年外研社杯英语演讲比赛广西区决赛中, 我校选手抽到的即兴演讲题目是It’s time to make a change.在随即的提问中, 评委问道:What small steps would you like to make to change your life?该题目是对演讲内容的进一步延伸, 即在生活中如何应用、如何体现自己的演讲内容。
聚合思维中的第三种是矛盾类问题, 顾名思义, 以已之矛, 攻己之盾, 即用选手提出的观点反驳选手的观点。这类问题难度较高, 需要选手理清概念, 避免绝对化。回答时可以先肯定对方的观点, 然后着重陈述自己的观点。要避免被评委的问题牵着走, 回答问题时与自己在命题和即兴演讲中的观点相去甚远。
比如, 2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛问题:
With culture we live harmoniously, If we don’t feel that way, is it due to science?
A fall in a pit, a gain in yourt wit.Do all the falls we experience in life lead to an increase in wisdom?
All that glitters is not gold.When gold does not glitter, how do we know it is gold?
1.3 发散思维
发散思维指的是学生处理有关评价、判断或选择的问题。学生可以自由阐释自己的观点上, 或者对给定的话题采取不同的视角来看待。
比如, 想象类问题, 这是针对演讲内容提出的大胆设想, 旨在考察选手的想象力和迅速反应能力, 这类问题在21世纪杯的问答环节中多见。例如, 在21世纪杯英语演讲比赛某赛区决赛中, 选手在问答环节中遇到的问题是:Sometimes it’s fun to imagine living in another time and space.If you could live in another time and space, when and where would that be?第二位评委的问题是:If you could meet a person in Tang Dynasty, whom would you like to meet?
此类问题还有:If you could redo one thing in the past, which would you like to do?If you could meet your favorite movie star, what would you like to say to him or her?
想象类问题在外研社杯英语演讲比赛中也不鲜见。例如, 在2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛中, 评委提出了这样一些想象类问题;
If robot could have their own thinking, do you think they will have their own culture?/If you were the mayor of Shanghai, how would you open your speech?
发散思维类型的问题第二小类是时评类问题, 这是基于演讲内容, 要求选手对当前的时事、现象等做出评论, 通常的提问方式有What’s your understanding on.../What’s your comment on.../Give comment on.../What do you think about...
比如, 2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛复赛评委提出这样的问题:
In your speech you mention Confucius is the root of culture.Do you think Confucius can be applied to every country?
Do you think Chinese way of eating will change because of the influence of western culture?
整理常见的问题类型是为了更好地在平时有的放矢地训练和准备。当然, 以上分类并不绝对, 也有重叠的情况。比如, 2008年的外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛的题目是1+1=2?, 有位选手提出团结可以使得1+1大于2的效果这一观点, 评委提出这样的问题:这一问题包含想象和矛盾两种类型, 涉及分析、综合和想象等思维过程。当然, 实质还是属于聚合思维中的矛盾类。还有些问题尚未归类或难以归类, 需要在今后的实战后进一步总结归纳。
2 教师提问策略
2.1 明确提问的目的
教师在演讲环节的提问策略与在课堂教学中的提问有相同之处。在提问的目的上, “教师发问的两个永久性问题是确定学生对特定内容的基本事实的理解和使学生运用其批判思维和创造性思维的技巧去应用所学有关事实的知识” (金传宝:1998) 。两者都是为了交流思想, 考查学生的反应能力, 激发学生的想象力和创造力。
演讲比赛中的提问有别于课堂中的提问。演讲比赛具有竞技的性质, 所以提问要以最大限度地考查学生的水平为目的。而课堂主要以教育为目的, 要最大化地鼓励学生参与。由于演讲比赛中的问答环节仍然是师生之间的对话, 这一环节仍然具有教育性, 因此教师提问不是越难越好, 让学生答不上来为目的, 而是要让学生有话可说, 在此基础上考查学生的能力。
2.2 掌握提问的技巧
教师在演讲问答环节中提问, 首先要注意把问题表述清楚。因为在演讲的时候学生一般都比较紧张, 如果问题表述不清楚, 学生很可能就回答不上来或者答非所问, 影响比赛成绩。第二, 教师可以根据事先了解到的话题准备一些关键性问题。然后根据学生演讲的情况稍作调整, 这样可以避免毫无中心地随意提问。第三, 提问应该根据学生的实际水平。问题的难度体现在语言的复杂度和内容的深度方面。如果问题的语言太难, 基础稍弱的学生会感到焦虑, 失去自信。如果内容超出学生的能力范围, 学生也无从作答。最后, 提问应保持相对一致的认知水平。不能一个问题很难, 一个问题很容易, 这样会影响比赛的公平性。
2.3 了解问题的认知水平
上文按照加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统对演讲中的问题进行了分类。不难发现, 越是高级别的比赛, 问题的认知水平就越高。在平时的训练中, 教师可以循序渐进地引导学生, 由低认知逐渐过渡到高认知水平的问题。在比赛中, 应多问高认知水平的问题, 少问低认知水平的问题。因为很多记忆性的问题如果学生没有了解过, 是根本回答不上来的。比如, 在纪念中国东盟建立对话关系20周年演讲比赛中, 有一个问题是:东盟的最高决策机构是什么?这个问题连很多指导老师都回答不上来, 更别说学生了。所以, 演讲比赛中的问题应该保持认知水平的相对一致, 不宜相差太大。
3 学生应答策略
3.1 听懂问题, 直奔主题
听懂问题是回答问题的第一步。切不可没有听懂评委的问题就匆忙作答。没有听懂可以请求评委再说一遍, 一般评委都会换个简单的说法重述自己的问题。比如, 可以说:Could you repeat that for me?/I’m sorry I’m not quite clear.Could you say it again?听懂问题后, 再开始作答。计时器将从选手正式开始回答问题时计时, 所以不必担心请求评委重述问题会影响答题时间。另外, 有选手在听到比较长的问题时就会紧张。其实大可不必, 一般评委前面的话都是对问题的铺垫, 是针对选手提出的观点, 关键是要抓住后面的问题部分。
听懂问题之后就要直接回答问题。美国著名的演讲方面的专家Stephen Lucas曾有过多次参加外研社杯和21世纪杯大赛提问评委的经验, 他说过:评委并不期待完美的答案, 他们期待的是直接回应评委提出的问题。 (2010:245) 由于回答一个问题的时间是一分钟, 绕弯子、重复评委的问题、举例过长、语言啰嗦都会导致超时被扣分。
3.2 掌握套语, 层次分明
掌握回答问题的一些套语可以为选手思考赢得时间。比如, 回答问题时可首先说:Thank you for your question.或者说一些对评委问题的评论, 比如:It’s really a challenging/difficult/thought-provoking question./You really got me.等等。此外, 可以适当使用语气词, 如, well, then等。但是注意要适度, 不可过度使用, 否则会显得表达不流利, 思维不流畅。
问题回答过程中要做到层次分明, 这样可以让评委和听众迅速抓住回答的要点。要使得回答层次分明, 可以采用分总或总分的回答模式, 即先用一个主题句说明自己的观点, 然后分点阐释;或者先举例然后总结观点。另外, 注意连接词的使用。例如前文提到参赛选手遇到的这个问题:Sometimes it’s from reality to imagine living in another time and space.If you could live in another time and space, when and where would that be?
该选手回答如下:Well, it’s really an intriguing topic for me to discuss with all of you.Well, the first question is that“if I have such a chance to live in another time, when would I live?”Firstly, I would like to live in ancient China because at that time China was a prosperous country.There were so many historical figures I like such as Li Bai.Those spectacular poets that I would like to meet them and have spectacular talk with them, and to communicate by thoughts with them.And then, where would I choose to live?The question is a little bit weird to you.Because I would choose the Moon.Because I’m a romantic man.Because Moon walking is funny.Like Michael Jackson showed us.And the second is I would like to see how beautiful Chang’e is.And the most important reason is I want to explore whether the moon is suitable for man to live.Maybe in the near future we’ll move to that place.But all in all, I choose this time and space, because I choose this most important thing that can make me have such an understanding of happiness.Life is not a destination, it’s a journey.Standing here, I really immerse in this time and space.
在该选手的回答中, 首先第一句话表示对这个问题的看法, 属于套话。然后重述问题一, 接着直接回答问题一, 并阐释理由。之后重述问题二, 并阐明理由。最后, 阐释珍惜现在才能快乐这一观点, 这一观点不仅很好地回答了问题, 又跳出了问题, 给人出人意料的结果, 而又让人有所领悟, 因而起到了画龙点睛的效果。选手在回答的过程中, 可以看到如这样的过渡词, 显得逻辑清晰, 层次分明, 因而从内容和形式上都不失为一个很好的回答。最后这位同学也获得了2010年21世纪杯该赛区决赛亚军的好成绩。
3.3 前后一致, 自圆其说
回答问题要注意不要与自己前面演讲的内容自相矛盾。因为演讲要求的能力之一就是能够围绕一个观点进行逻辑缜密的分析和论证, 观点之间没有绝对的正误之分, 但是选手必须能够自圆其说。而提问是演讲内容的进一步延伸, 所以回答问题环节中同样要注意观点的一致性。在2011年4月第十六届21世纪杯英语演讲比赛全国总决赛中, 一位来自香港大学的选手在即兴演讲中谈论对Naked Marriage (裸婚) 的看法, 他认为“婚姻当中爱情比物质更重要, 因此结婚可以无房无车无钻戒”。评委对此提出的问题是:What’s your plan for your own marriage?Is it naked or fully clothed?该选手的回答是:Forget what I say in the impromptu speech.I’m not going to have naked marriage.他的回答引起了全场观众的笑声, 但是他的回答非但没有支撑他前面即兴演讲提出的观点, 反而与前面的内容自相矛盾, 这样就大大降低了他即兴演讲内容的说服力。
3.4 预测问题, 胸有成竹
学会预测提问评委可能会问什么问题也是参赛选手应该具备的素养之一, 也是指导教师要做的功课。2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛的命题演讲题目是Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?每位参赛选手都针对这个题目精心准备了即兴演讲稿。但是准备稿子只是准备的内容之一, 在准备好演讲稿, 熟悉自己的演讲稿的基础上, 还须针对评委可能提出的问题进行预测。譬如在某次演讲的结尾中曾提到:Science makes us confused.It’s culture that leads us to the future.针对这句话, 可以预测的问题是:Can you give an example to show how science make people confused?因为这句话在文中没有得到充分的阐释, 所以, 可能会使得听众有些疑问。在比赛当中, 提问评委的问题与我们预测的问题十分接近:In your speech, you mentioned science makes us confused.In what sense can science makes us confused?由于对问题进行了预测, 在问答环节选手很流利地回答了评委的问题。
要做到预测问题, 首先要熟悉自己的演讲稿, 反复练习, 对于稿子的内容可能涉及到的话题要有充分的了解。其次, 平时多练习问题回答, 把握一分钟内以自己的语速能回答多少内容。对于语速快的选手, 要适当增加内容, 语速慢的选手, 要适当削减内容。第三, 请有经验的老师对自己的稿子多提问题, 增加回答问题的自信心。当然, 遇到与自己预测到的问题类似的题目要注意不可机械背诵自己准备的答案。评委希望听到的是有原创性的观点。
4 结束语
作为指导老师, 提问是训练选手思维能力的重要途径。因此, 研究大赛的经典问题, 把握训练学生的导向至关重要。从以上提问来看, 无论是外研社杯和21世纪杯, 越是到高级别的赛事, 评委所提的问题都更加注重考查选手的思维能力, 而不是考查选手的知识掌握程度。故而在平时的训练中, 应多问高认知水平的问题, 少问低认知水平的问题, 通过提问训练选手多维度、多视角分析问题的能力。
对于参加演讲比赛的选手而言, 研究大赛中出现过的经典问题和回答, 会给我们提供很多学习和借鉴的材料。当然, 很多问题我们无法百分之百预料, 所以, 最重要的是平时注意积累, 养成关注时事的好习惯, 尤其是要看英文报纸, 了解时事和新词。同时要多观察和思考发生在生活中的事情, 因为评委的提问都和我们的生活息息相关, 即使是想象类问题, 也是基于对现实的思考之上。相信经过不断地训练, 选手会在问答环节中有更为出色的表现, 让智慧的光芒在问答中绽放。
[1]Gibson C.英语演讲实训指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2008.
[2]Stephen E.Lucas The Art of Public Speaking[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2010.
[3]Welen W.Questioning Skills for Teachers[M].National Educa tion Association of the United States, Second Edition, fourth Printing, 1991.
[4]金传宝.教师如何提高发问技巧[J].外语教育研究, 1998 (2) :4044.
[5]宿玉荣, 王帆, 范悦.英语演讲比赛参赛指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2006.
By Chen Yi陈艺
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,
The topic of my speech is Milkman v.s. Mailman.
With the development of society, change has 1)penetrated (into) every aspect(s) of our daily life. To illustrate that, I’d like to make a comparison of the milkman and mailman, whose differences indicate our changing way of living with the times.
Home milk delivery has almost gone 2)extinct in China now, also gone with it are the milkmen, who once delivered bottled fresh milk door-to-door. On the other hand, [the] mailman’s business or the 3)courier service has 4)thrived as online shopping gains popularity. Yet, 5)in retrospect, I realize something has been lost in this 6)transition, something Shakespeare would call (as) “7)the milk of human kindness” .
Like when I was a kid, milk wasn’t for sale everywhere. For the families who need it, they depended on the milkmen to take it from the local dairy farms to their houses. In our neighborhood, there was also such a milkman, whose arrival was much[greatly] anticipated by the children and always brought us laughter and joy. How did he do that? He knew the name of every kid and could easily see through all tricks. If we didn’t behave, he would side with our parents and threaten to rob us of the nutritious drink. And it worked every time. The entire neighborhood was acquainted with him; saw him as a member of the community, just like the many residents or street 8)vendors. Actually, there was a bond between all of us for what’s being transacted, with not only the commodities, but also a sense of caring and 9)dependability. And that small box fixed onto our door, other than being the drop-off point for milk, (it) served as a kind of communication 10)junction between the people as we took the initiative to reach out to others.
Fast forward to today, milk is 11)ubiquitous with no dedicated delivery system. However, the convenience level of our life[lives] has gone up a 12)notch. Almost everything is for sale online, which spares us all the travelling and talking. With a few ready clicks, the shopping is done. The rest is left for those speed delivery[courier] companies. Usually there will be a 13)grumpy mailman, who reaches us through cell phone, urging everyone to pick up their 14)parcels as soon as possible. And the minute the receipt is signed, we dash back to unpack, while the courier rushes to his next destination. There is barely a conversation carried out, nor do we feel the need to talk to such a stranger, who changes (from time to time) frequently. It seems that people are always in a hurry now, though we do have more convenience. Still, we run short of time to stand and stare, to speak and share.
Call me an old-timer, but I think the personal touch represented by the milkman is what’s been missing in the modern society. William Wordsworth once wrote that “Getting and spending, we 15)lay waste our power.” Modern technology may have multiplied our possessions or gave[given] us more convenience, but we run the risk of reducing our values if we lay waste our power of interpersonal relationships. Thank you.
今天的决赛共有12位选手,他们均在初赛中有着优异的表现,是初赛的获胜者。因此,今天的比赛将是一个精彩而又激烈的角逐。firstly, let’s introduce todays honored guests and judges.首先,我介绍一下参加我们比赛的嘉宾和评委老师们。他们是,„ now please let me introduce the regulations of this final.the final consist of 2 parts—
现在,我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。本次大赛分为两个环节。part one is prepared speech, every contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.第一环节,是选手自备演讲。每个选手有三分钟时间。part two is questions and answers, our judges will raise questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech.第二环节是问答环节,评委会就选手的自备演讲提一个问题。at last, the judging panel will give scores on the screen.最后,评委团会将选手最后得分显示在大屏幕上。
at this moment,(两个主持人呈谈话状态)i have a strong desire to see it.and that’s exactly what we will see today.now it’s the time for asking,(问选手)are you ready? next, no.1, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)thanks for your answering, next, no.2, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)(3号答完,主持人公布选手分数)thank you,(人名)。now ,our judges has already give the score for top 3 contestant, it is(具体分数看屏幕)congratulation!四号演讲、老师提问两环节串词一样。
请允许我来宣布三等奖的名单。congratulations.祝贺他们!(三等奖上台)thank you mr.--allow me to announce the list of second prize---(二等奖名单)congratulations.my dear classmates, who will gain the first prize? let’s hold our breath同学们,谁将是一等奖的获得者呢?让我们一起来见证这个伟大的时刻 the luckiest person today is------congratulations!thank you mr.--once again, congratulations on your winning!today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.让我们再一次对获胜者表示祝贺!今天,是你们的日子,因为你们今天都有着精彩的表现。x: congratulations.you are really excellent.thank you for your outstanding performance.ladies and gentlemen, now, “fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is ending.i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 12 contestants.thank you for your hard work.老师同学们,外研社杯英语演讲比赛即将结束,感谢12位选手为之所付出的努力,相信选手们的精彩表现一定给我们留下了深刻的印象。boys and girls,(转向听众)lets give them a big round of applause.同学们,让我们把最热烈的掌声送给所有参赛的同学。and i think our distinguished judges,they make this contest possible, they deserve a big round of applause, too.同时,我们的评委老师们也为大赛付出了辛勤的劳动,我们也把掌声送给他们!ladies and gentlemen, my honorable teachers, and dear classmates,“fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is close.once again thanks for your attending.see you next time.老师,同学们,外研社杯英语演讲大赛到此结束。感谢你的参与。再见!篇二:外研社杯英语演讲比赛主持台词 1.开场白
3.next, lets meet our honorable judges.miss __ , english teacher of f.l.d mr., english teacher of f.l.d professor wu xiao feng, english teacher of f.l.d ___ foreign teacher from ____ ___foreign teacher from ____ now, the “fltrp cup” english public speaking contest formally start.thank you for your excellent speech!you really impressed us a lot.what a wonderful speech.your pronunciation is really good.thank you!now it’s time for no.x.contestant no.x, please get ready.the next contestant is no.x.contestant no.x, please get ready.宣读成绩: i have got the first five contestants’ scores.are you nervous now? ok, the score of contestant no.x is x, and no.x is x.„„ i will announce the scores of contestants no.x to no.x.„„
所有选手演讲完毕之后,最后结果还没有出来,中间随机提问。now, our preliminary contest is over.according to the scores, the contestants who can enter the final match are contestant no.x, no.x, no.x, no.x and no.x.ladies and gentlemen, lets bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the x contestants.thank you for your hard work.boys and girls, lets give them a big round of applause.i also want to give my thanks to my classmates.thank you for your cooperation.every year students are very concerned about the topic, because it requires your time and effort, fresh ideas, sometimes your unique way of thinking, to stand out among others.so what is the topic of this year? well, the topic of this year is change the unchangeable.change is a big and wide topic, the unchangeable seems to be unchangeable.but how can people change the unchangeable? we are looking forward to our contestants’ ideas, perspectives and stories on this topic.the last part is question and answer session, contestants need to answer questions raised by our question masters, our foreign teachers.okay, today we are honored to have some guests and foreign teachers to be here, please allow me to introduce our guests and teachers, they are-------all right, now let’s begin our english speech contest.so, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, the most exciting time for tonight’s contest!the contestants who get the---prize are---o, congratulations!the contestants who get the third prize are---o, congraulation!the contestants who get the second prize are---o, congratulation!the contestant who gets the top prize is---o, congratulations!thanks again!篇四:2012外研社杯英语演讲决赛主持词 ok, after introducing our judges and distinguished guests, now let?s(i.宣布决赛开始及介绍嘉宾评委)女:各位老师,各位同学,女: 今晚的比赛首先由选手进行三分合:大家晚上好~ 钟的定题演讲,题目为“what we 女:这里是2012“?外研社杯?全国英语can?t afford to lose—”,选手可自
男:本次比赛满分为100分。其中,女: 今晚将有20位同学参加决赛。经定题演讲40分,回答问题20分,过了此前激烈的初赛和复赛,我即兴演讲40分。评分标准为:去们相信这些选手一定又会在英语掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,演讲方面得到很大的锻炼和提其余评委的平均分为选手的最后高。在今晚的决赛中,我们将共得分。比赛前4位选手的成绩在同见证各位选手的扎实英语功第5位选手结束演讲后,由主持人底、娴熟的演讲技巧以及令人佩公布;第六位选手比赛结束,宣服的那份自信。在此,让我们把布第五位选手的比赛成绩,第七最热烈的掌声送给他们,预祝他位结束,宣布第六位的,以此类们今晚取得好成绩。推。
男: we have 20 contestants tonight, including both english and non-english majors at our 女:另外,定题演讲在2分30秒时有university.we wish them all great 举牌提示,请选手注意,超过3success!分15秒,或不足2分45秒,扣 0.5-1分。即兴演讲在1分30秒时女:下面,请允许我们介绍在场的各有举牌提示,超过2分15秒,或位评委老师们。不足1分45秒,扣0.5-1分。回男: we are happy to have seven judges 答问题在45秒时同样有举牌提 here for the contest.they are: 示,不足45秒或超过1分15秒,也是扣0.5-1分。定题演讲和即兴演讲阶段允许使
用实物、图片等辅助道具,但一 女: 个演讲仅限使用一次道具,使用男: 道具过多将被酌情扣分 女:今晚,我们还非常荣幸地请到了
女: thanks for your speech,.ladies and gentlemen, so far, five contestants already made their 女:当然还有选手奖:20名。其中专speeches.please allow me to 业组:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,announce the marks the first 4 三等奖2名,鼓励奖4名。非专contestants got.业组:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,contestant no.1 三等奖2名,鼓励奖6名。congratulations!got(ii.比赛正式开始)congratulations!男: ok, now, ladies and gentlemen, it?s 男:contestant no.3 got my honor to announce you that the congratulations!(这之后,六号选手比赛结束,宣布五号选made a good start tonight.next, let?s 推)who is english major/ non-english major.and contestant no.3, please get ready.女:well done, please give her/him a 男: thanks a lot for your speech,.round of applause!now, it?s time to major.and contestant no.5, get 男: well, all the contestants have ready, please.prepare.女:thank you very much.then, let?s address us.1名,二等奖2名,三等奖2名。非专业组:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖2名。(ⅲ.比赛结束)女:all right, now, we would like to announce what prize will go to which contestant tonight.the consolation prize winners are„„., all the consolation prize winners to present the certificates to the winners.(合)congratulations!男:the third prize winners are all the stage to get your award certificates.(合)congratulations!女:the second prize winners are.let?s wish them further success and progress in english in their future.女: we surely have a marvelous time tonight.thanks for your attention, ladies and gentlemen.that?s all for the contest tonight.see you next year.合: goodbye!good night!all the second prize winners please(合)congratulations!男: now, the first prize winner!ladies and gentlemen, the first prize to the stage to get your award winners.男: well, i should say that all the contestants did good job tonight.篇五:外研社杯演讲比赛决赛主持稿 2012年“外研社杯”
张 惠:尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好。这里是“2012年外
邹晓逸:firstly,i think it’s better for me to introduce our excellent judges and guests.张 惠:下面由我来为大家介绍一下出席本次比赛的嘉宾及评委,他们是:
邹晓逸:now may we have the pleasure to introduce some rules and contestants kinds of speeches, such as prepared speech、questions and answers and impromptu speech.the judges will judge you by the substance、style and delivery of your speech.let my paterner 张 惠:好的,下面就有我来向大家简单介绍一下本次辩论赛的相关规则。
在今天的比赛中,每位选手都要完成包括定题演讲、回答问题和即兴演讲三部分。评委将从选手的演讲内容,流畅程度,语音语调和表现力几个方面进行打分。这里要特别提醒一下各位参赛选手:定题演讲超过2分15秒或不足1分45秒,适当扣分,评委负责就定题演讲的内容提问,回答问题时间超过1分15秒或不足45秒,适当扣分。即兴演讲时,选手自选题号,赛题现场播放,之前有15秒倒计时供选手思考,然后选手即兴发表论点。演讲时间为1 分钟。
张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请1号选手上场,请2号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢1号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请2号选手上场,请3号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢2号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下1号选手的最终
得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请3号选手上场,请4号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢3号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下2号选手的最终
得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请4号选手上场,请5号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢4号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下3号选手的最终
得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请5号选手上场,请6号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢5号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下4号选手的最终 得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请6号选手上场,请7号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢6号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下5号选手的最终
得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请7号选手上场,请8号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢7号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下6号选手的最终
得分为7.9分。ready please.张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请8号选手上场,请9号选手做好准备。张 惠:感谢8号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分,公布一下7号选手的最终
张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声有请今天的最后一名选手上场。
张 惠:感谢9号选手的精彩演讲,请评委为他打分。请大家耐心等待,9号选
张 惠:相信大家都已经见证了各位选手在英语演讲方面的娴熟技艺和精彩表
现。好的,在比赛结果揭晓之前呢,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎今天的嘉宾 老师对今天的比赛进行点评。
邹晓逸:刚才 老师就本次比赛提出了自己的看法和见解,充分肯定了本
次比赛参赛选手的实力和表现!让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢 老师给我们做的精彩点评。好的,激动人心的时刻终于到来了,本次比赛的获奖名单就在我的手里,谁会是今天的赢家呢?下面由我和张惠公布一下本次比赛的获奖名单。
张 惠:获得优秀奖的是:来自 学院的,掌声有请 上
Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition.(All)
First, let me introduce myself.I am 何诗琪 I am 严天烯.I am(莫茵怡).I am(潘远杭)Good evening!(All)
1.Today 18 contestants or teams will take part in this competition.They are from diffident classes in junior high school.They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays.(何诗琪)
2.Well, it‟s great honor for us to have 6 judges.They are_______.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests.Let‟s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!(严天烯)
3.Your attention, please.The judges will give scores on the spot.After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.(莫茵怡)
4.My friends, it‟s time for our players to give their performance.(潘远杭)
1.Let‟s welcome Contestant NO.1.莫斯涛,from class 3 , grade 8, he will bring us a song – “summer train”.Contestant NO.2 please get ready.(何诗琪)
2.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.2,李海锋,卢戬,蔡洪洺,覃楚轩.They will also bring us a song-“Take me to your heart”.Contestant NO.3 please get ready.(严天烯)3.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1 is________Let‟s give big hands for Contestant No.3, from class 2, grade 7.They will bring us a short play.Contestant NO.4 please get ready.(何诗琪)
4.Thank you for your performance.Let„s welcome contestant No.4.From class 3, grade 7, she will sing a song “Drenched” for us.Contestant NO.5 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
5.Wonderful, right? Let„s welcome contestant No.5.From class 3, grade 8, they will sing a song,”Heart beats”.Contestant NO.6 please get ready.(潘远杭)
6.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 2 is________Contestant NO.3 is ___________,the score of Contestant No.4 is ______Let„s welcome contestant No.6.Contestant NO.7 please get ready.(严天烯)
7.And next.Let‟s welcome Contestant NO.7 Contestant NO.8 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
8.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.8,these two girls will sing abeautiful song :“God is a god”.Welcome!Contestant NO.9 please get ready.(潘远杭)
you for your wonderful performance.ContestantNo.6 is ______ Contestant No.7is ______Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.9.Contestant NO.10 please get ready.(何诗琪)
All: Wow, now it is game time!!(猜谜语)
10.It is great.Now, the contestants 10 from class 3, grade 8, Let„s give them a warm welcome Contestant NO.11 please get ready..(莫茵怡)
11.Thank you.Let„s welcome contestant No.11.From class 1, grade 7, they will put on a play “three little pigs” for us.Contestant NO.12 please get ready.(潘远杭)
12.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 8 is ________ , ContestantNo.9 is ______, ContestantNo.10 is ______Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.12 Contestant NO.13 please get ready.(严天烯)
13.Thank you.Now it‟s time for ContestantNo.13.Contestant NO.14 please get ready.(何诗琪)
14.Thank you.Let„s welcome contestant No.14.From class 2, grade 7, Contestants NO.15 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
you for the beautiful song.ContestantNo.12 is ______, ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.15 From class 3, grade 8.Contestant NO.17 please get ready.(何诗琪)
16.Great!Now, the contestant No.16 from class 1, grade 8 will give us a performance.Let„s give them a warm welcome.Contestant NO.17 please get ready.(潘远杭)
17.Great!Now, the contestant No.17 from class 3, grade 7 will give us a performance.Let„s give her a warm welcome.Contestant NO.18 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
18.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.18 From class 4, grade7.(严天烯)
19.Thank the last contestant‟s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______,Next Let‟s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants‟ performance.Thank you for your wonderful comments.(何诗琪)
20.I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 16 is________, ContestantNo.17 is ______, and ContestantNo.18 is ______(严天烯)
21.Let‟s play a game.(绕口令)(all)
22.Well, thank you all the contestants.Thank you for your excellent performance.Let‟s enjoy the song“Auld Lang Syne”(潘远杭)
A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单).Each recipient will be presented with a certificate.Congratulations.中文译一次大意:
B:Let’s welcome ________ to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you Mr.Chen.(莫茵怡)
A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________(二等奖名单)Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome _______to award prize for these winners.Thank you ______(严天烯)
A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________.Congratulations!
B:Let’s welcome ______ to present the awards to the recipients.Thank you.(何诗琪)
A: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.(潘远杭)
good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my name is zhang botao, i am from shaanxi university of science & technology.
when i stand here to deliver my speech, i’m a little worried about my cell phone and also yours. i’m afraid that one of them may suddenly ring loudly so that my fascinating speech will probably be interrupted by simens, nokia, motorola or panda. and this is just one possible result caused by economic globalization. no matter if you admit it or not, we are now all in a global village and economic globalization is here to stay.
nowadays, economic globalization is being referred to more and more. i don’t know who first invented the word, but undoubtedly, it is steadily and inexorably becoming more and more common and important. it covers our world so quickly, just like influenza. as charles darwin noted: survival of the fittest. in order to adapt to this great and global reform, i think, there must be something important and urgent we need to do, for every nation, every corporation, and even to every person.
first, take me for an example. just ten years ago, i did not know what a computer was, let alone what it can do. but since 20xx, i cannot live without my computer, just like i can’t live without my cell phone! of course, these great changes are derived from economic globalization, and the rapid development of china. for every chinese man like me, these rapid changes mean great challenge: because of economic globalization, many new technologies rushed into china without translation; because of economic globalization, many unknown software appeared on our desks; and, because of the economic globalization, we must hasten our rhythm of living, working and even resting. the speed of the development of china has been tremendously accelerated, so if we don’t want to be elapsed from this great tidal wave of development, we must understand the meaning of this phrase very clearly: one is never too old to learn.
second, to an enterprise in china, it also means a problem concerning survival. our entrance to wto has paved the way for many super universal corporations to enter the economic market of china. this means the competition in our domestic market will be much more brutal than ever before. if our state enterprises and other companies don’t adjust to this global reform and get used to the more and more cruel competition, surely they will be elapsed in this blood-red economic battle. if you want your company to stand up at last, i think the most important thing for you to do is that, “firm your confidence and welcome the great coming challenge.”
third, as globalization is gradually knitting separate national economies into a single one, if one nation would like to stand up and develop during these global changes, it must effectively carry out some economical and political reforms. for example, reducing the tax to attract more international organiz
ations to invest in our country, or do some political reforms, to cater for some important international organizations. maintaining an average 8% economic increase rate per year needs not only effective and promising economic policy, but also the prudent leadership.
economic globalization brings us not only a great challenge, but also a great chance to develop. it brings us a great potential of international corporations and makes them take roots and develop in china. and this will create new job opportunities for our huge labor market. if we can strengthen ourselves and take the chance, i promise, china’s development will be hastened greatly, and china will become the leader of economic globalization of the world!
圣诞 英语短剧比赛 主持稿07-28