
2024-08-11 版权声明 我要投稿


牛津译林版七年级上 篇1

Unit One

1. on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨

2. go for a walk 去散步

3. be glad to see them 很高兴见到你

4. under a big tree 在一棵大树下

5. have a chat 聊天

6. a twin sister 双胞胎姐姐/妹妹

7. look the same 看上去一样

8. as tall as 和……一样高

9. twenty minutes younger than… 比……小二十分钟

10. want to do sth. 想做某事

11. one day 有一天

12. the one child in my family 我家的独生子

13. the man in black 穿着黑色衣服的男人

14. Who’s younger, you or Su Yang? 谁年龄小,你还是苏扬?

15. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

16. He’s one year younger than me. 他比我小一岁。

17. You’ve got a brother. 你有一个哥哥。

18. I’m taller than Su Yang. 我比苏扬高。

19. Who’s taller than David? 谁比David高?

20. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? 谁的书包重,你的还是我的?

Unit Two

1. be good at 擅长

2. do well in 在……方面做得好

3. talk to sb. about sth. 和某人谈有关某方面的情况

4. need help with… 在……方面需要帮助

5. run faster than… 比……跑得快

6. a good football player 一位好的足球运动员

7. some of the boys 其中一些男孩

8. Don’t worry. 不用担心。

9. do some exercise 做练习/做运动 do more exercise 多做练习/运动

10. get stronger 变得更健壮

11. jog to school 慢跑去学校

12. play ball games 玩球类运动

13. all of us 我们所有人

14. be late for school 上学迟到

15. What’s the matter? 怎么了?

16. I’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school.


17. Please don’t be late again. 请下次别迟到。

18. Shall we start our lesson now? 我们现在开始上课吧?

19. You have five minutes to remember them. 你们有五分钟的时间来记住他们。

Unit Three

1. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …? 请问,你能告诉我去……的路吗?

2. go along this street 沿着这条街走

3. turn right/left 向右/左拐

4. at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口

5. on your left/right 在你的左/右边

6. take bus No. 5 坐5路车

7. a long walk 走一段很长的路

8. every five minutes 每5分钟

9. in front of 在……前面

10. get off 下车 get on上车

11. at the third stop 在第三站

12. the History Museum 在历史博物馆

13. a shopping centre 购物中心

14. a post office 邮局

15. a middle school 中学

16. a primary school 小学

17. a train station 火车站

18. last Sunday afternoon 上个星期天下午

19. a book about animals 有关动物的书

20. run out of 跑出……

21. stop thief 抓贼

22. start to run 开始跑

23. get sth. back 把某物拿回

24. come to help 来帮忙

25. He’s asking Yang Ling how to get there. 他在问杨凌怎么去那儿。

26. You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。

27. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?

28. It’s about a kilometer away. 大约一公里远。

Unit 5

1. be going to do sth 将做某事

2. next week 下个星期

3. for one year 有一年的时间

4. want to know about sth 想知道某事的情况

5. What’s the weather like…? 天气怎样?

6. in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天

7. in the countryside 在乡村

8. Sounds great! 听起来很棒!

9. most of the time 大部分时间

10. make snowmen 做雪人

11. It’s great fun. 这很有趣。

12. warm clothes for winter 冬天穿的保暖衣服

13. go rowing and fishing 去划船钓鱼

14. go jogging 去小跑

15. It’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing. 通常很热,很南京一样热。

16. What about…? ……怎么样?

17. Does it often rain there in spring? 春天经常下雨吗?

18. There’s a lot of rain in spring. 在春天雨水很多。

19. Which season do you like best? 哪个季节你最喜欢?

20. turn green 变绿

21. get shorter 变短

22. go swimming 去游泳

Unit 6

1. have school 上课,有课

2. talk about 谈论

3. see a Beijing opera 看京剧

4. this afternoon 今天下午

5. Would you like to join us? 你想和我们一起去吗?

6. by the way 顺便说/问一下

7. at the concert 在音乐会上

8. play the violin/piano 拉小提琴/弹钢琴

9. have a picnic 进行野餐

10. go on an outing 去远足

11. see a play 看戏

12. take part in… 参加

13. a singing contest 歌咏比赛

14. a sports meeting 运动会

15. have a class outing 进行班级远足

16. class project 班级课题

17. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站

18. come home 回家

Unit 7

1. yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

2. some writing paper 一些信纸

3. What for? 为什么

4. write a letter 写信

5. listen to music 听音乐

6. make model planes 制作模型飞机

7. have the same hobbies 有同样的爱好

8. I hope so. 我希望如此。

9. tell sb about sth. 告诉某人有关某事的情况

10. of course 当然

11.a fax machine 传真机

12. a telephone number 电话号码

13. write to sb 给某人写信

14. collect stamps 收集邮票

15. draw a picture 画画

16. make a kite 做风筝

17. do one’s homework 做回家作业

18. ask for 要求

19. some other subjects 一些其他课程

20. finish primary school 小学毕业

21. go to middle school 上中学

22. know everything about 了解有关……的一切

23. penfriend club 笔友俱乐部

牛津译林版七年级上 篇2


2002年起,苏州市从小学三年级起全面开设英语课。 2007年9月起,苏州市从小学一年级起全面开设英语课。近两年来,笔者对三年级的英语课堂教学一直存在着这样的困惑:这些学生一、二年级已经学了两年的英语,能够认读近200个单词、词组,50句句型和近40首歌曲、童谣等,而他们进入三年级后,仍旧沿用以三年级为起始阶段的老教材, 很多知识点对大部分学生来说已经没有了难度,也没有了新意。作为三年级的英语教师,我们应该如何有效利用学生两年积累下来的英语知识,充分挖掘老教材的潜力,让学生学出新感觉呢?笔者在教学过程中进行了一些探索和实践,发现课堂教学的延伸与拓展是激发三年级学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率的有效途径。





2.语音拓展。语音是口语交际的基础,也是语言教学的出发点,然而对于大多数的小学英语教师而言,语音教学是一块难啃的“骨头”,因此我们可以从三年级开始逐步培养他们的语音感觉,渗透语音规律。如教完室内各房间名称后,让学生静心听老师朗读各单词:room,dinning-room, bedroom,bathroom,sitting-room,引导学生感受字母oo的发音:同样的room,如果前面加了另外的单词,长元音[u:]会发生微妙的变化,变成短元音[u]。

3.句型拓展。常言道:词不离句,句不离文。句型可以帮助学生表达完整的意思,为了让课堂的四十分钟变得更加丰富,充实,我们在教学时要适时拓展句型,如教授问候语How are you?时,可以补充比较正规的问候语:How do you do?;学习What’s this in English?时,可以利用2B书中学到的单词Chinese,拓展学习句型What’s this in Chinese?;教What colour is it?时,顺便开展涂色游戏,拓展句型Colour it red/yellow...,也让学生明白colour的另一种用法。


近年来,由于“高分低能”现象的出现,“技能目标” 引起了越来越多人的注意。课堂教学的技能目标真正意义上的达成应该放眼长远,放眼于学生离开学校、走上社会,运用所学的学科知识于生产实践和生活实际中。“听、说、 读、写”是小学阶段英语学习的四项基本技能目标,而在我们三年级的英语课堂教学中,可以重点从“听、说”两个方面进行技能拓展。


2 . 口语拓展。语言输入的最终目的是为了语言输出, “说”就是其中重要的一环!英语口语教学致力于培养学生的口头交际能力,教师应该帮助学生养成良好的口头交际的习惯,做到语言清晰、流畅、达意。在会说教材上的句型后,教师可提高难度,拓展说话素材,让学生能将这些句型组织起来以语段的形式加以反馈。

每堂课的前5分钟,我们都会和学生进行free talk,在很多时候这个环节变成了例行公事,教师问,学生答,或者请一两个学生来做个daily report,但操练的层面也只能局限于个别同学,其实,我们可以在这一环节充分体现学生的主体地位,开展“Talk Show”,采用生问生答的方式,让学生自主选择大屏幕上呈现的某个或某些问题进行同桌之间的问答,能进行有逻辑性的问答最多的一对同桌获得奖励。


外语学习的真正内涵是指语言与文化之间的学习。语言是文化的载体,是文化镜像的折射,是人们表达文化观点和参与社会交际的主要工具。我们教师也应结合教科书内容,拓展相应的文化背景知识,培养学生跨文化学习的能力。3A教材的第一单元就出现了句型What’s your name?,在运用句型操练时,我告诉学生:直接问别人What’s your name?是一种非常不礼貌的表现,如果我们想知道别人的名字,可以主动告诉对方自己的名字,然后再问对方的姓名;而在一般情况下,如果别人向你介绍他自己,你也应该主动告知对方姓名。

除了了解西方的文化,我们也可以拓展学习本国的文化。如在学习食物类单词时,我们可以介绍饺子(dumpings), 馄饨(wonton),月饼(mooncakes)等本国的传统饮食,这些内容的加入可以使对话教学更加切合学生的生活实际,学生都非常有兴趣想表达。



如在教3A Unit 3 This is my father时,英语儿歌They are all very good教授过程中可以渗透:每种水果都有营养,都应该吃,就像蔬菜一样,不能挑食。3B Unit 4 Time教学过程中,让学生知道时间的重要性,知道与他人约会时遵守时间的重要性,做一个珍惜时间、守时的好孩子。3B Unit 7 Where? A部分中照相机被放在了冰箱上面,这时我们可以引导学生在生活中将物品放在正确的地点:Keep the room clean and tidy.

牛津译林版七年级上 篇3


1. 掌握 “某地有某物的句型”,即There be 的结构

There is a blackboard on the wall.

There is a big desk in the classroom.

There is an old bag in the desk.

There are seven pencils in the pencil box.

There are ten books in the bag.

There are six students in the art room.

There are twelve numbers on the blackboard.

2. 祈使句的基本用法

Do sth.

Do sth,please.

Please do sth.

Don’t do sth,please.

Open the door.

Clean the windows.

Open your English books,please.

Stand up,please.

Please close the door.

Don’t be late,please.

Please don’t clean the classroom.

3. 少数介词的用法.

in in the classroom in Class 1 in my class in the pencil box in the bag in the room in the art room

on on the wall on the desk on the book on the blackboard on the chair

behind behind the door behind the chair behind the desk behind the boy

4. 掌握30以内的基数词,了解名词的复数形式






几个特殊的词: ten classes five boxes

man--- two men

woman---women three women policeman---policemen eight policemen

policewoman---policewomen eleven policewomen

family---families two families



1. 二十个新老师 twenty new teachers

2. 三十只盒子 thirty boxes

3. 二十张大的书桌 twenty big desks

4. 三十张小的图画 thirty small pictures

5.我表哥的球 my cousin’s ball(s)

6. 十五位新学生 fifteen new students

7. 他们的学校 their school

8. 一间画室 an art room

9. 一个英国女孩 an English girl

10. 讲台 the teacher’s desk

11. 一个美国女孩 an American girl

12. 十九间干净的房间 nineteen clean rooms

13. 在墙上 on the wall

14. 这块黑板 the/this blackboard

15. 十五个数字 fifteen numbers

16. 在椅子后面 behind the chair

17. 二十一只书包 twenty-one bags

18. 上学 go to school

19. 上学迟到 be late for school

20. 这些橡皮 the/these rubbers

21. 在一班 in Class 1/One

22. 十三个班级 thirteen classes

23. 在书桌里 in the desk

24. 在我的班上 in my class

25. 在讲台上 on the teacher’s desk

26. 在黑板上 on the blackboard

27. 在教室里 in the classroom

28. 在方小姐的班上 in Miss Fang’s class

29. 在教室的后面 behind the classroom

30. 在我妹妹的书桌上 on my sister’s desk

31. 十八块橡皮 eighteen rubbers

32. 在我表弟的教室里 in my cousin’s classroom

33. 在你的椅子后面 behind your chair

34. 擦桌椅 clean the desk(s) and the chair(s)

35. 迟到 be late

36. 九把尺 nine rulers

37. 五个好老师 five good teachers

38. 关窗 close the window(

39. 八张新的书桌 eight new desks

40. 七个快乐的男孩 seven happy boys


( ) 1. There _______ a pencil box and two books on the _________ desk.

A. are, teacher B. is, teacher’s C. is, teachers D. are, teacher’s

( ) 2. There are two ________ behind the house. (房子)

A. dog B. cat C. cats D. a girl

( ) 3. John and Tom _____ my friends. ________ bikes _______ here.

A. is, His, are B. are, His, is C. are, Their, are D. is, Their, is

( ) 4. There is _____ big apple on _______ chair.

A. a, the B. the, a C. the, the D. the, a

( ) 5. There is a new park _______ my house. (房子)

A. on B. in C. under (在……下面) D. behind

( ) 6. _______ for school today.

A. Not late B. Not be late C. Don’t late D. Don’t be late

( ) 7. This is a big house. Some people live in ________.

A. them B. it C. one D. there

( ) 8. There ________ one girl and two boys in the classroom..

A. are B. is C. have D. has

( ) 9. Jim and Mary _______ a new desk.

A. there is B. there are C. have D. has

( ) 10. There are four windows ________ the wall.

A. on B. in C. at D. under


1. My name is Millie. (对划线部分提问)


2. I’m fine. (对划线部分提问)

3. Are you Peter? (肯定回答)

4. Are you Number 7? (否定回答)

5. I’m twelve. (对划线部分提问)

6. My mother is a doctor. (对划线部分提问)

What is your mother?

7. The boy is my cousin Tony. (对划线部分提问)

8. My uncle is a policeman. (对划线部分提问)

9. Pat is a tall and strong boy. (改为一般疑问句)

10. Lily is thirteen. (对划线部分提问)

11. That girl is my twin sister. (对划线部分提问)

12. I’m Sally. (对划线部分提问)


1. Jim and Kate are classmates.

2. Are you an American girl?


is your aunt? She is a nurse.

4. You and I am good friends.

5. Are you a nurse? Yes, I’m.


1. 我迟到了。你迟到了吗?不,我没有。

2. 请不要再迟到了。

3. 请不要翻开你的书。请看黑板。

4. 我弟弟上学迟到了。

5. 不要坐下。请站起来。

6. 请到教室里去并把教室打扫一下。

7. 请不要开窗。把门打开。

8. 他们是什么?他们是十只新的铅笔盒。

9. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢你。

10. 你们是老师吗?不,不是的。我们是医生。

11. 他们是我的新同学。

12. 教室里有二十个男孩和三十个女孩。

13. 在我的学校有间干净的画室。

14. 讲台上有两只盒子和十五支铅笔。

15. 墙上有张海报和两张照片。

16. 我们在教室里很高兴。

17. 你的弟弟在画室里很高兴。

18. 我有十五个好朋友。

19. 椅子上有十三只新书包。

20. 不要上学再迟到了。

21. 请到教室里去把黑板擦一下。

22. 请开窗,不要开门。

23. 墙上有四扇窗。


1. up, please, stand

2. door, the, close,

3. windows, open, please, the

4. late, are you

5. sixteen, there, boys, in, are, my, girls, fourteen, and, class

6. is, room, an, school, there, art, in, my

7. desk, new, on, books, the, nineteen, teachers’, are, there

8. blackboard, there, the, are, on, twelve, numbers






新牛津译林七年级(上)单词中文 篇4











































23.另外;其他24.许多,好些 40.当然 请求)25.许多;大量 41.种类 34.想,愿意 26.享受,乐趣;有趣的事 42.各种各样的 35.生活;生命 27.队;组 43.借,借用 36.溜旱冰 28.谈论 44.向…借… 37.希望,祝愿 29.比赛,竞赛; 45.信,函 38.好运,幸运 30.偶像;英雄 46.不多(的)39.博物馆 Unit3 47.一些,少量 40.两次 1.哪一个 48.离开,远离 41.野餐 2.最,最好的 49.远离 42.一次 3.因此,所以 50.走路,步行 43.不喜爱,厌恶 4.生物 51.最好的 44.原因,理由 5.地理 52.一切顺利,万事如意 45.准备好,准备完毕6.历史 Unit4 46.为~准备好 7.日期 1.醒,醒来;唤醒 47.学,学习,学会 8.会议;集会 2.醒来 48.世界 9.(表示整点)…点钟 3.(表示提出或征求意见)Unit5 10.好,对;不错 4.小山 1.庆祝,庆贺 11.大门 5.很少,不常 2.猜,猜测 12.如此,这么;非常 6.(从…里)出来,3.穿着,穿衣 13.引,领,带 外出 4.装扮,乔装打扮 14.到处,向各处 7.出去 5.作为,当做 15.领某人参观 8.吃早饭|中饭|晚饭 6.鬼,鬼魂 16.前面 9.需要 7.圣诞节 17.在…前面 10.休息,歇息 8.节日 18.建筑物,房子,楼房 11.只是 9.因为 19.地,地面 12.玩得高兴 10.礼物 20.底层,一楼 13.上课 11.在一起,共同 21.明亮的 14.课外的,课后的 12.聚会,联欢 22.现代的;新式的 15.活动 13.月饼 23.礼堂,大厅 16.家庭作业 14.圆的;满的 24.日记 17.去睡觉 15.美国 25.看一看 18.通常,经常 16.面具,面罩 26.墙 19.从不,绝不 17.用颜料涂 27.让我想想 20.迟到 18.南瓜 28.下课后 21.开始,着手 19.灯笼,提灯 29.什么,请再说一遍 22.一刻钟 20.在(或向)里面 30.电话 23.晚于 21.敲,击 31.通电话 24.在上午/下午/晚上 22.敲门 32.从…到… 25.首先 23.大声说,叫,嚷 33.需要…时间,费时 26.聊天,闲聊 24.不招待,就使坏 34.起床 27.每人,每个,每件 25.如果 35.去上学 28.另外,其他 26.招待 36.午夜至正午,上午,午29.互相,彼此 27.诡计,把戏 前 30.练习,训练 28.特殊的,特别的 37.下午,午后 31.过得愉快,玩得高兴 29.问题 38.阅览室 32.希望,祝愿 30.汤团,饺子 39.只,只有,仅 33.(表示客气的建议或31.粽子1祖父(母)另外,其他 东西,物品 狮子 狮子舞 烟火,烟花 发现 更多


27.块(片,张,件…)28.一块(片;张;件)29.玻璃杯;玻璃 30.盘子 31.盐

32.茶杯,杯 33.千克,公斤 34.盒看一看

值(多少钱),需付费 便宜的最近的;上一个的 发卡,发夹 与…相配,般配 粉红色的漂亮的,俊俏的 足够(的),充分(的)运动鞋

舒适的,使人舒服的 受喜爱的,受欢迎的 在…中;在三者或以上中分配或选择 紫色的 灰色的衣着讲究的;精干的 酷的,绝妙的 收音机 41.拍照 42.在夜里 43.演出,秀

44.好像,似乎,看来 45.不同的46.围绕,在~周围 47.重要的48.大多数,大部分 49.离开,脱离

50.使(炸弹等)爆炸 51.小包;(一)包 52.红包 Unit6

1.生活方式 2.正午 3.汉堡包 4.保持 5.柠檬 6.西瓜 7.巧克力 8.牛肉 9.胡萝卜 10.猪肉



13.小吃;零食 14.健康 15.健康的 16.保持健康 17.一餐(饭)18.梨

19.食糖;糖 20.牙齿 21.电脑游戏 22.可乐饮料 23.改变,变化 24.打算,计划 25.水池,水塘


29.零头,找头 19.棉;棉织物 36.较少(的),更少(的)30.与…不同 20.围巾



21.两个(都)38.少于,小于 32.一件物品;项目 22.牛仔裤

39.多于,不仅仅 33.T恤衫,短袖汗衫 23.(蚕)丝;丝绸 40.散步

34.大部分,大多数 24.羊毛,羊绒 41.总的,总计的,全部的 35.贫穷的;可怜的 25.靴子

42.数,数量 36.地区

26.…和…都;不仅…而43.得分 37.(程度上)最大,最高 且… 44.分数

38.口袋 27.由…制成 45.(程度上)更强,更多 39.零花钱 28.写信给 46.点(菜)40.双,对,副

29.等候 47.菜单

41.一双,一对,一副 30.寻找 48.豆,豆科植物 42.尺码;大小 31.躺,平放 49.行了,好吧 43.试穿,试试看 32.去从事(某项活动或运50.有……的味道 44.适合,合身 动),去参加 51.能量 45.昂贵的33.适合的 52.整个的 46.别的;不同的 34.适合于 Unit 7 47.又一,另一 35.认为;考虑 1.购物


36.手套 2.大型购物中心 49.(又指衣服)适合,合37.皮革

3.沿着;向下 身

38.柔软的;柔和的 4.讨厌;恨

50.大的;大型的 39.光滑的,平坦的5.(表示同意、犹豫等)

51.笔记;便条 40.可爱的;美丽的,迷人的 好吧,那么,哎呀 52.公共汽车站 41.(通常指有檐的)帽子

6.钱 53.餐馆



54.(位置,级别等)最高的 43.特征 8.拿,提,搬 Unit8 44.材料 9.书店 1.时装;时尚,风尚 45.设计;构思 10.礼物

2.考虑 46.模特;模型 11.光盘,激光唱片 3.度过 47.昏暗的;深色的,暗色12.确知,肯定,有把握 4.懒惰的 的13.也许,可能 5.(女子的)短上衣,衬48.包括,包含14.对…感兴趣 衫 15.邮票

6.领带 16.收集,搜集 7.借给

17.别客气,不用谢 8.女士;夫人 18.店主,售货员 9.先生


牛津译林版七年级上 篇5



I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案)

( ) 1. He had a brochure in one hand and travelling maps in his __________ other hand.

A. a B. an C. the D.

( ) 2. At the customs house I showed __________ passport, and my wife showed __________.

A. mine, hers B. my, her C. my, hers D. mine, her

( ) 3. __________ the morning of Jan. 20, , Barack H. Obama was sworn in (宣誓就职) as the 44th President of the United States of American.

A. In B. ForC. At D. On

( ) 4. The price of the maglev is very ___________, isn’t it?

A. high B. cheap C. expensive D. dear

( ) 5. There are _________ more swans on Kunming Lake than on Daoxiang Lake.

A. very B. a lot C. great D. so

( ) 6. Ben is very excited _____________ he hasn’t seen his cousions before.

A. because B. so C. but D. when

( ) 7. Hainan Province is ___________ the south of Guangdong Province.

A. in B. to C. on D. from

( ) 8. The other day Mary___________ her cousions around the Summer Palace.

A. show B. shows C. showed D. has showed

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. The railway station is crowded with___________ (travel) during the holidays.

2. You look ___________ (love) than before in this skirt, Cathy.

3. Have you ___________ (plan) your journey?

4. Food, clothing, light and heating are necessary ___________ (expensive).

5. But the _______________ (interest) students stayed on until the lecture(讲座)ended.

III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)

1. The train ticket for Hong Kong cost me 40 dollars. (改为反意疑问句)

The train ticket for Hong Kong cost me 40 dollars,___________ ___________?

2. It took the Lis 20 hours to travel to Beijing by train. (对划线部分提问)

___________ _________ did it take the Lis to travel to Beijing by train?

3. My journey to Beijing was very pleasant. (就划线部分提问)

_____________ ___________ your journey to Beijing?

4. Let’s go to visit the Bund first. (改为反意疑问句)

Let’s go to visit the Bund first, _____________ ____________?

5. This ferry has space for more than 400 people. (保持句意基本不变)

This ferry ___________ _____________ more than 400 people.

IV. Reading


The Haungpu River is a must-see for most tourists. We offer different boat tours along the river every day. On the boat you can enjoy the “museum of international architecture on the Bund” and the skyline of Lujiazui in Pudong. You can have a close look at the famous Shanghai Radio and TV Tower and the magnificent Jinmao Building. You also can see videos, sing songs or watch wonderful performances. Tea and coffee are served during the trip. The tour guide will tell you something about Shanghai’s today and yesterday both in Chinese and in English. You are sure to have a good time on the boat.

True or False.

( ) 1.We have no boat tour on Friday night.

( ) 2.The boat will take you to Shanghai Museum.

( ) 3.You can enjoy great buildings of both Pudong and Puxi on the boat.

( ) 4.But you should bring a bottle of water with you.

( ) 5.If you want to know further information about Shanghai’s history, you may ask the tour guide on the boat.


Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.

A golden wedding anniversary is a celebration of fifty years of marriage. Usually there is a big party for all the friends and relatives of the married couple. Just think 1 those people can be! There are sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, cousions, grandchildren---

even great –grand children. Of course many old friends come, too. Usually members of the family from 2 towns don’t see each other very often, so they are glad to come to an anniversary party.

But it can be a time of confusion(混淆) for the children. It’s 3 for them to remember the name of all their relatives. “Albert,” one mother will say, “this is your cousion George. He’s really your second cousion because he’s Dorothy’s son. Dorothy is my first cousion. Her mother is Aunt Helen, my father’s 4. ”

At times there are stepsisters, half-brothers and nieces-in-law. There are “aunts” and “uncles” who aren’t relatives at all, but good friends of the family! It can be very confusing, 5 everyone has a good time.

( ) 1. A. why B. how C. what D. who

( ) 2. A. the same B. every C. both D. different

( ) 3. A. easy B. a pleasure C. hard D. fun

( ) 4. A. sister B. mother C. niece D. daughter

( ) 5. A. so B. but C. and D. for


I. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C

II. 1. travelers 2. lovely 3. planned 4. expenses 5. interested

III. 1. didn’t it 2. How long 3. What about 4. shall we 5. can carry

IV./ (A) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

牛津译林版七年级上 篇6

1、 go birdwatching去观鸟

2、 at the market在市场

3、roast chicken烤鸡

4 Beijing Duck 北京烤鸭

5 learn more about birds in the wetlands


6 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

7 get more information 获取更多的信息

8、fly to northern countries飞往北方国家

9 long-pointed wings 尖长的翅膀

10 long-winged birds 长翅膀的鸟

11 web-footed animals 有蹼足的动物

12 forked tails 剪刀似的尾巴

13 a long thin neck 细长的脖子

14 brownish feathers 略带棕色的羽毛

15 colourful feathers 鲜艳的羽毛

16 hooked beaks 带勾的喙

17、nature reserves自然保护区

18、in north-east China在中国东北

19 one of the world’s most important wetlands 世界上最重要的湿地之一

20 provide food and shelter for wildlife


21 provide food and shelter for wildlife


22 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth


23 an ideal home 理想家园

24 live comfortably 住得舒适

25 all year round 全年

26 an important living area 重要的生活区

27、stay there for a short stay=go there for a short stay


28、catch fish for food捕鱼为食

29、rare red-crowned cranes稀有的丹顶鹤

30 change the wetlands to ……把湿地改成……

31 change……to do sth 改换……来做某事

32 make space for ……为……留出位置

33 have enough living space 有足够的生活空间

34、the Chinese government中国政府

35、count birds/ do a bird coun t数鸟

36 protect these endangered birds


37 less and less living space 越来越少的生活空间

38 a lot of tourists 许多游客

39 study the different kinds of birds


40 the changes in their numbers 他们数量上的变化

41do something to help the birds 为保护鸟做些事

42、understand the importance of the wetlands


43、be in danger处于危险当中

44 members of ……的成员

a member of ……的一位成员

45 do something for the birds 为鸟类做些事

46 in a dangerous state 处于危险状态

47 show good/bad manners to others


48 walk a long way 走很长一段路

49 make them actively take action to protect wildlife


50 the bus stop outside our school


51 return to school 返校

52、a large/small number of大量/ 少量

53、keep shops开店

54、in other areas of the world在世界的其他地方

55、a pair of leather shoes一双皮鞋

56、drop litter carelessly随意扔垃圾

57、finish school毕业

58、be quiet安静下来

59、liaten to your talk 听你的演讲

60、make a lot of noise发出很多噪音,吵闹

61、during the birdwatching在观鸟期间

62、a report on Zhanglong关于扎龙的报告

63、prevent the flood防洪

64、for example例如

65、have an area of 120,000 hectares


66、an application form申请表

67、interests and hobbies兴趣和爱好

68、become a member of成为……成员

69、can’t wait for 等不及

can’t wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事

70 take the bus back 乘车返回

71sing nicely 唱得好听

72 speak softly 说得轻

73greet us politely 有礼貌地向我们问候

74make sure 务必,一定,确保

75 frighten the birds 吓着鸟

76 during the watch 在观察期间

77 other smaller birds 别的更小的鸟类

78 World Wetlands Day 世界湿地日

79the home of plants , animals and birds


80 on that day 在那天

81 call sb on +(电话号码)


82 e-mail sb at + 电子信箱


83 prevent sb from sth / doing sth

阻止某人某事/ 阻止某人做某事

84 go to the wetlands photo show 去参加湿地相片展

85a big white bird with a long thin neck


86 World Wetlands Day 世界湿地日

87、watch the birds closely近距离观鸟

88 come to club activities 来参加俱乐部的活动

1 I am going birdwatching at the market .


2 What do you know about birds ?


3 Which bird do you like best ?你最喜欢那种鸟

4 The area provides food and shelter for wildlife .


5 Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round .


6 Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes .


7 Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings .


8 This means there will be less and less space for wildlife .


9 More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space .


10 The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds .


11 This year, members of our Birdwatching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers .


12 Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands .


13 We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife .


14 When you go birdwatching , you sometimes have to walk a long way .


15 If you leave litter there ,you will be unwelcome . 如果你把垃圾留在那儿,你将会不受欢迎

16 I found the article on wildlife interesting .


17 First walk to your birdwatching place quietly .


18 You must talk very softly during the watch .


19 It is important for you to write your reports clearly .


20 Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals , including different kinds of birds .


21 There’s an interesting bird show as well .


22 I will be very happy if I can became a member of your club .


23 Are you going to the wetlands photo show next week ?


24 They simply can’t wait for the show next week .







5.联系方式:Tel: 0519-7088888.

Dear Sir or madam,

I listened to your report on birds yesterday . I would like to become a member of the Birdwatching Club . I a student in Grade 8 . I am interested in football . My favourite lessons are science and geography . I love birds and the nature as well . I can come to club activities from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. . I’ll be very happy if I can be a member of your club . You can call me on 0519-7088888 .

Yours sincerely,
