
2024-10-06 版权声明 我要投稿


希望之星小学组试题 篇1


第I卷 听力测试(60%)

I.请根据所听到的内容找出相应的单词(每小题念一遍,10%)()1.A.tea B.teeth C.bees D.teach()2.A.should B.shouldn’t C.would D.running()3.A.summer B.winter C.went D.autumn()4.A.sum B.something C.make D.some()5.A.a little B.wash C.water D.ball()6.A.lamb B.climb C.clean D.rabbit()7.A.grow B.go C.slowly D.he()8.A.first B.second C.fourth D.third()9.A.wash B.races C.rain D.bowl()10.A.bookshop B.bus station C.bus stop D.duck shop II.根据在录音中听到的句子,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答句(每小题念两遍,10%)

()11.A.Thank you.B.Excuse me.C.How do you do?()12.A.Thank you, and you? B.The same to you.C.Good idea.()13.A.No, no.B.Just so-so.C.Thank you.()14.A.Yes, please.B.You’d better not.C.Yes, go ahead.()15.A.You can’t swim.B.Nice day, isn’t it? C.It’s quite hot.()16.A.It’s Friday.B.It’s a nice day.C.It’s May 5th.()17.A.Who are you? B.Yes, who is that? C.My name is Dick.()18.A.No, thanks.B.Yes.Thanks all the same.C.No problem.()19.A.Sorry, I don’t.B.Sorry, I won’t.C.Sorry, I didn’t.()20.A.She’s pretty.B.She likes TV.C.She’s fine.III.下面各组对话后均有一个与对话内容有关的问题,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择能回答这个问题的最佳答案(每小题念两遍,5%)

()21.Where are they talking? A.In an office.B.In the street.C.At home.()22.What does the woman want to have? A.Two eggs and a cup of coffee.B.A piece of bread and a cup of milk.C.Two eggs and a piece of bread.()23.What does the man want? A.A long ruler.B.A short ruler.C.A white ruler.()24.How many times will the man take the medicine a day? A.Three times a day.B.Twice a day.C.Once a day.()25.Who has been to China? A.Mike.B.Mary.C.Mike and Mary.IV.听录音短文,将下列句子按短文正确顺序重新排列, 用A、B、C、D表示出来, 第一句和最后一句已给出(短文念一遍, 4%)

(**)Our Chinese New Year comes in January or February in spring.()26.They laugh and talk while making dumplings.()27.All the families clean their houses and buy lots of delicious food for the festival.()28.On that day, all come home, sit together and chat, talking about all the things happened during the past year.()29.They make dumplings and New Year cakes for the festival.(**)Children are the happiest because they can get lucky money from their parents.V.你将听到对话的后一句(应答句),请选择最佳的句子作为对话的前一句(每小题念两遍,6%)

()30.A.What do you want? B.What can I do for you? C.Can you buy a dictionary?()31.A.Shall we go to the cinema? B.May I have a look? C.I won’t be late again.()32.A.I feel sick today.B.I got a bad mark.C.I am sorry about that.()33.A.Would you like an orange? B.Let’s go to school.C.May I have another apple?()34.A.Can you remember the right answer? B.What’s your name?

C.Is your father a teacher?()35.A.He has a toy plane.B.You work very hard.C.I can spell the word now.VI.听录音根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确用A, 错误用B(短文念两遍,10%)

()36.Diana is a policeman.A.√ B.×()37.Diana always sings by the river early in the morning.A.√ B.×()38.Diana likes music very much.A.√ B.×

()39.Few people think Diana sings well.A.√ B.×()40.Diana tries to be a singer.A.√ B.×

VII.听短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案(短文念两遍,5%)()41.Who fell into a swimming pool? A.Tom.B.Paul.C.Their neighbor.()42.What was the children’s father doing when one of them fell into the pool? A.Sleeping at home.B.Helping a neighbor.C.Working in a factory.()43.How tall was Tom? A.Three feet.B.Five feet.C.Six feet.()44.How did the boy come out of the pool? A.His younger brother pulled him out.B.He climbed out of the pool with the help of his brother.C.His parents helped him climb out of the pool.()45.What do you think of Paul? A.He was a clever boy.B.He was a shy boy.C.He was a selfish boy.VIII.听短文, 并根据短文所提供的信息, 完成下面的表格(短文念两遍,10%)Day What When Where(46)(47)at 8:00(48)Wednesday(49)(50)

(51)(52)all day in his friend’s home Sunday(53)(54)(55)

()46.A.Friday B.Monday()47.A.play volleyball B.play basketball()48.A.on the school playground B.on the park’s playground.()49.A.go to the pool with his brother B.go to the beach with his brother()50.A.in the afternoon B.in the morning()51.A.Friday B.Monday()52.A.see a good film B.go over his lessons()53.A.practise singing a song B.practise speaking English()54.A.at 9:00 B.at 10:00()55.A.in the bar B.in the park 第II卷 笔试(40%)I.选择填空(15%)()56.Welcome _______ our school.A.to B.on()57.This is _______ best time to be in Beijing.A.a B.the()58.What day ______ it the day before yesterday? A.is B.was()59.Yesterday afternoon we _______ the classroom.A.cleaned B.clean()60.Don’t _______ the flowers on the tree, please.A.pick B.picking()61.We had _______ time this Spring Festival than last.A.a happier B.the happiest()62.Help ________ to some zongzi.A.you B.yourself()63.I ________ some lucky money during Spring Festival last year.A.get B.got()64.Jean _______ some books at the bookstore tomorrow.A.buys B.is going to buy()65.Christmas is ________ important festival in Britain.A.an B.a()66.--Would you like to go boating with me?--Yes, I’d like to.________ I’m busy now.A.But B.And()67.Father Christmas puts presents into the stocking ________ night.A.at B.in()68.When did Miss Fang ________ our homework? A.mark B.marked()69.You’d _________ go and see him.A., good B.better()70.--“May I speak to Jane?” Tim asked on the phone.--“________”, Jane answered.A.I am B.Speaking II.将下列单词按要求分类,用A、B、C、D表示出来(5%)A---Cities B---Countries C---Adjectives(形容词)


()71.quiet()72.Rome()73.Paris()74.hope()75.France()76.Berlin()77.Japan()78.read()79.crowded()80.love III.完形填空(10%)

阅读下面短文,从短文所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The day before the speech contest, my English teacher talked to me.She 81 she and my schoolmates all 82 me success, but it 83 whether I would win or not.When I was on the stage(舞 台)the next day, I felt so 84 that I shook like a leaf.There were 85 people present!Suddenly, I noticed my English teacher among them.She was 86 and nodding at me.I remembered her 87 and calmed down.I did a good job 88 won the first prize.Now my 89 and the prize are hanging in the library.Whenever I see them, I will 90 my English teacher.()81.A.said B.spoke C.talked D.told()82.A.wanted B.asked C.wished D.needed()83.A.never minded B.was important C.was necessary D.didn’t matter

()84.A.happy B.nervous C.sorry D.excited()85.A.so few B.a few C.not many D.so many()86.A.smiling B.shouting C.jumping D.exciting()87.A.lessons B.words C.students D.sentences()88.A.but B.because C.and D.although()89.A.photos B.books C.teachers D.schoolmates()90.A.love B.think of C.think about D.think over IV.阅读理解(10%)

A.阅读下面短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填到横线上的最佳选项。A man dies and goes to hell(地狱).The devil(魔鬼)meets him at the gate and says, “Alright, you have died and come to hell.You will stay here forever, but you get to choose how to spend the time.You may choose one of these three doorways.Once you choose a door, you may not change it.So let’s get started.”

The devil opens Door One.The man looks in and sees a couple of people standing on their heads(倒立)on a stone floor.The man says, “No way, let’s move on.”

The devil opens Door Two.The man sees a few more people standing on their heads on a wood floor.The man says, “No way, let’s move on.”

The devil opens Door Three.The man sees a few people standing deep in cow manure(粪肥), drinking coffee.The man says, “Great, this is the one I will choose.” The devil says, “OK, wait right here.I’ll get you some coffee.” The man comes into the door, thinking about his coffee and big meal.After about 10 minutes, a voice comes over the loud speaker, saying, “Coffee break’s over.Back on your heads!”

()91.According to(根据)the story, we know that when a person dies, he or she will ___.A.go to hell B.choose a door in the world C.drink coffee D.stand on the stone floor()92.The man in the story finally(最后)________.A.goes to Door One B.goes to Door Two C.goes to Door Three D.doesn’t go anywhere

()93.Choose a correct saying according to the story.A.The man likes to stay with cows.B.The devil is kind to the man.C.Hell has a gate.D.There are many doors in hell.()94.When the man hears the voice from the speaker, he must feel very _______.A.bad B.happy C.excited D.lucky()95.From the story we can guess that the man _______.A.is satisfied(满意)with Door Three B.likes Door Three best C.likes drinking coffee D.is regretful to choose Door Three

B.阅读下面三篇短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填到横线 上的最佳选项。

Long March(长征)exhibit The Shenzhen History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 61st anniversary(周年纪念)of the Long March.On show are more than 220 photos and some other things that show how the Red Army made the Long March from Jiangxi Province and to northern Shanxi Province in the mid-1930s.Time: 10:00 am---4:00 pm Address: 1368 Shennan Road Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese / 15 yuan for foreigners

希望之星小学组试题 篇2


● Do you like cats or dogs? Do you think it is good for you to keep a pet? ● Who is the boss in your family? You mother, father or yourself? Why? ● If possible, what class do you like best at school? ● Somebody says: ”The internet makes people lazy.” What’s your opinion? ● Do you agree with the view that boys are much more skilled in maths than girls? ● For saving water, do you have any good ideas? ● What are the good habit for studying? ● Could you tell us some healthy ways to lose weight? ● In your mind, what’s the most exciting sport and why? ● If it was Mid-autumn Day today, how would you spend? ● Could you introduce one of your favorite Western festivals? ● Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside? ● Do you like doing exercises in the gym or outdoors? ● Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others? ● Why do you think more and more people like reading E-book? ● Do you want a twin sister/brother and why? ● The magician, astronaut and actor/actress, which one do you want to be? ● Do you think what the “Family Day” is? ● What’s your plan for this summer vacation? ● If you had magic power, what would you do? ● Please list three advantages of raising a pet.● Do you think what animals is the most dangerous and why? ● What do you think of the animals in the circus? ● If you want to raise a pet, would you like to buy one or adopt one? ● Please choose a traditional Chinese gift for your foreign friend and give your reasons.● As a child, what can we do for our parents? ● What’s your biggest wish this year? ● Do you have any bad habit(s)? How do you plan to remove it/them? ● Do you know any interesting customs in your hometown? ● Please tell us only one thing that can represent your hometown most.● Why do you think so many people like to use micro blog? ● Please tell us one of the most unforgettable things you did for your parents.● What’s your greatest advantage? ● If one of your friends wanted to copy your homework, what would you do? ● How do you usually spend your pocket money? ● If you had a big deal of pocket money/the luck money, how would you use? ● If your best friend told others your secret, what would you do? ● If you could become a cartoon character, which character would you like to be? Why? ● Do you think the students should pursue fashion? ● Please design some rules for your class.● What do you think is the best way to relax ourselves? ● If your parents didn’t agree with your ideas, what would you do? ● Which do you prefer, self-help tour or package tour? ● What’s your mother like? ● Which sport do you want to try most? Why? ● Do you think it’s necessary for students to have mobile phones? ● Please describe the winter in your hometown.● Do you think the computer will take the place of television in the future? ● Have you ever been in summer camp? What did you think about it? ● When you are crossing the road, as a pedestrian, what rules should you obey? ● In your mind, who is the hero/heroine? Why? ● If one of your friends suddenly cried, what would you do? ● Do you think big cities need more public transportation instead of more private cars? ● If your teacher said something wrong in class, what would you do? ● Which one can broaden our eyes better ,reading books or traveling? ● How do exercises help us? ● There’s a saying:” Where there is a will, there is a way.” What do you think of it? ● How do you balance your study and activities? ● Could you tell us three elements for success? ● Please describe your worst experience.● Could you share some good ways to relieve pressure with us? ● Do you think watching American cartoons can improve our English? ● What kind of friends do you need? ● What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that people are more and more working with computers? ● Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? ● Someone says:” Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.” What’s your opinion about it? ● Do you agree that face-to-face communications is better than any other types of communication, such as e-mails or telephone calls? ● Are you a boy/girl who like taking risk? ● If you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose? ● Is it right for big cities to forbid firecrackers? ● If you could have a dinner with a historical character ,who would that be? ● Why has foreign fast food become so popular in China? ● If you were the headmaster of your school, what kind of changes would you like to make? ● Do you think how to get along with people from different cultures? ● If you could be a teacher, what subject would you teach? ● Which song impresses you most? ● Could you imagine when you become an old lady/gentleman, how will you spend your life? ● What do you do to stay healthy? ● Do you think it’s necessary to install/have camera in the classroom? ● Do you think environment protection is everybody’s business? ● Have you ever found a friend over the Internet? Do you think friendship on the Internet is reliable? ● What do you think about the values of failure? 说明:以上题目仅为参考,并不代表四川省半决赛会出现同样的题目。

希望杯小学五年级试题 篇3

2.计算:0.3+ =_____(结果写成分数)。

3.设a= ,b= ,则在a与b中,较大的数是______。

4.在 , , 中,最小的数是______。








12.在等式 = ( )

13.在六位数3□ 2□ 1□的三个方框里分别填入数字,使得该数能被15整除,这样的六位数中最小的是______.

14.在一袋大米包装袋上标着净重 ,那么这袋大米净重最少是______千克。










看《希望之星》有感 篇4




作文:“希望之星”大赛 篇5










希望之星评委提问问题 篇6

2.How do you get to school?

3.What are you good at?

4.Can you swim/sing/play football/make a cake?

5.How many people are there in your family?

6.Do you have any brothers or sisters?/ How old are they?

7.What does your father/mother do?

8.How many days are there in a week?

9.What’s your favorite food/fruit/sport/animal/festival/color?

10.What color do you like best? 11.What do you eat in Spring Festival?

12.What sport/fruit/animal do you like best?

13.Do you have a pet?/Do you love your pet?

14.Which animal is man’s best friend?

15.How often do you visit the zoo?

16.Which subject do you like best?

17.What do you do at the weekend?

18.What do you do after school?

19.Do you like doing homework? Why?

20.When is your birthday?

21.What do you want for your birthday? 22.Is your school big or small?

23.How many students are there in your classroom?

24.How is the weather today?

25.Do you like sunny days or rainy days?

26.Do you like watching TV?

27.Who is your best friend?

28.Tell us three animals in black.29.Do you have a dog or a cat?

30.Do you like apples or oranges?

4-6年级(Group B/C)1.Which subject do you like best? Why? 2.Can you ride a bike? 3.Do you have to do homework everyday? Do you think there’s too much homework? 4.Do you like animals/sports? Why? 5.If you have a pet, what would you like to call it? Why? 6.Do you think watching TV is good for you or not? 7.What’s your favorite activity on weekends?

8.Do you learn something on weekends? What kind of things would you like to learn?

9.Do you often do morning exercises? Why? 10.How many seasons are there in a year? And which season do you like best? Why? 11.How many hours do you spend in studying English per day? Why do you think English is important? 12.What kinds of books do you like to read? Can you tell us one of your favorite books?

13.How long have you been learning English? 14.Do you think learning English is hard or easy?

15.Can you tell me what is the most difficult thing in learning English? 16.Do you like traveling? Which city do you think is the best place to visit?
