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语言与文化英文论文 篇1

Abstract: Language and culture are like two wheels of our human beings.Language is a vehicle that helps record and interpret culture.And culture becomes alive by means of language.However, culture is not only unique to human, but also something concerning animals.As an essential part of the language and culture of a society, idioms are characterized by their concise expressions, rich and vivid.English and Chinese idioms carry the different national cultural characteristics and cultural information.In order to improve our intercultural communication competence, this paper will mainly analyze some idioms on dogs in terms of the Chinese and English religious influence, historical influence, geographical environment influence etc, and explore the possible reasons which can account for these differences.Key words: Animal idioms;dog;Chinese and English culture;difference;similarity


Language is an indispensable carrier of culture.Culture finds a better representation through language use.Vocabulary, as one of the most important parts of a language, will surely reflect the multi-dimensional image of a society.Countries of different cultures attach various associative meanings to their vocabulary, which is especially obvious in animal terms.Because animals play a significant part in daily life, animal terms are closely related to their own culture, convey different cultural features and messages of their own nation, reflecting their own culture.In the long course of human history, animals, especially dogs, have been keeping a close relationship with human beings and also influencing their living and growth deeply.This relationship brings people all kinds of complex emotions such as fondness, sympathy, disgust and horror.Moreover, many animals have become a kind of symbolism in people’s thinking, and this symbolism is reflected in the language.Languages of all nations contain plenty of words and phrases connected to animals, so 英语11002班 胡 畔 1010291061 do English and Chinese.However, because of different history and culture, the connotations of animal words in one language do not parallel with those in another.Due to the cultural differences of geography, customs, historical allusion, religion and so on, such idioms embody the distinctive characteristics of national culture.And with the development of economy and science, globalization is a more and more obvious phenomenon.The relationship between countries is becoming closer and closer.In order to understand these idioms more clearly and make the international communication more effectively, it is useful and necessary to compare such idioms.The paper will make a comparative study of animals employed in English and Chinese idioms.2.Comparison of connotations of animal idioms in English and Chinese idioms(Take idioms on dogs for example)2.1 Similarities of connotations All humankind lives on the same planet.They have similar environment, psychology, and cognitive ability;therefore, both Chinese and English people nearly have the same knowledge of animals.As a result, they have the same or similar association and give the same cultural connotation to animal words.So it also applies to “dog”.In China, dog is defined as,“哺育动物,种类很多,嗅觉和听觉都很灵敏,毛有黄、白、黑等颜色。是一种家畜,有的可以训练成警犬,有的用来帮助打猎、牧羊等。” And in English, the definition of dog is," an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example, hunting or guarding building.” Judging from it, we can easily notice that Chinese and English have similar knowledge of dog.Meanwhile, both in Chinese and English culture,” dog” can be a negative or positive word.The examples are as followings:(1)He lives a dog’s life——他的日子过得很艰难(2)A lucky dog——幸运儿(3)狗嘴里吐不出象牙(4)犬子

2.2 Differences of connotations The majority of animal words carry different connotations, because of their 英语11002班 胡 畔 1010291061 different natural environment, customs, and society systems.Besides, English history is influenced more by Egypt and Roman, while Chinese history is much more independent.For example: In English: Iove me,love my dog:爱屋及乌 lucky dog:幸运儿

top dog:最重要的人物

every dog has its(his)day:凡人皆有得意 While in Chinese: 狗胆包天 狗急跳墙 狗屁不通 狗崽子

3.Possible Reasons of Differences between English and Chinese Animal Idioms

Every country has its own history and culture personality.So there is more dissimilarity between China and English-speaking countries then similarities between them.There are many sources responsible for these differences, such as natural surroundings, social conditions, religions, customs, psychological reactions, thinking styles, aesthetic standards, and national traits and so on.3.1.Historical Influence

China has experienced more than 2000 years feudal society, and agriculture played the most important role in nation’s economy while other counties already began their industrial age.There are more than 0.9 billion peasants in China;therefore Chinese have a close relationship with animals such as oxen, cows, sheep, silkworms, bee and so on.So we use silkworm as a metaphor to illustrate people who are hard working, while English-speakers don’t.For example:(1)Rain cats and dogs: it originates from Nordic mythology,in which dog symbolize wind.(2)狗咬吕洞宾:it originates from Chinese myth.英语11002班 胡 畔 1010291061 3.2.Religious Influence

Ancient Chinese believed in Buddhism, and most of the modern Chinese have no religious belief.However, most of the English people believe in Christianity.There are many religious stories that involve animals in both Taoism and Christianity.That’s why same animal referent may have quite different senses.For example: The dog return to his vomit(狗又呕吐了,比喻重犯旧日的罪行)

3.3.Geographical Environment Influence

语言与文化英文论文 篇2



Today, with the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertising has influenced us pervasively in our daily life.

No countries and nations are without their cultures.Since culture is what people do, or“the total life ways of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group”. (O’Guinn1998:137) .The advertisement is a kind of manifestation of culture, it’s under the influence and restrict of local culture while national culture influences and restricts the development and expression of advertising language which is the core content of advertisement.The aim of the paper is to lay out three aspects to illustrate cultural difference in China and Western countries in advertisement.

Ⅱ、Collectivism vs.Individualism

It believed that advertisements that follow the value and belief of people are to be more persuasive.In Chinese ads, Collectivism is a term used to describe any moral, political, or social outlook that stresses human interdependence and the importance of a collective, rather than the importance of separate individuals.Collectivists focus on community and society, and seek to give priority to group goals over individual goals (wikipedia) .The traditional Chinese culture was of an ethical nature and it can be called“morality-worshipping”culture.

This concept is often reflected in advertising language.For example:

走中国道路, 乘一汽奥迪 (一汽)

喝孔府宴酒, 做天下文章 (孔府宴酒)

咱老百姓的好药 (葵花药业)

情系中国结, 联通四海心 (中国联通)

以产业报国、以民族昌盛为己任 (长虹)

海尔, 中国造 (海尔)

孔府家酒, 叫人想家 (孔府家酒)

每喝一杯农夫山泉, 就为中国奥运捐出一分钱 (农夫山泉)

中国平安, 平安中国 (平安保险)

From above, we can see that Chinese strive to achieve unity and compatibility.But this character is radically opposed by westerns who advocate individualism.Individualism refers to a doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic goals (wikipedia) .This doctrine holds that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.This is due to their history different from the Chinese.So they prefer to be unique individual.This concept can also be found in these ads:

Just do it. (Nike)

The only thing like Coca-cola is Coca-cola itself. (Coca-cola)

"Doing what we do best", and later"Something special in the air". (American Airlines)

Obey your thirst. (Sprite)

We lead.Others copy. (Ricoh)

"I'm lovin'it!" (McDonalds)

"The Power to Be Your Best. (Apple)

From the above, we can see that the westerns often regard uniqueness and difference as the best quality of products.They pay attention to diversity and changes of material, emphasis specially on the change and difference of the nature and stress personal freedom self-development and personal enterprise.Compared with Chinese ads, they don’t focus on“society”and“authority”because it takes for granted that individuals know best and the public authority or society has he right to interfere in the person's decision-making process only when a very compelling need to do so arises.

Ⅲ、Past Orientation vs.Future Orientation

The Chinese culture has formed the richest cultural accumulation in the world.Since Chinese cultural has a long history, in the advertisements, esp.in the alcohol advertisements, the emphasis on history is important for customers to accept this product.From the following examples, we can see that:

品味的历史, 430年:国窖1573 (泸州老窖)

千古佳酿, 万代留香, 中华酒宗, 汝阳杜康 (杜康酒中华酒宗系列)

往事越千年, 陈酿白云边 (白云边酒)

回味唐朝 (剑南春)

传奇品质, 百年张裕 (张裕)

The word“old”usually prefer to stress the point that their companies and their products are traditional ones, such as“百年老店” (a shop with a history of a hundred years) , “老字号” (ageold brand) , “老招牌” (age-old shop sign) , “历史悠久” (with a long history) and“祖传秘方” (a secret recipe handed down from generation togeneration) (Shi, 2007) .

The Western countries insisted the short term oriented culture;the main reason is that their history is shorter than China.They don’t do the business like Chinese who often use the factors of history and tradition, but use the strong and direct marketing strategy (hard sale) , a product of the“immediate results”as a selling point.

“True success, ”the young people explained, “is not a matter of money or position.It’s a matter of self-fulfillment.And selffulfillment of reaching one’s goals and achieving happiness in one’s own way without paying attention to rules, duties, or the opinions of others.”This history has cultivated the future-oriented culture, which is different from the Chinese.We can also see that from the following examples:

The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi)

To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color. (Hennessy)

The future's bright-the future's orange (Orange)

Instead of soap, try a whole new way to wash your face.New pond’s leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.Try it and see (Pond’s)

Ⅳ、Conservativeness vs.Openness in Sex

Chinese are more traditional than Western people.Talking abou sex is controversial because sex has long been a taboo subject in China.Once a report in China Daily Let’s do it, not taking revealed that the Chinese have sex much more often than the global average but are still too shy to talk about it with their partners.

Sexually suggestive ads are banned in China.In daily life Chinese people are not accustomed to express their ideas directly but to use the euphemism, tortuous way to express.Han nationality affected by Confucian ideas is modest, introverted and conservative This is unlike European and American national export and lively personality.In France, for example, a perfume advertisement:“The one drop is to the beauty, two drop is for the lover, three drop is enough to lead to one love affair.” (Zhu, 1999:28) .French people think that this expression is very romantic and attractive, but Chinese consumers think it hard to accept this extreme expression.For the following ads of condoms, most Chinese people will find hard to accept it:

Better Shape, Better Sex.

Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. (Durex)

There's life after sex. (ad against AIDS)


Culture has a significant influence on advertising.Successful advertisements will be produced on the basis of local culture and advertising culture.As long as we pay attention to the cultural difference between China and western countries, we can draw our customer’s attention, activate their interest, stimulate their desire, strengthen their memory and induce action finally.


【1】Leech, Geofrey N.English in Advertising[M].London:Longman, 1996.

【2】李悦娥、范宏雅.话语分析[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

【3】朱春梅, 从中英文广告看东西方文化差异[J].考试周刊, 2007 (39) .

【4】朱华, 产品广告与民族文化[J].江南大学学报 (人文社会科学版) , 1996 (4) .


中英文文学及文化的比较与翻译 篇3

【关键词】中英文文学 文化 比较 翻译












1.深刻领会作者思想意图。无论是中国文学还是英文文学,都是作者创作实践的结果,作者的创作意图决定了作品的思想主旨,其创作意图也会在作品中有所体现。文学作品的逻辑性,作者创作意图的指向性,要求译者在文学作品翻译中要深入了解作者的创作意图,全面把握作品的整体思路、中心思想,在翻译中做到译文原意与译意的贴切、统一。此外,根据中英文化差异,笔者还在采用归化法、简译、增译法等对文章进行适当删减或添加,力求在保证文化通顺、完整的基础上,使作品内容看起来更加连贯。如在翻译英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱的《Ode to the West Wind》时,我们可根据诗人的情感,将诗歌的标题译做“东风颂”,目的是将内容与情感融合到一起,增强译文的思想性、准确性。


2.参考作品的文化背景。语言和文学作品都会依托一定的文化背景而存在,在中英文文学作品翻译中,我们也常常会发现,语言与文化、文化与社会的关系极其密切,文化常会受特定社会背景的影响和制约。这就要求译者在文学作品翻译中,要深入了解文学作品的创作背景、社会文化背景,熟悉译语国家的文化传统、风土人情等,将译文内容与文化背景有机结合起来,认真思考和权衡原文和译文各要素,选择合适的词汇、文字来表达作者的意图,使译文在向目的语读者传递消息的同时又带有原作的特点,以实现跨文化交流的目的。如在《社会与孤独》中有这样一句话:It's wise for man in every instance of his labour, to hitch his wagon to a star, and see his chores done by the gods themselves.艾默生这句话的原意是“只要借助星星的力量,任何事都能办到”。在翻译时,我们可以根据上下文需要将之译为“只要借助自然的力量”或“只要胸怀大志”就可无坚不摧、战无不胜。




[1]熊志霞.中英文学作品及其文化的比较与翻译[J].校园英语, 2015,20:229-230.

[2]胡细辉.中英文学交流中的文化问题探讨[J].名作欣赏,2012, 06:151-152.


英文辞职报告常用语言/ 篇4

辞职信一般用正面积极的语言,以下为常用句,英文辞职报告常用语言/ 范文。

State you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.As we have discussed, I am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1.I want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than March 1.please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective March 1.I will be leaving my position as general counsel on August 31.After six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in HHH, I have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in October–at your convenience.The decision has been quite difficult for me because I truly have enjoyed the relationships I’ve built here.I offer my resignation as training coordinator with HHH.My last day will be March 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.State your reason for leaving.You may be as vague or as specific as you wish.Bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record.This new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure I’ve looked forward to for sometime now.I have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement.As you know, Ive always been one to thrive on change and growth.I have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.As you know, my training is in the financial area, and I’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.My experience with previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which I’d like to return.As we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, I have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although I understand your budgetary constraints.I really havent decided completely what kind of job I want to pursue, although I am interested in the possibility of going into business for myself.At this point, I’m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.I plan to move back to the Midwest to be near my elderly parents, who have had serious health problems the last year.Because of the increase in the size of my family and the rapidly increasing cost of living, Ive found it necessary to seek other employment.Rush-hour traffic and my two-hour daily commute have become a growing frustration for me, and, therefore, I have located a position nearer my home that will allow me more time with my family.Frankly, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company.Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position.Under the circumstances, I think youll understand my decision to resign.I have accepted a position with HHH as their director of marketing.Mention anyone you’ve trained to replace you, if appropriate, and any unfinished projects in progress.I’ve trained Cheryl Anderson in all my daily job duties.I have every confidence Cheryl Anderson can handle my job.I would have no qualms in leaving my job in the capable hands of Cheryl Anderson, at least until youve made a thorough search outside the organization.Cheryl Anderson is fully capable of assuming my position, should you decide to promote from within the organization.pending projects include the Jefferson case and the Blythe will.Unfinished projects that will need your attention include…;Cheryl Anderson is familiar with all the details of these on-going efforts.Express your affection for the job, citing either experience, training, skill development, or relationships with customers or coworkers.The friendships I’ve developed here will be difficult to leave.I appreciate your supervision and your genuine concern for my well-being and professional growth.The training I’ve been given here has indeed prepared me well for this new assignment.Your personal management style has allowed me just the flexibility I’ve needed in a job.Your confidence in me through the years is one of the things I have valued most during my tenure here.please understand how much I have enjoyed working with you under such pleasant circumstances.I thank you for your constant attention to my needs, both personal and professional.The communication skills you’ve practiced here are some that I plan to continue in my new position.The close personal friendships, as well as the professional liaisons, have been a meaningful part of my work life here.Ive learned much from you.I feel that I owe my success in getting this new job to your personal contributions to my professional growth.Thank you for such a pleasant association over the past ten years.I have fond memories of you and the others on the staff.I’ve appreciated all my dealings with NNN.Thank you for the personal and professional growth I’ve enjoyed here at NNN.The job here has been richly rewarding.My training has been exceptional, my relationships deeply meaningful,and my work very rewarding.Thank you for the opportunities here.

浅析中西语言与文化差异 篇5



作 者:许之所 冯亮 作者单位:武汉理工大学,湖北武汉,430079刊 名:湖北经济学院学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HUBEI UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS年,卷(期):20085(5)分类号:H3关键词:语言 文化 差异

语言与文化英文论文 篇6

1.1 The Socio-cognitive Approach of Teun A.Van Dijk:

Dijk has long been a leading theorist who takes discourse analysis as a interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of texts in social context.His framework aims to integrate the production and interpretation of discourse as well as its textual analysis.Dijk argues that socioal structures and discourse structures cannot be related directly, then there would be no need for ideology.He posits a framework in which social structures can only be related to discourse structures through social actors and their minds:mental models mediate between ideology and discourse.Hence, his theory has three main components:social functions, cognitive structures discursive expression and reproduction, which bridge the gap between macro and micro levels of analysis.Discourse-Cognition-Society schema has become the characteristic of Dijk’s model.

1.2 Discourse-historical Approach

the most salient feature of the discourse-historical approach is its endeavor to work with different approaches and on the basis of a variety o empirical data as well as background information.the main characteristics of this approach can be summarized as follows:a) The approach is interdisciplinary (Disciplines like:sociology, history, psychology etc.work at the same time) .b) The approach aims at the social problem, not focusing on the specific linguistic items.c) The background and context should be studied, since discourse can only be understood within the specific context.d) The historical context is always analyzed and integrated into the interpretation of discourse and texts.Wodak assumes that discourse analysis always involves power and ideologies.She carries out researches in various institutional settings and on a variety of social issues such as sexism, racism, and her theory is focusing on the historical contexts o discourse in the process of explanation and interpretation.

1.3 Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model

Of all the methodologies employed by CDA practitioner, the most extensively drawn-upon one comes from Norman Fairclough (1989, 1995) .To better grasp the theory of this model, it is essential to take a close look at his concept of discourse.

The proposal of three-dimensional model is based upon Fairclough's application of the concept of discourse in three different ways.

1) In the most abstract sense, discourse refers to language use as social practice.

2) Ddiscourse is understood as the kind of language used within a specific field, such as political or scientific discourse.

3) In the most concrete usage, discourse is used as a count noun referring to a way of speaking which gives meaning to experiences from a particular perspective.

In the last sense, the concept refers to any discourse that can be distinguished from other discourses such as a feminist discourse, a Marxist discourse, a consumer discourse, or an environmentalist discourse (Fairclough, 1995a) .

2. The Research Methodologies of Cognitive Linguistics

Cognitive linguistics is closely related with biological outcomes.since the brain's neural networks, many of the details of cognitive processes are unable to know, its research only starts from observing the variety of linguistic phenomena, from analyzing corpus, and reach a conclusion upon these.There are several important theoretical methods:Firmo’s Frame Semantics, Lange Ke's Cognitive Grammar, Lykov and others Cognitive Semantics Construction Grammar by Phil Mo, Lykov, Kay, and Aokangnaoer (O'Connor) , Fauconnier's mental space theory.namely, Cognitive Linguistics in driven by corpus analysis get the abstract structure system from a specific corpus and the analysis of the phenomenon of language driven by corpus, is a inductive process.Driven by theory, it analyzes the corresponding relationship among semantic structure, grammatical structure and voice structure, test theoretical frameworks and brings out the specific details of relationship nets from the framework.

3. Conclusion

From the discussed above, we can find that cognitive linguistics and CDA are interested in backstage cognition revealed by linguistic forms, which is one critical factor in deciding discourse meaning.CDA often elect the actual language (usually the discourse rather than sentences) as a specific criticized object.Besides experiential values of contents, know ledges and beliefs, two explanatory dimension were added in CDA.The two dimensions include some chief characteristics like formality, modality etc., which are seldom mentioned in cognitive linguistics.Cognitive linguistics itself is a framework of linguistic analysis.Specifically speaking cognitive linguistics can provide a new framework for political discourses.The concepts of cognitive linguistics also provide a toolbox that is used to identify and analyze.


[1]FAIRCLOUGH, N.Critical Discourse Analysis:The Critical Study of Language[M].London:Longman, 1995.

[2]CLARK, R&IVANIC, R.Raising critical awareness of language[J].Language Awareness.1999 (2) .

[3]陈中竺.批评语言学评述[J].外语教学与研究, 1995 (1) .

[4]辛斌.批评语言学与英语新闻语篇的批评性分析[J].外语教学, 2000 (4) .

文化与语言的联姻 篇7





作为一个修辞学教授,维柯自然而然地把目光投了“语言学”(philological,又可译为语文学)。 维柯语言学批评法是如何产生的呢?由于维柯的思想太富有创造性,很多东西完全是原创性的,几乎辨别不出与时代的联系,一是归因于维柯的生活环境 ,他偏居一隅于意大利的那不勒斯,阿尔卑斯山阻断了他与外界的联系;另一方面,外界也没有关注维柯,维柯的学说生前没有受到人关注,没有产生什么影响,死后也如此,直到19世纪维柯才得到广泛的承认与重视。不过现代的研究维柯的学者发现,维柯的学说并不是像他自己所说的那样处在荒漠之中,而是与当时的学术思想有千丝万缕的联系。维柯语文学批评方法就与当时两大相互分裂的历史——地理传统有密切的关系,并且在基础上最终成形的。












