
2024-07-02 版权声明 我要投稿


(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇1

cried, answered, looked, started, thanked, carried, studied stopped, picked, needed, returned, knocked, asked, hurried, listened, watched, used, played, kicked, washed, cleaned, called, skated, liked, wanted




二. Choose the best answer.

1. You must keep your hands ______, Bob

A. cleaned B. clean C. cleaning D. to clean

2. He’s not a bit afraid when he sees a dog. The underlined part means _____.

A. not a little B. not very C. not at all D. very

3. My uncle isn’t a farmer now and he’s quite different from what he .

A. is B. was C. does D. did

4. My mother told me to be back ______.

A. soon B. fast C. quickly D. quick

5. The two students kept _____ the whole class.

A. to talk B. talked C. talking D. talks

6. She fell ill the day before and now she’s getting a little _____.

A. more ill B. iller C. bad D. worse

7. Linda, my sister, _______.

A. are both college students B. both are college students

C. is a college student D. is the college student

8. Would you like ______ to drink?

A. other something B. something other

C. something else D. else something

9. Can you tell me the answer _____ the question?

A. with B. for C. to D. at

10. Do you remember _____ he said at the meeting last week?

A. that B. which C. when D. what

11. Stop talking now! Please ______ me.

A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hear from

12. That glass looks nice. Please show_______.

A. me it B. it me C. me to it D. it to me

13. Look _____ the right and see if the cat’s there.

A. on B. to C. at D. for

14. You _____ look out of the window in class.

A. aren’t B. don’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t

15. There are two doors _____ this wall.

A. on B. in C. under D. of

16. “ Why is your sister _____? ” “ she’s ill ”.

A. on the bed B. in the bed C. on bed D. in bed

17. These oranges are delicious. Would you like _____?

A. the other B. the other one C. another one D. one another

18. Peter the work in a week.

A. have finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. will finish

19. ______open the window.

A. Will you please B. Please will you

C. You please D. Please

20. You’d better to see the doctor.

A. to go B. go C. went D. going

三. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs.

1. She on her coat and went out. (put)

2. “ What are they doing ? ”

“They ready for the sports meeting.” (get)

3. The boy asked his mother him go and play basketball.(let)

4. I’m sorry to keep you for a long time. (wait)

5. It (take)him half an hour (finish)his homework yesterday.

6. If it an interesting film, we’ll see it tomorrow. (be)

7. They usually (do)their homework after supper.

8. Listen! Who (sing)in the next room now?

9. (be)your parents in Shanghai last year?

10. Li Ming often (listen)to the radio in the morning.

11. All the people in the town are glad (hear)that a famous musician(音乐家)

(give)a concert(音乐会)this Saturday evening.

12. Would you like (visit)the Summer Palace with me?

13. Yesterday she (want) very much to see the film, but she couldn’t (get) a ticket.

14. Don’t make any noise, Grandma (sleep).

15. Stop (play). It’s time for class.

16. I’m very glad (hear)that.

17. Did you see him (wash)when you got to his home?

18. The story (happen)long ago.

19. They (visit)the History Museum last week.

20. They are busy (clean)their classroom.

21. Stay here, Tom. Don’t go out. It (rain)now.

22. The scientist (give)us a talk yesterday.

23. Will you please (come)here on time next time.

24. They (build)a new bridge over the river next year.

25. My father is very busy. He often (come)home late.

四. Complete the sentences.

1. He always enjoys ______(发明)new things.

2. Did you read today’s (报纸)?

3. He will tell me (一切)he knows.

4. (大多数)of them don’t agree to his plan.

5. I don’t (懂得)what you mean.

6. His family (搬)to London two months ago.

7. It’ll rain today. You’d better take an (雨伞)with you.

8. His English is (马马虎虎).

9. May comes after (四月).

10. Good (运气)to you, Ann!

11. Mr Mott at the meeting(谈论英语教学).

12. They had to on the next plane(飞往巴黎).

13. He got to the hotel very late, he (无法入睡).

14. He couldn’t remember if I him(和他在一起).

15. They talked (谈了半小时).

五. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.

I (go)to bed at 10 and (sleep) soundly. I ______ (wake)up at 2a.m. and (smell)something burning. I ______ (leap)out of bed and (run) to the kitchen. I _____ (see)nothing there: it was dark and quiet. I (run)to the living room. The television (be)still on I (forget)to turn it off before I (go) to bed last night.

Smoke was rising out of the back of the set! I turned off the electricity just in time, but the experience (keep)me awake all night! I ______ (feel)very worried and really

(learn)my lesson!



[t]:looked thanked stopped picked knocked asked watched kicked washed liked

[d]:cried answered carried studied returned hurried listened used played cleaned called

[id]:started needed skated wanted


1-5 BCBAC 6-10 DCCCD 11-15 BDBCB 16-20 DCDAB


1. put 2. are getting 3. to let 4. waiting 5. took , to finish

6. is 7. do 8. is listening 9. Were 10. listens

11. to hear, will listen 12. to visit 13. wanted , get 14. is sleeping

15. playing 16. to hear 17. washing 18. happened 19. visited

20. cleaning 21. is raining 22. gave 23. come 24. will build

25. comes


1. inventing 2. newspaper 3. all 4. Most 5. understand

6. moved 7. umbrella 8. so-so 9. April 10. luck

11. talks about English teaching 12. fly to Paris 13. couldn’t sleep

14. was with 15. for half an hour


(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇2

Unit Six Find the right place ?

二. 重点、难点

1. 表示方位的短语

in, next to, behind , in front of , on the right , between, beside

2. Ask for directions.询问方向

Excuse me, where is the ……?

Excuse me, Which is the way to….?

3. Giving directions.指点方向

Sorry, I am a stranger here.

You’d better take a bus.

Go down this street.

三. 具体内容

1. 表示方位的短语

It’s next to the ……..

It’s in front of the ………

It’s behind the …….

It’s outside the ……

It’s on the left(right)of the …….

In the middle of ….

Between….. and

In the front(back)row

At the back of….

On the left(right)side

2. Ask for directions. 询问方向

Excuse me. Where is the nearest …..?

Excuse me. Is there a ….. near here?

Excuse me. Which is the way to….?

Excuse me. How can I get to…..?

Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to…..?

Excuse me. Do you know the way to…..?

3. Giving directions. 指点方向

Walk along this road.

Take the second turning on the right.

Turn right at the second turning.

It’s about 100 metres away.

It’s quite far from here.

It’s over there on the left.

It’s about five minutes’ walk from there.

It’s about a hundred metres along on the right.

I think you need a No 1 bus.

I’m sorry I don’t know. You can ask the police over there.

4. Thank you all the same.

All the same “尽管如此,仍然”

He gives me a lot of trouble----- but I like him all the same.

也可以说 Thank you anyway. Thank you anyhow

5. He needs some help.


Children need milk.

This soup needs more salt.

-Need we go so soon?

-No, we needn’t.

-Yes, we must.

He needs to study hard.

The clothes needs washing.

6. It’s about a hundred metres along on the right.

确数表达方式:two hundred / three thousand / five million

概数表达方式:hundreds of / millions of / thousands of

“along” 意为“向前”adv.

Go along the road. Along意为“沿着”

7. The six students must keep their hands behind their backs.

句子的结构是 S+ V+ O+ P

You must keep the classroom clean.

The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.

Don’t keep your parents waiting for you at the school gate.

与keep 有关的短语还有:


keep well

How long can I keep it?

8. All the six students do as the teacher says.


All here is yours.

All the food is on the table.

All the boys want to see the film.

The boys all want to see the film.

All of the boys want to see the film.

As 是连词 “ 如…..一样”

You’d better do as your mother says.

As I was walking in the park, an accident happened.

I’d like to go abroad as you do.

9. At this moment, the teacher tells the other students to open their eyes, and guess who has the coin. 这时,老师告诉其他的学生睁开眼睛, 猜一猜硬币在谁的手里。

At this moment= at the moment= now 此刻

与moment 有关的短语还有:

at any moment 任何时刻 for the moment 暂时 in a moment 立刻

She is short of money for the moment.

You can come at any moment.

I’ll ring him in a moment.

Guess 既可用于动词,也可用于名词

They can have only three guesses.

They can guess three times.

Can you guess who broke the window?

10. Are you good at reading maps?

Be good at = do well in

Are you good at English?

Are you doing well in English?

Reading maps 看地图

11. He finds it very hard to travel round big city because he doesn’t know the way.


find +it+ adj. to do

We all think it important to study English well.

She finds it interesting to talk with him.


[例1] - _____ is your school?

- Only five minutes’ walk.

A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How many


[例2] Lily is drawing on the blackboard, but where are _____ students?

A. the other B. other C. another D. the others


[例3 ] That shop is about _____ along on the left.

A. two hundred metres B. two hundreds metres

C. a hundred metre D. a hundreds metres


[例4] You’d ____ go there.

A. better don’t B. better not C. not better D. better not to


[例5] There are some trees _____ the house.

A. in front of B. in the front of

C. on front of D. on the front of


[例6] His watch is broken. He needs _____ a watch shop.

A. to look for B. to find C. looking for D. finding


[例7] The factory is about 5,000 metres _____.

A. far B. far away C. away D. long away


[例8] You _____ look out of the window in class.

A. aren’t B. don’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t


[例9] _____ bus do I take? The No 22 bus.

A. Which number B. What C. How D. Whose


[例10] The police station is ______ the street.

A. before B. at C. in front of D. along



一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words

1. Walk along the road and take the _____(four)turning on the left.

2. The other students in the class keep their eyes ______(close)

3. I find it very hard______(travel)in a big city.

4. It’s easy_____(find)it.

5. _____(Canada)speak English and French.

6. You’d better _____(catch)a bus. It’s too far.

7. March 8th is ______(woman)Day.

8. My pen is at home. May I use______(you)?

9. It’s eight o’clock. Jim _______(write).

10. Keep ______(try)and you’ll make it.

二. Finish off the sentences

1. She needs some water. (否定句)

She _____ ______ ______ water.

2. My sister stands next to Jim.

______ _____ your sister ______?

3. He can only guess six times. (同义句)

He can only _______ _______ _____ .

4. We are all warm- hearted. (同义句)

______ ______ ______ are warm-hearted.

5. Please take the second turning on the left.

Please ______ left ______ the second turning.

6. The hospital is near the school.

The hospital isn’t ______ ______ the school.

7. You must do your homework now. (一般疑问句及否定句)

______I ______ ______ homework now?

______, you ______.

8. The student must keep their eyes closed.

______ ______ the students ______?

三. Complete the dialogue

A:____1____ _____2_____. Is there a post office near here?

B:I’m ____ 3 ____here. I don’t ____4____. You’d better ____5 ____that man over there.

A:Thank you ____6___ ___7_____ ____ 8 .

Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

B:No. the ____9_____ is 6 kilometers ____10____. You need ___11 ____12____ a bus.

A: 13_____ number do I need?

B:I think you ___14______ a number 42 .

A:Thank you very much.

B:You’re _____15_____.


一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words

1. fourth 2. closed 3. to travel 4. to find 5. Canadians

6. catch 7. women’s 8. yours 9. is writing 10. trying

二. Finish off the sentences

1. doesn’t ; need ; any 2. Where ; does ; stand

3. have / make ; three ; guesses 4. All ; of ; us

5. turn ; at 6. far ; from

7. Must ; I ; do ; my ; No ; needn’t 8. What ; must ; do

三. Complete the dialogue

1. Excuse 2. me 3. new 4 know 5 ask

6. all 7. the 8 same 9. nearest 10. away

11. to 12. catch 13. Which 14. need 15. welcome

★ (人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 8-9

★ (人教版+朗文)九年级期末复习:语法复习

★ (人教版+朗文)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 8 Lesson 30

★ 初二人教版台阶教案

★ 人教版初二英语下册知识点

★ 初二物理人教版教学设计

★ 初二人教版数学教学设计

★ 人教版初二下册语文复习资料

★ 初二人教版下册英语复习提纲

(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇3





语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇

1.Is this your pencil?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

2. What’s this in English?

It’s a pencil.

3. How do you spell pencil? * 通过上下文内在的逻辑关系,完成对话等练习。

* 运用猜测这一练习,复习字母和单词拼写。 * the alphabet

* pencil, pen, book,eraser, ruler, notebook, ring, key, pencil case, backpack, ID card,baseball, watch, computer game

语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习

1. 指示代词:this, that

2. What 引导的问句

3. Yes/No简单问答

4. 句型:How do you spell…? * 辨认物品的所有者

* 询问英语中对应的表达法 * 艺术:画出所学物品并依此编写对话

* 文学/语言艺术:利用卡通画学习单词和句型




Things in the classroom

Task One:

Game: Find the owner

Task Two:

Game: Join pieces and read the notices and find the things from “Lost & Found”







Unit 2 Is this your pencil?


第一课时: P7-P8 第二课时: P9-P10

第三课时: P11 第四课时: P12及处理练习册

第一课时: P7-P8

Step 1. Warming-up

T: Good morning. My name is …. What’s your name?

S: Good morning. My name is ….

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

Step 2. 讲授1a中的新单词。

1、老师可利用实物进行教授单词,使用的句型是: What’s this in English?(此时,只需学生能够理解该句型,不必会说,老师多次的重复是为学生下一节课掌握提供大量的语言输入做准备)这一步是针对一般学校来设计的,如果好一点的学生,我们可以直接进入1A,让学生直接完成match的任务,然后订正答案。




Step 3. Presentation






Step 4. Listening



Step 5. Games


注明:老师对学生的一些物品收集上来,放在一个箱子里,请一个学生上前来,蒙上眼睛,从箱子里取出一样物品,全班学生一同发问,“What’s this in English?”,这名学生猜,使用句型为“Is it a/an…?”猜到之后,可以回座位,每位学生有两次机会猜,否则就视为失败。

Step 6. Grammar focus

1. Is this your pencil ? Yes, it is.

2. Is this my pen ? No, it isn’t.

3. Is that his book ? Yes, it is.

4. Is that her eraser ? No, it isn’t.

Step 7. Homework.



Step 1. Revision


- What’s this in English ?

- It’s a/an …

- How do you spell that?

- …


Step 2. Ask and answer

1、以小组为单位,做3b和section B-1a的对话练习。


Step 3. Listening



Step 4. Games


Step 5. The alphabet



Step 6. Practise


Step 7. Homework




Step 2. Ask and answer


Step 3. Task 1



Step 4. Task 2



Step 5. Homework


Step 1. Revision



Step 2. Exercises


Step 3. Game



Step 4. Reading阅读“Just for fun!”

Step 5. Having a quiz

(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇4



()1.We have math and Chinese _____ Friday morning.A.at B.in C.on D.for()2.My mother is strict _____ me.A.in B.with C.of D.at()3.I don’t like science _____ it’s difficult.A.so B.but C.and D.because()4.The students are _____ after P.E.class.A.busy B.interesting C.tired D.relaxing()5.—_____ is your favorite action movie actor?—Jackie Chan.A.What B.Who C.When D.Where()6.Nick is two years old._____ favorite food is chicken.A.My B.His C.Our D.Your()7.—Do you have _____ tomatoes?—Sorry, I don’t have _____, but I have _____ carrots.A.any;any, some B.some;some, some C.any;some, some D.any;any, any()8.Today we have _____ classes, and the _____ class is math.A.three, three B.first, three C.three, first D.third, three()9._____ bedroom is very big.They like it very much.A.Jim and Jeff B.Jim’s and Jeff C.Jim’s and Jeff’s D.Jim and Jeff’s

()10.—What is your favorite _____?—Blue.A.color

B.food C.teacher D.sport()11.Look!He is in a new sweater.How ___he is!A.free B.difficult C.cool D.easy()12.I like science , _______ it’s difficult.A.and B.or C.but D.because()13.We have history ____ Monday and Thursday.A.on B.in C.at D./()14.–________do you have art ?---On Wednesday.A.What B.When C.Where D.How()15.They play basketball ______ two hours every day.A.on B.from C.in D.for()16.I’m tired(累的)______happy.A.and B.with C.or D.but()17.Math is difficult__________ boring for me.A.and B.with C.or D.but 1()18.Jim likes to play football _____ his friends on Sundays.A.with B.for C.of D.to()19.My father often finishes ______ breakfast at 7:30 a.m.every morning.A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.eats()20.Mary’s favorite _______is Friday.A.month B.day C.subject D.time()21.– ______ does he like science ? –Because it’s interesting.A.What B.Why C.When D.Where()22.—When do you have your English lessons ?—On_______.A.the morning B.the Friday morning C.Friday morning D.the morning Friday()23.I’m_______ you are right.A.sure B.good C.think D.know()24.I think science is really ________.I don’t like it.A.difficult B.interesting C.exciting D.funny


Hi!I’m Cheng Ling.I’m a 11 of Class 3, Grade 7.My school life(生活)is very 12.We have four classes in the 13.Classes begin at 8 o’clock.In the afternoon, we have two classes.We have English, science, history, music, and 14 other subjects.15 is my favorite subject.I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends.But I 16 science, because I think it’s difficult and 17.Do you think so? After school, I often play soccer with 18 friends.Sometimes I swim in a swimming club.But my favorite sport is volleyball.And I can play it 19.I like my school life very much.20 you tell me about your school life?()11.A.runner

B.student C.musician D.teacher()12.A.scary

B.boring C.interesting D.difficult()13.A.night

B.afternoon C.evening D.morning()14.A.some

B.any C.a lot

D.a little()15.A.History

B.Music C.Math

D.Science()16.A.don’t like

B.doesn’t like C.like D.likes()17.A.relaxing B.interesting C.boring D.fun()18.A.our B.her C.his D.my()19.A.nice B.fine C.well D.good()20.A.Can B.Do C.Are D.Does



Miss Li is my English teacher.She is from Shanghai.She has one English class every day.Oh, no!She has two English classes on Tuesday.Miss Li has two daughters.One is Sally.She is in our class, Class Two.Sally likes sports.She plays soccer every day.Her favorite soccer player is Ronaldo from Brazil(巴西).Sally’s twin(双胞胎的)sister Susan is in Class One.She 2 doesn’t like any subjects.She doesn’t like to do her homework.She only likes playing with her friend Jeff.Jeff is a white cat.()21.Miss Li has _____.A.two English classes on Monday B.two daughters C.a soccer ball D.a white dog()22.We can know Ronaldo is a(n)_____ from the passage.A.English teacher B.student C.soccer player D.actor()23.Miss Li is from _____.A.England

B.Brazil C.America


A.Susan is Sally’s sister.B.Susan likes sports.C.Sally doesn’t often do her homework.D.Sally likes playing with Jeff.()25.下面哪项陈述是错误的?

A.Sally plays soccer every day.B.Susan doesn’t like any subjects.C.Susan and Sally are in different classes.D.Jeff is a dog.四、情景交际

根据对话内容补全所缺句子。A: Hey, Bob!26 ? B: Yes, I do.Our school is very big and nice.A: Are you good with your new classmates? B: Yes, I am.They are friendly to me.A: 27 ? B: Mr Miller.His Chinese is very good.I like his classes.A: Really? 28 ? B: Yes, he is.I like him best.A: 29 ? B: We usually have Chinese on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.A: 30 ? B: Yes, I do.Jenny is in our class and she is Mr Miller’s daughter.五、词汇


31.I can’t see _________(some)dogs in the room.32.Ken has two favorite _________(subject).33.Mr Green is my science _________(teach).34.Beijing and Shanghai are big _________(city).35.My little sister knows a lot of _________(word).六、完成句子


Do you _________ computer games _________ your sister every day? 37.王先生没有问我问题。

Mr Wang doesn’t _________ me _________ questions.38.谁是你最喜爱的老师?

_________ is your _________ teacher? 3 39.不要围着桌子跑。

Don’t _________ _________ the table.40.今天你妈妈很忙吗?

_________ your mother very _________ today? B)根据括号内的要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩写)。41.He likes biology best.(改为同义句)_________ favorite _________ is biology.42.After lunch he has math.(改为否定句)After lunch he _________ _________ math.43.I like Mr Miller because he is fun.(对划线部分提问)_________ _________ you like Mr Miller? 44.I don’t think art is interesting.(改为同义句)I _________ art is _________.45.Scott has music on Monday.(对划线部分提问)_________ _________ Scott have music?


请根据下面的提示,以My favorite day为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,可适当发挥。提示内容:

1.你叫Mike,星期天是你最喜爱的一天,因为那天你不用上学; 2.你可以去游泳俱乐部游泳,还可以和你的好朋友Nick玩; 3.介绍你的好朋友Nick:它是一只白色的小狗。

人教版高二unit3 篇5


Teacher Li Shujuan

School Fu Song No.1 Middle School

Type Warming up / Listening



Demands knowledge 1. To learn more about art and literature.

2. To encourage Ss to activate the relevant vocabulary

ability 1. To widen Ss’ range of knowledge.

2. To develop Ss’ listening abilities.

moral To arouse the Ss’ interest in art and literature, and to get the Ss’ to appreciate them.

Key points To know about art and literature.

To master and practice listening skills

Teaching aids computer and tape recorder

Teaching procedures

Step I Lead in :

To show some pictures about Modern Buildings and Traditional Buildings and ask Ss to express their ideas about them. Then to come out come words to help to introduce the listening methods

No. 1

Step 2 Present situation 1:

To listen to an unfamiliar listening material.


Teacher’s tip: Enable Ss to focus on specific words to finish Ex.1 and Ex.3

1. Take the listening text for example to explain how to get the specific information.

2. Instruct Ss to listen to the text. methods


Specific words

Step 3 Present situation 2:

To listen to a unfamiliar listening material.


To practice how to get unfamiliar sentences in the listening material.

To listen to the text and do EX.2 Listening

Specific sentences

Step 4 Present situation 3:

To Determine Context (听取大意)


To encourage Ss to summarize the main idea of the listening text .

Procedure: Listening

Summing up

Get the Ss to summarize the listening by filling the table.

Names Likes Dislikes



Step 5. Access:

To have a quiz on the workbook to access the teaching effect.

Step 6. Homework:

1. To listen to I-IV on the Extensive Reading Book.

2. To read the comprehension texts on Buildings in the Entrance Examination paper of and 2oo2.


(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇6

1. 做某种选择 make certain choice 2. 古典音乐 classical music

3一张木头做的餐桌 a kitchen table made of wood 4. 个人风格 personal style

5.中国古建筑 classical Chinese architecture 6. 违背,对。。。不利 go against

7.发展中国家 developing countries 8. 天坛 the Temple of Heaven

9.更接近自然 stand much closer to nature 10. 在建设中under construction

11.在…的内部及周边 in and around 12.悉尼歌剧院 the Opera House in Sydney

13. 黑体字 words in bold 14. 流畅的线条 the flowing lines

15. 和…比较 compared with 16. 属于 belong to

17. 从自然中举例子take examples from nature 18. 都一样, 仍然all the same

19.充满 be filled with /be full of 20.用…装满 fill up with

21. 从上面看view from the top 22. 把…置于一旁,储蓄set… aside

23. 把…和…连在一起join … to 24. 装饰着be decorated with

25. 匆忙, 很快地 in a hurry 26. 充当act as

27拆倒. pull down 28. 和…分享share with

29. 在…的选择上 in the choice of 30. 在建设中 under construction

31.覆盖着 be covered with 32. 被…盖着 be covered by

33. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. of sth . 34. 使…变得特别 make sth. special

35.成功地做某事 succeed in doing sth 36.工厂的重生 a second life for factory

37.平面布局 the floor plan 38.拆除 pull down

39.兵工厂 army factory 40.在20世纪50年代早期 in the early 1950s

41.初出茅庐的艺术家 beginning artists 42.在临近地区 in the neighbourhood

43.摇滚乐手 rock musicians 44.艺术展 art exhibitions

45.列出…的清单 make lists of 46.外国侵略者 foreign invaders

47.量体温 take one’s temperature 48.展览 on display

49.以…终结 end up in 50.第一眼 at first glance

51.设定目标 set goals 52.艺术作品 art works

53. prefer sth. 54. 某物给某人印象深刻sth. impress sb.

prefer sth to sth. 使某人牢记某事 ,给某人印象深刻

Prefer to do sth rather than do sth. .impress sth on sb /impress sb.with sth.

=prefer doing sth to doing sth 给某人留下印象make an impression on.sb.

prefer sb(not) to do sth. 55.发现某人做某事 find sb.doing sth

would prefer that…. 发现某事被做成了find sth.done

偏爱have a preference for sth/doing sth 56. in style/out of style 流行/过时

have a preference of sth to sth in the western style西式

56.充满了奇妙的色彩与形状 full of fantastic colours and shape

57.感觉他们冷漠不友好 experience them as cold and unfriendly

58.在墙上张贴两幅图片 put up two pictures on the wall

II. Structures

1.If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like?

(主句谓语would do 从句谓语were/ did) 表示与现在或将来事实相反

2.The room was furnished with antiques. (be furnished with furnish sth with with)

3.It is also convenient to live close to your work.

4.I wouldn’t feel happy living in a block of apartments.

5.Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.

6.1)Modern buildings impress us because they are huge. (impress sb)

We were most impressed by/with your efficiency.

2)The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.

(impress sth. on/upon sb)

3)The impression she makes on me is that she is honest. (make/leave an impression on sb.)

7.Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.

8..Most of Gaudi’s works were constructed in and around Barcelona. Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.

10.Birds fill up the spaces between the branches of their nests with soft materials.

11.Honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow.

12.I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.

13.At last I succeeded in making myself understood.

14.Often these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.

15.1)The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture.

2)She sets aside a bit of money every month.

3)I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

4)Let’s set aside my personal feelings.

16.Music bands rent space to practise.

17.1)They like these buildings because the rooms and halls are often very large, which is good for

artists who want to make large objects. (be good for…)

2)Is this kind of food good for me?

(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 篇7

1. at a time: 每次

at times 有时候 at one time曾经

at no time 决不 all the time 一直

at the same time 同时;尽管如此,然而

2. bargain with sb 与某人讲价

3. a furnished flat一套有家具的公寓

4. There was an electric bell that did not work., with a card bearing the name “….

work: 运转,运作

bear: 上面有, 携带写着….

5. attend to: 注意,专心 = pay attention to

处理 = deal with

照料 = look after

6. go far: (钱等)耐花,价值大(常用于否定句)效力大,大有帮助;成功

7. be worthy of:值得

8. take great pride in: 对…感到无比骄傲

9. do up: 系,扣;do up the buttons

收拾,整理 do up the furniture


包裹 do up the presents

10. hesitate for a minute 迟疑了一会儿

11. stand still 站着一动不动

12. run up one flight of stairs 跑上一段台阶

13. turn … inside out 彻底翻查…..

14. out of 因为…, 出于…..

Language study:

1. come into being 形成,产生

2. fail to 做不成….

3. let sb down 让某人失望

4. claim your baggage 提取行李

Integrating Reading:

1. double the watch chain 对折表链

2. be burdened with a family 承担起养家的重担

3. fix one’s eyes upon/ on sth 注视,凝视

4. stare at 盯着看,凝视

glare at怒视 glance at扫视

5. have my hair cut 剪头发

6. live through Christmas度过圣诞节

7. be good to sb 对某人好

8. make a mistake about对……误解

9. in the way of ……这一类东西;在……方面

10. tear at 撕开,扯开

11. a set of combs 一套梳子

12. at length 1.)最后,终于2.) 详细地 3)长时间地

13. put away把……放一边

14. burst into tears 突然大哭


1. 你的建议值得考虑。

2. 书上有/写着作者的签名。

3. 我今天还有很多事要处理。

4. 尽管他是个小孩,他回自己系纽扣。

5. 尽管他每月赚1000元,还是不足以维持家庭。(go far)

6. 他详细地谈了他的工作。

7. 我们一定不会让你失望的。
