Danny is alittle pig.He is unhappy because he wants to leave home to see the world.It’s a sunny day.Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping.On his way ,he meets an elephant ,a peacock and a rabbit.At last ,he gets to a lake.He looks at his reflection in the water and says,“I wish I have an elephant’s nose ,a peacock’s tail and a rabbit’s ears.” After a while ,Danny’s wish comes true.He runs back excitedly.But his parents can’t recognize Danny ,“Go away, you’re not our son.” Danny is afraid, so Danny goes to the lake again.“I just want to be a pig.” He says sadly.Danny waits and waits.He becomes a pig again.Danny runs back quickly , his parents hug and says ,“This is our lovely baby.”
Feminist critics explore the patriarchal social forces that have impeded women’s efforts to achieve full equality with men.They also explore women’s consciousness of struggling against men’s repression.However, such points of view are only one-sided.The significances implied in it are more profound and complex.Kate Chopin not only has sympathy with the heroine but also gives a poignant irony, which presents her contradictory attitude to independent freedom.
The title“The Story of an Hour”itself implies ironic meaning.It’s more obvious to see this when it’s first published with the title“The Dream of an Hour”.Life and death, freedom and repression, all included in Mrs.Mallard’s experience within an hour, yet can be read by readers only in a couple of minutes.The freedom that Mrs.Mallard envisions is just a dream that can never come true, for she finally dies of such“Monstrous joy”or“joy that kills”.
Irony is implied from the beginning of the story.Richards and Josephine take it for granted that Mrs.Mallard loves her husband too deeply to accept the fact of his death.So“grea care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news…”The story presents a striking contrast between Mrs.Mallard’s real inner world and their cautiousness.It’s ironic that Mrs Mallard’s ecstatic“self-assertion”is interpreted by Josephine as grief.Josephine implores“before the closed door with her lips with the keyhole”, not knowing that her sister actually has become a“goddess of victory”.Her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards take the greatest care of her.Bu such concerns are subjective, which lack hearty communication and close attention to individual life.Their invisible forces create a cage decorated with“love”in which Mrs.Mallard has to live and received everything from outside passively.
Relationship among the characters in the story is not complex, but is endowed with particular significance in expanding the theme, because Chopin strengthens the absurdity of the relationship, which seems perfect apparently.
In paragraph 13, the story describes Mr.Brently Mallard as this:He is a man who“has kind, tender hands”, and“he never looked save with love”upon his wife.Mrs.Mallard admits“ye she had loved him———sometimes”.Mr.Mallard’s only“crime”is coming from work one day, and yet he is the one who is bereaved at the end of the story, for reasons he will never understand.He is the man most deserving of sympathy.
According to traditional normal concepts, the marriage of this couple is happy, as what the people around her have expected.They are so sure of this that they see nothing of her real living state.Nobody understands what marriage means to her, including her closed-associated husband.Kate Chopin offers Mrs.Mallard’s bizarre story to reveal problems that are inherent in institution of marriage.Men and women in marriage help each other meanwhile become mutual spiritual shackles.Marriage itself means the end of the freedom of being single;also it means the mutual restriction of a couple.However, marriage has some advantages that the freedom of being single doesn’t have It is for such a reason that Kate Chopin expresses her deep love to her dead husband in its diary that“she would unhesitatingly give up everything”if it were possible for her husband to come back to earth.“To do that, I would have to forget the past ten years of my growth———my real growth.But I would take back a little wisdom with me, it would be the spirit of perfect acquiescence.”
This passage of her diary raised provocative questions that how“the spirit of perfect acquiescence”relates to Mrs.Mallard’s“self-assertion”.This diary was written only one month after Chopin wrote this story.If her diary reflected her true feeling of that period, there would be no difficulty in understanding her ironic attitude to the pursuit of freedom.Although Chopin’s deep feelings toward her husband might not result in“the Story of an Hour”, reading her diary can still add to the possibilities of interpretation of it.The connection between a real author and a literary work can’t be cut off completely.
It is ironic when Mrs.Mallard’s life parallels the end of winter and the earth’s renewal in spring.When she feels a surge of new life after grieving over her husband’s death, her own sensibilities are closely aligned with the“new spring life”that is“all quiver”outside her windows.Although she initially tries to resist that renewal by“beating it back with her will”she can’t control life force that surges within her and all around her, she feels triumphant———like a“goddess of victory”.But this victory is short-lived when she learns that her husband is still alive and with him all the obligations that make her marriage feel like a wasteland.The surprising ending suggests Kate Chopin’s satire to Mrs.Mallard in a clear way.Mrs.Mallard, who“was drinking in a very elixir of life”dies of“joy that kills” (the doctor’s diagnose) only several minutes later.Readers can get the reason easily that she loses her life for the disillusionment of freedom, while all the other people believe in the doctor’s diagnose.This produces a kind of dramatized irony.I is possible that she is so profoundly guilty about feeling“free”at her husband’s expense that she has a heart attack.Whatever reason it is, her death is an ironic version of a rebirth ritual The coming of spring is an ironic contrast to her own discovery that she can no longer live a repressed, circumscribed life with her husband.Death turns out to be preferable to the living death that her marriage actually means to her.Although spring will go on, this“goddess of victory”is defeated by a devastating socia contract.The old corrupt social order continues, which is a cruel irony for Chopin.
Above all, Chopin’s irony aims at“freedom”itself.The last phrase“joy that kills”works in concerns with“monstrous joy”, suggesting“monstrous joy”which stands for the spirit o freedom controls Mrs.Mallard successfully and leads to her sudden death.The crowning irony is the doctor’s assumption that she dies of joy rather than of the shock of having to abandon her newly discovered self once she realizes her husband is still alive.In the course of an hour, Mrs.Mallard’s life is irretrievably changed:her husband’s assumed accidental death frees her but the fact that he lives and all the expectations imposed on her by his continued life kill her.She does, indeed die of a broken heart.But only Chopin’s readers know the rea ironic meaning of it.
Critics always regard Kate Chopin as a pioneer of feminis literature.However, for varieties of reasons, the author may take different stands and share different opinions while producing distinct works.Therefore, we shouldn’t analyze her works only from one aspect.In“The Story of an Hour”, we should see both the feminism and the poignant irony in it.S
摘要:长期以来, 许多评论家认为凯特.肖邦的《一小时的故事》是一篇女性主义作品。但本篇论文不仅从文章标题、语言的应用、主人公之间的关系, 还从具体的情节以及作者自身所撰写的日记探索了故事中所表现出来的戏剧化的讽刺。肖邦尽管对女主人公持同情态度, 但也对她的行为反应进行了一定的讽刺。总的说来, 作者对女性所获得的独立自由的态度是矛盾的。
[1]张强.爱的悲歌:浅析凯特.肖邦的《一个小时的故事》[J].名作欣赏, 1999 (3) .
[2]申丹.叙事文本与意识形态:对凯特.肖邦《一小时的故事》的重新评价[J].外国文学评论, 2004 (1) .
阅读= 游戏
讲述: 雨珂妈妈, 女儿14个月
有一本书《How Do DinosaursSay Good Night ?》(《恐龙是怎样道晚安的?》),里面有十多种恐龙的单词,我是第一次见到,而且那些单词都很长。我查了它们的正确发音,自己先学会了,念流利了,然后才给宝宝读。
书读过后, 其实还有很多事情可做。比如,那本《We’v e a l lgot bellybuttons》(《我们都有肚脐眼》),原文中有:“We’ve got earsand so do you, We can pull them, canyou ?”(“我们有耳朵,你也有。我们可以拉拉耳朵,你可以吗?”)“We’ve got hands and so do you. We canclap them, can you?” (“我们有手,你也有。我们可以拍拍手,你可以吗?”)平时和孩子玩时,我就会跟她一起边说边做,在日常生活中把这些句子真正用起来。
即便在念给她听的过程中,也可以不失时机地加入动作,宝宝更喜欢这样的“阅读游戏”。比如在讲《Good Night Moon》(《月亮,晚安》)时,有一句“a quiet old lady whisperinghush…”我每次念到这句时都会把手放到嘴边,特别夸张地拖长“sh——”。宝宝也学着把手放嘴边来模仿这个动作。我高兴地亲她一下,她模仿得就更起劲了,这本书也轻轻松松地被孩子消化了。
讲述:逗逗妈, 女儿2 岁10个月
生孩子之后,偶然看了R u b i e父母写的《宝贝比我强》,更坚定了我在生活中对孩子说英语、给她看英文书的决心,并开始尝试。
我的孩子性格属于比较好动的,很难坐得住。一年多以来,除了断断续续地坚持对她说英语以外,从2 岁左右开始,基本上坚持每天晚上睡前跟孩子一起看15 分钟的英文童书。慢慢地,一到上床时间,孩子就自己去选书。
这期间她最喜欢看的是小本的手掌书,比如《A ROOKIE READER》。那时候孩子的日常会话基本没问题了,能听懂,但很少开口说。但是读到:“Let's touch ice. Ice is cold.”(“摸一摸冰,冰是凉的。”)她就站在小凳子上到冰箱里去拿冰块,然后看着冰在手里融化成水,说:“Iceis dripping. Ice is fun!” (“冰化了,真好玩!”) 当时的感觉真是非常好,终于看到了这种潜移默化的效果。
2.选择孩子容易理解的英文故事书,难度控制掌握i ( 现在的语言理解水平) +1,太难了,超出孩子的理解水平,孩子很容易失去兴趣。
讲述:清清妈,儿子6 岁半
清清6 岁半了, 没有考过级,甚至没有正儿八经地上过牛津、剑桥之类的英语培训。可是他喜欢英语,能用英语写简短的日记,自己拼读简单的英文书,与老外交流也毫不发怵。作为英文口语水平并不高的父母,我们所做的,是从送给他一副听英语的“耳朵”开始。
最早是从那些文字压韵而短小,图画清晰可爱的书开始的。曾经有一本《Tiny Tiger》, 清清非常喜欢,我觉得就是那种压韵而短小的语音吸引了他——即使妈妈的语音不完美,宝宝都觉得很好听,我想这就够了。
“而无用的人经常自以为是,将他们的无能隐藏在优越感背后。” Jean was walking with his grandfather through a public square in Paris.At a certain point, he saw a shoemaker being mistreated by a client, whose footwear showed a flaw.The shoemaker listened calmly to the complaint and apologized, promising to correct the error.Jean and his grandfather stopped to have coffee at a bistro.At the table next to them, the waiter asked a man to move his chair a little in order to make space.That man burst into a torrent of complaints and refused to move.“Never forget what you have seen today,” Jean’s grandfather said, “the shoemaker accepted the complaint, while this man next to us didn’t want to move.“Useful men, who do useful things, don’t mind being treated as useless.“But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority.”
错误的礼物 10 second reading: the wrong gift 我的一个朋友Miie T.——她曾是一位经济学家——决定抛弃一切,致力于学画。
A friend of mine, Miie T.decided to abandon everything she knew — she was an economist — in order to dedicate herself to painting.For years she sought an adequate master until she met a woman who lived in Tibet and specialized in miniatures.Miie left Japan and went to the Tibetan mountains and moved in with the teacher, who was extremely poor, to learn what she needed to learn.At the end of the first year, Miie returned to Japan for a couple of days and returned to Tibet with suitcases filled with gifts.When her teacher saw what she had brought, she began to cry and asked Miie not to come back to her home, saying, “Before your trip, our relation was of equality and love.You had a roof, food and paints.“Now, as you brought me these gifts, you have established a social difference between us.“If this difference exists, there can’t be comprehension and surrendering.”
救了我命的那条鱼 The fish who saved my life 有一次,纳斯尔丁经过一个山洞,看见一位瑜伽士在里面陷入沉思的样子,就问他想弄明白什么。瑜伽士说:
“我研究动物,在它们身上学到了许多可以改变人类一生的道理。” “有一条鱼曾经救了我的命,”纳斯尔丁回答,“如果你能把知道的都教我,我就告诉你发生了什么。”
Nasrudin is walking past a cave when he sees a yogi, deep in meditation, and he asks the yogi what he is searching for.The yogi says: „I study the animals and have learned many lessons from them that can transform a man‟s life.‟
„A fish once saved my life,‟ Nasrudin replies.„If you teach me everything you know, I will tell you how it happened.‟
The Yogi is astonished;only a holy man could be saved by a fish.And he decides to teach Nasrudin everything he knows.When he has finished, he says to Nasrudin: „Now that I have taught you everything, I would be proud to know how a fish saved your life.‟
„Very simple,‟ says Nasrudin, „I was almost dying of hunger when I caught it and, thanks to that fish, I had enough food for three days.‟
法律与水果 The law and the fruits 在沙漠中的一个地区,水果稀缺。神叫来一位他的预言家,说:--让每个人一天只能吃一个水果。
但是这里的人们依然每天只吃一个水果 —— 他们虔诚地遵守着祖先中的预言家说过的话。然而,他们从不让其他村子的居民分享每年的丰厚收成。
预言家回到村子里传达新的神谕。但是却被村民用石头砸死了—— 因为流传下来的习惯已经在当地居民心中根深蒂固。
There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don’t know the exact numbers.
In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they arescary. Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas, koala bears are so cuteand smart. Some animals live in the water, such as dolphins. They need a lot of water for their home. And elephants with long nose are very strange. They can sing and dance. The giraffes are quite tall because of their long necks. So they can reach the top of the trees.
The farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious meal.
That night he thought, I neednt work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump.
So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for rabbits to come and run into it.
Think about this fact: The 26 letters of our alphabet have 44 sounds, but those 44 sounds have 256 differ-ent spelling combinations! Thousands of words in English are formed from old Greek and Latin roots. (The Greek root“graph”, meaning“writing”or“drawing”, has hundreds of English words stemming from it. The Lat-in root,“audio”, meaning“to hear”, also has hundreds of English words stemming from it.) Besides, the Eng-lish language had“borrowed”words from many other languages.⑴English“borrowed”such words as chocolate and banana from the Spanish; moccasin from the American Indian; chopsuey1 from the Chinese; confetti2from the Italian; and chauffeur3from the French. These examples are only a very few of the“borrowed”words in the English language.
An unabridged4dictionary is helpful for finding the source of words. The source will help you understand why a sound may be spelled one way in one word and another way in a different word. For example, the“sh” sound has fourteen different spellings. Two words with the“sh”sound are“ship”and“sugar”. The“sh”sound in“sugar”is spelled without the“h”; the“sh”sound in“ship”has the“h”.
The word“ship”came to the English originally from the German. They called it“Schiff”. The Danish add-ed the word to their language and pronounced it“skib”. The Icelandic5language spelled it“skip”. The Dutch added the word to their language and spelled it“schip”. The word then came into the Anglo-Saxon language and was spelled first as“scyp”and later as“scip”. Modern English seems to have combined several of the spellings and pronunciations of other languages to arrive at the present word“ship”.
The word“sugar”had traveled halfway across the globe before it came to England.⑵Sugar originally was called “carkara” in India. The word moved west to Asia Minor and became “sakkar” in Arabia6. Sakkar moved to southern Europe, to Spain, and became“azucar”. Moving north to France, the word became“sucre”.In Middle English the word became“sugre”.“Sugar”in modern English, seems to have combined the begin-ning letters of Middle English and French with the ending letters of Spanish, Arabic, and Indian.
New Words & Phrases
stem from...: 源自……; Asia Minor: 小亚细亚; Middle English: 中世纪英语
Main Ideas
Para. 1: The questions to be discussed in this passage.
Para. 2: Several reasons why there are so many words in the English language.
Para. 3: Finding the source of words and figuring out their spellings and pronunciations.
Para. 4-5: The development of the words“ship”and“sugar”.
Key Point
[关键词] 英文电影作品英语教学
英语教学是一种人文素质教育,在使学生“具备言语的的得体性意识”的同时,还应在整体素质上进行多边交际的建构,“在生产性外语学习中,母语和目的语水平的提高相得益彰,对母语和目的语文化的理解互相促进,学习者的潜能得到发挥,人格向更加整合、更加健康的文化方向发展。这涉及到母语和目的语在语言、思维及文化方面的种种差异。语言差异的背后其实是广阔的文化体系的差异。由 于文化涵义的不同,英语学习中的理解难点往往不是来自词语自身,而是来自文化上的某种干扰,即语境中心所包含的副语言的和非语言的信息。这表明,学习语言不仅要充分了解思维差异对语言表达的影响,还要熟练掌握语言中的文化思维模式。而透过语言及思维所呈现出来的文化差异,还需要在熟悉西方国家的历史、文化、风俗和社会理念的过程中,去充分理解其中的内涵。
选择影视作品时,就其内容而言,应针对青少年学生的生理和心理特点,注意内容的思想性和时代性 。可选取历年的奥斯卡获奖作品,如体现生命尊严和价值的《辛德勒的名单》( Schindler’s List)、洋溢青春壮志豪情的《壮志凌云》( Top Gun)和反映真挚爱情的《西雅图不眠夜》( Sleepless in Seattle)等等 。选择时,要注意艺术欣赏和英语语言欣赏的结合 。好的影视作品能使学生通过丰富优美的语言更深刻地理解其内容,从而陶冶情操,获得美的享受 。
在影视作品的语言方面,所选取的英语影视作品的语言应尽可能规范,语速要适中,要考虑到作品应能尽量包括教学大纲和实际生活中经常使用的词汇 。例如迪斯尼出品的《狮子王》(Lion King) ,语言清晰 、规范,非常适合初级基础的学生使用 。而对于具备了一定的英语基础和听读实践的学生,所选的影视作品则应相应地适当增加难度,特别要注意选取一些英语原著或根据原著改编的具有文学欣赏价值和内涵深刻的作品,如根据莎士比亚作品改编的电影《罗密欧和朱丽叶》( Romeo and Juliet) ,做到了在忠实原著语言风格的基础上进行艺术的加工和再现,因而非常有利于提高学生在文学方面的修养 。
在影视作品字幕处理方面,对于原版电影的字幕,历来有很大的争议 。对于情节起伏较大 、语言相对复杂 、语速较快的影视作品,单纯依靠声音和画面,学生往往无法准确地把握作品的内容,谈不上理解和欣赏,甚至还会造成学生的紧张 、畏难情绪,因而不利于他们产生学习兴趣和树立学习信心 。但如果配有文字幕,学生又会产生依赖心理 所以,最理想的作品是配有英文字幕的影视作品 。运用这种字幕可实现声 、文 、意 、境四者的结合,能使学生更好地领会英语声 、文信息两方面的含义 。如果不能这样做,也可以选用中 、英文双声道的影视作品,放映时可以随时互换,做到两种字幕相互参照和补充。
在每个学期播放几部奥斯卡金奖影片和穿插教师遴选的英文电影摘选,使学生在整个学年都可以欣赏到诸如音乐片 、伦理片 、犯罪片 、侦探片 、爱情片 、历史片 、灾难片 、战争片及科幻片的代表作品。在播放前,教师可以简要介绍下影片背景,并提出相关问题和任务。在播中,教师可以提问和讲解影片结合。
四、布置讨论 、练习,提高学生的英语能力
在播放完每一部影片后,都从整部影片的角度出发,提出经典台词对白 、段落或经典主题歌并配有中文释义,要求学生掌握它们的发音 、语音 、语调 、语速 、连读,逐句聆听英文对白,反复跟读练习,达到会听 、会说的目的,并根据影片中经典部分和带有浓厚教育意义的英文对白按难易程度要求学生背诵,然后从单词听写到句子听写,根据听写状况调整听力背诵难度与内容,再组织学生分期 、分批 、分角色以小品的形式亲身 体验 英文 配音,亲身领悟丰富多彩的语言和变化万千的语气 、语调 、节奏和断句的方法 。在紧张和兴奋的真实情景中,做到神似并入戏,检验英语应用和表达能力 。然后组织学生讨论,研究影片的艺术思想,了解比较典型的语法现象,了解百年的西方文化精髓 。最后由浅入深 、循序渐进地引导学生进行各种短文写作练习,如写一篇影评或以习作的形式讨论与电影有关的问题,安排学生互相评阅,让他们做编辑,以此手段调动学生写作的兴趣和积极性,能有效地提高学生的英文写作水平。
[1]吴耘.电影视听英语教程[M] .北京:北京大学出版社,2002.
[2]电影欣赏与电影学习 〔M〕.青岛:青岛海洋大学出版社, 2002.