
2024-11-10 版权声明 我要投稿


连铸机械类英文翻译 篇1

name: nationality: china

current location: guangzhou national: han

exit and entry: hunan tall: 175 cm ? kg

marital status: married age: 40 years old

training certification: integrity badge:

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job ?

position: director / deputy director: production deputy director, director of the industrial / factory production manager

work experience: 18 title: no title

job type: full-time can be reported for duty - a week

monthly requirements: 5000 - 8000 hope that the working area: guangzhou, foshan

personal experience: company name: foshan luen fat metal can co., ltd. beginning and ending date :20xx-05 ~ 20xx-05

company nature: in their respective professions:

positions: deputy general manager

job description: responsible for personnel administration / production / technical / quality / material control / procurement / warehouse / equipment, such as the work of the department.

reasons for leaving:

company name: guangzhou city han machinery co., ltd. of beginning and ending date :20xx-04 ~ 20xx-04

company nature: private enterprises in their respective professions: machinery and equipment

positions: deputy general manager

工作描述: 负责人事行政/生产/技术/品质/物控/采购/仓库/设备等部门的工作。

causes of separation: the home of something

educational background

graduate institutions: the army, after extensive technical

highest level of education: college graduates - 1989-07-01

studies by a: machinery manufacturing science by two:

by education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

1986-09 1989-07 after the army institute of technology-canton maschinenfabrik tertiary 8,900,237

language ability

foreign language: russian general

mandarin level: the level of good cantonese: general

the ability to work and other expertise

1. familiar with the mechanical hardware and sheet metal processing technology and technical

2. familiar with electronics factory operation and management of the workshop.

3. familiar with the workshop, departments and companies of various procedures for the operation and management of

4. familiar with the qc methods and quality control of the seven

5. familiar with the internal audit and management review, and have been personally leading and planning the work of internal audit and management review

6. familiar with the quality management system and operation of the factory 6s

7. good personnel management, the promotion of human + of + the institutionalization of the principle of three-pronged program.

8, are familiar with press work and arrangements for processing.

9, familiar with the fuel injection, spraying operation and management of the program.

10, familiar with the heat treatment process and technology.

detailed personal autobiography

水果类英文翻译 篇2

火龙果 pitaya 菠萝 pineapple 柚子 shaddock(pomelo)枣Chinese date(去核枣 pitted date)树莓 raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry甘蔗 sugar cane木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya 杏子 apricot油桃 nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit 槟榔果 areca nut(西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach 荔枝 litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果 haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon 李子plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry 桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple杨桃starfruit 枇杷 loquat 柑橘 tangerine 莲雾wax-apple番石榴 guava

机械专业课程英文翻译 篇3

机械工程材料Mechanical Engineering Material90

工程力学Engineering Mechanics89

机械原理Principle of Mechanics85

机械原理课程设计Course Exercise for Principle of Mechanicsgood良好 机械设计Mechanical Design80

机械设计课程设计Course Exercise for Mechanical Designgood良好 液压与气压传动Hydraulic & Pneumatic Technology89

机械制造技术基础Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology77

机械制造装备设计Modern Manufacturing Equipment Design84

电工与电子技术Mechanical Electric Electronic Control Technique86

微型计算机原理Principle and Application of Microcomputer81

互换性与测量技术Fundamentals of Exchangeability and Measurement Technology 77

机械工程控制基础Introduction to Control Engineering85

计算机数控技术Technology and Application of Numerical Control Programming 77

PLCPrinciple and Application of PLC82

模具制造技术Mould Manufacture Technology76

传感器与测试技术Measurement and Testing Technology81

计算机辅助设计Computer-aided Design86

机械系统设计Mechanical System Design88

生产实习Production Practical Traininggood良好



Descriptive Geometry & Engineering Graphing85

Mechanical Engineering Material90

Engineering Mechanics89

Principle of Mechanics85

Course Exercise for Principle of Mechanicsgood

Mechanical Design80

Course Exercise for Mechanical Designgood

Hydraulic & Pneumatic Technology89

Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology77

Modern Manufacturing Equipment Design84

Mechanical Electric Electronic Control Technique86 Principle and Application of Microcomputer81

Fundamentals of Exchangeability and Measurement Technology 77 Introduction to Control Engineering85

计Technology and Application of Numerical Control Programming Principle and Application of PLC82

Mould Manufacture Technology76

Measurement and Testing Technology81

Computer-aided Design86

Mechanical System Design88

Production Practical Traininggood

Course Exercise for Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology

俄语机械类词汇 篇4

3.立式机床вертикальный(карусельный)станок;卧式机床горизонтальныйстанок 4.抛光机полировальныйстанок

5.精密机床прецизионный(точный)станок 6.冲孔机;冲床пробивнойстанок 7.对缝胶合机ребро-склеевочныйстанок 8.压直机;矫正机рихтовальныйстанок 9.砂轮机точильный(наждачный)станок 10.模压机штамповальныйстанок 11.点焊机точечнаямашина


13.切割机;锯床отрезнойстанок;пила;пильныйстанок 14.起重机вибратор


17.粉碎机зарядныйаппарат(зарядник)18.打桩机кран 19.搅拌机мешалка


21.机器制造工业машиностроительнаяпромышленность 22.重型机床станоктяжелоготипа

23.自动程序控制机床станок с автоматеческимпрограммнымуправлением

24.轴承(滚珠轴承,滚针轴承,微型轴承)подшипник(роликовый, игольчатый, микро-подшиник)25.冷锻车间холодноштамповочныйцех 26.热压车间цехгорячейпрессовки 27.铸造设备литейнаяустановка 28.辗压设备каточнаяустановка

29.机动车床универсальныйтокарныйстанок 30.皮带车床токарныйстанок с ременнымприводом 31.万能车床универсальныйстанок

32.螺纹铣床винтонарезнойфрезерныйстанок 33.台式铣床верстачный(настольный)фрезерныйстанок 34.万能摇臂钻床универсальныйдиально-сверлильныйстанок 35.双轴膛床двухшпиндельныйрасточныйстанок 36.座标膛床координатно-расточныйстанок 37.牛头刨床поперечно-строгальныйстанок


39.内圆磨床плоскошлифовальныйстанок;外圆磨床координатно-шлифовальныйстанок 40.插床 долбежный станок 41.拉床 протяжный станок 42.板手 ключ гаечный 43.刨刀 строгальный резец

44.砂轮 шлифовальный наждачный круг 45.淬火 закаливать;закалка 46.抛光 полировать;полировка

47.电镀 гальванизация;электропокрытие 48.喷漆 окраска распилением
