Thank you for your loyal in his busy schedule to read my job written submissions.My name is Tian **, Anyang Teachers College Department of Music 2011 music professional graduates.In the university four years, after persistent efforts, I mastered the more solid expertise.Capable of performing music theory, sight-singing, listening, vocal music and other curriculum work.But since that inexperienced, lack of practical experience, hoping to gradually improve their work and give full play to their strengths to your school add a part to play.In addition, I have been in Anyang City, with a tutor for some time, have a certain amount of teaching ability.Through exercise, I deeply appreciate a person must have good morals and virtue, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility in order to face the difficulties and challenges.In order to achieve their life values, their talent for their fight for a good environment, I sincerely hope to join your school.I believe that, through their own efforts, your school will be able to quickly capable of teaching.Helping his career, Mochibuwang, hoping you give me a chance.If the honor to be part of your school, and I will cherish this hard-won opportunities, schools, all teaching staff together with solidarity, with the wisdom and sweat to create a better future school!
please find attached my resume and contact information, sincerely looking forward to interview!
I wish you good health and good luck!
第一, 艺术院校因其特殊性, 学生大多重视专业课而忽视文化课, 英语入学成绩普遍不高, 表演专业学生的英语成绩相对还要低一些。据笔者通过对四川传媒学院2012级表演系316名学生英语学习状况调查了解到, 接近八成的学生没有系统地学过音标, 76%的学生表示在单词拼读识记方面存在困难, 72%的学生谈到不知如何遣词造句, 68%的学生在英语学习中没有成就感。调查中大部分学生也提到了英语的重要性, 希望通过英语学习提高自己的口语能力。总体看来, 表演专业的学生语言基础知识较差, 无法进行语言交际, 由此对英语学习产生了厌学情绪, 上课出勤率不高, 屡屡出现缺课、逃课现象。
第二, 使用的教材缺乏个性化, 目前艺术类高校表演专业选用的教材仍是通用的大学英语教材, 其内容与学生的专业知识不相关联, 实用性不强, 教师在实际教学中缺乏与专业相关的英语素材, 以致学生对教学内容失去兴趣、丧失学习热情, 上课处于一种消极的状态, 学习只是为了通过学业考试。
第三, 艺术院校的大部分教师并没有根据表演类学生的性格、专业特点进行特性化教学, 而是依然采用“一刀切”的教学方式。甚至有些教师为了完成教学任务, 不顾学生的基础和实际需求, 仍然采用“满堂灌”的传统教学方式, 师生缺乏互动, 课堂气氛沉闷, 教学效果不理想。
针对当前艺术院校表演专业英语教学现状, 可考虑将英文影视运用于英语课堂。其原因如下: (1) 英文影视语音纯正, 语言连贯、真实, 如实反映了英美国家的文化和生活, 其语言也是人们在交流时用到的口语。这些语言对善于模仿、语言可塑性强的表演专业学生来说是极好的学习素材, 学生在进行语音和语调的模仿过程中体会发音规则, 提升语音能力, 还可以在真实的语境中学习词汇、语法和地道的口语表达, 从而切实改善表演专业学生基础知识薄弱的现象。 (2) 英文影视自身融合了表演艺术, 影视反映的情节内容和思想内涵都是通过演员出色的表演艺术体现的。表演专业学生由于特有的专业背景和专业知识, 他们对影视中人物表演的理解有得天独厚的优势, 加上该类学生活泼好动、喜欢表现自我和善于在实践中学习的特点, 在多媒体环境下开展的英文影视对白配音模仿、剧情表演等活动能有效激发学生学习的兴趣和积极性, 使他们在表演中体验英语学习, 用英语完成表演, 实现学生的主体地位, 转变传统的教学模式。另外, 表演系有资深的专业教师, 学生在排练和表演的过程中, 可邀请专业教师到现场指导, 提升教学活动的质量和效果, 使学生的英语水平和专业艺术素养得到双重提高。对于表演出色的节目还可参加专业汇报演出, 这样学生自然愿意投入时间和精力参与学习。
1. 在语言基础知识教学中的运用
第一, 通过模仿加强语音学习。英文影视运用于语音教学主要体现在“模仿”, 这对声音、语调的感知力和辨别力较强的表演专业学生来说, 他们完全具备通过模仿学好语音的内在条件。初级阶段, 选取学生感兴趣的影视经典对白片段, 其材料应力求发音清晰、语速适中或稍慢, 有针对性地在单音、连读、重读、弱读、省音和语调等方面进行实例教学, 并引导学生通过反复精听、模仿和对比练习, 逐步习得一些常见单词的发音, 掌握发音规则, 辨析英式音和美式音的差异, 同时在模仿的过程中培养语感。鉴于表演系的学生在英语学习上普遍存在自控力不强、缺乏坚强毅力, 但其性格外向、乐于参与和表现的特点, 教师需开展学生喜欢的配音表演比赛激励他们持续地进行模仿, 从而真正提高学生的语音水平。
第二, 通过影视加强词汇学习。英文影视含有大量的西方人日常生活中常用的口语词汇和地道的表达, 学生在欣赏影视作品的同时可以借助中英文双语字幕增加新词汇的输入, 尤其有利于强化记忆影视中出现的高频词汇的意义和用法。另外, 在教学中应注重词汇在特定语境中的含义, 理解“一词多义”现象。下面以《老友记》中Rachel的妈妈Green夫人与她在中央咖啡馆的对话为例:
Mrs.Green:Oh, my god, there’s an unattractive nude man playing the cello.
Rachel:Yeah, well, just be glad he’s not playing a smaller instrument.
Mrs.Green:You have some life here, sweetie.
Mrs.Green:…And I’ve never seen you this happy.
从以上的对白, 可以看出Green夫人很羡慕Rachel现在的生活。她说道:“You have some life here”, 显然some在这里修饰life, 而不能解释为我们熟知的“一些, 某个”, 而根据下文中“I’ve never seen you this happy”可知, Rachel很喜欢这样的生活, 那么some life在语境中应理解为“有意思、很不错的生活”, 即some的另一个意思“了不起的、相当不错的”, 多用于口语。又如在《天降美食2》中, 出现了四次freeze这个词, 其常用意义为“结冰, 冻结”, 但通过对白我们了解到剧中为“don’t move”的意思。
第三, 通过影视引导语法学习。表演专业的学生语法知识匮乏, 使得他们不知如何遣词造句、组织语言。事实上, 传统的教学往往把语法作为一个抽象的系统来教, 把语言呈现为孤立的句子, 其教学方法单一、枯燥乏味, 不适合擅长形象思维的表演专业学生教学。而影视片段为语法教学提供了语境, 将两者结合可以使令人费解的语法知识变得易学、好记。如在讲解虚拟语气时, 可以选取电影《音乐之声》中Baroness和Maria的对话片段:
Come, my dear, we are women.Let’s not pretend we don’t know when a man notices us.…You are quite attractive, you know.The captain would hardly be a man if he didn’t notice you…
这段影视对白为语法教学提供了语境。根据对白, 学生可以很容易理解和现在事实相反的虚拟语气的用法。英文影视对白涵盖了不同的语法内容, 教师课上可以利用学生喜爱的素材进行指导、讲解难懂的语法点, 使学生在具体的语境中体会、掌握语法规则, 课下还可以让学生自行找出影视中的语法现象, 对不明白的地方师生集体交流、共同探讨, 这个过程有利于学生学习和复习语法知识。
2. 在情境口语教学中的运用
学生在具有一定的语言基础后, 可以逐步过渡到基于影视的情境口语教学。教师可以根据教学内容有目的地从影视中选取与学校、日常和社会生活相关的场景, 让学生模拟这些内容的同时有意识地学习语言表达, 进而实现在真实的语境中交流。
如在开展面试情境会话前, 教师可以为学生放映不同场景的面试影像, 诸如《老友记》中Monica Geller去餐厅面试和Rachel Green到Ralph Lauren的面试;《欢乐合唱团》中Rachel Berry应征合唱团的成员;《当幸福来敲门》中Chris Garden竞聘股票经纪人的职位等。学生每看完一个面试片段, 教师组织他们集体讨论面试情节, 并探讨影视中求职者面试成功的原因;然后, 将场景中出现的实用语句及片段台词发给学生, 为其讲解语言要点;接着, 学生分组采用角色扮演的方式再现影视情境, 此过程有利于展示学生的表演才能, 促进参与性。此外, 在小组进行情境表演时, 要求其他学生认真观摩, 思维同步, 回忆台词里的句子, 达到反复温习、巩固记忆的效果;最后, 每组学生融合已学知识, 按照未来职业取向设计面试情境和台词, 开展和专业技能相关的模拟面试。准备阶段, 教师给予语言指导, 一方面, 要确保台词语言运用规范、准确、得体;另一方面, 在学生对台词时, 纠正错误的语音和语调。把握好语言关后, 学生进入排练阶段, 对于涉及专业技能的表演, 学生可联系他们的专业教师指导, 使表演更专业化, 活动效果更佳。这种以影视情境为基础的教学实践, 把学生带入真实的语言环境中, 感受交际活动的真实性、趣味性和实用性, 使他们在模仿后能对情景进行创造性的演绎, 即将表演与语言学习结合, 让学生在体验中增强情境会话能力, 实现语言与演艺水平共同提高。
3. 在文化交际层面的运用
语言是文化的载体, 学习语言的过程也是了解文化的过程。英文影视剧中的对白作为影视艺术语言的表现形式, 再现了各种交际场景, 反映了西方人的生活和文化。因此, 对英文影视对白的正确解读有利于增强学生的跨文化意识、推动中西方文化交流。以动画片《花木兰》为例, 这部影片由美国迪士尼公司制作, 改编自中国古代传奇——木兰女扮男装代父从军的故事。该影片以东方异域风情为背景, 融入西方文化价值观, 成功地塑造了美国化的木兰形象, 其中美国式的精神理念在如下人物之间的对白中有所体现。
Mulan:I should never have left home.
Mushu:Hey, come on, you went to save your father’s life…
Mulan:Maybe I didn’t go for my father.Maybe what I really wanted was to prove I could do things right.So when I looked in the mirror, I’d see someone worthwhile.
从对话内容看, 木兰从军的真正目的也许并不完全是为了挽救父亲, 潜意识里她更加期望以此来证实自我能力, 希望自己是个“有用的人、值得尊敬的人”。木兰的话语表明了美国文化中追求自我、相信自我的个人主义价值观, 这在木兰所唱的歌声中也能感知:“…That if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family’s heart…When will my reflection show who I am inside?”歌曲代表了木兰的心声, 她多么渴望能做真实的自己, 向世人展现真正的自我。同时, 片中人物的对白无形中凸显了美国社会弘扬的人人平等意识, 当木兰在新娘考核失败令花家蒙羞后, 其父并没有按照中国古代封建家长制教育后代, 而是采用西方如朋友般的平等关系劝慰木兰:“My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year.But look, this one’s late.But I will bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.”这从侧面反映了西方社会的人际关系较重平等而少尊卑之别, 即使家人之间也是如此。
由此可知, 通过对英文影视的赏析, 有助于学生了解语言背后蕴含的西方文化, 体会中西文化差异, 提高综合文化素养。
英文影视运用于表演专业英语教学, 可以使学生在真实的语境中学习语言, 增加了课堂教学的趣味性和语言教学的实践性, 激发了学生的兴趣, 使他们在模仿、背诵、练习、记忆、指导、感悟中加强基础知识的学习, 提高交际能力和文化鉴赏力。同时, 学生以表演的形式对英文影视情境再现并创造性演绎的过程, 既是英语能力提升的过程, 又是表演技巧提升的过程, 这样的教学与学生的专业结合, 增强了学生学习的主动性, 能有效改变课堂教学现状, 真正实现以学生为主、因材施教的个性化教学。
[1]陈思宇.高职表演专业英语课堂教学改革初探[J].湖南大众传媒职业技术学院学报, 2012 (3)
[2]赵晓茹、赵亚玲.英文影视剧在英语听说教学中的运用[J].电影文学, 2010 (18)
[3]祖婉慧.从英文电影经典对白看东西方思维方式的差异[J].电影评介, 2013 (6)
Dear Sir/Madam:
In the capacity of the former dean of “Kellogg Management School” of North-western University(NWU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr.Caleb to your esteemed university.I got to know him personally when he was taking the course--Methodology of Management Research(or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.Then he took one of my other courses--Advanced Strategic Management.Mr.Caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.To my knowledge, Mr.Caleb is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities.He was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of NWU and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years.He was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--“Management Forum” of the “Kellogg Management School” of NWU.After I left NWU, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position.Therefore I feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program.I am confident that Mr.Caleb will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the NWU.please don t hesitate to contact me if you need more information.Truly, yours
respect leadership:
how do you do! thank you in spite of being very busy toglance reading my cover material. when you open this job material, you for i opened a new page in life, and i wish this material can help you in the fierce marketpetition and knowledge economy in the spring tide of seeking to your needs of the cross-century talents. in this, to you is my palpitations and ambition!
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during the period of school also cultivate own manner, play, make yourself in the fiercepetition has the following advantages:
in a market economy tide today, i deeply know, need now has not only the diploma, but need to have certain practical ability talents, in this under the guidance of the concept of, i always believe: “eat no cross, no crown.” the truth. pay attention tobining both inside and outside the classroom. so i pay special attention to self-study and social practice ability training. through the various extracurricular books, constantly expand their scope of knowledge.
pressure and opportunity always, talent market has become increasingly tensepetition, and the desire of the stand out, prompting me in their own quality strive to enrich and perfect. i often grueling study, and striving for. now at the beginning of the school into, in the face of challenge, and i may exhibit what they have learned and create the future!
on the occasion of the pen, solemnly make one small request: no matter whether you choose me, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!
Dear Mr Ho
Application for the position of Public Relations Manager.
Please accept this letter as an application for the above position as advertised in the JobsPower.com on January 5.
As the Assistant Public Relations Manager at XYZ Company for the past five years, I have assisted in various public relations functions and activities, arranged and co-ordinated press conferences to promote corporate image. I have also provided logistics support to press briefings, communication programmes and other marcom functions.
For the two years prior to XYZ Company, I served as the Public Relations Officer at Any Arts Centre, and has gained experience in editing a variety of performance publications (both newspapers and magazines), writing a lot of feature articles, press releases, brochures, and assisted in the production of staff newsletters.
I look forward to discussing my background and experience in detail with you and would be pleased to attend a personal interview. Thank you for your consideration.
Respect leadership:
Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance, reading I the application letter, thank you for give me a success opportunity and challenge.My name is XXX, fujian is XXX, XXX university tourism culture college department of tourist management 2012 graduates.In the college study life, system to study tourism management specialized knowledge, take an active part in the hotel practice, work and formal professional learning, I have a preliminary of the quality of the managers and professional skills.In the study of this course, but also study the enterprise culture, to know the enterprise culture to an enterprise that is very important.During the period of school I also study hard theputer, through theputer level 2, to the application ofputer basic proficiency.Can skilled carry on some English dialogue.Also study hard the hotel management professional managers, and through the professional managers of the certificate.I in July 2013 in kunming XXX hotel(original XXX hotel)is the 6-month practice work, learn to as a good manager, should have good professional quality and proficient skills.In the hotel internship, in the food and beverage department and the front office study respectively the different departments of the professional skills, but also to understand thepany each department though it is different, is an inseparable whole.So in the work should understand each other, for himself or for everybody, the harmonious work can create a pleasant working environment, can generate profit!This is my internship in experience.Hope I this urgently want to enter yourpanys heart can get reply, the future will do ones best, set not great expectations!Heartfelt thank you!
Finally, once again thank you for reading this letter, are looking forward to your early reply, and wishes the prosperity of yourpany!
To whom it may comcern:
Hi, my name is cnrencai.I entered XX school in XXXX.Majoring in English,during my study.I work hard and sometimes won the scholarship.I take part in all kinds of activities and I hope to appty for the position of teacher.I want to be a teacher, because I love this job when I was young, my dream is to be a teacher.If I can get a chance to be a teacher in your school.I will put all my hart to do a good job.I am very interested in English, especially in reading listening, speaking.Every morning I love to read English loudly.I can full scope to show my ability during the hard work of my study.I am sure I will be a good teacher.As the old saying:"It’s never too old to learn.” So I will never give up any studying chance.So I hope you can give me a chance.Thank you!
Dear leaders:
From freshman year, I pay particular attention to conscientiously study courses at the same time, efforts to improve training quality and ability to make full use of spare time and broaden the horizons of knowledge and improve the knowledge structure.In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only multi-level, all-round development and to master the professional knowledge of personnel, they are to meet social development needs and the needs of employers in order to remain invincible.Through the efforts I have received a scholarship to study in learning the same time, I actively participated in the activities of institutions, organizations, and “negative youth Mo,” speech in a full-house by the third.In the three years of study and life, I forge ahead, always ready to help others in style and performance to win the leadership, teachers and students of the trust and praise.And Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in practice patients and their families during the height of praise.To see their hard work and sweat to pay in return for the rehabilitation of patients with a smile, this is the best reward for me.Despite the large number of candidates, I may not necessarily be the best.But I still very confident.“Wai-ming to be sincere Lord, to be held by Mingjun On.” To beg I do not trust, only to seek confidence-building action.Your hospital is willing to give me the opportunity to work in an attempt to put their own potential space, I will of due diligence, the best of my ability, so your satisfaction with the hospital, so patient satisfaction.Sincerely,Salute
people put themselves forward: xxx
It is an honor in your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you!I am a Department of Automation, graduating students will receive bachelors degree.University during the period laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.proficient professional knowledge of digital signal processing technology, analog / digital electronics, C programming language, automatic control, 80X86 principle, etc.;skilled such as the use of Windows 7/Xp operating system;skilled use of Office, Excel office automation software;learning photoshop, Flash such as mapping software.Outstanding accomplishment on the quality of thinking, thinking of progress, Benedict Shou-cheng, a letter, propriety and learning the principles of life.Social practice, a four-year university life, I have strict requirements, competency-based training, in particular the practice of manipulative ability are my strengths.Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and I look forward to your company to become one!
英文自荐信 英语专业06-06