
2024-08-31 版权声明 我要投稿


中西方文化对比独立 篇1








“文化帝国主义”是一个众说纷纭的概念。汤林森认为, 当前的“文化帝国主义”理论主要涉及四个层面的内容: 作为“媒介帝国主义”的话语、作为“民族国家”的话语、作为批判全球资本主义的话语和作为批判现代性的话语。我们借用汤林森给出的这一框架介绍汤林森和萨伊德两位学者关于这个问题的针锋相对的争论。


大多讨论文化帝国主义的学者都认为, 帝国主义依靠大众传媒传播、推行自己的意识形态和文化观念。

汤林森:媒介和文化帝国主义之间并没有必然的内在关联: 一方面, 媒介只是中性地、客观地传播信息, 并不存在将帝国主义的意识形态强加于第三世界的问题;另一方面, 读者和观众有足够的自主性来抵抗外来文化的渗透。

萨义德:在媒介和帝国主义的关系问题关键在于帝国主义国家和第三世界国家对现代媒介是否拥有同样的控制权, 以及帝国主义国家是否有意识、有预谋地利用媒介来传播自己的意识形态。而在这一点上, 萨义德认为, 文化帝国主义的存在是一个不争的事实。


就文化帝国主义作为一种“民族国家”的话语而言, 它指涉的主要是这样一种观点: 由于经济、政治、军事实力的不均衡, 第三世界的“民族文化”过去曾经受到、而且现在仍在受着帝国主义文化的威胁。

汤林森认为所谓的“文化威胁”论并不存在。在他看来, “民族文化”本身就是一个值得怀疑的概念, 包括联合国教科文组织的解释都充满了矛盾。事实上, 大多数民族国家根本就没有同质的文化实体, 相反, 其内部充满了不同的氏族(ethnic)文化或地域(regional)文化的抗争与冲突。因此, 汤林森非常赞同当代学者安德森的看法, 认为民族国家与文化其实是“想象出来的共同体”(Imagined Community), 其本质乃是一种心理现象: 一种寻求互相认同的情感。

从某种意义上说, 萨义德同意汤林森的“文化开放论”与“文化交融论”。因此, 他诚挚地呼吁文化上的“国际主义”。萨义德也注意到, 不管是殖民时代, 还是冷战结束以来, 他所期望的文化之间的平等交往从来就没有实现过, 原因在于帝国主义国家一直以一种居高临下的姿态来俯视东方, 东方从来就没有获得过和西方平等的对话身份。因而萨义德号召第三世界抵制西方世界的扩张。其目的并不是以“西方主义”来对抗“东方主义”, 而是改变前宗主国与殖民地、主流与边缘之间的不平等关系。


汤林森主要反驳了一种功能论的说法:即认为文化帝国主义是资本主义的先锋, 其目的是通过文化层面的“同质化”, 进而在全球范围内推行资本主义的经济体系。在他看来, 上述理论的错误首先在于颠倒了文化与经济的关系: 是经济决定文化而不是相反, 只有在人类需要得到充分满足、物质基础得到建立后才有“文化”可言, 从这个意义上说, 文化不可能是经济的先锋。其次, 如果是文化社群自觉、自主地选择了资本主义, 那么即使资本主义的确带来了文化同质化的后果, 那么也没有理由对资本主义进行批评。

萨义德:汤林森强调的是资本主义的自主性, 萨义德却正好相反。他认为,资本主义在全球的扩张, 从一开始就是以文化的扩张为条件的。萨义德主要考察了欧美“东方学”的产生与帝国主义扩张之间的内在关系。欧洲的东方学研究一直与欧洲诸国此消彼长的斗争有关。萨义德还注意到, 在整个殖民时代, 西方世界许多“高尚”的文化现象都打上了帝国主义的印记,有时这些印记是暗藏着的。所以他强调“对位阅读法”: 即不局限于作品的表层含义, 而去挖掘文本背后的深层含义。


文化帝国主义作为批判现代性的话语:主要指的是这样一种观点: 现代性一方面给社会带来了物质财富、科学理性和民主自由, 另一方面带来了异化、无序以及工具理性的“铁笼”。正是这样,现代性在冷战以后以一种不可抵御的力量迅速地向全球扩张, 以致于第三世界不得不接受“现代性的诅咒”: 不但在经济上要纳入资本主义的经济体系, 在文化上也要纳入源自西方的叙事模式。

汤林森:现代性在全球的扩张虽然是个不争的事实, 却不能证明文化帝国主义的存在。他指出, 20世纪60年代以来, 帝国主义已经被“全球化”所取代。

萨义德:在当前的世界秩序中, 东西方之间、南北方之间的冲突仍然触目惊心, 因而全球化、人类一体化的预测要么是某些理论家粉饰现实的违心之论, 要么是善良知识分子的痴人说梦。


两人采取的方法差异:汤林森主要采用的是解释学的方法。萨义德采用葛兰西的“文化霸权”理论和福柯的“权力话语”理论。正是萨义德和汤林森的差异所在: 汤林森以解释学为理据, 更多地强调文化交往中的平等关系, 而萨义德受葛兰西和福柯理论的影响, 更多地关注文化交往中帝国主义霸权的隐秘运作方式。

两人的本体论差异: 回答“谁在说话?”的问题时两人的立场不同。葛兰西是接受西方教育的东方人,汤林森是发达国家代言人;二者分属不同的知识分子类型。




后殖民主义理论的重要组成部分。代表人物爱德华•萨义德在《东方学》一书中对之作过明确界定:东方主义“不是表达了对一个与自己显然不同的(或新异的、替代性的)世界进行理解——在某些情况下是控制、操纵甚至吞并——的愿望或意图”。它“与帝国主义强力有着特殊的历史关联”。萨义德指出“: 东方主义”是“建立在关于‘东方’与‘西方’的本体论与认识论区分基础上的一种思维方式”。凡是以东方与西方这一基本二分法作为起点的对东方、东方人、东方习俗、东方“心性”、东方命运等等进行本质主义陈述的写作都属于东方主义。


















































































中西方文化对比独立 篇2




1 研究成果


1.1 政府机构称谓词

访谈的结果表明,各国的政府都是严肃的机构,政府工作人员使用的称谓词表现出明显的等级差距,说明了在政府机构中,权势在很大程度上决定了称谓词的选择。具体表现为,中国人用“姓+职务”称呼领导或资深同事,凸显了领导的地位和对资深同事的尊重。美国人和英国人除了称呼市长为“Mayor Mr.mayor”外,其他的上级统称为“Sir/Madam”,体现了明显的上下级关系。因为在西方文化中,“Sir/Madam”被下级用来称呼上级,晚辈称呼长辈,售货员称呼顾客,表现了很强的长幼、尊卑、等级观念。中国人根据与同事的亲疏关系,用“姓+职务”称呼同级别的同事,如果关系亲密直接叫名字,从一定程度上也反映了等级观念或是亲疏关系。美英两个国家普遍使用“Mr.Mrs./Miss”等通用称谓词称呼同级别同事。中国人称呼下级叫名字或“小+姓”,表示对晚辈的亲近和喜爱。英国人对下级直呼其名或叫“Mr./Mrs./Miss”,而美国人通常直呼其名,因为美国人喜欢叫对方名字表示亲昵。在我们采访的宜阳县政府,人们用“姓+秘书”称呼其他单位的陪同领导的职务不详的工作人员,“秘书”这一称谓具有极强的政府机构特征。

1.2 医院称谓词

我们采访了宜阳县人民医院、辛辛那提大学医疗中心和伦敦皇家医院的医生,发现资历在医务人员选择称谓词时起了主导作用,权势也多多少少影响了称谓词的选择。在中国医院和美国医院里,称呼领导都可以用“姓+职务/job title+last name”,表明了在这两个医院内部,存在着一定程度的上下级观念;然而,美国医院的员工还可以直呼领导名字,以示关系亲密或地位平等。值得一提的是,中国医院内部称年龄大、资历深的医生为老师,表示对他们的尊敬,同时将双方置于“师生”关系这一轻松、亲密的模式中,无形中拉近了彼此的距离,沟通了感情。英国医院里有一个非常特殊的现象—称呼取得英国皇家外科学院院士资格的资深外科医生“Mr.+last name(姓+师傅)”,而称呼普通的医生或资历尚浅的外科医生“Doctor+last name”,这与医学技术发达,业务熟练的外科医生备受推崇有关。在三个国家的医院里,同等级别都称呼名字,英国医院也用“Doctor+last name”称呼对方。用医生所从事的职业称呼对方,充分说明医生这个职业在英国属于上流社会的职业,拥有崇高的社会地位。在中国、美国和英国的医院里,都用对方的名字称呼下级或年龄小的同事,表示双方关系亲密或相当熟悉。与此同时,在中国、美国和英国的医院里,医生或者护士都用姓名称呼病人;中美两国门诊部和住院部的医务人员还会叫病人的挂号序号或床位号,这一现象充分体现了医务人员的职业特征。中国的医务人员还根据病人的年龄,尊称老人为“老先生/老太太”,称小婴儿为“宝贝”;而伦敦皇家医院的医务人员则根据病人的婚姻状况,使用通用称谓词“Mr.+last name/Mrs.+last name/Miss+last name”称呼病人。

1.3 企业称谓词


1.4 市场称谓词

通过分析和比较三个国家市场内的称谓词,我们发现称谓词的选择多与顾客年龄相关。而且商家称呼顾客都非常客气、有礼貌,因为售货员和顾客关系疏远,为了销售商品,他们必须通过称谓词与顾客建立融洽的关系。而且,在英美两个国家的市场内,都有根据婚姻状况称呼顾客的习惯。在美国市场,售货员用“Sir/Madam”称呼陌生顾客,用通用称谓词“Mr./Mrs.+last name”或顾客的名字称呼熟悉的顾客。在英国市场,售货员称呼年龄大的已婚女顾客为“Mrs.+last name/Ms+last name/Madam”,称呼年龄大的已婚男顾客为“Mr.+last name/Sir”。对年轻女顾客的称呼非常亲昵,有“Miss/My love/Darling”;同时,无论男女顾客婚否,都可以用“Mr.+last name/Ms/Miss”。中国的商家根据自己以及顾客的年龄称呼对方。中年店主称年老顾客“老先生、老太太”,称年龄稍大的顾客“老哥、姐”,称年轻顾客“小伙、小姑娘”,称年幼顾客“小朋友”。青年店家称老年顾客“爷爷、奶奶”,称中年顾客“叔叔、阿姨”,称年幼的“小弟弟、小妹妹”。对同龄顾客,有时会叫“帅哥、美女”。通过对比分析,中国的商家非常擅长使用称谓词,用到昵称“老先生、小朋友”以及拟亲属称谓“爷爷、小弟弟”等,或称赞对方的称谓词“帅哥、美女”,使本来生疏的商家与顾客的关系拉近了许多,为交易成功做好了铺垫。

1.5 学校内部称谓词(教师)

中英两国老师选择称谓词都考虑到上下级关系,中国老师选择称谓词还考虑到年龄和双方的亲疏关系。英国和中国学校的老师都用“姓+职务/job title”来称呼领导。宜阳一高的老师用“姓+职务”称呼领导,如“王校长、李主任”等。伦敦商学院的老师可以叫领导名字或用“Mr.+last name/Ms+last name/Mrs.+last name”称呼领导。辛辛那提大学的老师直接喊领导名字,或用“Professor+last name”称呼领导。这从一个侧面说明了英美国家的等级观念比中国淡薄,也说明了在美国大学教授是倍受人尊重的职业。中国老师称呼同龄老师时直呼其名,称呼年龄较大的老师用“姓+老师”。称呼同龄老师时,美国和英国的老师直接叫名字,以示关系亲密平等。一般情况下,中国老师称呼下级或年龄小的同事全名,关系亲近的同事也会只叫名,不加姓。英美国家的老师通常叫同事的名字,表示友好亲密。

1.6 学校内部称谓词(学生)

中美两国学生都用职业称谓词称呼老师,而三个国家同学们之间的称呼多以亲疏关系为依据。在我们访谈的三个国家的学校里,学生称呼老师的方式很相似。中国学生用“老师、姓+老师、学科+老师”称呼老师,同学之间交流称班主任为“老班”。“老师”作为一个职业,转化为一个职业称谓,这表明教书育人是一项伟大的事业,教师行业是一个高尚的职业。美国大学生称老师“Professor/job title”,如,“Dean white/President Huston”等。在这三所学校,同学之间都直接叫名字。中国学生有时叫熟悉同学的外号、昵称或小名,不熟悉的叫名字或“同学、朋友、哥们儿”。美国的男同学也会用爱称“man/guys”称呼其他的男同学。中国学生有很多绰号,如“小胖、大脸猫、妖、领导、状元”,表现了某些同学的体态特征或是智力特征,也表达了同学们对他们的喜爱和期望。美国同学也有昵称,如“Jonathan—John;Amanda—Mandy”,叫起来简短明快,也拉近了彼此的距离。英国的学生往往会嘲笑偶尔反应迟钝的同学,戏称他们为“Pig”。


1.7 亲属称谓词

比较了三个国家家庭内部的称谓词,我们发现三个国家都依据家庭成员之间的辈分关系来确定称呼。中国式的家庭是一个长幼有序、称呼明细的家族体系。父系称谓词有“爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、伯伯、伯母、叔叔、婶母、姑姑、姑父、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹、侄子、侄女”等。母系称谓词有“外公、外婆、舅舅、舅妈、阿姨、姨父、外甥、外甥女”等。姑姑、舅舅、阿姨的子女统称为“表哥/弟、表姐/妹”等。晚辈对长辈不能直呼其名,否则会被看作是大逆不道。而英美国家则不同,他们并不区分父系与母系,比如,爷爷/外公(grandpa),奶奶/外婆(grandma),叔叔/姑父/姨夫(uncle),姑姑/阿姨/婶母(aunt),更不会区分堂兄/堂姐/堂弟/堂妹(cousin),侄子/外甥(nephew),侄女/外甥女(niece)等。英国和美国都有“Grandpa/Grandma;Mamma/Papa;Uncle/Uncle John/John;Aunt/Aunt Mary/Mary”等亲属称谓,与中国不同的是,英国和美国的晚辈可以喊长辈的名字,而在中国却是万万不能。在家里,中国父母往往会叫孩子小名。在非正式场合,英国夫妻之间、父母子女之间可以用爱称“Darling/Love/Sweetie/Sweet heart”表示亲昵;在正式场合,用不带姓的名字称呼对方。在非正式场合,美国夫妻之间、父母之间叫对方名字或“Honey”;在正式场合,非常正规地叫对方名字。

1.8 媒体称谓词

媒体称谓词的选择主要依据资历和年龄,英国和美国娱乐媒体使用的称谓词几乎不存在差别。在介绍评委或选手入场时,往往称呼其全名以表示隆重。在节目期间,往往只叫对方名字。在节目中,主持人会用到一些爱称来称呼选手,如英国偶像的主持人用“Charming/My friend/Boys/Girls”称呼参赛选手;美国偶像主持人用“Sweet heart/Sweetie/Man”等称呼参赛选手。中国娱乐节目中使用的称谓词表现出特定的中国文化。主持人尊称年长评委“老师”,年龄相仿的评委直接叫名字,用“姓+通用称谓词”称呼现场的陌生观众,如“王女士、赵大哥、刘小姐”等。比较了三国知名综艺节目主持人使用的称谓词,我们可以得出结论,主持人通过使用适当的称谓词,或是表达了对评委老师和明星的尊重,或是活跃了现场气氛,拉近了与观众的距离。

2 讨论

2.1 三个国家都存在固定的职务称谓词

英国和美国有“president、premier、mayor、dean、chairman、captain”,这表明在西方国家,部分单位存在尊卑意识和等级观念。在中国,几乎所有的职务都可以用作称谓词。同时,中国人用“张校长、赵局长”等正职称谓来称呼副职领导;然而,在英美国家,人们直接用副职称谓词称呼副职领导,例如:“Vice president/Associate Dean”。这一现象反映了汉民族崇尚社会地位的价值观念。职务称谓文化根源于制度文化,职务称谓现象体现了双方的权势和社会地位差异。

2.2 三个国家都拥有一定数量的职业称谓词


3 结束语




中西方广告文化要素的对比分析 篇3

关键词:中西方 广告文化 对比分析
























中西方饮食文化对比论文 篇4

and Western Food Culture

系(部):外语系 专 业 班: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2011年 5 月


The Differences Between Chinese

and Western Food Culture 中西方饮食文化对比



With the development of the economic globalization, China and the western countries are connected with each other more tightly and frequently.As an important entry point for people to exchange, it becomes very important to explore the differences between Chinese and western food.It can not only help us have a better understanding of the different culture of China and the west, come across cultural barriers, but also can train people‟s adaptability of the communication in cross-cultural, effectively avoided the cultural misunderstanding when we have a communication.So analyzing and researching in the Western diet and cultural differences has a very important significance in Chinese food culture.It is very important to understand the differences.Moreover, it is useful to guide our practice when communicating with foreign friends.But actually the differences between Chinese and western food have a lot to do with the social and culture development.Culture is a kind of lifestyle that gathered together in a long time in the social life.And the life style including the ways of thinking and behavior.Although it has the universal features, it is also has the fundamental characteristics of the blood and geographic relationship, based on the formation of the nation as a whole unit.Food culture, the same to the nation as a unit, when a nation formed a fixed diet habit, diet tips and diet ideas, then become a culture.It is connected with the different geographical and historical conditions of China and the west.After all different cultures reflect different lifestyles.This paper tries to have inquiries into the difference from five aspects.It specifically expresses at the difference between Chinese and Western food objects,the difference in diet concept, differences in dietary patterns, the different utensils and etiquette, and differences in diet attribution.And this paper discusses the main characteristics the differences between Chinese and western food culture and the reasons for the differences.After that the paper has given the table manners of American as a example, such as bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right;salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon;dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.General Behavior: Chew with your mouth closed.Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table and so on.In short, analyzing and researching in the Western diet and cultural differences has a very

I important significance in Chinese food culture.It is not only in understanding the purpose of this fact in itself, but also it is more importantly and useful to guide our practice, based on the awareness-raising, improve food structure, get rid of food abuse, improve the food quality and guarantee people‟s needs, in this kind of way to promote Chinese dining culture.Key words: China and the west culture;difference;concept;comunication


摘 要






1.Introduction--------------------1 2.The differences between Chinese and Western food culture--------------------------3 2.1 The difference between Chinese and Western food objects--------------------------4 2.2 The difference in diet concept----------------------------6 2.3.Differences in dietary patterns-----------------------------9 2.4 The different utensils and etiquette----------------------11 2.5 Differences in diet attribution-----------------------------13 3.Nature of the differences between Chinese and Western food-----------------------16 4.Conclusion--------------------17 Acknowledgements--------------19 References------------------------20

IV 1. Introduction

With the development of the economic globalization, China and the western countries are connected with each other more tightly and frequently.As an important entry point for people to exchange, food culture plays a very important role.The differences between Chinese and western food have a lot to do with the social and culture development.Culture is a kind of lifestyle that gathered together in a long time in the social life.And the life style including the ways of thinking and behavior.Although it has the universal features, it is also has the fundamental characteristics of the blood and geographic relationship, based on the formation of the nation as a whole unit.Food culture, the same to the nation as a unit, when a nation formed a fixed diet habit, diet tips and diet ideas, then become a culture.It is connected with the different geographical and historical conditions of China and the west.After all different cultures reflect different lifestyles.In fact, food culture refers to the diet and lifestyle formed under certain historical or social conditions as well as the ideology formed on the basis of the aforesaid.During the history development of different countries and ethnic groups, different behavior patterns and lifestyles formed because the natural conditions and social environments were different.That is what people often refer to as customs.From the point of view of social observation and cultural study, the food culture of an ethnic group can fully embody its mentality, interest, belief and historical development.So, food culture can be seen as the most typical cultural feature of this ethnic group.The development and changes of food culture often reflect the evolution and progress of the society.The differences between Chinese culture and Western culture brought about the difference between their respective food cultures.Under two under different cultural backgrounds, obvious differences exist between Chinese food culture and western food culture, including perception, feature and the methods and materials.Therefore, it becomes very important to explore the differences between Chinese and western food.It can not only help us have a better understanding of the different culture between China and the west and come across cultural barriers, but also can train people‟s adaptability of the communication in cross-cultural, effectively avoided the cultural misunderstanding when we have a communication.So analyzing and researching in the Western diet and cultural differences has a very important significance in Chinese food culture.It is very important to understand the differences.Moreover, it is useful to guide our practice when communicating with foreign friends.This paper tries to have inquiries into the difference from five aspects.It specifically expresses at the difference between Chinese and Western food objects,the difference in diet concept, differences in dietary patterns, the different utensils and etiquette, and differences in diet attribution.And this paper discusses the main characteristics the differences between Chinese and western food culture and the reasons for the differences.After that the paper has given the table manners of American as a example, such as bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right;salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon;dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.General Behavior: Chew with your mouth closed.Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table and so on.In short, analyzing and researching in the Western diet and cultural differences has a very important significance in Chinese food culture.It is not only in understanding the purpose of this fact in itself, but also it is more importantly and useful to guide our practice, based on the awareness-raising, improve food structure, get rid of food abuse, improve the food quality and guarantee people‟s needs, in this kind of way to promote Chinese dining culture.2.The differences between Chinese and Western food culture

Once there is a saying that “Food is eating well-deserved for human life”, so food is an indispensable condition for the survival and development of human beings.There are two desires in life: one is feasting them to survive;and the other is the lust of men and women, which can help the mankind to carry on the family line.Facing the two desires, China pays more attention to the former, while the west tends to the latter.Such phenomenon affects the cultural trend.Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives, but why we call it culture? That is because the diet has special status in Chinese culture, and it also has a great distinction between China and the west.As one of the world ancient nations, China‟s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization.But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did, and there is even not aware of it to the “heaven” degree.With the opposite, they recognized and interpreted the world in the perspective of the lust or love of men and women more.Whether the awareness of original sin of Christianity, Adam and Eve legend, or ancient Greek philosophy(such as Plato‟s dialogue)who considered the personal relationships “love” as the love of ontology of beauty, and regarded it as a reality thinking of philosophy, all these ideas become the basis of western philosophers‟ cultural thoughts.All these had potential effects on the development of western culture and westerners‟ characters.Receiving the influence of respective cultural tradition, the Chinese and western dietary culture has had different characteristics.The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristic;such characteristic has enriched the research value of dietary culture.Studying these cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject.It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures.The dining product as a result of factor and so on region characteristic, climatic environment, manners and customs influences, will appear in raw material, the taste, the cooking method, the food habit varying degree difference.Was precisely because of these differences, the dining product had the intense localization.Between China and the West culture‟s difference has accomplished China and the West diet culture difference, but this kind of difference and gets along with people the philosophy from the West different thinking mode.The Chinese pays great attention “the beauty to unite”, the westerner pays great attention “humanist”.2.1The difference between Chinese and Western food objects

All diet cannot be done without vegetables.The word “dish” is for the sound in China, and it always has something to do with the plants.According to a survey of western plants scholar, there are 600 varieties of vegetables, six times more than in the west.In fact, the Chinese dishes, vegetable dish is usual food.Meat dish entered the normal diet only on holidays or higher living standards, so since ancient times, and there was a saying of “fresh vegetables”.“Common people eat fresh vegetables, fish only offered in the worship.” It is said that fresh vegetables are mainly to the civilian in general, only being able to eat meat only in worship.Vegetarian diet takes the dominant position in the normal structure.Chinese people consider the vegetables as the main dish;it has inextricably linked with the advocacy of Buddhists.They deem animals as “people” and plants have “no soul.” So, they advocate vegetarianism.Westerners do not seem to have such a good habit.They uphold a cultural origin of nomadic, seafaring nation.Living mainly by fishing and hunting, collection and planting are just the complement.There are more meat dishes in their lives.Feeding, clothing, and using are taken from the animals, and even Western medicine is derived from animals.When the westerners introduce the diet characteristics of their countries, they always feel that their diet is more reasonable on the mix of nutrition than China.The food industry is more developed, such as cans, fast food, although the taste is monotonous, but it saves time, and it also has good nutrition.Therefore, in their countries: people are generally healthier and taller than Chinese, and the people have strong shoulders and developed muscles;but Chinese people look short, their shoulders narrow and legs thin, their skin yellow and their body weak.The differences between Chinese and western food for Westerners to judge the merits of the two diet is not justified.Mr.Sun Yat-sen had profound study of the culture of food and incisive exposition.In his composing The Scheme for National Reconstruction, detailing the differences between Chinese and Western diet phenomenon, he concludes: “Chinese ordinary people drink green tea, and eat simple food such as vegetables and tofu for meal.Such kinds of food are the most healthy and beneficial according to the research of hygienist.Therefore, the remote people in china, whose diet are far from meat and wine, always live a long life.Also China has a big population, and Chinese people have enormous power to resist disease, but they never try the non-diet.“He added:” The Chinese vegetarians all eat tofu.Tofu is expected as the real meat in plants, as it has the nutrition that meat has.It is the meat without toxic materials.So the Chinese are vegetarian used to be a custom without the promotion of scholars.It is also a custom that the European and American drink thick Wine, eat meat and fish.So there was science promotion before and a severe law later, such as the United States Prohibition.And the transfer will not carry out in a short time.“Mr.Sun‟s words tell out the scientific benefits of Chinese diet and disadvantages of Western diet.According to the characteristics of the significant differences between Chinese and Western diet targets, the Chinese character is called the plant character, while the Westerners‟ is animal character.In response to the cultural behaviors, Westerners love adventure, exploration, conflict;but the Chinese people only like to live banally.According to American expert on folklore Ruth‟s opinions on the “cultural pattern” theory, Chinese culture is quite similar to the classical world Apollo-type character and Westerners‟ is similar to the modern world Faust-type.Indeed, the Westerners such as Americans in the development of the west, they put the whole family on the truck, and go out of the city in amid rumbling with the supplies.The Chinese people are always thinking about “home” and “roots”, despite the promotion that young people should take the world as home.But after a few decades, the overseas Chinese will come back to the mainland with crutch to seek their roots.This concept of return and such human spirit that can only be said to cooperate with the accumulation in the diet.Then it brings cohesiveness to the Chinese nation and then makes the human folk full of energy.Westerners think the food can make them feel full.therefore, eats large piece of meat;and Chinese cuisine is the “Taste” of it.Therefore, China is also showing great cooking in the random selected materials: many Westerners as something thrown away, are excellent raw materials in China, foreign chefs can not handle things the hands of a chef in China to can be miraculous.Demonstration of Chinese food in the materials used for the extensive arbitrary.West China is more than reasonable with emphasis on nutrition, there are more developed in the food industry, such as canned food, fast food, etc., although the taste is monotonous, but to save time, and good nutrition.Therefore, the body of their country than the Chinese people generally robust: tall, long legs, broad shoulders, muscular.The westerner thought that the cooked food is appeases hunger, therefore eats the bulk meat, the entire block chicken specially and so on “the hard vegetable”.But China‟s cooked food is “eats the taste”, therefore China cooks on the needed materials also appears the enormous capriciousness: Many westerners regard as abandons the things, in China is the extremely good raw material, the foreign chef is unable the thing which processes, as soon as arrives in the Chinese chef hand, may melt mysteriously decayed.Indicates the Chinese diet in needed materials aspectvastness capriciousness.Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before.As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips.Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country.Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful.In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer.Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea.2.2 The difference in diet concept

The differences between Chinese and western diet cannot be ignored.Nobody will deny that the Western diet is a rational concept, regardless of the color of food, incense, flavor and shape, but nutrition must be assured.It cares about the intake of calories, vitamins, protein and so on during a day.Comparing with the Chinese diet, western diet tastes stereotyped, as simple as chewing the candle, but the sense tells them: We must eat them all because of the nutrition.And then they put it bluntly, just like refueling machine.The concept of western diet is compatible with the whole western philosophy.Metaphysics is the main feature of western philosophy.Such kind of philosophy brings vitality to western culture, so the natural sciences, psychology and methodology achieve a rapid development.In some other aspects, such philosophy proposition is a significantly obstacle, such as the dietary culture, which is the inevitable thing to drop behind, and just the metaphysics of methodology marks everywhere.In celebration, it stresses tableware, stresses the staple, stresses the servings, and stresses the color and shape mix of raw materials.But no matter how luxurious the grade is;from Los Angeles to New York, only one taste of steak, it is no art to speak of.And as dishes, the chicken is chicken;steak is steak, even in groups, which are also conducted in a shallow dish.In a dish of “French Muttonchops”, one side is potato mud, and muttonchops sits next to it, another side is allocation of cooking beans, and plus a few tablets of tomato.Color is on clear, but the tastes of the various materials are separated, not to reconcile, and the entire flavor is also simple and clear.Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet.When people sample dishes, they often say this dish is “delicious”, and that dish is “not delicious”.But if you ask what is meant by “delicious”, why “tasty” and what are the aspects of “delicious”, I am afraid that it will be difficult to answer.This shows that which Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood” that is difficult for one to say anything.Even using the “color, flavor, shape and implement “which people often said to make the” realm “reification, I am afraid it is still difficult to crown all.The beauty pursuit of Chinese cuisine is clearly overriding the rational pursuit.This concept of diet is also coinciding with the traditional Chinese philosophy.Chinese philosophy as a representative of oriental philosophy, its distinguishing features is the macro, visual, vague and evasive.Chinese cooking method is to reconcile, and the ultimate goal is to reconcile out of a beautiful taste.The main stress is measure and the overall co-ordination.It contains a wealth of dialectics of Chinese philosophy, and all these depend on the degree of the wonderful flavor and harmony of dish.The ever-changing within degrees decides the changeable of Chinese food, and it also decides the characteristics of Chinese food as well as the characteristics on each of the chefs.Chinese pay great attention to “the taste” of the food, while the Westerns has a kind of rational diet idea.No matter food color, smell and tastes, shape how, but the nutrition needs certainly to obtain the guarantee, is fastidious about one day to absorb how many quantity of heat, Vitamin, protein and so on.Even if the taste is stereotyped, must certainly eat, because has the nutrition.This diet idea is adapts with the Western entire philosophy system.Metaphysics is the Western philosophy main feature.The western philosophy studies the object principle of for the thing, principle of the thing often is the metaphysics principle, the metaphysics principle links up mutually, in constipation forming philosophy.This philosophy the culture brings the vitality for the West, caused it in the natural sciences, the psychology, the methodology to realize the development which progressed by leaps and bounds.But in another some aspects, this philosophy advocated that the big earth played the hindrance role, like diet culture.At the banquet, may be fastidious about the tableware, is fastidious about the needed materials, is fastidious about the service, is fastidious about raw material of the vegetable shape, color aspect matching;But no matter how luxurious upscale, from Los Angeles to New York, the beefsteak only then one kind of flavor, does not have art to be possible to say.As the cooked food, the chicken is the chicken, the beefsteak is a beefsteak, even if has matching, that is also carries on the plate, “the Buddhist ritual procedures mutton chop”, puts the mashed potatoes at the same time, side relies on the mutton chop, in addition matches at the same time boils the green beans, adds several piece of tomato then to become.In the color contrasts distinctively, but each raw material is mutually irrelevant in the taste, is well distributed, each is each taste, simple perspicuity.The Chinese is takes seriously “to eat” very much, “the food is what matters to the people” this proverb showed that we eat look equally and the day are important.Because our nationality for several thousand years are in the low productive forces level, the people always cannot eat to the full, therefore only will then have one kind uniquely to eat can regard in all diet culture, I thought that this will be probably stems from one kind of survival to need.If one culture eats regards as the most important matter, will then present two kind of phenomena: On the one hand will eat this kind the function will display the acme, not only maintenance survival, also will use its health maintenance, this will also be” uses medicines to build up one‟s health was inferior the food will make up”cultural base;On the other hand, to eats excessive takes seriously, will cause the human to esteem to the delicacy the pursue.In China‟s cookery, achieves the acme nearly to the delicacy pursue, down to makes a living the Chinese to the overseas, take the restaurant as industry, has become us the basis which settles down and gets on with life in the world!It is a pity, when we take the pursue delicacy the first request, we have actually neglected food most basic nutritional value, our many traditional food must pass through overheated fries in oil boils with the long time soft fire dumpling, causes the cooked food the nutrient content to receive the destruction, many nutrient contents lost in the processing process.Therefore as soon as speaks of the nutrition question, in fact touched the Chinese diet culture biggest weakness.The folk has a slang: “the food is what matters to the people, the food take the taste as first”.Is this kind to the delicacy the pursue, poured causes us to neglect the real sense which ate meal.The Chinese when tastes the cooked food, often will say that this TV dinner “delicious”, that vegetable “is not delicious”;However if further asked that anything calls “delicious”, why “delicious”, “delicious” in where, was not perhaps easy to talk clearly.This indicated that what Chinese to diet pursue is one kind explains “the ideal condition” with difficulty, even if is usually called “the color, smell and tastes with the people, the shape,” to come this kind “the boundary” the concrete application, perhaps was still very difficult to cover.the reason that the China diet has its unique charm, the key lies in its taste.But the delicacy production, lies in well distributed, must make food this taste, heats up the later ripe taste, in addition the ingredient and the supplementary material taste as well as the seasoning compromise the taste, interweaves the fusion coordinated in the same place, causes it to supplement mutually, the cooperation seepage, is in perfect harmony, in you have me, in me has you.The Chinese cooking is fastidious compromises the beauty, is the Chinese cooking art concise place.A vegetable shape and the color are the external things, but the taste is actually the intrinsic thing, heavy intrinsic, but decorates the semblance not desirably, but the heavy cooked food‟s taste exposes the cooked food not excessively the shape and the color, this is precisely the Chinese US diet view most important performance.In China, the diet beautiful pursue has crushed the rationality obviously, this kind of diet view and the Chinese tradition‟s philosophic thinking also tallies.As Eastern philosophy representative‟s Chinese philosophy, its outstanding feature is macroscopic, direct-viewing, is fuzzy and is evasive.The Chinese dish manufacture method is the well distributed large ding, is finally must compromise one happy taste.This is fastidious is a discretion, is the overall coordination.It has contained the Chinese philosophy rich diagnostic method thought that all take the vegetable taste happy, harmonized ever changing as, within had decided Chinese dish enriching and was rich in the change, has decided the Chinese dish vegetable department‟s characteristic and even each chef‟s characteristic.2.3 Differences in dietary patterns The Chinese and Western dietary patterns can be very different, and these differences affect the national character.In China, a celebration, no matter what, there will be only one form, as sitting together, sharing one feast.Banquet uses round table, which has created a unity of form, which is courtesy, comity atmosphere.Cate are in the center of the table.It is the objects for people to appreciate and taste, and it is also an intermediate of communication.People toast each other and share the vegetables, which reflect the mutual respect between people in the face of the good things, also show the virtues of comity.Although from the health point of view, this approach has obvious deficiencies, but it is in our national “happy” mentality, it reflects the classical Chinese philosophy area of “and” impact for future generations.It is helpful to facilitate the collective emotional exchanges and consequently difficult to reform.The western-style banquets, although the food and wine are very important, but in fact they are just foil.The core of Banquet is friendship, by the conversation with the guests who sitting next to achieve the purpose of recreation.If making an analogous compare between the recreation of the banquets and dancing, it may be said that the Chinese banquet is like group dance, and the western banquet is like men and women dancing.This shows that communication purpose of Chinese banquet and western banquet are very obvious.Only the Chinese banquet is more popular in the communion, but western banquet shows guests reflected in the friendship between neighbors.The more obvious differences between Chinese and western dietary patterns is buffet dinner which is popular in the West.This method is to display all food, and everybody is picking not fixed in his or her places to eat.They walk freely.This approach would provide the emotional interaction between individuals;they never need to put every word on the table.This also shows a western personality and self-respect.However, all the eating without jamming lacks the real affective tone like the Chinese people.Some people want to put the buffet in the Chinese food, but I think it is not feasible.Zhang Qijun in the Principles of Cooking tells us the main reason: “First, buffet is not like drinking tea.Drinking tea is just the thing to you before you choose, and displayed in the cafeteria there is a large number of food to eat, so when you want to have it, it is cold yet.Chinese cuisine will serve hot, if cold, nothing to eat.Secondly, buffet dishes only can do hard dishes and beneficial dishes.Then you can access for large plots.And those most representative of the Chinese culinary arts, such as the tender and lighter dishes, are not in this show.Third, the buffet can do stewing pot;it means a big pot in terms of food.Any sophisticated cooking of a dish can only be cooked in a pot at two most, and it is not able to cook the dish for dozens of people.So it will not be delicious, never talking of the taste.Under such circumstances, it is clear that the use of buffet dinner will deny Chinese culinary arts.“The Chinese people are drinking around the table to show harmony and unity, but the buffet has broken such pattern.It raises the personal independence and self-mentioned at the first place.This is the opposite of the scale of the great unity of all Chinese traditional culture.2.4 The different utensils and etiquette

2.4.1 Cutlery to use

Chopsticks and knife and fork is the basic difference between Chinese and Western table manners.Zhejiang University, Professor Yu Xiu ling: East and West appear chopsticks and knife and fork eating the different tools and environment relationship.Bamboo chopsticks to have originated in the place.Northern China

wood, bamboo from southern China, ancestors from local materials, bamboo and wood have become the most primitive materials chopsticks chopsticks.The

emergence of a knife and fork than chopsticks much later.According to research by Professor Yu Xiu Ling, the original knife and fork and European origin living in ancient nomadic habits, they immediately carry knives of life, often cooked the meat, cut off to eat.About 15 centuries before and after the meal in order to improve posture, Europeans used the double-pointed cross.To the 18th century only the tip of a fork with four forks.Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only brought different eating habits, also affected the Eastern and Western concepts in life.Professor Yu Xiu Ling, eating into the system will inevitably bring a knife and fork, and chopsticks sitting around the table with family members must dine match.Beginning point of Western food, which derived from the West pay attention to independent, children grow up into the world after the independence of ideas and habits.The chopsticks brought together meals daily, highlighting the young and old sat together in the family unit, so that Asians have a relatively strong family values.When I reminded in the use of Chinese and Western dishes have different specifications.If not play with chopsticks when eating Chinese food(to them when the drumstick is a very rude way), but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or make gestures.Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks chopsticks inserted in the rice, which is taboo(which seems to funeral incense is considered unlucky.)When using the knife and fork there are some taboos.Such as holding a knife and fork when not meddling.To speak or talk, knife and fork on the plate should only decency.Avoid using their own utensils for others bowl.Do not bend over picking up utensils fall.Do not cut off a good meal products, especially products with a soup meal, to eat a piece-by-all and more.2.4.2 Seating arrangements Western formal banquets are particular about the seating arrangements.Traditional Chinese dinner with square table.Door is on both sides of the partial blocks.Treat, the elderly, people with high status of the guest of honor sit or seat, men and women who sat down the owner or Peiqia Block, and the remaining customers in order to sit side seat.Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, then the guest of honor men and women and the general order of the guests seating arrangements, that men and women interspersed arrangement, subject to seat the hostess, the guest of honor sitting in the top right of the hostess, Main Binfu the top right of man of the house to sit, pay attention to “ladies first” Western gentleman, will show the attentions of the ladies.In China, respect for the left and right for the times;on respect, under second;in respect, partial for the times.In the West, respect for the right, left for the times.I particularly Western seat etiquette tips: The most graceful way is seated from the left seat.Do not put your elbows on the desktop, not Rocker foot.Can not withdraw in the middle of the meal(if things do need to leave should be whispered about greeting guests.)Dinner, sit up straight, back straight, neck elongation.Depend on the upper arm and back to back, abdomen, and a table for about a fist distance.Remember to head high with food, in the face of the food into the mouth, it is necessary to the food to the mouth to mouth opinions on the food rather than bent.2.4.3 Dining atmosphere Trouble on the table of Chinese and Western food on the table is static and the most fundamental difference between Chinese and Western table manners.Table climate differences, the Chinese table action, the Western table static.Chinese food for life to matter to music, show and great, the atmosphere of excitement is often breathtaking.Chinese people get a table, then in full flight, with each other for food, drinks upon, enjoy, delicacies, delicious cuisine.Banquet this way in order to reflect the enthusiasm and sincerity the owner, the table reflects the excitement of patrons from the heart‟s delight.This “trouble” to some extent reflects the Chinese family from the warm, neighborhood harmony, unity and people‟s “Harmony.” Westerners have a table to sit quietly dedicated to cutting their own dinner.Soup can not make noise, such as hot soup can be cooled before eating, do not blow through your mouth.Shut up when eating chewing.Do not lick their lips or smack sound.Guests can dine and talk about, but not only with a few acquaintances talk.If guests do not know about, they may first introduce myself.Others can not take the mouth interrupted his speech.Keep the volume level of the other party can hear.Chewing of food do not speak, even if someone speak to you, have to wait to answer after swallowing.2.5 Differences in diet attribution There are differences between Chinese and western diet attribution.Western diet tends to be scientific and rational, but the Chinese diet tends to be art and sentimental.During the underdevelopment era of diet, these two trends have only one aim – to live and never be hungry.And when the dietary culture is full developed, the tendency is shown in this different purpose: the former is in the development of nutrition, the latter is expressed as the stress on the flavor.Cooking is from diet;the origin of food is a life-sustaining nutrition.Therefore, the focus of western diet is only the extension of the original diet practicality.The emphasis on the flavor of Chinese cuisine caters the diet to the arts field.Mencius said: “Flavor in the mouth has the same interests”.“Interests” points out the key from nutrition to arts.Such interests are from the meaning of flavor.In China, eating is not meant to have enough.It is about nutrition.Sometimes we eat though we are full.We are overloaded with food.Why? Saying bluntly, it is to appreciate the art of cooking;and not saying it nicely, it is the temptation of “delicious” for the enjoyment of taste.Watching the rational diet in the west, it is not only waste, but also harmful to the men body.In fact, the herbalist doctors are also opposed to overeat, claiming “dietary restraint”.But the dialectics tell us Chinese people, occasionally the “overload” and once we are comfortable, we can absorb and store.Qigong masters at the situation of non-eat and non-drink at home is still in good spirits, although their weight loses, but it is intact on the human body;and it is the consumption of such storage.Herbalist doctor also advocates winter nutrition.It is also in order to store for keeping energy in the coming year.Chinese people‟s views are more dialectical than the western diet propositions opposing overloaded stubbornly.It is closer to the science truth, and has been checked up for thousands of Chinese medicine practice.Psychologists Spinoza said: “The desire is human nature than other.” The human desire for delicious is the nature of human beings which is fully reflected.In process of the taste enjoyment, it is imbued with the shares of élan vital.Life should not be a yoke, but also not be a repressed desire.We can not use the absolute reason to regulate the behavior of all people.On the diet, it is not the purpose of “science” and “nutrition” and some delicious are excluded from the table outside.Only delicious things can satisfy people‟s appetite and then give the arrival of physical and mental pleasure.Chinese diet shows the transformation about sentimental form to rational form from the old days till now, and cause the Chinese dietary culture brimming with imagination and creativity.The sensibility of Chinese culinary culture is a sublime sensibility, infiltrating rational sense, also the realization of the nature of life.In addition, gustatory enjoyment is one of the main objectives pursued of the human struggle.The art of Chinese cuisine is compatible with the development of human history in the process, more scientific than the progress of the western diet.As Zhang Qijun in his work Cooking Principles said: “The United States is unprecedented least affluent society, but till today, in essence it is still „food to eat‟ stage.There are still some distances from entering the realm of art.” In China, The role of diet goes beyond the subsistence of existence, which is designed not only to have the physical presence, but also to meet people‟s spiritual needs for pleasure.It is positive to enrich people‟s life performance, and fine arts, music, literature, etc.which have the same level of significance to the improvement of life.Chinese diet tends to artistry, the so-called art realm.In fact, that is a complete leap from the necessity to freedom.It is characterized by randomness.For example, similar dishes, because of the differences in area, season, target, function and grade, it has different treatments on operation.Set braised fish for example, in winter deep colors are advised and tastes are advised strongly, but in summer it should be light color and flavor.And for the people in Zhejiang province, their dishes can be put up more sugar in the braised fish, and if facing Chuanxiang customers it should allocate spicy.It easy to see that if out of the arbitrary, there would be no cooking variety;we will lose the unique charm of Chinese cuisine.Whereas in the west, dishes in different areas and different seasons and facing different customers, is the same flavor, no changes.Although it is the most valuable banquet, which is just tableware known, conducted layout, and the vegetables remain the same as before.Moreover, as for materials, westerners think the food is to eat, eating special “hard vegetables” such as large piece of meat, chicken block.China‟s cuisine is “taste”.The Chinese cooking in materials has shown tremendous arbitrariness: The things which many, many westerners consider as disposable things in China are excellent raw materials.Foreign cooks are not able to deal with things, but in the hands of a Chinese chef, it can get a magic result.Chinese cuisine is evident in the wide use of materials.Besides skills, an excellent cook, of course, can do more complicated dishes.But facing the real simple materials and condiments, the cooks are often able to produce delicious flavors.It is the arbitrariness of skills.In the surface, the menu seems to be scientific.Westerners always use menu to buy ingredients to produce dishes, but in comparison, it is the machinery, and often powerless facing the complex specific situation.Of course, this mechanical science is still can be said as science, but it is primitive science, and it is not the complete science.Chinese cooking talks about artistry, but it still fit the requirements among the ever-changing, it can be said such science is a real science.The characters of western food which lacks nutrition and artistic atmosphere have great distinction from the artistic realm of Chinese cuisine.3.Nature of the differences between Chinese and Western food

Differences in the nature of the Chinese and western diet are inosculated with the respective lifestyle and the pace of life.In the west, people do the duplication of pipeline operations, and implement piece-wage system, so the paces of their lives are so fast.People fall under the mechanical method either intentionally or unintentionally, and believe that “Work is work, and game is game.” Mechanical lives led to oneness of diet or a single blind about diet, and eat beefsteak and potatoes every day.Monotonous diet is the same as work, for which the purposes is to fulfill the “incident”, naturally with no interests, and all these have no word in terms of taste.But China is not, “The game is work, and the work is of a game”.Such life manner is also emerged in diet.A baker sells bread in the street, he likes using the rolling pole to beat the chopping board rhythmically when they knead flour.When the cooks fry a dish, even beating scoop, they also care the sense of rhythm during cooking.These would not work for any conveniences, but it increases the interests of workers.Only in such an atmosphere work will be meaningful, and it will have more creativity and artistry of Chinese cuisine.There still exist various differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures.But with the development of cultural communication between China and the west, along with the strengthening of communication between China and the west, China has imported various kinds of western food, known as the “KFC” “DICOS”, “McDonald”.This marks a new western dietary culture exchanges and infiltration.We believe that with the development of society, the cultural differences between Chinese and western dietary will no longer be the difference.4.Conclusion

Diet is absolutely necessary in the life of mankind, and even in the existence or development.Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultural traditions, the Chinese and western dietary cultures are different in concept, target, pattern, attribution and nature.We study these differences and then find out the points that can be digested, in order to facilitate the communication about cultures between China and the west.Western culture(in particular, modern American culture)can be said to be male and female culture.But the Chinese culture can be said to be a dietary culture.“As the reason of the cultural traditions, the western lives tend to men and women , Chinese people are dumping guidance on life in the restaurants.Thus the diet is rich in culture.Food culture in the west is not developed enough, but this underdevelopment itself is the result of the development of a culture, so it is still significant to study the dietary cultures of Chinese and Western diet.By the analysis of the differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures, we can comprehend the respective cultural traditions of China and the west.And we can also improve and create the culture of China.In short, analyzing and researching in the Western diet and cultural differences has a very important significance in Chinese food culture.It is not only in understanding the purpose of this fact in itself, but also it is more importantly and useful to guide our practice, based on the awareness-raising, improve food structure, get rid of food abuse, improve the food quality and guarantee people‟s needs, in this kind of way to promote Chinese dining culture.By the text from this thesis, we can easily find that there still exist various differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures.But with the development of cultural communication between China and the west, along with the strengthening of communication between China and the west, China has imported various kinds of western food, known as the “KFC” “DICOS”, “McDonald”.These mark a new western food culture exchanges and infiltration.The impact brought about by economic globalization is stronger and deeper than the internationalization.Economic globalization is a double-edged sword, on one hand, it brings the vitality of economic growth, and on the other hand, the dominant culture is put into other countries through strong economic and infiltrated every corner of the globe.Therefore, the cultural communication focus on how to assimilate advantages of the other countries‟ culture, abandon its shortcoming, and learn how to transform and make it localized, all countries need to study the issue.So in the face of the dietary cultural exchange problems between China and the West, we should find each other‟s advantages and draw the mutual advantages, as China can learn from the point that western diet stresses nutrition match, and make the Chinese cuisine more outstanding.China is a country with an ancient culture and is rich in cultural traditions.She feeds the 1.3 billion Chinese people, and Chinese culture is very inclusive;in the course of development it absorbs a lot of different cultures.Moreover, now China does more efforts to draw all the outstanding achievements in the World.China‟s reform and opening up policy create the conditions on international relations and cultural exchanges.We need to use such an opportunity to absorb the excellent cultures from other countries, to develop and create China‟s new culture.Acknowledgements

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Miss Tu Huiqin, my supervisors, for her constant encouragement and guidance.I would not have survived all work without the constant support that she gave me.She has walked with me through the first stage of writing this paper.Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this paper would not have reached its present form.I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all my teachers at the English Department.Thanks to their instructive guidance and comprehensive education during the four year‟s college life, I can acquire the opportunity to further study my English.References

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中西方文化对比独立 篇5











17、18世纪商业的勃兴,促成了中产阶段的兴起,也为高级葡萄酒提供了一个广大的市场。玻璃瓶与软木塞的普遍使用,让波尔多及勃良第等地开始生产品质卓越的久存型葡萄酒,19世纪中白新大陆传进欧洲的根瘤蚜虫病几乎完全摧毁了所有欧洲的葡萄园,这是有史以来遭受的最大灾害,只在法国就有两百五十万公顷的葡萄园受到殃及。80年代,才找到根绝的方法:将欧洲种葡萄嫁接到美国种葡萄上,因为美国种葡萄树根不会受蚜虫的侵扰。有关葡萄酒酿造,法国细菌学家巴斯得也在十九世纪开始科学性的研究,使得酿造技术大幅提升。20世纪在葡萄酒的酿造技术上有长足的进步,不仅酿造的过程更能精确控制,而且发展出各种新式的酿造方法,让欧洲以外的新兴葡萄酒产国在葡萄酒业快速成一长,成为欧洲葡萄酒的主要对手。但另一方面,葡萄园的天然环境也越来越受到重视。法国从 1936年建立AOC法定产区管制系统奠立欧洲葡萄酒业保存传统葡萄酒的基础,地方风味得以延续。






酒作为文化的一种载体,与文化一样,由于历史背景、生活环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯和思维模式等的不同,在中西方呈现出其风格迥异、异彩 纷呈的民族特性。现在仅从酒史、酒器、酒礼及酒德四方面 对中西方的酒文化进行粗浅的对比。

酒史方面中国自古以来无论祭祀、加冕、喜宴、聚会还是政治斗争,都离不开酒。我国的酒史源远流长,是世界第一大酒国。西方国家以葡萄酒和啤酒著称。有人认为葡萄酒和啤酒首先是在西方国家发现并酿造的,中国葡萄酒和啤酒的产生和规模生产都比外国要晚。“1996年,西方考古学家在伊朗发现,人类于七千年前饮用葡萄酒。美国考古学家也证实,在扎格罗斯山脉一个石器时代晚期的村庄,发掘出一个罐子,这个罐子产生于公元前5415年,里面有残余的 葡萄酒”。至于啤酒,“有文献表明,此物起源于四千年至六 千年前古埃及的尼罗河畔。在两千年前的巴比伦模纳比时代,就已编著出《啤酒酿造法》,南巴比伦国王模纳比亲手 撰写而成”。

酒器方面酒器是指盛装酒的器具。酒器的历史与酒的历史同样悠久且种类繁多。酒器的发展与一个国家经济的发展是分不开的,在不同 的历史时期,酒器的生产技术、材料及外形可以反映出当时 一个国家的经济及文化发展水平。中国人历来就十分重视酒 器的使用,形状各异、色彩缤纷的酒器使人们在饮酒的同时也能得到美的享受,同时也反映出了中国艺术文化的独特魅力。西方的酒器虽然没有中国这么丰富,但也有其特色,而且,西方人讲究在不同的场合,饮用不同的酒,要选用不同的洒杯,像葡萄酒杯、白酒杯、白兰地酒杯及香槟酒杯等。此外,西方酒杯的制作讲究轻薄透明,因此其酒器多为玻璃 和水晶制品,以便于欣赏酒的色泽,进而判断出酒的档次高低。西方人喝酒时习惯玩弄酒杯,让酒在杯中回旋,因此,西方酒杯的外形大都是窄口宽肚,不仅美观大方,而且轻巧实用,在保留酒香的同时还避免酒的溢出。由此可见,中国的酒器形象、优美;西方的酒器轻巧、方便,虽然差别比较 明显,但各有其文化特色。现如今,随着社会的不断发展,中国传统的酒器已经少见,西方的酒器开始在中国受到欢迎,这也是我们提倡的文化融合的一种体现。

酒礼方面中国素有“礼仪之邦”的美称,自古以来人们就十分 重视礼数,礼几乎渗透到了人们生活的方方面面。“无酒不 成礼”,酒作为我国传统文化的一部分,自然与礼有着密切的关系,因此,我们把与酒有关的礼数称为酒礼。时至今日,人们仍然遵守着这些饮酒的礼节,只是更加宽泛、灵活。人们随时都町以邀亲朋好友来聚会,而且在聚会时也不再

先敬 天、地、鬼、神,但还会分等级和场合来敬酒。中国人喝酒注重人,讲究气氛,倒酒时要“以满为敬”,喝酒时要“以干为敬”;碰杯时,晚辈或下级的酒杯要低于长辈或上级的酒杯;敬酒时,晚辈和下级要主动,还要说敬酒词;有些地方还存在严重的劝酒现象,喝到不醉不归等等。与中国不同,西方的酒礼没有如此繁琐的讲究,他们喝酒在于调动各个器官去品酒,享受其中的美味。首先,在西方国家,上酒有一定的顺序,依次是:开胃酒、主菜佐酒、甜点酒和餐后酒;此外,在酒宴上,喝酒的气氛 比较缓和,从不猜拳,高声叫喊;斟酒提倡至酒杯的三分之二即可;敬酒选择在主菜之后,甜菜之前,而且要高举酒杯,注视对方以示敬意,有时也会说一些祝酒词,但不存在 “以干为敬”的现象,也从不劝酒。

从英汉委婉语对比看中西方文化 篇6



作 者:陈彦彦 作者单位:安徽大学外语学院,安徽・合肥,230039刊 名:安徽文学(评论研究)英文刊名:ANHUI LITERATURE年,卷(期):“”(12)分类号:H3关键词:语言 委婉语 文化差异 跨文化交际

中西方文化对比独立 篇7

1 中西方文化差异的原因

英国文化学家泰勒提出, 文化是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律等的复杂整体。英汉两种民族在各自的历史长河中, 受多种因素综合影响, 逐渐形成本民族的文化特点。

1.1 地理环境的影响

地理环境决定生存方式, 生存方式决定文化习惯。西方文明是海洋文明, 无论是古希腊、英吉利, 还有北欧一些国家和地区, 都是大海环绕, 耕地面积少而贫瘠, 只能发展航海贸易, 以向外扩张空间。所以, 西方文化从源头开始, 逐渐形成喜欢探索、武力征服的外向型文化。

而汉民族长期生活在黄河、长江流域的沃土, 属于典型的封闭型农耕文化, 长期相对安逸、缺乏冒险的生活逐渐养成其好静的内向型文化特质。

1.2 政治、经济制度的影响

古希腊实行城邦制度, 分为贵族制和民主制, 采取独立、民主、法制的形式来实行统治。经济上, 不是封闭的农业社会, 而是扩张性的庄园经济、开放的商业社会。频繁的贸易往来, 外邦人的大量迁入, 导致社会中血缘性的亲族组织瓦解。逐渐形成外向型的斗争精神和强烈的维权意识。

中国古代的政治制度是以专制主义中央集权制度为核心, 血缘亲族关系是传统社会中的深层结构。长期自给自足的封建自然经济, 形成“和为贵、忍为高”的意识形态。

1.3 宗教信仰的影响

西方文化的源头来自于古希腊文明、古希伯来文明和古罗马文明。经过历时的发展, 古希腊的哲学、古罗马的法律, 以及古希伯来的犹太教, 都和基督教结合起来, 将科学、法律、伦理融合起来, 共同构筑了西方文化体系。基督教作为一种意识形态渗透于西方社会各个方面, 塑造了西方文化的基本精神, 并且培养了西方人的心理习惯。基督教是一种哲学化的宗教, 它的核心是对神的本质的论述和对神人关系的思考, 持“性恶论”, 犯罪感与忏悔成为永恒的主题。

中国长期以来受佛教、道教以及儒家影响, 主张“神人合一”的“性善论”, 强调修德养心来感悟自身存在的价值, 以达到“天人合一”的境界。

2 英汉思维差异比较

萨丕尔认为语言和思维密切相关, 语言是思维的必要工具, 思维是一种复杂的心理活动, 也是语言的最高级的潜在内容, 语言的发展充分依赖于思维的发展, 思维的发展也会推动语言的发展, 二者相互促进。中西方文化在历史发展上形成语言、文化上的各种差异, 因而产生了操两种语言的民族不同的思维模式。主要体现在, 中国文化注重抽象思维、感性思维、归纳思维, 强调集体主义、群体本位;西方文化注重逻辑思维、理性思维、演绎思维, 强调个人主义、个体本位。



It is inspiring to learn of some of the work being done by these young people, who bring creativity and innovation to the challenges they face.

令人鼓舞的是, 我了解到一些年轻人正在做着一些事情, 他们面对挑战, 富于创造力和创新精神。

可以看出, 英语句子有严谨的主谓结构, 逻辑严密, 多为长句。而汉语主谓结构复杂、多样、灵活, 不受形态约束, 没有主谓形式协调一致的关系, 句式呈“流散型”, 形散神似, 多用短句。

2.2 客体思维与主体思维


The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.

我走在厚厚的地毯上, 听不到我的脚步声。

It occurs to that it must be a tame horse.


英语句子常用物称 (非人称) 表达式, 表示客观、理性的客体思维方式。汉语是主体思维, 强调主体性、直观性、情感性, 重人称, 往往从自我出发来叙述客观事物或倾向于描述人及其行为或状态。

2.3 抽象思维与形象思维


I talked to him with brutal frankness.

我对他讲的话, 虽然逆耳, 却是忠言。

英语表达中, 使用抽象词“brutal”“frankness”, 注重抽象思维, 不能从字面意思简单地直译, 而要采取意译。汉语的相对表达中采用具体的“忠言逆耳”表达方式。


The three men sat down facing each other and began casually chatting.

三个人品字式坐下, 随便聊了起来。

汉语表达用象形文字“品字式”, 偏重形象表达。而英语表达使用具体事物, 突出指称意义。

2.4 静态与动态表达


他总是说谎。He is a great liar.

她打开抽屉拿出钢笔。Opening the drawer, he took out a pen.

从以上例句可以看出, 英语表达中名词或者名词化表达法更常见, 使得整个语言表达呈静态。而汉语倾向于多用动词或多动词谓语句, 语言叙述多呈动态。

2.5 英语常用被动句, 汉语常用主动句

如:“I have been closely associated with the Commonwealth through most of its existence.” (英国女王2009年圣诞致辞)

“在英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里, 我都同它联系紧密。”

2.6 顺向思维与逆向思维


“您先请.”“After you.”

九五折A five percent discount

东北, 西南Northeast, Southwest

钢铁Iron and steel

晴雨Rain and shine

从以上英汉语言表达中可以看出, 英语和汉语在一些词序的表达上恰恰相反, 进一步体现了两种语言的思维差异。

3 英汉思维差异对跨文化交际的影响

英语是思维的工具, 也是最直接的交流工具, 可分为言语交际与非言语交际。交际离不开文化基础, 即以语言为工具的跨文化交际。英汉两种语言在思维上的诸多差异, 无疑会影响人们跨文化交际的效果。

3.1 词汇差异

英语是分析性语言, 单词有曲折变化, 而汉语属于综合性语言, 强调整体思维。因此, 单词的构词有大量的前缀和后缀;英语名词分为可数与不可数名词, 可数名词有单复数区别, 与汉语思维中对数的表达概念不同;英语中人称代词有主格、宾格之分, 在句子中分别充当固定的成分;名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词也是汉语思维中没有的。此外, 英汉词汇在概念表达、内涵意义和搭配意义等方面存在不对等现象。例如, 英语“black tea”对应汉语的“红茶”等。

3.2 句式差异

英汉语言在遣词造句上有着很大差异。例如, 汉语有时候可以把宾语放在句首, “这部电影我看过。”而英语表达中一般没有这样的句式。关于句式本文第二节已经做了详细区分, 在此不再赘述。句式的选择与理解会导致跨文化交际中的障碍, 应在跨文化交际中加以重视。

3.3 世界观、价值观差异

由于历史环境以及哲学观的不同, 两种语言思维下对待世界的看法不同。即对人在宇宙中的位置、人与大自然的关系等方面, 西方文化认为人是世界的中心, 人们可以利用科学技术征服自然, 是“天人各一”的思想;而东方文化认为人与自然应该和谐相处, 是“天人合一”思想。西方文化受基督教影响, 人们的价值观受到上帝的限制与监督;而东方价值观诸如“君子爱财取之以道”更多的是受道德教化的影响。世界观和价值观是深层次的文化体现, 对跨文化交际有着潜移默化的暗示作用。

4 如何培养英语思维方式

4.1 大量模仿

心理语言学家认为, 语言是从听觉活动开始的, 经过大脑分析器的作用, 然后由心理活动器官操练完成。所以, 培养英语思维方式首先要从听力模仿开始, 不断进行重复练习。

4.2 克服母语的负迁移影响

负迁移:要了解英汉语言在文化和思维方式, 以及语言表达上的差异, 尽量摆脱汉语影响, 主动直接用英语去思维, 而不是先用汉语思维然后翻译成英语。

4.3 主动创设英语环境以培养语感

乔姆斯基认为, 语感是语言学习的核心, 语感越强就越能创造性地学习和使用语言。培养语感的主要方法是进行英语文章的背诵、多看英语原版书籍、看英语原声电影、听英语电台等, 使自己融入英语世界。此外, 参加各种英语活动, 多与英美人士交流, 使自己身临其境, 逐渐养成英语思维习惯。

5 结束语

总之, 英汉不同文化之间的差异是由于各自民族的文化历史背景不同而产生的, 是社会发展中约定俗成的现象。英汉语言中存在着明显的思维模式差异。英语学习可以分为三个层面:器物层, 即英语是交流的工具;制度层, 即英语是文化的载体;思想层, 即英语是认知或思维的工具。我们在外语学习的过程中, 不仅要重视语言内容本身的学习, 还要了解不同文化之间的差异, 提高文化适应性, 从文化高度上提高外语的熟练程度, 从而有效地进行跨文化交际;更要对比思维模式的差异, 培养英语思维模式, 才能在两种语言中进行自由转化。

摘要:英语学习归根结底是思维方式的学习。该文从中西方文化的根源出发, 探讨两种文化差异产生的原因, 以及在思维模式上的不同体现, 从而使英语学习者从文化差异的层面培养英语思维。



[1]刘承华.中西宗教精神的不同及其文化内涵[J].合肥教育学院学报, 2002 (3) .

[2]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.

[3]贺毅.中西方文化比较[M].北京:冶金工业出版社, 2007.

[4]赵艾.从《诗经》和《荷马史诗》看中西方文化差异[J].作家杂志, 2011 (10) .

中西雕塑文化内涵之对比与鉴赏 篇8



















四川省出土的东汉“说唱俑”(见图12), 这件陶塑在人物动作及面部表情的刻画方面十分杰出,以大幅度的动作和丰富的表情展现了说书人的幽默神态。此说唱俑身材作短胖处理,头冠软帽,上身裸露,两肩微上耸,腹呈鼓状,下着戏装。左赤足曲蹲,右足赤着翘起,腹部前伸,背部向后倾,脸部颅圆额高,额前数道皱纹,眉眼呈似闭还睁之状,嘴半张,微笑吐舌。在夸张的眉宇间,蕴含着一股栩栩如生般的朴实和善的诙谐滑稽,似正说到一段极为精彩之處,脸部的表情显得眉飞色舞,极富想象力和感染力。整体塑像毫无繁琐雕琢,简约流畅、神形兼备、气势非凡,其绝妙之处便是汉代雕塑师善于抓住人物的瞬间动态,并配合以夸张的肢体动作,加强了人物的神态动势,刻画出说书人典型的瞬间情感特征,重在传神,质朴自然。在动势中表现人物的内在神韵,传达了古代先民对生活乐观豁达的人生状态。古代雕塑师借助酣畅淋漓的线条把人物形象塑造得如此逼真传神,当属汉代艺术家的杰作。


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