
2024-09-23 版权声明 我要投稿


法律毕业论文中英文版 篇1


Certificate No.毕业证书编号 Date: 毕业证日期

This is to certify that 姓名, male/female, born on 出生日期, having specialized in 专业英文名称 in the 院系英文名称(与毕业证书和中英文成绩单一致)of Communication University of China from September 入学年份 to July 毕业年份 and having completed the two-year/four-year undergraduate program of study with qualified standing, is hereby awarded with Certificate of Graduation.President

Su Zhiwu

法律毕业论文中英文版 篇2

召回制度是依法召回缺陷产品的一种制度, 即当某种产品由于设计或其他原因而存在缺陷, 有危害消费者安全与健康的可能时, 产品的生产者、经营者应主动将此种产品收回, 消除产品缺陷, 以避免消费者权益遭受实际损害。召回制度最初起源于汽车制造业, 1966年, 美国的《国家交通与机动车安全法》首先创立了该制度。通过对召回汽车的返修、更换部件等形式, 重新以合格的产品来满足顾客需求, 体现了质量第一、信誉至上的原则, 体现了以消费者为中心的服务宗旨。此后, 美国逐步在多项关于产品安全和公众健康的立法中规定了召回制度, 比如《消费者产品安全法》、《儿童安全保护法》、《食品、药品及化妆品法》和《交通召回增加责任与文件》等。依据美国《消费品者产品安全法》的规定, ……就消费品提起诉讼的地区法院有权宣告涉案产品为有急迫危险的产品, 并且准许采取一些临时性或者永久性的补救措施, 以保护公众免遭产品的危害。这样的补救措施包括一项强制性命令:要求被告将产品存在的危险通知此种产品的购买者, 告知公众, 并且召回此种产品, 对其予以修理、更换, 或者退回此种产品的货款。

由此可见, 召回制度是生产者对其出售的不合格或有缺陷的产品实行质量信誉保证的一种手段, 其核心是对有缺陷的产品予以补救。

笔者认为, 召回制度应包括以下内容:

(1) 实施召回的主体是产品的生产者和经营者;

(2) 召回的客体是物, 即有质量缺陷的产品;

(3) 召回的依据是法律、法规的相关规定;

(4) 对缺陷产品的召回属于消费者权益保护法法律体系的一个组成部分。


近年来, 本属于消费者保护法律体系中的召回制度, 被悄然移植到了毕业生就业、择业体制当中。一些高等院校针对毕业生就业后不能适应工作的情况, 仿效产品召回制度, 制定了将毕业生“召回”学校进行补充教育的毕业生“召回”制度。

长春师范学院在2005届毕业生招聘洽谈会上开始实施毕业生“召回”制度, 经一年试行后最终决定正式实施“召回”制。该校向各招聘单位分发的《召回承诺书》中写明在以下两种情况下学校将召回毕业生: (1) 用人单位认为毕业生实际工作能力存在某方面欠缺; (2) 毕业生本人发现自身不足愿回校充电。据该校就业指导处处长称“‘毕业生召回’是受汽车、冰箱等产品召回的启发。”该处长表示, 在当前的就业形势下, 推出“学生召回”之举, 为的是让“教育产品”更适应用人单位的需求。实行“召回”制, 首先是为树立学校信誉;其次为用人单位解除后顾之忧;第三则为走出校门后实际能力一时无法胜任工作的毕业生提供一个“调整、再出发”的机会。长春师范学院对实行毕业生“召回”的表述反映了某些高校推出毕业生“召回”制度的内在动因。

毕业生“召回”作为增强毕业生适应社会能力的新举措颇受各方关注, 也引起了一些争论。在一次您如何看待“毕业生召回”制度的调查中, 数据显示:对“毕业生召回”制度持赞成观点的占29.4%;不赞成的, 占22.8%;认为不能简单的一刀切的, 占43.6%;认为不好说的, 占3.8%;其他0.4%。法律界人士认为, 企业产品召回是一个法律概念, 需要界定立法主体、执法主体、召回标准、召回程序和法律责任等。缺陷是产品被召回的基础, 但“学生召回”难以界定标准。进一步的质疑在于:即便“召回”的对象确实“不够合格”, 那么, 为什么不合格的学生能毕业?从教书育人的角度看, 让不具备毕业条件的学生轻松过关, 将其推向社会, 这是学校不负责任的表现, 也暴露出部分高校在扩招背景下粗放式教育的弊端。


一项制度得以制定并得到普遍适用的前提是具备相应的法理基础和制定依据。笔者认为, 作为一项制度, 毕业生“召回”在这方面存在先天的缺陷, 面临着法律困境。


产品召回法律关系的主体、客体、权利义务等内容都有着明确的法律规定。而我国现行法律、法规并没有对毕业生“召回”制度作出相应的规制和许可, 毕业生“召回”处于无法可依的状态。


法律关系主体是法律关系的参加者。在毕业生“召回”这一法律关系中, 作为主体之一的高校, 其性质我们可以从不同角度进行分析:从行政法的角度看, 高校是行政主体。依据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》 (以下简称《高等教育法》) 、《中华人民共和国学位管理条例》等法律、法规的规定和授权, 高校作为法律、法规授权的组织, 在行使法律、法规规定的职能时享有行政主体资格, 主要表现在招生权、学位授予权、职称评审权、奖励或处分权等方面。从民法的角度看, 高校是民事主体。2004年6月27日修订的《事业单位登记管理暂行条例》第二条规定:“本条例所称事业单位, 是指国家为了社会公益目的, 由国家机关举办或者其他组织利用国有资产举办的, 从事教育、科技、文化、卫生等活动的社会服务组织。”据此规定, 高校是事业法人。与事业法人相对的是企业法人, 企业法人是指以营利为目的, 独立从事商品生产和经营活动的法人。显然, 高校作为高等教育的实施机构, 不论是作为法律、法规授权的组织行使行政主体的职能, 还是作为事业法人从事民事行为, 都与独立从事商品生产和经营活动的生产者和经营者具有本质的不同。不能将高校等同于产品的生产者和经营者。因此, 高校不应成为毕业生“召回”的主体。


高校培养的毕业生不是像生产者生产出的产品那样的“物”, 而是一个个具有鲜明个性特点的活生生的人, 二者不能等同类比, 把毕业生当产品一样“召回”是不合适的。


目前, 一些高校实行的毕业生“召回”由于缺乏法律依据, 导致毕业生“召回”没有严谨的程序规定和完备的内容。虽然推行者的主观动机是好的, 但实践中必然面临以下难题:


《高等教育法》第十六条第二款规定:“高等学历教育应当符合下列学业标准: (一) 专科教育应当使学生掌握本专业必备的基础理论、专门知识, 具有从事本专业实际工作的基本技能和初步能力; (二) 本科教育应当使学生比较系统地掌握本学科、专业必需的基础理论、基本知识, 掌握本专业必要的基本技能、方法和相关知识, 具有从事本专业实际工作和研究工作的初步能力;……。”毕业生取得毕业证表明其已经比较系统地掌握了所在学科、所学专业所必需的基础理论、基本知识, 掌握了所学专业所必备的基本技能、方法和相关知识, 具有从事所学专业实际工作和研究工作的初步能力。达到上述学业标准, 即达到了法律规定的标准, 应视为合格的毕业生, 否则, 就不能取得毕业证。那么取得了毕业证的毕业生就业以后如果不能胜任工作, 是不是就不合格或有缺陷呢?产品的缺陷, 可以根据法律对缺陷产品的界定和明确规定的标准来判断, 而对作为具有主观能动性的人, 其是否存在缺陷则很难判断。对高校而言, 应如何避免培养出“次品”或如何改造有“缺陷”的学生, 法律并无相关规定。


主要涉及两个方面, 一是高校有没有召回毕业生的权利。学生入学后和高校实际上形成了一种合同关系。依据该合同, 学生的义务是向学校交纳一定的费用, 从而享有接受高等教育的权利;而高校的权利是收取学生的学费、住宿费等费用, 义务是提供必要的条件使学生能够正常接受高等教育。学生毕业后, 其和高校的合同关系已经终止。同理, 学生毕业后, 高校不再享有对学生的行政管理权利, 高校与学生之间的行政法律关系也已终止。在学生与高校之间已经没有权利和义务关系的情况下, 高校没有权利召回学生;二是毕业生有自我选择的权利。毕业生有权利决定提升自己专业技术的方式和途径, 比如以在职培训等方法提高自己。换句话说, 毕业生和高校的法律关系终止并走向工作岗位后, 与用人单位形成劳动合同关系。而此时, 高校与用人单位并没有法律上的关系, 因而没有权利单方面宣布对毕业生“召回”。如果用人单位认为毕业生不能胜任所从事的工作, 完全可以调换毕业生的工作岗位, 甚至可以通过正当的法律途径与毕业生解除劳动合同;毕业生如果认为用人单位的工作不适合自己, 也可以通过辞职或解除劳动合同等途径, 寻求更加适合自己的工作。高校把已经与高校没有法律关系的毕业生“召回”高校进行补充教育, 既没有法律依据, 也没有必要, 是一种越权行为。

除此之外, 毕业生“召回”还涉及到被召回学生进行补充教育的费用问题、对教育资源的占用问题、对用人单位的赔偿问题等等。对上述问题, 法律并没有相应的规定, 很难得到有效的解决。长春师范学院自2004年12月试行“召回制”以来, 到目前还没有学生返校接受“再造”。北京一项针对毕业生和在校生的调查显示, 包括北京大学、北京化工大学、长春师范学院等154名在校生, 在“您是否愿意被召回”的选项中, 有139人选择“不愿意”, 占总调查人数的90.3%。这说明, 实行毕业生“召回”并没有收到预期的效果。

法律毕业论文中英文版 篇3

关键词:代位求偿权 法律性质 行使条件和方式



英国《1906海上保险法》第79条第1款中,规定的是"he thereupon becomes entitled to take over the interest of the assured"。"entitled to take over"一则表明了保险人向第三人求偿的权利是法律赋予的,即保险代位权是法定代位权:二则表明了保险人只是接管这一权利,而非变更为保险人自身的诉权。

《保险法》第44条及《海事诉讼特别程序法》第93条均规定代位求偿权为法定代位权。 ②






英国《1906年海上保险法》第79条第1款中"the insurer pays for a total loss"。我国《海商法》第252条规定,"被保险人向第三人要求赔偿的权利,自保险人支付赔偿之日起......"。《海事诉讼特别程序法》第96条明确规定,保险人"应当向受理该案的海事法院提交保险人支付保险赔偿的凭证......"。从此可看出,两国法律都要求保险人在"赔付后"取得代位求偿权。





















①武伟. 论海上保险代位求偿权的行使, 《世界海运》1999,05.

②周颖 沈军. 海上保险代位求偿权浅析,朱江水运,2008,3.

③赵俊荣. 论代位求偿权,海事审判,1996(2).

④杨仁寿. 从财产保险契约论为他人利益保险【J】.法令月刊,1996(6):76.

⑤李唯军. 论海上保险代位求偿权的行使【J】,海事审判.1997(2).

毕业留言英文版 篇4

1, Looking back on yesterday, should be a clear conscience; the face of today, should be confident; look to the future, should cherish.

2, parting does not mean a permanent separation, parting is just a starting point for the pursuit. In the sunset place, we waved and said again; in the rising sun on the horizon, we will meet again surprise!

3, the beautiful dream and the beautiful poem, are met and can not be asked. I really like that kind of dream, knowing that you have traveled thousands of miles for me, but feel delicious grass, as if you and I first meet!

4, and finally you have to go, that is far to far away places to read a book on a very far away. Im not surprised, this should be so.

5, this classmate, will be the shadow of my life, it is a sincere note of all my memorable things.

6, the boat set sail in the port of youth, we temporarily broke up, full of ideals and pursuit. When will the meeting be there again?

7, waved away Do not say goodbye, because the hearts of the share of the eternal expectations and always miss.

8, we had two trees side by side, we used to be the duet of the two parts, we used to be friends on the desk. When we wave goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.

9, in your pursuit, hard work and hard work in the process, I will always stand with a smile on your side.

10, maybe you are reluctant, maybe you are timid, but as long as you can cross out, a warm and vibrant life may be in front of you.

11, the earth has colored soil, the beach side there are colorful Pui, music in a musician, life in a colorful way.

12, my life into you, your life also contains me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

13, far away, but also to see your hand waving, maybe not you, but I would rather believe you.

14, years of ring, like the black rotating album, in each of us the heart of the old play of the beautiful love song!

15, youth like a silver Ling, tied in our hearts, and only run non-stop, it will issue a sweet sound.

16, you and I have experienced a difficult, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.

17, the University has been open to our minds, friends, let us bravely went up to enjoy it to experience the boundless magnificent, endless deep it!

18, no matter how many years, no matter how far through the road, I deeply miss that road, it has led me to meet with you.

19, know how to rest assured that people find easy, know how to forget people find freedom, know how to care for people to find friends. Cold weather is not cold, chilling is cold, I hope you have a warm mood every day.

20, we meet in the strange, we broke up in the familiar. Tomorrow, we will go to the star map of life to find their new location, let us use their own flashing stars to inquire each other, expression of meaning.


1, unforgettable light that night with my lantern, then forget that sweat covered with a stack of manuscripts, it is unforgettable that numerous mosquito ants like to fill the textbooks, college entrance examination, we will succeed!

2, Dapeng day with the wind, spun on the nine million miles. Mu Honghu thousands of miles of high-Chi, Ying Wanli Kunpeng exhibition. A sense of commonplace, a cavity Lingyun Chi, the hearts of you will be able to Jinbang title, triumphantly return.

3, the road of life is always bumpy! Not afraid of the storm, not afraid of the arrival of frustration, as long as we move forward, you will find victory in beckoning to you! Life to meet you in a smile, said to you, ”You win!

4, the latest study found that a cup of water before the test, the brain will be better to use, preparing for the college entrance examination, the candidates may wish to try. In addition, a banana, a cup of yogurt can also play a role in emotional stability.

5, the entrance is your first stop of success, you will pass, and efforts, the rest is to believe in yourself!

6, the total scorer, gotta pursue. In Japan, we always meet each other. Yiyi must be no later, then look forward to treasure, and then the situation is more concentrated.

7, the current study hard night light, his year off Guizu toad palace. The wall of the calendar a page of the page tear, the prominent countdown gradually approaching, my dear friends, please work together! In order to Junes brilliant, please take every inch of time.

8, the end of the road to be a blue night, Jinbang unnamed oath not also. Ten years of hard work, in June and the first Jin returned home. One year is the spring, cherish the time to take juvenile. Daejeon soon, my dear friend, work hard, prepare for June!

9, our common home for three years, long and short .In this unusual three years, we trials and hardships, as if to know the results of the time, my heart more uneasy, far from just finished, as the college entrance examination Friends, all the friends to participate in the college entrance examination, no matter how we walked.

10, Yiyi must be no later, then hope treasure, and then the situation is more concentrated

11, on the cold even feel warm, were more love together, in this graduation, I wish you - all the best, our life is full of sunshine and laughter, happy to jump it, the world belongs to us!

12, the journey of life short and long, so that we can issue a light of understanding

13, faith to tell my life, no longer than the foot of the road, there is no higher than the mountain peaks.

14, you have your red orange green, I have my indigo blue, the sky belongs to us, because we are young.

15, if you want to be sweet, you will become a worker bee, to pick the core, if you want to become intelligent, they will become a fish, travel in the book of the ocean.

16, your pen has a colorful world: May you, also believe you, with another brilliant picture of the pen.

17, spring is green is heaven and earth, autumn is the world of gold. May you use the green youth to brew the future of the autumn.

18, with the color of the shell to weave you are poetry, with that cluster constellation to compose your song - life, the need for fantasy notes.

19, without the melody, there is no poetry, no color, that is how the kind of life? Is willing to give you brilliant spring is the color, unlimited hope, a better future.

20, is willing to brilliant sunshine, youthful vitality, beautiful appearance, comfortable smile will always belong to you!


1. Soon as the siren, fall in the wilderness; infinite melancholy and loneliness, in the separation of the moment, together in my heart.

2. We hurried farewell, to their respective distant, no words, no tears, only the eternal thoughts and blessings in each others hearts issued a deep resonance.

3. parting, is a little sad, but not sense of loss; is a little regret, but not pessimistic. Because we have hope in the comfort of reunion.

4. know you are my joy, leave you is my pain. For the upcoming parting, support me is for the reunion of hope.

5. Your figure is the sail, my eyes are the river, how many times want to retain you, and finally can not. I know that the world is a rare friendship, but more valuable is freedom.

6. You finally leave, but you keep the image of flowers down, you keep the fragrance of flowers down, you have our common hope of watering also stayed. In the future as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright, always Fangfei.

The road there are weeds Cong, we go to clear; road potholes, we go to fill - the road of life, use our hands to open up!

8. We are about to enter a new life, the road ahead is still very long, so we cherish today have more youth and friendship, friendship with the truth to the watering bud.

9. you and I have gone through a difficult ideals, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.

10. I deeply understand how much time has elapsed and how many difficulties have been overcome before you achieve immediate results. Please believe that in your pursuit of hard work and hard work in the process, I will always stand with a smile on your side.

11. When you are alone, the wind is my song, may it give you a moment of comfort; when you are proud, the rain is my alarm, may it make you eternal humility.

高三毕业留言英文版 篇5


We walked from the tender, we are going to mature in our world, the sun will always shine, we can accommodate a myriad rivers and streams of water; a high mountain is the earth 10 million tons extensive knowledge to absorb it, as you would like to mountain rivers as profound.


Experienced the frustrations of life, please do not have too much heavy-hearted because of the space in the future, we will be able to find their own constellation.

毕业生中英文简历 篇6


Current location: guangzhou national: han

Of seat of registered permanent residence: hubei figure: cm60 172 kg

Marital status: single age: 25 years old

Training certification: integrity badge:

Objective and work experience

Talent type: fresh graduates

Position: hospital/medical/nursing/beauty care: resident surgeon resident physician residency

Working lives: 0 title: no title

Job type: full-time post - at any time

Salary: 1500- work area of hope: guangzhou

Personal experience: the name of the company: general hospital of guangzhou military area commands wuhan start-stop years: -01 ~ 2007-10

The nature of the company: other related industries: other

Positions: intern

Job description:

Leaving reason:

Company name: enshi central hospital start-stop years: the -10-2005-11

The company properties: institutions by sector: other

Positions: intern

Job description:

Leaving reason:

Education background

School: hubei institute for nationalities

Highest degree: undergraduate course graduation - -06-01

A: your major of clinical medicine specialty. 2:

Beginning by education and training experience: monthly ending years school (institution) professional certification certificate number

-092008-06 in hubei institute for nationalities clinical medical undergraduate diploma

Language ability

Language: good English

Mandarin level: excellent cantonese levels: general

Ability to work and other specialty

1, strict with himself during the internship, to the clinical characteristic of each department common disease, frequently-occurring disease, in the bed performance, has a comprehensive grasp of treatment.

2, writing of medical records, prescription writing have a deeper understanding, electronic medical records are also often used.

3, to assist with the foreskin, armpits, hemorrhoids, etc.

4, during my internship in total lu often for teaching department.

Detailed personal autobiography

Self-confidence, honesty, hardworking I a feel calm demeanor, can bear hardships and stand hard work, good at thinking, have good team cooperation spirit

Good at communication, can easily in working with classmates, colleagues

送同桌的毕业留言英文版 篇7

Afternoon walk out, tall and straight poplar were ranked neatly on both sides of the road, straight body like a stream of stubborn character.

The tree at the foot of the grass, trees also learn from rocks, the stubborn sample head dip.

Green, like instant eyeful body-it heaven and earth becomes extremely gentle, heart suddenly have a warm feeling.

毕业论文中英文摘要互译 篇8

随着轻轨的发展,噪声的污染越来越严重。声屏障作为一种降低交通噪声有效而经济的方法,将会在一定程度上得到发展。现在,人们对轻轨噪声关注程度的增加,如何有效地设置轻轨声屏障,使其更好地发挥降噪效果已经成为一个亟待研究的课题。从分析声屏障的降噪原理出发,研究声屏障的高度、位置、敷设的吸声材料等对轻轨降噪效果的影响。本文初设两套方案,声源为无限长线声源,采用德国shall 03类型(轨道中心线),用直立型单侧吸声型声屏障,隔声材料为钢及钢化玻璃,吸声材料为纤维多孔吸声材料超级玻璃棉。方案一,声屏障高4m,一楼到七楼插入损失为19.41dB(A)~15.97dB(A);方案二,声屏障高4.5m,一楼到七楼插入损失19.97dB(A)~15.99dB(A)。由降噪效果和经济性,确定方案一为最佳方案。通过分析得出:在尽量靠近声源处设置声屏障,增加声屏障的高度,在声屏障内侧敷设吸声材料,都将有利于取得更好的降噪效果。最后,介绍声屏障的设计目标值及计算方法并对其主要承重部件-立柱进行强度和连接校核。要求

With the development of the light railway,the noise pollution becomes very important problem.Sound barrier,an effective and comparatively inexpensive measure of controlling noise,will be developed to some degree.Recently,people pay more attention to the light railway noise.How to install the sound barrier effectively so as to make the noise reduction more effective has become an urgent research topic.Starting with the analysis of the noise reduction principle,this paper studied the influence of light railway sound barrier on light railway’s noise reduction effect in the three aspects:height,position,sound absorbing material.Thia page have worked out two precepts,the source is infinite line source,which use shall 03 shape of Germany(the centye of the railway);this two precepts use englong shaped and absorbing noise barrier,insulate material is steel and glass, absorbing material is super glass cotton with fibre holes.The first precept,the hight of noise barrier is 4m,the insert loss from the first floor to the senventh floor is 19.41dB(A)~15.97dB(A);the second precept,the hight of noise barrier is 4.5m,the insert loss from the first floor to the senventh floor is19.97dB(A)~15.99dB(A).the first precept is better,because the effect of noise reduction and the economy effect.From the analysis,we can achieve:the effect of noise reduction will more better,when the noise barrier is installed as near as the source,enhight the barrier, sound absorbing material is laid the inside of the barrier.At the last,this page introduces the design object and the calculate method of the barrier,and checks the main bearing assembly’s intension and connection if satisfied the require of using.
