The lecture apparently disproves what is argued in the reading material. According to the passage … However the professor asserts that a closer scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy it is. He then presents several evidences to demonstrate his statement.
这次演讲显然反驳了阅读材料中的争论。 根据这段话……教授断言,仔细研究这个论点会发现它是多么脆弱。 然后,他提供了一些证据来证明他的陈述。
To start with, the professor claims that the reading passage fails to take into account that…
Therefore, the assertion of the author seems too absolute since other possibilities could not be eliminated by any current evidence.
Furthermore, the passage assumes that…. The professor, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence. Say, ….. The contradiction is obvious here when … . On the basis of this point the lecture explicitly refutes the passage.
此外,本文假设……。 这位教授建议,这一假设可能不符合证据。 说,.....当...时,矛盾很明显。 基于这一点,演讲明确驳斥了这段话。
Last but not the least, the passage may be right about …., but one critical fact is being left out of consideration. Pointed out by the professor, the author totally neglects the truth that… On account of above-mentioned grave mistakes, the author’s assertion turned out to be a preposterous idea.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,该段落可能是正确的……,但其中一个关键事实被忽略了。 教授指出,作者完全忽略了以下事实:……由于上述严重错误,作者的主张被证明是荒谬的。
In conclusion, based on the arguments offered above, the professor clearly identifies the defects in the reading passage and forcefully shows that…
文中至少有一个举例方式,假如真实用不到上面句型,能够用转述凑字数:In other words, that is to say, …
近年来, 托福考试被越来越多的人视为检验英语水平能力的权威考试, 许多英语测试专家对托福考试进行了广泛的研究。然而, 随着2006年新托福考试的出现, 以前的研究也反映出了一些不足, 尤其是从语言测试角度进行的研究略显宽泛和笼统。本文主要是从语言测试的一个角度, 即测试的有效性, 对托福写作考试进行研究, 并对新托福写作的变化及其测试有效性进行分析。
2. 测试有效性概述
Bachman和Palmer认为在设计试卷时最重要的考虑就是其有效性, 它是一份试卷最重要的属性。Bachman和Palmer定义测试有效性包含六个方面的内容:测试信度、效度、真实性、互动性、反拨效应和可行性。虽然这六个方面都很重要, 但托福考试设计者认识到想要在一份试卷中同时实现六者的最大化是不可能的。因此本文着重分析托福在信度、效度、真实性、反拨效应四个方面的属性。
3. 托福写作有效性
3.1 写作测试有效性
3.1.1 写作测试信度
Bachman (1996) 把信度定义为“测试的一致性” (consistency of measurement) , 简言之, 就是测试结果的可信度、可靠度。
写作测试的信度由多种因素影响, 其中试题信度至关重要。写作试题包含很多变量:写作主题、文体、刺激材料、修辞及措辞。其中能够保证试题内容效度的因素也会提高试题的信度。托福写作测试委员会设计了细致的题目, 每一道题目都是在专家考虑学术英语写作影响因素的基础上精心设计的。Tedick (1990) 发现, 学生在完成有关自己课程题目的写作时情况要好于完成比较宽泛的题目。也就是说, 应试者更善于处理相对比较熟悉的题目。因此, 试题设计者设计了类似北美高校英语教学环境下的题目, 将其全部编入试题库, 保证了试题内容及文体的确定性, 提高了测试的一致性, 也就是测试信度。
3.1.2 写作测试效度
所谓效度是指“成功地实现测试目的的程度” (Clark, 1979) 。语言测试的效度是指测试是否考查了测试者想要测试的语言方面的内容, 考生所考出的成绩是否合理地说明了该考生的语言能力。
内容效度是测试效度的一个重要指标。它是指试卷的试题内容是否代表了考试内容规范所规定的内容, 主要指试题与所要考查的语言知识、技能或语言能力的相关性、代表性, 以及考生的合适性。TWE测试旨在测试非英语国家学生在给定题目下的英语书面表达能力。题目设计对所有参加托福考试的人秉持公平、合适、可接受的原则。每篇文章都从英语词汇、句法及信息的组织发展角度考量, 参照完整的TWE评分标准打分。
3.1.3 写作测试真实性
根据Bachman (1991) 对真实性给出的定义:语言测试中的真实性是指受试者在测试中使用目的语完成测试任务与其在现实生活中使用语言进行交际活动的相似程度, 也就是语言测试与语言交际的统一程度。然而, TWE在三个方面表现出不足的真实性。首先, 非应试环境下的学术写作通常是基于学生阅读、听课或课堂讨论等形式的源材料作为输入的写作, 学生可以对写作主题及背景知识有一个完整的了解。其次, 除了考试中, 多数学术写作不会限定学生的写作时间。再次, 写作考试的评卷人与考试者互不认识, 而学术写作的阅读者通常就是学生的导师。TWE要求应试者在限定时间内就相对不熟悉的话题进行写作, 其真实性有待进一步研究。
3.1.4 写作测试反拨效应
反拨效应指测试对社会、教育制度以及对处于这个制度内的个人的影响, 前者为宏观层次的影响, 后者为微观层次的影响。
Messick (1996) 认为, 具有积极反驳效应的测试应该包含真实语言交际环境中需要运用的听说读写技能的试题。因此, 旧版托福与TWE的反拨效应通常被认为是消极的。然而, 托福题库的发行被视为具有积极的反拨效应。它使得潜在应试者有机会练习托福考试题型, 可以学习大量的文章, 提高个人的英语水平。
3.2 新托福写作特点
3.2.1 非单一写作任务
在新托福写作中, 考生被要求完成两项写作任务, 这样做的好处是提高了考试的真实性。在高校学习环境中, 导师布置的写作任务可能是多种多样的, 例如研究论文、课程论文、分析报告等。所以, 对于那些想要在英语国家学习的应试者而言, 掌握多种写作任务的写作技巧是十分有益的。
3.2.2 刺激材料的使用
新托福写作考试中使用了阅读和听力材料作为写作的刺激材料, 要求应试者在理解原材料的基础上完成写作任务, 因此他们必须运用总结、提取、综合、分析等技能对源材料进行加工。这些技能的使用提高了考试的真实性, 因为大学导师可能要求学生阅读某些书目或研究报告后完成文章, 也可能在听完讲座后进行写作。
3.2.3 笔记技巧的运用
笔记技巧的运用被视为新托福考试一项重要的改进。考生在听录音的过程中可以通过做笔记来帮助答题, 这使得考生可以以一种更自然的状态答题, 减少了失常发挥的可能性, 提高了考试效度。而且, 正如学校学习环境中经常使用笔记方法一样, 考试中运用笔记也大大提高了考试的卷面效度。
4. 结语
托福写作测试是测试英语学习者英语写作能力的考试。从Bachman和Palmer的语言测试理论分析, 它是一项具有高信度效度及积极反拨效应的考试。然而, 它仍然具有某些缺点。新托福写作融合了多种技能的应用, 使用了刺激材料并锻炼了考生的笔记技能, 因而具有了更高的信度效度, 是一项更加科学的考试。但是任何考试都不可能是完美的, 这就要求语言研究者对托福考试进行更深层次的研究。
[1]Alister Cumming, Robert Kanter, Donald Powers, Terry San-tosand Carol Taylor.TOEFL 2000 Writing Frame work:a Working Pa-per[M].Educational Testing Service, 2000.
[2]Bachman.Fundamental Considerations in Language Test-ing[M].Oxford UP, 1990.
[3]Bachman and Palmer.Language Testing in Practice[M].Oxford UP, 1996.
[4]Robert Wood.Assessment and Testing:a Survey of Re-search[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.
[5]Weigle, Sara.Cushing, Assessing Writing[M].Cambridge:CUP, 2002.
[6]Alister Cumming, Robert Kantor, Kyoko Baba, Usman Er-dosy, Keanre Eouanzoui and Mark James.Differences in written dis-course in independent and integrated prototype tasks for next gener-ation TOEFL, Assessing Writing[J].Volume10, Issue1, 2005:5-43.
[7]Alla Zareva.What is new in the new TOEFL-iBT2006test format?Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching[J].2005, Vol.2, No.2:45-57.
[8]戴云.新托福写作攻略[J].新东方英语, 2006, Z1.
[9]李鼎.新托福写作规律分析及应对策略[J].新东方英语, 2007, Z1.
[10]李笑来.备战新托福作文[J].新东方英语, 2005, Z1.
[11]江奇.新托福写作揭秘[J].新东方英语, 2006, (6) .
《新托福考试官方指南》(The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT,后文简称“OG”)对托福综合写作给出的5分评分标准如下:“A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connection.”从字面上看,此标准提出了两个要求:①考生在写作时要完整阐述阅读材料及录音中的内容;②文章结构要完整,可以偶尔出现一些语言上的小错误,但不能影响句意及逻辑的表达。
其实,关于笔记要记什么,OG上已有明确的表述:“A response at this level successfully selects the important information …”这句话里用的是“important”而非“all”,说明考生只需记主要信息,而无需“词词俱到”。有的考生会问:“是不是我只要记录音的主要观点就可以了?”答案同样是“非也”。OG的4分评分标准中有这么一句:“… but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading …”这句话表明,除points以外,考生还要记一些content,即说话人是怎么论证/驳斥阅读材料中的观点的,举了什么例子等。如果这些内容没能体现在考生的写作中,就算观点都写全了,考生最多也只能得4分。对应新托福的评分标准,失掉的这1分原始分相当于最终成绩的6分。
因此,根据OG中5分和4分的评分标准,考生可以清晰地看到ETS (美国教育考试服务中心)对记笔记的要求,即记录主要观点、论证方式和例证。至于那些细枝末节,有了当然更好,没有也不至于失分。不过,考生在记笔记时,也不能只是记个大方向而已,还要尽力记全那些关键的细节。
①大量的、影响考官理解的语言错误一定会被扣分。OG的4分评分标准中有这么一句:“A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.”这句话表明,如果考生的答案中频繁出现一些小的语言错误,影响考官对写作内容的理解,考生会因此而失掉1分。
②逻辑连接词非常重要。尽管OG五档评分标准的内容都不相同,但每一档评分标准的最后都特别提到了connection of ideas。这就说明考官需要的是一篇文章,而非观点和事实的堆砌。考生需要利用逻辑连接词,将阅读和录音材料中的观点及事实连成一篇文章。考生要切记:综合写作的辞藻不必太华丽,但要尽量避免语言错误,文章的逻辑关系一定要清楚。
驳斥:refute、disagree with、cast doubt on、challenge、oppose、conflict with、deny the statement of、contradict等;
转折:in contrast、however、on the other hand、on the contrary、while等;
列举:first、second、third、first of all、secondly、also、finally、in the first place、furthermore、moreover等。
The speaker challenges the passage on the topic of the portrait of Jane Austen, offering contradictory evidence concerning whether the subject of this professional painting is Jane Austen herself.
First of all, the family members of Austen did not know for certain if the portrait was Austen or not. Despite the content from the author that Austen’s family gave permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters, the speaker, however, brings forward the alternative proof that Jane Austen had been dead for almost 70 years when the portrait was authorized for use in the 1882 publication of letters and none of the members of Austen’s family had seen the portrait in person before.
Contrary to the writer’s statement that the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cassandra’s sketch which we know depicts Austen, the narrator argues that the painting could be one of Austen’s. Moreover, the Austen family is large. Many of the female cousins of Jane Austen were teenagers. Some of these teenage girls could resemble Jane Austen, and meanwhile many experts believed that the true subject of the portrait was one of these relatives.
Another argument raised in the lecture is that there is other evidence pointing out that this painting is of a later date, and this directly contradicts what is stated in the passage. The lecturer explains that the stamp on the back of the picture indicates that the material of this painting was canvas which started to sell in London when Jane Austen was 27 years old. Consequently, the canvas was used for painting at the time when Austen was clearly older than the girl in the portrait.
So, the contents in the passage are contradicted by the lecturer and the lecturer has totally different ideas on the points made in the passage.
3.综合写作= summary
The speaker and the passage have contradictory opinions concerning the usage of ethanol fuel. Three pieces of evidence offered by the speaker have effectively questioned the related reasons held in the passage. (首先清楚表明阅读和录音材料之间是统一还是矛盾的关系)
First of all, although one disadvantage from the passage is (后文是对阅读材料观点的详尽阐述) that burning ethanol fuel releases carbon dioxide, which is a kind of greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere, the speaker, however, challenges this information by alternative proof (后文是对录音观点及关键细节的描述) that the growing of plants such as corn may absolutely counteract the greenhouse gas by absorbing most of it for its own survival. The amount of carbon dioxide released is less than the amount absorbed, so that there is no need to be afraid that ethanol fuel will aggravate global warming.
Besides, according to the speaker (后文继续补充录音中的重要内容), using corn to produce ethanol fuel will not risk reducing the food sources for animals because through using advanced technology, we can obtain a kind of plant which can be used to make the ethanol fuel and, at the same time, animals do not eat it. This totally casts doubt on the point in the passage (再次阐明录音材料与阅读材料之间的关系) that since most of the corn is used to produce ethanol fuel, there will not be sufficient food for animals.
Finally, despite the proof of the passage (补充阅读材料中的例证) that the price of the ethanol fuel will be higher than common fuel in the future when the government stops their support, the speaker effectively weakens the validity of this view by stating the fact (补充录音材料中的例证) that the more consumers buy ethanol fuel, the more is produced and, as a result of the help of the government, the lower and more affordable its price will be in the future.
4、再次仿真练习,读passage,听lecture,再写summary,然后对书后面的sample answer,一定做到不要遗漏听力中的信息。
First, some members got free rides. That is, some didn’t work hard but got recognition for the success nontheless. This also indicates that people who worked hard were not given recognition they should have gotten. In other words, they weren’t given the opportunity to “shine”. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.
Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involved and their aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. Groups needed more time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This was another place where experience contradicted theory.
Third, influential people might emerge and lead the group towards glory or failure. If the influent people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has enough influence to counter the decision made. In other words, the group might turn into a dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might become less flexible in its thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed.
健康饮食的重要性 :
鼓励健康饮食习惯:encourage healthy eating habits ,
保持体形:keep fit,
集中注意力:concentrate/focus on; 容易分散注意力:get easily distracted
营养:nutrient, 特定的维生素:certain vitamins;
Greasy junk food lacks certain vitamins for the healthy development of the children, and students without sufficient healthy food might suffer from lack of concentration on their study and they get easily distracted, thus school should encourage healthy eating habit.
垃圾食品:junk food, French fries, hamburgers;
高热量:with high carbs, 油腻:greasy;
儿童肥胖:child obesity;
It is really important for the school to encourage healthy eating habits, and junk food like French fries and hamburgers alike should be banned in schools. Too much junk food with high carbs leads to childhood obesity.
健康食品 :
海鲜类: salmon, tuna, shrimp
水果类:fruits such as berries, apples, cherries, pineapple, oranges, frozen grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe,
蔬菜类:Vegetables - broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes
高蛋白质低热量:high in protein low carbs
非常好的结合:a wonderful combination
School should offer students a variety of healthy food and snack ranging from vegetables to different kinds of fruit. Like broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and apples, cherries, pineapple are also good choices. They are low in carbs, and vitamin rich.
Hopefully, with proper education, students can make appropriate eating choices.
Since students are getting the proper nutrients, they will concentrate better on their study and also they will be more fit.
健康饮食的重要性 :
鼓励健康饮食习惯:encourage healthy eating habits ,
保持体形:keep fit,
集中注意力:concentrate/focus on; 容易分散注意力:get easily distracted
营养:nutrient, 特定的维生素:certain vitamins;
Greasy junk food lacks certain vitamins for the healthy development of the children, and students without sufficient healthy food might suffer from lack of concentration on their study and they get easily distracted, thus school should encourage healthy eating habit.
垃圾食品:junk food, French fries, hamburgers;
高热量:with high carbs, 油腻:greasy;
儿童肥胖:child obesity;
It is really important for the school to encourage healthy eating habits, and junk food like French fries and hamburgers alike should be banned in schools. Too much junk food with high carbs leads to childhood obesity.
健康食品 :
海鲜类: salmon, tuna, shrimp
水果类:fruits such as berries, apples, cherries, pineapple, oranges, frozen grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe,
蔬菜类:Vegetables - broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes
高蛋白质低热量:high in protein low carbs
非常好的结合:a wonderful combination
School should offer students a variety of healthy food and snack ranging from vegetables to different kinds of fruit. Like broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and apples, cherries, pineapple are also good choices. They are low in carbs, and vitamin rich.
Hopefully, with proper education, students can make appropriate eating choices.
The lecture apparently disproves what is argued in the reading material. According to the passage … However the professor asserts that a closer scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy it is. He then presents several evidences to demonstrate his statement.
To start with, the professor claims that the reading passage fails to take into account that…
Therefore, the assertion of the author seems too absolute since other possibilities could not be eliminated by any current evidence.
Furthermore, the passage assumes that…. The professor, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence. Say, ….. The contradiction is obvious here when … . On the basis of this point the lecture explicitly refutes the passage.
Last but not the least, the passage may be right about …., but one critical fact is being left out of consideration. Pointed out by the professor, the author totally neglects the truth that… On account of above-mentioned grave mistakes, the author’s assertion turned out to be a preposterous idea.
In conclusion, based on the arguments offered above, the professor clearly identifies the defects in the reading passage and forcefully shows that…
文中至少有一个举例形式,如果实在用不到上面句型,可以用转述凑字数:In other words, that is to say, …
The reading assumes that…, a situation that seems to be at odds with … 与…是矛盾的
One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part-time job. 父母帮助青少年为成人生活做好准备的最好方式之一是鼓励他们做兼职,是否认同? (2009年10月24日)
托福写作立场 鼓励成长中的年轻人从事兼职工作是帮助学生为成人生活做好准备的有效方式之一。
1. 鼓励年轻人做兼职,在教育方面,最直接的利好就是年轻人体味经济独立的成就感,同时,懂得赚钱很辛苦,懂得谋生的的坚辛。
2. 做兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。例如,叔叔保罗在大学期间做了很多份兼职,这帮助他建立了良好的人脉资源,工作中结实的好友为他后来克服事业中遇到的障碍提供了帮助。
3. 年轻人做兼职可以加深他们对于社会的洞察,提高他们的社会意识,使他们明确人生奋斗的目标,当他们回归校园的时候,他们会加倍努力学习。以我为例,我在暑假的时候曾经为旅行社做兼职导游,工作中的辛苦使我懂得只有精进专业才华才能为未来的竞争增加砝码,因此,在我回到课堂的时候,我更加勤奋学习。
1. 兼职工作可能占用宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。
2. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。
3. 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求,因此,难以找到合适的工作。
1. take up part-time jobs = engage in part-time jobs = embark on part-time jobs = work as a part-timer v 从事兼职
2. ready oneself for future career challenges yet not come v 为没有到来的未来挑战做好准备
解析:ready v 做好准备
3. get to know the hardship of earning a living v懂得谋生的艰辛
4. to be economically independent v经济独立
5. to make some pocket money v 赚零花钱
6. serves a valuable educational function v 在教育方面有积极的作用
7. can easily lose enthusiasm for their studies v 失去学习的兴趣
8. have deeper insight into the society v对于社会有更加深刻的洞察
9. know what they desire to achieve in life v 懂得生活的目标
10. lighten the financial burden of the family v缓解家庭的财政负担
解析:reduce = lighten v缓解
11. strengthen the awareness of self-protection v 增强自我保护意识
12. Teenagers can acquire the growth experience by having light and paid part-time work 通过做简单的付费的工作,青少年可以获得成长的经验。
1. The most important educational benefit of encouraging students to work as part-t timer is that it could enable the young to recognize that money doesn’t grow on trees and thus foster their thriftiness. 鼓励学生做兼职的最重要的教育方面的利好在于这使年轻人懂得赚钱很辛苦,进而培养节俭的美德。
解析:money doesn’t grow on trees v赚钱辛苦
2. The experience of working as part-timers could help the youngsters to enlarge their circle of friends. 兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。
解析:enlarge one’s circle of friends v扩大交友圈
3. My uncle had established well-connected interpersonal network via taking up part-time jobs, therefore,he had many friends to help him tear down the barriers on the career road. 叔叔通过兼职,建立了良好的人脉资源,因此,很多朋友帮助叔叔克服事业中遇到的困难。
4. Taking up some part-time jobs helped me foster the sense of independence and learn to resolve unexpected crisis. They are important for my future life. 兼职培养了我的独立性,使我学会危机处理,这些对于我的未来很重要。
5. I mastered more interpersonal skills, improved the social awareness and made a lot of new friends. 我更多地掌握了人际沟通技巧,提高了社会意识,也结交了很多好友。
6. After I have returned to my class,I studied even harder. 在我回到课堂以后,我更加勤奋学习。
7. Part-time job experience might take up too much precious time, which can otherwise be used to serve the academic purpose or build up one’s physique. 兼职的经历也许占用了宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。
8. The study will be delayed and disadvantaged. As for students, the priority should be given to the knowledge acquisition. 学业会被耽误, 对于学生而言,主要的任务还是学习。
解析:disadvantage v 使处于不利地位
9. So immature and inexperienced are the youngsters that they cannot resist the temptation of the adult world, in this sense, it is highly possible for them to be led astray. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。
解析:so …… that …… 如此 …… 以至于 ……
10. As far as the student’ competence is concerned, it is extremely challenging for them to meet the requirement of the relevant enterprises 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求。
11. As for those who are in the formative years,it is unwise to deny the merits of embarking on occasional jobs, however,this growth should be acquired during the summer or winner vacations. 对于成长中的年轻人而言, 否定做兼职的利好是不明智的,但是学生们可以在在寒暑假获得这种成长的经历。
12. It is preferable to strike a proper balance between academic study and part-time jobs. 在学习和兼职工作之间寻求一种平衡是可取的。
Some people think that it is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time,do you agree or disagree? 有人认为优先完成一项任务要比同时完成两项或者多项任务要好,是否认同?
解析:A is superior B ……优越于……
1. 人的精力和时间是有限的,无论学习和工作,我们追求应该是勤奋高效。广泛涉猎,难免蜻蜓点水,集中优势的精力,完成一项手边的任务,才能提高工作的效率,增加内心的成就感。例如,很多创业企业家的事业都是靠着点滴积累,将企业发展的宏观战略分解成为一个个小的目标,慢慢实现了企业的持续发展和盈利。
2. 当完美地完成一项工作的时候,心灵的成就感同时可以增强做接下来的工作的信心,这种信心会帮助形一种在工作方面良性的循环,进而激发一个人做其他事情的热情。对比的是,如果两项或者多项的工作一起来做的,难免会降低效率,或互相影响, 尤其是两项工作没有必然的相互的联系的时候。例如,我在复习托福考试的过程中,我的感受是单项学习要比多项学习的效果更佳。
1. What we should pursue is industriousness and efficiency 我们应该追求的是勤奋和高效。
拓展:industrious = diligent = hard-working adj 勤奋的
解析:pursue v追求(抽象名词)
2. with macro and strategic foresight 具有宏观和战略眼光
拓展:foresight = vision n眼光
3. find it hard to do sth v 发现做……是很难的事情
4. it is no easy task to do sth 做……绝非容易的事情
解析:task n 任务(强调艰巨性)
5. doing sth is never without its reasons 做……并非没有理由
解析:is never without= have v拥有
6. concentrate on one single task v集中精力完成一项工作任务
7. zero in on one thing v专注于一件事情
8. complete a task at one time = finish a task at one time= fulfill a task at one time v一次完成一项工作
解析:at one time 一次
9. …… can greatly enhance the efficiency of working …… 可以提高工作的效率
10. only apply oneself to one task v仅仅专注于一项工作
11. instill confidence into one’s heart = indoctrinate confidence into one’s heat = boost one’s self-confidence v帮助一个人树立自信
解析:indoctrinate v灌输……
12. kindle one’s interest of doing sth v激发某人做……的兴趣
拓展:kindle = ignite = generate v点燃(激发)
13. stimulate one’s motivation of doing sth v激发某人做……的动力
14. form a kind of benign cycle v形成一种良性的循环
15. in most cases 多数情况下
16. under some special circumstances 在一些特殊情况下
17. proceed to undertake the next task v继续做下一个工作
18. strengthen one’s inner sense of fulfillment v增强内心的职业成功感
拓展:strengthen = enhance = intensify v增强
19. it is a must to do sth 做……是必须的事情
解析:must n 必须要做的事情
20. at times = sometimes adv 有时候
解析:at times 有时候为个性表达,词汇亮点
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