
2024-08-31 版权声明 我要投稿


个人陈述1 篇1


英文名:Personal Statement或者Statement of Intent是必不可少并且极其重要的申请材料。

用途:主要用于描述个人的背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的Personal Statement部分。当申请者苦恼于GRE、TOEFL等标准化考试的成绩,一份得体的个人陈述却有可能让你力挽狂澜,从众多申请者中脱颖而出。在某些学校,个人陈述已经代替了面试,作为评价学生的一个重要依据。因此,个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位,也有必要赢得众位申请者的重视。




个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。个人陈述应当包含以下内容:













坐下来写之前,做一些准备,为了避免实际写作过程中找不到材料带来的无所适从。建议把Personal statement申请相关的文件副本全部打印放在手边随时参考,虽然计算机也可以随时查阅,但是毕竟屏幕大小有限,很难让你在多个文件之间查找内容,还不会因为找信息而打断你宝贵的思路.这些文件包括:所有草稿、相关资料如奖状/成绩单以及申请表,“磨刀不费砍柴功”,将这些材料准备的越详细,越能让你后面的写作更顺畅容易.然后草拟一份“VIP信息表”即<<重要信息表>>,用特定的名字和精确的标题把最重要的信息标记出来,以便给自己一个清晰的思路,比如作为工作申请,你应该标记学校和专业,专门的实习工作,组织过的活动,以及你的工作经验,或适当的志愿者所涉工作等。用这种方法,你可以在写作时即快又准的参考这些材料。


你有收集了这些材料之后,是时候开始写Personal Statement了。对于以下列出的问题,申请人在写Personal Statement/Application Letter初稿时必须时刻牢记:

回答“大问题”:通常申请程序,比如工作申请或者学位申请都有具体的要求,会让你用Personal Statement回答一个“大问题”,这个问题会让所有申请者都回答,所以这个问题的答案是整个Personal Statement的核心。例如,一个申请要求可能要你来讨论“为什么到我们这个公司或者申请我校的某个学位?”。如果你用整个文章详述你的学历或根本没有提到过是什么吸引你进行申请,你肯定将一败涂地,这篇Personal Statement一定是不过关的。为了避免这个风险,仔细阅读申请要求,并且用笔或者计算机记录下具体问题的书目,把他们隔行分开,自己加上注释,这样方便你将问题以及你在Personal Statement里的问题答案描述一一对比,不要漏掉任何一个问题。记住:在做一个好申请人之前,先做一个好读者!。

关注“I”(我)的问题:这是一个针对“你”的个人陈述,即Personal Statement,使用第一人称代词“我”是可接受的。申请人往往感到很不自在,因为使用第一人称用多了会让人觉得很狂妄,不够谦虚,而“他”/“她” 或者你自己名字的使用会让人感觉比较谦逊,很多文章也是如此教导申请者尽量用第三人称,所以我发现很多人会避免第一和第二人(“你”),但是根据我20年的专业写作经验,在任何类型的正式写作中,第一人称是很必要的,因为它让你的散文更生动。而使用第三人称可能导致模糊不清,让文章读起来冗长而且死气沉沉。当然要避免在每个句子都用“我”,这是不可取的,总之你记住:句子的主体不仅仅是你一个人,还有你的经验,你的上市,你的下级,你的朋友,你的家长, 让他们把“我”烘托出来,但是又不要完全不写“我”,避免死气沉沉过于谦虚,这是东亚人共有的问题,美国人并不会过分谦虚。

避免不必要的重复:有时候一个申请人倾向于把信息重复写,反复写,试图轰炸阅读者来起到突出某种信息的作用,比如在他或她的Personal Statement大量抄袭申请要求需要包括的附件内容,如中英文简历,成绩,申请表格等。比如我看到最多的,反复在Personal Statement提到成绩单,一次次表明自己成绩的优秀,拿分数“轰炸”审阅者,这是没有必要的,而且很可能起到反作用!简单提一下学术奖项以及奖项的情况即可,而整个学术经验或者工作经验也需要简明扼要的说明,更详细的讨论会在后续的面试中进行,没有必要在personal statement里把所有细节写出来。

用文字让自己独特:许多申请人想让他们的Personal Statement通过独一无二的格式或者某种比较少见的写作方式从其他竞争者当中脱颖而出。我认为这种方式是可取的,但是你必须言之有物而不是花架子, 比如把小段文章写得惊心动魄让人好奇,或者以一种传记体的方式描述家庭成员或者推荐人对你个人的影响,而这种影响又是如何奇妙的让你去追求需要申请的学位或者工作的。总之这个策略确实会人你的Personal Statement令人难忘,新颖独特。

保持简单:通常Personal Statement限于500-1000单词或1张A4打印页,很少会抄过2页A4,所以写简洁是重中之重。确保每一段被紧紧地集中在一个单一的思路上(你的优势,你的项目研究经验,你的课外活动等),不要使文章变得太长了。同样,找一本韦氏大辞典,或者用网上的同义词查询工具,好好研究一下选择词汇, 同义词,尽量不要用一个词汇超过2次,尤其是形容词,这样会让你的Personal Statement看起来重复较少,更加精炼准确。

Personal Statement格式

如上所述,Personal Statement的要求不同,但一般Personal Statement都包括固定信息,可以遵循这种格式(见下面)模型。


许多Personal Statement都是开始于一段类似邮件的开头,阅读者也习惯了这种方法,而且作为一种获取读者的注意力的方式,你可以采用很多方式增加阅读者对你的关注,比如你从何处了解这个申请的,有何人推荐,有什么人曾经是成功申请成功给你这个信息的,你认识哪位审阅委员会成员等,你所处的地位,你的职位或者学位,你在寻找什么职位或者学位,都要在第一段一目了然的写清楚。




在各种主题归集在一起,再强调一遍,并重申你对申请目标的兴趣,以及为什么有兴趣。你可以表明这个学位或者职位和长期目标有密切关系。Application Letter可能格式上类似,但是因为格式是申请单位给定的,所以不如Personal Statement灵活,通常篇幅也会收到限制.Application也不会有自我介绍段,看上去比较生硬,都是详细信息直来直去,让人一目了然,如果你写得是固定格式的Application Letter,不要自作聪明的写很多自我介绍,因为审阅者可能会很烦。

总之不要把personal statement或者application letter写得太详细,很多内容你可以心里打底,放在面试再说,如果因为你写得太冗长失去面试机会,写100页也是无济于事!

修改Application Letter

因为这篇文章旨在让你通过写Personal Statement获得学位/职位面试,而非让你成为一个专职写手,对我们专职写手来说,除了优秀的写作能力和教育背景,还需要具备很多专门的润色/修改 /编辑经验,这是至关重要的,并不是每个高学历者都能帮人写好Personal Statement.如果你要帮助别人或者自己修改Personal Statement,首先你必须有足够的时间,修改一篇Personal Statement需要花费5-10个小时,这不比从头写一篇personal statement更容易;其次你必须具备足够的素材(申请要求的主要问题?是否有足够的细节?);第三就是你的英文水平必须足够高,你必须对常用的 200多个形容词以及同义词烂熟于胸,必须有较好的写作能力,比如标点符号的用法,不要小看标点符号,很多审阅者都是“严重洁癖者”,他们容不下错误的标点!。












精心安排PS和其它文件的关系,如上所述,Personal Statement,推荐信,简历等文件构成一整套申请文件系统,既需要相互应证,也需要这些文件各有侧重点。因此在写作这些文件之前必须总体构思安排文章的布局和每个文件突出的重点。许多申请人将本该由简历或推荐信突出的内容放在PS中,这样不但造成信息的无效重复,同时弱化了PS应起的作用。












statements of purpose;

academic statement;

study plan;

plans for study;

academic objectives;

educational goals;

个人陈述1 篇2

Looking back into my college years, I have made innumerable choices on my own. But a decision I would never feel regretful is to become a volunteer teacher for five vacations. Though the experience only composes two lines on my three-page CV, it has defined who I am.

In February 2015, I was surprised to receive a special phone call while taking my quantitative training in Brazil. It was from one of my students in the Boxue County, a small village in China’s Hainan Province. He dialed my number using his mom’s mobile phone: he did not say I miss you; instead he just asked me, in the purest tone of a child, “Will you come back next year”. My eyes turned moist in a flash.

It was the first winter vacation in my college years that I did not go to Boxue County as a volunteer teacher. Before that, I was there for three consecutive vacations. I love those kids and they are waiting for me as well. It is maybe my love to those kids that has planted the seed of NGO dream in my heart. My long-term career objective is to create an NGO that empowers the rural students and other marginalized groups in my late thirties.

After my graduation, I intend to stay in the private sphere for about five years, then jump to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to get prepared for my NGO dream.

If my story ends here, it would miss a critical aspect: my academic aspiration. It may be tempting to frame my research under the grand narrative of my NGO dream; but from its very outset, my queries in social media diplomacy have been purely academic.

Social media diplomacy is the marriage of two emerging fields: social media and public diplomacy. Just like any curious researcher, I was instantly mesmerized by this unchartered territory. It comes with a price to opt for the road less traveled by other scholars. I have few existing literatures to draw from. And the interdisciplinary nature of my research drove me to consult with three professors at the same time: one for quantitative methods, one for Internet insights, and one for public diplomacy. Still, I often felt like a lone expeditor. Therefore, the moment when I came across the MSc in Social Science and the Internet, I was literally shaking out of sheer excitement. I knew it is the place for me. Apart from the advanced statistic course, what intrigues me most is the course Accessing Research Data from the Social Web in the Hilary term. I am now using third-party software like Nvivo to extract my raw data. If I can master Python, the quality of my database would be greatly improved.

Though driven by my academic curiosity, I hold faith in the interconnected nature of knowledge. Just as Steve Jobs’ Calligraphy interests inadvertently effected the typography revolution in the computer world, my seemingly unrelated experiences in academic research, I believe, will come back to me one day when I start my NGO. Indeed in my mind, founding an NGO is the hard mode of doing research; they share the characteristic of solving concrete problems, but real-world problems are way more complex.

个人陈述 篇3












在科研学术研究方面,我积极参与到学院组织的“五高杯”课题立项活动中,具体情况如下: 1、2013-2014学年:xxxxxxx 2、2014-2105学年:xxxxxxx 虽然项目级别性质不高,但是在参与过程中,我了解了课题研究的流程、课题相关的社会问题的情况,最重要的是渐渐地真正明白课题研究应起源于对生活现实的关注与思考。





四、获奖情况 1、2012-2013学年 :xxxxx 2、2013-2014学年 :xxxxx










留学申请个人陈述 篇4

Personal Statement

For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work.When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning.My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America.And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure.Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas.However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed.That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation.I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program.In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit.I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests.But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University.Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university.Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software.Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.I have a good habit in learning and working.No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work.And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks-An Engineering Approach and reviewed(Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts)twice.In addition, I am very creative.I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent

Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

(英文)个人陈述样本 篇5


Personal Statement

Once a philosopher said that numerous choices made up of life.As for me, there are two significant choices that have great influence on my development orientation and career over the 21 years.Four years ago, in spite of teachers’ strong oppositions, I resolutely gave up mathematics that I was adept at and chose to study Law after National College Entrance Examination, for I understood that such a choice would enable me to actualize my dream and accomplish my pursuit of life.Last month, I unhesitatingly quitted the qualification of furthering studies at ours without taking examinations, which our university offered to those academic excellent students.I abandoned the chance that most of students longed for.Instead, I choose to study in UK and I would like to apply for LLM in Corporate Law & Governance administrated by University of Warwick so as to win self-improvement.It is proved that my first choice is right and the second choice is under way.I yearn for engaging myself in law, so I hope I can make my ideal come true as expected.To study law is my childhood dream, my way of exploring the fairness and harmoniousness of the society and the necessary path for me to realize my dream of embarking on law.My grandfather and grandmother are both engaged in law of the first batch after the foundation of P.R.China.And my father is a judge.Growing up in such family atmosphere, I have been edified by various value views concerning law since childhood.Supposed I accepted these value views passively in childhood, now law is not only my major but also my way of living in the previous three years in that my study of logic thinking of law has exerted an great influence on my idea.Law is the crystal of human’s wisdom and the footstone of harmonious society.My ideal of becoming a lawyer strives me to move forward on the way of studying law perseveringly.After her entry to WTO, developing herself rapidly in economic globalization, China has a lot of development opportunities and increasing chances to involve herself in trades with developed foreign countries.However, there do exist insufficiencies and the most obvious one is her imperfection in law system.My study at the university makes me clearly understand that there are plenty of problems in our law and realize that China needs learn from and use relevant systems of western countries for reference.Hence I want to get to know law ideas of British and American law systems so as to acquire healthy law systems regarding economy and trade in western countries.As the cradle of common law system, UK enjoys a high reputation in law research and education all over the world.Via the Internet, I have referred to the recruit information and specility setting of Law School of celebrated higher education institutions of UK, to my surprise, I find yours will offer the program of International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation in 2007.In my opinion, the program will enable students to contact system and rules of corporate law on a whole in a year and apply law to practice in financial aspect and so on.No doubt, it offers me a gold opportunity to touch relevant contents about corporate law to a maximum extent in the one-year study.
