
2025-03-10 版权声明 我要投稿


生物系学生英文简历表格 篇1


户口所在地:河南身材:170 cm? kg
婚姻状况:未婚年龄:23 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章: 
应聘职位:化学工程类:化学、食品 生物工程类 生物工程
月薪要求:1500--2000希望工作地区:东莞 东莞 东莞
个人工作经历:2006.1-2006.9   淮阳县天地绿色有机肥厂   实习

2007.4-2007.12   东莞丰泽日化公司   生产、物控、质量管理

受教育培训经历:2004.9-2007.6   信阳农业高等专科学校   生物工程系
外语:英语 一般  



生物系学生英文简历表格 篇2


英文简历有基本的格式要素与语言特色, 但是如何在英文简历中完美地体现自己的优势特色, 从而让招聘单位耳目一新, 对求职者留下好印象, 则需要认真的态度和一定的技巧。

(一) 基本要素

1) 个人信息。一份优秀且地道的英文简历一般只用写上姓名、地址、联系电话和电子邮箱就可以了。但在国际化进程日益推进的今天, 各国的文化交融, 跨国公司的建立等使得英文简历也越来越国际化, 有很多求职岗位有性别、年龄等方面的要求, 这时候就需要在简历中注明。2) 求职目标。通常求职者会在简历里简单地写上所应聘的职位, 例如:求职目标:translator。看似求职的职位已经很明确, 实则不然, translator是个很笼统的概念, 会让用人单位对你的求职定位产生歧义。翻译有很多种, 有随行口译, 会议笔译, 网站翻译, 各类单据合同的翻译等等。因此, 求职者最好能清晰地注明。3) 教育背景。在书写教育背景时, 应注意英文简历中的时间排列顺序与中文恰好相反, 要求求职者从最高学历写起, 最低的一般涉及高中学历。对于已参加工作多年的人来说, 用人单位重点考虑的是其工作经验, 学历只是参考因素, 因而只需注明就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。而对于刚刚跨入社会的应届毕业生而言, 尤其是高职高专的毕业生, 他们的教学进程往往与工作实习相伴进行, 因此工作经验与教育经历显得一样重要。最好是在前者基础上, 再简单地列举主修的课程及成绩。4) 工作经历。同样还是采用倒叙的方式, 从目前的工作写起。但为了简洁, 一些不重要的工作经历往往需要被省略, 只留下与应聘职位有关的经历。求职者除了写清楚所服务单位的名称和自身的职位, 还需描述自身的工作内容和职责。若是专业的技术人员, 就更需要在简历中详细地描述其专业技能和项目经验。如果作为应届毕业生没有什么工作经验, 写上自己在学校期间参加的一些实践活动也是可取的。5) 所获奖励与成就。这一部分相对比较灵活。对于学生而言, 可以是他们曾受到的表彰, 得到的荣誉称号, 或赢得的奖项等。但切记一定要避免那些“又红又砖”的荣誉称号, 例如“三好学生”“优秀班干部”等, 这些称号即使写上, 外籍人士也不一定明白是怎么回事。你可以写上获得的技能证书或是做过的公益活动, 在许多发达的地方, 公司往往注重个人修养。

(二) 语言特色

大对数高职高专毕业生 (非英语专业) 的英文简历可能只是把中文简历直接翻译过来。由于中文与英文在用词、语法和习惯上有较大的不同, 直译过来的英文简历可能存在许多问题, 因此需要了解英语这门语言的特色。

1) 频用短语。英文简历很重要的一点就是要言简意赅, 简洁明了, 在撰写中一定要注意到一些语言特色与技巧。切忌长句, 而多采用一些行为动词短语的表达。因为在简历中, 行为动词让你听起来更有目的性, 更有活力。2) 调整语法。由于空间有限, 英文简历写作的标准只允许使用缩写句。可以省略句子的主语 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine, his/hers) 有时甚至省略冠词 (the/a) 。如果要在一个句子中列出不只一项内容, 可以用"and"连接。3) 注重语体。英语言与汉语一样, 十分注重场合, 所表述的语言会因场合不同而变化。这在求职简历这类书面应用文中也有体现。比如一些格式、称谓要使用正式的文体, 能够体现求职者的重视与认真。切忌过多地使用口语甚至是俚语。


1) 过往经历。过往经历包括求职者的教育经历与工作实践经历。在教育经历上, 高职高专毕业生相对于本科生或是更高学历的毕业生, 在学历上学位上或许有所不及。但是, 本科生们注重的是理论, 而高职高专学生则更注重实践操作。作为高职高专的毕业生具备了专业的实践技能, 可以说是技能型人才。许多毕业生在就学期间就已经积累了在相关专业企业实习实践的经验。因此在英文简历中, 工作经历一栏, 可以为自己添上加分的一笔。2) 预期效果。当求职者完成了一份英文简历, 准备投给某家公司之前, 有必要预期一下这封简历的效果, 是石沉大海, 还是脱颖而出。但实际上许多求职者在第一步———英文简历中就被招聘单位淘汰了, 所以求职者应当谨记YRIS原则, 即Yourresumes isscanned, 招聘单位是在浏览 (scanned) 求职者的简历, 而不是阅读 (read) 。在投递之前, 再次检查英文简历的侧重点, 即关键字和行动词, 它们最能体现你的本质。而且在简历中对求职者的描述切记不可夸大, 但也不要把自己的缺点全都罗列上去, 可以选择写上自己擅长的, 而忽略一些不足。最重要的是要让招聘单位感到你对未来职业生涯的充分准备与活力。如果觉得英文简历在内容上已经能完美地展现自己, 还需要注重格式与页面的事项。在将你的英文简历投递给企业后, 需要保持自己的电话通畅与及时的电邮收发。3) 谋篇布局。作为一份英语简历, 最重要的职能就是在招聘单位进行浏览时, 能够一眼被吸引, 从而对你产生兴趣, 留下初步好印象, 以及进一步交流的意愿。所以英文简历的谋篇布局非常重要, 最好能达到让人眼前一亮的效果。

英语简历的基本格式是确定的, 需要在框定的格式之中寻求突破与新颖之处。英文简历上的内容大致可以分三点来写, 第一点是最能体现求职者能力的事迹, 例如之前所组织负责过 (参与过) 的重大活动或是担任过的职务等等;第二点是最能体现你专业技能的事例。作为高职高专的毕业生, 可能在学历上体现不出优势, 那就要把矛头调转到最关键的信息上———专业技术能力与社会实践 (工作) 经历。把自己擅长的一面简明扼要的强调出来, 可以是学术专业上的成就, 或是具有代表性的荣誉等等;第三点则是社会工作经历, 若是没什么工作经历, 参加过的能体现自我的社会实践活动也可。

同时一定要用积极的语言, 切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言书写简历。要组织好英文简历的结构, 避免出现重复的内容, 让人感到条理清楚, 结构严谨。要使你的个人简历富有创造性, 让招聘单位产生想进一步了解你的兴趣。

大学生英文简历表格 篇3

Name xuexila  
Date of Birth  
Contact No  
E-mail xuexila.com
Job Target



Target Industry The hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope
Target job Human Resources Director ,Human Resources Manager
Target address Shanghai
Target salary Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience


/05—Present XXX
  Industry: Others


HR & ADM Department HR & ADM Manager

With more than 80 years developing and business expansion, Riello has become the leading company and the global top brand in the industrial and civil burner manufacturing field.


To prepare scientific and rational annual HR planning, and balance employee preparation for each department according to the facts of company, command the information of employees at any moment. To assist each dept. to make detailed job description and position analysis of each department, optimize the company position structure continually. To assist department manager to observe and analyze all staffs constantly so as to ensure the balance of company human resource. To prepare the reserve force. To take charge of company recruitment according to company culture and requirement. To set up the scientific salary and welfare system, normalize the commendation system; Check the bonus distribution scheme of each dept. and promote it. To analyze the salary for each dept., adjust the distribution way rationally, and promote the inner management of department continually. To take charge of the annual salary adjustment for employees, make scientific and invigorative salary adjustment for employees to accelerate their good performance in next year. To set up and perfect the KPI and performance appraisal system, make position appraisal and employee appraisal, improve the working capability for employees continually. To take charge of the annual performance appraisal; assist department manager to improve the performance of employees to reach the company requirement. To set up humanistic welfare system and supervise to carry it out, try best to promote the better relation between employees and leaders. To set up the rational and effective communication system to motivate and promote the better relation between employees and leaders. To be familiar with the relevant HR law and policy, command its trend at any moment, make the HR system and employee handbook for company. To make HR positive management for employees; ensure each business and affairs to carry out steadily and smoothly. To conduct and push subordinates to work effectively. Report Directly to: General Manager Number of Subordinate:1

/07—2007/09 Reell Precision Manufacturing Corporation Shanghai Office
  Industry: Computers, Hardware


Human Resources Department Human Resources Manager

Which is a Representative Office of a USA manufacturing company. Reell is established in 1970 and has become the leading company in the “torque” design, solution application and manufacturing field.


Facilitate the implementation of HR policies and procedures throughout the company. Assist the VP of HR with the development of all aspects of the human resources function. Be responsible for coordinating social and recreational events for Company. Develop, revise and implement policies and regulations manuals for the Company, including employee handbook. Develop, apply and interpret company policies and procedures to individuals and departments within the company to provide solutions to employee problems. Coordinate and participate in all hiring activities. Develop and utilize sources of potential candidates to fulfill company staffing needs. Prescreen candidates; develop & administer relevant competency assessment tools, coordinate and organize hiring interviews; participate in hiring decisions, conduct background and reference checks and make job offers. Design and implement growth and development content and processes of all new employees hired, ensuring all training and orientation classes are completed. Be responsible for Company Values and Skills Training, and other training activities/events with the VP of HR. Plan, develop, and administer the various employee benefit support services. Administrate commercial insurance and all other relative benefit programs. Review and monitor all benefits on a regular basis to recommend changes and/or improvements. Serve as a representative of the company for volunteer and community services. Prepare government reports and coordinates with company accountant in preparation of reports for relevant government agencies. Serve as the coworker responsible for development and maintenance of safety practices. Serve as the Advisor to the Office Administrator. Report Directly to:HR VP & Office CR3 Number of Subordinate:1

Reason for Leaving: Victimized by a fierce Office faction from senior management


Develop and improve all policies and regulations for the Company, including employee handbook; Established an efficient HR frame for the Company.

2005/05—2007/06 Helkama Bica (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment


Human Resource Dept. Human Resources Manager

This is a wholly owned Finnish company. Helkama have had 100 years developing history since it existed and now Helkama Bica is one of the most famous Cables manufacturers in Finland.


Lead HR team to provide support for accomplishing company goals. Work out HR policies and advices for Finnish headquarter and implement related policies. In charge of all HR functions, including recruiting, training, performance review, compensation & benefits, employee relations and other HRM activities/programs. Establish and coordinate the recruiting policy, develop and implement the recruiting plans, supervise the selecting process. Build and systemize the training process, make and implement training policy, evaluate and select the training suppliers/agencies, assess and measure the effectiveness of training programs. Coordinate and promote performance management program and process. Adjust the structures of C&B, establish C&B policy, develop and carry out various programs. Build up good communication platform between management and employees, manage the employment contract and cope with the staff’s conflict and labor disputations. Establish and improveCompany regulations, compile/update the Employee Handbook, modify/correct the job instruction. Ensure efficient administrative support. Guide and support Team members. Report Directly to: General Manager Number of Subordinate:2

Reason for Leaving: Spending more than 4 hours on going to and returning from work everyday because of company moving (from Jinqiao to Fengxian). Hoping to work in downtown and having enough time to care for my old father


Succeeded in recruiting technological engineers and managerial staffs for all departments and having built the regular operation procedures of most HR functions, such as recruiting, training, performance review, compensation & benefits, employee relations and so on. Having established an efficient HR system for the employer and making the Human Resources Management being implemented as reasoning, regularizing and systematizing.



/09—2005/12 Fudan UniversityAdministration Bachelor Administration,Psychology,Dicision Sience,Organization ect.(This is a Part-time Self-education Project)
/09—/06 Fudan UniversitySecretary Associate Secretary,Business managesStenography,Sociologies,Rhetoric,and Writing ect.


/09 ISO9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Requirements and Internal Auditor
2005/06 CET6
2005/01 Enterprise HR Manager (Grade 2)
/01 Intermediate Computer Application Certificate
1998/01 CET4
Language skill


English: Fluent

建筑系学生英文简历表格 篇4


Name Sex 
Birthday Birth Place 
Degree Subject building
Graduated college Tel 
Self assessment
Knowledge Frame
(1)Professional knowledge²         
(3)Computer and IT²         
(1)²        Position:²        Position:
(2),Dem—2006,Jan²        Position:
Certificate and Credit

英文简历表格参考 篇5








Date of Birth




Contact No






Job Target

Target Industry

The hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope

Target job

The hope responds to a call for recruits post

Target address

Hope work area, urban scope

Target salary

Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person

To hillock time

The new post can in the long time assume the post

Working Experience




Industry: Trading/Import & Export

Shanghai Rep. Office Office Manager

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1. Office set up issues. (The very beginning of the new office starts in


2. Liaison with correlative vendors regarding office logistical.

3. Office expenses reports (Daily Cash Report, Daily Bank report), in charge of all the payment and reimbursement day by day and monthly by monthly. Setting up the different ledger per manager#39;s requirement.

4. Coordinate with local accountant representative to do the quarterly account audit, and do monthly income taxes submit in person.

5. Play a role as the Hr manager of shanghai office base on all recruiting, hiring process, employee records and affairs management, payroll and pension allowance calculation and. Foreigner#39;s Work Permit/Resident Certificate process etc.

6. Participate in the Company Personnel committee, involved in Office policy and regulation setting up regarding expense control, employee handbook, personnel procedure etc.

7. As the personal assistant to the chief representative, also the present of the whole Group.

8. Involve in GMS meeting and SMD operation regarding sales/purchase orders, recently was involved to be liaison with

Germany and American Customer directly on GMS ongoing projects to support the program manager.

9. Currently is involved in assistance of WFOE setting up project.

Report Directly to: Chief Representative Number of Subordinate:1

Reference: Sareet Majumdar

Reason for Leaving: Do not like the foreign company become more

and more Taiwanese style


Successful handle the employee transfer from RO to FICE’s project Include not limited the re-sign employment contracts, to set up the new pension, house funding account, the employment and all the foreigner/ Taiwan Staff’s work permit issue. To in charge of the Dongguan branch office issue. To be the lesion window with the law firm, to supply all the necessary documentations. All the admin. HR. financial job duties as well as the RO’s (since the RO is still working).


Cnlink Networks Ltd,


Industry: Computers, Software

/11—2004/06: HR & Admin Division Others


1. Implement the manpower management according to the headquarters ‘HR policy and workflow.

2. Responsible for employee relations and day-to-day HR operational support. Organize the recruiting issue, coordinate new employee procedure, performance appraisal. Labor contract, payroll, and filing.

3. Fully support other HR functions when necessary. Be responsible for the whole administration business of branch office. Things like admin. Purchase, maintain facility and office furniture, trip ticket and hotel reservation. Business register issue etc.

4. At the same time take the position as: Coordinator to Japan business Division Responsibility: the position as a coordinator window of branch offices between

Japan and Great China.

5. To provide the service support and communication or information for Japanese colleague. Supply the after -service for the current clients.

/09—2002/11:Customer Service Division Customer Service Manager

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1. Responsibility for the CRM’ daily supervisor, make sure clients’ require and complain can be solved smoothly, and feedback quick. Update CRM records and clients’ information.

2. Service contract filing and payment arrangement. Collect the feedback and suggestion from clients by telephone or visit.

3. And coordinate the cases flow between clients and telecom relevant.

2000/08—2001/09:Gerneral Manager Office Executive Assistant/ Secretary


1. Support General Manager’ daily work.

2. Assist to Hr & Admin Manager for the office administration affairs.

3. Meeting organization and filing meeting records.

4. GM’ business trip coordinate.


IX#39; Tech Litmid


Industry: Computers, Software

Headquarters Admin. Division Admin Staff/Assistant

Responsibilities & Achievments:

1. Support the admin.

2. Works of the headquarters office.

3. Trotline jobs of adnub secretary.


Shanghai JIUSHI Tower Ltd,.


Industry: Advertising

Administration Assistant

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Logistics, Computer Operation, and general affair arrangement.



Beijing Foreign


University(Associate with

Shanghai TV University)English Bachelor




University English Associate



Human Resource Management Certificate



Language skill

英文简历表格形式 篇6

表格形式 tabellarisch


Geburtsdatum/-ort ......, ......

Familienstand ledig

Schulbildung/-abschluss mittlere Reife

Realschule II, ......

Berufsausbildung kaufmännische Lehre

Abschlussprüfung ......: sehr gut

Besondere Kenntnisse gute Englischkenntnisse (Wirtschaftsenglisch)

Steno: 180 Silben

400 Schreibmaschinenanschläge

Textverarbeitung (Office XP)

Computer- >Führerschein<

Jetzige Position Direktionssekretärin



geboren am ...... in ......, ledig


...... mittlere Reife, ...... Realschule ......

...... - ...... Abendgymnasium ......, Abschluss Abitur

...... - ...... Lehre zum Industriekaufmann bei der ...... OHG, ......

Abschlussprüfung: gut


....../...... Sachbearbeiter Rechnungslegung, ...... OHG, ......

Hausinterne Fortbildung zum Fachwirt Personalwesen

....../...... Gruppenleiter in der Personalabteilung, ......, ......

Verantwortlich für die Auszubildenden, Praktikanten und Aushilfskräfte

....../...... Leiter der Personalabteilung, ......

Übernahme aller personalwirtschaftliche Aufgaben, besondere Entwicklung eines hausinternen Fortbildungswesens

导师英文简历表格 篇7



Tel.:139 * * * * * * * * (mobile phone)



The living manner optimism, positive and upward, the courage to face the changes and challenges.

A strong sense of team spirit and organizational ability, is good at interpersonal, have very strong and the ability to relate to others.

Learning ability, and has good innovation consciousness, easy to accept new things, adapt to the new environment.

Strong analysis, problem solving skills, a strong logical ability, have a strong sense of responsibility.

Education experience

/9 - so far the Chinese Academy of Sciences Computer Science and Technology Master

The main research direction for:Enterprise information portal, single sign-on, general persistent framework, unified the authentication

Work position

The Chinese academy of sciences software institute youth corps committee secretary of academic

Responsible for software foreign academic exchanges

Invite the Red Cross society of China training centre to hold “paying attention to health, cherish life” health seminar.

And China unicom Beijing branch jointly “3 g technology and mobile application development technology exchange”.

Language Skills

English (skilled) Heard (skilled), reading and writing (skilled)

Grade of English: English level

求职英文简历表格 篇8



Name: Nationality:ChinaPHOTO
Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:175 cm 60 kg
Marital Status:SingleAge:29 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:Real estate development/planning manager/supervisor: Property management dirtor or maneger 、Automobile sales: Sale Director or Manager 、Foreign language: Sale Director or Manager
Working life:7Title:Senior title
Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a week
Expected salary:¥8,000--¥12,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen
Work Experience :
Company#39;s name:Chinese Health TimesBegin and end date: -05--07
Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Advertisement plan/marketing
Job Title:Sales and Marketing Manager
Job description:My responsibilities set up the advertising department, help CEO to make the company strategy, consistently achieve sales plan and figure.
Reasons for leaving: 
Company#39;s name:China MobileBegin and end date: -10--08
Enterprise nature:Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title:Sale Manager
Job description:My responsibilities consistently achieve monthly sales plan and figure; Train and develop sales team to achieve sales figure.
Reasons for leaving:study aboard
Educational Background
Name of School:University of Surrey
Highest Degree:MasterDate of Graduation:2005-07-01
Name of Major 1:International Business ManagementName of Major 2: 
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
-092005-08University of SurreyIBMMaster Degree04P9389
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:excellent
Language ability:excellent language skill for the British
Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:excellent
Relevant skills and abilities
 Extensive marketing person, have seven years sale and marketing management experience(include two year in United Kingdom), good relationship with the foreigner customer. Excellent sales management skill for the Europe customers. Good knowledge for marketing, distributor development in China.Good communication and presentation skills.
Self-recommendation letter
 Extensive marketing person, have seven years sale and marketing management experience(include two year in United Kingdom), good relationship with the foreigner customer. Excellent sales management skill for the Europe customers. Good knowledge for marketing, distributor development in China.Good communication and presentation skills.

英文简历表格精选 篇9


Type your address here,Type your address here


  Elm University, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D. in English
Dissertation: “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”

Honors: Dissertation passed “with Distinction”

Elm University, Chapel Hill, NC
M.A. in English
Thesis: “The Accessibility Debate of Content in the Online Context”
Oak Tree University, Raleigh, NC
B.A. Honors in English 1994
Areas of Concentration: Journalism, Proposal Writing

Minor: French

Honors Thesis: “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”

  Postdoctoral Fellowship, Elm University – 2000
President’s Fellowship, Oak Tree University 1995 – 1997
Excellence Grant, Oak Tree University

– 1997
Teaching Experience
  Walnut Grove University, Chapel Hill, NC  
Lecturer – “Global Communication in the 21st Century.”
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.
Adjunct Instructor – “Editing Technical Documents.” 1998
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.
Instructor – French 101, 102, 201, 202 1996 - 1997
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum,

and administered all grades.

Teaching Assistant – to Professor Garth Fort in “Advanced Rhetoric.” 1997
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request,

and graded all written work, including final exam papers.

Related Experience
  Lucerne Publishing, Raleigh, NC

Provide as needed editorial support remotely, including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation.

1995 - Present
Wide World Importers, Durham, NC

Compile reports, including statistical and market trends, to track the growth of online shipping sales versus the primary offline practices.

1995 - Present
Fabrikam, Inc., Raleigh, NC
Language Consultant

Translated American-English external web site content to French.

Trey Research, Raleigh, NC
User Interface Design Consultant

Provided content design feedback to program managers to create accessible segue between English and French versions of related content.

Publications and papers
  “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”

Guest speaker at the Global Communication Convention, Los Angeles, CA 2001 “Why So Many Documents Remain Inaccessible in the Information Age”

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of English Professors, New York 1998 “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”

外教助理英文简历表格 篇10




Name yjbys  
Date of Birth  
Contact No  
E-mail /jianli
Job Target



Target Industry Education/translation
Target job English teacher in senior high school
Target address Guangzhou
Target salary ¥2,500-3,500/Month
Working Experience


/06--now Home teaching tutor
/04 Foreign Teacher Assistant in English Corner
2014/08 Online Sales Customer Service Representative
2013/09 Office worker in Huizhou electronics Co.,Ltd.


/09—Now Study Senior Translation in Tianhe College of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Training Courses: International Trade Practice, Business English Translation, Advance English, The History of English Countries, Business English Listening and Speaking, Etc.


2014/04 Third prizeof National English Competition for College Student
2014/05 Second prizeof oral English competition
2014/06/12 Second prize Scholarship
2013/09 Outstanding student in English College

时尚的英文简历表格 篇11

Your resume is scanned,not read.(“TRIS”)。一方面简历要写得好,另一方面招聘人员看简历只是扫描式的,最初看也就是5秒种左右,第一印象不好就扔了,这会儿你就该问了:“如果我写得好,短时间他看不出来怎么办?”不用担心,他们是可以看出来的,因为招聘人员干的就是这一行,如果您怀疑他看不出来,说明两点:第一,您对招聘人员的工作性质还不了解。假设您是司机,经常走北京那么多胡同,自然就记住了,而一般人都觉得很难记。第二,说明你对行文格式,专业写作形象还不熟悉。美国很多职位很高的大老板,在看下属写东西时,一点点小错,哪怕只是换了一种字体,漏了一个逗号,多了一个空格都能及时指出来。说明他们眼很尖速度很快。另外,写的`内容千万不要多,而且要控制在一页纸内。












A position as full-time or paid-on-call firefighter.


  Certified EMT-A, including hands-on experience in emergency situations; trained in basic life-support and extrications. Certified Fire Apparatus Engineer; Certificate in Fire Ground Tactics and Fire Alarms and Systems. Trained in fire codes and regulations for buildings and sprinkler systems, and in fire science apparatus and fire spreading in various types of buildings. Knowledge of sprinkler installations and plumbing/building systems, including water connections and sewer systems.


  Fabrikam, Inc., West Chicago, IL 6/95-Present


Perform engineering and installation for piping in industrial, commercial, educational, and correctional facilities. Layouts include sewer, water, process, and chemical piping. Use a transit to survey grades as needed.

Ambulance Service, Roselle/Elgin, IL 10/94-3/95
Shift Supervisor


Involved in a wide range of emergency situations, including auto accidents, prompt medical care/patient stabilization, and transportation to hospitals.


  Oak Tree Fire Protection District, Oak Tree, IL 1/94
Volunteer/Firefighter Trainee


Assisted in ambulance calls and gained direct experience as EMT-A.


  Elm College, Glen Ellyn, IL

