
2025-03-01 版权声明 我要投稿


实用商务英语翻译教案 篇1


一轮会谈 one round of talks

决议 resolution

谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding

现在开会 I declare the meeting open.请…发言 I invite the representative of …to take the floor.下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况 Nnow I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing’s economy.我的介绍完了,谢谢。That’s all for my presentation.thank you.我先说这么多。So much for my remarks for now.我要说的就是这些。That’s all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?

让我先谈一个问题。If you agree,(With your permission)let me start with one issue

在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。Before we turn to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.您对此事怎么看呢? I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?

我提议休会十分钟。I propose a ten-minute break.我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。I will pick up where we left off just now.对不起,我插一句。Sorry for the interruption but

当然可以。By all means

怎么都行。Whatever you say.我没有异议。I have no objection



我方对这个问题有异议。We take exception to this question.我们高兴地看到 We note with pleasure that

这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?

不知你们上午谈的怎样? I wonder how the meeting went this morning?

我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible.请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.纠缠这个问题 entangle this issue

提倡节约 advocate/uphold thriftiness

为了国家的繁荣 for the sake of national property

经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.密切注视 Keep close watch on

促进密切合作 spur/promote intensive cooperation

久仰 I’ve heard so much about you.好久不见了 Long time no see.辛苦了 You’ve had a long day.You’ve had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们 distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends

阁下(多用于称呼大使)Your Excellency

我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京.On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。


在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing?

我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请.I’ll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资.American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见.Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行 It’s a rewarding trip.您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止.As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候...先生 please remember me to Mr.感谢光临 Thank you so much for coming.欢迎再来 Hope you’ll come again.欢迎以后多来北京 Hope you’ll visit Beijing more often.请留步,不用送了.I will see myself out, please.多保重 Take care.祝您一路平安.Have a nice trip.愿为您效劳。At your service.为…举行宴会/宴请 host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

欢迎宴会 welcome dinner

便宴 informal dinner


便餐 light meal

工作午餐 working luncheon



自助餐 buffet dinner/luncheon

答谢宴会 return dinner

告别宴会 farewell dinner

庆功宴 glee feast

招待会 reception

庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会 Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

鸡尾酒会 cocktail party

茶话会 tea party

包餐/点餐 table d’hote/a la carte

上菜 serve a courst

您的位置在这里 Here is your seat.请入席 Please have a seat.欢聚一堂 enjoy this happy get-together

请随便 Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.请各位随意用餐 Help yourself please.您喝点什么? what would you like to drink?

现在我提议,为了…和…之间的合作,为了…参议员的健康,干杯!At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … and … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!

最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯!Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …

请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!I’d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯。Here’s to you.声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。


祝你健康 To your health.我要为此干杯 I’ll drink to that!

随量 Whatever you like.我失陪一会儿 Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵 Hope you enjoy yourself.女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.The concert/show would start soon.Please get yourself seated.Thank you.招待会现在开始。The reception will now begin.全体起立,奏国歌。All rise please.For the P.R.C.National Anthem.出席今天招待会的贵宾有 The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are

现在请…讲话 I have the honour to call upon…

开幕式现在结束。This concludes the opening ceremony.隆重庆祝 grand celebration

情况介绍 presentation

小组讨论 panel discussion

同有关单位磋商 hold consultations with the organizations concerned

庆祝成立…一周年 celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of …

热烈祝贺第一届…锦标赛 Hail the first FIFA of …

值此节日之际致以节日的祝贺 On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend season’s reetings.祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福!Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family!



衷心祝贺您当选… Hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as …

举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会 hold a meeting/seminar/conference /forum/symposium

赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人 patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer

举行谈判 enter into negotiation

交涉 make representations with sb.on sth./deal with sb.事物性会谈 talks at working level

对口会谈 counterpart talks

议程项目 items on the agenda

主题 theme

议题 topic for discussion

双方商定的议程 schedule mutually agreed upon

开幕会议 opening session

全体会议 plenary session

实用商务英语翻译教案 篇2

翻译课程 (英汉、汉英笔译) 是高职商务英语专业的一门必修课程。课程的讲授环节主要包括理念、理论介绍, 技巧讲解, 实际操作以及译文评价。“实用原则”可以作为联系翻译课程各个环节的一条主线, 贯穿于翻译教学的整个过程, 即介绍实用的翻译理论, 讲解实用的翻译技巧, 进行实用的翻译操作训练, 应用实用的译文评价标准。


实用的翻译理论, 就是指那些与高职商务英语学习特点密切相关的翻译理论。通过重点介绍这些理论, 使其对学生的翻译实践起到一个理念上的指导作用。

奈达·尤金的读者中心论、沃尔特提出的解构主义以及近年来在我国翻译界兴起的译者主体性研究, 是三种较为实用的翻译理论。


奈达在翻译史上第一个把社会效应 (读者反应) 原则纳入翻译标准之中, 认为必须以读者的反应作为衡量译作是否正确的重要标准。他将重点从信息的形式转换到读者的反应, 强调译入语读者接受译作的重要性, 从而尽可能的避免评论家对作品的主观评价。

读者中心论可以解决一个翻译目的的问题。当学生将为目的语读者服务的理念根植在翻译实践中时, 就会逐渐养成自我检验的习惯, 而自觉地检测译文是否符合目的语的表达习惯, 译文中是否有读者难于理解的表达等。


解构主义的宗旨是“解构”传统的语言形而上的绝对规律性——意义、观念、理性, 以新的“文字学”, 对语言文字的结构和意义加以彻底相对论的阐释。据此理论, 解构主义翻译观认为, 翻译文本是创造的新生语言。

该理论可以解释在翻译过程中为什么在面对原文时, 学生往往会有“搜肠刮肚, 词难达意”的处境。这样的理论支撑将促使学生更有耐心的去比较、推敲相似词句的细微差别, 从而保证译文的质量。


译者主体性是指作为翻译活动主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下, 为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性。

对译者主体性理论最主要的作用就是允许不同风格的译文创作, 增强学生的自信心, 激发学生的学习热情。




语义逻辑对应的讲解重点应放在直译和意译的灵活运用上, 即必须考虑到文化、社会因素对语言表达的影响, 可将其具体分为增译与省略译的讲解。

增译法所谓增译就是在译文中加词, 使其意思更加清晰而不至于让人费解。增词和重复是两种增译法的常用手段。

例如:Preparation for the summit meeting is going on.

峰会的准备工作正在进行。 (增加名词)

省略译就是在译文中减词, 使译文流畅自然, 符合目的语的表达习惯。

例如:I am sorry that we can not supply you this time with the items required.

此次无法供货, 深表遗憾。



1) 被动语态的翻译


例如:The World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded in 1993.

世界贸易组织创建于1993年。 (保持主语不变, 即原文中的主语在译文中仍作主语。)


例如:To make matters more confusing, these similar deposit vehicles are called by different names from bank to bank.

使事情显得更为复杂的是, 这些相同的储蓄方式被不同的银行冠以不同的名字。 (将句子译成含“被……”或“给……”的句子。)


例如:Something has to be done to counter the recent rise in unemployment.

必须采取措施抑制近来失业率的上升。 (将被动语态译成汉语的无主语句。)

2) 肯定与否定的转换

英语表示否定的方法主要有两种:借助词汇和借助结构。在英译汉时, 必须先弄清英语表达同样的否定意义时是否与汉语的表达形式相同。

例如: The two sides have traded with each other no longer after the war.

双方自打那场战争后就再也没有过贸易往来。 (借助含有否定意义的副词短语)

3) 长句翻译

英语的长句是由基础搭架 (主语+谓语) 扩展开来的, 其扩展方式可以使用增加句子的修饰语, 也可以使用增加并列成分或并列句, 或者是利用短语或从句充当句子成分。

例如:We have installed a new system recently, which is under adjusting.

我们最近安装了一个新系统, 该系统正处于调试阶段。 (将原文中的定语成分译成并列结构, 对原文进行了扩展。)


根据高职商务英语专业的培养目标, 可以将翻译课程的教学内容分为两个实用的训练模块。






这个模块的训练重点在于篇章的文体类型特点介绍。根据提供的相关翻译素材, 主要从文化视角对其分析并点评, 了解不同国家的文化习俗、文化背景。使学生掌握这几类文体的语言特点及书写成文的基本要素, 能够借助工具书, 运用恰当的翻译技巧, 完成翻译任务。



1.建立贸易往来 2.询盘

3.报盘 4.还盘∕订购

5.销售确认 6.签订销售合同

7.付款∕信用证的使用 8.运输∕提单的功能

9.保险 10.索赔与仲裁

这个模块的能力培养目标有两个:1) 在掌握进出口贸易基本环节的过程中进行翻译训练;2) 在翻译训练的过程中进行翻译技巧运用。根据提供的相关商务英语往来信函范文, 可以让学生从句子翻译入手, 了解贸易专业术语以及基本进出口贸易的流程, 循序渐进地运用翻译技巧。


翻译标准, 顾名思义, 是指译者在翻译活动时所遵循的标准, 是衡量译文质量的尺度。在高职翻译教学中, 只有根据商务英语及学生的特点, 采用技术操作方面的评价标准, 并使标准具体化、层次化, 才能使学生为提高自己的翻译能力而设定目标, 极大的促进学生的积极性和创造性, 也为教师在教学方式、作业批改等方面提供明确的规范。

高职商务英语课程的教学中, 翻译标准在技术操作方面可划分为以下六个层次:

1) 译文表达流畅, 意思连贯。用词、语法、文体都贴切, 无须修改。

2) 译文用词、语法、文体上多少有些毛病, 只需进行简单的修改。

3) 由于用词、语法方面的原因, 使得对有些细节的理解有疑问, 短语、句子有丢失, 搭配有错误。

4) 原文的结构、内容没有很好地反映出来, 而且有一部分原文没有译出来, 须进行像调整词序那样的修改。

5) 译文短语与短语之间的关系, 过去时、完成时等时态, 单数与复数的区别, 副词的位置等有错误, 需要译后在结构上作必要的调整。

6) 译文完全不能反映原文的内容和结构, 脱落了主语或谓语, 成不了句子。


In 2001the export value of Hong Kong garments was 6.3 times compared with 2000.

对该句学生可能会有不同的理解, 出现不同的译句。



C.与2000年相比, 香港2001年的出口价值是6.3倍。

D.在2001年, 香港的出口价值是6.3倍, 与2000年比较。

原句中的was 6.3times 可直译为“是6.3倍”或“增加了5.3倍”;export value应“出口额”, 而不可根据字面意思直译为“出口价值”。因此, 上面的译句中, A句在意思的连贯、用词以及语法的正确理解方面都无须修改, 符合第一层次的翻译标准; B 句只对英语的倍数的理解有错误, 其他方面无须修改, 符合第二层次的标准;C句在语序的表达上比较流畅, 但对关键词汇的理解错误, 应使用第四层次的标准对其判断;D句不仅关键词汇没有译出, 而且译句语序不符合汉语表达, 因此属于第六层次的译句。

通过对例句的分析, 可以看出在应用层次性的标准对各种译句进行评价, 可以使学生对自己的翻译错误有明确的认识, 并针对具体的错误制定具体的提高目标。而教师也可以在讲解中抓住重点, 客观的分析不同译句优缺点, 提高教学效率。


“实用为主, 够用为度”是高职教学应遵循的一个理念。但对于翻译课程的教学, 特别是在培养适应现代商务的复合型外语人才的过程中, 只有“实用”还是不够的。因此, 在介绍实用的翻译理论与技巧, 进行实用的实践训练与评价的同时, 还要因时、因事引导、督促学生不断地提高自身的素养, 包括双语素养、文化素养, 这样才能更有效地在今后的工作中能真正的将所学的翻译理论与技巧运用到实践中。


[1]郭建中.汉英/英汉翻译:理念与方法[J].上海翻译, 2006, (1) .

[2]单其昌.汉英翻译技巧[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1990.

[3]石定乐, 蔡蔚.实用商务英汉互译[M].北京:北京理工大学出版社, 2007, (5) .

[4]周方珠.翻译多元论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004.

实用商务英语翻译教案 篇3

摘 要:为了适应今天我国商务市场需要,高职院校商务英语翻译教学改革势在必行。笔者试通过在商务英语翻译课中从教学内容、形式、方法、考核方式、教学团队建设等方面开展全方位教学改革试验,探讨出一套针对商务英语翻译培养目标、商务英语翻译自身特点、高职学生实际,适用于高职教育需要,符合职业行业特点的商务翻译多元化教学模式,以培养复合型实用商务英语翻译人才。




[文章编号]1006-2831(2013)11-0133-5 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.04.036

教育部1998年颁布的《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革若干意见》指出:“由于社会对外语人才的需求已呈多元化的趋势,过去那种单一外语专业和基础技能型的人才已不能适应市场经济的需要,市场对单纯语言文学专业毕业生的需求量正逐渐减少。因此,外语专业必须从单科的‘经院式人才培养模式转向宽口径、应用性、复合型人才的培养模式”。教育部2000年颁布的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》进一步明确了外语专业人才培养目标,具体提出“高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础的广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究的复合型英语人才”。据此,高职院校商务翻译教学的首要任务应该是培养既精通英语语言知识,又具有国际商务知识和翻译技能的复合型实用商务翻译人才,即“通识型”人才(戴炜栋,2008: 71),以满足国内外企业对商务翻译人才不断扩大的需求。

然而,现今不少高校商务英语翻译专业教学由于受传统翻译教学模式影响,不能有效地培养出适应社会需求的复合型实用商务翻译人才,主要体现在:1. 教学内容单一、手段单一、考核方式单一、教师队伍元素单一;2. 课堂教学表现为不注重翻译理论对实践的指导意义,只是通过翻译学翻译,就事论事,一味罗列现象,未从理论上进行阐述、解释、说明,一味强调授人以鱼而不授人以渔,只限于某一商务项目翻译,即重在“翻什么”,而不注重“如何翻”及其缘由,致使学生缺乏创新能力;3. 仍然遵循传统的以教师为中心、“填鸭式”授课方式、模式单一、方法陈旧,不能适应我国商务翻译人才培养要求,不利于全面培养学生的实际应用能力,这种滞后性在高职教育中尤为明显。为此,本文倡导并试验商务翻译课中实施多元化教学模式。

多元化理论最初由美国哲学家费耶阿本德(Paul Karl Feyerabend, 1924~1994)提出,其基本思想是反对单一、独断,主张开放型、创新型的方法,也就是“怎么都行”的认识(刘放桐,2000:539)。此理论用于教学,突出全方位、立体式思维,强调多取向、多视野、“多模态教学模式”(冯奇,2011:317),也就是辩证综合的教学模式(田式国,2001:293)。


1 . 设计多元化的教学内容


为了改变这种现象,我们教学中设计商务英语翻译教学应体现多元化教学内容,即由商务英语知识+商务翻译基础理论及技巧知识+国际商务、外贸、旅游等知识+常用商务文体知识+文化背景知识等构成,突出商务翻译知识学习与人文素养教育并重,专业理论教育与实际技能培养并重原则,构建商务英语翻译理论教学体系和商务实用文体翻译的实践教学体系,并自行编写出了针对商务英语翻译培养目标、商务英语翻译自身特点、高职学生实际、我国商务市场需求实际,适用于高职教育需要,符合职业行业特点的英文商务翻译教材《A Course of Translation for International Business》(2012年8月北京出版社出版,彭开明主编),以培养学生自我获取知识的能力和实际操作的能力,为学生商务翻译方面可持续发展奠定良好的基础。主要体现在以下几个方面:





2 . 实施多元化教学形式




在开展分级教学、因材施教过程中,我校翻译课程组为了加速优秀人才培养,采用了大众教育与精英教育相结合的教学模式,每年选拔各班成绩出色、笔译能力都较强的学生举办Top Class,开办全国商务英语翻译资格认证辅导班,实施课证一体,取得了良好效果,如2010年5月组织09级大二学生参加全国商务英语翻译资格统一考试(初级),72人参考,通过的达60人之多,并且其中获优秀(85分以上)者2人,良好(75分以上)5人。这一做法在江西省高校外语界中属于首创,现已成了本课程固定的教学模式。实践证明,实施因材施教,举办精英班是高职院校快出人才的有效途径,同时能有效促进整体教学质量。

3 . 运用多元化教学方法







(6)运用循环递进法(cycle)(Quirk,1985: 37)。先是提纲挈领,而后层层深化,互参对比。即是教学中通过反复不断对学生进行某一语言知识或翻译知识刺激,不断感知,达到认知目的。如商务英语基本特点首先在第二章作了总体简介,此后在商务翻译标准、专项商务翻译章节中再深入了解;再如在理解一章节提出运用逻辑包括暗含逻辑分析进行理解,而后在增词法、拆译、定语从句翻译、长句翻译等章节中反复出现,加深逻辑推理在翻译中重要作用。

4 . 实践多元化的考核手段


5 . 建设多元化的教学团队


6 . 结语



Quirk, Randolf, et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language[M]. New York: LongmaInc., 1985: 37.





实用商务英语翻译教案 篇4




一轮会谈 one round of talks 决议 resolution

谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding 现在开会 I declare the meeting open.请„发言 I invite the representative of „to take the floor.下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况 Nnow I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing’s economy.我的介绍完了,谢谢。That’s all for my presentation.thank you.我先说这么多。So much for my remarks for now.我要说的就是这些。That’s all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?让我先谈一个问题。If you agree,(With your permission)let me start with one issue

在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.您对此事怎么看呢? I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter? 我提议休会十分钟。I propose a ten-minute break.我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。I will pick up where we left off just now.对不起,我插一句。Sorry for the interruption but 当然可以。By all means

怎么都行。Whatever you say.我没有异议。I have no objection我方对这个问题有异议。We take exception to this question.我们高兴地看到 We note with pleasure that

这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you? 不知你们上午谈的怎样? I wonder how the meeting went this morning? 我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible.请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.纠缠这个问题 entangle this issue

提倡节约 advocate/uphold thriftiness为了国家的繁荣 for the sake of national property

经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.密切注视 Keep close watch on

促进密切合作 spur/promote intensive cooperation


竭诚为您服务 每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导




久仰 I’ve heard so much about you.好久不见了 Long time no see.辛苦了 You’ve had a long day.You’ve had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们 distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends

阁下(多用于称呼大使)Your Excellency我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京.On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing?

我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请.I’ll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资.American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见.Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行 It’s a rewarding trip.您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止.As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候...先生 please remember me to Mr.感谢光临 Thank you so much for coming.欢迎再来 Hope you’ll come again.欢迎以后多来北京 Hope you’ll visit Beijing more often.请留步,不用送了.I will see myself out, please.多保重 Take care.祝您一路平安.Have a nice trip.愿为您效劳。At your service.为„举行宴会/宴请 host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of „ 欢迎宴会 welcome dinner 便宴 informal dinner





竭诚为您服务 每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导




请在 网上 申请报名”

洛基国际英语 http://www.rrting.net

新编实用英语教案unit5 篇5

Our weather and Climate I.Teaching objectives vocabulary related to weather and climate.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.Practice to understand easy weather forecast.Practice to talk about the weather.II.Key points 1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate.2.Understand the passages 3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast.4.Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast.III.Difficult points 1.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.2.Practice writing a short weather forecast.3.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.IV.Teaching methodology

1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V.Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face Imitating Mini-Talks 1.Work in pairs.Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.Acting out the Tasks 2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.Key for reference: 1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather.2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year.3.Task: Ask Mr.Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity.4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days.5.Task: Complain about a cold day.Studying Weather Forecasts 3.A weather forecast id a statement that tells the public what the weather condition is going to be.We need to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day.It is part of our life.Read the following samples of weather forecasts carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Following Sample Dialogues

4.Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Putting Language to Use 5.Mr.Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.6.There is going to be s sports meet tomorrow.Bob is worried about the weather and you are talking about it.Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets.Then act it out with your partner.1.Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script:(e.g)1.It look likes rain.2.Is it going to be fine this weekend?

3.There is a chance of snow this evening.4.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.5.What’s the temperature today?

2.Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.3.Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Handling a Dialogue 4.Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brackets according to what you have heard.Understanding a Short Speech/Talk 5.Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.6.Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B.Section III Trying Your Hand Practicing Applied Writing 1.Read the following two samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2.Translate the following weather forecast into Chinese, using the data bank in the Workbook for reference.3.Write an English weather report according to the information given in Chinese.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar 4.Analyze the following sentences to see what tense they belong to.5.Correct the errors in the following sentences.6.Translate the following sentences into English.Keys for the exercise: 1)The weather was terrible yesterday.In fact, it has been awful.2)She has worked in this office for five years.3)I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there.4)We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled last time.5)Turn down the TV a bit, the weather forecast hasn’t begun yet.Write and Describe a Picture Write a short passage of about 100 words to tell a story or about an event related to the picture given below.Some useful words and phrases have been provided to help you.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage one

1.Information Related to the Reading Passage 2.Language Points: 3.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)

(para.1)Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Analysis: May can be used to introduce concession in putting forward an argument.2)(para.1)As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.Analysis:As is often used to introduce an indicator of the information source, such as as we have learned.Similar structure are:as the saying goes,as everyone knows, as you know,as you put it,etc.3)

(para.3)By turning off lights, the television,and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.Analysis: By is followed by a gerund, introducing a prepositional phrase of manner.Note,by is not necessarily always translated as “通过”.4)(para.8)One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy products that don’t use as much energy.Analysis:Two That-clauses are used to serve as post-modifiers of nouns:the first one is that we put into the air, modifying greenhouse gases;The second that-clause is that don’t use as much energy, modifying products.Note: In translation, the noun phrase products that use as much energy can simply be translated into”节能产品”, instead of “不消耗那么多能量的产品”.B.Important Words 1)trap:v store(energy, gas or water,etc.)so that it cannot escape.2)Stand-by:n.Readiness for duty.3)Absorb:v.Take in,sack up(liquid,heat,knowledge,etc.)4)Membership: n.Being a member of(an organization)5)Swell:v.(number or amounts)grow bigger;expand.4.Passage Translation 5.Read and Think: Answer the following questions according to the passage.6.Read and Complete

1)Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.2)Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the

form if necessary.7.Read and Translate 8.Read and Simulate

Passage two Information Related to the Reading Passage 1.Language Points: A.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)(para.1)The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Analysis: To remember about...is the post modifier of the sentence subject the most important thing, and that introduces the complement clause.2)(para.1)As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on the luck.Analysis: Within the as-clause of reason, there is a relative clause introduced by when and modifying periods.And in its main clause, there is another relative clause you get modifying weather, with the relative that omitted.3)(para.2)For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won’t see people meeting or spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries.Analysis: for people to meet outside modifies opportunities.Both meeting or spending time together are the object complement of verb see, and do refers to see...4)(para.3)Foreigners are often amused that the British people spend so much time discussing the weather.Analysis: That is often used to introduce a clause which gives the cause or the effect of an adjective, just like amused in this case.5)(para.4)Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.Analysis:Here that introduces a subject-complement clause, in which a relative who-clause modified people.6)(Para.4)A comment on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Analysis:Note that when or is used to coordinate two subjects, the verb must agree with the subject after or.To break the ice is an infinitive clause modifying an easy way.B.Important Words 1)depend: v.A.change according to(no passive)

B.Need someone or something for help or to be able to live.2)opportunity:n.A favorable moment or occasion(for doing sth.)3)Outdoors:ad.In the open air 4)Amuse:v.Make someone laugh;cause laughter in 5)Climate: n.The average conditions at a particular place over a period of year.6)Discuss:v.Talk about 7)Variable:a.Changeable, not steady 8)Reluctant:a.Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.9)Converse:v.Talk informally 10)Personally:a.Belonging or relating to a particular person, not to others 11)Social:a.relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people 12)Comment:v.Make a remark, give an opinion 2.Passage Translation 3.Read and Judge: True/False 4.Read and Translate: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)the most important thing to remember about British is the weather.2)People in Britain can enjoy the lovely weather most of the year.3)British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.4)It is quite common in Britain for people to comment on a rainy day or an lovely day at a bus stop.5)The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.6)The best we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.7)The variable weather explains why British people talk a lot about it.8)Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Section V Appreciating Culture Tips

实用商务英语翻译教案 篇6

Invite people to join daily activities

Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation

(write an invitation card or a letter)for:

Personal invitation

Official occasions Give a reply to:

An oral invitation

A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture: western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation.Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to invitations.When you receive an invitation you should answer is immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not.If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening” or some such words.By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk Section III Trying your Hand

1.Practicing Applied Writing 2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

Whether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important obligations.Here’s a quick guide to keep you on the guest list.1.R.S.V.P

From the French “Répondez, s’il vous plait”, it means “Please reply.” This little code has been around for a long time and it’s definitely telling you that your hosts want to know if you are attending.Reply promptly, within a day or two of receiving an invitation.2.How do I respond? Reply in the manner indicated on the invitation.R.S.V.P and no response card: a handwritten response to the host at the return address on the envelope.Response Card: fill in and reply by the date indicated and return in the enclosed envelope.R.S.V.P with phone number: telephone and make sure to speak in person — answering machines can be unreliable.R.S.V.P with e-mail: you may accept or decline electronically.Regrets only: reply only if you cannot attend.If your host doesn’t hear from you, he is expecting you!

No reply requested? Unusual, but it is always polite to let someone know your intentions.A phone call would be sufficient.3.Is that your final answer?

Changing a “yes” to a “no” is only acceptable on account of: illness or injury, a death in the family or an unavoidable professional or business conflict.Call your hosts immediately.Canceling because you have a “better” offer is a surefire way to get dropped from ALL the guest lists.Being a “no show” is unacceptable.Changing






is OK only if it will not upset the hosts’ arrangements.4.“May I bring „?”

Don’t even ask!An invitation is extended to the people the hosts want to invite — and no one else.„ a date.Some invitations indicate that you may invite a guest or date(Mr.John Evans and Guest)and when you reply, you should indicate whether you are bringing someone, and convey their name.„ my children.If they were invited, the invitation would have said so.„ my houseguest.It’s best to decline the invitation, stating the reason.This gives your host the option to extend the invitation to your guests, or not.5.Say “Thank You.”

Make sure to thank your hosts before you leave, and then again by phone or note the next day.Text Business Invitation

A case of mistaken identity!Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that this mystery will be

solved in time for our Holiday Office Party We’re leaving the investigation to those who do it best.Let’s get away from all those computers, papers and mess and come to our office party in your best suit or dress.Come join us and Toast the Season Thursday, December 9th 2010 5:00 P.M.The Columbia House – Penthouse Floor 485 Jefferson Plaza Leonard, Barley, Travis, Bailey and Smith

Regrets only to Dianne 248-8522 It would be a crime to miss our party or not be on time

485 Jefferson Plaza

Business invitations can be informal or formal.Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.Invitation Timing

For most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance.If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering.Here are a few guidelines for your information: ● Six to eight months before an important seminar to which out-of-town executives are invited.● Four weeks before an evening reception.● Two to four weeks before a cocktail party.Invitation Format

Formal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white high-quality paper.A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image.With preprinted invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it.It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Responding to an Invitation

Either use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent with the invitation.If a “Please reply by” a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date.If the words “Regrets only” are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend.If your host does not hear from you, you are expected to attend.Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr.Louis Winthorp and Guest.” Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites.Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.Language Points 1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.(Para.1)Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like” and should be followed by nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请

等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。Example: Our discussions were all about issues such as education and

climate change.2.(Para.4)It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Analysis: It’s also acceptable to do „ means “It’s also good enough to be received to do „”

Translation: 如果为了使计划更加周密,也可以在邀请函中加上请回复的字样,以及电话号码或联系地址。

3.(Para.5)If a “Please reply by” a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date.Analysis: If „ is a conditional clause followed by an imperative sentence Translation: 如果邀请函中包括“请于某日之前回复”的字样,则需要在规定日期前回复。

Example: If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering.Example: It’s acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April 1st.4.(Para.6)Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr.Louis Winthorp and Guest.”

Analysis: Never „ unless „ is “double negative”, which means “You can bring a guest if the invitation states „”

Translation: 如若邀请函上没有说明“邀请某某先生和朋友”,不要向邀请方要 求带同伴。

Example: Some people are never happy unless they are in the limelight showing off.2 Important Words 1.in advance

before in time 提前 e.g.Can I sign up for this course in advance? Quality Buildings usually hire its temporary workers well in advance as the need arises.2.seminar n.a small class of usually advanced students meeting to study some subject with a teacher 讨论会,研讨班

e.g.He I’m very sorry about not setting the seminar on time.There is a computer network seminar tomorrow afternoon.3.uphold

v.to support, prevent from being weakened or taken away

支持,赞成 e.g.I want to love as a kind of faith to uphold.All staff uphold integrity-based quality first principle.4.image

n.the opinion people have of a person, organization, product etc.形象 e.g.The hotel industry is working hard on improving its image.The party has to project the right image.5.given

a.fixed for a purpose and stated as such 给定的,特定的 e.g.The work must be done within the given time.At any given time, the status of technical progress is relatively inflexible.6.likely

ad.probably 可能 e.g.I’d very likely have done the same thing in your situation.As likely as not(very probably), the meeting will take place in the village pub.Passage 2 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

This is an informal invitation letter between friends.The tone of this letter is casual.The language is not so formal.This kind of informal invitation letter is often written in the first person.For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.” “and it would be nice if you could come then, too.” But a formal invitation card is usually written in the third person.Text An Invitation Letter My dear Michael, It seems ages since we heard from you — and even longer since you went to work in China.But recently we happened to bump into Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays.So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.I am still teaching English Literature in a university and I am getting well along with my colleagues.I also have some Chinese students here, who are very friendly and intelligent.I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end.We shall be having two other friends of ours staying with us over the New Year weekend, and it would be nice if you could come then, too.Mike and Rosa Griffiths are old friends and a very nice couple;I’m sure you will like them.They used to live in China, too, so we shall have something in common.And if we get some decent weather, we might all go off one day and visit the Carters — I’m sure we can get Uncle Arthur to lend us his minibus.There’s not a great deal to report from our end.Mary is well and still enjoying her school teaching(at least, I think so);the children are growing up at a terrifying rate;I am still working for Sanderson’s and like it well enough — though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.But let’s hope you will soon be here to see for yourselves — and help us see the New Year in!I’d better stop here now;I’m supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards.Write or phone as soon as you can — and come!Love from us all!

Language Points 1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.(Para.1)It seems ages since we heard from you.Analysis: It seems ages since...means “It seems a long time since...” Translation: 似乎很长时间没有收到你的信了。Example: It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai.2.(Para.1)So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.Analysis: To make sure...is an adverbial of purpose, and in the hope, a prepositional phrase is used also as an adverbial of purpose.Translation: 所以我马上写信,好让你在离开上海之前肯定收到这封信——希望你们俩能在英格兰逗留期间和我们一起住几天。

3.(Para.3)I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end.Analysis: Surely is used to express that someone is certain or almost certain about something.Translation: 我猜想你将在你的父母家过圣诞节, 但肯定在你的圣诞节假日结束之前还会有一些时间。

Example: These children surely deserve something better than a life on the streets.Example: I am sending this card to you today — to make sure you receive it before the Christmas Day.4.(Para.4)I am still working for Sanderson’s and liking it well enough — though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.Analysis: Sanderson’s here refers to a company implying Sanderson’s company;though is introducing a participle clause pining for...and serving as the adverbial of concession.Translation: 我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心——虽然偶尔我也渴望从前自由自在的日子。

Example: They are working happily with Kent’s, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.2 Important Words 1.bump into

to meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到,偶然遇到 e.g.We bumped into Kate when we were in London last week.She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.2.straightaway

ad.do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 马上,立刻 e.g.I’ll come around straightaway with the files.We’d better start work straightaway.3.colleague

n.someone that you work with 同事

e.g.I’d like you to meet a colleague of mine, Jean Michael.He was never particularly popular with his colleagues.4.decent

a.of a good enough quality or standard 得体的,像样的,体面的 e.g.I want to provide my boys with a decent education.There isn’t one decent restaurant around.5.terrify

v.to frighten someone severely 威胁,恐吓,惊吓 e.g.We terrified the girls with spooky stories.He terrified her by jumping out at her from a dark alley.6.pine for

实用商务英语翻译教案 篇7


1 商务英语教学现状

全球经济一体化正在形成, 随着中国经济越来越融入全球经济一体化, 社会对高级商务英语人才的需求也越来越大, 对这些人才也提出了更高的要求。既熟练掌握英语技能, 又熟悉国际贸易业务的复合型人才尤其受到用人单位的欢迎。

但商务英语教学现状并不容乐观。目前国内大部分高校都已经开设了商务英语专业, 但从社会对商务英语毕业生的反馈来看, 商务英语教学还存在不少问题。

2 商务英语课程的发展

以华夏学院外语系为例, 商务英语是其重要的学科建设方向, 是面向就业市场, 发展实用型教学的产物, 与其他院校的外语专业相比, 具有自己的专业特色。

2.1 性质与任务

根据学院培养应用型人才定位, 本专业主要设有商务英语专业方向, 培养英语实用型人才, 以适应社会人才需求。本方向分成基础英语教学阶段以及专业英语教学阶段。基础英语阶段的教学包括基础英语、英语语法、英语听力、英语口语、英语泛读、英语写作等基础课程。侧重培养学生的听、说、读、写基本语言能力;专业英语阶段包括剑桥商务英语、翻译、商务写作、商务听说、文学、语言学、词汇学等专业课程, 对学生的语言能力作进一步培养, 并使之具备英语和商务专业知识。

2.2 内容和要求


基础课教学阶段:大学一年级和二年级为基础课教学阶段, 教学对象为全体学生, 教学内容为基础英语, 英语语法, 英语写作、英语听力及英语口语。

方向教学阶段:大学三年级和四年级为方向教学阶段, 在自愿的基础上, 将学生分流为商务英语方向、翻译方向、英语教育方向。商务英语方向侧重实用型人材的培养。

2.3 课程设置

主要设阅读课、写作课和听说课、国际贸易实务、国际商法与谈判。阅读课主要以《剑桥商务英语》为主, 讲解词汇、课文、以及课后练习;写作课针对外贸函电、商务信函展开, 强调实用性。听说课以听说教材为蓝本, 进行听力练习, 掌握听力技巧;选取商务口语话题, 组织对话和小组讨论, 开展商务实践模拟教学。

2.4 教学模式

教师应充分利用多媒体和语音教室等资源, 采用以互动教学为主的新的教学模式来组织教学, 逐步改进原来以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式, 强调学生参与, 使商务英语教学能体现其效率性、实用性、知识性和趣味性, 朝着商务实践模拟教学方向发展。

2.5 知识模块顺序及对应的学时

本课程教学总体分为5块:商务阅读、商务写作、商务听力、商务口语、商务实务, 商务阅读、商务写作、商务听力、商务口语每周分别2学时, 商务实务4学时, 共计12学时。课外听说可提供音频、英语角、各种口语竞赛、实践模拟等活动作为辅助手段。

3 商务英语教学改革

3.1 基础教学和方向教学相结合

基础课教学阶段:大学一年级和二年级为基础课教学阶段, 教学对象为全体学生, 教学内容为基础英语, 英语语法, 英语写作、英语听力及英语口语。要求学生通过专业英语四级考试。

方向教学阶段:大学三年级和四年级为方向教学阶段, 在自愿的基础上, 将学生分流为商务英语方向、翻译方向、英语教育方向。商务英语方向侧重实用型人材的培养, 英语听、说、读、写的实际商务应用能力是重点, 鼓励学生考取剑桥商务英语中高级证书。

3.2 加强实践教学

针对实用型人才培养的办学宗旨和人才市场需求, 外语系将英语专业划分为3个实用型方向, 其中, 商务英语为主要方向。已开设课程:剑桥商务英语、商务写作、国际商法、国际贸易实务、英语口译等, 已与经管系的国贸专业开展资源共享, 有选择地开展跨系大班教学, 初步形成课程体系;积极开展实习实践课, 已建成多个商务英语实习基地。

商务英语是一门与商业密切相关的特殊用途英语, 具有英语和商务知识紧密结合的特点, 又具有交叉性和复合性的学科特点。商务英语课程在人才培养过程中, 既要加强英语交际能力的培养, 又要重视商务知识和商务技能的学习与训练, 体现“英语”和“商务”的有机结合, 使学生既有较强的英语商务沟通能力, 又具备一定的商务操作技能。因而, 构建科学合理的课程体系, 兼顾和融合语言学习和商务知识、商务技能的学习与培养, 有效衔接商务知识学习和商务操作技能训练, 对培养商务英语应用型人才至关重要。实践教学正是融合和衔接相关知识、促进各项技能协调发展的关键, 也是凸显应用型商务英语专业人才优势、提升毕业生就业竞争力的关键。

本课程实践教学总体分为5块:商务阅读、商务写作、商务听力、商务口语、商务实务。商务阅读、商务写作、商务听力、商务口语每周分别2学时, 商务实务4学时, 共计12学时。课程内容分别如下:

商务阅读:阅读各类与商务环境有关的英文文件及资料, 具体包括:求职申请、内部沟通、业务接洽、业务往来、业务推广、客户服务、会议纪要、商务报告等。

商务写作:指导学生学习国际贸易业务流程中询盘、发盘、还盘、下单、装运、保险、支付、投诉等主要业务环节的基础知识与操作技能, 掌握其中的相关英语术语、表达相应的信函写作技巧。

商务听力:练习并听懂与商务场合有关的商务交际、口语、视听说、对话, 谈判, 英文文件及资料等。

商务口语:以整个经贸活动为线索, 从抵达、打电话、宴请、购物、过海关的简单的日常对话, 到外贸活动的具体环节, 都有详细的对话训练。

商务实务: 国际贸易的特点, 国际货物买卖遵循的原则及国际货物买卖合同的主要内容, 掌握国际货物买卖适用的法律与惯例, 从总体上掌握进出口贸易的业务程序。

3.3 校内实践与校外实训相结合

校内实践课程:根据实践课程的教学目标要求和实训内容, 选择适当的教学方法和实训形式, 尽可能营造仿真的工作环境, 模拟真实的业务情景, 采用情景模拟教学法、案例教学法、专题研讨法, 推行互动式、参与式教学, 充分利用各种资源, 多形式、多方位、多渠道实施实践课程教学, 使学生得到最大限度的体验、操练和实践, 使得实践教学方法初具特色。


在深圳、东莞、北京、杭州等地建立校外实践基地等, 涉及课程包括:“会展英语”、“国际贸易实务”、“国际市场营销”、“商务单证”、“商务现场口译”、“商务行政管理”等。校外实训的教学工作主要由校外兼职教师以导师制方式进行, 校内任课教师进行必要协助。

以上改革措施有力地促进了商务英语的教学, 有利于实用型人才的培养。但仍需指出的是, 由于高校的商务英语教学的实践环节薄弱, 实践教学体系没有建立, 双师型商务英语师资队伍建设仍需加强。许多高校的商务英语教师缺乏商务实战经验, 对实践性很强的商务英语问题难以深入浅出地向学生讲解。这是今后商务英语教学需改革的方向。


[1]王笃勤.英语教学策略论[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2002, (5) .

[2]Rebecca L.Oxford.语言学习策略[J].世界图书出版公司, 2008, (8) .

[3]王艳.商务英语口译[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2009, (5) .

[4]马龙海, 李毅.商务英语视听说[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2009, (12) .

实用残局教案 篇8













































