
2024-08-01 版权声明 我要投稿


外贸调研内容英语对话 篇1


B; An exporter needs to know the social charactaristics of people he is dealing with.

B: -个出口商需要知道与他做生意人群的社会特性。

A, Like what?


B: What do they like or dislike . what languages do they speak,what religions do they follow.


A: Reasonable.


B: Especially he needs to know their behavior.their habits .their way of life and the things they are used to.


A: Sometimes people in different countries ,or even in different parts of the same country . have varying outlooks because of the tribe and culture.

外贸调研内容英语对话 篇2

随着经济全球化的快速发展, 企业对于熟悉进出口业务流程、上岗即能操作、具有良好商务沟通能力的实用型外贸人才的需求日益上升。越来越多的人员希望步入国际贸易的行列。由于英语在国际贸易领域的主导语言地位, 外贸英语已经成为众多大学生广泛研修的一门热门课程。但是很多同学在研修这个课程前, 没有作好充分的准备。他们不了解通用英语和外贸英语之间的区别, 也不知道本课程设立的目的, 错误地认为外贸英语就是外贸知识加通用英语的简单组合, 而忽略了对外贸英语本身特点的把握, 进而影响了他们自身外贸业务实践能力和商务沟通能力的综合培养, 而造成一方面很多企业难以招到合适的商务英语人才, 而另一方面大量商务英语的人才又找不到专业对口工作的尴尬局面。


大学设立外贸英语的目的是为了打造既懂英语又懂外贸知识的复合型人才。据对国际经济法律师所作的统计显示, 尽管他们在中学和大学学过十几年的英语, 但“90%以上不能用英语上国际法庭与外商争辩, 看不懂或者说、写不好国际经贸英语文书”, 究其原因是因为不熟悉外贸英语的文体风格和与外贸相关的知识。随着经济的高速发展, 单纯的语言训练已经不能满足经济对于人才的需求, 现实社会生活中需要的是既有娴熟外语技能又掌握扎实专业知识的集多种技能于一身的复合型人才, 这也是外贸英语设置的主要目的。


外贸英语和通用英语之间有很多的不同, 它有许多自己的特点。

1. 外贸英语词汇特点

(1) 不太使用词义灵活丰富的用语:比如buy用purchase (购买) 等替代, 使用的通常都是一些词义单一、意义比较明确的词汇, 这样可以避免歧义。

(2) 存在大量一词多义的现象:我们平时熟悉的许多词语, 在外贸英语特定的领域中, 往往具有不同的意义。比如credit (信用证、信用、信贷等) 、average (平均的、海损、平均价格) 、bond (债券、关栈) 等。

(3) 存在大量的术语:任何一个特定的领域, 都会有这个领域特定的词汇和术语, 外贸英语也不例外。在产品质量、价格、包装、商检、运输、保险、支付等各个领域中, 都有大量的术语。比如保险中的术语“particular average” (单独海损) 、“constructive total loss” (推定全损) 等, 他们不仅有固定的含义而且有固定的结构, 是在长期的贸易实践中形成并在相关行业中得到了公认和使用, 已经成为了习惯用法。这些贸易术语言简意明, 容易记忆, 使用非常方便。通常都是某个词组的缩写, 而且含义特别丰富, 也涉及到了很多边缘学科知识。

(4) 有大量的缩略词:缩略词在外贸英语中占据着重要地位。比如在外贸中广泛采用的国际商会所制定的《Incoterms 2010》 (《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》) 中的十一个贸易术语, 采用简短的概念和外文缩写来表示商品价格的构成、所售货物的交货方法, 由哪方负担运费、保险费和其他相关费用, 由哪方承担货物损坏或灭失的责任等。在外贸其他领域中, 用英文缩写表述的做法比比皆是。

(5) 有大量的古体词:这些古体词是由here, there和where与after, at, by, from。in, of, to, under, upon, with等介词共同构成的副词性的复合词, 如“herein”、“thereof”、“hereafter”等。

(6) 直接使用外来词:外贸英语吸收了很多法语、拉丁语的词汇。比如:Force Majeure (不可抗力, 法语) , de facto (事实上的, 拉丁语) 、de jure (法律上的, 拉丁语) 、del credere (保付, 意大利语) 等。

(7) 有大量的形象词语:这些词语通俗易懂, 富有吸引力。通常从字面上能了解该词的实际意义, 富有形象的效果。例如:red clause credit (红字条款信用证) 、L/C at sight (即期信用证) 、bottom price (底价) 等。这些词语的含义直接而形象, 便于记忆。


(1) 正式、礼貌、严谨。这主要是因为国际贸易是非常正式的场合, 为了促成贸易的成功, 外贸人员必须要注意书面和口头用语的正式和礼貌, 做到严谨得体。避免在国际贸易中使用模棱两可的语句, 以免由于文化上的差异而导致法律纠纷的发生, 使买卖双方造成不必要的人力、物力和财力的损失。

(2) 有些说法需要固定的结构。外贸合同和众多的文书都是非常正式的文件, 为了避免歧义或者误解, 尽量采用非常规范的方式来表述。比如在表示“如果”、“假如”等意思时, 大多使用“given that…”、“provided that…”等。表达“按照”、“根据”等意思时, 又大多采用“as per”等。

(3) 在较为正式的外贸文件及洽谈中往往多用长句、复合句、复杂句。外贸文件一般是用来界定双方权利与义务的正式文件, 必须对双方的权利和义务有明确的指示, 所以在句式方面会大量使用长句、复合句和复杂句。外贸正式文件中使用的句子往往连绵不绝, 盘根错节。一个句子中包含一个、几个从句, 几十个乃至上百个单词构成一句话的现象屡见不鲜。尤其在合同中, 这种现象非常普遍。例如以下句子:10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA (Estimated time of arrival) of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods (货物装运日前10-15天, 买方应以电报或电传通知卖方合同号、船只预计到港日期、装运数量及船运代理人的名称。以便卖方经与该船运代理人联系及安排货物的装运) 。

(4) 语句的时态非常有特点。在外贸英语的正式信函中, 常用一般现在时或者现在进行时态代替将来时。如:We are sending you our latest catalogue covering our products (我方将寄给你方我方最新的产品目录) 。

为了体现礼貌和尊重, 在外贸英语洽谈中会使用动词的一般过去时代替一般现在时, 以期体现语气的委婉和商量的口吻。如:With your sales ability, our superior quality and low price, it was not so difficult for you to sell 5, 000 sets of equipment every year (以贵方的销售能力, 我方产品的质优价廉, 每年销售五千套设备没什么问题) 。借助于这种委婉的表达, 买卖双方可以礼貌、含蓄、得体地陈述自己的观点和愿望, 提出请求或建议, 达到交易双方各自的预期。

(5) 虚拟语气在外贸英语中的使用。虚拟语气主要是用于表示假设、愿望、建议和请求。使用虚拟语气, 往往可以给对方留下美好印象, 进而为进一步的洽谈留下余地, 有利于交易的达成。如:We would recommend you to accept this offer as soon as possible (我方建议贵方尽快接受该发盘) 。

(6) 被动语态的使用。英语中, 被动语态的使用是十分广泛的。被动语态的使用具有结构紧密、语义准确、表达严密、逻辑性强等特点, 在外贸英语中使用被动语态, 不必说出施为者, 能够起到突出贸易信息、提高论述的客观性、少带主观色彩和增强可信度等作用。如:Since many orders from our regular customers are rushing in, prompt shipment cannot be guaranteed after the end of May (由于本公司长期客户的订单很多, 到五月底前, 我们都很难保证即期交货) 。


外贸英语是英语在外贸中长期使用而形成的, 具有鲜明的语言特点。针对以上特点, 在外贸英语教学过程中, 应加强教学内容和教学法研究, 使学生在尽可能短的时间内对外贸英语有一个全面的把握, 能在外贸领域娴熟地使用英语。

自改革开放尤其是上世纪90年代以来, 为了顺应经济全球化的发展, 出现了大量难易程度不一的外贸英语教材。这些教材在普及和传播外贸知识方面, 起到了很大的作用。但有些教材太过于关注外贸知识的讲解, 而忽略了外贸英语作为实用性英语自身的特点, 对于英语语言本身的关注度不够。学生学完该课程后, 依然无法胜任具体的外贸活动, 缺乏相应的语言能力。所以, 有必要通过以下一些途径加强教学效果, 提高学生的实际能力。


外贸英语特点鲜明, 术语众多, 句型复杂, 学生在学习过程中难度可想而知。在串讲知识时, 应用双语、以英语为主的模式进行教学。使学生比较容易对外贸知识有个总括性的认识。

2. 加强英文原版文献的阅读

外贸在国际社会中已经历了长久的发展, 国际组织在外贸各个领域都制定了很多规范性的协议和条约。这些文献文字使用规范, 信息量大, 可以充分体现外贸英语严谨、得体、规范的特点, 对于学生更好地理解外贸知识, 把握外贸特点, 进行高层次的文书写作, 有着深远的意义。所以日常教学, 应该要求学生阅读《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》、《Incoterms 2010》、《跟单信用证统一惯例 (UCP600) 》以及各种英文合同文本等规范性文件。

3. 加强时政性和法律性文件的学习

贸易活动深受国家大政方针的影响, 与法律联系紧密, 受政治和法律的影响较大, 所以有必要在课程中, 引进时政性的国家文件和法律纲领性文件的英语译本, 让学生能够与现实联系起来, 培养服务于国家、社会、人民、遵纪守法的人才。

4. 重视案例在外贸英语教学中的作用

外贸是个实践性很强的领域, 它不仅要求从业人员具有一定的专业知识, 还须有实际的操作能力。近年来, 案例逐渐成为商务英语专业的主要教学内容之一。正确运用案例教学, 可以激发学生的学习积极性, 能够使理论联系实际, 便于吸收课堂所学理论知识, 有利于培养学生的分析能力和综合素质, 进而有利于培养学生可持续发展的能力。

5. 加强课堂提问, 重视师生互动活动

建构主义理论认为, 学习者在学习过程中是主体因素, 其他因素, 包括教师都只是辅助因素, 这样的因素构成有利于学习质量的提高。所以, 应明确外贸英语课堂上师生的不同角色, 加强以教师为主导, 学生为主体的“双主”教学模式, 充分调动学生的学习积极性。在这方面, 提问教学的方法具有非常重要的作用。教师应将相应章节内容, 用问题的形式展示出来, 发动学生主动思考, 参与课堂讨论, 加强思想认识和知识的理解。

6. 多媒体教学在外贸英语中也有重要的作用

多媒体教学是通过录像、立体教材、网络资源等来学习外贸英语, 有助于知识的系统化和直观化。现在网上资源丰富, 可以帮助学生充分利用网络资源, 以达到长效学习的效果。

7. 增加社会实践课程

让学生参加针对性的社会实践活动, 在完成具体任务的过程中, 掌握课堂所学知识, 进一步培养学生的应用能力和创新能力, 使外贸知识、外贸技能和英语能力得到真正的融合, 更好地体现课程设立的目的。这也是任务型教学法的具体体现。


外贸英语是个新型的课程, 它与通用英语有很大区别, 有自己独到的特点, 所以在课程设计和教学方面, 需要很多与通用英语教学不同的思路和做法。新的全球贸易形势、新的人才市场和就业形势, 都对外贸英语人才提出了更高层次的素质要求, 我们必须坚持不懈地进行《国际贸易实务英语》课程的教学探索, 提高教学质量, 培养出满足社会和企业需要的实用型外贸英语人才。

摘要:外贸英语和通用英语有很多区别, 有它自身的许多特点, 所以在教学过程中, 应注重研究独特的教学内容和方法, 为面向经济全球化的中国培养外贸知识扎实、外贸与英语语言技能娴熟的复合型人才。



[1]陈准民, 王立非.解读《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》 (试行) [J].中国外语, 2009.

[2]廖瑛, 莫再树.国际商务英语语言与翻译研究[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2005.

[3]张炜.外贸英语的语言特点与翻译[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2009.

[4]卢臖.商务英语的语言特点与翻译[J].安徽文学, 2008.

[5]曹霞.浅析外贸英语的特点[J].辽宁师专学报 (社会科学版) , 2003.

[6]刘晓鹏, 田文菡.《国际贸易实务英语》课程教学改革[J].机械职业教育, 2010.

外贸调研内容英语对话 篇3




1. ——Do you mind if I open the window?

——____ (2005青海中考非课改卷)

A. No, of course not.

B. Yes, you can.

C. No, you can’t open it.

析:A对方询问是否介意时可用No, of course not.作答。

2. ——Happy birthday to you!

——____ (2003南宁中考)

A. Happy birthday to you!B. I am very glad.

C. That’s all right.D. Thank you.

析:D 对方祝自己生日快乐时可用Thank you.作答。

3. ——Wow! What a nice dress you are wearing!

——____. (2005山东中考课标卷)

A. Thank youB. I think soC. Yes, it isD. No, it’s bad

析:A前句表赞扬,可用Thank you.作答。

4. ——I’m terribly sorry to step on your foot.

——____. (2005南京中考)

A. Don’t say thatB. Never mind

C. You’re welcomeD. That’s right

析:B前句表道歉,可用Never mind作答。

5. ——Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box?

——____. (2005安徽中考大纲卷)

A. Yes, I couldB. It doesn’t matter

C. With pleasure D. Don’t mention it

析:C对方向自己求助时可用With pleasure.作答。

6. ——____.

——I want a pair of sports shoes. (2003成都中考)

A. May I help you, sir?

B. What do you want to buy, sir?

C. What do you do, sir?

析:A由答句可推出该空为服务员询问对方欲买什么用语,可用May I help you, sir?来提问。

7. ——Shall I take this chair to your room?

——____. I’ll do it myself. (2005安徽中考大纲卷)

A. Yes, pleaseB. Good ideaC. No, thanksD. Never mind

析:C对方主动提出帮助自己时可用No, thanks.来委婉拒绝。

8. ——I passed the driving test yesterday.

——____! (2004浙江温州中考)

A. With pleasureB. Congratulations

C. Have a good time D. You’re welcome


9. ——Hello, may I speak to Ken?

——____ (2005甘肃中考)

A. Yes, please.B. Hold on, please.

C. Who are you?D. Yes, I’m Ken.

析:B问句为打电话用语,可用Hold on, please.作答。

10. ——May I speak to Mr. Green, please?

——____ (2003桂林中考)

A. This is Mr. Green speaking. B. Yes, I am.

C. Do you know him?D. I’m speaking.

析:A 问句为打电话用语,可用This is…speaking.作答。

11. ——Help yourself to some fish, please.

——____. (2004四川中考)

A. Thanks. I’ve had enoughB. No, I can’tC. I don’t like it

析:A 对方劝自己吃饭但自己已吃饱时可用Thanks. I’ve had enough.作答。

12. ——How do you do?

——____ (2003哈尔滨中考)

A. I’m fine, thank you.B. How do you do?

C. How are you?D. I’m OK.

析:B 对方用How do you do?问候自己时可用How do you do?作答。

13. ——Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food.

——____. (2005宁夏回族自治区中考课改卷)

A. My pleasureB. No, thanksC. Never mindD. All right

析:A 对方感谢自己时可用My pleasure.作答。

14. ——I fell off my bike and hurt myself yesterday.

——____. You’d better be more careful. (2005南京中考)

A. CongratulationsB. That’s funny

C. All rightD. I’m sorry to hear that

析:D 面对对方不幸,应用I’m sorry to hear that.来表示同情。

15. ——____?

——It’s September 11. (2003兰州中考)

A. What day is it todayB. What’s the date today

C. What’s the timeD. What would you like

析:B 答句为日期,应用What’s the date today?来询问日期。

16. ——Let’s chat online.

——____. (2005北京中考海淀课改卷)

A. Not at allB. Thank youC. Good luckD. Good idea

析:D前句提出建议,可用Good idea.来表示赞同。





1. ——Tickets, please! May I see your ticket, madam?


A. I have no ticket.B. What did you say?

C. Sure. Here it is.D. No, you mustn’t.


2. ——Don’t draw on the wall.

——____. (2005甘肃中考)

A. I’d like toB. Yes, I do

C. That’s wrongD. Sorry, I won’t do it again

析:D A、B有拒绝语气,不符合情景对话回答总原则;D委婉客气,体现对话回答总原则。





1. ——I’d like to take two weeks’ holiday.

——____. We have too much work to do. (2005南京中考)

A. Don’t worryB. Pardon me

C. Forget itD. Don’t mention it

析:D We have too much work to do.制约该空需拒绝对方请求,因此应填Don’t mention it.

2. ——Shall we go hiking tomorrow?

——____. The radio says it will rain. (2005山西中考)

A. SureB. That’s a good idea

C. I’m afraid we can’tD. All right

析:C The radio says it will rain.制约该空需拒绝对方请求,可用委婉拒绝法I’m afraid we can’t.

3. ——Mum, I don’t feel like eating.

——Oh dear!____ (2005青海中考非课改卷)

A. Bad luck!B. It doesn’t matter.C. What’s wrong?

析:C 听到子女吃饭没有味,当然应关切地询问哪里不舒服。



1. ——Do you mind me smoking here?

——____. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.” (2004南通中考)

A. It doesn’t matterB. No, I don’t

C. You’d better not D. Never mind

2. ——Good luck and have a nice weekend.

——____. Bye-bye. (2003广州中考)

A. The same to youB. You have it too

C. You are tooD. The same as you

3. ——Your dress is just wonderful!

——____ (2003南京中考)

A. You are right, thank you!

B. Thank you, and you?

C. No, no, yours is better.

D. Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.

4. ——I’m sorry to keep you waiting for me so long.

——____. (2003 烟台中考)

A. I don’t think soB. Don’t say so

C. It doesn’t matterD. I’d love to

5. ——Would you like to go hiking with us?

——____. (2003成都中考)

A. No, I don’t like

B. I hate to go hiking

C. I’d love to, but I don’t feel well today

6. ——____?

——I’m looking for a present for my daughter. (2003潍坊中考)

A. Can you help meB. What can I do for you

C. What do you wantD. How much is the present

7. ——Can I get you a drink?

——____. I have already got one. (2005甘肃中考)

A. That’s very nice of youB. No, you don’t have to

C. Yes, please D. With pleasure

8. ——Hello! Is that Mr. Wang speaking?

——Yes. ____ (2003安徽中考)

A. Who’s that? B. Who are you?C. I’m speaking.D. I’m Mr. Wang.

9. ——Thank you very much for your help.

——____. (2004济南中考)

A. Never mindB. Don’t say that

C. It doesn’t matter D. Don’t mention it

10. ——I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning.

——____! You must be careful next time. (2004南京中考)

A. Take careB. Excuse meC. What a pityD. You’re welcome

11. ——____? (2003哈尔滨中考)

——It’s Wednesday.

A. What’s the day todayB. What date is it today

C. What’s the date todayD. What day is it today


1.C 对方询问是否介意时可用You’d better not.来委婉拒绝对方请求。2.A 对方祝自己好运并且周末快乐时,应向对方作同样祝贺,可用The same to you.作答。3.D 前句表夸奖,可用Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.作答。 4.C 前句表道歉,可用It doesn’t matter.作答。5.C 对方向自己提出请求时可用I’d love to, but I don’t feel well today.来委婉拒绝对方请求。6.B 答句制约问句为服务员询问顾客欲买什么商品用语,可用What can I do for you?来提问。7.A 对方提出帮助自己时可用That’s very nice of you.作答。

外贸调研内容英语对话 篇4


We are trying to find a market for this ae.


We regret we cannot find any market for this article.


There is a good market for these articles.


There is a poor market for these articles.


There is no market for these articles.


Your bicycles find a ready market here.


They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.


Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.


According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.

外贸实务口语句型及对话 篇5

Basic Expressions

1. We’ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.


2. By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your firm.


3. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm.


4. Your firm has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by Maple Company.


5. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business.


6. We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm.


7. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.


8. We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you.


9. We are now writing you for the purpose of establishing business relations with you.


10. Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours.


11. We specialize in the export of Japanese Light Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line.


12. Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.


13. We have been in this line of business for more than twenty years.


14. Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has met with approval.


15. In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal.


16. Glad to see you in your company.


17. It’s only half an hour’s car ride.


18. Suppose we make it, say three o’clock tomorrow afternoon.


19. It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales.


20. We would like to ask you to kindly send us the related information.



Dialogue 1

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do? Nice to meet you, Ms. Smith. I’m Jack Stevens from the Marketing Department. Here is my card.

A: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Stevens.

B: Please call me Jack. Have a seat, please.

A: Thank you.


—你好!很高兴见到你,史密斯小姐,我是市场部的杰 克?斯蒂文斯。这是我的名片。




Dialogue 2

A: Ah, these are the machines we’re interested in. May we have a look at them?

B: Certainly. But they are in the showroom.

A: Is it far from here?

B: Not very far. It’s only half an hour’s car ride. Are you free now?

A: I will be free tomorrow aft- ernoon. Suppose we make it, say three o’clock to- morrow afternoon. Could you manage that?

B: Yes. I’ll pick you up at your hotel.







Dialogue 3

A: Good morning. My name is Mr. Brown. I’m from Australia. Here is my card.

B: Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Brown. My name is Kathy Perless, the representative of Green Textile Import and Export Corporation.

A: Pleased to meet you too, Ms. Perless. I travel a lot every year on business, but this is my first visit to your country. I must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.

B: Thank you for saying so. Have you seen the exhibition halls? On display are most of our products, such as silk, woolen knitwear, cotton piece goods, and garments.

A: Oh, yes. I had a look yesterday. I found some of the exhib its to be fine in quality and beautiful in design. The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles. I’ve gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter. I’ve got some idea of your exports. I’m interested in your silk blouses.

B: Our silk is known for its good quality. It is one of our tradi- tional exports. Silk blouses are brightly colored and beau- tifully designed. They’ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.

-- 早上好!我叫布朗,澳大利亚人。这是我的名片。

-- 谢谢。布朗先生,见到您非常高兴。我是凯茜?佩利丝,是格林纺 织品进出口公司的代表。

-- 佩利丝小姐,见到您我也很高兴。我每年出差跑很多地方,但是,到 中国来还是头一次。你们这里的人非常友好给我留下了深刻的印象。

-- 谢谢夸奖。您参观过展览厅了吗?展出的大部分是我们的产品,比如丝绸、毛织品、棉布匹和服装等。

-- 哦,对,昨天我去看过。有些产品质量好,设计又美观。展览会成功向我介绍了贵公司所经营的各种产品。我已看过你上次在信中所 附的目录和小册子,对贵公司的出口产品有了一些了解。我对你们 的丝绸女衫颇感兴趣。

-- 我们的丝绸以质量好著称。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。丝绸女衫色彩鲜艳、设计美观,在国外很受欢迎,需求量一直都很大。

A: Some of them seem to be of the latest style. Now I’ve a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line. We wish to establish relations with you.

B: Your desire coincides with ours.

A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.

B: Thank you for your information. As you know, our corporation is a state-operated one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mu- tual benefit. Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit. I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.

A: That sounds interesting. I’ll send a fax home. As soon as I receive a definite answer, I’ll make a specific inquiry.

B: We’ll then make an offer as soon as possible. I hope a lot of business will be conducted between us.

A: So do I.

-- 有些看来还是最新的式样。现在我感觉我们在这方面可以做不少买卖。我们希望同贵公司建立业务关系。

-- 我们双方的愿望是一致的。

-- 关于我们的财务状况、信用及声誉,你们可以向香港银行、或我们的当地商会或咨询社进行了解。

-- 谢谢你所提供的情况。我们公司是国营公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。

-- 太好了,我会发一份传真回去。一收到肯定的答复,我就提供具体的询价。

-- 到时我们一定尽快报价。我希望我们之间能做成很多生意。

-- 我也一样。

Words and Expressions









do my best 尽力而为

enter into 建立





look forward to




take care of




Chamber of Commerce




specialize in


enter into business relations


on the basis of equality and mutual benefit




meet with great favor


of the latest style




financial position


credit standing


trade reputation



1. on/through the recommendation of…… 由……介绍(推荐)

We engaged our present secretary on the recommendation of Mr. Brown.


2. under separate cover = by separate mail, be sent separately


We are sending you catalogue under separate cover. 目录将另函寄出。

如表示“随函”,可用“Enclosed please find ...?

3. latest是late的最高级,表示“最晚的,最近的”

如:最新目录 the latest catalogue ;最新价目表 the latest price list

4. look forward to 盼望(to 为介词)

We look forward to your early reply. 盼早复信。

We look forward to hearing from you soon. 盼早听到你的回复。

5. enclose 封入

We enclose a copy of our latest price list. 随函寄出我方最新价格表一份。


Enclosed is a copy of our latest price list.

Enclosed please find a copy of ……

Attached please find ……

6. line 行业,(一类)货物

We have been in this line for many years. 我们经营这一行多年了。

This is a good line of hardware. 这是金属器具中的一批好货。

7. to our mutual benefit (interest, advantage)

Expanding trade between us will be to our mutual benefit.


8. I look forward to working with you. (我期望与您 一起工作。)

look forward to sth. / doing sth.

例:We’re so much looking forward to seeing you again.


A Specimen Letter

Dear Sir:

On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you under separate cover a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.

Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We shall make offers promptly.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,






Substitution Drills

1 I’m Jack from the marketing department.



human resource

我是来自 市场部 的杰克。



