Hello, every delegate.I’m the chair of this conference.First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。首先介绍主席团成员。
OK, let’s start roll call.The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present”(chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)
OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX.现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。
OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。
The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。
Are there any motions or points on the floor?
Are there any seconds?
OK, let’s start vote
This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。
(有组织核心磋商)the delegate of XX, you want to be the first or the last?(针对动议国代表)X国代表,你希望第一个发言还是最后一个发言?
The entire delegate who wish to speak, please raise your placard.其他有发言意愿的代表请高举国家牌。
(自由磋商)Now delegates you have 5 minutes.代表们,你们有5分钟的自由讨论时间。
在外语学习过程中, 语言输入 (input) 即人们所接触的外语, 不等于外语吸收 (intake) , 即掌握到的语言。两者既然是不同的, 语言学习的效率就决定于用什么办法和创造什么条件使语言输入有效地转化成语言吸收。很明显, 单靠增加听和读等领会式语言活动来输入语言并不是提高语言学习效率的最好办法。要使语言输入最有效地转化成语言吸收, 就必须要在输入的同时尽可能地进行语言输出 (output) , 也就是说要有尽可能多的复用式活动。本文从多个角度阐述了英文写作的策略, 以便学生有目的、有计划地提高英文写作水平。下面从篇章、句法和词法三方面加以说明。
如果不让学生注意文章的篇章结构与整体性, 就会使学生语篇概念淡漠, 写出的文章缺乏整体结构的衔接性和意义上的连贯性。文章整体构思考虑的是文章的布局安排, 如每段的主要内容, 段落安排顺序, 怎样开篇, 怎样结尾等。下面提供两种文体的构思模块以供参考。
1. 议论文。
第一自然段指出主旨句和主题句, 重点是要讨论一些严重的问题。第二自然段论证严重问题带来的危害, 实例说明和观点推导相结合, 最后一句指出后果, 阐述作者个人的观点和立场。第三自然段小结问题发生的结果和未来, 并给予如何处置。
2. 说明文。
一般而论, 要想写出好句子, 我们可以变化句子的长度, 使句子长短错落有致;变化句首和句尾, 使句子新颖活泼;活用句型结构, 使句子避免呆板生硬。从句法层次上, 我们指出三种快捷而实用的写作方法。
1. 句型连用法。
语法手段和逻辑结合在一起, 使自然段在表层结构上衔接统一, 形成了句型连用。下面我们有必要了解一些常用在写作中的程度副词和语句副词。常用的程度副词有almost, quite, rather, very, pretty, fairly, somewhat, extremely, completely, greatly, deeply, nearly, slightly, partly, much, more and more等。
语句副词往往与整个句子有关, 用来修饰全句, 而不是修饰某个动词, 通常表示作者对整个句子的态度和看法。这类副词包括:ac-tually, certainly, clearly, definite fortunately frankly, honestly, more important, luckily, naturally, obviously, perhaps, probably, more possible, theoretically, superficially, surprisingly等语句副词常常独立句子的其余部分, 特别要注意书面语言中, 须用逗号把句子副词同句子的其余部分隔开。
2. 语句扩展法。
语句扩展法指在表达已知信息的同时, 为语句中添加一些描绘性或说明性的修饰语, 如定语从句、分词短语、形容词、副词等。
3. 语句浓缩法。
语句的浓缩法指把从句或并列句变为分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语或名词短语的方法。这样做会避免句型单一、生硬呆板的弊端, 使文章生动活泼, 使人读后赏心悦目。
1. 巧用短语和词组。
除了用词不准确之外, 有的学生由于词组欠缺, 使其文章句子呆板。相反, 要想提高写作质量, 特别要灵活使用动词词组。
2. 熟练运用逻辑连接词。
逻辑连接词也可泛指过渡词语, 是一种表示句子之间各种逻辑意义的衔接手段。英语中逻辑连接语多、用法也灵活, 因此成为学生写作中的一大难点。
(1) 先后次序关系:First, second, at last;, next, to begin with, to start with, finally, first o all, eventually等。
(2) 因果关系:because, Another importan factor/reason of...as, for, owing to, due to, for the reason that, as a result of this, therefore, in consequence等。
(3) 转折关系:but, however, though, despite that, in spite of, regardless of等。
(4) 并列关系:also, too, as well as, either..or...;both...and...等。
(5) 递进关系:furthermore, moreover, not only...but also...in addition, besides, as far as moreover, in other words, in the other hand meanwhile, accordingly等。
(6) 比较关系:in comparison with, compared with, likewise等。
(7) 对比关系:conversely, unlike, opposed to, in contrast, different from this, however, nevertheless等。
(8) 举例关系:for example, for instance namely, as you know, in particular, take as example, as for, as regards等。
(9) 强调关系:especially, particularly, In fact, In reality;indeed, in particular等。
(10) 条件关系:if, unless, lest, provided that, If possible, If necessary, if so等。
(11) 归纳总结类:in other words, therefore, hence, in short, in brief, to sum up, in summary, to conclude等。
我们建议在研读范文和阅读理解过程中要充分领会逻辑连接语的位置、用法及表达的逻辑意义。语篇结构模式不仅使学生掌握正确的谋篇布局, 还能帮助他们分析语意上、结构上的不妥之处。要掌握逻辑连接语, 学生平时就应注意以下几个方面的训练。首先, 读写结合, 精读文章时有意识地训练自己的英文表达能力。如遣词造句, 英汉互译, 总结段落大意, 指出各种语句的功能, 概括出“构思模块”等。其次, 熟读并背诵阅读文章中的精彩段落, 熟记固定句型、习惯用语、词组及各种表达方法。再次, 对范文中的句、段、篇章进行改写、扩写或仿写。相信通过系统的训练, 一定能取得良好的效果。
【关键词】英文商标 汉译
5.通俗易懂。英文商标在翻译时还应结合日常用语,要求通俗易懂,才能够更好传播和推广。如美国著名的饮料品牌Coca Cola,中文译名是“可口可乐”,该名称读起来非常顺口,给人印象也比较好,推广起来比较能够让消费者记住。再如汽车著名品牌“MercedesBenz”,意为梅赛德斯奔驰,梅赛德斯Mercedes是老板女儿的名字,这么长的名字在中国推广起来非常不容易,因此该汽车商直接将名称定为“Benz”,中文译名“奔驰”。
1.直译。这种翻译的策略是直接根据英文商标的含义进行翻译。一般情况下,采用这种方式时应考虑直接翻译时所使用的中文词语。如某汽车品牌Blue Bird,中文译名是“蓝鸟”意为着该品牌的轿车向小鸟一样的动感,加之蓝鸟在中国有同于青鸟,意为仙境的使者。如美国的饮料品牌Senven Up,中文译名“七喜”,让人联想到喝完饮料后的畅快感。
2.音译。这种翻译方式是最为常见一种,也是跨国企业最喜欢采用的一种方式,这样使得他们的产品在各个国家读出来的口音能够保持相对的一致性,也给跨国市场带来一种不同感受。比如美国的著名的连锁餐饮巨头McDonalds,中文译名“麦当劳”,进入到中国市场,它的中文译名采用的是直译名,不仅读起来顺口,而且带给大家一种美式的快速餐饮的生活方式。如全球零售业的巨头——美国连锁零售商Walmart,它的名称是创始人Sam Walmart山姆·沃尔顿家族的名字,中文译名“沃尔玛”。
3.意译。根据英文商标中的含义翻译成为意义深远的、寓意深刻的中文译名。这种翻译方法需要有很好的中文文学功底,才能为该英文商标锦上添花。如美国宝洁旗下的清洁护理品牌公司的Safe Guard,英文含义是健康卫士,加上翻译意境,中文译名是“舒肤佳”,听到名字后让人联想到使用该商品后会给人的皮肤带来舒服、健康。
4.音意译相结合。在英文商标翻译时,可以综合考虑音译和意译的两种策略,将这两种策略有效结合企业,不仅能够将商品本身的特点表达出来,更能够符合市场的开发的策略。比如,德国的著名的汽车品牌BMW,它的每个字母代表的是巴伐利亚汽车制造厂,但是如果直译的话,很难让消费者记忆;如果音译也无意境。 最终,该企业品牌结合了中国人语言思维的理解,创造性地翻译成了“B”是宝;“M”是马,中文译名“宝马”,将汽车的形容成了中国的传统意义的神驹,在中国市场上广受欢迎。
Dear sir / madam:
My name is Wang Ying, I am Xi an University graduates. I am of the Department of education of English majors. I am very glad to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.
With the increasingly fierce social competition, the personnel requirements are increasingly high, I try to learn all kinds of knowledge in the University for four years, and the measure of my old
Teacher is hard work and I myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
In order to better adapt to society after graduation, I learned the computer technology during the summer, and as a English tutor work, counseling A high school student is foreign language courses, was highly praised by parents in the education practice, improve their ability to work. Because as In a number of candidates, I may not be the best, but I am still very confident, I will do my best to become an excellent primary and secondary school teachers, sincerely hope that I can make I can in the future in the school a hard gardener.
Finally, wide Na Xiancai wish expensive unit.
Weibo is one of the most important social media tools nowadays, thepopularization of Weibo brings a new kind of network marketing - Weibomarketing. Enterprises use Weibo platform can carry out a series ofmarketing activities, in order to raise visibility and expand brand impact.
Weibo marketing has gradually become one of the indispensablemarketing channels of many companies. However, as a new kind ofnetwork marketing, Weibo marketing has some significant differencefrom traditional marketing.
In addition, the influence factors of Weibomarketing effectiveness has not been precisely defined, and marketingeffectiveness is difficult to scientific assessment. Therefore, the majorityof firms develop the Weibo marketing are blind,
and Weibo marketing isstill at the exploratory stage. How much benefit Weibo marketing canbring for enterprises, which is the enterprise most concern. However, thescientific studies about the influence factors and evaluation of Weibomarketing effect are in a state of scarcity.
This paper takes the hotels Weibo as the research object, and deeplystudies the influence factors and evaluation of the Weibo marketingeffect:
On the basis of summarizing those existing research on Weibomarketing, it is assumed that the decision-makers from different hotelshold tiie same degree of attention on Weibo marketing. Then,
this paperexplores the influence factors of hotels Weibo marketing effect from theWeibo users perspective, analyzes the Weibo users behavior guided byAISAS mode ,
tiirough the questionnaire survey to build the hotel Weibomarketing effect model with statistical software such as Excel and SPSS19.0.
On this basis, this paper puts forward tiie Weibo marketing effectevaluation index hypothetical model, and then use AHP to build acomplete evaluation system ,
this system takes the hotels Weibomarketing comprehensive effect as the goal layer, influence effect,communication effect and transformation effect as the criterion layer,takes Weibo influence, brand influence ,
interaction effect, fans value,actual trading volume and customer satisfaction as the sub-criterion layer,and takes 14 indexes such as Weibo influence index, brand hot degreesand brand search as the index layer.
Finally, this evaluation index system is applied to Ningbo HowardJohnson Plaza Hotel and Ningbo Riviera Hotel. Through the observationand data collection of the hotels Weibo, measure the hotel Weibomarketing effect index with the comprehensive index method.
The resultsshow that these two hotels have little effect about Weibo marketing:
1. Both hotels did not make full use of Weibo to launch various marketingactivities, Weibo marketing is still at a low level, and Weibo marketingdid not make the hotel brand awareness has obvious improvement;
2.Those hotels are not ideal about the number of transmission, commentand praise by Weibo users. Among their fans, the ratio of certified fans islow, while the ratio of active fans proportion is relatively substantial,
andfew interactive activities are organized. So, how to attract a large numberof fans, and enhance the fans value is an urgent problem;
3. The actualtrading volume is not optimistic. Although there is a higher satisfaction,customers release very few consumption experiences by Weibo during theinvestigation period.
To some extent, both hotels reflect the problemsexisting in the hotel industry to carry out the Weibo marketing, thus, fortheir marketing situation, this article also brings up some suggestions andcountermeasures:
1. Accurate positioning, step by step;
2. Grasp thefrequency and the best time on releasing information;
3. Showpersonalized content;
4. Online and offline marketing activities arecombined together;
5. Increase effective fans, pay attention to interactwith fans.
参考资料:网址-http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/63999434.html boxing---拳击
canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe---赛艇 cricket---板球 cycling---自行车 diving---跳水
downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dressage---盛装舞步 equestrian---骑马 fencing---击剑
figure skating---花样滑冰
football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 freestyle----自由式
gliding;sailplaning---滑翔运动 golf----高尔夫球
Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastics----体操 handball-----手球 hockey----曲棍球 hold, lock-----揪钮 horizontal bar-----单杠
hurdles;hurdle race----跨栏比赛 huttlecock kicking---踢毽子 ice skating---滑冰 indoor---室内
item Archery---箭术 judo---柔道 jumping----障碍 kayak----皮划艇
mat exercises---垫上运动
modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 mountain bike---山地车 parallel bars---双杠 polo---马球
relative work---造型跳伞 relay race;relay---接力 rings----吊环
roller skating----滑旱冰 rowing-----划船 rugby---橄榄球 sailing--帆船 shooting---射击
side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马 ski jump---跳高滑雪
ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛 ski---滑雪板 skiing---滑雪
slalom---障碍滑雪 softball---垒球 surfing---冲浪 swimming----游泳 table tennis---乒乓球 taekwondo---跆拳道 tennis----网球 toxophily---射箭 track---赛道
trampoline---蹦床 trapeze---秋千
triathlon---铁人三项 tug-of-war---拔河 volleyball---排球 badminton---羽毛球 baseball---棒球
walking;walking race---竞走 wall bars---肋木 water polo----水球 weightlifting---举重 weights---重量级
1 Introduction
1.1 About Friends
The American indoor comic drama Friends has become a great success just since it was put on the screen in U.S during1990s.This situation comic portrays the interesting daily life and friendship among 6 young Manhattan Americans.For Chinese audience, especially English majors, this series becomes a must-towatch TV show by means of Internet or other media.
1.2 Reasons for this research
This drama is so well-known as being good and humorous in America while a lot of Chinese viewers failed to find its charm.Someone may succeed in receiving the happiness, but mainly not instantaneously.They need extra time to digest the joke or jape and feel unbelievable or ridiculous with some lines or dialogues.So here comes the question about the division of understanding humors.
2 Literature Review
Humor is a very pervasive phenomenon in Americans’daily life.The author tries to provide a review of the previous studies on humor like, contrastive studies, pragmatic studies, and situation comedy by Blending Theory, brought forward by Gilles Fauconnier.From his discussion of comic creativity, without the knowledge or concept relative to the joke or humor, we can’t understand or feel the meaning or humorous effect of denotations and connotations of Americans’expressions.
3 Data Collection and Analysis
After furthering the study of books and papers, three major reasons below could explain our difficulties in understanding Americans’humor.Some materials originated from Friends are used to illustrate these reasons.
3.1 Differences in personalities and ideology
Americans tend to be optimistic and easy with environment and changes, while Chinese are inclined to be serious and conservative.There are three examples:
A:[Scene 1:Chandler's Office, Chandler is on a coffee break.Shelley enters.)
Shelley:Hey gorgeous, how's it going?
Chandler:Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights...does it get better than this?
B:[Scene10:The cemetery, after the funeral.] (Joey listens to his overcoat for a second and sighs, then notices Chandler watching)
Chandler:Nothing, just your overcoat sounds remarkably like Brent Mussberger.
Joey:Check it out, Giants-Cowboys. (He has a pocket TV)
Chandler:You're watching a football game at a funeral?
Joey:No, it's the pre-game.I'm gonna watch it at the reception.
Chandler:You are a frightening, frightening man.
C: (at the funeral reception, cut to Chandler and a woman, Andrea, reaching for the same slice of meat)
Chandler:Oh, no-
Andrea:Sorry-Hi, I'm Dorothy's daughter.
Chandler:Hi, I'm Chandler, and I have no idea who Dorothy is.
3.2 Differences in religion and culture
Americans often create humorous and exaggerate effect by religious concept, stories or text of the Bible, which most Chinese are not familiar with.With some sensitive issues like sex, Americans are comfortable with that, while Chinese may not.Here is an example:
Ross:Wha...you're uh, you're, you're over me?
Rachel:Ohm, ohm.
Ross:When, when were you...under me?
This dialogue is not hard for Chinese to understand but kind of explicit that Chinese may regard it as offence.
And this:
Rachel:Look-look-look-look-look, my first pay check!
Phoebe:I remember the day I got my first pay check.There was a cave in one of the mines, and eight people were killed.
Monica:Wow, you worked in a mine?
Phoebe:I worked in a Dairy Queen, why?
This is a dialog between two friends.When Rachel was excited to show friends her salary, Phoebe recalled where she ever got her first pay called Dairy Queen.If Chinese viewers know that Dairy Queen is not a mine, they won’t feel puzzled.
3.3 Differences in environment and society
Almost everything of Americans can be composed into a joke or humorous stuff, most of which are very original.Like this:
Kathy:You have really great hair.
Chandler:Well, thanks.I grow it myself.
This dialogue may seem a little dull and foolish, because Chandler was talking non-sense.But that is a way of American style humor.Americans like fancying and bantering, while Chinese are a little serious and realistic.
And another one:
Monica:Hey, I see you got your mustache back.
Richard:Well, my nose got lonely.
When hearing this dialogue, Chinese may laugh but fail to feel Richard’s light sadness, anger and decadence.Sometimes it’s no problem to get the funny information of the joke, but it’s unsuccessful to get the emotion and connotation behind it.
4 Cultivation of Sense of Humor
4.1 Steps of the cultivation of sense of humor
Generally speaking, there are four steps to achieve the goal.The first is to accept American culture and adapt ways of thinking when English majors are communicating with Americans.The second step is to tolerate and accept some special American culture, such as their ignorance of position in the family hierarchy and sex.The third step is to integrate the humor of Chinese style and American style.The forth step is to add some gestures and expression when talking humorously.
4.1.1 The first step
The first step is to accept American culture and adapt their ways of thinking.
For example, reciting slangs and watching movies or dramas will definitely be helpful.They could help us understand Americans’humorous elements, deepening our sense of American style of thinking and speaking.Through the accumulation of humorous expressions, English majors will know more about their usage in American culture, and then catch the correct and exact direction and cultural connotation.According to the Blending Theory of Fauconnier, these are to form the net and structure of concept and content to make reaction to the environment.
4.1.2 The second step
The second step is to tolerate and accept some special American culture.
The so-called special American culture includes religion, custom of wedding and funeral, political opinions, some facets of age and the personalities of Americans.There are some examples of jokes:
“Why don’t you go to church?”asked the minister.
“Well, I’ll tell you.The first time I went to church they threw water in my face, and the second time they tied me to a woman I’ve had to keep ever since.”
“Yes, ”said the minister.“And the next time you go they’ll throw dirt on you.”
This joke implicates some keys of understanding the humor in religious part:“they threw water in my face”means a new born baby has to accept baptism in the church;“they tied me to a woman I’ve had to keep ever since”means wedding in the church;“they’ll throw dirt on you”means people have to be buried in church after their death.
Americans took sense of humor for granted.They don’t care too much as Chinese on some issues, such as career, the elders, marriage, and politics, etc.Some sensitive subjects, such as their ignorance of position in the family hierarchy and sex, to Chinese, should be set aside and desalted.Therefore, Chinese usually can not accept some“playing treat”of Americans.
4.1.3 The third step
The third step is to integrate the humor of Chinese style and American style.
With so much in common of two cultures, the applicable ones to both can be used.It’s like a“vice-versa”use of Blending Theory.Appropriate translation and mapping may yield spectacular effect.On this part, it mainly aims at adding humor to plain words.Nowadays, the cultural globalization has developed significantly.For English majors, there is an abundant source of humor in Chinese can be used in the communication with Americans.It does not necessarily be recited or crammed, but associated, used and spoken.This step inquires their ability of reverse way of thinking.In this aspect, they should strengthen their Chinese mastery to form a system or structure of consultation.
4.1.4 The forth step
The forth step is to add some gestures and expression in humorous talking.This step is to help individual to show up his or her sense of humor more effectively and naturally.
In this step, English majors should build up imitation of American speakers.The correct and vivid gestures or poses of body, face, hands, fingers and tone will substantially increase the humorous effect in your words.When they are watching Friends, they can definitely find that Americans use very exaggerating and funny gestures and tones to add infinite humor to their words.In a word, it makes the humor expression more effective and more spontaneous.
5 Conclusion of this Research
This research starts from the famous American situation comic Friends to explore the difference of understanding and usage of humor between the two countries.
议论文写作技巧 如何写好议论文06-26
理想 - 议论文06-21