
2024-06-18 版权声明 我要投稿


动词短语英语 篇1




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动词短语英语 篇2

英语短语动词搭配灵活, 含义丰富, 用法灵活多变, 应用广泛, 不管是在书面语还是在口头语言中, 其出现频率极高。正确掌握和使用英语短语动词, 是反映英语交际能力的重要方面。但其多变的组合、众多的词义给英语学习者带来理解上的困难, 理解掌握其语法特征及语义特征是学习把握英语短语动词的关键。对于语言环境相对贫乏的英语学习者来说, 学习短语动词有效的途径是借助词典, 特别是短语动词词典。因此, 短语动词的编纂是否科学、实用, 能否突破学习难点, 将决定能否帮助学习者克服学习和使用上的困难。本文通过分析英语短语动词学习和使用上存在的难点, 对目前市场上三本比较权威的英语短语动词词典———《牛津短语动词词典》 (英汉双解版) (Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary, 以下简称OPVD) 、《钱伯斯英语短语动词词典》 (Chambers Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 以下简称CDPV) 和《新编英语短语动词用法词典》 (A New Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 以下简称NDPV) 进行分析, 发现它们各自的特色与不足, 以了解短语动词词典编纂能否有效地帮助学习者克服在记忆、辨析和使用上的困难。

2. 英语短语动词学习和使用中的难点

短语动词由一个及物或不及物的动词和一个小品词构成, 表达一个不可分割的完整动词概念。该小品词可能是介词, 也可能是副词, 有时既有介词出现又有副词出现。现代英语中, 短语动词数量多、使用广, 成为现代英语词汇的一大特色。以英语为母语的人士在日常交谈与写作中, 往往喜欢使用这类动词加小品词的组合, 而不用词义相近的单词, 以丰富语言的变化, 展现语义上不同的层次与微妙的区别。

短语动词是英语学习者的学习难点。研究发现, 学习者在短语动词使用中一直存在着困难, 他们倾向于回避使用短语动词, 而使用与之对应的单个英语动词 (张彬, 2007) 。其原因是多方面的, 第一, 短语动词表达一个不可分割的完整概念, 有些语义透明, 从其组成成分中可以推测出整个短语动词的含义, 如come in, go away等, 但有些则语义晦涩, 不是其组成部分的意思相加, 如give in, turn up等, 因此这类短语动词会在理解上造成困难。第二, 动词后面的小品词, 有时是副词, 有时是介词, 往往词形相同, 词性不一, 学习者常难以断定短语动词的后面能否加宾语, 如果能接宾语, 宾语的位置是在小品词的前面还是后面。第三, 短语动词具有多义性, 一个短语动词可能有多个含义, 而多个短语动词又可能具有相同或相近的含义, 这就对英语学习者带来辨析和使用上的困难。此外, 短语动词在使用上, 其主语和宾语往往受到搭配的限制, 这也是学习者难以掌握短语动词的原因 (汪榕培, 1997) 。

3. 短语动词词典编纂的特色与不足

短语动词词典是学习短语动词有效的途径。为了解目前市场上的短语动词词典能否有效地帮助学习者克服学习上的困难, 笔者对比了三本比较权威的英语短语动词词典, 了解了每本词典编著的特色, 分析了它们各自的创新与不足。

3.1 释义

OPVD比较多地使用简洁的不定式短语释义, 再提供汉语对应词或片语。CDPV是单语本, 其释义多是完整的英语句子, 把短语动词嵌入其中, 既创设了语用语境, 体现了语义, 又显示了该短语动词在句中的语法使用, 而且增加了短语动词运用的实例。但对于具有较为抽象含义的动词短语, 其释义则显得晦涩, 如hint at在该词典中的释义是:You hintat something when you suggest in an indirect way that it is true or that it exists, or that it could be true or could exist in the fu-ture.看后使用者很难单纯从这个释义中辨析其含义。NDPV则完全取消了英语释义, 仅仅提供汉语对等、对应词, 这就可能造成语用、语义信息的丢失。

通过对比分析, 笔者认为短语动词词典的释义在准确的前提下, 如能像CDPV那样运用完整英语句子释义, 并能提供汉语对应词, 在解释较为抽象含义的动词短语时, 则采用简洁的英语释义, 将能避免单语本的缺陷, 还能提供语境, 体现语用信息, 让学习者在阅读释义时既理解了含义, 又明白了其使用。

当词条含有多个释义时, OPVD的释义较为完备, 如get at sb用数字列出了两个含义, 另外两本词典中都只提供了一个含义。释义的排列上, OPVD按照该词条是否带宾语的情况, 先列出不带宾语的组合, 然后是可带可不带宾语的组合, 接着是必须带宾语的组合。对于必须带宾语的组合, 先列出宾语为sb, 然后是sb或sth, 接着是只以sth为宾语的动词, 其后是与itself, yourself等连用的动词, 最后是用于被动语态的动词。这样的条目排列一目了然, 让读者能够方便地检索到。NDPV不同释义一般按其常用性和使用频率高低排列, 便于学习。

3.2 例证

例证是词典的主要部分, 历来受到词典学家们的重视。Fox (1987) 提出了词典例证的选择原则, 其中关键的两条是真实性和典型性。卡西米 (1977) 也指出, 例证应“为读者着想, 把词放入生动的情境中, 并通过阐明上下文中的词来提高理解掌握词的用法、语法及语义规则的能力”。例证的选择决定了词典的实用性。

3.2.1 例句来源

一个设计合理的语料库, 能够为词典编纂者提供真实典型的例证, 从而有助于读者了解和掌握地道的英语表达方式 (田波, 尤子鹃, 2012) 。0PVD和CDPV的例证均取材于语料库, 如CDPV的例句全部由英语词典专家依据英国国家语料库精心编纂而成, 内容权威, 具有典型性, 体现了语言使用的真实性, 加深了学习者对短语动词的理解和掌握。而NDPV则未说明其例句来源, 但编者注意选编一些含义新颖、与当前经济和文化发展关系密切的例句, 以适应社会发展和读者的需要。如get out的例句:They are getting out some new books on intellectual property rights.又如read through的例句:Her daughter read the Da Vinci Code through five times.

因此, 例句的选取既要具有权威, 真实典型, 又应与时俱进, 提高词典的实用性。

3.2.2 例句中的信息

短语动词不仅语义丰富, 而且语法搭配多样, 词典中的例句如能兼顾这些方面, 那将是较为有效科学的例证。0PVD的例证丰富, 体现了语义和语法搭配, 如liven up一词有三个例句: (1) She livened up when Alan asked her to dance. (艾伦请她跳舞她便来了精神。) (2) Put some music on to liven things up. (放些音乐活跃一下气氛吧。) (3) A few pictures would liven up the room. (挂几张画就会使房间亮丽起来。) 例1表明了liven up“活泼起来”的含义及v+adv的语法结构, 例2表明了“使活泼”的语义和v+n/pron+adv的语法结构, 例3表明了该词v+adv+n的语法结构。这三个例句既展示了短语动词的不同语义, 又体现了其不同的语法搭配, 是具有典型性的有效例证。而另外两本词典的例证在这方面则相对不足。

3.2.3 例句理解

例句中的新词新义或其他搭配信息在一定程度上会妨碍学习者对例句的理解, 地道的汉语译文有助于学习者更好地掌握短语动词在具体语境中的用法。0PVD和NDPV中都提供了汉语, 且尽量采用对等词。CDPV则是单语本, 没有译文, 增加了理解难度。

3.3 小品词

动词后面的小品词词性和位置是学习的难点, 短语动词词典应该明确小品词的词性及其搭配。CDPV在释义中用黑体字显示该动词短语小品词的位置, 让学习者了解到该短语动词的后面能否加宾语, 如果能接宾语, 宾语的位置是在小品词的前面还是后面。NDPV在例句中用斜体字标注出该动词短语, 学习者可在例句中理解其搭配和用法。0PVD不仅单列出了不接宾语和接宾语的各个条目, 而且在各个条目的最后简单标示出了语法模式。如pull together就分别列出了pull together, pull sth together, pull yourself together加以释义和举例, 在pull together条目最后标出语法模式v+adv, 在pull sth together后显示v+n/pron+adv和v+adv+n, 在pull yourself together后则标注v+pron+adv。这样排列一目了然, 清楚地显示了小品词的词性和搭配, 帮助读者正确使用动词。

3.4 近义搭配辨析

近义搭配差别细微, 难以辨别, 三本词典都列举了相应的同义近义短语动词。对于不熟悉语义和用法差别的学习者来说, 要其选择最合适场合的搭配, 还得配合查阅其他学习词典。如果能在词典中添加近义搭配辨析, 对其在语用及语义上的差别做出说明, 这样更能方便学习者以后理解和运用词汇。在这一方面, NDPV相对做得较好, 该词典针对一些短语动词的特殊用法和结构做了简明扼要的文字说明, 方便读者联想记忆, 其中就包括近义辨析。如在aim for条目后列出aim for和aim at的区别, 又如back down条目后说明其与近义搭配的隐含意义上的不同。

4. 结语

以上的对比分析显示三本短语动词词典的编纂各有特色, 优点值得互补, 希望能引起修订者及其他词典编纂者的重视, 不断完善词典的编著, 使词典真正成为学习者学习的有效辅助工具。本文对词典编著的探讨, 也希望能为英语教师和学习者带来一些启示。由于笔者研究水平有限, 本文的研究存在不足的地方, 敬请指教。

摘要:短语动词是英语学习者的学习难点, 学习短语动词的有效途径是借助词典, 尤其是短语动词词典, 一本词典严谨科学的编纂将决定其实用性。本文通过分析英语短语动词学习和使用上存在的难点, 对目前市场上三本比较权威的英语短语动词词典进行分析, 发现它们各自的特色与不足, 以了解短语动词词典编纂能否有效地帮助学习者克服在记忆、辨析和使用上的困难。



[1]A1 Kasimi.Ali M.Linguistics and Bilingual Dictionaries.The Netherlands, 1977.

[2]Fox, Gwenyth.The Case for Examples.In J.M.Sinclair (eds) , 1987.

[3]Kay Cullen, Howard Sargeant.Chambers Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, Prentice Hall, Inc, 1998.

[4]牛津短语动词词典 (英汉双解版) .北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 牛津大学出版社, 2005.

[5]田波, 尤子鹃.《牛津短语动词词典》的特色与不足.长江大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2012 (7) :56.

[6]汪榕培.英语的短语动词.外语与外语教学 (大连外国语学院学报) , 1997 (4) :18.

[7]王勇.新编英语短语动词用法词典, 北京:国防工业出版社, 2010.

[8]张彬.英语学习者对英语动词短语的回避现象研究.解放军外国语学院学报, 2007 (11) :60.

动词短语英语 篇3

1. There was a rainstorm yesterday. The flood ______ the old bridge over the small river.

A. washed awayB. went away

C. kept awayD. put away(南京市)

[答案与简析]题干的意思应为“昨天下了一场暴雨,洪水冲走了小河上的旧桥”。 wash away 意为“冲走”, go away 意为“离开”, keep away 意为“避开”、“不接近”, put away 意为“把……收起来”。根据题意,空白处应填 washed away,故答案为A。

2. The doctor______ the crying baby, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with it.

A. looked overB. looked after

C. looked forD. looked out(安徽省)

[答案与简析]题干的意思应为“医生仔细检查了这个正在哭的婴儿,但是没有找到病因”。 look over 意为“仔细检查”, look after 意为“照顾”, look for 意为“寻找”, look out 意为“当心”。根据题意,空白处应填 looked over,故答案为A。

3. The stars______ as soon as it was dark.

A. came downB. came in

C. came overD. came out(临沂市)

[答案与简析] come down 意为“下来”, come in 意为“进来”, come over 意为“过来”, come out 意为“出来”。题干的意思应为“天一黑,星星就出来了”。据此,空白处应填 came out,故答案为D。

4. —Hi, Sam. We’re going for a walk. Would you like to______?

—Great! Let’s go.

A. come alongB. come on

C. come outD. come up(江西省)

[答案与简析]题干第一句的意思应为“你好,萨姆。我们要去散步,你愿意和我们一起去吗?”。 come along 意为“跟随”, come on 意为“加油”、“快点”, come out 意为“出来”, come up 意为“上升”、“走近”。根据题意,空白处应填 come along,故答案为A。

5. Please______ the TV. It’s time for the evening news.

A. turn onB. turn off

C. turn downD. turn up(宁德市)

[答案与简析] turn on 意为“打开”, turn off 意为“关闭”, turn down 意为“开小”、“调低”, turn up 意为“开大”、“调高”。题干的意思应为“请打开电视,是看晚间新闻的时间了”。根据题意,空白处应填 turn on,故答案为A。

6. —Oh, I’ve left my schoolbag in the classroom.

—Don’t worry. I’ll______ it for you.

A. bringB. getC. takeD. carry(兰州市)

[答案与简析]题干第一句的意思应为“噢!我把书包忘在教室里了”。答句意为“别担心,我将为你去取。” bring 指把人或东西从别处带到说话的地方, take 指把人或东西从说话的地方带到别处, get 意为“取”、“拿”, carry 意为“搬”、“运”、“背”。根据题意,空白处应填 get,故答案为B。

7. I will not buy that refrigerator because I have______ money.

A. got out ofB. taken out of

C. looked out ofD. run out of(宁夏回族自治区)

[答案与简析]题干的意思应为“我不打算买冰箱,因为我的钱用完了”。 get out of 意为“从……出来”, take out of 意为“从……拿出来”, look out of 意为“朝……外看”, run out of 意为“用完”、“用尽”。根据题意,空白处应填 run out of,故答案为D。

8. Our sports meeting has been______ till next Monday because of the bad weather.

A. put onB. put up

C. put offD. put down(莆田市)

[答案与简析]题干的意思应为“因为天气不好,我们的运动会推迟到下星期一”。 put on 意为“穿上”、“上演”; put up 意为“举起”、“挂起”、“张贴”; put away 意为“把……收起来、放好”; put off 意为“推迟”; put down 意为“放下”。根据题意,空白处应填 put off,故答案为C。

9. —The windows are broken and need to be repaired.

—I think so. They can hardly______ the cold now.

A. keep outB. give out

C. take outD. put out(武汉市)

[答案与简析]题干第一句的意思应为“窗户坏了,需要修理”。第二句的意思应为“我想是的,它们现在几乎不能遮挡风寒”。 keep out 意为“关在门外”、“不准入内”, give out 意为“分发”、“发出”, take out 意为“拿出”, put out 意为“扑灭”、“出版”。根据题意,空白处应填 keep out,故答案为A。

10. —Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in World Cup 2006?

—Yes. They have better players, so I______ them to win.

A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. want(武汉市)

[答案与简析]题干第一句的意思为“你认为巴西队在2006年世界杯中会击败日本队吗?”。第二句的意思应为“是的,他们拥有更出色的球员,所以我想他们会获胜”。 hope 意为“希望”,其后常接动词不定式或从句作宾语,不能说 hope sb to do sth,这样可以先排除 A; prefer 意为“喜欢”,常与介词 to 连用,构成 prefer... to... 结构,意为“喜欢……而不喜欢……”, to 前后应跟相同的成分,故又可排除B。 want 意为“想要”,后接复合宾语时大多表示轻微命令之意,与题意不符,也可排除。 expect 意为“预料”、“期望”,其后可接复合宾语,与题意相符,故答案为C。

11. —How long have you______ the book?

—For several weeks.

A. boughtB. borrowedC. lentD. had(青岛市)

[答案与简析]在现在完成时的句子中,非延续性动词通常不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 buy, borrow 和 lend 均为非延续性动词,只有 have(拥有)为延续性动词,故答案为D。

12.—What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive.

—No, they only______ 10 yuan.

A. spentB. tookC. paidD. cost(河南省)

[答案及简析]题干第二句的意思应为“不贵,仅花了10元钱”。所给的四个备选项都有“花费”之意,但是含义不同。 cost 指“某物花费某人多少钱”,常用于“Sth costs sb some money”句式中; take 指“花费时间”时,常用于“It takes sb some time to do sth”句式中; spend 的主语通常是“人”,常用于“Sb spends some time/money on sth/(in) doing sth”句式中; pay 的主语通常是人,常与介词 for 搭配使用,通常用于“Sb pays some money for sth”句式中。因此,只有 cost 符合题意,故答案为D。

13. During the World Cup, some people______ all night to watch the games.

A. wake upB. get upC. stay upD. make up(云南省)

[答案与简析]题干的意思应为“在世界杯期间,一些人彻夜不眠观看比赛”。 wake up 意为“醒来”, get up 意为“起床”, stay up 意为“熬夜”, make up 意为“弥补”、“编造”。根据题意,空白处应填 stay up,故答案为C。

14. After having breakfast, he______ to the bus stop this morning.

A. run offB. put offC. took offD. turned off(沈阳市)

初中英语语法动词语常用短语 篇4


动词(Verb)一般就是用来表示动作或状态的词汇。我们接触的动词包括实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Linking Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary)、情态动词(Modal Auxiliary)。


1. 实义动词


及物动词(Transitive Verb) :本身意义不完整,后面直接跟宾语。

例:I like the book very much. 我非常喜欢这本书。

You can call me Lucy. 你可以叫我Lucy.

Give me a glass,please. 请给我一个杯子。

不及物动词(Intransitive Verb):本身意义完整,后面不可以直接跟宾语,若要跟宾语,必须先在其后加上某个介词。

例如: She dances well. 她舞跳得很好。

Look at me. 看着我。

延续性动词(Durative Verb):表示动作是可以持续的,可以和表示时间的状语连用。

例如:We have lived here for 20 years. 我们已经在这里住了了。

非延续性动词(Non-durative Verb):表示瞬间动作,动作一旦发生立即结束,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如果和表示一段时间的状语连用,要用其它的词代词。

例如: She has kept the book for 2 months. 她借这本书已经2个月了。(这里不能用has borrowed)

2. 系动词


be 动词















例如: I am a student. 我是一个学生。

Her face turns red. 她的脸红了。

Sounds good! 还可以。

You should keep healthy. 你应该保持健康。

He seems happy. 他似乎挺开心。

3. 助动词



I was doing my homework. 我正在写作业。

Does he often go to the cinema? 他经常去看电影吗?

Have you ever been there? 你去过那儿吗?

Will there be a meeting tomorrow morning? 明天早上开会吗?

I shall never forgive you. 我永远不会原谅你。

4. 情态助动词


例如: I/She can do the housework. 我/她可以做家务。

Can you/she do the housework? 你/她能做家务吗?

I/She can not do the housework. 我/她不能做家务。



既可以是情态助动词也可以是实义动词: need/dare


具有情态助动词某些特征的词: have to/ had better/ ought to



1. 表示能力,意思是“会不会”

例如: He can speak Spanish. 他会说西班牙语。

2. 表示请求、允许,意思是“可不可以”

例如: Can/Could I leave now? 我可以走了吗?(could 语气更加委婉,但是回答都要用can)

3. 表示推测,常用于否定句和疑问句中,意思是“不可能,一定不是”

例如: She can’t be a student. 她不可能是学生。

4. could 是can的过去式,也可以表示过去的能力,意思是“会不会”

例如: She could swim when she was very young, 她在很小的时候就会游泳了。


1. 表示推测,意思是“可能”,用于肯定句,might也表示推测,可能性比may小

例如:She may leave tomorrow. 她可能明天走。

2. 表示请求、允许,意思是“可不可以”,比can语气更加委婉,否定回答用can’t或mustn’t

例如: --May I answer the phone? 我能接电话吗?

--No, you can’t/mustn’t. 不,不可以。

3. 表示祝愿

例如:May you succeed! 祝你成功!


1. 表示必须,一般疑问句的否定回答要用needn’t

例如:-- Must I go home now? 我必须现在回家吗?

-- Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t. 不,不需要。

注: 因为must(主观)和have to(客观)是同义词,所以这里还可以用No,you don’t have to来回答。

2. 表示推测,一般用于肯定句,意思是“一定是”,表示推测的否定用can’t

例如: Lucy must be tired. Lucy一定是累了。

Lucy can’t be ill. Lucy一定不是病了。

3. mustn’t表示禁止,意思是“不可以”,不用于must引导的一般疑问的否定回答

例如: You mustn’t talk loudly in the library. 你不能在图书馆内大声喧哗。


can/be able to

两者表示能力可以互换,be able to特指通过一番努力而获得的能力;can有一般现在和一般过去时(could), be able to有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时。

例如:I will be able to contact him in two hours. 两个小时之后我就能联系他了。

I couldn’t swim last year, but now I can swim very well.




例如: You don’t look well, you must be ill. 你看去气色不太好,一定是病了。

We may travel abroad during the holiday. 我们可能出国度假。

may be/maybe


例如: Maybe I was wrong. 可能是我错了。

He may be at home. 他可能在家。


be angry about 为……生气

be anxious about 为……担忧

be careful about 当心……

be certain about 确定……

be curious about 对……好奇

be disappointed about 对……失望

be excited about 对……感到兴奋

be glad about 对……感到高兴

be happy about 为……感到高兴

be hopeful about 对……抱有希望

be mad about 对……入迷

be nervous about 为……感到不安

be particular about 对……讲究/挑剔

be sad about 为……而难过

be serious about 对……认真

be sure about 对……有把握

be worried about 为……担忧


be angry at 为……生气

be bad at 不善于……

be clever at 擅长于……

be disappointed at 对……失望

be expert at 在……方面是内行

be good at 善于……

be mad at 对……发怒

be quick at 在……方面敏捷

be skilful at 在……方面熟练

动词短语英语 篇5

(2013年高考英语福建卷)24.Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _____ spending quite a lot of time with students.A.enjoysB.involvesC.practicesD.suggests



(2013年高考英语福建卷)28.Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________ in disasters.A.turn downB.turn outC.break downD.break out

28.C。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。turn down关小、调低、拒绝;turn out 证明是、结果是、生产;break down分解、发生故障、失败;break out爆发。无线网络会瘫痪,所以选C。


(2013年高考英语湖北卷)23.While intelligent people can often ______ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A.sacrificeB.substituteC.simplifyD.surviveC。本题考查动词词义辨析。sacrifice 献祭;奉献;牲;substitute 用…替代; simplify 简化;使简易; survive比…活得长,经历…之后还存在;幸存;


(2013年高考英语湖北卷)24.According to the law, all foreigners have to ______ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.A.associateB.disputeC.negotiateD.registerD。本题考查动词词义辨析。associate 联合;结交; 联想; dispute辩论,争论;negotiate 谈判,协商,交涉;register登记,注册;


(2013年高考英语湖北卷)25.Butterflies ______ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.A.carry onB.feed onC.put onD.focus onD。本题考查动词短语辨析。carry on 继续进行;feed on以…为食;put on增加;穿上;上演;focus on致力于;使聚焦于;


(2013年高考英语湖北卷)26.In much of the animal world, night is the time ______ for sleep—pure and simple.A.set asideB.set downC.set offD.set upA。本题考查动词短语辨析set aside把…放置一旁;不理会;留出;set down 制定;(使)放下;(叫…)下车;记下set off出发;(使)开始;引起;点燃set up建立;准备; 安排;引起


(2013年高考英语江苏卷)23.—The town is so beautiful!I just love it.—Me too.The character of the town is well.A.qualifiedB.preservedC.decoratedD.simplified

23.B。本题考查动词词义辨析。本题中,动词的过去分词已具有形容词的性质。A.be qualified合格的;有资格的;B.be well preserved保存完好的;C.be well decorated装饰得很漂亮的;D.be simplified被简化的。根据句意,选B。



(2013年高考英语江苏卷)29.Team leaders must ensure that all members___ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A.get overB.look overC.take overD.come over

29.A。本题考查动词短语辨析。A.get over克服;恢复;熬过;B.look over查看;细看;仔细检查;C.take over接收,接管;D.come over过来,来访。根据句意,选A。

【句意】团队领导者必须确保所有成员克服他们发自内心的愿望——想要避免犯错所带来的尴尬。(2013年高考英语江西卷)27.Mother always complains that children _______ their shoes very quickly.A.find outB.wash outC.wear outD.set out

27.C.考查动词词组词义辨析。A.find out 搞清楚,弄明白;B.wash out洗掉、冲掉;C.wear out穿坏、用坏;

D.set out出发,开始。


(2013年高考英语江西卷)31.She _____ the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.A.connectedB.fittedC.equippedD.matched.31.D.考查动词搭配。A.connect……with用……把……连接起来;B.与fit经常搭配的介词是to“使……适合……,适应”;C.equip……with“用……装备;使具备”;match……with“使……相配”


(2013年高考英语辽宁卷)32.Briggs will _______ as general manager when Mitchell retires.A.get awayB.take overC.set offD.run out

32.B。本题考查动词短语辨析。A.get away逃跑B.take over接管,接任 C.set off引发D.run out用光,耗尽。根据句意,选择B。


(2013年高考英语陕西卷)25.My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has_______.A.cut outB.cut downC.cut upD.cut off

25.B。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。四个短语的意思分别是“切断,删除”;“削减,砍倒”;“切碎,谴责”;“切掉,删去”;根据句意,“虽然没有戒烟,但至少是减量了”,应该用cut down。


(2013年高考英语天津卷)2.If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to_____ a hand.A.lendB.shakeC.waveD.want

2.A。本题考查动词的词义辨析。本题中一个lend a hand,伸出援助之手,帮某人忙,符合句意;shake意为“摇晃,晃动”,握手通常是shake hands with sb.,一般不用shake a hand,wave意为“摆动,挥舞”;而want意为“需要”,want a hand需要人手。


(2013年高考英语天津卷)8.I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to

A.get awayB.drop inC.check outD.hold on

8.A。本题考查动词短语辨析。A get away意为“离开;逃掉;抽身”;B drop in意为“顺便拜访”;C check out意为“退房结帐;检验;通过考核”;D项hold out意为“伸出;拿出;呈现;抵抗”。


(2013年高考英语新课标II卷)2.Would you like to_____ with us to the film tonight?

A.come alongB.come offC.come acrossD.come through

2.A。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。come along 的意思是“一起,一道”,符合句意,为正确答案;其他三个选项的意思分别是“离开,实现”,“偶然碰到;被理解”,“经历,安然度过”,均与句意不符,排除。


(2013年高考英语新课标II卷)8.The watch was very good, and he____ 20 percent down for it.A.paidB.costC.boughtD.spent

8.A。本题考查动词用法辨析。cost的主语必须是物,不能是人,排除选项B;用bought 的话,后面应该直接接买的东西,排除选项C;用spent的话,后面应该用on sth或者(in)doing,排除选项D。

【拓展】表示“花钱/时间买东西/做事情”的用法:(1)pay… for 其主语必须是人(2)spend… on sth/(in)doing 其主语必须是人(3)cost 其主语必须是物(4)It takes sb some time to do sth。


(2013年高考英语新课标I卷)30.At the last moment, Tom decided to_____ a new character to make the story seem more likely.A.put upB.put inC.put onD.put off

30.B。本题考查动词短语辨析。put … up举起„„;张贴„„;put … in 使„„加入;适„„进入;put … on 穿上„„;上演„„;put … off 推迟„„。题干中的more likely提示,汤姆决定“添加”一个角色,故最佳答案是B。


(2013年高考英语浙江卷)9.When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to ______it with important points.A.concludeB.leadC.avoidD.hold

9.A。考查动词词义辨析。根据语境“分组讨论快要结束时”,相对应的是conclude结束,而“lead引领”该表示开始时,“void避免”违背语境,hold a discussion进行讨论。


(2013年高考英语浙江卷)12.A good listener takes part in the conversation, ______ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.A.realizingB.copyingC.offeringD.misunderstanding

12.C。考查动词词义辨析。在本句中只有offer能和ideas搭配并与raise questions相对应。


(2013年高考英语浙江卷)17.Bears ______ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.A.pack upB.build upC.bring upD.take up

17.B。考查动词短语辨析。pack up整理;把„打包,bring up提出;教育;养育;呕出;take up拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方),build up逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强。在本句中build up fat stores表示积累脂肪储存。


(2013年高考英语安徽卷)26.Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they______on their life journey.A.give upB.settle downC.get throughD.set off



动词及动词短语100题 篇6


1.In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ______.A.that used to be B.it is used to C.it was used to D.it used to be

2.—Didnt you have a good time at the party?

—Of course I did.As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to __ so quickly.A.go by B.go away C.go out D.go over

3.Emergency line operators must always calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help A.grow B.appear C.become D.stay

4.If we can our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.A.come across B.get over C.come over D.get off

5.Surely it doesn’t matter where the student associations get their money from;what_____ is what they do with it.A.counts B.applies C.stresses D.functions

6.—Do you think that housing price will keep ______ in the years to come?

—Sorry, I have no idea.A.lifting up B.going up C.bringing up D.growing up

7.Don’t take too much of the medicine;it does you more harm than good if you.A.do B.take C.like D.have

8.A survey of the opinions of experts that three hours of outdoor exercise a week_____ good for one’s health.A.show;are B.shows;is C.show;is D.shows;are

9.If the firms failed to make enough money, they would.A.close down B.call off C.turn down D.set off

10.Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!

A.prefer B.expect C.suggest D.suppose

11.“Goodbye, then,” she said, without even ___________ from her book

A.looking down B.looking up C.looking away D.looking on

12.I have ____ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.A.looked through B.looked for C.looked after D.looked out

13.Why don’t you just ____ your own business and leave me alone?

A.make B.open C.consider D.mind

14.It’s the sort of work that _____ a high level of concentration.A.calls for B.makes up C.lies in D.stands for

15.In this seaside resort, you can ______all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.A.enjoy B.apply C.receive D.achieve

16.We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite.A.find out B.give out C.hand out D.work out

17.At minus 130℃, a living cell can be ______ for a thousand years.A.spared B.protected C.preserved D.developed

18.Hardly could he_____ this amount of work in such a short time.A.get through B.get off C.get into D.get down

19.Lucy has ____ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.A.acquired B.finished C.concluded D.achieved

20.—You should apologize to her, Barry.—______, but it’s not going to be easy.A.I suppose so B.I feel so C.I prefer to D.I like to

21.—Look!He’s running so fast!

—Hard to _______ his legs were once broken.A.know B.imagine C.realize D.find

22.We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _____ violence.A.runs into B.comes from C.leads to D.begins with

23.Would you please ______ this form for me to see if I’ve filled it in right?

A.take off B.look after C.give up D.go over

24.Don’t be _____ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.A.taken off B.taken out C.taken away D.taken in

25.The news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was ______ on the radio yesterday.A.turned out B.found out C.given out D.carried out

26.Mum _____ to us, “Be quiet!Your little sister’s sleeping.”

A.whispered B.shouted C.explained D.replied

27.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ______ my friend.A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out

28.—Have you ______ some new ideas?

—Yeah.I’ll tell you later.A.come about B.come into C.come up with D.come out with


1._____ a moment and I will go to your rescue.A.Go on B.Hold on C.Move to D.Carry on

2.It’s going to rain.Xiao Fang, will you please help me the clothes on the line?

A.get off B.get back C.get in D.get on

3.—Is Peter there?

— _____________, please.I’ll see if I can find him for you.A.Hold up B.Hold on C.Hold out D.Hold off

4.—I’m still working on my project.—Oh, you’ll miss the deadline.Time is ____________.A.running out B.going out C.giving out D.losing out

5.The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to ______ their discussion.A.put away B.take down C.look over D.carry on

6.Her shoes ______ her dress;they look very well together.A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match

7.You have to ________ a choice.Are you going to leave the job or stay?

A.decide B.get C.do D.make

8.Although this ______ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.A.must B.may C.shall D.should

9.The fact that she never apologized ______ a lot about what kind of person she is.A.says B.talks C.appears D.declares

10.Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he ________ his own work and translated it into German.A.gave off B.turned down C.took over D.set aside—What are you reading, Tom?

— I’m not really reading, just ___ the pages.A.turning off B.turning around C.turning over D.turning up

12.Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ____.A.collected B.contained C.loaded D.saved

13.After studying in a medical college for five years.Jane ______ her job as a doctor in the countryside.A.set out B.took over C.took up D.setup

14.— What fruit is in season now ?

— Pears and apples,______.A.I know B.I think C.I see D.I feel

15.The performance ______ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early

A.covered B.reached C.played D.lasted

16.You have to be a fairly good speaker to ______ listeners’ interest for over an hour.A.hold B.make C.improve D.receive

17.I _____ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.A.make B.look C.take D.think

18.Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ______ the traditional customs.A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support

19.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to ______ the problem.A.handle B.raise C.face D.present

20.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ______ any important details while retelling the story

A.bring out B.let out C.leave out D.make out

21.In modern times, people have to learn to ______ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life

A.keep with B.stay with C.meet with D.live with

22.The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to ______ its reality A.make up B.figure out C.look through D.put off

23.—Are you happy with your new computer?

— No, it is _______ me a lot of trouble.A.showing B.leaving C.giving D.sparing

24.Don’t be so discouraged.If you ________such feelings, you will do better next time.A.carry on B.get back C.break down D.put away

25.Officials say that few patients ___________with the virus owing to the effective prevention.A.infected B.are infected C.have infected D.be infected

26.The story of the homeless orphan has _____ sympathy from the public.A.aroused B.attracted C.defended D.adopted


1.Over the past decades, sea ice _____ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A.had decreased B.was decreased C.has been decreasing D.is decreasing

2.The good thing about children is that they _______ very easily to new environments.A.adapt B.appeal C.attach D.apply

3.Just as my head teacher often it, success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude.A.gets B.makes C.puts D.means

4.We tried to find a table for seven,hut they were all.A.given away B.kept away C.taken up D.used up

5.We are at your service.Don’t to turn to us if you have any further problems.A.beg B.hesitate C.desire D.seek

6.Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through

7.During the war there was a serious lack of food.It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.A.eat up B.give away C.do without D.deal with

8.The loss has not yet been ______ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.A.calculated B.considered C.completed D.controlled

9.Some parents are just too protective.They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A.spot B.dismiss C.shelter D.distinguish

10.It is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children.A.look upon B.look after C.look into D.look out

11.I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t__________.A.get along B.get on C.get to D.get through

12.-------Do you have enough to ________all your daily expenses?

--------Oh yes, enough and to spare.A.cover B.spend C.fill D.offer

13.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to them too hard.A.draw B.strike C.rush D.push

14.Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to _______, so she left.A.show B.go up C.fit in D.come over

15.A notice was in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.A.sent up B.given up C.set up D.put up

16.The Great Wall is ____ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A.so a well-known B.a so well-known C.such well-known D.such a well-known

17.—Have you __________?

—No.I had the wrong number.A.got in B.got away C.got off D.got through

18.—How about your journey to the Yellow Mount ?

—Everything was wonderful except that our car _________ twice on the way.A.slowed down B.broke down C.got down D.put down

19.----Sorry, I have to ______ now.It’s time for class.----OK, I’ll call back later.A.hang up B.break up C.give up D.hold up

20.Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, the teacher will ______ the main points at the end.A.recover B.review C.require D.remember

21.Practicing Chinese kung fu can not only ________ one’s strength, but also develop one’s character.A.bring up B.take up C.build up D.pull upIf you leave the club, you will not be back in.A.received B.admitted C.turned D.moved

23.----I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __.----So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A.broken up B.finished up C.divided up D.closed up


1.We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do.Let’s it.高考资源网

A.keep up with B.do away with C.get down to D.look forward to

2.– In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.高考资源网

--I can’t agree more.It’s great to have the two.高考资源网

A.linked B.related C.connected D.combined高考资源网

3.No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone ______you wishing they were that high

A.getting rid of B.getting along with

C.looking up to D.looking down upon

4.----How did you like Nick’s performance last night?

----To be honest, his singing didn’t _______to me much

A.appeal B.belong C.refer D.occurParents _______ much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A attach B pay C link D apply

6.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.A keep up with B put up with C end up with D catch up with

7.Sam _____ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.A.brought up B.looked up C.picked up D.set up

8.Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children?

A.manage B.serve C.adapt D.construct

9.Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and as a manager.A.ended up B.dropped out C.came back D.started off

10.He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.A.order B.arrange C.take D.book

11.Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what­ nice.A.looks B.smells C.feels D.tastes

12.Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man and left.

A.took up B.got up C.shut up D.set up

13.The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box “ This Side Up”.A.carried B.delivered C.pressed D.packed

14.Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A.attended B.attained C.attracted D.attached

15.The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.A.found out B.pointed out C.ruled out D.carried out

16.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you, I suppose.A.agree with B.agree to C.agree on D.agree about

17.My mother opened drawer to _________the knives and spoons.A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put together

18.Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house his personality.A.resembles B.strengthens C.reflects D.shapes

19.Had he her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.A.looked up to B.lived up to

C.kept up with D.come up with

20.Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around D.turned out

21.The new movie _____to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.A.promises B.agrees C.pretends D.declines

22.The majority of people in the town strongly the plan to build a playground for children.A.consider B.support C.confirm D.submit

高校学生英语短语动词习得研究 篇7



1 . 英语短语动词的概念。英语动词可分为单词动词(single-word verb)和多词动词(multi-word verb)。大多数动词都是单词动词,但也有一些由动词和小品词(副词或介词)构成的动词。有些语法书分类比较详细,把动词与不同的小品词搭配称作不同的动词。例如:把动词和副词构成的动词称作短语动词(phrasal verbs),把动词和介词构成的动词称作介词动词(prepositional verbs)等。那么本文所指的短语动词即为动词和小品词(副词或介词)构成的动词结构。


(1)整体不可分割的句法特征。英语短语动词其特点是在短语动词结构中,动词与其搭配的小品词已经凝为一体,并另有词义,在句中相当于一个意义相同的单词动词。例如: work out = success,call off = cancel,give off =send等等。它不同于一般的动词短语结构,即动词加介词词组(作状语)结构和动词加副词(作状语)结构。由于短语动词有整体不可分割性,因此语法上它可以有相应的被动语态。并且在由英语短语动词组成的句子中,只允许疑问代词who(m)和what对句中的名词性短语进行提问,而不可以用where,how等引导的状语疑问词对整个短语进行提问。

(2)一词多义的语义特征。英语短语动词的语义非常丰富,有的短语动词具有多达十多个词义,这就是短语动词的最大语义特征一词多义性。有的短语动词的词义可以从其动词与小品词的词义表面看出,例如:call out(喊出),think out(想出)。而有些短语动词的实际意义往往不能从词的表面看出,甚至有的动词与不同的小品词构成不同意义的短语动词。例如:look out(小心),give up(放弃),give off(发出)等等。也就是说短语动词的整体意义不是其构成词汇的语义叠加,不能从字面意思上进行理解,因此短语动词的这一语义特征给英语学习者在掌握词义上带来了很大的困难。



1.教师应用传统教学策略普遍。作为高校教师,虽然注意到了英语短语动词这一特殊性及教学上的重要性,但是笔者通过对教师展开的调查得出,教师方面认为由于课时数量的限制,无法单独占用教学时数从语法、语义角度详细讲解动词短语的构成特点及语义依据,只能是融合在精读教学中,遇到一个讲解一个,如果教学计划允许,适当的进行语义扩展。也就是说传统的英语短语动词教学以词汇教学为先导,只是强调与该词汇有关的短语动词在特定语境中的意义,并且只拘泥于最常见的意义及其在字典上的不同意义, 在教学过程中又以归纳举例的方式居主导。





[1]Lakoff,G&M.Johnson.Metaphors We Live By[M].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1980.




动词短语备考方略 篇8

1. If the firms failed to make enough money, they would__________.(2007湖北)

A. close down__________B. call off

C. turn downD. set off

2. Don’t be__________by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. (2007辽宁)

A. taken offB. taken out

C. taken awayD. taken in

3. It’s the sort of work that__________a high level of concentration. (2007山东)

A.calls forB.makes up

C.lies inD.stands for

4. “Goodbye, then,”she said, without even__________from her book. (2007全国I)

A. looking downB. looking up

C. looking awayD. looking on

5. —Have you__________some new ideas?

—Yeah. I’ll tell you later. (2007江苏)

A. come about

B. come into

C. come up with

D. come out with

【解析】 1. A 根据句意“如果公司赚不到足够的钱,它们就会关闭”,用短语close down。

2. D 根据句意“不要被那些许诺让你快速减肥的产品所欺骗”,用短语take in的被动形式。

3. A 根据句意“这是要求高度集中注意力的工作”,用短语call for。

4. B 根据句意“甚至没有从书上抬起头”,用短语look up。

5. C 根据句意“你想出了一些新主意吗?”用短语come up with。


1. 关键要了解短语中最后是介词还是副词。如果短语最后是介词,它的后面一定要带宾语;如果短语最后是副词,则宾语放在副词前、后均可, 但这种短语的宾语如果为人称代词, 则必须放在副词前面。宾格代词常位于以下词语之前:up, down, in, out,away,off, on(call on拜访除外)。

例1 I have__________all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.

A. looked through

B. looked for

C. looked after

D. looked out

【解析】 本题空格后面有宾语,从所给的四个含有look的短语中,先排除掉look out,因为out是副词,而且look out单独用作短语时不带宾语,然后从三个介词的本身意思去突破,through有“通过”的意思,而原句意思就是“把所有的文件翻看一遍”,所以选用look through,答案是A。

2. 可以从短语中的动词和介词或副词本身的意思去寻求突破。

例1 —Will somebody go and get Dr. White?

—He’s already been__________.

A. asked for

B. sent for

C. called for

D. looked for

【解析】 本题四个选项中都包含介词for,表示目标,但从四个动词的本身含义来看,send有“派遣”的意思,我们可以推断用send for,表示“派人去请……”,答案为B。

例2 I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please__________?

A. turn it on__________ B. turn it down

C. turn it upD. turn it off

【解析】 本题四个选项中都有turn, 但我们可以从后面的副词的本身意思来判断,up表示“向上”,down表示“向下”,而原句说“我几乎听不见”,应该把声音“向上”调,所以用turn up,表示“调高”,答案选C。

3. 对于一些特别的短语要特别给予关注,用心留意它们的用法。如结构为“动词+名词+介词”的动词短语,在考试中常会以变化的形式来考查。

例1 Special attention should be__________the pronunciation.

A. paid forB. paid to

C. taken ofD. taken to

【解析】 本题考查的是动词短语pay attention to,但考查了它的被动语态,所以要选B。

例2 We must notice the use they__________the new energy.

A. make forB. make from

C. make ofD. make up

【例析】 本题考查的是动词短语make use of,但是使用了定语从句,短语中的use变成了从句的先行词,所以要选C。

4. 有很多动词短语不止有一个含义,需要我们利用语境来灵活运用。

例1 (1) His accent gives him away as a southerner.

(2) He gave away most of his money to charity.

(3) They gave away their last chance of winning the match.

(4) The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.

【解析】 本例中四个句子中都有短语give away,但它们的语境不同,意思各有不同,分别为:(1)出卖,泄露秘密;(2)赠送;(3)送掉,放弃;(4)颁发。

例2 (1) She took me in completely with her story.

(2) He was homeless, so we took him in.

(3) Fish take in oxygen through their gills.

(4) I hope you’re taking in what I’m saying.

(5) She pays the bills by taking in washing.

【解析】 本例中五个句子中都有短语take in,由于语境不同,意思分别为:(1)欺骗;(2)收容;(3)吸进;(4)理解;(5)在家承接(活计等)。



1. It is certain that he will__________his business to his son when he gets old.

A.hand inB. hand out

C. hand overD. hand up

2. I was just talking to Li Tao when Wang Hai_________.

A.cut offB. cut in

C. cut upD. cut down

3. Unfortunately, not everyone has realized the important part the balance of nature__________their daily life.

A.plays inB. playing

C. plays ofD. to play in

4. She devoted herself__________the problems of the teenagers.

A.in studyingB. at studying

C. to studyD. to studying

5. Now that you have a bit of free time, you’d better__________a foreign language.

A.pick outB. make out
