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饭店英文翻译英语 篇1




















饭店英文翻译英语 篇2


为全面了解中职学生的心理特征, 笔者针对学习兴趣等要素对126名酒店专业学生进行了问卷调查, 其中:45%的学生主观排斥, 23%的学生认为没有必要, 15%的学生感到有心无力, 10%的学生认为可以学习, 仅有7%的学生很喜欢英语学习。不难看出, 虽然有了一定的基础, 但很多学生欠缺基本的交际运用能力, 主要表现在语音基础差, 词汇掌握少, 平时练习不够, 语法基本不懂等方面。反思英语课堂教学, 不难发现中职英语教学除了学生基础薄弱, 水平参差不齐之外, 教学方法和内容, 教学设施设备上也存在与职业培养需求脱节的现象。主要表现在:一是教学理念与职教特色结合不紧密。部分中职英语课和专业课没有形成有机的整体, 内容重复, 学科之间缺少知识渗透, 学生知识迁移不够。部分老师重教法轻学法, 重提问轻思维, 重知识传授轻能力发展, 在整个的教学活动中, 学生始终处于听、抄、写的被动状态, 失去独立掌握知识、主动训练能力的机会, 不能及时思考、消化、吸收。二是教材难度与学生基础水平差距大。酒店专业英语教材普遍内容较多, 难度较大, 实用性不强。与中职学生“生源复杂, 知识结构、层次不一”等状况不相符合, 更不适宜中职学校的教学发展。三是教学设备与现代教育方式不配套。中职学校普遍存在语音设备缺乏、简陋等问题, 大部分老师仍借助黑板、粉笔、录音机开展课堂教学, 现代化教学设备和教学手段亟待充实和提高。


提高酒店专业学生外语能力, 培养出能熟练地、正确地运用外语为饭店服务的人才, 是酒店专业教学改革的重要任务。在酒店英语教学中更加强调主动性、情境性、灵活性、合作性等原则。因此, 在酒店英语课堂教学中, 教师应营造良好的交流环境, 提供具有真实情境性的学习环境。

1、引导学生自主学习, 树立以“学生为主体”的教学理念。

依据中职课改要求, 教师应重新树立正确的酒店英语教学理念, 不再是教学活动主体, 而是主导者、组织者和管理者。教师承要帮助学生降低焦虑感, 主动使用相关酒店专业英语开口说。例如讲授如何填写客房预订时, 教师可根据学生具体情况, 通过以任务型和角色扮演等课堂教学手段, 让学生实践知晓如何进行填写, 并使用恰当语言进行回复。结合学生实际英语展现, 老师提出肯定评价或修改建议。学生通过对比, 修改和提高自己的语言运用能力。以《饭店英语》第二单元为例, 可先让学生分角色扮演前台接待员和房客, 学生观察自己所使用的语言, 然后播放提前准备关于预定房间的视频, 学生再次对比, 最后再播放课文录音, 不断给他们积极主动思考的空间, 学生从对比中得出最恰当的使用方式, 从而实现知识获取。

2、创设情景教学环境, 搭建“以课堂为载体”的教学平台。

酒店英语作为专门用途英语, 有着特定使用环境, 可创设情境进行有效教学。现在各大中职学校都有多媒体及网络教学, 可在酒店英语教学中借助计算机辅助进行情境教学, 有效将教学资料以视、听、说的形式创设出生动有趣的学习环境, 激发学生的学习兴趣。例如《饭店英语》第九单元关于供应西餐方面, 通过多媒体展示相关餐饮词汇, 让学生脱离课本, 模拟宾馆西餐厅中订餐、上餐、撤餐等情景进行训练。学生反复训练, 逐步纠正自己的服务语言。介绍酒店设备时, 通过多媒体图片给学生提供形象生动的展示并结合文字的单词进行教学。情景化教学有利于学生练习在实际应用环境, 思索如何对恰当的语言进行获取, 形成正确语言使用习惯。

在了解酒店英语的教学特点的基础上, 根据学生的实际情况和未来工作的需要, 采用相应的教学法, 力争做到英语课堂教学交际化, 做到“教用统一”, 急用什么就先教什么, 要怎么用就怎么教。并尽量利用现代化的教学手段, 创造适当的情景, 以使英语教学在接近实际的环境中进行, 从而加强学生在酒店专业工作中的英语交流能力。

3、开展合作学习研究, 探索“以实用为目的”的教学模式。

中职课改强调学生的合作能力, 在酒店英语教学中, 教师可采用小组合作、同桌讨论、相互评价、分组对话等方式促进学生合作学习。例如《饭店英语》第一单元学习酒店接待时, 教师提前将学生分成小组, 布置任务, 通过网络学习, 查找酒店预订的几种方式。以小组为单位完成网上酒店预订资料的填写。再要求各小组学生分角色模拟电话预订的过程, 同时, 对各小组在本单元学习过程中的综合表现进行评。通过这种方式的合作, 旨在达到以优带困, 以赛促学, 最后实现大部分学生取得不同层次进步的最终目的。

如何突出职业学校的英语教学的时代性、实践性, 尽快地走向良性发展的轨道, 是广大职业学校英语教师需要迫切解决的课题。常言道:学无定法, 教无定规。对中职类学生的英语教学来说, 兴趣培养、强化训练是提高英语听说读写能力水平的必要措施。教师应不断尝试多种形式的教学改革, 努力增强运用性和实践性, 切实提高学生的综合素质, 游刃有余运用所学知识投身于工作当中, 实现知识与技能的完美结合。

摘要:中职饭店服务与管理专业的学生生源质量不断下降, 酒店对学生的英语要求却不断提高。面对这种情况, 我们坚信, 只要会说中国话就会说英语。通过角色扮演教学法, 改变目前的教学困境。笔者提出有针对性的改革方案, 旨在改善传统的教学方式, 实现以技能学习为重点, 提高酒店专业学生应用英语的能力。

饭店英文翻译英语 篇3

关键词 饭店英语;本科生;选修课;教学方法

中图分类号:H319.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-489X(2009)21-0034-02

A Brief Analysis of Teaching Methods of Hotel English as Undergraduates’ Optional Course of English Major//Li Xin

Abstract The teaching methods and relative researches of Hotel English of college English Majors have been paid much attention for years. But as an optional course for undergraduates of English, what kind of method we should use? And how to optimize the teaching resources and improve the teaching effects to make the course serve the students? It will discuss these questions from the features of Hotel English, knowledge and problems of undergraduates of English major, task-based and situational teaching methods in this paper.

Key words hotel English; undergraduates; optional course; teaching methods

Author’s address Langfang Teachers College, Langfang, Hebei, 065000, China


1 饭店英语的内容特色

饭店英语教学大纲是各高校根据课程设置情况以及学生情况自行设定的,但主要教学目标一般包括:学生认知单词不得少于2 000个;具有较强的听说能力,能够运用正确的语音语调做相关情景会话;掌握饭店用语,比较熟练地表达所规定的语言功能项目;具有灵活运用所学知识处理突发事件的能力。


2 英语专业本科生的专业知识特点与面临的问题

英语专业本科生的词汇量一般是在8 000左右,而饭店英语作为专业选修课一般会在三四年级开设,因此不必担心学生词汇量的问题。而作为专业学生,在入学之初就受到过语音语调方面的强化训练,并有听说方面的相关课程开设,使得饭店英语中要求的情景会话部分对于他们来说是游刃有余的。在阅读、翻译、写作、语法等课程的全面培养下,可以说,三四年级的本科生拿来一本《饭店英语》的教材是完全可以自学的,那么开设这门课程的意义何在呢?教师在这门课程中究竟又扮演的是什么角色呢?




3 任务教学法与情境教学法相结合

3.1 任务式教学法顾名思义就是以任务为前提,先向学生下达任务,再由学生带着完成的任务返回课堂。由于前期任务的下达,使学生对教学内容有所了解,从而更有效地利用课堂时间,达到较好的教学效果。饭店英语作为英语专业本科选修课,课时往往比较少,因此,任务教学法的应用在此尤为重要。只有充分调动学生课下的预习与复习,才能有助于他们课上的积极参与,为情境教学法做好准备。比如在讲授餐饮英语中“Table Setting”一课之前,让学生总结出中西方正餐中布置餐桌的方法及异同,在课上如果条件允许,可以让学生分组演示,至少可以在黑板上标示出各个餐具的摆放位置及顺序。

3.2 情境教学法情境教学法的运用在饭店英语的教学中,不但能提高教学质量,同时加强教学效果,使学生在轻松的氛围中掌握知识。教师可以通过各种方法来创设教学情境。




3.3 优化教学手段克服教学条件的限制,充分利用现有的教学资源特别是多媒体教学设备。利用课件、影像资料等加强教学情境的创设,以提高教学效果。


11酒店专饭店英语初级教案原版 篇4

时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit One

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)


Lesson 1 Welcome to Our Hotel

Lesson 2 May I Show You to Your Room Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的) the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the procedure of concierge

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)Have you ever stayed in a hotel ? How does the doorman/ hostess greet to you? 2 what jobs is the doorman responsible for? Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions.(1)How to greet the guest and offer the help ? Good morning(before noon)Good afternoon(noon –6 p.m.)Good evening(after 6 p.m.)Hello.May /Can I help you? What can I do for you ? How may I help you?(2)How to express your desire to make a reservation? I would like to reserve a room from….to …please

I’m going to reserve a suite from …to…, please?

I wonder if you could reserve me a single room with bath.Do you have a room free / available from …to …?(3)How to ask for the length of the stay?

How long would you like to stay? How long do you intend to stay? How long will you be staying? Could you tell me your arrival and departure dates? For what dates, please? When for, please?

(4)How to ask for the types of room?

What kind of room would you like, sir?(do you prefer)

What type of rooms would you like?

(5)How to ask for the number of members?

How many people are there in you group/ party?

How many members are there?

(6)How to ask for the method of payment?

How are you going to pay? How will you be settling the account, please?

How would you like to pay?

My company will cover all the expenses.You should pay a deposit of $1000 in advance.(7)How to ask and show the desire of revising a reservation?

How would you like to change it? I’ve come to revise the reservation.You mean you’ll cancel your previous reservation? I’d like to upgrade to a suite if one is available.(8)Ask for name, address and telephone number.May I …

Could you tell me your…?

3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Unit2.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Two

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)

Front Office:

Lesson 3 What kind of Room Would You Like

Lesson 4 Do You Have a Reservation?

Lesson 5 Your Total Is 588 Dollars Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的) the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.Have you ever reserved a room ? tell us your experience.2.Do you know how many types of room there are in the hotel? Classified by decoration: standard room, business room, deluxe room

standard suite, deluxe suite, presidential suite Classified by bed :

single room, double room, twin room, triple room Classified by location: inside room, outside room, corner room,connection room, adjoining room 3.The teacher would invite some students to talk about the basic procedures of receiving room reservation.In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give them a clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of reservation.● Greet the guest ● Ask about reservation information(1)Date of arrival and departure(length of stay)(2)Room types(3)Name, Address and Telephone number(4)The number of the members(5)Method of payment ● Confirm the reservation

Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions.(1)How to greet the guest and offer the help ? Good morning(before noon)Good afternoon(noon –6 p.m.)Good evening(after 6 p.m.)Hello.May /Can I help you? What can I do for you ? How may I help you?(2)How to express your desire to make a reservation? I would like to reserve a room from….to …please

I’m going to reserve a suite from …to…, please?

I wonder if you could reserve me a single room with bath.Do you have a room free / available from …to …?(3)How to ask for the length of the stay?

How long would you like to stay? How long do you intend to stay? How long will you be staying? Could you tell me your arrival and departure dates? For what dates, please? When for, please?

(4)How to ask for the types of room?

What kind of room would you like, sir?(do you prefer)

What type of rooms would you like?

(5)How to ask for the number of members?

How many people are there in you group/ party?

How many members are there?

(6)How to ask for the method of payment?

How are you going to pay? How will you be settling the account, please?

How would you like to pay?

My company will cover all the expenses.You should pay a deposit of $1000 in advance.(7)How to ask and show the desire of revising a reservation?

How would you like to change it? I’ve come to revise the reservation.You mean you’ll cancel your previous reservation? I’d like to upgrade to a suite if one is available.(8)Ask for name, address and telephone number.May I …

Could you tell me your…?

3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Unit3.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Three

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)


Lesson 6 May I Clean Your Room Now

Lesson 7 We’ll Send Someone to Repair It Right Now

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

9.Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.10.Use sentence patterns in working situations.11.Make situational dialogues fluently 12.Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)What are the basic procedures when do the cleaning? a.Knock the door or ring the bell, introduce yourself, express you are sorry to disturb,explain what you are going to do and wait for the response.b.If there is “Do Not Disturb” sign/button, go back in another time.c.If the guest say “sorry, but not now” after your request, you should ask the time when you could come back again.d.If you are going to get off, be sure to let the next clerk know(overnight/day)e.If the guest agreed your cleaning, you should do any work after asking the guest’s agreement.2.What are the exact jobs ?

Clean and wipe the floor or vacuum the carpet, tidy up the bathroom, change the toiletries, Make up bed, replace teacups, quilt mattress, bed sheet , bed spread, pillowcase/ pillowslip 3.What are procedures for repairing work? Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions.(1)How to introduce yourself?

Housekeeping,(2)How to express your sorry to disturb him /her? I’m sorry to disturb you.(3)How to show your desire to clean the room?

May I come in?

May I clean your room now?

May I tidy up these things on your bed?

(4)If you can’t clean right now, how to ask for the available time?

When do you want me to clean your room?

What time would you like us/me to clean your room?

What time?

What time are you available?

What time would it be convenient?

(5)How to show you’ll tell the next clerk?

Ok, I’ll tell the next clerk/ maid

Ok, I’ll let the overnight /day staff known.(6)How to show something wrong with the facilities?

There is something wrong with…

The faucet is leaking in my room.The water tap can’t be turned off completely.It drips all night long and I can hardly sleep.The toilet doesn’t flush.It’s clogged.The TV picture is wobbly(不稳定)occasionally.… doesn’t work.(7)How to show your apology?

I’m sorry, we’ll send someone/the repairman to repair it right now.Sorry for the trouble

We do apologize for that.3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Lesson8and9

Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Three

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)


Lesson 8 I’ll Pick Up Your Laundry Right Now

Lesson 9 Business Floor Service

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.2 Use sentence patterns in working situations.3 Make situational dialogues fluently 4 Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.What are the basic procedures of laundry service? a.If the guest asks something about laundry, the clerk should introduce the service for him or her.Tell him/ her how to do b.laundryman/valet collect the laundry.Knock the door, introduce yourself , ask the guest if there is any laundry.Put the laundry in the laundry bag, and fill in the laundry list/form /slip, then collect it.Or ask the guest’s requirement orally and write down.2.How to introduce the laundry service in a hotel?

We have laundry service.We collect the laundry every morning.You may just put your laundry in the laundry bag and fill out that laundry list.3.How to deal with the damage laundry ?

What if there is any laundry damage?

Please relax.If so, the hotel should certainly pay for it.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times laundry You may buy a replacement and we’ll refund(偿还)the cost to you.We’ll refund the cost of the laundry and the new sweater.4.What are the exact jobs of business floor service(商务楼层服务)Book tickets for the guest , introduce room facilities, help the guest with what they need Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions.(1)How to introduce yourself?

Laundry service ,(2)How to express your sorry to disturb him /her? I’m sorry to disturb you.(3)How to show your desire to collect the laundry?

Laundry service.May I help you?

Have you(got)any laundry?

(4)How to show the guest’s requirements?

I’d like to have my pants cleaned.I want to have my clothes dry-cleaned/washed

I’d like to have my clothes ironed./mended

I’d like thes sweater washed by hand in cold water.It might shrink otherwise.This shirt needs to be washed, starched and pressed/ironed.(5).How to ask for the time to pick up the laundry?

When would you like it back?

What time would you like your laundry back?

How soon will it be done?

How soon can the clothes be got back?

We will deliver them around 5:00 p.m.tomorrow.(6)about laundry damage.What if there is any laundry damage?

Please relax.If so, the hotel should certainly pay for it.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times laundry

(7)about express laundry service

We have express laundry service.If you are in a hurry, we have a two-hour quick service

We will deliver it within 4 hours at a 50% extra charge.(8)ask for the price.What are your charges?怎么收费呢

(9)About business floor service

How many tickets for what time?

When should I send the flowers?

We have several function rooms for you to choose

3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Lesson10,11.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Four

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)


Lesson 10 This is Your Wake-up Call

Lesson 11 You May Call Directly from Your Room

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)2 3 4 Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.Do you usually get up early or late? If late, how do you make yourself be on time/punctual?

Set the alarm/ place a morning call, let your classmate who gets up early wake you up , or wait for your teacher’s coming and get a good lesson.Ok, let’s look at how does guest staying at the hotel do?

Don’t worry if you are the guest because there is a service called wake-up service in the hotel 2.Where does the guest telephone if he/she wants a wake-up service? Operator/ General Switchboard(总机)3.What is the operator responsible for? Set wake-up call/ place a morning call

Put the guest through to the extension(number).(but usually the extension number is confidential保密)

Call for the guest

Take a message for the guest Paging a guest(呼叫)

Receive complaints or to send somebody to repair facilities

4.Wake-up Service(唤醒服务): Wake-up service by operator Wake-up service by computer Wake-up service by knocking at the door

If you’d like to be waken up , you can telephone the operator and tell him/her your wake-up time.They will make a call or knock at the door to wake you up.Or you can also set the computer to wake you up.Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions(1)After picking up the phone, the operator may say _______?

Good morning.Operator.May I help you?(2)How to express you’d like a wake-up service?

Hello.This is Kate Smith from/in room 1516.I’d like a wake-up call at 6:30 tomorrow morning, please.I’d like to place a morning call..Hello.I’d like you to wake me up at 6:00a.m.My train/ flight leaves at seven, so I have to get up early.(3)Ask the wake-up time

When would you like us to wake you up?

(4)How may the operator say after your requirement?

Ok, sir/ma’am.We’ll call you at 6:00 tomorrow morning.We’ll send someone to knock at the door at 6:00 tomorrow morning.(5)When computer service/ Computer Automatic Wake-up System the operator may say:

We have computer wake-up service.Please dial 5 first and then 0600 for the time.There must be five digits.Our computer will record the time and our room number.Please dial 3 first, and then the time for 5:30.Be sure there are 5 digits in the final number.(6)After the guest’s thanks the operator may say:________

My pleasure/ you’re welcome, have a nice sleep.(7)How will say to the operator when you want to be put through to a certain number?

Put sb through to ….Could you / can you ….Could you /can you put me through to Mr Chen in room 4321?

(8)Ok, one moment please.I’ll put you through

I’m sorry, nobody answers/ answered.May I take a message for you?

Would you like to leave a message(to him)?

※ Make a call from the hotel to other places:

Telephone in hotel can be divided into the following:

DDD(domestic direct dialing/dial)


IDD(international direct dialing/dial)国内直拨电话

IP calling card

IP 长途电话卡

Long-distance call


Local call/ city call


Call through operator/ operator call


Outside call


Area code


House phone(call)/ in-house call


Pay call


Collect call


(9)How would you say when you want to make a call from the hotel?

I want to / would like to place a call to….(America)?(10)How about the charge?

What’s the charge ?(for a local call)

What are your charges?

Is there any special rate for …?

(11)You may call directly from your room.You may use a IP calling card to make a long-distance call.I’ll ring back as soon as I get through.I’ll give you the charges when you finish the call.您打完电话我会告诉您本次通话的费用。

3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Lesson12.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Four

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)


Lesson 12 Would You Like to Leave a Message

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

a)b)c)d)Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.Review the jobs that the operator is responsible for : Set wake-up call/ place a morning call

Put the guest through to the extension(number).(but usually the extension number is confidential保密)

Call for the guest

Take a message for the guest

Paging a guest(呼叫)

Receive complaints or to send somebody to repair facilities

2.When we make the in-house call, often come across the situation that the person is not in the room, what will you do under such circumstance?

Call back later/ change another time.Or leave a message to the operator or on the phone.Go to his place in person?(not the westerner’s habit)3 What will say to the operator?

Firstly introduce you’ve called the person , but he is not in.and you want to leave a message to him/her.Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Answer questions(1)What will you say to the operator?

I’ve called Mr White in room 1221, but he is not in at the moment.May I leave a message on the phone?

Would you like to leave a message(to/for him)?

I’d like to speak to Mr John Smith in room 1202, please put me through./

What should I do?(2)The operator may say______ when you want to leave a message on the phone.We can make a recording for you.Please hold on and leave your message when you hear the beep.(嘟嘟声,哔哔声)Mr White will get your message when he returns.(3)The operator may say___________ when you want to be put through.Wait a moment ,please.Ok you’re through/ It’s through.Sorry, Sir.There is no answer./ I’m sorry nobody answers.Maybe he is out , would you like to leave a message?

(4)How to express the message you’d like to leave?

Please tell him that a Mr John has called him.My number is….(5)The operator may reply ___________after your message.I’ll pass the message/ it to him as soon as he is back.(6)The operator will explain how to make the telephone when you are not clear.If you want to/ would like to make ….Call, please dial…..and then…..If you want to make a room-to-room call, please dial “9” first and then the room number.※ Make a call from the hotel to other places:

Telephone in hotel can be divided into the following:

DDD(domestic direct dialing/dial)


IDD(international direct dialing/dial)国内直拨电话

IP calling card

IP 长途电话卡

Long-distance call


Local call/ city call


Call through operator/ operator call


Outside call

Area code


House phone(call)/ in-house call


Pay call


Collect call


3. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Lesson13.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Five

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)

Food &Beverage:

Lesson 13 The Order Will Be Sent to Your Room in a Few Minutes

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

e)f)g)h)Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.Sometimes, we have a very limited or tired time.we don’t want to go out of the room to do anything including having meal.In such circumstance, you can choose in-room service of the hotel.There are doorknob menu for breakfast in almost all the hotels, which bring the guests convenience.2 Do you know this?

On the doorknob menu, there are continental, American, Chinese, Japnese breakfasts and so on.3 What are the working procedures for a clerk to offer in-room service?

Greetings, offer help, ask guest’s special requirement, record room number and name.4 What will the guest say to the staff?

Firstly express your desire, and then room number and name.Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Teacher explains the situation and the students speak out the sentences about the dialogue.Teacher explains the important language points during the process above

3.Useful Expressions

(1)How to greet to the guest?

Good morning, Room Service.May I help you?

(2)How to express the thought you’d like to eat in room?

Good morning, I’d like to have breakfast in my room.(3)Ask for the room number and name.What’s your room number, please?

May I have your room number and your name please?(4)Ask for the kind of the breakfast.What kind of breakfast would you like?(5)Supply the choice

Continental, Chinese, American or Japanese breakfast?(6)How to express the action the hotel will offer the service right now?

OK.The order will be sent to your room in a few minutes.(7)We may also use the sentences in our work.Anything else?

Would you like anything else?

Anything else I can do/ get for you ?

Sir, here is your room service.No problem, I can have that ready for you in 15 minutes.OK, we’ll send it right up.How would you like your coffee, with sugar or milk, Ma’am? 4. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

1.Finish Exercise Four Reading Comprehension.2.Preview Lesson14.Ⅶ Teaching Postscript(教学后记)


时间:_______ 班级:_______ 授课教师: ______

Unit Five

Ⅰ Content of the Course(教学内容)

Food &Beverage:

Lesson 14 Are you Ready to Order Now

Ⅱ Teaching Span(教学时间)


Ⅲ Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

i)j)k)l)Grasp the sentence patterns in the lesson.Use sentence patterns in working situations.Make situational dialogues fluently Grasp the working procedures

Ⅳ Teaching Focuses and Difficulties(教学重点与难点)

Teaching focuses:

Grasp the sentence patterns.Practice situational dialogues

Teaching difficulties:

Make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns

Ⅴ Instruction Objectives &.Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)

Step One Lead-in(宜慢)

1.What are the working procedures when the waiter/waitress takes an order ? Greet firstly, ask if he / she have made a reservation before, ask the guest’s requirement, arrange a suitable table for the guest, lead the guest to the table 2.What should a waiter/ waitress pay attention to when taking an order? Polite behaviors and expressions, try the best to meet the guest’s needs, ask if there is any one who has a special request for the dish.Step Two New content Dialogues(宜慢)

1.Read the new words and the patterns after teacher first and then by themselves 2.Teacher explains the situation and the students speak out the sentences about the dialogue.Teacher explains the important language points during the process above

3.Useful Expressions Guests’ requirement

Do you have a table for two?

Can we sit by the window? I’d like to have a view of the street.Do you have a table for eight available now? Receiving Guest Have you got a reservation? How many people are there in your party? Would you come this way please? Will this table be all right? Taking an Order Excuse me, are you ready to order now? May I take your order now? Do You Know This? We should make sure whether the guests have made a reservation before they are led to a table 4. Read the dialogues in groups and then role-play.Supplementary Reading(宜快)

Read the passage quickly and then repeat the general ideas.Step Three Exercises(宜慢)

1.Listen to the tape and finish the Exercise one to three

Ⅵ Assignments(作业)

饭店英文翻译英语 篇5



作 者:武平柳文娟 黄晨 陈珍珍 柯淑萍 作者单位:浙江旅游职业学院,浙江杭州,311231刊 名:当代经济英文刊名:CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS年,卷(期):“”(12)分类号:H3关键词:专业英语教学 分层次教学 多元化动机教育

英文写作:英语中英文 篇6

In my opinion, teachers have more influence on students, because it is teachers who have the knowledge, which plays an important part in personal development of students. For example, Socrates uses questioning and his dialectic way of thinking to inspire his students to think independently. It is hard to imagine the achievement of Plato would be like if Socrates were a mere snob who braggers about the abundant knowledge he possesses rather than enlighten Plato’s critical thinking aptitude. On the other hand, the classmates of the same age cannot offer better understanding of the world to one and another, and therefore, it is impossible to replace teachers’ function in the pass-on of knowledge.

饭店英文翻译英语 篇7


高职院校的饭店英语教学现状难以令人满意, 除了学生自身素质的客观因素外, 饭店英语教学本身也存在着不少问题。如何提高高职饭店英语教学效果, 是我们一直在探索的问题。针对饭店英语具有很强的专业性、应用性等特点, 在多年一线教学的基础上, 我们总结出一套能够有效提高学生饭店英语学习效果的教学模式——按需施教, “以学生为主体”的教学模式。

一、从职业岗位需要选取教材, 组织教学内容

传统的高职教育是以学校教育为主的封闭办学模式, 很少问及社会需要, 显现出不适应市场需要的特点, 以至于学生毕业后不能将所学知识应用于工作岗位中去。因此我们认为, 教材选用上应遵循职业岗位需要, 以适应学生就业需要。

我们选取了《饭店服务英语》教材。该教材按饭店岗位不同, 将饭店服务英语分为前台服务英语、客房服务英语、餐厅服务英语、其他部门服务英语四大部分, 与实际岗位相对应, 据我们对已就业学生及用人单位的调查得知, 该教材教学内容在实际工作中很实用。

二、多种教学方法与手段相结合, 互相取长补短

传统的课堂教学模式主要是教师讲、学生听的单向灌输型, 这种教学模式, 忽视了学生的主体作用, 也背离了教学相长的基本规律, 所以教学效果不佳。高职饭店英语教学要探索和尝试多种教学方法与手段, 互相取长补短。既发挥教师的主导性, 又充分发挥学生主体的积极性和能动性, 达到教学相长的效果。


情景教学法是英语教学中非常有效的教学方法。它指的是教师用语言、教具及各种教辅设备, 为学生营造一个融视、听、说于一体的语言环境, 使学生有如身临其境, 有利于调动他们的非智力因素, 加深对学习对象、课文内容的理解, 完成对知识的掌握。在教学中, 我们利用多媒体课件, 把具体而形象的内容展示在学生面前, 让学生去观察、去思考、去体验、去讨论、去感受、去完善, 这种有声有色、生动有趣的课堂既能使学生情绪高涨, 主动参与学习, 丰富学生的想象力, 增强学生的记忆效果, 从而实现教学目标, 提高教学质量。

在实际教学过程中, 我们除了制作多媒体课件、充分利用网上资源尤其音频、视频资料创建情景外, 还经常组织学生分组进行饭店情景模拟对话, 对每个情景每人至少要与五人进行现场对话, 互换角色表演, 不仅使学生习惯于英式思维, 直接脱口说英语而不是想好汉语翻译出来背下来再说, 而且使学生在不断变换身份中自然掌握客人与服务人员之间的常用对话, 同时还锻炼了学生的听力及应变能力。老师根据学生的表现表扬优点、指出缺点加以改正。既使他们深刻理解记忆特定情境中不同身份的人际交流用语, 又加强了学生间的相互合作, 并且使学生在角色扮演中端正服务态度、注意身体语言, 提高服务质量。


“任务驱动”教学法最根本的特点就是“以任务为主线、教师为主导、学生为主体”, 改变了以往“教师讲, 学生听”, 以教定学的被动教学模式, 创造了以学定教、学生主动参与、自主协作、探索创新的新型学习模式。通过实践发现“任务驱动”法有利于激发学生的学习兴趣, 培养学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力, 提高学生自主学习及与他人协作的能力。


高职学生英语水平参差不齐, 很多学生甚至连音标也不会读。要求所有人按同一种方式、同一个进度进行学习, 显然不妥。在实际教学中, 要注意观察每一个学生, 注重感情输入, 并根据不同教学内容, 不同学生实际采用不同教学方式, 才能使学生兴趣浓厚, 从而激发每位学生的学习积极性, 使他们都能得到语言技能的训练, 最终实现素质教育全体性、全面性的要求。我们还经常将不同口语水平的学生分到一组, 提倡水平高的同学主动带水平低的同学一起练习对话。


即通过一个阶段的学习, 给学生一个展示成果的舞台。让他们充分表现自己, 检验自己本阶段的学习成果。得到充分肯定后, 他们会更加自信, 并且更加主动学习。

我们在一个学期结束前, 会组织一次大规模的饭店服务英语大赛, 所有学生都要参与。学生自愿组团, 先在每个班里初赛, 每班选出一两个优胜组参加整个系里的大赛。学生参与积极性非常高, 排练也非常认真。通过大赛, 学生们可以自如地将学过的知识运用到实践中去, 强化了他们的饭店英语应用能力。

在教学手段上, 要大力提倡和培训教师运用现代科技条件, 一是构建多媒体网络语言教学实验室, 充分利用计算机多媒体和网络技术, 整合丰富的多媒体外语学习资源, 提供传统语言视听教室无法达到的功能, 实现教学内容的丰富性、多媒体课件教学、示范教学, 提供英语虚拟环境、作品影像以及背景资料, 产生因材施教、师生互动、动态学习、群组交流等特色教学, 使课堂教学更具有形象性、现场感和生活化, 大大拓展课堂教学的信息量, 激发学生的学习兴趣。二是建构教学网络系统, 组建外语教学校园网站, 由语言教学实验室、多媒体教室、教师办公室、学生寝室等联网参与, 开设学校日志、英语新闻、英语教学、英语试题、在线答疑、接触频道、动感地带等栏目。还可以与国内外各高校、网站建立友情连接, 互通有无, 互相促进。把外语教学校园网站建设成为一个网上外语教学基地, 使之成为师生之间、学生之间相互交流的平台, 组织各种教学活动的中心和英语信息中心。


学习一门外语, 光掌握发音、词汇、语法等是不够的, 还应该学习外国人的生活习俗、思维模式等。由于语言所具有的作为文化的表现与承载形式的特征, 不了解某种文化也就无法真正学好该种语言。掌握了该语言的文化, 不仅有助于更好地理解该语种, 还有助于实际的交际行为、正确的称呼和礼节。注重相互间的习惯、习俗甚至是小小的表情, 都会使人们的交际非常轻松、愉快。在实际的教学活动中, 不难发现学生通常在说英语时, 先从汉语的角度思考如何表达, 所以最终表达的就是地道的“中国式英语”。从这个角度讲, 文化对外语学习起了干扰的作用。

饭店英文翻译英语 篇8


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